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Contribution to the Study of Apparatus for Mag~ natIc Cl"elficatlon, by Laude, Namtray,, FRUCH, per, Cire Infom Zech, No 2,1957, Yp 3 7-414o Co-op Tr Bch Tr 642 Scl - Engr Jan 58 J-7 74-1,:~ 11 Contribi.tion -to 'the Study of the Iffqr3vement c,- 'Uhe Abrasion Resistance cf Manganese Austenitic S'U-ecls, b~ F. J. IN-hratray, T. E. JPREL'70--I, per, Revue cle Mletalita-g-ii:!, Vol LAIIII, 'No C), %jd3= x TmL 636 (see Bisi) Sci jwi 63 Maracterl=tIon of 3blrthme Dopmutence of Intrimle VIscoalty ort l4apmture and Its Nnluatlon from sessureewts at me X12440 cantmvmtion. t7 P. marav; 0. Jkliltmia. ISUA , W. ALM-9bl"01A. V02 94, fo 5, 2964. pp 42-1035 08 39/ AS & Cl AM 1010 ID12M 1?,9 V ~e- Ave 67 336-760 Dam on PbyaWoa of Parietal ftestim, Coxaparlem of Hydrdyids of Smrch in the hiUmt1m With In Vhm wti nip ctry of IDdirm-Starch by A. M. Ugolev. M. X. "arauBkAl 6 ftUSMU.-D-"--.-R gem I medit. Vol XVU, No 4, 19", pp 16-19, JPRS 25923 Sci - 8 & M Aug 64 26%749 Pulsed Syctsm for Mantwing tha Velocity of Ultrasonic lgawav by F. F. Voroniv,, L. F. Va,raz3b4-bagin,, V. I. Marav'Ovs 5 PP. RI r5SIM,, pary Prlb,~ i Takh Wpar., No -1, 1950S.- 61-35. Instru Son of Amer sui ILP r 60 with African C=trier., -.y :9. &PIArica, D, -sftxWiay- Ter, XDVU TzWxd=, BelgrRd--, Y--V 1959, r= lkn 2362 IL-cm - rbrolga T=m Dec 59 Chameterixotlon Or Polythere. 3. Dependence of rAtrLMIC VISCOSIty On Tenperatiale And its Evaluation Fraii ftasurements At Cm Ungle Conwntration, by P. Montoudo. ITA&M, per, Oazz.OhOa-It*l.. Irol 94. fio 5. 1964. pp 1035-IM'2. (OB WAS h CTL AM 1010) p Pr U I Y)pr F CI - ~ep 67 340,o24 6 Irsvirl:5 rori n2 zhur saR ll*ra 3:, Ca 1 &Uo lqo 92 1957p PIP 8b7-8')3,, ?erg== Xr%dt Had ,174a1 1e) 4~ Effect of Action on the secoad Sional r' Syateia ora Q e Skin Galvvnic Reactic-7i to a Direct Stimulus, 'by-V. A. 11. pp. RUSODN' Per, My ~~ahey N --rr Dayatal -.>It LMenl 1. P. P&VIOVU, VDI X, no 2, 1960, X)p 2W-2CI3- pp sal Feb 62 OFDD 233~) Where TUbarculor-is Patients Go for Sanatoriun and Reath Resort Treatmentp by L. D. Ayrapetav., H. G. ~~$ V. A. abtyll.$ 85 pp. RUSSIAN,, bkp Nadu EMeltbat I Bel tacm ihgx=,Ulezcm dle Sawtorno-Mwortmogo &Mbeniya, Moscow, 1954# pp 5-95. CIA/FDD/U-7298 wg Sci - Madicinep TB ICTS 72/BOP 551 11 A. Sol-moch Ifm.ft. "PM ),?