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A Course In Aviation Wdicimep by Dr- Juntus Gdbae1der. UNCLASSIFIED PuU translation, GMMN,, Ic,,,,l,. p 11S~O 3=1 to Rpt MI-557-520 IRI USM. Ar 46m) Sclentif 1c - Yadiclw,# seximmuticsq college 1),-.c 52 CTS/bM Blectmmeepbalop-apbic and Blectropbysiological StUAY Of tl2e Action Hadani=s of Comm haaesthetics., by J. Sabneidere per., Revue l5w=,ol*SLqqejw voi xcxp 1954., pp 42&444. A.C.S.I.L. 'fr 915 Kedialne Jul 57 J Nl~ A-i~ Sho--;*t Course in Schneider. =4MAMMED Full translation. Mul by Dr Jusims U-BYAR, mo per,, Worla~Avlatlon~ Vol JVj Ifo 2m 1952, cex=ny k~j Esur Military - World w4atlon. AW F-~1-7838 fy ~,-Jf ,~~ v Noy 52 rVSIM Ifitx-11 R. ..;' owrwl TI P-, 16N oq c -1710N AND OPERATION OF 1,VrLRNAL COPARMION 11"6211 f1p. Or& r (min ATS $11. ~Al ATi-7(Wa)G ,rr,inti, of Nit-tall (West GLrmany) 1962, v. 16, rx). 1. p. PIK-204. DESCIUMORS: *Inrermilc.)mttjqtloncngin:9, Con - Rt;1"twn, (hVrAtwn. Timenn. 62-17N41 1. Schnel&r. V. 11. LffibAl, It. Ill. ATS-7offOG IV. A);wx:WtvdTtchnlc.d SLmiceR, Inc.. Vatit Or4age, N. J. C J%twlm-ry -Engim-a. Tr. v. 14, noi. 4) a"-.# 7 A R--cent Dcvelopments in thO Construction ol.' P6~stans for internal COmbuat-ion Eugnes, by R. Schn-aider, A. Hitech. UNCL GaT-41111, per, Metall, x=cjV51$c mo 5/6, iq!i6., pp 205-211. Aluminiua Ialy., LIA Sci - Engr Jan 60 14- 7Y7 The Evaluation of Testing Metheds fGr IIcn-I..z!taLIJ Imclusions in Carbon Steel - Ck 22, by H. J. F-c-I.-st in ue , K. Sdinelder. GMNAN, per, Neue Hutt Vol V. oat ig6o, p.p 607-617. BISI 205.7 Sci - mnlyet :~'m 6-.a. Ilse of a Synthetic Hot TOP of an EmOthOwlic taxture of C**3 K-Na Nitrate and Swdust in the Casting of Steel Ingots# by Ko Follcht K, 9jhxa41Schneider, at ale GERWO per& New Hutto& Vol V11# No 51, 1%2o pp 299-306a RD "a .'1'a ? f'.3 17 Sci-m4m May 63 " r- TIle lftnctiOn Of BO" id 11-00 With- Molten Alvadraum Alloys Camtnining Y jZinci by 9. Sebnelder, H.. Kanale? OEFYm., *r, Netall, VOIL V11o, VO 15-16P 1.953,, pp 6oa-fto. Brutcher Tr'310 scientific - Mijiwrala/mtala ms/bEx Price $3.90 70?5"~4 Modern Methods for Melting Doun snd Refirdng Ligbt Me-Z918, by K. -!~ RUSSIO, per, MaUllurg, Vol 111, Ito 1/2, 1949, PP 1-10. Dept of Tmt US bur of Mines Eastm ft Su CoUcge PArk.. Md. Sci - EnBr. APr 59 StrwtUM of A2F CMVU=g at law"" Cat,*=* Pto 4* of Admalm Rtn& by V. W. &Oomf4m3ro, it. Svmv Vero VOI IW* IN &d - cbm a" fq Weather Science - tidather Researcli - His- tory of Their Proble= and Reacgnition in Documants During 'niven Thousand Yea= by Karl Schneider-Caritw, 438 pp. GEMM, bk, WetterkMde - W-8ttCrforachung GeschiChte iRrer Pro Tome und ErIcannUilsse rn- kumdx~tii~zi aus ZMe-I