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~.he jlUlt! QC ilaSPIOdONIKULd All. t,116 1/1134; UX IL Ability of Coffet (CoMa Itobusta WWI) SIM610 0 by P. A. Oenkelt Choa Shih-Shu# 5 PP. RMIMj per,, M ftateuiyp Vvl V# go 4# pp 305-309. Amer lost of Utol Scl Sci - BLcl Jul 59 Thear.v of Cbarge Tramport on the Surftca *I' 3cnicon- ductor FLIa=enta, by 0. Chobamp 6 ?Ps per Fiz Twordoeo TsU. Vol IXT, ft B., 1%10 fjp. 24% . i&~ AIP &W rqu - Solid Slot* Vol M. rc a ,( f, ez" r" 7 0, b:, Div= Chpb-';-4q;,'r. 0. lnot�' Q, Vo 1 ITV, -o 2, 1%0o P-n T5-71' J!'PL; ( -M -15111-) E=Mj ion of tba Tbyrold lunatiOn by Wans of Radiftative Iodine in tb4 P4411ktiolk Treatment of Car*luom of the Larynxg by K. M. Chochia, Ye. M. ShvurtsbMp 7 pp,. RUSSIM, per# Wit ledlolp No 81p 100. JP= 7190 Doc M-5171) ,Pbe Use of Hadtownive GOIA for ON Tmuta*ut Of scmw mallgo"t Iftoplums A. Vo KwAlop A. I. stramblutup & N. ch"movi pp. MSSIM, per, WAI% ft&Up&p 1* 8# 1960o im Ine act / 9 4~1 .3 13 Doc 6o The Role of Tomogmphy In the Dii4posts of Cancer of the Larynx, by R. M. Rablnovicb,, Ko st Chochla) 10 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Vqprouy 03kaqal, Vol V, No 9, 1959, pp 279-07- pp Sci Aug 60 / x oq~ J-1z' (DC-3!)80)* scientific woft of ow Dwoubwat 0t ftploal Geogrqft 14MIM&-ad ftiveralty VMS Ur so so a moch", 6 9p- Imin qw,* Vat La&UWM go 1b US !a!-gmdo 19", ;; 132435- Av. 3"k farl 90"0p / of"A ", Low-Molecular Dioxane Lignin,, by H. M. Chockdevs, N. I. Nikitin, 3 fil pp. W ...... ]RUSSIAN, per, Zhux,, Prik Kbimp Vol XWVp No 12, 1961, PP 2733-2T36- CB sci a4, 34 2 oat 62 Manazenut od OrgaMeation ot AgelOwtWooo by choebou RUWJLt 9 7 pp, 0 PIWO"Ttm-wvm- -0 CZECK 9 ffse"disrotwil. *a 13 (t?),O NOW 1 0 5d.40. 064 Vp S im wo "t U-Csecb*&t*vAkl& Eem ftb 65 2730911 Laborutorll,~-, ~'or the Van De Grauff Acinlcrutcir '.n the lnstitlibz of Nuclear Ratitearch of 'Wei Czcchc..--Ivval- Acatlemy of Sclencc3, by Tgar Chcchlc-.-)V, VIndindr Kufner, Frnntis0c Wovy, 10 pp FOR OirTr ~C-IAL USE ONLY CZECH, per, Jrderna P-nergic, Vol. VI, No 'ii, 19(,00 Prague, -,p JPRS 5190 Sci - Nue n1j's USAZIAt sc - i-i.,,.,rL /6o COPSIGHT Aug 60 The LabcwGtory of the Van do Graaff Type of Ac- celerator in the Institute for Nuclear Research of the Czechoslovak Atademy of Scienceep by lgcr Chochlovskyp Vladimir 103fawp Frantisek OM, 9 -pp CZECHS wp Ja4erna Raergie, Vol no, So 3.