%-i -pa'-p Tbo RMats of Alcobol azd O&MIM on the carduc rxeqnmw in the conve of -menp by G. Narba 8 D* JE~~v et al. num,pwjo 00 opus auwhw Boe Ka"'Va avip No 8-9o Xq62* pp 1522-3.M. NM 4,25,63 fti - BIcI/Jbd Sol fti 63 ~76 MnvasUptlou of a bbtbDdL-of EvalusUm of tba QMUUty of M"Po I. laf Lumce of the Depriva- t1m of Ma* Opm Varlotm Quntitative Upreoslon of the E*uU=mw MMUty at the M"perp by by 0. Smbaffp 0. Na*aeh. F4R=.. per., ftall to do Malogft as BU%dbmw& :L6 ion i~6aj-, pp ew-2W. MM 4-98-63 Sol . Bjo2j*& ad ad. 63 ,,07,9 Variations of the -k g MmUUtly,p the CarAlu FnWasW and RespIrstory rMquaw in the Comm of meep the mogluence of vlft~ Otates cW M44pev by 0. Sobaffs, 0. "NtLw~h et al. III & per_# covates SDC BLOIS VOL ems Igo 8-91 196ts pp MT-IM. jui 63 FF, a 7r puzu-AgrActure arZ Prapartics cf zaaic n-coc=r m4aiiv With I= Hitrofswn, by P. L. ~Iaxba-icr Di. 11eppar, L. Dor. UECL 11R.OCK, parp Rev Wtj Jan 1951p pp 17-46. Brittah Mn &ad Steel IW (ao number sivar.) .5.01 - ULU/Not ~??/ a~67 sap 59 ~f Zia- Mlinufacture of High-Quality Basic Dasuer,,2r steel, tvy P. Cobeur., L. Marbain, J. Daubercy. U MtT No 4, rrMcH.. per, Ftev Univ Minem, Vol VI../1930. British Iron and Steel Ind (no number given) Dun/bbt S&P 59 4247 .).-ekhyjstjlbeGtral; - "Y ".~-2mp~y of ill'ost-tic ct"-reirlo-ne; c per, UrologiR, VOI X -'Vj, HO -u SITA 59,15-33-)':~- acc 59 ,r 1 l,' v c,, Izvestigation of Aircraft Noi-se During, Tal-e-aff, Uy Pimmko Parc. 47 pli, VVENCil, rpt,, Couf Doc Presentrul at the AGARD Propulsdom iwTT---- es Panel ~tevtillr - . - ~* r MR: r1t. lm'u'is., France, NkSA TT V-12,441 00 7770AIC~ ucc 69 397,539 A Solution by tub-- French to the Multi-f uel Engine Problem, by G. Grosshans,, J. 12Lreadet, et al. 45 PP. UMMOWN, World 1'L*troleum Congress (No 5) New York,, lg,qO, [fiect. VI, paper 11. BLA 60-10746 Sai OTSO Val Uls No 7 Dec 6o 1-116 National Political Prospects, by Juvenal Marcaji~?7"- Spi-OUsil, docLawnt, PerspectivaS Politicas Nacionales, pp 25-30. zp~ISF-35(17/SPECIAL LA - Wicaraguu Pol 13 Jan 65 abo '"Mart" Of tba FAmtory: Th*- Bm Cauatla sou and chlortne Plant at tba Turda ChOmIGRI Workaj by 7A. umwmo 3 PP. (4012600 Tmus on Uhw). UMUM - RUMUAN.P Vero Itmials abers, Vol M.s No 43500 4 ect 1958m, V 1. us Exur - Rumula DOGO Dea % mdio Countermeasures and In9mmatiou Theoryv by cc! rmwcauo 17 pp. (AF 553369). UNCLAWIFIED FRMCH' -Revue des Trommissignso no his, Oct 1951j, pp 29-35. ATIC F-7S-8189 Scientific - Electronics CIA 2001359 Nov 53 CIS Sdnplification of the Thorn Teat by Substitution of::Adrenochrome for Adrenaline, by Perrault, 21;, J.