ja-Rrt&u%;nd-a-n7;r�-5-s f:ffFS!fI TT 70-57156 Sci/atrm>s Apr 70 croicMr and Climtogmpby or the AtUntic Oceau, by Dr Yparl Schnaider-Cariusg 9 pp,, UNCU58EFIM) Gzwff.. metegavlagische Ruaftebau, W-Jume !108, Berlin. Ifavy-Tr MIM 121 Scientific - Ocaybyales Mt/M 49 7,61V Orgmo )W5=131c C=mundas Alminum TrielIqr1a mil Di&W1 Almimm Mrdrides an Reducing Agwyta,, by Yarl Zleglerp X*A Sabneider, trasef Sobnaidar,, 15 S GERONs w, Justus Mobigm Anrolen der Cbmia Mg.. Vol If I 10 No 1/3 p 79 -~ ~* 9-16- - BU 60-1(M32 Sol Apr 60 air? Val M, No 3 Recent Dwalopunts ip the Comtruction of Fistom for Interml Conbustion NnOuemq by M=t Sebnelder, AU'red Witach, 20 V. GEMNO par# HataUl 1956j, Vol %i X0 5/61 pp 205-011. STA 59 -20314 set Mar 6o Vol 2., go 21 The Mlealt-Treatmentu and CaBtIng of Light 101atala; by Kurt Schneiderp 3.1 ppe GERM,, per,, Die neue Glesserei, Vol XXX711., No 8j 8- 2o Apr ig5o,, pp 145-ik 14 S.L.A. Tr . 61-4/1955 Apr 19~7 bTS/dex ,licrostructure Cb=903 Daring the S014-Gel- I TTemforrjeftt.jon of C,,rtoplczmq by K. E. I-7ch1fuxth-Bottormam, L. Schnei ili-~S:D GEIFRAII~, per,,- Die NaturwisoemcbAfteu., 1101 MV., No 6.. 1958.. pp 3.40-. ffm 3-114-60 Sci - Mcd may 6o 33P /Z ILI IN, aconic Acid --vith gr..7-ft Special Referenc to Its -T idmt-ification.and Estimtiou.o by W. Di-Pai-airt D. Bleyer, GERIMAR, per, Z. Untermcb. Leebonsm. j, VoX TATXp 1935-9 pp 212-220. AEC-tr-1739 Scient4fic - Cbemis Ary // 4:~6q~ 6 14 Recowry of the BroU AfUr CaVlete Ischeola in RYPOthermia., bY H- Rirsch., L H. Euler, M. Schneider., 21 pp. GMM, per Pfluaers Ambly, Vol Cclmv, No 4, 1957.0 pp i1'4-327. N= io-42.6o Sci - Mad Dac 60 4A.U. .9 440 The Oxygen Supply of the Brain and the Iftchanism of Deficiency Effecto, by H. OpItzv H. ~SMWAUA. 122 pp. GMUMs per,, Ergeb Fbptol Biol Cbem u Uptl Pbarmkol.. vol xLvi, 195o,, pp 1,26-26o. SLA Tr 57-576 Sci - Biology 7 Y02 SeP 57 (SF-.UOD) forced CroosIng of Water Obstacleaj, by B. Behrlu& M. Sdmider, 9 -9p. 03mm, par, MULtaerw"m., No 8. 196o, pp 4W-500 am 19800 Geramy I.P,7,t ?J'Z Nu Mw 62 In ~;u the o,&, -.,,caching an~,; Ow Pedle-al Fmculties, by U. Schmldo,-, X6 pp, 'ral zmuul., 5 Jul 19r, p M U23. US J-MS/W--L-*lw35 (DC-20653 SCL - Modicine SeP 58 Lead Dmms arid Mthoda of ftsting Tbeim Into Steel B20ring Sleeves, by M. Scbnelder,, S. nalickli UFCLASSIFIM POLISR Frace Olowmago last Mets, No 3j, 1951o pp 115-M. Navy Tr 944/hMbips 5h7 Scientific - Klaaralo#Atalo reb 54 CTSjj= 7 V-z* -Q I lZ I v Mzrctoch zaitp, Vol M.I.M... RG h 99-107; 1959; gal bray 6o POK 4~1?3 'n i e Garm s i s - oCoi i g .Cnital Cysts, by P. ScImaider. MWIM, per, Zeit fur airenheilUc, No 641, 1912, pp 358-374, N111 7-64-65 (on Loan) Aw, 