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December 17, 1945
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Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00022R000400120009-9
Copy No 1'r~.Y 'ex _ Gt
H M01AN, I)`UM
Fox Cor.side.x?ation by the
State Department Infae11i once Adviso.i?y Board
L+:cetin scheduled. for 10 a,::i. D ee b 19, -1914.5 in Roor.. 446--,
"I f Q
State Dept. declassification & release instructions on file
.. ODU180
Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00022R000400120009-9
T~(, O //''U//'~~~ i f ~+
. L!. ~"'F~i,~.yr,, l.: ~ ~ 4,t e ~ITl~, ..J
Lisa fl)f pr'oi o ed rout..ln is mbols 11 64P 11 1 6 GU N vi.? wq ?3?a
.L s Ge e r c 0zl e i he..
e~bi' aLto?1 o ".Xnte 7 :gene x-e Burch in tl:o
"ocrp+e of -rite li: ;ence In the Departs ent f ? 6
h: Division of resnor s1bility between 4.ntea11iT
Oence ?}.r{d operations Y? a a a a o a a a v? w W o a a a a ~~
c din te,;rati c i of intel.l.i-nersce with operat Iona ?
The x'evoa3cl. process s;Y??.o W????o??oaara
r y ~y ^y /'7
7 2. F S'.~. f0.?lc (,'til.#. c or dera. LI o}ns . W a .. ... . . . e 0. o W o o d3
(a) Adva-nta ;es of a unified intelliw
t>Ct'X oe SDI" t5' I zat Ion o W a ? ? e e ? W ? ? ? e ? ? 0
(h) Yo~y~.arraalil.el unit; should be p t
eti1abishe 4a4?aaa .reaps 4aau oat ra {6
(c) Relations with operas ,1.n,. offices ? ? ? l.f',
(3 Oonw .der:ttions $peci.~icelly,le
to the component; :3 ".Lx, e';'?s of research a ? 17
(a) Sett:ln ;nct ruia1rz1n the pxroblem? 37
\ C 5. C`
:"-'tt;C7n x'f:lev:? ~eIt to
the prole m ?wa ?o? ? k0 ?e a??a:?? awn c+W .4.i'-J
(c r Iua is r; of collected. inform ttion xt0
(d) At,pl in:: t;'-he evaluated infozy atIon
tgoj the jp roI'lem cr''e+. or ryJ.o .t 1W..?/. it
Inl.o a Moth -rent and rr>eanint,. ul.
pat i_oxm a! m? o t. ....... ? r Y? i a a f Y W d 1 fl 20
d? Tha ~.TvtexYc ckl or,-;a tzat2ore of the intell"
t o ?.~
(~~ ~~~..L e;, -S a 10-1$ ?? a 0 1. ?? 0-* *0* +C1 00 n a o a? s `'1
(:3.) The i ntel-LI ;enco needs of State Depart-
merit o41eratlons Y h 4? J? a T W O ? t Y 4 a 7? 22
(2) Ease i.; .?xrl+;dIisn,~; ~-ources of ii-format ono 23
(3) The nreviou ox-miniziltion of IRIS anel
other Departmental units to be r~
trap;s orred r, w o o s w n a a n o Y W w i+ i a a Y a m? n w m 2a)
IT, c, SuT7,'Gary of Proprused Transfers of nt::trig 'Units I
q, of U-0 Df Y? 1 ?IaA Vmon VUnits 'ra r.W ltd of I RX. ' W (0 b t1 L` T .~ v W 0 Y .i ?Y a 2'3
,,}}~~~y State D e r { .~)tv yly .~`+Aj~fZd ./tt r.~~nU+ P ?' b y d a V i s 4 U N .? A 4 W .D Y a P? 26
M ^ {. \ I S i+VL.~i FF .s ? : .. Q 17 .) 1 . : G 28
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Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00022R000400120009-9
Iil:c"!TRI" , "ST)
111. Details of piar ned or;-;an iza. t i on .< . + ? ? ? a ? ? ,r ? .. a w ... ? ~
? is vane for research ,..r.d lrntc1lirrence a . G 41
A. Special
1. Departmental or-an ization o? s? p -a . e p? n a e `. a g s a? r 31
Chart ...a 4... a .....a a.. G?O ?.r ?..? n r???w??.f.?aN 3+_7
2. Interdepartmental r r 3n izat l on a w a a.? o o a a a.? .. r r 34
a. 5pecta, estinates Staff Z4
bw Secretariat of the natioral into 11
authority . . . . . ? ... R. 4 w +. O r o ? N w ? . 0 0 ? . ? a e v ? . 35
Office of researcki and 1n tel1.i-eno B .. ? . + ? w o .. ? ? ? s
1. Offf 'tee of the director .rrs?.aa Ma0?.0+. Of m?a. v...
Chart p p Y. C O O O? Y R b O 6 4 r 0 0 e? 0 4 O 0 N. 4. w a 0 e a 0 O 4. e N -A
2. Funo tionD of the re ;iotta1 divisions o G n
33. Division of E)arcrne., V ear Feet,, ? and Africa
. ? ? ? U a ? ? ? n ? ? a ? . w . ? ? ? + ? + ? . ? r e n . ? .
Chart .. Y . ? + ... .... w . . .. a .. .. a . o a . ? . v N .. r . ? . ? .. .
4. 1)lvision of USSR Intelligence
Chart ... .. w . v .. Y w .. + ? . f ? . o + s .. ? . ? ?n ? w . f a . ? N ? o t
5. The division of =ritish Commonwealth
intelligence . ? ... ^ . r y ? ? ? . ? a. .. ? Y ? . f ? N ? h ? ? V + ? ? 45
Chart . . O . .. . J 4 . . a . . O U n ? ? . ? Y O ? ? . . O 0 . ? . . . . a ? + O t 46
6. The division of Far East; Inteuli ,ence .... o...+. 47
Chart . . r. . '0 . . O O a. 4 b O a i O . . O ? . J 4.O e i a f . . 0 a . . L 49
7. Division of American Republics intelli:ence .. a ? 50
Char 4 . . .. . . . . . 4 . r Y A . n n . . a . . ?. 4 a . . . . ? a . . 4 O . ? la
8. Division of interre;ionai intelligence ... p . + ? G fl 52
9. Division of map intel.lierce and cartography- + n . 55
Chart aa~.a4?a..o,..>?y?.?.J??..?a??.??d?.+..? 578.
C. Office of inteI1i.-ence collection and dissemination
1. Division of intelliuence acquisition and
d.tstrihu ion .w.?a we4^v?wao???n?wq?..?v....?.