- 1960p pp 80-82. USASIAt SC-32"/60 Sci - Nuclear Physics jus 6o In I lilt of cc** 0m 17 vp- P*6=9* hoist" JL -W M~Illd soft Mr (75 Objeotiveo of CQ1dug Plants Constrixtilon In tho Th4rd Fivo-Year r&t by M. Chooboo~ 6 pp. ?Gi WICIAL USS CZ=., par, ftliva, Vol XLO Mo 7j, XJ40j pp 201-203, JRM 6185 Xgur - Czech(mlovaki& Soon Nor 60 .1-31, J;-S-3 sow Beacut lit I rs N . P f] I q I fl m the Outiml and infraooru=a MARIDU of VW AUatorjr MMSbo3Ajp Both AbooUftm an& 1w mm no=, per, hmainau st U61400* T" VI) so 912bo 290o IV 719-73D. 99A 60466W ftl gp.-X-.1p Vol IV.. RD n mw 6e 1, 4 - Chocholle. Rcn~. AUDIIGRY DIFI-ERENTIAL INTFNSITY IN THE Clitc-CluAlf., It. PRESENCE OF A coNrRALATERAI, MNE OF DIE SAME FREQUENCY. [19631 [Z7jp. 5 refs. Order frorn SLA S 2. 60 I-111181"I'l Trans. of Acustica (Switzerland) 19.Si. v. 7, It. 75-83. DESCRU'l-ORS: "Audiornetry, *Hearing, O'l7hresholdr. I (Physiology), Attenuation. Attenustorii, OE&r. Settoory mechnnisms) Sound. Tests. Measurement. Variations in the intensities received at ooe ear art mea,ured while a steady tone of the same frequency is measured at the other car. Examination of the response curves anti their slopes in the middle pertion. as voell at, of the differential thresholds. shows that there is nlv,&Y$4 an attenuation in differential sentAtivity. Tbia phevinuitti- enon will be ii, - ril,zv tilt !-isJ-t-i tht- lrl'X;l sity of tong on the 9ther car. .11t can bq assurned that thit e feLt is or cortic, I origin and is, perhaps. a gmstionod contrast. (Authur) (Biological !iLitrA;eii--?hyoiolog), rr. v. 10, no. I I I Illim W Titioril 110I.Ca. chocboup- ReD& 1 0-18737 WE WFEKENTIAL "I i'ESIOLD OF D(mHaTy 1. cno*AUN P. IN ME PW3MCE OF A CWMALATERAL. TONE OF SAME P"4JENM. [INS) Mo. 10 refiL Order frarn SLA $2.60 63-18737 Tram. avfmrml de] phydawe (Franae) 1959. T. 51. 0.813-8 . DESCRWMM niftsirv. nuradm" (Fhyvbkw% *AudiocwKry. Audlafro*micy, Wouroknuscular tratw- mlsWo% Auditory nes va AccordbW tD 9w mumlvJW Ku6w ciarrW ow to do wort. do dkffftvnW Mm*," obalmd by-nowieft do bxwWry variations cc aiw sar wWo y applyUg a mt~Wy tm of dm NNW fx*4"wy to dw adier car. are the WS%r. as do too* io bimousaft In pwoo "darothowweriftim, to out td rovided t2w frogmawy is lamr fto 100D cyt=/"C - MAW of 1~4bftd sewog = scf --Physiabo. TT. Y. 10i m% lllws~ ; -M A New Speclea of Herwleu4 ft= the Oumift rJuposits of Gurlyas by K. I- CbOW4vm, 3 IN- m=in), Wo -Dok Ak ftuk SMs Vol CM, No 3j, 1960, pp 