65 237,407 I Iblding Matei-L-01- for ('~e Protbxctian of Objeets of High impact and No-belied Impact Strengtb; by W. Graulich, _g~, 9gbAqLder, at al, 7 PP. Wmtm.. Patent 4140p70& Patent Office scil - Env 6 V11 -Aug 63 r1- ftrodm. by P. I- Behnoldorp A. Wmdarar. GEWMA. prv M=autoneo Val XLVIIO 10 4v 2957s IV 147-ISL4 CSZ9D Sol - chm Jon 62 I?q" 5~F,4 The-jYfelting of Almfu= Allmys In Sowl Low Px*bqaenaY Mm&wtion Phrnaces, by P. Salmeldar, 7 pp. MOM, per,, Alnmlnlm Vol xxVf Fab 1913, pp 62-69. 11 0 1,4 GU4 2323 57 s I k coq -,~Ucstlcn CZ b . tri!ju-,,4 Q'I to tac - yst4u., 4-01"S, //(,. by fl. bcluieidur (1'EWk0,N'rr--tIPrec. Sr -d Int. Ccaij.,.rcss ozr. Acoustics. NLL wal: 5196 (1440) ~ /7 e Z'C, ee ~,- sci-xwell Sept 6~i 388,S43 Proventives Of AgIng and Thair Effects orl the c~adatioa of Rubber and vulowized Rubber, by P. SchWiderp A- 0- BVer, 32 PP- GME., perj AnSBv Chem., Vol LXVII; No 2s, 1955-. pp 61-68. srA 6o-i8gp-i Soi -2- 0 3 1 -5- 6, jul 62 vca 4, zro -i p swuls tz q4ol by -bbous of a ftual Awb- sbu# by P. ed4i'astor 1* MOW&: Cooling of Wide Steel Strip Coils After Annealing in a Bell-Type Fumace,, by I H. KhWolff, R. Schneider. GERMAN, per, Stahl und Eisen,, Vol LUMIlp No 6. 1963, pp 345-3S0. HB S893 Sci-m/m Aug 63 /a/ 0a cif Time Paquirad for the Puming of AuwzLina Furn=as vith a Atmosph&=: by R. Scbnelder. GNU., iver., StAbI Und Hiscmv Vol LXMI.9 No 14, 196es YP 963-W- HB 5702 sai-mn/mat Jon 63 b, L:--~ Bull Ini3t ~2a;ctjje F=nce, Ho Tf; 55-62~,- 354-rij Sci - Chem A u g 6 o 7 7 SchoWer, L od Mamm=4 A COWOUNDS OF THE 30-CALLM -ALUWDIA TYM 119&% lt7)pl Ow cad=@* 191 Ordw hm SLA St. 60 77-fA-l4M3 Tnai6 cd Zoibscbdft gMr Anwoudsche uNd Aftm" Chow" (Ehm Owwaxl) lft% v. 321, p~ M-UMI~ Ic Tr, 12. 1. SdoUw, L U. bdamomem. ILi *Now f Tohb.0 ION Process for the Prepexation of Oxidation Products From Cyclobexane and Its Homologsj, 3 pp, by Aurt Bouers R. Schneider., GMAAW,p Patent Appl No F 9610, l2op 25., 4 flov 195h. CIA/FDD/XX-18 IAC Internal Use Only . .117 v ~P(41/ Scientific - Chemistry Nov 55 CMIS Temperstum Dependence of Conductivity of .Ajmrph= Germanium Vapor-Deposited Layers, by Von Raw Richter and Richard Sabnei4r 11~- 1 10 pp, GMM,, perp ZelteahrM fur Abgevwato Phyalk, Vol XI, No 7Y 3-959s PI? 277-983- ACSI B-M ID MhW2 Sci - Ph"ics 7c~ D Jun (a The Oxidation of Double Bonds. I. The Oxida- tion of Endo-Cia-31, 6-Endomethylene-Deltalo- Totrabydrophthalic Acid,, by Kurt Alder, Stephan Sohneider,..15 Pp. 524 GXRW, per, Anrim3en der Chemiep No 592,1 lWx# pp pp 189-2D2, 1936. S.L6A. No 4 Scientific - Chmistry .3,9, Jan 56 GTS/MM Schneider, T. R. sNe MPTS-AND WINTER ICE ON ROADS (Schneeverwehungen und WinterglUtte) it. by D. A. Sinclair. jLdy 6Z 200p. 98 refs. NRCC Tech- nical trans. 