- Vigmlou, 0. Fbinsard, 5 pp. Mm F.IRHMH, per Bulletin WmIres Societe Medicale Aes Hopitaux de Paris.. Val LXVI, Ser 4, No 9/10, 19500' pp 405-407. Ow, 6o-10851 Vftq-~-Voi in, wo 6 J=v I Qj.hjjr4 r lin ~,zjmjnmion of 1.3 Di- Cha3.eur et Industri-e-; vol Rio 3,23: 1-952, pp !77-XF, 2.80, Brol-kn Hill P-rOP GO (Cn/-k 132) 61. ,L Lobaccop rial-m ,,*,ItuUes on the O:UUm ot V.r B. lbrom'Lu. ]!MLIW.t 2121c.*j Vol MY, no 607., 1950j. Y,p 55- LL ott 66 312,v149 Ptather Obl3br4utiong 910 -3f nw=i6, par, 3306,3 Tobaccop R- iawAm on the LApicalivation AWCOU1., 7 pp- VWL IM;e 1b 61-; Op of act 66 Stuay on the Process of Scald Occurrencev by P- MarcaUlup P. MmzUak. FMWHp pmrt Zat=mtloml C29MEG 013 RefElgeration. Processing. Cam.40 PaW 15,v 1963a 6 Pl:~S- 11th Coviamase CSnO1NO- 6757- C'C I- /- /,A/ Sai - juir 1967 334-369 (Dc-6loo) 2he Party and the "Work Among Womm", by Nalls ancenlao, 11 pp. nALZU,, ver, Ri=wc:Lt&, Vol XVM., No 3, 1961, ff 252-259. im BW5 W&W - ItQ4 POI - 1414 IF 417 Mtibme TeGt Under Progressive CharEp; A Nev rikatjLue last of Materials, by R. Marcel Prot 2-1 pp. FRmim, =no., io wt 47. siA 60-1.6883 /,?,? Sal v . uy 6P. vDi 4, No 8 Cct o-.- rolutlons a-A ti certaiL- 11717iSIAN, f-or; pp Vol Ilt No 2 Z2 -'ry'r fw e2t 61 Expansion Into Eigenfunctiou of Non-Selfadjoint Singular Differential Operators of Second Order, by V. A. Marcenko. RUSSIAN, per, Matemat Sbornik,, Vol LII(94)p 1960, Pp 739-788, Awr Hath Soc Sci-gath Sep 153 3 o~, :) b :)- SWER Ory-3330) - Davelormat of IncTQ trIal Power Slme 1944., by Berruird Iftrab, pp. RUXAWV.j per.* Sawastleas Vol VSI., No 9 Muabwestj 195.9p V 377-379- JM-2158 Mir RuMais sacm "U ma up 160 Alvut tho 66 (DC-3801/26B) ReVI Estsential Role- of the Party and Its LDvar Onraanizatlawj by Georgas MaWmis, 5 PP- zpa rranee Nouvelle., No 806, 29 Mar 1.961~ pi? 10-21. im &503 c2,6 Au r, 61 oil by C-:!027GQ13 pp JPT6 pol. (DC-3LOl) Plcm XN of' iork to Rciuf orce Pl~.rL-j Orf~;Mi~:atiori, by Georc.-cr, 7 PP- FREI;CL, ii~r) France HxveLle, 110 F,15., 31 1-irv- 6 jun 1961., p 13. JM 11533 'A,hw - Frence 717, (DO-3wi) ParL7 Activ:LV Ona TUMM IU the FaCtorleag, by Goarms FM=* Upo, PVMM NOWSLUp NO 832,v 27 Sep. oat IL061,, pp 8-10. im L4357 F%-a=e 9Z Pal ire,.b. 6p- JDC-3801) NwebDIs Itport to GennevIlliers Coaferencep by Geoires Mmbais,, 43 w- MMMO npq nU Fxwm 3xivallel Uo 8W3, 22-28 Itov ig6is pp ie-m. JM 223" .Z ~~ do fte2m ) S-M V x/,r POI Fbb 62 OMRT-= orcals Aupow no" (P ATIotat CUAW"4 ey oumm IMIMSO 28 PP. ROOM Wo L40"Ito 00 W3% 4 nM TA3,, ipp ;7 - im IVO "M -W PAN" KP%m 6j nks'ajo Comments and Rroposals on the Draft Statutes Gecwges'Narchais on Ue Draft Statutes,, by~ Georges VAr ha's,, ~ 