630-632. AGS Sol im 61 / I-P FraCt4onal Comi~osituion o" I at-aml. and, Sul"ated Cel-li-lose from Larch, by 11. '1. Cliocliyqiva, v- -T Brest!:in, 5 Fp- RUSSIAll, per., Zhur Khira, Vol Ian, fla 7, 1963, PP 15-'6-15'11- CB Sci Sep 64 566, 514 o;' Dicnaan- Ligain, by M. H. 4 JL J. P,WSIAII, per, Zhur Prih Mim., Vol XXXI:Ks No J.p 7;P 613-63~6. CmmultdaU Duvalm SCI ;Pay 6o Y / 4.2 J & A Study of the ChsmLG4 PrOpOU&S Of vlaxwo LLgain from Oak &A OwWa CoallWep bw N. 14. wNufte"ll *. I. Kul"# 7 W. FaMMAZWO Sbw 100 AW4 VOL M No LIP AM pp iftc6ml. a" - Cbm Feb 59 yr/,, ?7jr Technique of Fftetionation of Wood Oellul"as IW the Nitrate Method, by K. No "Ons IlL, I'Ammu"t and No L Kildtin, p 6 =3DYj, pw# Zbw PrIk Mao VA =Is As 99 1,9629 vp 2025 - W" ja 63 Tlormuwloa of OAMIMI ramms by 6 pp. MIAN, Per, gbmi*M tv"ti.- *1 XVv $6 50 Wo pq 397AW. 96?6M miff-a-ula sci - Chm / f 4 ~? / Tbo Effect of TASOW101 cc voocalw amm*law After K&Uikrodn., ty W. RwmMdd4mdC*jv A. OWAM~j a pp. pa=j, pers Act& SWULCLOSIM FoLodomp Vol nvp so Itfi, 190. (m 63-22)mt* Aim a" ja 64 The Influence of Clutamic Acicl on tkx- Coiu-"- of Hypoglycemic Shock in Norml and Adrenalectomized Rate., by A. Chodar~;, A. Mrozikievicz, 8 pp. POLISH, per, Act& Physiologica Pblonica, Vol XIV, No 3, 1963- On 63-li4w/3. FL-480 Scci jun 64 260;,908 (NY-64p) Dmmlopmut Prompmu tbr Ow NoebaskMaLlAce of coustrucacm In lbiwo owlm 196L. 1980j, by r4slalm ft~~ IT pp. PMM, pro resmowd 201"MW 1 Badovulatup -- -a- -1 " ovej, pp 679-603. an IV" BMW - polum AN, 4~0-4 r4m jar 62 24034mcmi- ARpaWl-loss, of the Zimm to odfttap 1w P. vmbooms a. ahoftwn%4 7 W. p=sAF PW* ft=Luft I awft pbos Ta Mwo ft so 2963s im 277-M. I M 6343AM PlAft SA - Bial & VA acd j 414yo 0 ep 3 130063 (Dc-wn) A Case Of Bmwell"" in sh"VP by wr" Chodkmskl.a lAOP03Ld Ug*rB)do S%SMS)zr 4;tAml*kl, 3 vp. FOLIM, per, mayal -to.#,-L74jft# T" XU.. NO 91 1960, pp 5330 53k. am 6%c sai - It"d Apr 61 l'or7l fj-.* Research on Bnlc-.Ilot;io in Polamd,, by J., Purnimill, A., It L%odkonskiy. K. Lazugm,, T, bder&ejmwkij.* SIM,, bk,, Yedecka Nonferencis o Brue6loze., 1955, 335-346. CIA 9016903 - Mdicln-- 10.1 53 Chod,urowskj, EFFECT OF THE ADDITION OF W, SID, Al AND B 014 THP. STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES OF A HEAT-RESISTANT CAST ALLOY BASED 0%; NIMONIC 90. 