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Ow Ma) ow awl's -a nimt- - 1* aw C"IWAM anowe- IN" 49 un vis"MW at Uq%ftv W sky I VP- 'o VOL =0 lb 5p gnaws mw IW lop ollivm v-woe rdwow X-ray Diffraction,Study of e, by Yu. Tasbpulat4avl "". V. G. S. MSM,p per., Vol 11.1 "NO 1, 1957., pp 38-47. Amar Imt of Ram sci Feb 6o le er, ~x affect of Wraulic Mativas Upm tim ic-asnatica of SUUate ACC=LUtIODA aW CM-malve ProCegaeli In Cemmti3j, by Yu. T. T&mbpiUtovj, F. L. G3.ekelv 8 -jpp. Fun tr RU&RIMs ma pews M= FrIk Xhlm,# Vol XVMp go 8j, 19551 pp 822-830* CTA C "17 S,S; 74',T cansultenta Bweau im 56/dez PREVENTION W IBLI A RENWILITATION Of TASIC THE BLINDo BY 31IMM .1 Poo cmATiAN Mp SOCIALM POLITIVAs NO 41 19(As PP 4104#13* Jm 14721 im - Yuw%A"A soc- Am 6t 205,0992 4&ths~ Of 2-Tert,&r*Uut8dlena-1. 3r, by A. A. Korotkovp L. F. Rogulam, V. A. T-~~ 5 pp. --M 5H~STIU% T~ar a,-,- tmtw -.-, -- - - I I p A,Z~%Op pp 2298~2~W'v I, iscl OB .5-,? o Aug 61 10 b- J, V- Vvc 19,1 Mtection of Thyroxamina in Thyroid and Plawact, bjr G. Wasana., B. Kailp P. TaslLmi, 1; P.P, GERMAN,, per., Zeit fueer Faturearsebung, Vol X.111b, No 12, 1958: P-0 &-'0, 8a. NIH 32-7 Wdieine Dac 59 The Erection of an Rxperimental All-l-Telded TruBs Span Structure, by B. M. TaslitskiY, 5 PP. RUSSIAN, per, Avtomat Svarka, No 11, 1961, PP 71-78. Sci oa- t 6 2 214,095 Toward the Congress of the Italian Communist Party, by Tass. RUSSIAN, np, Pravda, 14 Sep igyL62. FBIS Wire USSR Pol 23 oct 62 Strengthen the Unity and Educate the Cadres in the Spirit of Marxism-Leninism, by Tass. RUSSTAN, np, Pravda, 12 Sep 1962. X FBIS Wire USSR Pol 23 oct 62 A Criminal Act,, by Tass.. RUSSIAN, np, Pravda, 11 Sep 1962. FBIS Wire USSR Pol 23 oct 62 Plenum of the National Council of the Indian Cormiunist Parby, by Tass. RUSSIAN, ITP. Pravda, 22 Aug 1962. FBIS Wire USSR Pol 29 Au,-, 62 Report on M04 Togliati-i Report to Central Control Coimission af 1-unli an Cow-mamist Pai-',-,,r, by T-ass. RUSS1.40, rip, Pravda, 16 ITov 1961. FBIS -Wire USSR Pol 19 i)cc t aLix 61 Construction of Large Atomic Fover Station in the USSR, by Taafix 1 pe E'USSIANj, np, Sovet Avintsiya, No 140 (L>698)t 15 Jun 1957s p I ATIC F-TS-9298IIII USSR '5- 7a 15-6 j Econ A Nov 57 -,.u uaa uum4ILFJL_,jA;P U-L MuscuLar Dystrophy of Yduug Oaxen, -by G. Romati ~ L._Tgppi . j.,15 pp. IMLIAN, per, Z4xrw&lUvmi,, Ito 4, 1949,, pp M-135. NM Tr 7-16 SmL - Blol; Ned "ro. 9.1 ? Aug 57 -0, -/ The Use of Solid Caustic Alkalies for th* Sayonift- D A. Mallat, cation of Esters# bL_?. 