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The Three-Dimensional Elastic Problei.,i for a 'dedge With Given Boundary Displacements, by Ya. S. Ufliand. UIXL RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CVI, No 6, 1955, Pp 1177-11790. Held in TIL as: ARL OT/3146 (no address given) Sci - Phys Jun 59 Mixed Boundary Value Problem for an Elastic Tionj n , by Ya. S. UnIand, 4 pp. -1- . _ - ~ _., f- RUSSIM, per, Dok Ak Nauk SM, Vol CXXI:CI, No 1953, PP 991-- Amer Inst of Pb3m Sov Phys - Doklady voi m, wo 6 Sci - Fb,)M Jul 59 Torsion of an Elastic lp-yer, by Ya,~ S. Uflyand, 6 pp. ---, a RUSSIAN, per Dok Ak Hauk SSSR, Vol CUIXv No 41 1959, pp 9w-. Amer Imt of Phys Sov Phys-Doklady Vol iv2 No 6 Sci qui 6o Wave Problem for a Parabolic Mirro Lp by G. A. Grinbergp No No Lebedevp I. P. skallnlmyup Ya. So Urlyandp 6 pp. RUSSL4Ns thrice-zo per# Dok Ak Na Vol XCVq 1954p p 961. a SSSR Morris Do Friedmn $3-00 USSR Scientific - Physics, 65/)reb 55 A? Muscular Antagonism in the Light of the Pavlovian Theory, by Yu. M. Uflyand, 37 Pp. RUSSIAN, per, Tr Leningradsk, Sanit. Git Med Inst, Vol XXVIIII, 1956, pp 9-25. N.r 7 D D /441r7l Sci - Medicine 12 Nov 53 to piaakd meadmi. Ki UMPWA6 3 pp. maom oft 40i Iguia On Some Possibilities of ElecUU0134' Cm&wt;tng Fluids With the Umme Crossed *Oomtlc Fields, by I. B. Mekwev,, Ia. 8, Uf2jmlall 9 ppe Wro Prik Hatmat I Mokb,# VcI =.I So 5* Paramn press SOL Jul 64 263, Hicroaconic StAlAics on Dautzl-G-Arics anil Its i~reventlou. flepori Wo 17. Microatructure oi: Mittled '21--th, by Shoze-bura Takuma,, MroBbi UGai, Eizo Oiishi, Talcumi Asamiw 3 PP. ~Fizlll translat Ion. per, Nihon B-vorlggfti Kaishl,, VCJI XLI,. pp h6o-46-o. CTA/FDD/X-8113 TZ J apau- S Scientific - Medicine Jun 53 CTE; -Amaram Rocent Experimats in tho Troatmat of Sacl1w lary Dysentery, by S. ugai, 11, Korikazu, 23 pp. JAPANESE, per,, SUMaku to WAShoo, Vol VII, 1959, pp 1003-1009. SLA TT 66-13213 Sci-B&.111 Jun 67 327,087 L! Soil' d-Phozo RcaL-t-ion Ple-tucen Nickel aaa 2,Llc 3 by ,rr--. A. ligai and Yu. A. Bm-.lyk:p 6 pp. WSSIMp mo per Zh= Obshch IOLim, Vol Ml-. Ila 9j, 945-1650- CTA C IM58 19559 PP I Conmiltants Dweim 27cl - Cbemaiutmy 170 Id lun 1956/Dex ViermogMble Stuily of the Decompositiou of Bivalent Metal a, Yao As Ugal)5 PP9 FuU translationo MISSUN,p ma per# Zhur Obeha Khlmj, Vol xwp No ej 1954., PP 1315-1*-- -W C 41477 S.3', -2 W consultants Bureau Scientific - Chemistry Apr 56 CW/dam UGAII YA. A. THE SOLUBILITY POLYTHEMI (W THE TEF&TARY SYSTEM KH2POjCH3BO3-fL2O. 6 pages. RUSSIAN, Zhur Prik Khim., Vol XXIII, No 5., May 1950 Consultants Bureau Translation ./I I ;~,. 3 )- 6, )k1 - -....... No. the Pilot -Did Not-Err, by A. Pgarov, 12-pp. FOR OFFICAIL USE ONLY RUSSIAN, per Aviatsiya i Kosmonavtika, No 12, 1963. 