1965, 47p (foreign text Included) l6refa. NLL-3,1.5411. Order from NLL as M.6411 I fin I I I I 'J I, Linthm, (Etigl.nth Trans. of instytut Mechaniki Precyzyjn*j. Prace (Poland) Y10 n35 p1-15 1962. Effect of the Addition of Wo Mio, Al,, 4 b on the Structure and Properties of a flost.-to R*3iSt&nt Cast Alloy Based am flim"mic 80, by j. Chodorawski. POLISH, per,, Pmo Ina Moth Prwcy#yjr*j0 Vol X. No 35, 1962, pp 1.15, NLL Raf: 332U.4 1963 CS421) (lomm) SCI - Engr Peb 64 64 SETP (my-WAO A CM Plialt. for ProductUft Of OUNAK4 OWLGS 43C Construction Rmhimep by ZdsUlw OboaMUG 20 FoLm, per, praftW adcmlwp Vol 3= , Ito 3& 196o., waveav, pp 1M-U3. JM 5579 Imirw - Solriet sloe peon - Conetrucuou ambims Oct 6o tb;--- ReilaztUm frt,-ip~rtlem af Surfaces as Reprds Street Lightinet bV A. Febl, QCRMANp per,, Llebttftbnlk, Vol VUp So Up 105p pp h22426. D.B.I.A./nm Scl - Pffeles 711z-- W/- ITO Apr 57 M/dW The Effect of 2*,rotropin on Radiomtogmphic Pattern and Rmation of the Thyroid in Wite Mee., by S. gLodyaickip L. Gutoze., T pp. POLISEI,, per.9 Raddla-ynologia Polskap Vol Mp NOS., 1-2,, 1963. $ow 63-n4W/1-2 PLAW sci june 64 10 261m560 lwa-~wl cbmvw to wo Imm mV memo allaft ng, nw 0=460"m sawdso sttot ots Ir 8, chodpdmdo awl"* PWI 11,11101 MOMMORLA& a-an a - - 1 a ~ W, pp )LI-3me oim-w 23 D" 67 kWWINW DOWNIPMOMM tilk 9*006 Ilreftitt Wk I =a8- "g6 ftwo am@** no % Al"Aw I* to. 2 AMOM FSAW46 Zan s" " aw *4 Structure oi the haticaial Licaway anu i,;aq) of lixonmaic Growtiko by Calm Cliwig-kUk" 1s pp. 01"4, per, Kulloja, Na 17, S Sept IU44, pp 110-27. JMS 27,874 Asiu-Kurea Econ Feb 65 2720533 ovit MR" ww "~ In "" 0" V^ijtcvo a (fela il~ Tmro a Pp. WOW40A FM so fb 40 to* w 5 ll~ - A" I" re 40 Jam sar, we 63 Basic Mmt4iods Of Carryix4l Out IA"8 'Yg&r'li SMOULc Pi=., by chtoe ch,ol,, 6 pp IMWMj, ap, Minju Oxmmo 24 Feb 65jo p 2. JPFS 29614 04(ores soon Apr 65 2"01" Qft" PAN SO AGAU t* IK 400ft(, mff or mam NaWk W =49 OMOOWN016, 06 am^ fix# RAMOO 0 10 s to % IV "10 J" "0" nEtmom mom on 6" S$$04* (DO-39%). 0ow"o Ptodw Kft U-sweld lmtmtl*tw In the P'yoDj3r&U fta"=tor's OMIOMP by.131#00, lokkoolAs 7 pp. XaFam, per# NWA sd)V,, so ~.. ".. lp 13-0361, am -%*p 32 - Om ftl 0 Lool Yoy/f ftr 60 7 Gwerr--~-.wm Woricam A--* the loyal Sarvir-ta- Of the P6opUp ?LPP*M# lkrw~g;iu ppo KM"Np npq pp 2-3* JM 3VM FE- Kcava, PbI Ajg 65 Cantimal ApplIcatias of the ChonWo'cl Method and A low Two la Iscressed gliloduillon of Grain and ProducUum of Cr - , Owdsp by Yi Kollmo,"qb~C* lklbym., IL6 pp. VOEMAP UPS Imoft sl~jv A J" 29"p V2. im 7w FE - NW" Icon