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listributien of ZoorJAnktan In the Vybdimr-c aervoir In !~.m4ng, by 1, Do ~-ordWdol-WtovWltuAs Ag ~;, ;,~tMhav* HW64AS,i, per, 'Ad-c 1963* pp 900 ~;E.-;rla Vl 61~-30389 Scl-5 and - ieb 69 372#1475 1., -11 , TM CAVIM rmxa at Tw- AIMOXX 1"i Oulu; 7 "WT Xw*. WL 4J 1#! w Lho,13 Of L bay V. 1.1. DovslhtMcrOv. Ovich, 14 pp. % 1961., c TfP 56-Go. apR3 116,,)1 sco - Gcopl-,:Tz, S-5327 ( p P; - .,n-, P i, ": - 1 1 Local Acoustical Mathod For M-easuring Air 1,~~-vperaiuxe, by J.-31. 1. V-brdWLho,.rich, 14 i~p. RUSSIAN# Wr, 1z Alp. Nauk SWRp Ser Geofiz., Ifo 3, 1959, yp 4.8,o-4M. JPM-L-985-ri US-OR Sci - meteorology Oct 59 scme Resurts of Mes-muramtrata of Ail, by a Locul Acouctic P.*tbxA Up to va Altitude of 28 kmq by X. 1. Mordukhavicha 6 pp. MUDS, porp Iz Ak Sauk 8W# Bar Oeotizi, No la 1960s pp 98-106. oci 60 Fcla,-Io in t't:L- m varcd. by pp. tLL-Sco-mo pev, DO-, Alr llk~iilk ~'Stlllt, Vol M=0 No 1., 1952: Y p. 4 Air Res aad Dav Comand Sci?ntific - PxtromocW M /D= / J 5' J7(- S-177/-760 (NY-3724). Sow Results of the Study of Air Temperature to Heights of 28 Kilometers by Means of the Local Acoustical Mthod, by M. 1. Mordukhovich, 16 pp. RUSSIAN,, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Geofiz, No 1, 196o, pp 98-1o6. jpRs 2671 Sci - Geophys, b~--teorology jun 6o 7, d~ o/ Complex Mechanization-a and AutcmC.-~XAwa of 'Cor-l vi,eparation Planto, by n"~ V. Mordukhoyalch, 4, pjo. RMSM, per, Kolts i Kh1m, No 5, 1961. CTRA Ici r,ov 61 / / / lp~F~l I/ 11 111 ;1 ~ "'Wi .. ....I" .- Inummlag ZAbOW PtO&Wtivity and hAming QAUW and Rwming Costs at the Cdo and Cbealwa Ldustry,, by R. T. 3 pp. Rm'".. pwo Kdw I MS.. No 8v lWv PP 53-56. Sol mar 61 /.1//, Io? 0 47-*- ( 1 5 L G 0 STAGES I f THE MODERNIZATIOt-i OF THERAILROADSY BY B Ill. l'i 'ORDVINKINI 6 pp. RUSSjW,;, 11R, GUDOK, 2 DEC P-61. JPRS 135r-~71 USSIR Ei--O! 1 .'A Broad Use of Gondolu ears.~ by N. ,~. Ymdivimkin, 12 pp. Rlls,SDA, Tnrl. Trmsporto No 9, aep 1961, pp 43-48- aw 12489 Econ 7 (u-jL643) Treatment of Popil-ation in Contaudnated Territoryj, by v. xe&,redzv, v. m=druor, 8 pp. BMOARIAN,, pw.. AU4PrOkl VOlu., NO I., 196it Vp 30-31. ipw 4835 Elkw - Dulgarla A/,4~ 0 y 5- Mi ft 61 Actions of the Population in Contaminated Teeritory, by V. tledvedov) V. Mordvinov., 7 pup. RUWL0, per, VoyenDM Znanlya,, No 10., 196o, 32-34. JPRS 6769 Nil Feb 61 DffDendence of the 3)2e3gwtic Croias Sections of Atcm and Icna on Vej=.,-,./ iu the Case of Pseud.oj=teraeatlcy- -~,Z t1- lffva3-3., bY Yu, P, B"Ylnov., 0. 43- .