1038. Order from NRCC ~10. 00 NRCC C-4087 Trans. of Eldgendssisches Institut fUr Schnee- und Lawinenforschung. Interner Bericht (Switzerland) 1959, no. 302, 141p. DESCRIPTORS; *Roads, *Climatic factors. *Snow, *Drift, Snow removal, Snow roads, Wind tunnels, *Ice. Ice prevention. lee fog. 62-34,179 1. Schnelder, T. R. 11. NRCC TT- 1033 M. NRCC C-4087 IV. National Research Council of Canada (Engineering- -Civil. TL v. 8, no. 12) 62-17054 _Schneider, T. It. TM CAD~ULATION OF TIM or SALT REQUIRED TO MELT ICE AND SNOW ON MGH- WAYS (Die Berechnung der zur Auflodung Von Schme- und Elakrusten Ncewendipo SaIrstreumenen) tr. by D. A. Sinclair. 1%2, 42p. I refs. NRCCTecholcal trans. IOU. Order from NRCC $2.50 NRCC C-3936 Trans. of Eldge, sisches limitut ft Schnee- und Lawinenforechung. laterner Berlcbt (Switzarlmad) 1%0. no. 323. 27p. DESCRIPTORS: 'Roods. *ice. Smm, *Soow rtmoval, Melling. osells, 1~:'rrMnatjon. (Earth Sclencvs- -Front. TT, v. 6. so. 2) t. Schneider. T. R. it. NRCCTT-1004 Ill. KROC C-3936 IV. Hadonal Roosarch c4undl cc cafteds S: on- fino-yi3is cyf Gir.1p.La aljl C=piex G.-,. ", by Zi. Salm-eldar, R. Xun=l; 17 pp. I ammira, per, Atmpnids, No 11., !961, --pp 412-41.9. 909- 1,,) A M- Tr-5W2 80. - Fbys -26, .Tu3. 62 , /, /,W Y7 MC4714=7-M MWC ma 1. Vali 7M, CEA-tr-A-1090 Uncl. MESURES EFFECTUEES SUR DES FEUILLES D'OR ET DE MANGANESE UTILISEES COMM SONDES POUR LA MESURE DU FLUX DE NEUTRONS. 1. (Effective Measurements on Gold and Manganese Utilized as Probes for Determination of Neutron Flux. [Part] I). W. Schneider (Kernforschungsanlage. Institut fiUr R&-akYdi~-e-x6-erimente, JUlich, Germany). Translated into French from report NP-1o851 (JUL-9-RX) . Mar. 1961. 19p. Reactor Engineering; Translations MC-80 C-80 NP NSA Dep.(mc); $1.60(fs), $0.80(mf) JCL N3-6 Thermal Decomposition of Stroatium, Barium and Lead Selenates, A. D. Selivanova, V. A. Schneider, G. A. Zubova, 13 PP- RUSSIAN, per Zhur Neorgan Xhim, Vol III, No 6, 1958, pp 1295-1303. AEC-tr-4454 Sci PL-48o jan 62 Psi 376 ca the Crystal S;-,.rwtura Or Muugo and Fu4rlc Acidp by A. Reiap W. S - OWANO per.. Z Krist.. no 68, 1928j. pp 0.3-566. Natl fts Couaolljp CWI%44L 29 NO 56T scl P Qz= &y 60 r- W. Broalne CoMlwws of Copper in Ace-tonitrile, by W. Schwider Impmis per# watica 2AMM ha!a Vol 461, 1963t PP IM-IM HT`C 71-3-6399-07B max 72 On the Suitability ef Electrolytically Polished Spcc:Lww for the Notallographic Inveatigation af Almimm and Its A3.IcVj 10 ppp by H. Rchrig, W. Schneider# gMM perp Al - v0 xxiiip no 60 "41, pp 281 Jun 19 1 - NACA 3-1863~ / ?I scientific - min/metals Absorption of Water end Eve.Ulag of MotAca., by R. vieriegy W. SCI=4ider, 3,1 pp. MWAH., per., MmststotTe., Val X=j No 12, l9kIp pp 417-42X. MA 59-15228 Sep 5.9 Vol 11, NO 2 &hneider, Wilhelm and Finger, Horst. 