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*40190 MA Mmuo or W140420mal Fee&*& Am#liftor Qdmj, br No B. $hmUqvldb., 5 pp. =WTM,p rwp XL*ktmwpmd # No 3# 1962t AIM &K Sm 69 9:L7#999 P"Youtico at Qqwn Carrasion by Moasw cof WAMIM,o bw P. A. Akel'sIns D. A. Danilonko., D. A. KO;O ."SWi, M. A. SAISkov, 1. XR. SbWLjovjc?; RMIM# PM,, WplooMptlim.. Vol Us 1"Tv 96. AMC VP 120 set - 4%M r7zif Xf Oct, 58 SNIP RMM WDIMM66 -e --opo tials, by ShM113ke.. 4_pp. R=XO# m per, 413. Msper Blol 1 MmUts Vol XLI# No I Mar 1956s pp W 75-78. conmatants Bureau Sol - Mbd Blasuctric zMat of C3004nmt the Oren an the ocalptul SO& 7vanta 14b" or the owt= or tb* Owdoml 13 ' A In Mas by Go A. ShmlWwj, 4 sp. FdU tr mmmo so PW p RNI man Dial Lildp Vol =0 go gy 1* V%i MAX7130 sale= ftl - Abd3olve f 5?4 *""* M/ftz zm 19vir 25770) lutWation of Sioelectric Activity of the Brain and tb* Obtaining or jougressed OsciLlegmm in Man, 'f - G- A:. ~Slwiuke_m 6 IV. w par,, W Usper Riol i Nadp Vol XXXVIII 90 U.. liar 190v Uncowe vp 71-73. CXA/FW U-7935 um 3:~ Set - Medicine.. pbarwbeolW ;r- -ahd ~-ivaves in the Electricad Activi%r of the "un wa Cortex, by G. A. Shnl�nka., 4 pp. LUSSIAI', per, 4"'hur Vysshey Ilerv Deyatel inieni 1. 1). Pavlava, Vol -CE, ",-o 2, lo,61. pp Sci I-Iay 62 195,563 Prepwatim of Alumimut and Zim EKrmolso by A. ftrtemv A. d~tL- W$A* 4 pp. AMIM# b1m pq NoUiCdd Zhurs Val XMj, No 6j, NW/UW I-M vp CIA *&4 Ct r"l 3. parew Sol Choolow 57 An JXJ6 L. Lr L) i~, li. Tetertl-,, 1- Shmit. RUSSiK-l-, per, Do,, Ak Ilauk S-131-1, V,~,l I-Y.XXVIII, No 5, P~63,; 1)[i 671-87L - HT -4 1 uji Cu-up Tr Sch ED 57 Ll. 12S. (4s.0d) Sci 1,11us Lib ScLenti-i'ic - Min/metal.s Feb 55 CTS The Stabilization of Suspenstome of Aluminium, by A. A. Snmits,, L. K. Lepia. fMSVX9 per,, Veeti ratvien PBR Unatnu Ak, No 1., M2. RU M. 3604 so L - Phys jul 6e The Knichts of the Secret War, by Sbmonin. RUSSIAN, np, Krasnaya 2,vezda, 28 Apr 1961. FBIS vire ME SR .1 . - / ., , - - " - - - I ./ r. . I I ii M May 61 R#AU*Aciil at-tho-Bmft by V, v, omtaut-sev# 9 UWZAN# Avg do 214g650 t.-t-oii of ll,~~t!tron �n t:-!c- Favth`c Cruzt, T by Slmouia. L. !.-. 17. V. Cherclyntse-vi. T,. T.. RUSSP-19, par, C-i:-oklhim, He 105-9, I-P 105-109 Knights of the Soviet War,, by L. Smonin.. 8 pp. NJSSUN, np, Mre~ Zrazda, 28 KVr 1961. CrA/PMD X-W3 um Pol Apy, 7f/O Apr 62' Syntkaeefuis t.*):r' i-Alloxy~-2-,D~cychlorophospbino-3-0)-Il-oro- 1,3-Butadiones, by M. F. Shorhakovskiy, 1. 1. r Gusey-inov., L. 1. Sbmonin~., 3* )P- HUSSM, 2per,, Zhur Obahch Xhim,, Vol M, No 9, 1960; PP 2836-2&37. Sci CB / 7 t), 6 e-6 sep 61 by 9. ZV,W-=-,p Par, Dolk Ak UA SSSRo Vol CXVIIX~ No 1? 1 .8 9,i I-' sai ahmi JIM 59 6 InvestigLULcia c?f the Frve-Radivi &chaniam of tbu AMItiows of Polybalo Cmpounds to Vinyl jkcZbtatc;, by M. FAbolfskmkiyo L. 1. 