2!Lasill M. Descombes. FRMCH, per, Academle des Sciencesp C401pte$ Renduep Val CLXXXVIj 1928j pp 1&6-1M. AM Tr 429 Scientific - Cbemistry, Organic May 1951 M Ccatributica to the SWO an thO Tnmcb FcaO by Worte Tessonot 6 ppa ITALIAN, perv Gass Osg. Val XUVIIIA, 1917m, pp Ul-SW Dept of Navy Tr W6/HNC No 1060 SCL-004M may 66 5-7 woo 7$2 (FDD 19603) Tbo General InvestIgption Mc~mh and the Trend of Dovalam.ents (.I*" an)# by Tasugi -YujIsj pya JAPANESE, mo per, Kokumin) pp 1 -6. roronp No 55,v Oct 19530 CIA.!FDD,'IJ-5499 FE - Japan /61 7 Political Pet? 54 I -I -- ,arian Bmnd-ue Hinirt&,.. by Zoltan IVtaip 21 pp ijung HUWAHM perj, Foldrajzi RMT61 12, p No 4., i;~k pp 309-322- RES 29500 EE-Hung=7 Econ Apr 65 277j.681 zdue of a Urease Tost Aa a N'0a:3L O.L -*between Cl. Sorde-Dii and C-1. bry -ff. Tataki, M. 'kluat, PP- '-M, translation. RENCH, per, aateME, Vol XXCIV, No 5j May 1953, pp 690-8%. S.L,A. 01 11 i~lcientilftc - Mclicine It A'ug 55 j-:-r-'f; fr a, ia, U-- 10, the,- : c - r",,-nl a "~'rcm: co-ft -I LI .~y S. V. Tatanski.41 K. K. 1:1-apok, E. G '40"emeraldo.6 pp - EUBSTAH., pery Heft hhoz,, Vol XM, Eo 2,, 1.946, Pp 52-55. c:rA/FDD/x-il63 3cientific - Fuels CT'S/DE;.' --Available in CIA Library ab'70hto - State. _UR~yTrs IV C 27830 The VdU=U= of rind the Watt $15tow.l. wd Late" ncuu"", oil Ke w0, W14 lfts~ bui Im, ECM I / I (FY-5739M Railroad Rolling Stock Industry in Poznan Wojevodztwo.. by Migister Engineer Franciazek 13 PP- PMUllp per,, Przeglad Wchanlemay: Vol XXXI No 19-20j. Oct 1960, vp M-M- JM 9055 - Polmid &on ftw 61 A Book on Guided I'lissiles, by A. Yq~ Tq'* cl FOUO MISSIAN. per,, Vest Voz Flota, No 12, 1959, (,T~- 71 r, USSR Military - Aviation., book review Or. the Romance a:v Ow Frokesslon.9 by_'k. Y.--. Tatardier~~oj 8 0- Perv VGst VOt FJ.Ot, Ho 12, 1557o 5"3- 643041 AZDC Um Mil 59 Ala 10 'op !XUVO, per, lu"ea t 7o--: Pplota,, 170 3# pp 53-61. 6 13 7 -9 7 CIA ATIC A .-i - Sep G58 astic Conot 'llemperatars Dependence f Ceeium Bronide and lCidide Sing2m Cryatalo BY S.F. Nikanorovs V.A. TIUMSj~~o,_ pp6 RUSSIAli,, perj, Fiz Tverdogo ThIst Vol Vj, No 2j, 1963p qp619-626 Amer I=t of fts Sov fts - Solid State Vol V., No 2 scli Sep 63 Flight in a Backwash, by N.P. Zakharov, V.S. Tatarenchik, 8 pp. RUSSLUR, per, Vast Voz Flot, No 6, 1960~ 9658W3, ATIG /J.~- sci .0 Dac 60 ........ .. . MANULKIN,, Z. Is. TFL PROBLT31 OF DETACHING RADICALS PROK ORGAN- OMETALLIC COMPOUNDS VIII. THE SPLITTING OFF OF RADICAT4S ]Y( THE ACTION OF ALUMIM CHLORIDE AND CFILORIDE UPON TR1PHTafYLBISXU7'F AND TRIPEFTENY- LA2qTIMOHY* ~, 6 pageB, r~ RTTSSIAN,, Zhur Obehab Xhiml, VGI X;rlp Jan. 1951 Consultants Bureau TransUtion WITIAMW IN=140AL VAWMW SOMWTA I'M* I wa smirm 51 KAAF X A MR10o WA I 63 M (IIY-64-98) TwoIN-Row Ladder Delay System., by Yu. 0. Alltshulero A. S. Tatarenko,, V. I. Skokodu=ov' 18 pp. RU-S-SIM, per, 1z Mq~ VLVZ, 14VO, Radiefiz, voi ny, vo 1, 1961, pp 126-13 5 - JPRS 10349 S-i ~;; 61 Czaculation for Retarding System of Us Doable "Al' ter- rate" Fl-nger T~p by Yao 0. Alltshaerg A. S. Tataranko,%u4 So V. Oorchlkovj n pp. " n IMSMHp per$ Padlotekb I 11*ktrtmp Vol n. No 5,j 1957,l pp 609-617. Pergsam Imt NOV 58 Low-power Backyard Wave Tubes, by Yu. G. Alt- shuler and A.S. Tatarenka RUSSIA214, bk, 237 pp. NLL REP: 0678.23F AD 663 3SO ~ Cx _f_CxV IQ V~_ k C) July 69 383,419 t4it-pawr v%dhftrdwl4" Tubooo %I Tam 0. AIGUftLUr aNd A. 0- UAWMWkst 23L Or- MMU%p b14 hm- MIA "Iskmaw.