62-16299 S r IM MT-VMS AS AN UNCERTAINTY FACTOR IN 1. Title* Monkey virus THE INNOCUOUSNESS TESTING OF POLIOMYE- 1. Schneider. W. LITIS VACCINES IN MONKEY-TISSUE CULTURES. 11. Finger, 11. [1962114p. (refs. omitted). Order from SLA $1.60 62-16299 Trans. of Arch[iv ftir die] Ges[amtel Virusforach[ungi (Austria) 1961, v. 11, no. 2. p. 197-208. DESCRIPTORS: 'Virus vaccines, Viruses, Growth, Kidneys. Tissues (Biology), Primates, *Contamination, Toxicity, *Poliomyelitis. Polio virus can still multiply in monkey kidney tissue cultures already infected with and almost destroyed by simian viruses. The multiplication of the polio virus is however not then visible in the tissue culture, but is (Biological Sciences- -Pathology, TT, v. 8. no. 7) Offi.. T.A.k.1 S-k.. (over) I The Dete~tioa of Pamproteins in Plasmaytmic Tissnap by A. Schneiderbaur, P. Rattenbacbers 12 ppe GMOMN, per., wiener HadizIalache KchuschrdLft,, V01 M, No 1, 19&,p VP 30-33- N331 3-70-62 Sai - Ned j= 62 ow SlIguilf Ica= of the stntirl" stmeture of the Troposybue ftr the Notab34-bwut of cloud sptmsp bw J6 6cbwUWr-Qul=s 34 03FJM* Vwy Arebiv tum -Jbteor*2ogU& seopbsW& wd BldaUab"aafts Vol Ap lb 2l Moo vp 97-n8. AmwJcan Notooral Soc tcw ampt"Us it" ar', am SCI - ftaptWoless - Astr==W S3~jff 7 %7'1%6 A DUTCH' VISITOR'S IMPRESSIONS OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA, BY A. L. SCHNEIDERS, 32 PP. DUTCH, NP, HET PAROOL, 17, 23, 24, AND 29 Nov 1962. JPRS 17247 WEUR - NETHERLANDS soc JAN 63 220.1428 Ora Miamacm - lbasurqmnt of Refleativity by the Micro-Photowtarv I)y QW44ANp, pars NrmdbwwkM4eab*s P&%W*mo StUtt9lXt* 1952, Brost SCUMLWAMbar Vlar2ass Duabbatdl=- pp IU*232. Sp um"Olty.of %vam. ND 88 Scl my 60 -P Ol SCHNEIDERMANN., S.L. Moshe Dayan, Military Comdr of Jerusalem - Yiddish newsp Dos Wort (81) 5 Nov 48 COW 421/49 '2) / 0S 37 JauL--e a Vide pour lez Domainer, Co-"mris Enzyc !it 113~cssiorl ilormple et le vide Pousse pour LLLications Pea.m.-lanel-ACS1 by R. Schneiaorreit, 6 pp. GE-IT-LAII -Lo FIENCII, per, Val-mum Techai'-Ic, Vol !X, 110 5., 196o., PI) 126-130- 9097075 Reverse Trans CEA Tr A-1031 Sci i9 -i~pr 62 Ulu bxxvz~~6tr I'L at tha Ttke. 6y J. KnrLlAvz~al. Womr tallfa vadillik 6" .., LLI-133 , -~ "Mi " Usik ,Dl mt, k;* 42 x1o4l I- rl/ DC-8391 J-S31'63 Series of Four Articles on Czechoslovakia, by A. L. Schneiders. CZECH, np, Het Parool, 17, 23, 24, 29 Nov 1962, pp. *JPRS EEur - Czech Pol, Econ, Mil, Soc j an W 1,3 The Diagaosla of Hoof and Umth blveasq -Amat* awmam, by Eernhard Spb q J.A Virus COGMUSte for Uae ag; ea-Adtorbeat Vaccine Agalmat Atypia R~qmltry Peatp b g Dr. W. Sebater; Rawarch on the EZfectivanaae and the Reaction to Adsorbftt. jacclue for Faultr7 ftet# by Dr. J. Darrymano A pp~ Uscumly 13MWAR, TierarytIle Wadwnschrlrt,, 1951, Vp 131- ~~3; Tiorarytlicbe Muchau, 1951# pp 199-M.