6 pp- Russia,, ;er,, It Ak Naul. 8M., Otdal Milo Imiks, so No X, 4501, - J~p 64-1k diT Omwultmts Durmu Bel - cbem may 59 Praparatim of Haxaehlorobutadieme,, by M r. TIUSSIAS, par,,. Is Ak Smik SSSR# Mel RUm Saukp Consultants Bureau Bel - Ch*m way 59 Bymlthmoisor -steroid- CCOMounp-saa- itelatea-buDSTancoo-o- XXW- 9-Nffftl-1,6-Dibyto-47-Wtab7drompbthalene; by I. N. XavwWp S- I- ZSVYlwj, M- 5- BM'NiOzOva,, I. A. WwwlolpW L. 1. gk=olm,, 4 pp. ftu tv HUMAIS m Vmp Zbw Olwboh Oft,, Vol IXTI No 2, 1956. pp 441-M4. CIA !WrO72 Cj, Aftl 110 9c con"llwato DWMR Set - /of /A Dee 56 oms lrivc-atl-&ii.~Ion ct, luh-~! of Sot.!E! 42.,3-1jubst-itutcol lby ni. 1. Ba-tuav.~ L. 1. .1 libim Iiaakc." mo -;$t 19611 pp 513-516. U13 sci .f,,rcv 62 ftxuwols at x-Aug4mr-q.4*mmft"kaxw. "a I ~ * IiML I...... 3-GUUVlp 16 L 3 wo - ku~ L ~UW,o pft# nor mouk Afty %i M=,p ft 3p, ""P op 7* f0. + 4 ftl 3,"83." aw 0 N6-91~x--Synther-io-o,--Polvcyclic- -9cmqpounft Related to 81mriodr.: M,, Complete Symbbesis ot CaMounda With Androatance Slmletons wd Their Structural Doxers With NethAcyclopeetane HIAP Bp 1. ftwrovj, L. D. BerseI'rouj,-k_--j_- Abn"~.. L. 4 pp. MOkOv w,, Zz Ak Nw* SM, 0.1del lChim Dauk, No 4t loth. 131A/nD/X.230 XW Tr 233 ir, 4 11 RP Tr 63A9Tk 1,5',f 7,9 Oc Lentifte - Cbesl try, SyMbesio of Steroid ODWounds aud Related Subi3tances Commmicatrion, Xn. Coadenoation of 3.*4.#4a,5*8p8a- ito3cmbyftv-8s-gethyl-l-irinylmphthalone With 41;16- Usigmtwwhed Cvclic KeWnes- Synthesis of Steroid Ketmes Derived From Ard:mgenated Cyclopentalalphen- anthrene and Chrysenep by 1. 11. Nazarovp L. I. Sbobqta~ I. V. Torgovp 14 pp. PLal tramslation. M)MM.p Mw perp Is A Nauk 888R, Otdol Rhin Nauk, 1* 60 Usnp pp'1074-IM. CIA D 151103 Consultants Bureau Scientific - Chemistry I/ ?/ 66/Mar 55 4 wel -- $6rivat$ves of AcetyleDe.. 135. Rearranamat of Au Allylle. Statem. V. Exchavgs Reactlen of Dimmtby- lallyl Cb1orlde WItb Amineal, Potaselum Cyauldes and Baits or Or~anic Acids, bf 1, M, Wasaravj-7. No Bakehow and L. i. -Shmoatwg 5 Full tmnal~tlctk RUSSUAj, m0 Vol IMP 110 4,0 UM, Apr 19V,, pp d0-611:- Me. Comultants Dweau SciWific - Oboulatry Dee 53 CTO ;7 62-34310 V. P. ~Dd SokDl'mbL V. V. amrylolic REDUCTION MECHANISMS FOR NITRO- 1. Shumm-, V. p. AND WME op ns DuwmB& )m 62, a. sakwImm, D6 V. 11P. 19 rot& Imaroadonol Cheadcal OtdorhvmlCRlnv. 2. m 1, $13.00/yfar Rngineerlr4. Mm York 7VU& Of Kinodka I XmIsHl (USSR) IIAI 1w. 2] no. 7, P6 3WL D=CRWIM: 'Nimbsomme. *Amfliwo. Ro&wtioi lesudyms. 0plmtb*=cwdym, Ithliadlum C"YW16 CK*gi*, ltowti= hisedes 4Cbemic-I arsbowb& C (Cbs-hvtry--ftyobml. Tr. V. 8. am 10) Offl- of Techmic.1 $"Cos Catalytic Reduction of Aromatic Nitro Compounds. XI. ME! Effect of the Carboxyl Group on the Kinetics of the Reduction of Nitrobenzene Derivatives, by V. P. SUmonina, AL. I. Detinenko, 5 PP. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Obshch Khim, Vol XXXI, NO 3, 1961, PP 749-T54. CB Sci 195,179 may 62 Catalytic Reduction of Aromatic Nitro Compounds, X. The Effect of Phenolic Hydroxyl on the Kinetics of the Reduc- tion of the Nitro Group in Nitrobenzene Derivatives, by V. 11. Shmonina, G. P. Temnikova, 5 RUSSMN, per., Zhur Obshch. Khim, Vol XXXI, iio 3, 1961, PP 7434~8_ CB Sci may 62 195,178 of 'edunisn of catalyac iCk'A Of Atvdmunw =1 clartaim of its I.Ll6AV&tiWup Igy Vo P. Sh n-xana, L~. V. LU*019_~&Jy 2.3 pp. ,bu;slml*. Z~ero Zv* of rossm;6 umutut adA- dWO&AWA W" Vbl 74, mle, RE5 3113--5i, zw 70 Catalytic Reduction Of Aromtic Ntr-O--C-wPmmda-.- XI. The Influence of Som Functional Groups an the Reduction Kinetics of the Nitro Group on Skeletal Nickel,, by V, P,, Shmanim., D. V. Sokolsky., 6 pp. RUSSVJ,, perp Zhur Obahch Xhinj Vol xxvi., no 6., Jun 1956., PP 1759-1765. Comaul+Amts, Bureau Set - Cbmiletry -A ,,4 9 JuLl 57 Study of KILteration In Petroleum Uader Anaerobic Conditlons I)u-- -bq Faeudminas, lby 7-,~ A. YOleE;aik, shmOngya, J pp- RUBBIABI,per.. Dok Ak Nauk SSSH,, Vol CXV., Vo, 6j 3-957;, YP 3.197-1198. Amer Inst of Biol Sci Sci .- Ked may 58 Iffle I'Lelfation I)etween Greir-en and Ska=f,, b- 4 pp. A. P. MmOtOvi RussTiM, -per) Dok Ak Ilauk GSSR, VO No 4~ pp Consultanto Dureau Sci Jan 60 Apc~ftodld Operstloo of CORSOUMM CODtOlUIM forra*14mt-ria, by.N. !~. -MVPT." 3 ry. FtWaTAN, !pro u Ak Nswirs;r fts, Vol 1=1,, No I?o IMo IV 433-14!~. Colvmb".Tath sal Fo 60 /4, 7- Exothermic Mixtures and luserts for Beating ~ ngot Feeder Heads, bly L. Shmrga, 1. Brodskii, 4 pp. RUSSIATIt per, Stftl, NO 7, 1961, PP 598-604. Bisl S ci 17~ ~Oy Nov 61 MANPOWER - ADDED CRISIS IN EILAT-TIMNA', BY )Q MENAHEM, SHMUEL, 4 pp. HEBREW, NPI HABOKER, VOL XXVIII, No 8929, 17 AUG 1962, p 4. JPRS 15519 MIDDLE EAST - ISRAEL ECON OCT 62 212,878 Tiio L-Efect of Cavitattion Type a the Form of lAydroturbine Sapg-ration Characteristics, by L. S. Shauglyakov. RUSSIAN, 1~er' r paimashinost:gSoniye, No 1, 1963, PP 2S-27~~ CIA X-7066 July 69 387.226 The Relation Between the Cavitation Coefficient and Content of Air Dissolved in the Water of a Wdraullc: TUrbime, by L. S. Sbmugly&kov, 14 pp. MMIN, per, Energmaebinostroonlep No 5, 1956, pp 11-14. BcJL Me IAb Tr 57/3160 SCI - Bugr YAr WastwOMMA of the Intensity of Acmgtia Wl In Vator Flow During tho aavltatton,, by L. S. fro U= RMIMP VO'rt ZmrgPm"h., No 9, 1958, VP 23-ZT. DOIR =; TM WM i2a. 6d. sot - pkqo Ma 59 6? 7) 4? ~ I/ st ba"s Tw"U" for BOWMAN F."prUsoo bir so SSOWAWW Imuhma so p /4 vl~ 3369,764 61-22600 Shmuk, A. STUDIES OF THU FATTY SU&STANCES OCCURRIM L Shmuk. A. IN TOBACCO LEAVE& [196117p. IL ATS-35N5111 Order from ATS $12.45 ATS-35NSIR UL Associated Technical Services, Inc., East Trans. or Vsesoyuzfnyy Nauchno-Issledovatel'sklyl Onuge. N. J_ Instfitut] TabschInoyl I P&kborkovoy Pram[yshlen- nostil. Trudy (USSR) 1937, v. 133, p. 3-9. DESCRIPMRS: Fats, Determination. 