-I ob 1 ra I am VOUW. 196;6 vioo=363-v 4L .8" v A V*b *Yoh" Preservation of Molds, by E. S. Tatareako, M. A. Vysotskaya, 3 pp. RUSSIAN,, per., Mikrobiol, Vol XXIX, No 4, 196o, pp 6o6-6io. Sci jun 61 ,45-:3 2 ia, i-ijid 1,La6i, Uy E. S. Tataxank-0, 7 pp. ITUSSIA-U, 9~1 blLkrobiol, Vol A=M, no 6, PP 887- , llt*j~ 893, 1!95,Qo Am sci Aii-S 6o /.,? 316 "~ ~ Ywesitlem of McOld Fung,, by R. S. Tgttn-T-en7to,, 3 -xq - RUSSIMP por., Do~.- iin Mu!.- SSSRS VO:L C32CIV.. No 1, 1959., pp 22D-- Alm sai - Blol Oct 59 ~? ~7 'SIS H. Staudzard I t4v 0 in Chemical, fttrolcum., and Food Machine BullcUngp by V. A. pip. FOSSSLO, per, Xhim Mash,, No 3, May/Jk~n 1961, pp 39, 40. JPRS 9912 USSR ECOM .amg 61 I ~ - --- ILtj o An--lyri' u of - -.1 - Affected With Rhematism., by A. L. Tat-arinov., JU pp. RUESIM.. per, Pediatrlya., No 1., 1962, PP 67-73- CL4/FM X-WA Sai - bled / 9'a., :?- ? 7 A]pr 62 t,,- )r- Wt- r*ohtent of uor-ductivity Methodp bv B. P. Tatarlnov,.q VQ 'P. ftrvenko, -3--l-pp- 5W IMSSTANA? perq Zavod Iabs Vol XMO No 2p 1960, Sai- Feb 61 ,~e~-jp Intleg- In (jr-ay Irwa uic .1L 4= =Con luermo-EMF Method, by L. A. KosvIlave, RUSSIAN, per, ZLvgdgMa Laboratodya. Vol 39. No 9, 1964, p 1074. HB 6M SCI/M&M May 65 278,480 EV%datlM ae fte Anorwh3a ]Xvldft Stmw& 1u the Vallitmatilt Howtp br U P* Two""=# 94 mp. RMXAN# _Xwo, Zop2a-m2----= v 101 No 80 296% w -,- ~ " ELL 350 no.." UCH-203 I" L. P. Tatarinov 3*pW6 So M - as" & wd AV Or Pseudosuchia.-a of the USSRS by L. P. Tatarbov. RUSSIAN, per. Palcoutol. Zhumal, Ni) 1, igal, pp 117-132. NLL RTS 39S7 ON L"14 ONLY L sci-Ear Sel Jul 67 329mi7rJ The Discovery of Pssudoswchia in the Upper Parmian of the USSR* by Ls P. Tatwduav& RUSSIAN,, per, PaleantolpkichaskLy Zhug!al, No 4,, 1960, jp-=O. NLL RTS M9 ON LOAN ONLY Sci-Har Sci Jul 67 foldn-9 of the 1 1 - Modbe4ow af the 14 - I I I - too, br LeIA~~ RUSUM., par# 2904 DoAl, vw-~M-30- AOX , P. ja,&~,te ILftl Avg 66 30bis Tongue Movement Y-echandsm in ~~Alwss by L. P- Tatarinovt 3 PP-; MMIM., per.4 Dok Ak Sauk SMI Vol CMt No 4, -qeP/&-i 19571 P 707- Amer Inat of B101 Sci Sci - Hed Aug 58 41 The Forermmer or the Atcmic lvleetp by M. lhtarinov. UlVtABSTFnM t- - ~ MWIAIV, per, ftveUkiy Vm7sk., No 1j, 19580 pp 22-23. Nan Tr :L795/oN, 278 usm Econ mg 58 ~-. q 7j-,~ - StatIsUcal DQLWs cc Breakdmin in 1wrt Can vith Pare metal and AcUvated Cathode$ bbr P. N. Cbiatyajavp