`~' y~ cILR b V ~.y's.. . . .. ? . .* O .a0 4 4 .1. T. evi? 0 . ~-.y ? ? O ? . . 5- ? e q O . e ? . w e Y
2. .{.ntIelligencpe reference di sion P. i M? P O O D. ? U
l CCh rt 4 O { 4 '( ~ a O 6 y~r. !-? 11 O a Y y U i. O }O ?? O? O y .? o. ? O O O. O y r
t./a Division on of GY1o aphis inte1.ii;enee PT.b/O1l. OO OJN
Chart b w G O p . Y.. a w e?? .. .. ?..... 0 ? O e O a.. n _a
4. Presentation division .....ow*!.??.?e?r???.9 m.o4y
Outpost 1,hart G .{, w .. .}'~. O O O.. 6 U O M w t m 6 n O s V??+. 4. O N O O? O O O r
5. Oudiw1sIon fAWr4?n Y?YNiOO4.?? .Or??AO ??04
IV. Alternative proposal submitted or., behalf of the
Goo- aphi cal offices a ?1 G O A 0 4 0 9 4 9 .U 4? .. O O. M g O O O O Y O. b O 80
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Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00022R000400120009-9
Dcce.nber 17s. 1945
i "f.ORAN:Dm,1 for the ,~stelii-enc.e AdvisoryBoard
SUBSl:JCT"I Proposed. for Research and Intei11enca Offices
Pursuant to a directive of October lap 1945, from
the Under Secretary, an Intelligence Advisory Board was
established to advias the Special JVssistant for Research
and Intelligence (S -McC) as to (1) which parts of the
former 035 transferred to the Department of State (the
'Interim Research and Intel' i4pence Service,, hereafter
referred to as IRIS) should be retained beyond January 1,
1.946, and (2) which org.,ani7atioras within the prosant
structure of the Department of State engaging in i.n,telli-
,,enoc activities should be transferred to the now intelli-
;ence offices prior to January 3., 1946 , The Special Assist.
ant was further directed to consolidate the IRIS units to
be retained and the othor units of the Depart.eft of State
participating in intelli ?ence activities so that., by
January It 1946, all i.nteliI{;nce activities within the
Department would be %i,nder the juri }diction of the Special
Assistant for Research and Inte111gence
The Advisory Board met on October 19, 1945
After a general discussion of the pruhiom., It was agreed
that the >oard could proceed host; effeet:tvs "_1' by consultations
Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00022R000400120009-9
Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00022R000400120009-9
,a 2 - RESTFt.ICT E
between individ ka1 members ar?d representatives of the SA--
MeC staff Such consultations have been held from time to
time during the past two months? but the preparation of
detailed recoirm,.endations has been delayed because the SA=
McO staff has been engaged in the preparation of a 1946
Supplemental Budget (necessitated by the Congressional
rescision of $29OOO,,QOO of the former 033 budget,, needed
to carry IRIS to June 300 1946, since restored) and of
the 1947 Budget, as well as in solving the numerous admin-
istrative problems created by the transfer of the former
OSS units to the Department,, At the sug ;estion of General
Nelson, of Mr. Russells s staff, a Committee was formed to
prepare an outline of the planned intelligence organization
for consideration by the Advisory Board., and later to
prepare the necessary Departmental Orders for submission
to Mr.. Russells off'-roe. Tho membership of that can ni.ttee
Sherman Kent (IRIS) Ch a-_'L an
George V. Allen ( aA) representing the
geograph c offices
Amory H. Bradford (,SA-11!'oG )
Kermit Gordon (C?) representing the
economic offices
John D', Ki.? lei. (Sty -McC )
Just 1 nning (IRIS)
Stanley A. L,icK,y (,' ) )re pr esenting Departmental
David II? _ cull (PrffN) ) Administration
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Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00022R000400120009-9
This menorandur: c ;tai, t,;.tut_e the recommendation
of that Coanaitte e to the Into is.iU,ence !1dvisor#r Board. The
first three sae.tion, which follow have been prop_xred in a
form which is believed to be appropriate, after considera-
tion and revision b,r the Loa:rrd,, for the recomY'endations of
the 3oard to V in Mric Cormack0 The folloain-; subjects are
1,, General considerations applicable to the
organization of intelligence research In
the Department?
11 o Su nary of propceed transfers of existing
units of the Department and of IRIS.
Ill0 Out1in z~ of planned research and intelligence
organisations v
This memorandum presents a plan for a unified
cr? anization responsible for the _'ntelii,enco functions
of the Department? hccauso p
1. The directive of October 19 1945 from the
Under Secret ryy pursuant to which the Intelli ence
Ad,ri. ory Board was established. reequir?es the con-
so-'.A on of IR S units and other units rithin
the :Department engaging in Intelligence ac `tivities,
so that8, by January lA w.946v all intelligence
a ;tivities within the Department will be under the
Jurisdiction of the Spee,ta:l Assis ;ant; for Research
and intoi__i;aence 0
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Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00022R000400120009-9
RES'' :1 1+1 T PUT)
After Odtobexl Is in >onn ctioza With the
preparation of a 104.5-46 b,Udget- for presettatio
to the House Appropriations Caow,maittt, ea, the question
or distributing the Intelligence functions 4-:icing
the policy and operating off ices was raised and was
discussed with the Under Secretary and the Secretary"
The Under Secretary decided that the i ntell.;eraco
functions ahould not be dispersed and the Secrotar-y
approved the plan for proeenta tian of the Budget
on the basis of a unified intelligence crganizatio
without modifying tart d.ccisidni>
The advantages of a centralized reesearesh organization are
outlined in Part 1p belo o
M?. Allen r on behalf of t o Geographical Off ioeaa
bae proposed an al ternative plea set forth below In Part IN..
providi for (1) de ntraliz'ing Intel:.".gence research- Ot.,
poly tical problem by eatabliching a research Division. In
each ~ ~ rap ical Off io 4 and (2) retaining in a central
0x ficy of Research Goordi.:aatloY_ the fu42G?c-.on~ of roae:..x oh
ooordina tion and of specialized research on economic or
other technical subjects e 1,hile that plan Is inconsistent
zith the directive under which " ' e ::~~~t9l1~e~ac~~,. ~-~ .~.~rI: cy
~ry V s ` gyp" 1 qy'1 ,y . o~p ,y~1 /~~?..~.l..t), ,~`~?.~
roard, V S~/a aation arises only from
differon s views as to the best administrative machinery for
attaining the basic objective,
RDS 51511 TED
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Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00022R000400120009-9
Proposed.outin ,s rx o: e for :adz; esea--roIx
r~x~u Tr-?, ;~1 Ea -ii- of'::c so: s
3pec;ial Assistant for anti Intelli,3ance
Special Estimates a ' aff
Nat .onal Inteili en ,e Authority &,,,icretarisat
~=:= O ' of Re-, s t1 -r c~
< U r
.s.f nS. t J ~ v Near
'A .S'~J oy.~41 ~ AJ4< A
~Africa V~?~1 L~w~S/ n ^~ o W'W f '[~Ri 1.7.