~; -11P. 7w, Zhur Now i Teorat Flzj Vol m M-0 ioo 2(8), 1966, PP 4W-431- Alp Sav Pbwu-jw 14, Vol XIlf lb 2 Sci - Apr 63. Collector-Less Pulse GeneratorS for PowerIng Electric Spark Toof. Machinas, by Yu. V. Ifordvinov, 14 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Vast Elek-Prom, No 1. Jan 1957, pp 64Z8_ ATIC F-TS-9199/V Sci - Engr zw ~rg-/ Jan W.-6971) A Comparative Assesment of the Action of Emulsion From tile Juice of Aloe Arborescens and Aloe Striatula for the Prevention of Radiwn Injuries, by IT. P. Mordvinava, B. K. Rostotsky) et al, 6 pp. RUSSIA1, , per, Med RadiolojE~, Vol VI, No 11, 19051, pp 16-19- JPRS 13400 Sci I-lay 62 197,3196 Th,-~ Cf D.Ir3ontery in RI-Irm! Districtsa by Ht B. j4ordvIwva-IdubLmova,, 1~ pan- RU3,3,1t,421.. per,, Zhur XLUrobiol Epidamiol i I=unobiol, Vol XXNIIIto ITO 9; 1957P PP 71-75- Pargawn 3hot ,Sc:L - Had Doc 58 if-IgLiMg Or INUrbMitic Ote4 by Go A* 113103AWV# m A- V- NMvdvbftwvs- ;a MOSq us ObLAbotim alas"71 196D,l lp 2U-W- sm 11 am ad . jbw reb 63 .223 - ! ;.- :!! I . I 1 11 ;1 1 Veldlng of Tecbnical Molybdamun in an Tmer~ Htmosphere., by No A. Ollsbanskiy., A, V, Aq~t~sen ~ Pp. RUSSM,, per Avtomt Sv=kav No 10 (91)j, 3.960, pp 36:4i. 9670251 Mm M-946A Sel - Is-inmetau Jul 61 1~o, ro-e Sam Ways of Pr*ventlng Cold Qmddng [im %"ad Strtwtm-wl,, by A. V. Mbftlutsem RUSSIM# bko lhtex,;-Mlv Ity Coe , mr-me ca Weldim, mw*491s, 1958, vv 61-13. n 5061 sci ~ MW Apr Q ) J/ Z FUSION WELDING OF TECHNICAL MOLYBDENUM, BY N. A. OLISHANSKIY,, A.V. MORDVINTSEVA,, 25 PP. RUSSIAN, BK,, SVARKA TSVETNYKH SPLAVOV REDKIKH METALLOV I PLASTKASS, VOL Cl, 1961, PP 29-48. 9677&32 FTD,.TT-62-123 SCI -MIN/MET 2o6,313 14 4UG 62 intragramilar Chemical chwVs in vinyitcj-uene- I)Jvinylbenzene Co);olymiarisj. by A. B. Davaakov., fi- A. _qLWIM, per, Ztjur Prik Xhim., Vol X=1, Ito Tj, 1960, pp 16T6-1679. CB Aug 61 lb t~s-, ll-lac",-. Foople HU-M Z"I'Llroll. pilwo Ifl, k"Zo C-aban 11W.-Olution?, by Cnrlov Kolv, t6 Jpp* GOVETMMM USK am 1711M. loor, Preadme Axricnioo,, no 520 15 me igrAp pp. M-230- J?Pa GM IOCP3 IA-Cuba POI jan 66 St-udiec; of the C%idation af 3:ron-Wi&el Allc~,,~! at Elevated TeVeratures., by J. 'Bcam,do AT. FEEFICH, per, Revue de MetaUurgia, Voll XLVU, YO PP 317-323. ATS sai KwHet /j, jun 61 Gj~laill %~"aatsp CVAjjtji).fjs Ai)r 65 ZieVing-and-l',eldinZ of --- of Hydrombon Crackin& by R. Mndiards. Cs U-QMUO et al, 20 pp. FRENCH, zpt, B&A" 14 Pure and AmUed Chel~- LAxxion, 10-17 Jul IrkW* XRC-NP-Tr-ll" Sd-Chem Jun 64 260,957 dw Road= 4e PW* aqvo Sci-Nwdgd LfAr 64 254331 Thelmm-l Eschancers in the 13. Z. T. l-ethod, Vv C. Moreau. RTISS=, to F=CH. CEA Tr-1678 