fi. V. T;ktOVUQv,# 5 PP* RMSIAN., per,, AmUotek i,Mektrouj, Vol VIU2 No 7, 1963. Lm Sci - 256, 0157 Ap*r64 ,-ome Iron Ore, by P. M. Tatarinov, 14 PP ---------- zslAfr, Geologicheakals, Isuchermost' i Mimrallno- ---,r'eyaa R!sa SSSR. Moscow-LeniWad# 1939& PP lcu--113. Sal Tr Center RT-1253 -ientific - Geophysics Jul 54 CTS / W/ , 0 ? F T--rel--~Alies of =d Brothlenly RLESIM per,, International Af-Pairo, Yo 3.0,, 1961, N- 32 Currmt D-1gest of Soviet Press Vol XIII,, Ilo, 27, PP 23-21; Vol x1n, No 28., pp."2110-21 Asin - Korea POI jua 62 11 566 UK-30 TATARINOV V. P., NIKOLENKO I. A. Variation in apparent and actual boiler-water levels during expansion Eleldr. Stantsiya, 30, No. 6, 5-7 (1959) M. 1741. On loan - English E u r a t o m I _ , , " '. . --, If, I I PIN I Mi I I I HI 91114:4 1 RVTAST 61-13076 -Tatarinov, V. P. and Nikoleako,- I.- A.- --- ___ - __ __ VARIATION IN APPARENT AND ACTUAL BOILER- 1. Feed water--Analysis WATER LEVELS DURING EXPANSION. 1196016p. I. Tatarinov. V. P. C. E. Trans. 1555; M1741. 11. Nikolenko. 1. A. Order from LC or SLA mi$ 1. 80, ph$ 1. 80 61-13076 Ill. CE Trans-ISM IV. DSIR LLU M. 1741 Trans. of Elekt[richesidyel Stantaft (USSR) 1959, V. Central Electricity v. 30, no: 6. p. 5-7. Generating Board (Gt. Brit.) Experimental data iadicaEe thatwhen the lower tube of the water gauge Is connected at the lowest possible position, the apparent (gravimetric) level varies during expansion as a function of the composition of the boiler water and of the load on the evaporation level. Offt- of *1..Wca S*,A-. (Engineering- -Mechanical, TT, v. 5, no. 2) On the imminologic Maracteristics of Svr= Proteins. Part 1. Induction of Anaphyl=is by Isolated Fractions of Blood Serum Prateins, by Yu. 8 - Tatarinov, 3 PP - R=IAN, per., Byul Eksper Biol i Hod, Vol L, No 10, 1960, pp 97-100. CB Sci 7,, 417/ Jul 61 rhe Use of the Paper Precipitation Hathod for EvalustAng the Imoze REMUMs of the Serum Proteins to Byphillap by Yu. Be Tatarlwvp 3 P. AMSUN ., per., Bpa Mwper, Biol I W.9 Vol Vol Wn, Iqo 6, 3.959, pp 83-P. Consultant* a Bureau Sci Feb. 60 7, ~7aviatiom in tho B2zod BroMim Leval Diming ~QafiitirAtiqnp Auaplllylactic aback aad Uw Pcoat- Phocis Ferlod.9 Yua so livat-arimva 4 pro RMS 10; per,7 Bya MmVer DWI I Had, Vol M 4 1958,9 PY 47-50- Consultants Runau Sai - Vmd IvIov 53 77191 (uy .. 6 "T'3/21c.) Ir-mmological Characteristica of Sar= Pwotains Fart Ij by Yu. S. Taterinov - RUSSUR, perj PyU Eksper Biol i Yad) VOL L$ i7o 3D. 1960., PP 97-200. JPRS 9m Sci - Mad Aug 61 Electrophoretic Analysis of the Composition of the Specific Precipitate,, by Yu. S. Taterin2n,, 3 pp. RUSSIAN, per., Byul Eksper Blol i Medj, Vol XLIX, No 1, Jan 1960, pp 91-94. CB Sci Sep 60 j 02 W" '/ 41o, Cu the Imminological Characteristics of Serum Proteins. Oo-tzuaication 3-1. DetermirL-lbioa of the Globulin M=mologioa3ly Similar to Alb=dm---; bY S. Tatarinov, 3ppo RUSSYAN, per, Bye MwW Biol i W.. Vol. LIXs No. 79 1961o PP. 81-83. sio Far. 62 T.