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Document Release Date: 
June 17, 2008
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Publication Date: 
January 4, 1982
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Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP83M00914RO01000060061-2 ]DEPARTMENT OF STATE INFORMATION MEMORANDUM January -A, 1982 MfIDENTIAL TO: SIG Members on Eas -West Economic Relations FROM: E. Myer Rashish. SUBJECT: Energy Security Discussions with Norway and the Netherlands In early December I had the opportunity to follow up my discussions on the Siberian pipeline with the Norwegians and Dutch -- the most important natural gas producers in Europe. I stressed that the US remains very concerned about the security implications of increased European dependence on Sovvietagasvandnd that, in our view, other econoarQa~vailable. more secure sources of energy My discussions with the Norwegian Energy Minister revealed that the Norwegians are laying the groundwork for an acceleration of the pace of natural gas are actively considering development development. They plans, including a pipeline from the Tromsa field through the heart of Sweden, tolbring to heiabunda,thowever, reserves to market. They are y and comm.ruia development anduin line Cwithlthelconservative government's commercially aim to rely on market principles. Social and economic concerns continue to be important Norwegians constraints to more rapid development, bu are weighing these national European allies. ae nee skedd to provide gas to their in about their role as a supplier of natural gas an emergency, the Norwegians replied that it is not economically justifiable for them to build costly spare capacity. The capacity they build must be for steady export. The Dutch were interested in supporting measures gas security. which would increase European natural shut They said that they were planning considerable portion of the remaining reserves inhtheir Groningen field as a strategic rserve, short term revenue. fact that this would mean foregoing State Dept. review completed. UUNMUNItAL- GDS (12/31/87) Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP83M00914RO01000060061-2 Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP83M00914RO01000060061-2 UU111 ILJLJl ! lIL. While these reserves do represent an important and easily accessible source of gas, the Dutch did admit, however, that this spare capacity was insufficient to meet all European gas demands should Soviet gas be suspended. it became apparent during our meetings that given lower future European natural gas demand, most of the Soviet gas imports contemplated might not be necessary should the Dutch decide to slow down the phase out of their gas exports (now targetted for 1995), while at the same time Norway accelerated the development of their vast reserves. In light of this possibility, prompt consultations between the Dutch and Norwegians on the issuefand future European gas markets, their export potential possible contribution to a European-wide safety net seem highly desirable. We explored this possibility with each country separately and learned that while they had engaged in preliminary consultations last Spring this process had not been continued due in part to neewch governments in both countries. At our urging, agreed that bilateral talks (with possible participation by the US) would be useful. We plan to facilitate these talks and participate in any appropriate CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2008/06/17: CIA-RDP83M00914RO01000060061-2