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Approved For`'Iease 2005/01/10 : CIA-RDP84-00499"00500110009-1 TO: A. B. Darling 1 July 1952 SUBJECT: CIA Activity in Scientific Intelligence I Scientific information, within the --framework of -National Se- curity interests, may be considered to exist at three levels: 1. Raw intelligence, constituting facts of current discovery and applicability not evaluated beyond assessment of probable re- liability. 2. Processed intelligence, constituting ordered and assembled intelligence material fully evaluated in the light of existing scien- tific knowledge and theory. 3. Scientific research, constituting positive development and transcending scientific intelligence, the latter being only one and frequently a minor area of data available for such research. . It is probable that the line between 2 and 3 above has not al- ways been clearly recognized within CIA, and particularly in OSI. It is obvious that item 3 above is no concern of CIA or any part thereof. However, it is of concern to non-intelligence components of the other IAC agencies, such as the Office of Naval. Research, Bureau of Ordnance, Air Material Command, AEC, and others. CIA has properly two classes of customers for production of matters under item 2 above. One class is the components of the other IAC agencies enumerated in the previous paragraph, as well as other elements of the government such as RDB. This class has use for such information because of its possible effect on the course of military scientific developnent in the US. The second class is made up of the IAC agencies as such, particularly including CNE with- in CIA. Their interest is in the presentation of enemy scientific Approved For Release 2005/01/10 : CIA-RDP84-00499R000500110009-1 Approved ForQ&lease 2005/01/10 : CIA-RDP84-00499 00500110009-1 ILLEGIB ILLEGIB capabilities for national security planning, and among the IAC com- ponents of the Defense Agencies and the JCS, for specific war plan- ning. The evolution of the role assigned to CIA in the field of scientific intelligence is best understood if we first define the gap in our intelligence that needs to be filled. High-level con- sideration of the problem from 19L.6 on pinpointed one deficiency: the lack of current and continuing facial informmation on what was going on in the USSR. This definition of what was critically needed was clearly expressed as late as 1950, when the ad hoc committee to review the state of our atomic energy intelligence reported to the NSC on 9 June 150 that the problem of providing adequate intelli- gence on Soviet atomic energy activities is not separable from the general problem of intelligence against the USSR. This clearly in- dicated that the deficiency was in (ntelligence)collection rather than in the ability to process information once it had been obtained in raw form. Concurrently, as the USSR became more clearly and more univer- sally recognized as the target(of US defense and intelligence acti ityl, it a:Lso became more obvious that espionage must be the chief source of (current and ccontinuing ;factu information on what was go- ing on in the USSR. Since CIA was given the mission of espionage as a service of common concern, this threw upon CIA the main bur- den of building up the flow of raw intelligence on the USSR. Processed intelligence, the specific assignment of CSI, should be viewed (in this context-)as a function, a channel of transmission Appro - - 000500110009-1 ILLEGIB Approved For r (ease 2005/01/10 : CIA-RDP84-00499WO500110009-1 -3- between collection at one end and utilization in foreign-policy plan- ILLEGIB ning, both diplomatic and military, at the other. The job that needed to be done was in one respect more humble, and in another more com- plex, than appears to have been recognized and accepted by OSI. Fur- thermore, the area of CIA authority was more touchy and delicate than in almost any other field. This is because, except for contributions to national estimates, in which the finished product of OSI is the raw material of ONE, the whole range of scientific intelligence is within the sphere of competence and responsibility of the Defense Es- tablishment and its . component) services. ILLEGIB Historically the recognition of the need for_~apec?alists and special skills in guiding the collection,,arrd carrying out the pro- Technical Section within SI/,PASS in May, 1913. Its first job was 1 cessing of scientific intelligenegan with the creation of the level processing, the screening and reviewing of `incoming')raw inter rectives in response to customer needs. In this work it serviced 32 of the Government, mostly in the Armed Services different e&nen ts and including the Manhattan Project. It should be noted, however, that the Technical Section was a sub-unit of a collecting branch, and not a processing branch itself. There is no evidence that the Research and Analysis Branch addressed itself particularly to the field of science, t lough it did prepare such reports in response to mil~V i&~~P ~ e121065` ~1 ~IA-1 E 8 9~ 0 ~91I? ligence in preparation for sending such reports on to the customers acies. It very soon took on the job of preparing collection di- Approved For please 2005/01/10 : CIA-RDP84-00499Rp00500110009-1 ILLEGIB - - The Technical Section, geared directly to the collection mis- sion, was preserved in FSiio/SSU; became Special Division, Techno- logical under OSO,CIG in Decanber, 1945, and has had uninterrupted existence up to the present. It is now the Technological Guidance Staff, and has six branches embracing the principal