01bbacco, Chemical analysis. (Biological Sciences--Botany. Tl~ v. 6, no. 3) Gem of Tdlml S"m. abangeS in the Coespos:Ltion of Alkalolde durica Veptstl" Orafting Of PlmntB, 107 A.JMWA%#-.7 Pp,$ hMXAX, per, Prtlradap go 1, 1940, PP 79- 81. Assoc Tech Serv Aus 7 tf U .1 Tt~!j;j L1,01Dg, j ,sb=uL,, 763 pp. vol ii-.1; f RUSSIAN, bIL, Ehimiya i Tekhnologiya Tabakm5. 1953. om 61-31003 PL-48o Sci - Chem jan 62 P&I! 96 ,,I Djew Colar Reaction fo,,- the Pyridine Rigg and Pjridine Alkaloids, by A. A. Ghmuk, 3 pp. RUSSIAN,, per,, Priroda., No 2~ 1940.. pp 65. Ai3soc Tech Serv Sci Apr 59 !V~ ,//s s a I / 62-10208 THERMODYNAMICS OF COAL PYRfrH OXIDATION 1. Shmuk, E. 1. 119611 10p. (2 figs. omitted) 17 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $ 1. 10 62-1.0208 ,rrans. of [Atsdendya Nauk SM. Otilelenie Teizhni- chcokikh Nauk. Izvestlyst Metallurglyn I TopliYo. 1960, no. 6, p. 177-182. DESCRIPTORS: *Coal. *Pyrites, OxIeMlon. Thermodynamics, Thermochen-Astry. 2U61 7' On the basis of thermodynamic calculittlons. equilibrium constants and free energies wera obtained for the pyrite octletation reaction In relation to cbanges In temperature. The heat effects of pyrite oxidation were calculated. It was established that an Increase In pressure favorn pyrite oxidation by oxygen of the air. (Author) (Cliet-dBtry-PhysIcal, TT. Y. 7, no. 9) BAVWUCD at Almmialm Qdft Teft Cc"-WfttmUt. va"Ol. by T. 1. xwibmwp B. 1.'Ow*. OWL ammump p"I Sa Ak Mmk IMMP JW 2p 19M, p 133. ~ un (Ifts) mk"g SGIL - nwlwto am AS$ 99 ppfp~ r -7 v if Study of the KineUcs of Tberml Decomosition of Solid Pm-manganateag b~r S. YU* Movichr S. Z. RUSSIAN,, bL-o pw#Ix Ak Homk SSSR Otdal Xhim Nw*~, ilo 5a ig5o, pp AN Tr sci -m. Ch= Jan 52 MS jq - L:~ T opograpby of the PyrolytILC Decomposition of En-rUM llerumr,~,Ante,, by 0, Z. BoSILwkii., Sw 1. Shmuk., Qnd M. Ya. KuOhn,"rev. Full txOnslut'lou" Vol 71., 11MOTAR., varv IELAk KaUk SM Mal Sim Fauk 1950s 7P 573-575. AM Tr 1261 .~At Vic - Chudstay Investigation of the Microbiological Oxidation of the Pyrite of Coa, by 2.. M. Zarubina, N. N. lWalkova, Ye I Sawk, RUSSIM., per, Iz Ak Nauk 5MR, Otdol Tekla Nauk, Mete.'- i Toplivo, No 1, 195% pp 117-119. Dept of Interior TNT, 957, No 293 Sai - mwmet jun 6o The Weliman-PA*molds Th4"wy or Tbvmderstorm,, by V. Ma *jclmlk, A. M, Mawkier.. 3 PP* =61"j, pers, In Ak Ilmak SWR., Ger Goalms, No 1, 1956,9 go in, 113v Assoc Toeb Berv Bel - 08apbwe Jbi A=&kr. IL L AM Shtdan, M V. STARTMG A ONCE-'MROUCal BOUXIt-71JODM UNIT ON A SLMING SYSTEK [19611 1131p. 2 rots. Q IL 17ranmL 1219; rDSIR " J& 3177. Order trom OrM at SLA $1. 