Inte.,i1 ene -
Y,3 7 aion of 8SR In ~ol.z , ~rAO~;`u?
p.v sic n o"' British Cormam(nA =3e..1t a I ntel1i enoe
FEZ alaion of Far tTast Intellij :en e~
ART ;)Ivision of Amer3.ccLn fiep,I-tbl ds Thto.1";erase
D v s ion of Inte:x-:vo 7ioaa:. :tip e .i t
MI Div-lla on of ;i by Lit, i . and' a ; a
OIC31) .1.1
Co" -tiu-a
~~a!3 )vin of
a t !, _ " nco .:~ `aC?';LE' ` k. on ;?.?2
D-.7.a.3`ibm ttio:n
i " P Intelligence F&farex-zco .D'v oion
R Dig r: ! on of R ,ot 'apaia Int?1a..igen cc
P Praoantation Division
CD Out-post Division
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Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00022R000400120009-9
L., General ppl_ `'a b a 'z,,o the Or anizE tion.
of .Inte 1 i renc a .[ 11 e a o, r..;. 1)o oart - kt1E: 1 o
........,......,.o.,,..?.~,........~ ,?.~~,,~?. ,>.,a.s . ,'r1 5. ~ ~ ii~3 a,. a''~t
a. Lcc cL in the Department.
The propc~eed f ' .c?r .: of k~'.;~ 3e r and Into Ili,-;E) nce,
(ORI) and intelligence Collection ?x--ad Dissemination (CC])
will as out1ir~ :[d in detail below, havetransferred yak basis both.
those parts of the foreyd OSS that vere ~/1 ansfe}.red 1 .~o the
Department of State (IRIS) and certain units of the Depart-
ment; previously engaj=ed in intelligence activities. They
will not deal wi h the Unit :d States or its possessions b-lAt
will cover the conditions , activities and policies of for-
el,gn stater, dominions, colonies and dependent areas and
their peoples, as well a 'their physical cbaracteris':ios>
The operaat.ion of the. a o offices will fell into the general
area of the social notably politics, soc::-_olo ;y,
economics and 13:hy and their staffs will bo con txu.c,t-
d accordingly,,
This type of e_ at. ? o In the '4;e chni cal ..anguag of
intelligence li ork 1-:a termed po:ait..?a ve ntelli 'ence, bit It,
should be note?. that the 0E';I and QC) w-'I,l not be responsible
for all aspects ;f pc,sit %=re -inteli igence. Notably they will
assume rao resp ~7xs .bi it.y for research on foreign a med estab-
l'. shme .ts or in for ` c- c i:enc.e and technolo k The t - r
pCw.Lt ve ! L ~r2c `I e:nr raal?.l
used In di s iAlddc Li.o i
Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00022R000400120009-9
Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00022R000400120009-9
counter or secur-Ltv intc1:l.:i :ence, cwrtain aspects of which
wI11 by the function of a third office under SA-".!cC, the
Office of. SF cur'.i t `Os) ?
The conbined function of the two positive intelligence
offices, OPT and OCT) should be the provision of evaluated
positive information on foreign countries in aid of the formu-
lation and i.mpi.o cnt~; ti.on of foreign policy in the Department
of State Such inforuaticn sho..ld be provided at the request
of officers of the Depar tment or in anticipation of their
needs In two aspects, (a) factual data most appropriately
presented for the purpose to be served (memorandum, table,
map, chart or photoggraph), (;b) reports and studies based
upon evaluated facts and d.ealinrr with conditions, situations,
issues and event,,, which prevail or ccur in foreign areas
It cannot be too firmly stated that whatever intelli--
gence functions are :erforned by the two offices will.. be per-
formed overt1J., There is no thoar-ht of either office, entering
the field of espionas, ;e and working 3landestineiy through
undercover agents
b,, Divisi of responsibility between intelligence ?.knO.
Complete and precise deiinea ?ion of the boundary be-
tween intelligence and operations i c no more possible than
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Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00022R000400120009-9
desirable at this moment., There is a considerable ar ~.. of
a! east certain aver=Lappin of responsibility between tr,t:,.
intelligence. and operatin , offices, which time, good 'a-;A1
and experience will narrow but perhaps never fully e.Iiriinate,.
Before attempting :Lurther clarification of this area
let it be said that there can be no conflict between the
pure extremes of intelligence and operations the opo4 a.tin r
officer should no more take four weeks array from his do:,',
for a Job of intensive research than should the inteili~.?enice
officer assume the responsibilities of ',,policy and detailed.
implementation of policy.,
The area in which there may be want of agreement is
the area in which both have an important interest
the area of .information. The question will be to decide
where the informational responsibilities of the intelligence
offices stop and where those of the operating offices begLn?
At present only the broadest sort of allocation of responsi-
bility can be made n The intelligence offices should have
the predominant resp
nslbl.lity for basic research upon the
institutions of fors f g;n c?ouantries, upon situations and e ri.argen v
political and economic issues in fc,r;i gn countries, and upon
the capabilities of forein countries,, The operating offices
should have equal responsibility for the sort of spot informa-
tion which -12 in the files or minds of operating officers
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Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00022R000400120009-9
and which is necessa?'y f'o:-^ the acquittal of the hour's
business. ;-low responsibi:l,ity should be fixed for a multitude
of intelligence du-'Gies which are to be found between those
fairly clear bands of function, such as periodic analysis
and reporting on current foreign developments, digesting
information cables and despatches, reference services, etc.,
Is a matter which must be worked out in experience o For
the immediate future, both intelligence and operations
should aim to put their respective limited informational
resources to optimum practical use.
There is no Intention, except in the cases spacifl
cally mentioned below, to absorb into the central intelligence
organization personnel of operating divisions who are currently
engaged, part or full time, in research activities, it is
anticipated, however, that some such personnel will be so
transferred in the future., when, by mutual agreement of the
intelligence staff and the appropriate operating officers,
it is decided that such transfers, on a selective basis,
would improve the quality of the research services Available
to the operating division concerned.
co Inte ration of intelligence with operations.
(1) The research process
The production of evaluated information for the policy
and operating officers of the Department must be done through
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Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00022R000400120009-9
the Process Of
cussed In its
research, a Process 6Jll ich T:2Q~y Tell be ec i Sst ~1 ter-t Ia?k _ Y P hex ...r es.areh units ..requ-ire
else u?7er ?' s 5 0 i a'" t ho ,.wor.k of both 'wh?i ch.. can be
"ir s3~tan+r2. ot;~~ .?i f` tlze; ' ..subject
4.> Duplication of work can be avoidod. A unified
staff under central control not only guarantees that
the specialist will work on matters squarely within his
competence, but also that there is no more than a single
specialist or single group of specialists for each aspect;
of;o? r e a~ le v MA"s lnteres.t .in Soviet
ac V*i-t-ie -rn_1;a.tir._.1 Amer- ca.can -be handled in one assign-
or - r the s rsr~ s t x e z~ t ari aZ y s t car t e'ai m of `an a ly A is ; it
o i" y?twC7" S*?~pa2' ati~" i tnf`fs c
5, Centralization of s aff makes a significant
contribution to the maintenance of perspective and objecti-
vity. It acts as a brake onjthe specialist's inevitable
tendency to overrate t;'IC importance of his own subject.
