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Approved4wRelease 2002/02/0EE.: CIA-RDP83T014,73R000500170021-9 SECRT 1. 3$62 .1e.p1ty -Director (:,7-apport) : Review of 501 Computer Facility L. Last Qetober, at your revest, we arranged for a survoy of t 1A5J.).1 installation in the Comptroller's Office. The objective wa4 to evzduat4 the status of the facility after ono year of oper4- t. it in thia analysis, we m4loyed professional assistance ^ the riM of Daniel, Mann, Wancon ant Mendeahall; ..beleeonducted f'fl study under my supervision and sUbsitts41 a final report several ago, 2. T; 44bstanee of their findings wa;s conveyet to you orally at hA.t,'Irol. given on February 26. Essentially, it can te sum- aatItsi C1'3 A'alOWSI a. The savings in personnel and money anticiDatei when tLI;. cow.guter was orZercd. have not been, ant probably will not be, xcalized. The 531 la nov saturated with work ant the , bzet of the AD? Division ha$ been rising steadily. t. Zome users aro dissatisfied with services because tae y have not been prollorly educated. in LOP anct therefore h&-lo 14ttl41 uutierstandingof the consequences of their 1%,,tacoi,xe, (2) they are ezporiencing delays in getting informs- 'A ?I%-0fA the c=1.1ster, (3) they eecti the computer to do thaal and. (4) they are not content yith the quality ry41. printi, e. "7te computer Mollify operates as a Job-ho p service, iLr4 Ci ef neither possesses the authority to reject unsound Cc or the responsibility for attooMng system revisions at the user level In order to. smooth out eomputeruser interactions. d. Cae-to-one eonversion from Nnched carde to couter was lys4ps unwise since the faaIfs onA limitations inherent in tile punehtd card et ore incorporzitel into the computer aystem. We. W.;A have been further elong Lk4+; we planned to achieve an user-computor ay-3UL: to begin with instead amodify- itiz our exiatins procedures. e. RCA equipment, per*heral to the ;:?10 has not been poforming satisfactorily and shoal& be ra?laced. (Remedial action was taken on 9 April 1962.) Approved For Release 2002/02MEA-RDP83T00573R000500170021-9 atilt ? Approved ty Release 2002/ sinR4-RDP83T04?73R000500170021-9 .f. Staff personnel in the 501 installation have done a remarkable job of bootstrapping themselves from EAM to :TOP. Overtime has been intense but no additional personnel vore required during the period of parallel processing, training, and conversion. ADPO computer personnel "know the ECA computer probably as well as most RCA employees." g. A system analysis and design effort for the DD/ S areas now involved with the 501 is indicated. 25X1A 3. and. I met to diaeues the studye ana we also aW4e'd our respective staffs to analyze the report's particulars. Group connensus is that the report tends to emphasize weaknesses without Giving due credit to accomplishments, and that it contains minor errors of factual detail. 4. On balance, however,- Bob and I feel that it provides us eith a good measure of where we are, and that it does, highlight the need for taking the next syatem steps. Accordingly, we both agreod tat the Comptroller's program for stemimprovement should proceed no 414 integrated part of the EDP computer development planned for the OP, and prepared the following recommendations for your conaideratioe: a. That Nan undertake a Phase II total (domestic and overseas) system review of comeater-oriented operations tritin the Comptroller's Office and logAstics. The aim: to 6evelop an optimized system ela a over the next two years. b. That, for enindefinite period, the CLiefj, ADrej ee given full technical seeervision over the 5a1 folsatar 45z day-to-day decisions that have to be mode rezarting eqeipaeee (delays, failures, replacement, etc.) but that such teciln1c2,1 'supervision eill be exercised through the immediate Office ef the Comptroller. Also, that any proposed major change in introduction of source data automation within user components will be coordinated with the Chief, ADPO. c. That ADPS will be _end products d. That 25X1A Amaammo4mt permitting a the Phase Il during the period of the Phase II study the Chief, responsible for reviewing user requests for new or major modificatioas of existing ones. a position on the AM'S WO be made available to 411111Mir ram the Cemetrolleee Office, than nanc specialist to participate actively in effort. sugGET Approved For Release 200,,v,, : CIA-RDP83T00573R000500170021-9 25X1A Approved gar Release 2002/02/06 CIA-RDP83T0QW3R000500170021-9 SECRET ob. that the CboWabollicr detail eemlor systome encayet2; ADM to ADP to mesiet In tho evolutim of the- PAilSe IX effort. COWTRE=11: I 5 / /5 / Dei,A4t7 e="tor DietrIlovtion: Dr;f3 1 MOPS 1 . Comptroller 1 I - Dipora 1 - CAW 3 . CIA ADP Committee 25X1A SERB Approved For Release 2002/02/06 : CIA-RDP83T00573R000500170021-9