subject sub- divisions of scientific intelligence" / The other stream of inheritance to CIA in the field of scientific intelligence was the Manhattan Project Foreign Intelligence Section, was transferred to CIGs after an interval was placed in the Scientific which, by arrangement between General Vandenberg and Branch of CRE, later was placed, apparently very loosely, in OSO, and finally became a component of CSI. Within its field of atomic energy inteLLigeice, this group had a wide and. comprehensive charter, includ- ing guiding collection, processing reports, making digests and esti- mates, and arranging dissemination. CSI, in simplest toms, came into existence because of the ex- treme desire for current infon3nation on scientific progress in the USSR. Its success, in the eyes of its customers, was to be measured in the increase in the flow of such information. Because everyone was agreed that espionage was the chief hope for such information from such closely guarded areas of the world, OSCZ was the chief hope for increased collection. However, other areas had lesser potentials and were equally in need of guidance. These included Foreign Docu- ments and Contact Divisions within CIA and overseas elements of State, Army, Navy and Air. Ccnplex as the job of collation, digesting and estimating by OSI may have been in prospect, it was secondary to the Approved For Release 2005/01/10 : CIA-RDP84-00499R000500110009-1 ILLEGIB STAT Approved ForIease 2005/01/10: CIA-RDP84-00499$#00500110009-1 ILLEGIB -5- job of insuring that there would be something to collate. In starting its job, OSI logsc asked itself two questions: What do our customers want? What can our suppliers give? 0SI had to have partial answers to both these questions in order to start to work. But it also had to prove its capacity to produce in order to win the confidence and respect of its clients and thereby dis- pose them to supply the necessary answers. This is the dilemma that has been with CIA from the beginning. The agency carne into exist- ence as the junior partner with senior authority at least by statute. But regardless of statute, as a practical. matter it had to earn its position in the intelligence family. IWhere successful cooperation has been achieved, it has been the result of the gradual develop- ment of a:mutual exchange with benefits accruing to both partners. / There is evidence that CSI started out expecting all doors to be opened to it as a preliminary to its getting to work. This meant on the one-hand complete details of the activities of the research and development activities of the armed services and other elements of government charged wd th the creation of new weapons and equip- ment; on the other hand, complete details about the agents, con- tacts, sources and operational activities of the intelligence col- lecting offices and elements. By asking so much before offering anything in return, QSI created an atmosphere of mistrust and stand- offishness in many of the areas where close harmony was essential to success. A p'6O 9rS eR&M&eA }611 OFAODW'4-T504J9 5'Mr1 0 toughest ILLEGIB Approved For~Wease 2005/01/10 : CIA-RDP84-00499 00500110009-1 ILLEGIB assignment within the Agency. There is no question that it was in- tended to be the clearinghouse and coordinating core of all scientific intelligence. To persons with a background in the freemasonry of science, the compartmentalization of the intelligence process must present a maze of frustration. The distinction between the second and third levels of scientific information within the Government, as defined. above, was far from sharp and clear. Yet the second level was as far as CSI was chartered to go, and when it appeared to the Army or Navy that it intrude into the third level, sharp re- sistance was inevitable. When CSI came into the picture, the Technological Staff, QSf, was growing to maturity in its function as a channel between consu- mers and CSC field collection. It had its several branches for atomic energy, biological warfare, etc., nd had recruited scientists in these various special fields to provide competence in scientific terminology and understanding. It also had intelligence personnel of long experience who understood the methods and difficulties of field collection and-had developed a close working relationship with the geographic divi_si_ons which were in command of the field stations. Thus the customers, in addressing collection directives to CSC, come in direct contact with an el anent of CIA which under- stood both the subject matter of science and the techniques and capa- bilities of field collection. The function of translating between these two fields was an essential one that was being performed more and more adequately. So far as production of intelligence in 050 was concerned, the situation was progressing satisfactorily. The Approved For Release 2005/01/10 : CIA-RDP84-00499R000500110009-1 ILLEGIB Approved ForWease 2005/01/10 : CIA-RDP84-00499W0500110009-1 -7- difficulty at this time and in this particular area lay in the fact that espionage operations against the USSR were extremely difficult and many years short of full and fruitful development. The total take was inadequate to the needs of the customers, and in prospect would continue so for some years. The optimistic and unrealistic expectation for COI was that it would stimulate a quick and substantial increase in this take, an ex- pectation for which there was no basis in fact. The second expecta- tion for OSI, more realistic, was that it would do for the entire Agency, and indeed the entire intelligence