-;Ae ar 1"711.11in Action. COTIM-10-111licWti-0-1 V Effect of Insulin on Blood Glucoma COntlnt III D;S,a piwing Electroaleap, by 8. V. Zaltbarov arA YU. S. Tat*arinov, 4 pp. RU6Sy-M'p per, ByUl Ehoper B101 I ;~M' Vol XT'va 11o 3, 1958, pp 19-21 Conaultants Bxu*aau Sai - Wd Hoy 58 Mothwo of &-mlectIvo Extraction of Xrors, CoMrj and SuIpbur Frm the Capper Cowoa- tratea of Central YAmakhatans by A. L, Taaftp tv UNCL MSIANO Vero, Vest Ak Nauk SM,, No 8., 1958# p 32. D33M LW IL860 (loan) sci - min/ket Dee 59 z3fictron Difftwtion study a poly-y-*ffftl- I,Olutamteg by B. X. Vainshtain, L. 1. Tatarloova, 4 pp. RUSSIANO per,, Dok Ak Nauk 88SR2 Vol CM=~ vo 6, 1061j. pp 1347-- AIP I've, Bow Pbyu - DA Vol VI., so Sai Mar 62 The Electric and H-agnetio Fropertioa of' Nickel Films Precipitated on Glass, by A. S. kilIgner, L. 1. Tatarinova, 6 pp RUSSI&N, per,, M.Metal i Metallov, Vol IX, - No 5, 196o, pp 673-679- PP Sci 15-~034 Y-my 61 1 The Use of 6tripa -for thu Calculattion of Occurring in Formulas for Radial DiBtrib~x~ion Curves,. by B. K. Vainshtain., L. I. Tatarinova, 3 pp. RUSSIMI., per, Kristallografiya, Vol IV,, No 5, 1959, pp 7a2-783- toner Ins t of Phy3 Sci-Physics Soc Phys-Crystal jun 6o Silo uLy .3 -m -'Ruq~ nz'a -ar U , 1- - - - conductors by the Electron riffraction L. I. TrIatarinova, 6 pp. RUSSLW, per, Kristallografiya; Vol TV, No 5P 19591 pro 678-683- Amer last of Fhp Sov Phys-Cryatal /N Sci-Phys jun 6o 31octlroa WIMMIation StU4 of 14morphous A.Va=vy Siafldc~, by Xr4-stallogra3b:L;j-a,, ".,*I =2 Vo 2y 1957Y A-P 250-267- Azar Imt of Vays act Yeb 6o on Tramlocation of p32 in kizadow oatgrass During Scuescance of the Bb:Dots, by F. P. Smalay, RUSSUS, per, Fiz HastaniYi, Vol V, No 3; 1958P pp 280-281. Amw last or Sci Sci - Biol Jul 59 The Interrelatious of Shoo.-3 of a Tuft of Meadmi Grpafi-~ 3 -P. RTJSSTAI,, per,, Piz Basteniy., Vol V.. No 5, 1958, PP 445 J" - Amer Imt of Biol Sci Sci - Biol Jul 59 Elt:tctror Emizsion From a Oold I'llerilam AppGaring After a Current Pulso in the Junbiant Gas-. by N. V. Tatarinove, P. N,, Chistyakov, 3 pp,, RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR. Ser Fis,-, lfml XYJV. No 6& 1960, pp 635-639. Sci CTT / /,/ '? / g e1 Aug 61 Outfit for intratracheal Ethcr Aneathe.,3ia "In Air" under Field C..