- 311- ID OSUSA F-?Oa7 Ag Sr C Uctentifie - Medicine Doe 51 CTS Products of the Budapest Tranandesion MachIne Pictory., by Alfred.. Schnell, 3 PY - MWARM, per,, GeMartsstechnologia,, Vol I, Ho 1i, 1961,, pp 11-12. jPHS 4856 Emkir - mmgsry Soon sey 61 Analyse par fluorescence X. 111, Coiawmication la modification des intensites relatives du rayannement K des elements, soufre, phosphore. silicium. et aluminium lors de la formation de corq)oses. by E. Schnell. GERMAN-To-FRENOi, per, Monatsh Chem. Vol XCIV. No 4. 1963. pp 703-713. Reverse Translation CEA-A-1605 Sci Jan 65 61-16739 bchnell, I-L FOLYCARBONATES: A GROUP OF NEW THERMO- L Schnell, H. "I.AS1 R: RESINS. [t961143p. 68 refs. Order from SL.A $4.60 61-16739 Trans, cf Angewandce Chemle (West Germany) 1956, v. 68, no. 20, p. 633-640. Another translation Is available from RIS $32. 00 as RIS-61053, 26 June 59, 27p. DESCRIPTORS: 'Plastics, *Carbonates For abstract see Technical Translations 2.- 813, 1959. (Materials --Plastics, TT, v. 6, no. 5) Polmmkbonates as a Dw MV4 of PlasUco. ftepara- tUm and ProverUms, or Awamfte Polvester* ocr car- btodc AcUs by I!!__"MwU* ow"S pers AWW qm, TWL X=tl,, No 90,p 21 Oat 19%,v vp ftA6. . . set A3* " $~f. 0?40 fo' 62-2fX)83 POLYCARBONATES, A GROUP OF NOVEL THERMOI 1. SchnelL H. PLASTICS: PREPARATION AND PROPERTIES OF 11. Title: Preparation ARONIA71C POLYESTERS OF CARBONIC ACID. [1962][24]p. 52refs. Order from SLA $2.60 62-20083 Trans. of Angewlandrel Chemie (West Germany) 1956, v. 68, no. 20, p. 633-640. Ozher translations are available from SLA $2.60 as 62-16455 119621 23p., $4.60 as 61-16739 119611 43p.: from RIS $32. 00 as RIS-61053, 26 June 59. 27p. and from ATS as ATS-421-113G. 17p. DESCRIPTORS. *Plastics, *Carbonates, Polymers, j 6 Esters, *Carbonic acids, Synthesis, 07'hermoplastics.1 For abstract see Technical Translations 2: 813, 1959. (Materials- -Fla arics, TT, v. 9, no. 8)1 Po4carboustes, it Group of Nev Theimp33stic Materials Preparation and Propertieg of Axvmtic Polyesters With C&rbmIc MO. by H. Gobw3l j, 20 pp. GEMN, per* Anew Chem.. Vol Lwn?,, pp 633 4~4-0. NM RUCUMS W FQFd= KATMKUA Sci - cbemistry Y.D,v 1957 CM/dez Me INTEIMU WE cm CXA#M XX-279 57 J-5v 61-1093' , [Schnell). THE THEORY OF THE MOVEMENTS WHICH SUB- 1. Schnell SERVE BINOCULAR VISION (Zur Lebre von den dem Zusommensehen mit Belden Augen Dienenden Bewegungen). 