61-MM Thms. cd modarrido") SMSOU cum 1059. T. 3% am 7, P6 5-12. DESCRIMRS: %*Uwe. OTabbom. Sawdm& 61-27494 1. Shmukler, L L n. SMefam. IL V. M. CE 7Y&M-1119 IV. Dm LLU 16L 3177 V. Cauto Mscuuuy amuffibs; Bout (0L kk, I (Rom-w*w-mwbu"L Tr. W. 6. m 10 00" *116"Ca swid"s 7ae Reliab:Uity of IrLfcw:awUon Nets., by V. A. aw a zhozhilmahvilto yu. 1. - . aim RUSSIM, perp Avtwat I ToLem,--I;hp Volp M=., ro 6, 1963, pq &24-829. ISA sci -7 -!,~ , 19 2- / Jan 64 11 Datenninatim c:f Av~rsee F,-,tz)tle-qz; Openition Tire in Cmtactlass Remote Control ~.pp---Xatus, by V. A. Zhozhikashvily and Yu. pp,. RUSSIM, pir, A-Aomat, IL Telemakh, Vol XXIII, No 'e. lc,6ZP pp 932-937. ISA Sci Mar 63 'A 3 J/1 Spectroamlyuls of Magmesiba and Open-Reartb Lining Mixterialm Frtm Solutions, b-,r N. V. Kandler,A. V. Mitroshina, 1. L. 8 2. WARAW RMSIAN,, mo per Zavod Lab, Vol MIj, No 40 MODCOUS, 1957, pp 440, 441. Bmteber Tr 4020 $1.90 Sci - YAnlMat Jan 58 i- -1 lc 3o.Lutlani'; of I-'tr-,UU c-di dE4'-,Y Value ~~Obi.eM2 1~-'ttial CcinAit'Lon-F, for Pax--.bolic lskp-ationa, T, TWSS171 -x,. Dok Alk x7axi): SSSR; "Vol 1962., pL PP Amer Mrth floe sai jun 6p Efficient Use of Hob Jength in Rough Hobbingi, by A. G. 4 pp. RUSSIM, per, Starild i Instrqjh&wnt, Vol X=I, No 2, 1962,, pp 26-29. PERA Sci 214)079 oat 62 Smm=CH) E. YA. Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, vol. 15, 1949) pp. 742-743; 550 vordB- Applicability of a Semi-Microchemical Method to the Analysis of Blast IVrnace Slag. BrutcherLTrans., OrcLer No. 2384, $1.2o /I loti-7y oubstltuto for CruU Plue Tar Ln RUbber Reclai2- Lag, by A. A. UvwrovokLylp Be 1. mAlkyouya, S. A. Sokolovjp Rum"s PWO thor P&A Ilds, Val *o 3:2,, 1,957,~ pp con"ll"to bureau a" a ohm J*b OC-1165 DC-1 1%11-at a E2LygXjE Reader Has Seen During His Visit in the USSIR by Y. Shmullewitsh, p YIDDISH, d np, Forverts, New York, 19 Dec 1957, p 6. * US fPRS USSR Soc I What a Foi-verts Reader has Seen During his Visit in the USSR, by Y. Shmulewitsh., 4 pp. YIDDISH, d np, Forverts, New York, 19 Dee 1957, p 6. JPRS/DC-1967 USSR Boo - I F ~,tucatton in Cartography in th~! MZPI, by 1. 8. RUJIST-Alf,, XX-Ut Sovetzkoy &-!*I i Furto, 1919-1939, A. N. Paranov Ed, Ewcou, pp 94-11T. Available ORR/C.1-to Div OSV ScrIes A, uo 61 INCR Scl,cat'.1ftz: - A SpectroDhotomstric lbthW for tbe D*Urmitmtion of Butyl Aled2aos by Ta. it. Wbzm3 yakovskly. 7j. . RMXM, wrs Mift I Takh TWIlva i Nuelp No rb IMP up 46-30. 