U.K. Atomic Energy Authoi-ity Fisley, TRG inf Series 140-1) Nov 61 x(flaft goody at do maddatift of POWOOCINt = Eb2"N.2-sp- aft =2."WM~M* M04. Jan 65 Study of Hydrogen Embrittlement in Iron (Single Crystal Iron Cold-Refteed and Tensioned)., by Chaudron, Moreau. UNCLASSIF33D PFM , per, Hot Corrosion,, Vol XIX, Mar 19~3, pp 43-48. Co-op Tr Scbma Tr 879 sci - bUn/mat Apr 58 Dit0batas Yrom Overmightp by Cc Darvau-dp 1% Dan ud., Horeaus 9 FRMH., I*r, Rev Int dHapatvIcq3iop Vol IJU,,, 1k) 1953, P-ij r025-3344. MA 59-15528 Sci Doe 59 Vol 2p NO 5 leg 7 ~Jloys, by M. Mpuly, G. Momau, et al, 26 pp. Fi; Cli, rpt. 92L)663-7---- REIN AEC-UCiUL-Tr-1058 (L) r ct sci-rvl/m Feb 65 X74,ZI,3 Post-ove=ti'm Tnm-hwatamo-tic Prajapso of the OcstrIc Mbomp %W Z. Lmoxyp 0. Mb3mmp IL ftlmud. PROCNP dog FAIII00 do- vin-gang do 0 Vol "t lb 6's 1w, vp W-W NZM sel - ja 67 334slV PrrAess of CoumUnz, ca!Qrles Camir-m-CIN 1-mr, miter Circulation Heatuing Plants emd Mewhaulemrs for CanV,ins Out 11his Proceas,, by Henrl Morewi.. 6 pp. FHEMIH,, Patent No 633,449. US Dept of C roe Patent Office Sol Lib (Gift) 4A- it- Sci - Engineering Mar 1957 02S/dex 62-18897 Moreau, . and Beriard, J. '9ELE=VE OXIDATION OF IRON-CHROMIUM AL- 1. Moreau, J. LOYS NEAR THE DISSOCIATION EQUILIBRIUM OF 11. Benljrl, 1. CHROMIUM SESQUIOXIDE (Oxydation Selective des Alliages Fer-Chrome au Volsinale de I'Equilibre de Dissociation de Cr203). [19621 36)p. (foreign text In- cluded) 13 refs. Order from SLA $3.60 62-18897 21) Trans. of J[ournal del Chimlie I Phys(lquel (France) 1956, v. 53, p. 787-797. DESCRIPTORS- *Iron alloys, *Chromium alloys, Oxida- tion, *Chromium compounds, *Oxides, Dissociation, Reaction kinetics, Thermodynamica. *Crystal growth, 'Domains (Crystallography), Microstructure. (Meral lurgy - -Corrosion, rr, v. 9, no. W) it TvArl:11 lmve, Stati -Stical Justification for Diffusicell by J.J. 140reau, 7 pp. M--NCtis part Pu4j. Sai, et Tach. rliniutre Air France, 59, Ss6' 9-15 *NBS TT 70-57634 Sci/math Jul 70 T, '~c 'u n%rci-v-1 ---ions on `~hc OrAdation !',Iici~c! 2~',~-Loycj at -levated Tezmn-raturoB, Moreau. FRENCH, re-vue MvCtall, Vol XVIII, ~T 1, 0 Iwo' en rall. F'cop ca I 86) IM, V Nc 61 Study of' th-- Selc-cf-iVe 0-1-aP-tiOll Of '~,rOfl- Nickel Allcyr, by I,',-Rp-y Diffraction, by j. Moreau, J. Bencrad, 101 -op. FIIR-'-'-~iCH, 1?,ar, Comptes Readua, No 2,12, ~51, P-P !BA2-1943, Broken Hill Proprict-c--y Co Lt~l (CIIL/T.17) sci - YZA/Met Nov 061 365 -0. -P,.- r,Rh2lCH, par, Lon %=cire3 de lz Revue de IJIQ-~alluixgiasp Vol Tj,',TZj, Cct,'~i96.!, (29-46412. Aus 63 B I S: 1 3-'u 1 3v 1, t; 7V- Study af Scale Fomed on StriP Duriug Hol;-Roliin., by M. Cagnet, J.