community, .that 0SO's Technological Staff was doing for OSO alone. OSI would guide and collate the production, not only of OS03 but of Contact Division and Foreign Documents Division within the agency and the collecting ele- monts of the other IAC agencies. And with this total product flow- ing through its hands, it would be able to assimilate and make es- timates on a wider body of material and in turn provide more compre- hensive guidance for subsequent collection. The ;present estimate of the other TAC agencies as to the ef- fectiveness of COI is unknown to me. There is some evidence, from personal. contacts and strictly non-official, that the Office of the Secretary of Defense still feels unable to get in touch with a part of CIA which appears to them to be knowledgeable as to the whole range of CIA scientific intelligence collection. The ,present state of effectiveness of CSI in its relationship to mv FOikeleisec OD$/ ~1O i)MA 041M 0 0' oving Approved Foril &ease 2005/01/10 : CIA-RDP84-00499900500110009-1 ILLEGIB but with still room for much progress. At one point in its career, OSI considered a project for the preparation of background manuals for collection, to be carried out by the Scientific Intelligence Committee, an undertaking of particu- lar urgency and value from the viewpoint of collection. However, according to OSI's own statement, this undertaking was "deferred by pressure of higher priorities." In guiding collection by Contact Division, there continues to be an extreme urge on the part of OSI to operate by arranging con- ferences between OSI personnel and original sources of information. This as an expedient can and frequently does work satisfactorily. But it tends to reduce coverage since it is limited by the avail- ability of OSI personnel for travel about the US. If written require- ments susceptible of effective fulfillment by contact specialists throughout the US could be developed into more general use, it is ob- vious that far wider coverage would result,44l One other factor worthy of note is that Contact Division headquarters still maintains its on liaison with the Air Material Command at Wright Field. It is fairly obvious that the reason for this is that AX feels that Con- _ tact Division headquarters is a more direct, informed and knowledge- able channel to the point of actual fulfillment of their requirements than GSI would be. The drawback is that ANC thereby activates the collecting; capacity of ContactDivision alone, and loses the theoreti- cal advantage of activating the collecting capacity of the entire in- telligence community though OSI's broader control and liaison. How- ever, the relationship and participation of CCD to any Agency-wide Approved For Release 2005/01/10 : CIA-RDP84-00499R000500110009-1 Approved ForiWease 2005/01/10 : CIA-RDP84-00499RD00500110009-1 ILLEGIB collection directive in the scientific field may also be pertinent to this, and may result in what appears to the customer - in this case AMC -- as still another middleman to add remoteness to the re- lationship between customer and client. In girding collection by 0SO, OSI has made substantial, strides in the past year. Despite this, only a minor part of the scientific collection in OSO' has the benefit of OSI guidance. From the OSO viewpoint, one of the most valuable services that OSI could perform would be to establish priorities for scientific collection, to the point of a flat statement that information on uranium production was more urgently needed than information on radar development. No such statements of priorities have yet been forthcoming. Another serv- ice of great value is the preparation of guides and questionnaires which translate the abstruse topics of scientific importance into the capabilities of field collectors whose knowledge of science is at the lay, rather than the expert, level. One such guide was com- pleted in October, 1951, after several months of cooperative en- deavor. It was in the field of chemistry, directed at a specific intelligence target, and worked out a long series of low-level in- dicators., details that any alert laymen could observe and understand, which, when reported, would provide the desired answers to the scien- tific question posed. ';chile only one item in a large field, this detailed guide was a milestone in the development in the relationship of the two offices, since it successfully linked two unrelated types of skill and knowledge into an effective team operation. The entire above discussion doubtless regards the CSI mission as Approved For Release 2005/01/10 : CIA-RDP84-00499R000500110009-1 Approved For Tease 2005/01/10: CIA-RDP84-004991?AO0500110009-1 - 10 - on a much lower plane than OSI' on definition. Certainly any con- sideration that slights 0SI's mission of producing processed and co- ordinated scientific intelligence is incomplete and unbalanced. How- ever, there are certain elanents in the overall problem which justify placing this mission as secondary in time even if not in importance: 1. From the customer's standpoint, the critical lack in US in- telligence on scientific development in the USSR is in obtaining the raw information rather than in interpreting it once it is obtained. 2. Scientific research as such is of no concern to CIA except as it serves as a tool for obtaining current and continuing informa- tion about the USSR. 3. Conclusions and estimates regarding scientific development in the USSR can never be better or sounder than the raw material on which they are based. Approved For Release 2005/01/10 : CIA-RDP84-00499R000500110009-1