1U IL 3WI sci - Cl" nb 62 lor-a '. F40Y 61-27592 Shmulyakovskii, Ya. E. A SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC METHOD FOR THE I . Shmulyakovskii, Ya. E. DETERNNATION OF BUTYL ALCOHOLS (Spektro- 11. DSIR LLU M.3U01 fotorneulcheskil Metod Opredeleniya Batilovykh Spurtov). [19611[9]p. [DS[R LLUJ M-1001. Order from OTS or SLA $1.10 61-27592 Trans. of Khim[iyaj I Tekhnol[ogiyal Topliv I Masel (USSR) 19S9 v. 41 no. 12, p. 46-50. DESCRUIrORS: Ultraviolet spectropho:ometers. Butanols. Determination. Light. Absorption. Alcohols. Nitriles. A spectrophotometric method of determination of normal, secondarv and tertiary butyl alcohols is de- scribed that uses the light absorption cf butyl nitriles In the ultra-violet part of the spectrum. Specific ab- sorption indices, formulae for determination of each Offi-f T.Ch.k.l S-1- (Chemistry- -Organic. TT, v. 6, no. 10) (over) Spectral Determination of Calcium in Aluminum Silicateo by Ya. E. "aos!~T~-at al. EMIAdN,p no perj, Xhim I Tekh Topliva., No 10p 3.956., py 70-72. 9.%ch and Cam $20.00 gel - Chm W. 5?, , iP- ~e'r Ja 57 Spactrophotamotric Ynthod of Detorr-dnation c~f the Cont u ent cf Primary ar-Al Secendary Higher Alcoholep by Ya. E. Bb=ar*ovrkiy,, 4 pp 1, RWBXM; rw,, Zhur Prik Khimp Vol XMalp No 11. 1959P pp 2513-2515 CB Oct 60 / & ~2- erz, -Spectral-Nothod--for-D&teraining-Sodium-in--- Alualmo-Silicateop by G. N. Alskeandrovt G. P. Maakboval Ta. l9._WmjlMmbvskly, RUSSIAN.t no per, Neft Xhos, No 12# 1954, pp 64P67. Toch a"d OOM Tr Of 490/ 2135 Spruce St. Philadelphiat 3 Pa. Scientific - Chmdatrr Doc 55 CTSAU '11TI, 2 Ia. M. Slobodint 1. No Sbuayzkovdw, 6 pp. YU12 translation. RMSW,, w port Zkw Mobah Was Vol X[Inv No 11" IM 1953p pp IM-MA. grA D 151246 SaSAutific - CbwdwW Apr 55 CTS 0?0? 01~1 I,I-Dimtbylcyclopropone, by Ya. M. Slobodin, V. I. Grigoryeva, Ya. E. Shmalyakovsky., 5 pp. RUBSUN, per, Zhur Obabch KhIp Vol XXII:E, No 9, Usm, Sep 1953, pp 0-14%. CIA D 151000 Gonsultwts Bureau Scientific - Chemistry CTS -&/Jan 55 1241 4~ 641 7 0& Syatbesib of lpl-Dialky.Lcyclopropanes From Aldehydeop by Ta. M. Slobodin., V, I. Grigoryevaj, Ya. E. ShmalyakovskY., 3 PP- RUSSIMp mo, perq Zhur 03shch Rhim# Vol Ma 0 No i0$, MOR., Oct 1953, pp 1665,P Wko c 1A P I-sioo.-u Consultants Bureau Sciontific - Chemistry CTS &/Jan 55 vId/ 6-,96 Some Features of the Beacoml Increase in In fective Hepatitis Morbidityp by V. As 5 PP. RUSSIAN# &ry Vopros)- Vlausologiij, Vol IV,, No 6p 1959., PP Tl,~-717- PP Sci Oct 60 The Problem of the Pattui of Diusemination of botkin's Dioeane (W- eclave'Repatitic). (Based on the Work of Prof , V. A. Bapbenin and his Aumociate,,sj... by V6 Ab llnwel-s, 5 pp. RWSIMj, per# Zhur M1kriftol EpIdemlol I Immmoblo1j, Vol XMj, N* 5" 1958S PI) UG-112 Peron= I"t 8 c:L - Ned Feb 59 The WAezdo2q;y of Infective Repatitlap by T. A. Sbomeamp L. Yes aots 6 pps -------- RUS$Wg par# Vmw NUrzd)I9I Spidemiol i M=undbiOlp Vol xxzxp so 4) 1958S ~p .15-20. 'Peramms jut Se i - Ned Feb 5 9 Ydl / gf A"OsU me IMmLUal orms-maresUm In &tU- tAve ftatitle (rna"Lawy comadostImlo by V~ A. . 