119611 10p. 2 refs. Available on loan from SLA M-10937 Trans. of [Albrecht v[on] Graefe's Archiv [fUr Ophthalmologiel (Germany) 1892, v. 38, no. 1, p. 110-117. DESCRIPTORS: *Opticalimages, Theory, *Eye, Physiology, *Visualacuity, *Vision. Offi-I T-W.A S-i (Unannounced) Polycarbonates, a Group of New Thermoplastic Materials, by Hermann Schnell,, 3 PP. (From Lecture Meeting) Abstract GERMAN, rpt., Gesellsehaft Deutscher Chemikerj Meeting held 21, 22 Sep 1956, Farbenfabriken Bayer A.G., Plant Uerdingen, Hamburg. NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS CIA/FDD XX-291 Sci - Chemistry May 1957 1A.C."INTERNAL USE ONLY im Examination of the sedinmittation Rato in Soldiers, by Ragmr-g_C-402U& S'5-IEDISII,, per, Mgrica No 90, 1926, pp 65&-662. 14111 4-54-65 Sci-B&."I !-.lay 65 280.791 The Deformbility of Slag Inalusions in Steel and Its SignifIcance In tha Anneasmat cC Forglup, by &1ch BobeUj, Rudolf Scbnall GERM,, per.4 Stabl mg 31menj Vol LIM.* No 32.. pp 683-Q7. su 6o-iBQ7 SCIL 144of Apr 61 AIr Follu. #323 R-9219-D 8 mow 68 De Xethaan4sting Oftthaw perwnution BY: SCMMLLM,, Owles Gerardus 2heodowus Pet= Fl%=: Doctoral 2healsi, DeM (Hollud) *web 26s IS*T Dutch - eat for vft.- (139 PP) Please tranalwLe, and tarpe 1 oxiginal con only. Document cm be eat. So VObUds HAIM CC w AmW MA40:304 at DINO FJAdk% IW Z* Mk"%W* 421p 00906 vw* som Alm mot TW 45 ~zs 91CL ~ unt jdw 67 Recent Findings in the'Field of Peroxide Bleaches, by Emil Schneller. GERMAN SLA per NC State College Jun 59 Design of a Programmed Blooming Train With # Automatic Haterial Flows 11 - Drives and ContTal Systems, by 11~- Schnepf. G. Mainshaus4m. GERMAN, per. Stahl und Eisen, Vol LXXXIIIj. Apr 19630 pp 496-SO4, BISI 3302 Sci - Engr 01 1 -3-)/ Jan 64 . *41 Introduction to Inertial Navigation, by P. ==.t GM&M, Naviaticm, NO 15/16, 1956. VMMwq-*WjO- Tn No 4761 / k~ 7-/,~ YT kJ Sai Y,,- -?,/ Effect of Foreign Gases an Selective Reflect- ion of the Mercury Resouxace Line, by 0, Schnettler, GEPXM, par, UftschAft fuer Physik. Vol LXVp 1930m, pp ;55-W. NZDIA Sci- Phys ::p ;) ? 7 Mar 63 T.he Influence of Haparlm on the F4podbalefiteren-Ic Action of NicatWe Aeld., by 0. Rkww PP. GMMM# perp 3=n~u-SabAledisbergs ArcIA-v Awr BVerlmv-,~Ile Patbalogia und Pbamtologlsq Vol C=MV., ND 2j, 1959, PP'103-ng. SrA 59~-I" Biel - ibdlalvA Oct 59 1a3 Vol n, No 101 'he Influence of Ileparin on the hypocholcsteremlc tion of Nicotinic Acid, by 0. Kraupp, 15'. Schrietx., S 19 Pp / GKRRU; per, Archiv far ExperimentA '.Le Pathologie und Phax-makologie, Vol COXXV., No 2, 1959, pp 103-112. SLA 59-15489 Sc:'L - Med Pu .1 59 Vol 2, No 4 on tin awa~~ svwibw W&M 'n um Guld" T 13 Mmos, by F. sabnotaur. A.19-U.. VOI 1.4.t lb 10p 290P ........... W, r -n. * 1'2k'l ) Z& ftf:5MT (Ub Tme c Feb 70 4U#529 Lat-a, Alterations of Cells Uzniderthm la-t-lucjacn, of by K m.Q.