-)nditions by G.A., Tatarintsev - RUSSIMI, mo Der Voyenno I-led Zhur, uo 6-~ 1.,oscow,, Jun 1959, pp 74-77 US JPIZS(NY) P66 Sai - Medicine Dee 58 7-:7, 907 Supplying -Agriculture With 143tal I?rod=4.a, by Bronislav Tatarkievicz, 13 pp. POLIO., per,, Przoglad Techaiezvy Vol LMMT, No 4.t Special Issuep Aug 1960, pp -4-56. J?RS 7812 Ehm - Poland scon var 61 ~7 POOMMES W CZCCHOSLOVAK AGRIMUM 70 Tw YEM 19800 ay Ma" Twmq~ a PP. GDVOOMM W OILY TEOIMIC*A FRACEs VOL Xf I I a 2DE5co"O'Opmakf~6 I lo Pp 107%-105L im 12669 IA Fr MON - MR 62 183*31L - B87J-1 Engince;-Julp. e1jr-:. ~J.c Tct and- By G,, T. Berezovets and 1. V. 101mi-rko, pp. -U RUbSIAD, par# Telemekhs Vol XXIV, No 3., 1963s, pp. hU - 424 ISA sci 2-46 -'FILJ Oct 63 44. Somi Struzcturo of the Party ea a CcuuUtion fc).- tht, Growth and Vitality ot the Furtys by Nichalias 9 pp POIZSH: mo per, Now* D-&Ogis No 3p ?,ku'ch 1958# ffars-fw, pp 25-31 us JFBS/X-.95 oso Do-,,;o/6 EE'ur - Poland pol. 6"? 1wbermination of the Vblunetric Veld2t of Ores the Attw~cn of Ga~-Fapp by A, A. u4np 16 pp. RUSSIM, Pero F&SVOME& I oft=& Rafts Vbl Wo 4p 19".. pp 17-23. Bed 9 MP mw (a AM TrA472 7 setae (Sr-2576) Speciallution and 26ohnUal DmIopmt of the RGUIM Stook R"S:ir mkw Up to 205, by Jan Tatarawkip U ppe P=R, vws pr"ew K*mJO"4imdw3kIaz"rO No:gjp 1959, walvwp vp R714* i= IMur - Poland Zoon zal 59 6 444 TATP~FRMAMA M. G. The Oundermtim of Melo LeM With rormaMehydo. The Jammall ef Geraml Cbaudst-:7 cC +13D lXtL Val 71# No S. Aug 1950., pp 1517 - 2527 ( 11=w p 145 1. c savau Now York wm Forecaating Cyc.Lo- and Anticyclogon0sioUsing a Computer, by P. & Duabkin,, S. G. Lanonosov, Mi. S. Taterskocys. 9 pp. Ff=IAX,, per., Met i Gid., No 6, 1959, Pp 3.1-16. Amer Ustmorol Sac Ar Cambr:Ldg* PAs Center Sci - Goopbysics rob 6o Adenosine Triphospbatase and So= OtLer riasy=s of Phoalftrus Metabolism in BxmVrenates mul ~Mctrmcts of Fiala Fgga, by N. M. Abrasimova., R.I. ?htumkiWa., 7 pp. ---- MWIAU, per., BiokhimLya,, Vol XXWUX, No 1, 1963, pp 128-136. CB Sci -,? (-- / 1 -3, --'j- / I----------------T TATARSKII, V. B. ATS-RJ-198. Methods for the determination of rock-forming carbonate minerals. State Scientific and Tech. Publ. House of the PetroleLm and Mineral Fuel Literature. Lening-rad Div., GastoprekhWat. Leningrad 1952, Moscow. Transactions of the All- Union Petroleum Scientific Research Inst. for Geological Exploration, p.1-45. (40p.) F q; !11 ~~thads for -'.,he Datermination of Rock-Forming Carbonatra Minemlsp by V. B. Tatarskiy.2 45 pp. r,LW=j, b,ko publ by Gostoptekhizdat, PloscGir-,L-aningrad, 1952- ATS PJ-198 Bei - Ain/Met Jul 59 ~?// '? 3-,l Methods for the Determination of Rock-Forming Carbonate Minerals, by V. B. Tatarokiy,, RUSSIAN,j a mono,-raphl publ by Gostoptekhizdat,, Moscowfi,eninomdj, 3.952$ 45 pp. Assoc Tech Sv RJ-193 443-50 Scientif ic - Kinerals/Hetals GeoYhysics -70;r CTS 73/Oct 1955 IVA.VDVAaI.V. P. -TATARSKI 0 V. Bd- Thermogram of Mixtures of Dolomite and Kaolin. DOKLADY AKADEMT-T NAUX SSSR., vol 73s 1950m W 2jp pp 341-3; 1550 vordsp Brutcher No 27108 $ -, ,:~rlo