9693189 FID-ST-63-12 Sci- Jul 64 263,933 Neglect Little 2hings -- Buffer Big losses., by A. 1. U 6 pp. jWr=#--V. F. Sabrov,, RMSIM, perv Vest Vbz Plota.. go go 1960~ 9660559. me Sai / 444 Apr 61 The Air Elemnt Technician., by A. I - UFArovy P. A. Wovln, 5 P - - EmIn't per, Vest li ,y02 rlotap No 7j 3.9591 pp 72-7r,,. 652o66 AMC USSR &I - 1,orK de~ 7 .veb 6o Each Case Must beAnalyzed, by A. 1. Ugarov, 5 PP. RUSSSIAN., per, Vest Voz Flot, No 4, 1960. 658028 ATIC Sci f ct 6o o 1--:2 Y The Engineer Avmlyzes an Error, bY A. i, qepv- 6 pp. RUSSIM- per3, Vest Vot Ylotu3 NO 2j, 1961.~ PP 53- 967.U79, FTD 1-7 a -.7 USSR , j ,~ Mil 17 oct 61 This Couid ijave 1~acn Avoided, by A. I - U~,;.arov, 4 p. RUSSIAN, par ~ Vest Voz Flot, No 4, 1959, Mn 49- 51. 650 3 ATIC USSR Mil Doe 59 x ,;"Zz Z ;;aasor.7 ZY 11, 1- 0 !;P. I rw-mim perj, ves-41*0 Voz nvotu., no 6* 1958, pp 55,-,.;). "4 CSA 642 ~9 ATIC sei - perwmties Dee 50 "77 * . C, LOPUKHINI V. UGAIZOV, V. Artificial Production of Mesons, 5 pp- ROSIAH, mo per, Uspekh Fiz Nauk., VolX=., No 2, 1948, pp 149 - 153. AMC F-TS-7339 - - 0 + June 1951 CTS kj I ") fit iil;ifill-iiiii!~.".,.,;."~"..".,...,-.-..""",.I:"",~lI Propagation and Geueration of Lov-Prequency Electro- T-c-guetic Waves in the Upper Atmalbere, by B. M. Gershmn, V. A. Ugarov., 22 PD. MISSIAN., perp Uspekh Fiz Necuk.. Vol LM=$ 1960, Pp, 235-2T1. IqTp Soviet fts - Vapekh Vol MR 50 5 Apr 61 S-69/60 (NY-3562). Influence of the Central Aaiatic Mountairw on bbe Formation of the Jet Stre=, by P. Pogosyan, K. F. Ugarova., 16 pp. RUSSUdl, per, Met i Gid, Ho 11, 1959, pp 16-26. JPRS 2471 Sci - Geophys, Meteorology Apr 60 Molt Played by Chmps In the umpm-atiare Field of theTrowophero in theRvolution of Jet current@,, by 9. IF. Ugorovs, RUSSUIs per, Not i Gid., SD is, 1958, Ipp 22-27. cip, 614178 Air Sessorch and Do"lop Cm Amer Neftoml &bcp for Cooph" Rw Mr. AGTIA Scl - Geopbys sop 58 Some Diketodicarboxylic Siliaoorganic Acids, by K. A. AncIrYahov, T. A. Ugaroyaj~4.A.Slpyaglna, fpp, C-- 41 RUSSIAN, per Zhur Obehah Khim, Vol. XXXI, No.l., 1961,, pp.232-233 CB / 9 ;2~ 1--7 " Sai Synthesis of Cyclic and Linear Orga=alloxmca wk%'& Mwead AUphatic Hadicalo at the Bilicoa Atcm., by K. A. Andrianovp M. A. Skyjagina., T. A. Vga=va., 5 T~m~ - . . ... ....... . MWIAM., perp Ztm= Obashch Xhim, Vol XXIX., No 12., 1959., P-P 1*59-4062- CB 8--1 Norv CC j 95; Geography of Chile, by Augusto ftnoc"not Ugartes 14 pp. SPA~Mtll, per, SinyWs_Q22Uaflca do Chile. Argentina, BMYIa v Peru. M. CaU NO. GS156 U26 1963-;- Army Map Service LA P/ /4 Geog Aug 65 288,808 '.*-atual Solu7billity ir. the System T 111C jC-Cr2ial of General Chei-~ldstry of :~c 10, cctl. 1T s, )O~ !T~, 12.,ca~ I York 'd S Co:,,iwund Cd Sb3.7 by E'---, Y Ya. Dolgova, T. A. 7,i,,zb:Lna,, Ll Dok Pk Naulz ScSR, Vol. C;M-VIII, NO 4, !961, PP 856-858. M-Dr, U-105 9CO93192 ori. 173 The Phase Diagram of the System 6b.