0. FRERCH~s ~ up., L Human' te., a 11 Apr 1964o pp 1., 4. JPP3 25244 VE- France P63.. Jul 64., 263,333 will on 12whigrm ftlued Ught Soureuej, by. Z. S. Pawebaks n3 pp. =mat bkp ang I9m=lXAt*dbWkl 8=,1p Laidagradd -1963. Moscow Dept of Rm MIL-Trm 1210 rel q ez June 70 Lip2tracwUlp a iho ortat Almom CMVAI wa tnQ. p AWIl DIA LN Al 1190114~ sal-malik 5SUM Feb 37 lalprovenent of Detail CoAtTast ill Phobe- graphic Images by Filtering Spatial Fwe- qwencies, by A. Marechal. GOVERNKM USE ONLY FRENCH. p;r, Opt Act&, Vol 5, 1959, PP 256-26 HASA TT F-i2.034 Sel-Methods Equip Mur 69 378.058 --murlaon of Artiricial-Ofitellite--a. - Do-barmimtIon Bwed an ~.olutions of t1w Probl= of Two FIxed Oeeatcra, "My C. 14avlol" FrWaRj, ;l-buyament dea Satel3-itea Arariclelso Calma a rwbir des Solutlaw P-mato du Problem des deim C-mrtres Fima's rpo lujo I-lay lgb4o IUM TT P-923t3 Sai-Aero Apir 65 2-(P-03.19 AptileUkocyti-C and Aittiplatelot lummizatium Provolked Vy Itervateil Injection of the lkmo Mows by 6. Marchial'. Ct al* FRUNC31, No 29, 1958, pp 549-S60. Jm 69 3V3,, 117 iaii~ furixtunut laitlict-.14=5), b.V G, Ivr,, La Prosso "0 5" -2024. ' tkW Brabant Electric Pmr,, by G. YarchU., Iq pp. 01 F=CH - & ,j. parp Agence Ewnomiqw et Mbaciero,, 17 Jtm 1960PA (call No xv 2W., Ins TO PFIT-114i ANS im 4. Notborl won soon Nov 60 , / 3 ~/ ,~ 3 / 1 61-10922 Marchal. G PROGPM OF AGRANULA)CYTOSIS AND 7HE PAN- 1. Leutopenia--Pathology CYTOPENIAS oPropostic de I'Agranulocytose et des 1. Marchal, G. Pancytcp~6i&s). [1961) 15p. Ordisr brom SIA miS2.40, ph$3.30 61-1M2 Mrans. of 11*1 Presse M6qicale) (France) 1959, v. 67 [m 38] p. 1488-1490. offi-f Tokacj S.M". awoocal sclances-Pa*Alogy, Yr. V. % no. 11) TT-64-10296 Marchal, 1. G. and Mittwer, T. MODIFICATION OF THE PAPER CHROMATOGRAPHY 1. Marchal. J. G. TECHNIQUE: CHROMATOGRAPHY IN CIRCULAR 11. Minver. T. ARC4 (Modification Apportee a Is Tedudque de Ill. Title: Chromatography Chromatographle our Paper: Chromatogro1phle en Arcs W. Title: Chromatographle de Carcle). (19631 [8p) 2refs Order from SLA $1. 10 TT-64-10296 Trana. ad SociAtti do Biologle (et do am Filisleal. Comptes Rendue idea Seances] (France) 1931. v. 145. p. 417-421. (At ct available) DESCRIFTORS: OPoperchromatography, ohminoscido By using the mathod of chromatography In circular arce which is described, it is possible to "rate amloo, *cW& with neigbLboring Rt values. which the classical coe-dit almal methed does mot pwrmlt. (Autbor) (Chemistry-Anslytical. TT. v. 11. no. 9) offk. of T-h.kaf 9-1- It"1114 Obstrvatlons on