I.t_...rer over him, far enough f 'om the area of-poi..iey,...s:o
that past-? ,oli. y,_.dec ;ion ip not a constant influence on
his present... point of ZTiewc At the sate time, as ' poir'ted
out bolos, it..., not. preye.nt...hiin,from the sort cjf"reI tion-
ship-w:ith-policy? and operations Which are required to give
nt...,._~7.. his work?
6, A single s us~ff make4 for a considerable avoidance
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Ilot: only is it possT tb:l..: to
establish and m :T.nn an efficient contral Croup of
what might the :l.;thr .r:r ser?-Vices indexed col-
lections of docum.ents, maps, ?souks and photographs
but also files of a single unit may servo other Units
working in cognate fields
, `-ae,.farther _apart ..tha--cots=
no ra-.t rot ..are.., .aa:.t. ~:,;th.a-Iess.-thy ubill ty-of-, central
L P arr , .;tie ~. tsv_.t-he. Ill ellhood _of.:-r:tul Ipte; use ..of
A sinp-Jo s ;a ff. can make more flexible use of its
clerical and prof es professional personnel than a number of
staffs, often in the experience of wartime intelligence
agencies , almost insuperable deadlines on top priority
matters were met by shifting all transferable talent to
the job at hand, The barriers aliich a dispersal of man-,,/
power offer to such procedures are manifest-.
The Spec al f.ssistant or Research and - nte; _ Li
gence,, in carrying nut; his Department responsibilities on
the Secretary's Staff.' Commit t;ee., a ;d his interdepartmental
responsibilities as Executive Secretary of the 'latiorzai
Intelligence Authhority, must be in a position to ca _1
upon all of the Intel -ig?ence resources of the Depart ent
with speed and a minimum of administrative friction, only
a unified ornani at_ o under his jurisd lotion will make
that Y ossib1o.
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The potential d1:jariva-.nta-e of a unified nc;0
organization is t'at its t, or ,i y not be suffic'.entiy ud'apted
Lo the need, 7f the ope.r'ai,ing div..sIoils t kv1....l be 1
responsibiL11;v of the i a: *ell.5_fence staff' and of' Gh y
operatln ^ staff to ;-,Oe t ha',, their work is prope rly inte;=r,& ted,
Each will have the power, _nder the proposed plan for a uni-
fled intelligence organization, to -attain that- oh joc t i_ve,:
The alternative proposal set forth In Part IV fo:.c
decentralizing research by establishing a research Division
in each ry Geographical Office is s is one of several l r:.rl.:zicbz r:zi1;lg
_"' ht be
made It should be noted that the Political, Economic, and
r"nfor?mational off-teen, could make similar claims with equal
validity. The dispersal of research power wh i ch would fol-
low the recognition of such claims would eiiphaslze the
advantages here raised with respo ct to the actual proposal.
at Issue. These, dlsadvrs.nt;agee are:
1> It would be difficult, if not impossible,
through any coord.Lnatint*, machinery to i,: oose uniformly
high standards upon yes rch Divisions responsible to
a number of different O rl ce s throur.lout the Department,,
2, There ;would be a s tJ ronr- oos s lb ,llty that
research subordinated to Off ce 'N?1o3e primary re3 onsi
bliity was policy deterr..ination would tend to b.o cir
cuinscri_bod by pre-.rious1;j' adopted policy {3ec i.sions and
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fail to produce reports which might present information
indicating that existing po:Licy should be revised.
a. There would be as tendency for each Office to
request inforri_.tion from its own research staff not be-
cause its answer would necessarily be definitive, but
because it was physically- close at hard. Thus a
staff assigned to one Geographical office would be
subject to requests or matters which are vital to the
business of that office but which, at the same time,
lie beyond the staff's professional competence, and
would either have to call upon the research staff
of another office or to risk an uninformed answorm
Even the most elaborate sort of coordinating_ mechanism
between dispersed research diirisions would have dif-
ficulty coping with this situation,.
4, The necessary integration between research
needs and the program for collecting and maintaining
basic information would be difficult to achieve, since
there would be no direct link between the individual
research divisions and t'.iose responsible for the col-
lection and reference functions
5e Whereas a single lane staff cannot be on-
gulfed by operations, a number of smaller staffs Is
more vulnerable, and as has already been demonstrated
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in the Departrti.ent s the long run effect of breaking
up a research staff for a hoped for increase of
service to its consumers has resulted in its
(b) No parallel units should be established. No
other units should be established in the State Department
whose functions parallel or overlap t'-iose which are regarded
as the responsibility of the intelligen:;e organization, if
the volume of work which is required of the organization is
in excess of its capacities and if additional research power
is mandatory to carry the load, funds for this added staff
should be allocated to the intelligence organization rather
than used to create and, support small research units in the
operating offices. The principle here stated should not of
course be construed as hindering an operating; unit from em-
ploying staff co maintain information files and to handle the
kind of spot intelligence without which it could not function,
Relations i:Lth operating offices. The in-
telligence organization has a legitimate call upon the full
Intelligence resources in the Department and upon the opera-
ting officers of the Department for information as to
policy negotiation and planning needed for the guidance of
research, This does not mean that every member of the
intelligence staff roust be conversant with the most delicate
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issue; of policy nor that every morribor of the staff should
have access every higiL.:t I alas cif ied document in the partmenta It does mean 1- oi-liever that. the staff will not e
asked to turn out reports which are defective or wor cs'~:.,eas
because (1) the nature of the problem to be attacked was not
fully or candidly stated; (2) information relevant to the
problem and vital to its solution was withheld on the .grounds
of security-; or (3) new, and essential information from the
field was unduly difficult to procure. This last general
consideration is basic to the specific considerations wh',.c;h
(6) Considerations specifically applicable to the
component stages of researrch.
(a) Setting and analyzing-. the problem. Be fore a
research and intelligence staff can begin to function ef-
fectively it must know wi "n a hirgh degree of precision the
nature of the prob:! er1 to be atttaeked and the policy or opera-
tional use the end' produuct is expected to serve Further!more,
since research f?ener:a' ly demands far more time than is commonly
acknowledged, the earlier work can be .begun the more sat'.s-
factory the results. The best research and intelligence will
be done when key members of the staff are fully informed about
issues which are still In the embryonic stage e With such
knowledge they can frequently anticipate the certain future
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ME. ST!"'ICT"E: r
danand and make rood on otherwise impossible deadlines,. In
order to achieve applicability and timeliness of the end pro-
duct it is a matter o importance that the ro],.a. tionvh3..p
betweon intelligence -,nd operations be close and s ystomatic ,
That opposite numbers should maintain regular cor:tact is not
enough. It is suggested that key members of the intelligence
staff serve as observers or technical advisers on departmental
and inter-departmental cor:mitteos where their attendance will
put them in intimate touch with the main" lines of the Depart-
ment's business Personnel from the operating units should
serve on committees of the intelligence offices such as a
committee of Division Chiefs which would have supervision over
the work program and the assignment of Priorities and, deadlines.
