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Document Release Date: 
March 5, 2007
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Publication Date: 
August 20, 1982
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DDI 6823-82 20 August 1982 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence Deputy Director of Central Intelligence FROM: Robert M. Gates Deputy Director for Intelligence SUBJECT: DDI Activity Report, 16 August - 20 August 1982 DCI/DDCI-Assigned Tasks ALA's special IA, "Critical Issues in Namibia and Angola," is scheduled to be Approved For Release 2007/03/23 CIA-RDP83M00914R002900040057-9 published on 24 August. ALA provided background notes oni Guatemala for the DDCI. At DDCI request, OGI is working with DDO and DEA to try to declassify its conference report on Cuban involvement in narcotics/terrorism. C/TTAC participated with A/DCI in a working lunch with Commissioner von Raab of Customs. Of Special Interest This Week ALA briefed Vice President Bush and his advisers on the security implications of the Caribbean Basin Initiative. EURA met with the Assistant Secretary of State for Politico-Military Affairs to discuss EURA's research program and general support. D/NESA attended a meeting at Camp David with President Reagan on 14 August to discuss the Lebanon situation and attended White House and State Department meetings on the same topic. NESA attended a seminar on the Indian economy held at the Federal Reserve Board in New York. OGI sponsored a seminar led by Dr. Stephen Andriole, President of International Information Systems, on methods for political instability. It was attended by approximately 30 people from throughout the DDI. OGI briefed the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce for International Economic Policy on the Japanese computer industry and trade problems associated with its movement into the world market. Dr Cl by Signer Revw on Aug 88 Approved For Release 2007/03/23: CIA-R DP83M00914R002900040057-9 OSWR has initiated an historical study of ICBM-related technology transfers from the West and their impact on Soviet missile performance with TRW. SOVA drafted a memorandum in response to an NSC request for information on the possible use of forced labor on the Siberian gas pipeline. The memo explained what we know and detailed what steps were planned for expanded collection on the subject. A memo on the some subject was requested by the NIO/USSR for Richard Burt, Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs, to pass to Secretary of State Shultz. SOVA briefed Time magazine journalist Hugh Sidney on Soviet foreign policy. Looking Ahead EURA, ALA, and SOVA will brief the HP SCI Staff on the Falklands experience. NESA will be hosting a conference on security issues in South Asia at Airlie House from 25-27 August. On Wednesday, OEAA will brief a delegation from Malawi, a nation that just SOVA will sponsor a conference on Soviet O erati a Concepts. Plan s, and Assessment Techniques for Theater Conflict Briefings The Directorate was involved in 6 briefings at all levels on the Hill this week.