the Gram Stain Applied to Gram Foultive Baoteria After *be Acticm of Ribo=3.wwe,, b7 _A. _ R. wiect, P. FRMCRj per,, MC-0 -3101c I _A 116949, vat cXMIX A no 3-7/3-81~,olm ~,, P-1111.369. MA 60-10689 $at Mw 60 Val 3, Ito 4 3tut, of the System Carbon - Ihmnium - Thorium, -~iv M. Marchal. and J. Trouve, 31 Pi)- I MENU., rptt Centre d'Etudes N=leaires, Sao- .ay, ORA-315-17, 10 Jan IL962. A=-Tr-5174 Sol - Miem sep 62 Study of the system carbW-Uranium-Moriump BOW by M. Xamhml,, J. Trouva., 30 pp. -------------- FRENCEP CZA RPt NO 3677 9091153 Tr 0 AW/5174 Set - Mom .2-11., --71;~l Say 6e I-i:4jsjQ:LT 1-12 UFO! TY,V R+ IMRAI!CM4 21 pr4 T"WEacu, par* ut 4,09M riarf&rve IAa,; pp 4"wilito-I Nor till Joh 65 Vith Pulm"as Combuotlm Cbm*)G=p bv a. Kuvbol. MOM porp ~* lb 226 1968, pp 15-19- Name: Wt 69 395#236 Berlin. V--;TNm- UMPLECroaS Oft TH=RDM S.N.E.C.M.A. MUST DiVERM (2)).11963]6p $ 1. 10 TT-64-10505 Tram. of Docavro (France) IM, no. 29. p. 23-29. DESCRIFTMS.- *Thrust voctar control @MGM, Defloctim. Mort Wo-ca pbws, *)a phow, *Atrcraft oquf, (Bookowerlar-AffCcouticaL 77r. V. 11, W. S) I. Till. Thrust Loverts" 1. Mard3a), R. 11. Berlin. J. M. sere=. v. IV. Laygum, R. V. Tifle: S.N.B.C.M.A.1... .i.. Td.A.W 9-1~ uuItgo 1. 1 Em" J. 0 Bam, V., ad Loygws R. rRT m7LEcroxs OR THR= DMUTERS. 1. 1.~.Z.C.M.A. Tiouir DmRTEa (t). 59631 top (MCP OMM4 TT-U-IOU* Tram dDmmVW=),I9N. mm 20. P. 17-224' comEnwo: vrhrm "~tw cmrd wymm, Doftmm Sbcn uko-a pb=m6 @)a pumme *Al A oqdpbmi& .PWOWWIW-AWmMWJC&l, Tr. T. 11, w 8) 7T-64-IOM6 1. Tftls: Thrm loonwe I wtd~m A. U:lEi~j- M. Berom, V. IV Loyw-, R. Tift S.N.B.C.M.A. The IxesistivLty ot Pa--Ni (50-SM) Eirraftation, by A. HaTCLWW~' FRMM, per, CMEtes.Reathm Vol pp 2987-2939. *flat Sur Stand TT M-SMS Af tar Neutron -71 257, 1963, tki-materials JUI 70 A. vla-Rct-i ftND 5tudy of the Diffusion of Hy"Op in Ni by Electrical Resistivity Measure- 1// -mont, by A, ftrchand, 3 lop. F.PXHCH, per, C.R. Acad. Sci. vol 254, 1$62, pp. 4284-4294. *19BS 7T 70-S7611 Sci/0-bam ck- Jul 70 On the Magnetic Susceptibllity of Some Carbon Blacks, by A. Marchand., 5 pp. ..10"OUNOW", FEENCH', per,, Comptes F-WUSP Vol CCXXXVIIIO go 4, 25 jan i954, pp 46o-4Q. STA Tr 57-09 Sci - Chemistry .2 F'? S057 Orsonic Oomium. colapoundss Part 2,. by r. Ma:g Criesee, D. H. Waymovius, 26 pp. M14r,11, lxrj,'Justus Ljobigs Annnlen der Merde, Vol DL.. 1942: PP 99-133- AM-18H52G Bei 72, oat 61 Maut-Cellop by L, - Krehlip F. MuvhavAp 12 pp. GREW$, bdbk., Endbvh der A"' Inen Patbolooes Val ITs -ND Is 19211p pp 377-385. NIB 3-33 act - Bioloiff, WGICLIM O~e~, -f 'o to AV 57 Mfiiei J Concerning the Bo-,CAlJLed Agoaal Thromboses and 00aver Coazulatlon., by F. !tBOW& 24 pp. awtbakp per,, ZantrAllgm Fathol u Fathol Anat., Vol MMI.