Through such arrangements the efforts of intelligence may he
directed effectively and the organization of the intelligence
offices shaped to perform with maximum efficiency and harmony.
(b) Collecting information relevant to the prohlet`t.
The primary source of fresh information from the field must
be the reporting actwvities of foreign service officers,
auxiliaries, and attachE s in the foreign missions o The pro-
fessional interest of the intelligence offices in the substance
and quality of such reporting is obvious; without access to
the reports and without some hand in shaping them, the intelli-
gence operation could not function. Both the operating and
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x.nte:l 1 ,vnc 7 of .2 " 's of Depar c-,,ont in Washington F3:Le
equally concerned re:aorti:. r- standards be co ntinuo!.zsl .
i:nproved in ua ty: ~ppl`~'abi;it and ti:^meiinessR It Is
suggested t lat tea e sppara us of the intelligence offices will.
through evaluation and cri! ticism contribute materially tee
this end.
Another large amount of the necessary information rai:Ll.
be acquired t ,rough the eeff: its of the intelligence ~f"fi c-~s
themselves . They wall, procure fore'.f;n publications and ,:,gaps,
the reports and studies otthc:or federal agencies; they vlill
enlist the .Lnform,.---ion se::=vices of private or nog -ftide ral pub-
lic institutions (un3versitlcs, ::7usoums, libraries, etc.),
Lastly, they will maintain a small. staff in the field whose
function will be ,he completion of ho-13e research projects,,
or the supplementing of home sources of information. Members
of such a staff a,K1.1l have a high degree of professional corn}
te:nce and w7.11 s :rve abroad for limited periods and sork on
definite substantive assignments. In every; instance they will
operate undor rules castabl.ishod by the chief of the mission to
which r.:'}ey will be attached.
A last instal. Lment of field information the intell.a.s
genet )ffices wi . pprocure through the field represen't-at- ves
of the armed forces and other government departments r. In. the
present c:i:r~:.a.,rns t. ance of several control commissions under the
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military, this source of general political and oconom.ic Informa-
tion is more important this'', n it is likely to be In. the utita'
But whatever the later importance appropriate liaison in
Washington will be continued.
(c) Evaluation of collected Information,, The sstab-
lishmont of the, relative Validity or invalidity of :information
is (1) a mattem of the probable reliability of the source and
(2) a matter of how well the inforrrat ion stacks up against
other. of tested accuracy. The .ntellisenee staff will assume
primary responsibility for evaluations, but should expect on
many occasions to be able to call upon people in all parts of
the State Department with field and operational experience o
The evaluation of in'forrlation is'ordinarily only one
part of the total resew ch function. However, there may be
times when evaluated information as such are essential to
operations,. and in these cases the Intel: ~.gerce offices should
disseminate this nroduct. on (d) Applying tlhe evaluated information to the prob_ieM
and orgar?5zirnn it into a coheront and meaningful pattern.
discharging this function, the intelligence offices must ? chart
a careful course between an excess of timidity in bringing
analytical talents to bear,.on the one hand, and the Infringe-
ment of policy-racking prerogatives, on the other', If research
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reports are to meet the neecXe of operating of'f'icers, in-
telligence personnel dust nothesitate to separate the
relevant from the irrolevant; to point up inconsistenc .os
and attempt to reconcile there; to seek for a pattern which
emerges from the raw material and to integrate this facts
in the light of that pattern; and to perfo'rra such other
a?alytieal functions as properly belong to the final stages
of research.
However, the intelligence staff should understand
clearly that the task of drawing policy conclusions from
research studies is the prerogative of the operating offices
and divisions. Harmonious relationships between the intel-
ligence staff and the operating divisions cannot persist if
operating officers find reason to believe that the intelli-
gence staff has adopted Its own policy line, and is slanting
the facts to fit its preconceptions. Prudence and restraint
on the part of the intelligence staff are nowhere more im-
portant to the sucaees of the intelligence project than in
this connection.
d. The internal organization of Intelligence offices.
In working out, the details of. the planned intelligence organ-
ization, consideration has been given to tie following
primary, factors:
(1) The intelligence needs of State Department
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Ease in ha'izdlint ; sources of
in f fl7'TYt~>.?l i (?17
The )rxevYiou o.rgao nation of the IFIS
other Departmental units to be transferred
The principal problems ,raised by each of those
factors are
(1) The intelligence needs of State Depa~ l;m,:nt
operations. Co17siderat.-'J.on must be given not only to he:
various types of research study wh:tch will be required,
but also to the organizational .framework through which the
Department operates, since close coordination of research
with operations will require adaptation to that- sra,r ework.
The problem is a difficult one, since?
(a) The Department is organized on an areal-4
basis to handle political pr'oble, :,::, except 'or the ,-): ^e
of Special Political Affairs, which handles certain pol.t tic.:al
problems on a vzorld mw1d.e basis 0
(b) The Department is organized on a fur: v :i. unai
basis to handle economic problet~;s, which in some cases are
further subdivided accordin ; to area.
(c) Informmit:~ on nrob:i_o as are handled both :fi. nc
tionaily and according to area,
(d) in handling many of tho 'Tore important
problems, coordination of the Divisions involved is obtained
through committees, which cross both. regional and ftirict `:ona .
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Ru';3ri'T'' 1CTi D
(2) Ease in handlings sources of information:
Consideration has been given to zi~.rc~ ~._ng efficiency by
attempting to group together:
(a) Acquisition, reference and reproduction
functions needed by all research groups.
(b) Those research groups usin{g documents
written in the same lancuage,
(c) Those research groups using the same
specialized files of documents, maps, curd indexes, etc..
(d) 'chose research group, working with the
same series of Incoming reports,
(3) The previous organization of IRIS and other
Departmental units to be transferred: Proserva.tiors? to the
extent feasible, of previous organizational entities is
desirable, since every change in existing personal relation-
ships will temporarily reduce efficiency and add to the con-
fusion and uncertainty ?.-attendant on setting" up a new
organ izat1.on5
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On the basis the factors outlined. above, ;;he
fc a,lowwini; principles of o.rGanization have been fo3Ll.c7weod.;
(1) 1n
i~oneral, 1,he basic area breakdown used in
the organization ' the Research and Analysis Branch of .tf 7 S
has been continued; in prrticular cases,, however, area
boundaries have been modified to conform to those of the
correcpondin ; State Department Geographic Divisions.,
Y ) Pol :S i l cal and economic problems which cut across
several regional DlvIs a.cns, and which are handled sopars.tely
by operating Divisions in A-C and SPA, have been allocated
to a Division of Interregional Intelligence, made up of
specialists who will h=andle subjects such as Internation=al
Organization, International Socurit,p', Dependent Areas,
Petroleum, Commodities, Labor, F nance, Aviation and Tel
e ==
communications. The basic researcI-i an those s b ec; w:J1.1.
be done in the rega,onal Divisions, and coordinated by the
apecial.i ts, who will also be responsible for ni'egr'r~tir ,
the Department's .research with that c f other gover?nrae:nt:
Departments In the same f fold, through the interdepartmental
_Lntie .iBlgeC"'cC
(3) The responsibility for procurement, ,~a'irte
nance of reference collections, presentation and distribution
f2"P;: T.TOTED
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TEST: iCT a .:7
have, where entr ,iz a4;ion was possible, been separated from
the regional and Interregional research Divisions and
signed to separate Di'vrisa erns Those Divisions have all been
included in the proposed Office of Intelligence Col3f-action
and Dissor:ilnation ,;ri."h the exception of the Division of
Map Into l1igonce and Cac tographyy, which was included in the
Office of T~esearch and IritelligenJe because it will be ZYo
constantly engaged in current research projects with the
Divisions of that Office.