5 pp. man*# PWO now wkw"4 1 ANOWNW03P Vbl RE= lb to 1wi, " i w ad SWO319 am 62 Am-Outlareak of Dysentety due to Infected Water, by T. A. ShW"Bx,, 3 PP- FAMXMv per* 9"-- Nikrobiol Epidemiol i bmundblol, Vol- mmv go 4) 455P PF 83-85- Pergumn Inst, Sol - N" lob 5 9 VT.: TUlmramic Eartorlo~ (hv3.lalmry Rewrt),, by L. S. 4uKUt8lmy4jp K. Va lbabi ~# A. A. SWU-.jgina,- ;SW,, per,, Zbtw Mikxvblo3.0 Epidemlol I Mmmmoblol, =.t so 30 1959,p PP 13-36* CM 9C42530 9 An Improved Dried Live Tularsamia Vaccl=,, by L. a. Nol.yeditalayap A. A. abourygina., 5 pp. RUSSUN, ;arm Zhur Mikrabiol Byidsmiol i Immundbiolp Vol mills, No 106. 1957a PP 84-W. panpmm lust Sai d- Ned Doe 58 f4 lhoory of Blectrou Sadcoaftetors, Ip by B. - 1. - Davydavs 1. U. I- p 53 PP - RLBSIMs pw, -- III& Nuall Vol )=# so 1" 19400 IF n4iT. OW D-IM Mam set / I/, J-xr 2.r. oct 61 Theory of Electron amiconductors, by 1. M. Sbmusbkevich, B. 1. Davydov, 79 pp. RUSSUN,, per, UspekhL F12 Nauk, Vol XM, no 1, 1940, pp 21-67. 9M)451 Aw mp-!Pr-63o fti - Pb3m / 6 C/ f 4 / Aug 61 Angultw Distribution and Polarization of El~--ctr6n Emitted Prcm thG Pat&-Deeav of Oriented Miclei, by I. M. M2mughkovi 1311. RUSSIAN,, pars Zhvr Ekiiper 1, Too-rat Fits, Vol M-III, No 6(12).. 1957.. PP 1477-1482. Amer Imt of Ph" Bcrv rhys-Mv Vol 6 (33)j, No 6 Sci - nlysice kig 58 4 7 -2, Scattorlng of Slectrow by Prot=s by A. 1. Ubleter, L. N. Rozentinreig, 1, ILpShim, hkevich,, 6 IMBUN per Zkyor Zkopw I Toorat Fit., VolA30 no 3 (9S, 1957,'Pp. 765--772. Awr IrAt of Php ofm ft"-Mp VoIL 6(33) a lb 3 SCA - pays 3m 58 vil on the Relations Betwimn Cross Sections Which itearult From the Xrp"beoiv of Isotopic Invarlancep by N. DMbinjo 1. 01=!~MQ 4 pp. MWUV,g per,, Dak Ak Ran* SSBRv ft" Secs, Val CVI,, No 5" pp aol- Amor lost of Fnp am Phys ODok]Ady" Vol I I No I Sa - Aws Ang 57 The Derivation of Ralations Between Cross Soationa 1-Mah Fbllvvi From the Eoothuals of Isotopic Invariancel, by I. Sbmuhkevich,, 8 pp. RUSSIANs ttm-ice-w per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CIII., 1955p pp 235-M. 6 Saient1fic- IFIJIIGX 110T 55 M/bm AM Tr 2VO a** ?-'-S - 1 A q Radiation on CoLUvion at Fast Neutrons With Protons by I.. Pomerancbmk and 1. ch HUSSM11., Dok Ak fibuk BOB., Val 64,v No 4j 1949.. pp 499-50-- See Upton., New York Otatet Brookbaven National JAbomtory Guide to Russian scientific per ILt., Vol No 5,, pp 159-162j. May 2949 Scl Mummi Lib No 50/" Imd Scientifie 93F3 Ruission of Electrouagnetic Radiation in Collisione of Particles With Similar ValueB of e/m, by E. 1. Malkow, I. M. Sbmushkevich, 6 pp. HLISSIO, per, Zhur Sksper i Teorret, Vol XXXIX, ro 6 (l2;j ig6o, PP 1837-1846. AIP Soviet Phys - JM vol xxx, No 6 Sai Jul U Conpumtive MAracteristius of Three Vaecim Stra", of Bruce' 1- (19 BA, 19 ank M) on the Basis of lxperlmw3xt&l Sul~tmtaneous an& srm3 Application, by if. r. smwtw,, L. 0. I%mtukhIm,, A. N. Sosumovs, 6 pp. MWUXj pw, 6911aw Utk&*4XLol ft-JAwdol Mmmobiolp Vol M=j NO . 