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Document Release Date: 
April 12, 2007
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Publication Date: 
November 30, 1982
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PDF icon CIA-RDP83T00951R000100120009-5.pdf125.33 KB
Approved For Release 2007/04112 :CIA-RDP83T00951 8000100120009-5 Approved Far Release 2007104/12 :CIA-RDP83T00951 8000100120009-5 Approved For Release 2007i0~,~1~rt~~,-~~~~~R000100120009-5 Notional Intelligence Council NJTE FOR THE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: EA Agenda for 1983 30 November 1982 Senior Intelligence Community managers working on East Asia have a tradition of meeting ' informally for lunch once a month. At our meeting of 27 October, the SNIO, the DIO, the Director of East Asia of IFJR and I decided to identify for our principals the key intelligence issues coming up in 1983 in East Asia and support the list of issues with a calendar of major events. We have also prepared a few recommendations for collectors and analysts. If you wish to talk with members of the luncheon grou it can be arran ed at our convenience. cc: DDCI C/NIC ill also be invite . Approved Far Release 2007/04112 :CIA-RaP83T00951 8000100120009-5 Approved For Release 2007/~~1Q~ E IA-RDP8 7009518000100120009-5 FDIC 9701-82 THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTEIIlGENCE National Intelligence Council MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence Deputy Director of Central Intelligence THROUGH Chairman, National Intelligence Council 30 November 1982 FROM David D. Gries ational Intelli ence Officer for East Asia 25X1 Defense Intelligence Officer for East Asia and Pacific 25X1 Wever Gim Director, INR/East Asia and Pacific SIGINT National Intelligence Officer for Asia SUBJECT East Asia Agenda for 1983 1. East Asia should remain relatively stable in 1983. Nonetheless, potential leadership changes, Sino-Soviet relations, uneven economic performance, and adverse military trends. will test bilateral relations with several countries. 2. As a consequence, intelligence collection and analysis wil] have to address these broad subjects in 1983: -- Leadership chan es. Japan's Nakasone is not likely to make significant c~s in policy toward the US. The possibility of a return to Labor Party rule in Australia and New Zealand, however, could result in decreasing military cooperation with the US. The leadership of China, Taiwan, North Korea, Vietnam and Burma is in transition with continuity of existing policy uncertain for years beyond 1983. -- Sino-Soviet relations. The dialogue between Chinese and Soviet ea ers cou ea to improved trade relations and possibly to some reductions in forces along the border, but major differences are likely to persist over Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, Chinese support for resistance forces in Kampuchea, and other issues. -- Economic performance. East Asia will continue to grow faster than other Thir World areas, though Indochina and the Philippines are notable exceptions. North Korea's foreign debt problems will not be resolved. Japan's trade balances and surplus in current accounts will continue to cause friction. Chinese economic growth will be Approved For Release 2007/04112 :CIA-RDP83T00951 8000100120009-5 Approved For Release 2007/04112 : 7009518000100120009-5 SECRE~ erratic and the US role in it, especially in petroleum, will be significant. Technology transfer will be an issue of increasing importance: US to China; Japan to the USSR, China and North Korea; and Japan to the US and China. -- Military trends. Most military trends in East Asia will remain a verse, as growth and modernization in the Soviet Far East, North Korea, and Vietnam continues to outpace military programs in neighboring countries. The North Korean military buildup and two- .front war strategy will remain the most dangerous threat in the region. Japanese military capabilities will continue to fall short of US expectations. 4. Amore detailed calendar for East Asia in 1983 is attached. 2 SECRET Approved Far Release 2007104/12 :CIA-R?P83T00951 8000100120009-5 Approved For Release 2007/04112 :CIA-RDP83T00951 8000100120009-5 C~ext 12 Page{s} I~ Dooument Denied Approved For Release 2007/04112 :CIA-RDP83T00951 8000100120009-5