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Approved For Release 2007/03/0 The Yale Political Union ,?resi~'err JOEL D. RUB!N S Baker CHRISTOPHER J. BIEDA Vice-President for Debate ANDREA L. CHARTERS Vice-President for Programs LINLEY A. GWENNAP Secretary GREGORY M.BARUCH Treasurer STEPHEN A. McKENNA Publicity Director SANDIP C. BHATTACHARJI January 29, 1982 Mr. William Casey, Director Central Intelligence Agency Washington, DC 20505, Dear. Mr...Casey, . The Yale Political union is one of America's fore- most political forums, providing its members with the opportunity to exchange ideas with each other and with nationally known figures on current issues. This Spring, we'will be holding a symposium in Washington, DC to allow about forty of our members to meet face-to-face with pro- minent persons in government, journalism, and other areas which deal with politics.' We will be in Washington from March 7-10, and would be very grateful if you could spare some time from your schedule to lend your viewpoints and experiences to the group. We would especially like to hear your views on the necessity of a strong CIA. We will be glad to meet with you in your office if you can accomodate the entire group; if not, we can make other arrangements. Even if you can spare only a few minutes, we would enjoy speaking with you. If. you are interested, or have any questions about the Union or the symposium, please call or write me at the above address. Linle jf Gwennap Vice President for Programs. 1951 YALE STATION NEW HAVEN, CT 06520 (203) 436-3106 T Approved For Release 2007/03/09: CIA-RDP83MOO914R002300100082-0 THE YALE POLITICAL UNION: SPRING TERM EVENTS Dear Student, I would like you to know about the many exciting programs that we have planned for this term:. Monday, February 22--FELIX ROHATYN, liberal financier and chairman of the-Municipal Assistance Corporation for New York, and RONALD WIPPERN, Professor at SOM, in Law School 127. Tuesday, February 23--GEORGE GALLUP, of Gallup Polls, speaking on the topic "What Price Democracy?" in WLH 114. Thursday, February 25--TOBY MOFFITT, candidate for U.S.. Senate, speaking on the topic "Our Civil Liberties Under Siege", in SSS 114. Sunday, March 1--GUENRIKH BOROVIK, Soviet journalist, in WLH 114. Monday, March 2--GEORGE FRANKLIN, Co-ordinator of the Trilateral Commission, in SILH 114. Tuesday, March 3--STUDENT DEBATE on the proposed language requirement. Wednesday, March 4--KEYNOTED DEBATE on the exploitation of public lands, between MICHEAL I-IcCLOSKEY and DANIEL POPEO. March 7 - March 10 -- WASHINGTON TRIP (see other side). March 24 -- KEYNOTED DEBATE on nuclear energy, between ERIC Van LOON and ANDREW COOK. March 30 -- JOHN FAIRBANK, leading authority on China. April 12 -- ASHRAF GHORBAL, ambassador to the U.S. from Egypt. April 13 -- THOMAS DYNE, chairman of the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). April 15 -- HATEN HUSSANI, from the Palestine Information Office. April 18 -- DAVID GERGEN, White House Staff Director. April 20 -- PRESCOTT BUSH, JOHN DOWNEY, and BRAD PEERY, Connecticut Senatorial candidates. April 27 -- TOM WICKER, Associate Editor, New York Times. We have also set up tenative meetings with Zbigniew Brzezinski, John Anderson, Richard Allen, Alan Cranston and Caspar Weinberger. There will also be a debate with members of the oxford Union. Just $6.50 will enable you to join the Union and attend all of these meetings. I hope you will consider this offer. Sincerely, Jcel Rubin, President Approved'For Release 2007/03/09: CIA-RDP83MOO914R002300100082-0 page 2 On Sunday, March 7, 1982, the Yale Political Union will be travelling to Washington, DC, for a three-day symposium featuring meetings with the following people: Edwin Meese III, Counsellor to the President E Pendleton James, Director of Presidential Personnel Ted Koppel, ABC Nightline, in the Washington studios Lawrence Eagleburger, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Secretary of Education Terrel Bell and other members of the Department for a forum on the reduction of student aid programs Admiral B.R. Inman, Deputy Director of the CIA, at the CIA building J.H. Rixse, Assistant Secretary of Defense for European and NATO Affairs, at the Pentagon Charles Hill, Director, Office of Arab-Israeli Affairs, State Department Don Dotson, Assistant Secretary of Labor for Labor-Management Relations General Harris Hull; Assistant Administrator of NASA Richard Richards, Chairman of the Republican National Committee Herb Block, Political Cartoonist, at the Washington Post Ramon Sanchez-Perez, Representative in the U.S. from Cuba Enrique Valenzuala, Ambassador to the U.S. from Chile Dr Rafic Jouejati, Ambassador to the U.S. from Syria Roland de Kergolay, Ambassador to the U.S. from the European Common Market Senator Ernest Hollings, Ranking Minority Member, Senate Budget Committee Senators Christopher Dodd (D-CT) and Dale Bumpers (D-AR) Representatives James Florio (D-NJ), Hal Daub (R-NB), and Patricia Schroeder (D-CO) We will travel by bus from New Haven to Washington on Sunday, March 7, attend meetings on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and return by bus to New Haven late Wednesday night. This cost of the trip is $99, which includes round-trip transportation, hotel accomodations for three nights, and all of the above meetings. Alternate arrangements are available for those who wish to arrange their own transportation and/or housing. There are only a limited number of places available, and reservations are taken on a first come, first served basis, however, members of the Political Union are given first preference (memberships can be purchased for $6.50). For more information or to make reservations, please call Linley Gwennap (2-3081), Joel Rubin (2-3921), or the Political Union office (6-3106). Approved. For Rel.eas-0'2007/03/09 CIA-R.DP.83M00914R002300:100082-0