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PDF icon CIA-RDP84-00022R000200030052-3.pdf119.26 KB
Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP84-00022R000200030052-3 ':o,vic na:u the '.ia jo i i;j' '~UY ; t3't:~E3f2t i a ': ? ? tt".i iv a Stl on. Tie function of production olannin;_; not SeParaiule- from substant've sss.pervisjon of production. Whet r?ally needs is a second Deputy Assistant Oir,c o.r. crze tax ,a . 4z ri8to of a u st nt3 Tre affairs. t unda ri9tand that four of the majority intended to ;sake this r:oco-vtendeatior?n, but that the fifth, whose vote was necessary, *'e~:red that it would prove totally unacceptable to the Assistant :..rector, the result b;ein . this watered down version. But I know fro personal experience that the job which iniperetivcly needs to t e, done in ORE can be done only by a I putt' Assist,, nt Dire -tor. This aroposed Planner any be able to aacco,sip1ish sc;me good, 'ut not much without the authority implicit in the title of ~fatty. What is done here is not unlike what Mr. (.zddledld to sae... Controversy or no controversy, the basic failure of ORE revealed in the Re1tzel :Report needs to be faced rather than evaded if ME ad we knew It is to be saved from deserved. damnation. ;Much precious tifne has already been lost in short ai hted and foolish attempts to Justify and perpetuate the status quo. It may already be too late. The function of Assistant Director is threefold: external, relation internal administration, and substantive supfervis:ion. : ?.e first of these functions requires the full attentions of the Assistant I:i"?i.rector, as an individual. It is the one function that he Cannot dele: ate. It stands to reasorn, and has been proved by experience, that one raa- : cannot Vii*re full attent:lore to both external relations and substonti.ve supervision. Substantive supervision is de! finitely required--read the itzel t eport--and is a 'tall time job. Only a Deputy Assistant D.re:!tor can do it. S/P.' cannot do it. The proper role or S/PP is that of personal eta ":P to the Assistant Director in the conduct of external relations. B enrr=.f t do it, ? is properly a consultative and deliberative body. It can, advise and recon end, but It cannot perforii executive functions. >i.t:ac,r D/'ub nor the production r~lanrairr:> unit proposed by the