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July 26, 1974
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Approved For Release 2002/06/18 : CIA-RDP84-00463R000100040023-6 SECRET 2 6 JUL 1974 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Management and Services SUBJECT : Activity Report - Office of Finance 1. The following is a summary of certain significant activities of the Office of Finance for the week ended 26 July 1974: a. Fair Labor Standards Act 25X1 (1) oics, visited New urieans to review a successful revision of the Department of Agriculture payroll system to accommodate FLSA. This visit confirmed that our preliminary design concepts are on target; however, revision of the CIA pay system will require substantial system redesign. The Agriculture National Finance Center, which payrolls over 100,000, was able to more readily redesign for FLSA since their pay system already included fractional (quarter- hour) reporting of work and leave data. The Agriculture system also relies more heavily on its time and attendance clerks to make substantive decisions and inputs that simplify computer routines. The representatives of OP, OJCS, and OF who are currently assessing the overall impact of FLSA are preparing a paper outlining basic options for which management approval will be desired before proceeding with systems design. met with Messrs. P develop a means of notifying ying foreign field employees of their exempt or non-exempt status under FLSA. Since all foreign work is exempted from FLSA, foreign Installation employees are being apprised of general FLSA guidelines by book dispatch and being advised that they are exempt while abroad. Upon reassignment to this country or upon TDY return, employees will 25X1 25X1 SECRET Approved For Release 2002/06/18 : CIA-RDP84-00463R000100040023-6 W T Approved For Release 2002 0 /18 : CIA-RDP84-00463RQQ0100040023-6 SUBJECT: Activity Report - Office of Finance be notified by their component offices of their exempt or non-exempt designation based on their actual job designation as recorded in their personnel file. 25 b. CIARDS. prepared an initial draft of a staff paper for Management Committee consideration in approving a course of action respecting CIARDS funding requirements- rnished to Messrs. for review and comment. c. Audio-Visual Self-Study Facility. The Audio- Visual Self-Study ac ty in the Key Building for personnel in the Rosslyn area, became operational on 22 July. Equipment for both black-and-white videotape and, color videocassette training programs and a wide range of OJCS training programs in the computer field are. in place. Courses in management and other non- computer fields should be available later in the summer, when commercial rental contract arrangements have been completed. During the first week of operation, one person completed a course in Decision Logic Tables, and two others have begun a course in Systems Analysis. During the second week four additional students will begin work on a Data Processing Concepts Course. d. VIP (1) OF met with two repre to scuss procedural matters related to the transfer of responsibility for VIP computer outputs from the OJCS Programmer to the OJCS Production Unit. C used by Y in comp on VIF epos is with that Company. The charge against interest earned for the "expense" factor did not appear to have been computed in accordance with the contract stipulation. Although the amount in question was only $55 for the first year, it would be an increasingly significant amount in later years. 25X1 25X 25X) Approved For Release 200g(F6eff-RDP84-00463R000100040023-6 Approved For Release 2002/Z-RE]FDP84-00463RQ0100040023-6 SUBJECT: Activity Report - Office of Finance 2. follows We have been informed orally that General has accepted our position na w credit additional 1973 interest to the VIP account. = has been working was completed and o the Offic. of Security for ennvA4n&+4.... ..,1.s- ,-. f. Sec he special project report on whichr ` of the approval ,.,....~ +Wa 0,&,a +sarzG;ation process required for project liquidation plans. Significant activities for the next week include the J! Thomas B. Yale pv~irector of Finance 25X1 25X11 25X11 25X) IA-RD P84-00463R000100040023-6 Approved For Release 20~f6~ft