- no 9., 1916., pp 193-213. 57-571 ,- I-P ~~)" Ii 1~ Sal - BiolaW .7 U~-w ~? -T 41 S&P 57 ~O Study' of the NiC0tIDe--CDUtC-Rt Of CU-5111'et Smokes, by J Marchand J. Renani. IRMR* IWO 12~eo Vol L-D=j 19511 V 263-267- K-H-2169-b sai Apr 67 322s253 MGM* AWC4 1$10 Fin vkm TT-64-10022 fiiBiTING ACTION OF CERTAIN AFFECTIVE 1. Marchand, L. STATES ON EPILEPTIC SEIZURES (De I'Action Inhibitrice de C,-*rtains Etats Affeclifs sur lea Accidents Epilepliques). 49631 Up] i0refs Order from SLA $1.60 17-64-10022 Trans. of Aringe Psychologique (France) 1951. v. 50, p. 705-711. DESCRIPTORS: *Epilepsy, Inhibition, Mentaldis- orders, Psychoses, Stress (Psychology), Reaction (Psychology). Scicnce's-N.-,twology and I'Sychiall-N, TT, v. t 1, no. 5) Office of Teckoilrail Urrices K~ ent of 74sx-th Prmraroz 1;y N-'-1-kn;; a 11!-Y . m%raim Flat ;mc4k Teat, by P, H&b:Lb avi R. 18 pi. nHkVR,o per., Sole et Foudationa,, Do 58, 1952, p 966-971- SIA 33W act Jul 58 1717 1;UL'uni -~.r C-aat of Jud., To at b by P. Ba, ib., R. 1"i ZL pp. YRMR.l porp Aum lea de To-abniqin. du D-ttiMN-It Ct eleS TMVa= Publica, ccrl-L: 803.9 ot f omatrhims., Vol X, No 58, 1952, W 9A4-971. C: S.L.A. ~-n:- 4.4/1956 Iftur - France .3 (o 6702, SAAeabifte Ebgluecring Contxlb"tioe,. to the Study of 2&dimcntary M~n7,armse Dzpoaitap by ~- Marchandicep 8 pp. SI-IAMSH, iTtp Zntamtloml Geologima Corwass (1-10 20) lbrlco 1956p N'nP=se sYmPosiursp Vol 1, pp OU 59-10481 Cop 59 r4l a 31 Vol q.,, r0 2 Cantributioil to the Stud~-- cf b., -H. Marchandise. U of washil-3ton Fisheries and Ocealnogrriaplli-, Lib Transl. Oct 01 faIMMIUL&UH w /ILXWDIULU In a LAPULUM rUpjIjUv-~.4Ltx, -, ,kcid Solution, by J. Van Caeneghm, Y. M.!Ldiam, ot 4 22 pp. GERMM, rpr, SmIsem fya . Mulm Le2wasing Ibr IrradUfta F2VA!, X~-20 AV.- IVOS. A (;-GRNLd-Ir-02 sd-chm Aug 64 262,931 L4 Iwlmmkldft~ I wtoll; IL MIN MAO'" opmba Youutaliq Troapop by Col Sagrado Amcbeva.. 2b pp,, (ID 405139). =WMlt3ZD FOU trawlatim. BPAMOR.. ft 66jo Jul 19h% vp 51-58. :tD com P4)(& 4 wour - sp"D mutery Jul 52 czs Swe Predilmmi in Us ".Ixxuy of "laux6l Crd Z 4 'or Viftepmtial q)embcws;,, Part: 1 imid Part 2v by V. 4 imrdien" la;~. per, Tnrx, P--S ". mat. 0~3. vt- 1, 1952 pp, 327-420; Pi.---YTM3, pp 3-M.