- Zn under Wonequilibrium Conditions, by Mey, 8 pp$ UML. Rt"BSLAN., per.. Zhur Neorgan Khim, Vol 111, No 3, Mar 1958,, ;T~ 678-682. Cl# o iz,7,106 ATIC F-TB--9531/V Bel - Chem Jul 59 I-),r 1,3 7() HU-tiLU# PA%tu Ammg -- # by NUVOU.0 Boldria,, Albiw Ugp,, 16 pp. MULIMS. per., Ptiblicasiml deUMaiveralto cattouca., va n: Fmt 1,0 2,9Z.. pp 5-33. NM 10-33-& mmar - itaay am ,sa a t Fab 63 , A -5 2. Studies an samne Ivater Conver-sto-n- by Fremmg Mediod. U. Amlysis of Condwous Countexcurrent Washtng of Ice-Crystals Bed by Simulamr, by T. UgMda, H. Masuda, et al. JAPMMSE, per, Tokyo Kkm Shikensfw 110b:Yku. Vol LIX, No 1, 1 lp-p--31--37-. *AEC scl-Ehm CUM Aug 65 ';'.7C'j Orr-,anic Sin,r'r1o Crysta13, Their Lu-nil-resrcmil-C an-! Scintillation PropertieB, by Yu. V. I-Ta-boihin, V. K. Dobrokhotova,, V. V. Uglanova, 4 pp- RMSTAN, per, Iz Ak Nault SSSR, Ser Piz, Vol XXIV, No 6 -, 1916-3, PP 744-748. CTT Sci 6- 31 ~r Au!- 61 Tho Cotbustion of Spherical rtartu-iea u, Flow. Experiwats Carried Out at Mat Teap=1=6c ard the Deteraimtlon or tbo Co-Efficlauts or Reaction In Gas Ezebangev by G. UZI*u*4ay 573' Fu32 tra=Utlon. EUSSIM, tbakya, Akq4 Vauk VIM,, pp 287-*,127 IS492 (combustion of Carboup Fort IUI->O Sci Mus Lib go -52/ihoo Scientific Physics List No 23,, Auagat IS~52 Immunization Ag&inst Wound InfectAcns ~dth Terravalent Toxoid; by A. 1. _yEgovas 1.. 1.1, Khaustova., V. 0. Roilidestvenakalya) 6 ppe MOSIAN, per., Zhur Mikrobiol Rpidmdol Imamnoblol, Vol =p no B., 1960j. pp 75-79~ Sel pp ~/ I/ / 5~ -3 Aug 61 WVIET CLINICAL IWO"TION ON AVMIVE ~Eftl- CARDITIS., BY F. G. UQMv M. A. SNVn=At & PP. RUSSIAN,F BKV DIAGNOSTINA U 1 LECNENIYE SUPCHIV000, PERmAiRmAl LENiNmADq i962m, PP i5gi62.. a. MRS 15165 SCI MMICINE up 62 210#115 A M-6376) Surgical Treatmont of Adhesive Pericarditio, by P . G. Ugjgy,,L~ 3.1 pp. RLWUN., W,, Vest Xhirurgil imeni 1. 1. Grokav, Vol DOOM 0 No 3,9 1961, pp 21-28. JPM 9574 Sci - Med 160" a-e,? jul 61 fl'. 1-f. 1'etrol."31 sixty Yearn of Glol-olli~ L S,e-~:vjcra to the 7,qj,-tj-icrlaaCl, by F. G- Ul.4--lLa4--- 21 pp. PIUSSIA'Li, per, iest Khir La--rli 1. 1. No 12, 1959, P.--t) 3-14. MIS 5055 LISSIR Biog Aug 60 The Prevention of Complicationa Encountered in T Surgery on the IMM Open Heart Under ItypothermiQ1, Oy Ir. G. Uglov, B. S. Sokolov., 11 0. RUSSIAN, pert =rurgiys;, Vol XXXVI; No 10; 196o, -pp 1-68. JM 7649 sci - Mad rieb 61 Amato=-Surgical maracteristles of Conpaital Defecto of the Interauricul Septusax by F. G. U9107P S. S. Sokolov., 14 pp. RUSSIO., per., Grudmaya Khirursi~fa., Vol n., No Jul/Aug 19601 " 6-1k.. JMS 7396 81*1 - Had Jan 61 Some Aspeetz of i~!z 5urgica.'