(4) The function; of security and counter?-intc?
Bence have been ass:Lgned to the Office of Security.
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Y~ 1JL ~.~ '_
1^ Summary ri--,nsf r`yS c'+. i f j IT T U,tia
The .)Ian outlixr'ied in part x.i"t bee1c s proposoiu th
transfers W' existing State D pq.k eat and IS S s is to the new
In.teiligonce Offices
a.> State Departnierat; Units
Division of Geography & : Pearsonnel Transfer To
office of the Chief'
Secretariat of National
intelli~!_ence Authority
Research Branch
Division of Interregiona'
intca a.llgerzce Studies
Procurement and Distribution Unit
Intelligence Reference
Cartographic Branch and Map Library 35
Division of Map Intelli-
gence & Cartography
Division of Research & Publications:
Foreign Publications Unit
Division of Economic Security Controls.,,
Intelligence Acguisitioix
and Distribution Div,i-
i can
Personnel I'anteliig nce S ect:ion
Division of Biographic
In additions the security and counter-intelligence operations
performed in the Division of Foreign Activity Correlation and else-
w ere in the Do
~ `?,:.7 J. +~+ n~w.n~~~.t ,, .~7:" ~ e.s SG."~'t.~s C7~.ii+sAte,~~.1 ,..~!`t...r ~{.~e
Authority, and in that capacity will have Jurisdiction over
the l:z~ e ^depart In :eili"enc. ~! oord 3t .7?3 Coirrnit:tees,
the 1n-iterdepa rtrr crntal SeQurit; Coordinating Committ-teeo, and
the 3pecia:{ Est tr:,a vies Sty ff-v ci F4 '01
1 U fl ?0
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2. Interdap 2?nental
a. pec a1 L-stimates Staff
Proposed Symbol: SES
A Special Estimates Staff will be esta~,'t fished In the
office of the Special Assistant for Research and Intelligence,
which will be responsible for prepab in, with the assistance
of the research and 1ntollij~;ence offices of the State Depart-
r.~9nt and of other -overnmental departments and ;envies,
Intelligence estimates of the capabilities and intentions
of foreign countLr-Ites and weekly su.u cries of significant
events and trends, for the information and use of the
?resident, the Secretary of State, and other top level
officials and agencies of the novernr.!ent.
The Special Estimates Staff accounted for 47 positions
in the 1046 suppi.ementa budget and In the 'budget w? .h-raitted
for 1947. At the present time none of those positions has
been .filled. No transfers of existinj; : tate Department or
IRIS units are involved in the estabblishment of the Special
r3stir zatee ?taff.
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b. Secretariat of the rational lntelli, ence Authority
Proposed s rmbol : VIA
The Special Assistant for Research and Intelligence
will serve as Executive Secretary of the National Intelli-
ence Authority. Nis staff will Include a Secretariat of
the rational Intelligence Authority, which will consist of
bin Deputy Secretaries for Intelligence and Security,
to,-,,ether with the committee chairmen (and their staffs)
furnished by the Department of State for the Inter-depart-
tnental Coordinating Committees and the Inter-departmental
Security Coordinating; Committees.
A total of 92 positions has been included for the
Secretariat in the budget subnitted for 194?. During 1946,
It will be necessary to use positions budgeted for other
parts of the intelligence offices to support the Secretariat.
It is proposed to transfer the Chief of the Division of
Ceo f;raphy and Carto,;raphy to the position of Chairman of the
Ceo raDhic Intelligence Committee of the National Intelli-
?once Authority. This involves a transfer of the Office of
the Chiefs G13 (5 positions) to the Secretariat.
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Office of Research and intelliZence
Proposed, Symbol ; ORI
1. Mice_ of the Director
The Director of the Office of Research and Intellience
will be responsible, under the general direction of the
Special Assistant for Research and Intelligence, for
directing the work of the Divisions of the Office in pro-
vtdiny evaluated positive Information on forei; countries
in aid of the formulation and implementation of foreign
policy in the Department of State. The Office of the
Director will include an Executive Office, which will pro-
vide the administrative services required by the Director
and by the Office, and an Intelligence Coordination Staff,
which will provide substantive control over the output of
the Office.
The Office of the Director accounted for 35 positions
in the 1946 supplemental budget, and for 41 positions in the
btadvet submitted for 1947. It is proposed that the office
be established by transferring to it the Office of the
Director of the Research and Analysis Eranch, IRIS, a total
of 34 persons (11 professional and 23 clerical). No
existing State Department units will be transferred to the
Office of the Director.
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Or~,:anization Chart
Office of Research and Intelligence
Division of Europe,
Heir ast, and
Africa :intella _;ence
Draft 15 Dec 45
Division of USSR
O fice of the
Division of Brit-
ish Cormonweasth
Tntel1 ence
Division of American
Far Last J; Republics
Intelligence Division
Division of Division
Tnterrcgior. of Map
IntelliLence Tntelli;7?
Studies f rence and
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- 38
2. Functions of the -He.-oral .Divisions
of Functions. The function of the five
regional divisions described below is the provision of
evaluated positive information, in the form of factual
data, syntheses, and ,e,eneralizations, in aid of the
formulation and implementation of forei polio by the
,,eo,raphic, political, economic and informational offices
of the Department.
In fulfilling this function the divisions rill:
(1) Maintain close and systematic contact with
policy and operating officers of the Department in order
to be informed a.i to the Department f s intelligence require--
(2) Plan and implement a program of research and
analysis desi, ed to meet these intelligence recd irements
through the preparation of reports, which will be described
in rooter detail below.
(3) Evaluate new information for the following pur-
poses: as an integral part of the regular research process
in order to improve the relevance, accuracy, and timeliness
of the reporting services; and,, to a lesser extent, for
distri;,ution of the information, as such, to operating
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Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00022R000400120009-9
4) A;. i99t OCI) In s nrl its p-,., ;-ra"' r,_
rnation pproc3,x--;,-ie' t and, mror'? lr .I,. u th or with 0 1), ot,tatn
lnf ".~+-~:. I':k?.c, t Rs.(~I~i aJrr.i at } 4 . i..e T' iE? ^ ~t'i?:..,. ~.r~{ V y.
