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Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP84-00022R000200040065-8 Transcribed for abd. by tern 21 January 195; The Assistant Director, Reports and Estimates 8 September 19)i9 Chief, Global Survey Group Proposed Organizational Realignment of ORE (IPB Notice No. ) 1. Im still greatly disturbed by the implications of yesterday's IPB iVleeting and by my inability to express my position clearly on that occasion. We were all placed in a false position by being called upon to act on a question not really open to discussion, so that our acquiescence in a fait accompli is liable to misinterpretation. 2. I would never question the power of the Assistant Director to reorgan- ize ORE in any way he saw fit, on his own authority and responsibility, with or without my concurrence or that of the IPB. Inasmuch as he bears an ultimate personal responsibility for the efficient functioning of ORE, he must have commensurate authority and his consultation with the IPB can be only a matter of his own convenience, not of obligation. Consequently, as long as I remain a member of ORE,, I shall loyally endeavor to do my part in whatever form of organ- ization the Assistant Director may choose to prescribe. 3. Reciprocally, however, the IPB cannot be made to share responsibility for a recommendation in which it had no effective voice. The "proposed organizational realignment of ORE" was recommended to the Director without consultation with the IPB, on the Assistant Director's sole authority and responsibility, and its status in that regard cannot be altered by an ex post facto consultation with the I? B restricted to incidental considerations. It became evident in discussion that there exists a considerable body of opinion that the "proposed realignment" constitutes no real change whatever in the status quo. In the circumstances, the acquiescence of the IPB to the fait accompli, as an interim measure, cannot properly be represented as an endorsement of the proposals as either a plan of organization or a response to NSC 50. 4. While perfectly willing to cooperate loyally in the plan of operation presented, I have particular scruples regarding the text in which it is presented, particularly paragraph 2d, to which I cannot conscientiously subscribe. I feel obliged, therefore, to request that the action of the IPB not be reported in such form as to imply my concurrence in that text, even as an interim measure. G/GS: LIlalontague/ jm This document has been approved for release through This a"iMPOiARY DOCUMENT the HISTO tXCAL REVIEW PROGIUM , of only, for the use of DCIfS. the. Central Intelligence pncy . 1! record copy l' n bate l' 77 /' `" teieaSed to Natsonai Archfvva wer the I STORICAL REVi EW PROGRAM. wp Arooied For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP4R0922R000200040065-8 Date le-I9 1r HRP ' ; `~ ` 2 2