J~m 61 SpeciaUzation in Livestock ~by Vtao dijmg- yonG, 5 pp NOMM, up, KinN Cho@= 2D Feb 65, p 2. PIG 2)-614 FZ-Korm gem Apr 65 L79iL% 'm -2 -1 IN 1 - caw"# 53 w o=muwzi MAN'l - 11 - t R - Ir Ob" lk n. hadwitten supo wwabwio ra a Kutw In an awes AMC A OB zw~ Aos Tn amw sftl~ mw~ CPO ~ - 1"1 6,0 LET US XIM STRENGTHEN THE PARTY LEADERSHIP IN THE LABOR-FARMER'S RED GUARDSp BY CWOE KAP..Sol~.p 11 PP. KOREAN, PER, TANG SAOPI MAY 1962p PP 25-33- JPRS 15520 FE - KOREA POL OCT 62 212,890 'A VAM V"UTf IM SO WAM V m w am M&OTA*. =W4 W. . am 1- -0 sommo It Jav at*' &now ;j, F940VA ECON *Jft Im 63 Dotcriairx-llioln of Work 1 C/a 6 trY. 'u,,r (70 WN-Buy . . . .......... KOTS.A-rl, 1:,cr Cc' A al M-cor, 1),, a 6,L Chemicalization of the North Korean Econcw,~, b-y Ch'oe Wm-hyon, 5 pp. KOREAN, per, Kyongje ChIalk, No 71 1961, pp JM 10741 Asia - tv'cz-th Korea 7,1 Econ ilo-.r TO WVIOLY Iwo= am prowlift W..Off - 6 pp. WIM4 Pft mm~ womplo, 140 oleo I ~ a ; j . OMs" FIE a INOM low .OA 63 Wvo$ (FDD 25143) CoUective ptrength (Karea)p by Cb$**_OM-tA)IL# 9 pp. JIUSUM i2m me Bee ILX, 37-39* n - Korea 0?,714 441 244M c" 71/Aft 15 REVOLUTIGI no WIM16 w gm 16*6 4 opitiodo, OWN, VMS Musa$ 0 06 " 4o& . 4 ims" r FC400 ra . 0u 63 A&WAI - Abba I i '). 0 -b ~--, Hydropermdd* Stuaom, POrt IM, 021datlaft Rawtion or cyciokewmei with Rydreem Pw dot tw s, choe, JAPMESE& We ftmum~64 s TO% 81 w E0 .49 19W 0 pp RTC-71--10219-07C Now 71 Ileport of AWACW of sciawom vice-4twi4cglt G1004 Sm-yol to the Fourtb ConOw nce or tbo Aauuta%W of Scion.-ass by Chloe Sm-ya,, 23 pp. M=N, d CPR minju Choeaus Val Uxi, 110 330r, ?,7mcy&uZf 22 Jan 19500 p 3- =/Nm U-316" PE - KmvG aAf 9~ef %WIr Sat AwdmV of 3clunuaw '0t Soce THE PARTY CQV-!ITT-EV-S POSITI-VE LEAUL-4--flP A AND THE COMOL OF THE PARTY MUCERS AT LMiC..E,, BY CHOE SANG MUKI 10 PP. KO KOREAN) PERO KULLOJAO NO 151 20 SEP 1962o PP 7-10. JPRS 17101 FE - KOREA POL , 2ig,6o8 JAN 63 To rove4mloy so= in w Wqx 040% -cr iumi.ninL ;~4~vLy pobt-Ltberaticn Literature; by-fAba KG- chosou cla"n, so 5, 20 Sep y,!C,,, per) PP e3-95- jrm 78W FE 7-1':5- pal Sne Jean 61 ,~Owlwyult Cie ttw "fuditivi'-s3uit"It"a .-.:-,fl tt)-- rultillmn.nt ac thl Chlm- Tokesun, 6 p-i* F-1--jr, umzl~ L2=210 2-5. 23467 ImImotij, vo 1,10 3,0111's r -i~orca rc-b 65 fror Progress in Heavy Industry, by Chloe Tok-sun, d pp. KOREM, per, KyonWe Chisik, No 3, 1961, ]pp 2--(. JPIRS 107kl Apia - North Korea 7 W/, Fcon Nov 61