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Publication Date:
July 3, 1957
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Approved For Releas 000/0 cc~~((!!pp~~TT
99fiA-RDP84-00022Rq 200130002-7
02E07Y` -.rte)
M. P. C. -r__
3 July 1957
SUBJECT: Summary list of 0 records, 19).6-50, accessioned by
the CIA Record alter to date.
1. Based on a brief, 30-minute inspection of the Records
Center's accessioning correspondence on ORE yesterday, it appears
that marry segments of the extant accumulations of records of ORE!
.1916-50, have by now been deposited in the Records Centers in behalf
of ORR., which served (and serves) as the liquidating agent for ORE
after November 1950, Most of the accessions below were retired by
ORR, which remains today the controlling office for access, disposal.,
and historical searching in ORE records. A few other significant
segments had previously been retired by ORE itself (between March
19)9 and September 1950), and a few fragments were retired by OCD
and possibly other offices.
2. The total bulk of ORE records, insofar as they have
survived what has been described as an utterly chaotic archival
liquidation of ORE (between November 1950 and January 1951) extends
to the surprising volume of some 109 linear feet; this is my quantity
estimate, based on the accessioning correspondence. In other words,
more than 1)4 4-drawer file cabinets of material have, fortunately*,
survived. These 109 feet of records remain organized and stored,
for the time being, into the 25-some accessions or "Jobs," by which
the shipments were originally retired, over the past eight years.
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3. Whether these scattered accumulations represent all of
the extant records of ORE cannot be known, of course, from this
brief inspection yesterday, but conclusions could be readily enough
determined by a careful collation (of the lists below) with the
current. "records control schedulelt ORR, for 1956 or 1957,, and by
a firsthand check in ORR and in other CIA offices where one might
suspect that fragments of ORE files remain. (A firsthand inspection
of the operating offices' retained files, watching for any pre.. 1951
material in particular, would be profitable) Two principal parts of
ORE records have migrated to two other operating offices and remain
under their control in storage: (1) the Map Division records, ca 1947-5O,
in ORR/G; and (2) the Basic Intelligence Division records, ca. 1947-50,
in OBI. In these latter cases, the records for the ORE period are
rather extensive, and large quantities of them have by now also been
retired to the Records Center, but I have not accounted for them,
4. In the summary list below, I have presented only the
barest outline, which I have taken (as quoted) from the accessioning
or "job" correspondence in the Records Center, I have not, of course,
actually looked at the records themselves, nor have I even taken the
time to itemize the pertinent items from the shelflists that accompanied
the records. (Photocopies of these lists could be obtained on request.)
The list below is therefore essentially a guide., only, to the several
accessions or "jobs" by which the ORE records were progressively
shipped to and stored in the Records Center. The archival and
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historical details below are no better (and no worse) than the
shipping lists which ORE (and later ORR) prepared when they
accounted for them at the time of retirement. The Records Center
has a program (not yet launched) to reconstitute the ORE files
into an orderly and meaningful record group for 1946-50 (separate
from ORR's own files after Nov. 1950), and (in that process) to
prepare proper archival guides and listings to ORE records. (So
the Records Management Staff in Washington, told me
last April.)
Distribution in working files
Orig.--"ORE (1946_50)" folder
CC, --"ORR" folder
"Records Center" folder
"Records Management Staff" folder
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