-Moreau. FREX-CH, per, Revue do meULUurgie) Vol LVIly go 5, 1960, PP 437-444. BIBI 1873 1%,!. - SP-gr Jul 61 /64.0's-o of ca- T~~mpcraturzs, by J. Y;3remil, M. Gczn--t. Uff""11. FRIMM% per, Psy Iftt$ Ifov 1958p pp 1091-11W. Brit"ah Iroa and Steel InA 1223 Bel - Kin/Met sup 59 An Di?f=ction Study of Oiddm Fil-twi Forried on an Xron SurAnce, by Jvan Xprsmu, Jemn Nity"Alo, 3 p. FrWOH,, per Cmpteti itauduap 19551 Vol ' CINUe) No 5, pp 524-526. MA 59-20929 1301 Mar 60 0 Vol 3, DO 1 Study 0t Imalurolow in Mots# by J. JW*dim. U=L . ........ PUMP Pero Rev Wt. sop W6# PIP 703-71h. AMM GD-O set - mabut Apr 59 ,/ ~? 1?6 r - stucly oi- thz &clumism of tim ouidation a.16' Buiait-y Moys of Iron-Q=mUmx-a-t Elevated TLemporaturem., by Jdan ......... FU.U tranalation. IRMOR., Pers, Cmot Vol CC==jp 1953P Dg) 8547- AEC Tr 201.14 Scientific - Hirtercanlyatals MW 53 CTS a --A~ -- --- 8 ww ft4mb VA"Um OWUlp by Jeft-Mund Nw4fte 5 IV. VMS ftv4o fts Fmaw rfamoslaw dell'oot* a 3oo iL5 an iirA# w ". A=I,, 34rlft VAM. a ft- Go" AIW 59 4 e-I I-P J. rry tunlication of Um -0as flle~jc)val Aotbicd bv Sl~ctronic Ekar-bardmftt In the Determioati.,Xl of Gas in A-Cr steel$ by L. Moreau. rRE.14CH, ner. Comtes, ROW)US Acad Scip Vol 2J.3# 1941, pp 732-734. *CFSTI TT 70-58235 Sci-Chem June 70 L, -q- e-0- ct nlyzeris :Lu -thv Datamimtlcm .nw israc. of i-acmani Of C,~~.vborn zT-,A Ozyvon In Pure 11,10n, by L. I . Bouxmt;. 10 p. Vol P&vp Reviue eo 14"tAillimsiej 1.95J '775-780. Apr 60 Ifo 1XTT, T-"o 3 Study or the Deoxidation of Steel by Vacuum ;ling; by ~T. T-hom-asp L. Mcjreai~. FiENCH3 per, Revue de XetaIlLwgia., Vol XLIII.. N07/63, lcA6, pp 2011-207. r-11 Br-utcher Tr 335'D Ocieritif ic Mn/M!taj.0 Jul 55 Cro proqp Pboxv AL GeV" Roadwo rd m"Al"k, Ounum"m emir Tewas Iwo Go"Ift NASA TT F-9M .W-1- m.w ta dw rnsom* at a T=Nwwwd I &WOML i I I F - 0 Ono" am"Wo - Vd CeLvOgm Tr F-god" siti-ps" law " U.S. COGURNUM" GMT X&AW US smal W a cf F-,.:. I.Righ Yrcqtzl~r--j SOM-2cL", by T. Grdl-2bitz, f:. PlonT7--m, 5, Olkvimky. U-MIASSMED I-f ISM= 1, pzro jo"r d-3 MYQ.A"q"- et I" jan Navy e36l/Ml, 754 5ci - misics NOV 59 FRENCH CO MMU NIST EVALUATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNIST MOVEMENT AND PEACELFUL COEXISTENCE, BY YVES MOREAUs 32 PP. FREDINCH, NP,, LtHUMANITE, 5p7-,9--1O-,ll,12,i4, 15,16 JAN 1963, FX P 3 OF EACH ISSUE,. JPRS 174oi WEUR - FRANCE POL , JAN 63 211,151 of M t4 tAo CaWW44tim FJOIA vuh reaveaft rAva um Fmnob FUUM At vim n - m" Pw nx HadU* 4C NWd Mo tr J16 4 lft**=# COMO PWO. agmuff VW' up 19641, so 5f w 27T." sa - at Ame 67 ce YX to tho COAPUNuatIm VlaJA Wd vm prow"Im ftm #0 F"Mh Bob* ce Viaw. U NMrasUn aC Hwd PXV W X.J. 22jp vat 34 POP lb 4,0 jr 8FA *44-30089 &Ab OR 144 am 67 Ixon's SuVer Msteri&U Barrier# by M. J. 1-breem. 