' ~ ~ : e-I';c .1; n`7 'C !1'?:.., In C0,;-late
a el~z ~~,.~..i f r,,. -1 nubile arc V & e I .-Ut-, Orl > E._..uS .c.t, the
federal ";ovf rn,rient (J.ncIu!1n:3 universities, l.i.brarle .
research institutions)
(5) Provide representatives to act as o server s, and
where indicated as participants, an departmental and Inter-
departmental committees,
The output of these divisions w5_11, in t ent ra;., lull
into the .follow-.-r4; three cat(,- or?lee;
(1) Studies of basic sit--uE,.tions :ard, ca jpt,i it'es~.
Studies of the s sort are based on knavwledQe of the
political, ecd r_orri c;, and ~;eograp r1c characteristics o the
courtr'4e concerned, and will provide the basic data
neceeear.'r for the under standIn - and interpretation of events,
attitude;, ~a -at)illtie~s and probable intention e
2) Az a~`rses of }or~ ~ .tical and eco_nom i c Issuee
These studies will deal with cmer'rent or contir_utn-- poiltAcaj
and economic ` s rues in forecountries which will i i lueoce
united S ates wotldi interest
(3) In ai eva.L,$tit.,~~ ~J .i f ,x. a
S .~ ., r~~iij . e ~~.nt
a..~ -,...?~.,..4.....+..y.s...~-.+.,..+?+...ww..s-..r..-....a.....a.-.~..y~,....,-...+.~....w..
L + +x~ ti+~~_Capml~~r.i a 'T'hese stud1es will place events in tl eir
setting, analyze the factors which, produce them, and.
ev"?luate theirr, sir.; nificance for .:hurt-}per developme-rntse It
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should be oot ~d that this worts as currently performed In
IRIS i s by no means a full duplication of roughly c or"parable
work done in other parts of the Department. 7rlere are
however some elements of overlap which; will be dealt with
at some future time. x resumably at that brie the whole
question of analysis of current developments, current
reportin abstracting current cables and despatches for
department-wide circulation, ~~vill be discussed, and 'anal
responsibilit , fixed,
3. Dljri.sion ,of ?.tar e. ',iear was and Africa Snt :.-o 5co,
(Thin Division will be concerned with (1) alti of continenta.l
Europe eastward to the soviet frontier and the>#:raits,
(2) all rear and 'riddle Easter- i ountries to the western
frontier of India, and (3) all of Africa. )
(1) Pa se out rat o1: ENI
(2) Or ariization .tructure,
(a) Political flr anch,
(i.) Western Eurovean
Section. France, .e-gium,
Lu.::ei hour ;, I_'olland, Italy, ; pai , Portu al, Denmark,, Norway,
Sweden, and `witzerland.,
(ii) Central European ono Germ ny, Au:-tria9
ze separation of the Division into two divisions a
European Division and a Near East-African Divi sior - is
planned s soon as adeciunto staff is l ailabie?
2. The .eparation of.' thi:t section into a ,1estern and a
Northern European se: tion will take Taste whet the
neee5sary personnel array geTR?'nts can be made0
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R S'TR TG"A';;?)
(ii.i) Eastern European Section,, Fin]-and, -Poland,
3Tun:;ar"} Yu ;os1at ia, RW aniaj, Greece. Lulyaria, Albania.
(iv) Near last-Afri.c?n Section. Egy-_rjt, ?a .cz
tine, Tray.^- ordan, Iraq, `ia.udi Arabia, Yemen, Aden,
Shai.xd:idoms of the Arabian Peninsula, Lebanon, Syria,
Iran, Af,hanistan, and the continent of Africa.
(b) Eoonomlc ranch (area distribution same e.a in
Political ?eanch)
(i) Western European Section.
(ii) Central European Section a
(iii) Eastern European Section.
(iv) Nea= East-African Section.
(3) Composition of the Division
It Is proposed that the Division be established by
transferring to it the Europe-Africa Division of IRIS
(excludin 9 individuals to be transferred to the Division
of Interre, Ional Inte11I erice), which included, as of
December 14, 1945, a staff of 95, of whom 76 were in
pro.-Cession-al -rades and 19 in CAP rades0 The 1946 supple-
mental budget provided for a total of 1-18 posi tIons, and the
budget submitted for 1947 provides for a total of 15:
positions. It is not proposed to transfer any other
Oxi rti n? Stat : Department units.,
An or-- nI.zawi.on chart of the Dlvi lion is attached,
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The Division of 1'S-SR .once
z oseed Routin-, Ovn?bol ; USI.
j a?1 zat' i on ~~ t3 uc tux'e s
(a) Economic Lranoh.
(i) Transport Section.
(ii) Industry Section.
(i11) Agriculture Section.
(iv) Foreign Trade erection.
(v) Fiscal Problems Section.
(vi) Population and ?anpower Section.
fib) Political P. ranch.
(1) Internal Political Section.
(it) Forei&i Political Section.
(3) Corn sition of the Division
It is proposed that the Division be established by
transferring to it the USSR Division of IRIS which included,
as of December 10, 1945 a staff of 55, of whom 45 were in
professional grades and 10 in CAF Grades, The 1946
supplemental budget provided for a total of 75 positions.
The hudiget submitted for 1047 provides for a total of 87.
positions. It Is not proposed to transfer any other
existing ".tats Dopartmzcnt units or personnel to the
An or,r;sn:~ zat4 on chart of the Division is attachod?
Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00022R000400120009-9
Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00022R000400120009-9
)iv ~s#on
Offi 3 of the (ahi f
Of ?3 D4trz0Io
raao pS3rt
Section M1
'Section -il
"g"rade Sect 0,11
is wa:~ >' -Qb13
F Pogdit&tion a
I Political
Section I l Maxzpc e_
ii Sa~tion
f foreign
Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00022R000400120009-9
Approved For Release 2001169/03 : CIA-RDP84-00022R000400120009-9
REST-1111, C 1;21 s
va The D3 w' o3 of Erit .v 1 Commonwealth, I!7te ? z. 71 :6Q
(This Division will be concerned wt t'ja the United IUn ;dom,
its foreign relations, and rritish polio; :ivith reference to
all parts of the Commonwealth).
(1) C"ro used" symbol: BCx.
(2) 2r,anization structure
(a) itish External Economic Problems Section
(Trade, Finance, Trannort and Communications) a
(b) :ritish Internal Affairs Section.
(c) Pritish intra-Imperial Affairs Section.
(d) An.lo-European Relations Section.
(e) Anglo-American Relations Section (including
the Urited States and Latin America).
(f) Britis}, Affairs in the Par East Sections,,
(3) Corxiposition of the Dlvisi.on
It is proposed that the Division be e;itablished by
transferring to it the Rr tish Empire Unit of IRIS which
included, as of December ICS131-1-)45k a staff of 5 employees.
The :046 supplemental ht'--d" et provided for a total of :z.7
positions. The but ; v subm _tted for 1947 provides for a
total of 22 position. It is not proposed to transfer any
other existin State Department units or personnel to the
DIvis'i an.
organization chart of the Div1 s j. on Is attached.
Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00022R000400120009-9
Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00022R000400120009-9
415 -
O gIiF":1%ritioal, Chart
Civi for of f r:.tiah Coi-r-ronwealth inty .1 g nce
.o.....~ Office of P the Di-ision Chief
Relations Section
Angloe4 rican
Re1ationn Section
British M tdd r i.J
in the Mar
East Section .,, ~.
British External
Economic Section
(Trade,, Finance,
Transport and
British Internal
Affairs section.
British lint,, "
I perial Affairs
Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00022R000400120009-9
Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00022R000400120009-9
The Division of Par East Intel] i pence. (This Division
will be concerned with India, 'urria, Ceylon, Siam, Indo-
China,, Straits Settlements, the Federated flalay States,
a',etherlands East Indies, L'ritish Borneo, the Philippine
Islands, China, Korea, Japans Australia, New Zealand, and
all of the islands and territories in the senera l area not
holonuin to the United States or the USSR.)
(Z) Pro owed routs . o s rmbol o FEI.
(2) Or^;anization structure.
(a) Japan :'ranch
(i) Japan Political Section.
(ii) Japan Economic Section.
(b) China Lranoh
(i) China Political Section,
(ii) China Economic Section.
(iii) Korea Section.
(c) Southern Asia Branch
(1.) Pacific Islands Section. Netherlands East
Indies, Sarawak, Nriti sh North T-ornec),
the Philippine Islands, Portu;uese Timor,
Australia, New Zealand, farmer Japanese
mandates, Lri ti sh, French and New
Zealand island possessions
SOU A theastAsia Section. Burma, Indochina
Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00022R000400120009-9
Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : 'CIA-RDP84-00022R000400120009-9
ederated "clay States, UTnfOder ate3d
!I Lay ~tatesp Straits Sett7ements
('114") India Sec tion a W=ndia, Ne `]al , B vaton, Ceylon
Port u:uese and J reach enc.'1ave3,
tom cTi t3. n of the 11%ivislon
It is proposed that the Division be established car
transferring -to i 4 the Par Fast Division of IRIS which
included, as of December 19 1 94.5, a staff of 120 employees,
of whom 93 were in professional Grades and 27 in CAF CradesQ
The 2946 suppleriental budget provided for a total of 27,7
positions. The budget submitted for 1947 provides for a
total of 114 positions. It is not proposed to transfer any
other existin- State Department units or personnel to the
An organization chart of the Division is attached?
Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00022R000400120009-9
Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00022R000400120009-9
Organization Chart
Division of Far East Intelligence
Japan Branch
Japan Political
Japan Economic
Section 9
Office of the
Division Chief
China Branch 1 , Southern Asia Branch
China Political
China Economic
Toga Section
Pacific I
IJ St5u"Gl"ci~E3f3~+. ~} 8:iec
India 5Ae'ia To-:7
Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA7E2DP84-00022R000400120009-9
Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00022R000400120009-9
- 50 - 4E IS t~~a--y
7, Division
f~;.. e"1f,`'7"fix! :7i11ri? iC'a~i Al?T,E'?~1a?~r;Ci"avn (This
DtvIeion covers al.'. of Central and South America, and the
islands of the Ca.r"JAiean Sea,, exciuclin the possess? on:! of
the United States.
(1) Proposed routin z: bol A ARI.
(2) or;anization structure. The Division will be
composed of Sections as follows t
(a) ?,exico section.
(b) Caribbean and Central America Section.
(c) Brazil Section.
(d) River Plate Section coverIng Arentina,
Para ;uay, and 'Cru uay .
(e) Koruh and rest Coast Section -~ coverir-; Chile,
Iolivia, ?eru, Ecuador, Colombia; and Venezuela?
(f) ieo;raphica-Ecar.orm1c Section - covering;
appropriate subjec s for the most important regions of Latin
(3) t - 1 - . ' e yision. It is proposed
that the I)ivistor. be established by trarsferrin,,-,; to it the
a ^'IS Latin American Division which included, as of 101
heco f er 1945 a staff of 39, of whorl 31 were in prof es ?Ion i
.trades and 8 in CAF grades. The 1946 Supplemental Lud. et
provided for a total of 35 posit Lens. b;:d;;et subrilt; to
for 1947 provides J 'sr a total of 56 potion
Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00022R000400120009-9
Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00022R000400120009-9
J:T; e;al cb 3?f t clser Y:{]cl ,o'cls, alli,)wanc was made for the
toms LEd etc:a separately for? 1A'A2. F:.na_'ysld Sit; ti on of
ti.-le % vls:on of l~t:it'nIcan H u'.;lics Ar.,&Iysis and Liaison,
and t'rlosa post, Lion. were deducted ror, the s. tal he1.i.:.vetl
to be ne d.e_d to ade; u ,tt', covera.Ze of the area. As
po3.^ted out a3'ove, the nemberm o.f the "" e 'which -me-
Pared this r er)orarnd.(with ,-:ho e;=.coptiw of : r. Allan)
believe that ~;-'Jhe Analysis Section of xlL (9 professional and.
10 clerical) sshoul(f,to transferred to the proposed. Div1:aion
of .Americafepui l ,,s lntelli eerce, since they are of the
opinion that the combination, in one Division in the pro-
posed. Office of he..earch and Cn t;elligence, of respons: bi aty
for all poll ', eco;-iomlic, rci -eo`,raphic Irntelli,enc=;o
co-;cernir~-; tho A,'tro icaz: ftepublicc, will provide th.e best
y} t.~ t.~is y
ror'~eano~.; CI-;~J. ..l~ ~t t313.:i_vaZ.y eU'etit o'Xf?ic"
and a d a.tlvis mn a of the Department .1.. has no1.. l.b' F''1 '~ to T? c:..? '}.~,i'sE zi as to tf $t
t.z?ar.S.f 1~i~by u.~.Lc h. ,s. i.a.ciPa with th :/
IsE?o r.apl,10-.1 ~f f1e ; in r;~t~ )Ci :Ln n alt t3-'. natI 'r i~~ .31
oet fnrt;'b :t a+k:3 '`tom ;r iprt r.tix Ir decent.r- izi !",
pro ems y egt.abs.:i. ,air,
a research Division it e?acr_ t; eorarahie 0f f`' ce,
Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00022R000400120009-9
Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00022R000400120009-9
Amarit;ar. 13t7: ,x1011
C.0.'..?..3 .Lwc ~i Sat'.Z-)
Ca .bbean and Central No ?th and We. rap hioa). research division sin
G eo ;r aphiaa1 Off 1;:ea ~
a. To aot i enora11, as researoh and analys .v body
for 6eokLrap41cai division,
b,, To px?epa.ra any ;' er E ssary cur r.snikt+ situation
reports on po31t ical pond' tions
V. To prepare rand m.intatn basic Information on
currant ba:3 #.s :z ra4, rding, c~7uutrie s in re;s ectiz,e
d4 To stud.; and, report on spocifle proolez as
requ st.ed by e divlsiot or on own
i.rdtialuive with concurrence of geoZraphical
Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00022R000400120009-9