- W 11 13#298 oat 70 fewitial QAmtom aloo TrmmL)kted an Ccn- cuzv&-tg eva Iffxxwy of a Dufamtial epalm-tor of t?m sacmd Ordare by V. A. IAV&Mko. M.'sTANO Pert 2e-"la& S%-'f E;bl 720, !l4o 3, 3.9500 pp 451640. l3r299 I wt 70 fla"m cub* mod UO at A&MM w*Abw 44 nuft Patlew bF A* So Mx"*=*D. M~WW4 pw, fidomam"I gumbdue AD 70 1900 so P-84" IMpt 'ag ftW/ AM4AW I-M sWAWQ Ab 68 "0554 m fligh-Output Covered Blectrodes with Coatings Containing Iron Powder, by 16 K, Pokhodnya,, Am V., MawrlivAgg 15 ppt RUSSIAN, per, Avtomat SvaTka, No 10, 1961, PP 52-63, BWRA Scl Oct 62 214,451 some Properties of 001d.Dopec~- OdS Zonocr~--.Aallsj bv A. 1. VarchonM3 E. Ae &-Lllk#., Go Aa Fedorns., 5:;PP. PUSSIA11,12 pur$ Fiz Tverdogo T+, Vol ".. Ib gs 19611 p.p. 2285 - 2292 AIP Sov F!Ws - Solid State Vol No 1.9 a., Sel The Photomtric Deteralmtion of B=cn in Steel by Kftw of Brilliant Green, by A. K. Babko, P. V. 4 pps amm, per, zavod Lab, vol xm, no u, ig6o, vp 12op..i2o6. sci jul 61 /5',7/ 70 "%'Ri-5217~~ Methods of Soldering Alumim=, by A. F. 41 pp. RUI'-.UIANj ners Vestnit Swazit No 33 i955. im 7o86 Sci vtm C v V-73 . I Characteristics of Soils the KaxMollskalra Dry 14md, by A. 1, Mardhenko, 6 yp. RUSSIAN, p*r, Pochv*"denlys, go 11, 1960, YP 2k-31. ADS Sol m,Lr 62 163.860 Mineral Excliange in Spruce Porests of the Northern Taiga and Forest Tundra in Arkhangelsk Oblast, by A. N. Mmhank Ye. M. Karlov, 13 pp. RUSSUV4, per, Pachvovedeniye, No 7, 1962, pp 52-66. Scripta Tochnica Sci Jan 64 R4*WpIq %.-aro Putoorol i Ut~rolp _4L1 9, f69 Let CS iminaticn of Errors Occurring in 11-1cas-arenants aith by 1. s. jVviov., 5 if t U,:; S 'Ou" p-ar., Zaved Lab., Vol MCV, 11~o 2, 119501t PP :1.75-178. Instm. Soc of Amer Gel. A4,r Tht GWOlytla Effoot of Virusea In Iriva, by S-j A* '20 phrelmCkop a IV* H~MrUffq part ft~ 9ioic-cm 0 Vol. lot ft* 7 PP- W-104- ipis to" A.T. K)KCH61WO. umn Sol-sm Jum 67 323,* 457 Tha Onomlytic Zffeot of Virases In Vivo. by -A'. ,r. marehmko. 8 pp. FIMMK-1, per, vapmaz 29MI-O.F", viol if), NO 71 1964, p! 99.104. JOLS riKII556 WSR ~A, T. PAR CH ENO. maur 67 32502" =-3 nt G Of the Rat'O Of CaTj'tp-l lxx-'e-~ jn(5-us-,,;ry., 'by D. A. I~ar oil E, RUESDUY, j-.RS 1,1012 M-5332) Use of Poles Made From Ceutrifugral Ferroconarete for Constimetion of Omrhead Commmications Linea, by L. K. Mohan, D. S. Nexchemko A. P. Anlaimov, 16 PP. RUSSIAN, per, Vestuit Bvyaml, no 10, 1954. JPRs 7114 set '-0 jui 61 cm the Itrgimic Siplfic=ce of the fttiomi Plamadit of ChawLeal Plents, by N. H. Nsrohemko. MOSTMA, pwo oloema MMU I Professimalme Zabolemi4av as up 19691, pp 13-19. M& Tr Dausull Va 7 So 3 103 fti - ohm W 63 ~22 q, 96