13 P. iMj9,-W- -,-~ rie &m Pleat a V &ng, No 4# 1963m IV 309-33LT- mA TT-66-1o6ok 'M, Sci-MR4 aa 66 306j,103 Notes an a vadto VAO DIDWat or Tbod ComtgT# by OtW Xwod*M. V. S. Vol 27 30 pp 355-361. ACSI 4-54W ID 2M4Ol?W For saxt Soo Doe 68 3700740 DMW OF RMAMM WRJIINM UWAUMMiAho ="Plows or to-mmulAw 2 rp.. ="m& Poo Puft of aon4 to k WIN, OvAls. on XT 63 Contribution -to the Nx-pertmenta). Study of the Variations on the .4mlitude of H. I, and J I-Tayes in tA2e Ballistocardio- gram, by Mamel Goncalves-Horeira,- 95 pp. PMnU=, rPt, 30 BeP 196- JPM R-1995-D/A FAA 2-6iih-i sci - Electron 7 &r inn 6") '~11TSIX-oo AtI, Z~zllcr in Flour Hills in Portugal, I)y u. B. Morei-3. URCM9837M SMAMISH, per, Anala Sctsudm de Defeo& r1twasul taria- JL--t.:i des Weems 4aavaf low a do InveaUgae-ove do Ultrwmr, Vol XI, No 2,, '1 6, pp 163-176. .L95 !08n-43192GICT Sci - Biol I,'/ Oct 58 " a . - -a I is olsk 1h0 sanitary installations and Boiler Ilowne for the fistoril-501 110tst, bY A- do Arbues Moreira. PORTUGMSE0 pegs, Bloorie Me, 75p 1964j. SLA 'ff-66-10848 A cl,, 14't / 430, WS SCI - :a~vh Jul 67 Contribution to tho Experimente-i. Study of the Varlutions on the Arqplitudo of I, and i ' averi In the l3alli8toebrdia.- g-rain, by lo~nuel Goncilivea Mareirill., 5 PP - PORAMUESE., rpt, ~~O Sep 1960. I.TPRI 11-1905-D/A FAA 2-6n.4-i Sci - Rlectron Jn n 62 Building and Operation of Coal, Coke) and Ore Wagons, by MoKSJkL. GERMNO semimo ver, Stahl und Risen, 18 APx' 1957, pp 483-486. 565 EE Germany Econ Sc i - Eng Jan 58 . ; -1. .1 ~ H ~ Azo Compmsnft of Tyminej, by A. Mm"ll R, Sial"Ji 3 P. H, par,, Societe Chimique de Ymnee, ]BUll., Xq,28P val nm, pp 88i-M3. WA 60-10320- Sal pr-l Apr 60 7 Val In, No 3 61-16285 ?&rel, A. THE BUMMING AND OPERATION OF COAL, COKE 1. Wrel, A- AND ORE WAGONS. Paper from the Conference on IL Tide: Conference Works Transport 1held at] Dasseldorf (16-18 Oct 561. (1957] [101p. Order from SLA $1. 10 61-16285 Trans. of Stahl u[ndl Eisen (West Germany) 1957, v. 77 [no. 8 ] p. 48 3 - 486. DESCRIPTORS:, *Coal. *Coke, 'Ores, Transportation. *Steel industry, *Iron Industry, Railroad cars, Cargo vehicles. (Machinery- -Transport, TT. v. 7, no. 5) Offl.. .1 T-h.k.1 S-4 The Constitution of The A%*-Caq*unda Of the Bilk Fibersp by A. Morel, P. SLGIGYP 7 P. -- S~11 MMI, per Sac Chin do Fftwep, lMj, VW, pp MA 69-W323L Sci