1960j, pp 32-2c. mhw 61 (NY -4-T3 8 Sensitivity of Animis to lnfec~ion With a Culture avA Toxin of the Bacillus Perfriagens and the Eff4setiveness of Toxoid J=mnirAtion. Under Conditions of Radiatioa Tzjury, by L. M, .2Y.Outer 10 pp. RUSSIO~J, Ejer,, YAM Reftologo Vol Vv NO 7,, 1960. im) 5761 Sci - x6d iqov 6o Sw DOMOM at V&SCISWOM APSWt UVMUMU Up= the MOM cc lAw 20teettem Pzemu I& Odma-P34p Iwofted with Bnw~Ua HaUtowlso by IL Y. LOG, To- lm #A*Xo9mwwm#etal#3 PMUW,p Sol *r Al Cases of Tularsemla in Suipr FactaAes, by U. 1P. Shwiter, 7 P. RIMTMj perp Zhur Wkmbiol Rgdaddl I MMAW-as Val =p ND 3,p 1.959s 9p 46-5e. I Perlpsum Press set /1,2, -7x-? Apr 6o ReUtion of the L=lnologiaal Effectiveness of TuUremim Vaccine StrallUIS to Their Resi&ial Virulence for White Hice., by H. p. Shmter. %Wwwwwworaw MWIMp bk,, Effektivwst' Vaktsinataij Protiv ftlaremllp 1953s PP 1112-115. CIA 903,6912 (Tables Omitted) UWA - Sci - Wdicine 0 Iftr 58 The Problem of Automatic Mould Fillingj, by A. M. Shmyakov. RUSSIAN, per, Lit Proiz, No 12, 1959, p 41. ELL M. 2363 Sci - Engr 'I-7--1 I" Dec 61. o," yiotatiorn navin,-, I'dini-mal Velocities, by Yi. D. 11~liyulll, jaer, Ak Rauk SSSR., Vol CaM, Uo 5; luner Inst of Fhy,~ Vol IV, 1,10 3 7 an Mon I I u hav-01WC2.0-ri -with 1,,xve flesistenceo by Yu. D. -EamsEgley --Y-,,7 PP. per, Prik Mstemt I Mekh, Vol XUV, No 5., L960, yp 9,23-926. pp .;kci lun 61 SITWOMSO P"fll" With Jftnlmm Dng, by Yu. D. Olmnlevsklyp 7 pp. RM108 pWs ft* Must I Vokhm Vol M=,, go 2,p 190a PP 2659473- porf~ Imt Iki 0 MIA &a 59 7 Y, LI// certain Varlational Problems in the Gas D5-ramics of Axisymmtric SUperS=iC FICIW, by Yu. D. eIB)IIY.. 1e pp. _~~~MMwa _. RUSSIMp perj Prik ghtewtJlm I Wkhaulka USSR., Vol XMI p No R, 1957, pp 19!; -2w. 7 BYA 511-10317 3 Sai - Mectran Sep 59 Vol 2p Ifo :L 7, 74~2 Y oa Som Properties of' Axi&Uy Symmtric Superacnic Gas Flowu., bylu. D. Sbnlyglevsk-iy, 3 pp- RUSSIM r, Dok Ak.Nouk SM, Vol =n, NO 5.- 195r, yp 782-- A'ser Imt Of Phya SDv Pbys - Dokla-d-v VDI Ill., No 5 Sai - phys Variational Gas-Dynamical Problem of Axially Byw-MVriaml Supersonlo Flaw, by Yu. D. ShuWgIcvu%U, 3 pp. PUSSM , tbrica-w per., Dok Ak Nauk SSMT , Vol OXXU, Fo 3p 1,,-57., vp 520-522. co=uluul*,a Bwasu 9 Sci - ftwicu Doe 57 reatu=m of the Provesulng of Us WaU %at Mlaj by P. T.-Moralvat K. a. Buntmo 6 pp. Roams 0 fts Pomp Val rv,, lb Igo tqw, No T.!;. AfS-3111W Sol Vol Ive No u Ap'?" .1 6,f AM 62 A 15-11W BleatrOn Maw Accelerator, by T. N. FLIUmuma, A. SL !~Ivw(A v 6pp, RUBSUN,, pw,, Zhur T*b FIz* Vol 'I so 12,p 1962., iv. 1438-1445- Amr Lut at Pays sm~-ftv - %ch aws %A VIZ,, m 12 Skd jun 63 3 C( 7Z 1 6 5- 6