-Edlua-rd I --, 7 GRRT-AAN., ppt,~r, Tircbows Archiv, Vol CCC-T~ 1.91:ilil., P-P imi 6-4i-61 sci - Med Dec 61 Baitra Containing Orgmphasybomphorum lft*cticides for Ose Agaim-M Hou.1ti-nies. ?;Yz. V. sebloylar, 5 RMXAK~ per, OWS, W"Ldl spi4ewol I Zlwjw'oiol, Vol xx3xp 110 go 19AP vp =-1(A- PergmWn last Sci - Mad W%U* 59 YX ,/ 4~" The Effect of Honuuifo= Xatensity oj, Wagwtizatioa of a Body of Constant Susceptibility on the Inter- pretation of Magnetic Anomlies by Simple Methods, by V. U. Davitsyn, U. 1. lapina, Do L. Sebueyerecdy 3 PP. t- RUSSIM, per) 1z Ak Hauk SSW,, Ser Geofiz., So 3, 1961, PP 46-432- Sci Sep 61 The caiculation of Fiece-Rates in Rolling Mlls on the BauLa of Opemtiaml RecoMG, by H. Goblet, Ka schrack. UNCL 0=40., parp Stabl u SUeu,, Vol IX=Ij# So 19# 103,, pp !P-16-2231- Britiab Iron and Steel LA (no number giben) sci - Kath Sep 59 gpdo" Tem ft to IMOW #ad** "WA. BMWs . I ~ xw % ~ . Z WIMM MOMMAOM6 Vd XLV- & M "" V. p W. pum"Olow sa ~ 4ghm Sept " mom 63-L0724 COMBINATION THERAPY OF HYPERTENSION WrIll 11. Schnider, U. GUANETHIDINE-CHLORO-nilAZIDE DERIVATIVES (ISMELIN-ESIDRIX AND ISMELIN-NAVIDRDO (Die Kom bi nationsbehandl tmg der Hypertonie mit Guan- ethidine~Chlarothiazid-Derivaten (Ismelin-133idrex und Ismelin-Navidrex)). Jan 63, t5p. 17 refs. Order from SLA $1.60 63-10724 Trans. of Schweiz[erischel Medlizinischel W[ochenschriftj 196Z v. 9Z 15 Sep, p. 1127-1132. DESCRIPTORS: Therapy. 'Hypertension, Drugs. Diuretics, Vaso active agents, Sympatholytic agents. *Guanethidine. Tranquilizers, Blood pressure, Corticosteraids, *ChloroEhiazide diuretic. Ile combination therapy of essential h means of the elective sympathetic inhibmr';= by ethidine and the chlorothiazide derivatives, hydro- Wict of 7eclakal Sertkes (Biological Sciences - - Pharmacology, TT, v. 10, -no. 2) SOME PROBLEMS CONCERNING THE IMPROVEMENT OF ECONOMIC PLANNING AND MANAGEMENTj BY DIETER HEROLD AND MARGARETE SCHNIDT 6 pp. GERMAN., PERj, EINHEITj, NO 12, VOL XVIII 1962., pp 67-71. JPRS, IT787 EEUR GERMANY ECON MAR 63 223P969 an F. 4mmak-lb tw . .I ~ 11INIIIIII.& . TA frA Lx , an . chm Aft of XIM Cleanin of Redioactivay Contaminatwd WorkelpQes, by Thomas Sabnikors, 6 pp. GEMN, jers Dle Wascherelp No I., 1963a PP 3-0-12-h ACSI 1-223B ID 222T676 Sci - fte Sci & Tech Nov 63 7.40)197 VcA w-v~~e~ias~e Noise Factor, Ok TraveUing Wave Tubes# by ff. Schnitgair, D. Webax-p 14 PP aRMW,, per, FermplAstecbuiacbe zettletwifts, No 7S 195% 3O-ff--3W- Scieulvific - PbWuiem MS 65/Peb 1.1$ #J/ 4 / 0611 0