Apr 60 V02. III p 210 3 Pax 0/-jy The Ki n tics of the Distribution of Radiogm-diuat in the Rabbit Daring Experimental UypotheyMn. by F. bbrelp A. Combrieson, MMCHO paper P/379., Proceedinss of InterMatiowa Conferenm oa Peac6ful Uses of Atwic Maergy St1d at Geneva 8-2D Aig 1955g Vol Xn. IntenmtI Conf -- UN Sci - Naclear PtWaics / Apr 57 c.TA 1-669.9.162 me Gray comisoure by Ferdinand J. Welsefoiler. PMWHp per# L'BacepbaUp Vol XMJ. 30 9v 19.31P PP 659-670- so 4-i7.63 sa - Biol/md ftl Jul 63 3-55,4 (Ily-31P.,l) - !-:~bomtory Teots on Grepe Brown Hot, by Mmr6pa -M.Orely 8 pp. SFREM,r,"A, per, Revue do la Viticulturep Vol XCIXt No 7, 1946, PP 210-213. JM-L-1070--N IM= - Fraace sci - Biol U--7 5P, ,.-. I ; -11 ", - Protaction Against FlactrocutIon by MdI4 Sensitive Differential Circuit Bratikers, by J. Morel, R.. Moser, R - Mc-aie EM-CH, pery Revue Gqpe- al dc I'ElectmicIte, Vol 71, No i1-,-I-02-,-P-P77-1--MI2- HZDIA Sci - Jul 67 !4.1.j Cultn"al Ufo- Tha Battle (W ftellmexWo. by ion pp. Full, tr=91AUAM. GERM# Die Loamums Vol Us ft I$p - BmUns Bev 1949. ID GMA P-MI" USSR MIItIaZ7 Ifty 52 CTS. DEX The Applicatloa of Stareb Gel Electrophoresis to the Study of the Serum Protein aceponents in Dysprotelaemia, by J. H. 7ins, R. Craysse-L, P. Wral, 14 pp. FRH=H$ per, Revue d'Hemtologie, Vol XIV;j No I., 1959, PP 75-89- sm 9-9! sci - Cb= Sep 59 of the Sall--Uilleus CroUp: African ,,I:ecies (Acardina: Ixodoidea). by 11. C. 'rcr, Kov Elec f(ed vets rays rrop, vol 1!P,, No 4, 1962, pp 343-3G6. 9-31-69 CN LON,' ONLY Kov 69 307,171 Beveral Nw Application Fielft for W-limiae, tw Pe H. 9MVIP 23 PP. (AY-M26) GMDLW., bkp - Pl"#Cmj, Zurich, IVAI 19551, YOP 33-W- C- /.~~ ATIC 1-40-WM/I ftl - Chemista IZ4 /'~~ 9-1.1 0" 19% CTS/dex Uso of Sulcoaas In th& glaus and cer=Ics Imiustuy, bW P.H. Sorel. FEMM, Per, INUA ba" Vol 17, NO 4, 196). pp 40-335 ACI 41 - 50 ,P, /-/ - "7 Ce e / Sci - Sep 67 340,z75 I - - --- --- - TiVy 9 1 jWnts in am 19-1 0 , of coat= 1. " y MaW4 tv & Mmw - MR% M" 66-OT 363, "q. ry-r)~ ift-aws ej% wo 3%#639 ---- ------ to `6ho Ratlon~'Al Study of bry- Pzgor Morell 2310 pl). rulA. translat-lon. FlaNCH, per, Extractod fram Amialoo doluUnivarsits) do Coo-noble. Section des Sciencea MELtlVE=tlcjnw3 oi; Fhyoiqueo~ 7ol XXII~T,, 19-/~7/48. S.L.A. scier!Aflo 'TILL 5 5 IMM, per, Voja-,,YzadtGtsId Pinglcd, Vol XVJ:,. V0 ill 1.959.* M-P 894-8991 ACS.T B-69894- m 2146530 ci - 114d S 1 Y;187f 61 62-20193 CON"'IRIBLF11ON TO 111E 91UDY 017 OXYGEN 1. 14oreLle. J.-hi. CU-1-1-IING. [1962] [6(,]p. 21 refs. CrL!e-r Fronn SLA $6. GO 62-20193 Trans. of tllvli,-;ta] It,