. Treatment of aty-war, Cancers by Fd G. UGlov, 4 pp. MMIAT.I$ perg VoprosylObROlogiyp Vol III,, no 4 - 1957.. pp 465'468. Perumn, lwtitute Sci Mod . -0 U& u 6 -7, " '. e A --t-- ef Thin W:L-n by C014- S. Pobedin, V. j. Bairalaw, H. G. Uslovo V. a.. 3 PP. RML%Hj, I)er., MetallurUp Vb 2p 1958., pp 32-34. Consurbants Buroau sci 9 Min/kbt No 58 no A or Aat=tIcn by Sodium Amida to Bamliddawle Caspaundag by A. N. Sluomv and P. A. ~YqAqTj, 4 pp AUSSIUP NO Pwr Maw M*bck MAE Vol MKIs No 5 USSR,p MY 1954 vp W44M Bwmau Vol 21 1951 t~ - 1116 )L- Some Raea&ions of Alkyl 2-Phenoxyvinyl Ketones, by A~ N. 1:esmeyanov, N. K. Kochetkov, M. 1. Rybinskaye.,, E. V. Uglovaj, 6 pp. Full traurlation. 4 RUSSM7, lbimo pe Iz A Nauk, Otdel Khim Nauk, Ito 15, Jul/Aug 1-955.. ppr949-656. ciA c 4.1476 Consultants Bureau Scientific - Chemistry 3-2, -(, AP, Mar 56 CTS/dex Facts About Lung Cancer Statistics, by D. 1. bixts, L. E. Mizyak,, V. M. - Uglova., A. V. MAkIlp, 5 pp. MWIM, per, v0prosy P*alogly, voi 111, 110 2.95T,v PP bllo615- Tergamom Inst.. Sci - Med Jad 159 7f ",.'he Possibility of Using the Antigen of the PaGt-eurella Tularensis Vaccinal Strain.. Tuallerpan-2 for Rapid Tulexm-ia Magnosis in ftn., by G. P. Ugiovoy; R. A. Savellyeva. RUSSMII., per, Zhur Mikrobiol Epidemiol i Mmmobiol, vol ymm,, No 12., 1962., pp 102-107. 9a48$5 usrA Tr v-1864 Sci - WWI & 142d Sci Rqsi jifg "Doc 63 Results of the Maas use on Human Beings of Drie(I Tularaemia Vaccine from the Gaiskii No. 15 (restorad) and Fhellianova No. 155 Str4inAp by N. 0. Olusuf 'yevp 0. S. Emellyianovao 0. P. a&nip. Vo S. Sillchenko, V. P. Boroding A. P. Samsonovas . S. Kanklast G. M. Shelanovag Z. A. Lebacheva# M., I., Teareva, S. A. Zykina, T. F. Lebedevaj, 5 pp. RUSSLO,, perj, Zhu Mikrablol. 4Jdeniol I Immunoblolp Vol XX3:X# NO 3v 1958P pp 52-57. Pergamn Imt Sai - Mad yo, Jan 59 A L4Ad Conqxwom of ArtcrU4 Medea Hbtu,.. chef aw MaDaMpy by FItmeseftee. by V. Prew Parvis AU '6 1.TALIM, per, 90,1 PPO 0 86di~ Italia lia alptQ21-A &er.. y AEG-UCRL-Tr-1033 sci-BRA Jtm 64 260,941 ;()T- L "Mullst Ceater-Lef t Pbz"J, vubnerabic; 10 ')1)- --IT T' ; P-1); OcnorL--jonc. VC)i VI'l. IT .0 5, 9 Fcb 19620 P 3, JPPC- 12755 ,1!':IJX - ltL-~,, 2 -A" 5 3-oeccli by 1--;ccoli ITea(l of tj e ItIl J,1.1 POxty Dc-le--ation to the XI-Vth ConGress, of 'Llie 'I I.On,r-,oli,~-n llcople 13 Revolutionary Paxt,! -n-p, Unen, 6 Jul !9'-l, 1) 14. 0 JPM- 1 P.390 Asia - ldon-oli~~, Pol - ConCress 27 Feb 62 (DC - 59 0 35 *-cco U 0 Speech by I U o Party Delega-tCe~,t--A---e- 40th Anniversary of the Revolution, Vqqa 4 pp. The Italian Cormunist Celebration of the Mongolian People's MONGOLIA14, np, Unen, 11 Jul 1061, P 7. JPRS 11841 Asia - Mongolia Pol Jan 62 Grn 6tatic Stress Calculation of Gear -kilieel Teeth, by _A. K. I'mmetsov, 13 pp. A. G. ~ao TI 1,; WSSIAI'. per, inzhenernyy Zhur, Vol III, -'o 2, 1()(S3, pp 34,8-354- HIRS 26019 Sci - Eaagr 266,528 Application of Electro-Modelling of Conformal Transformation a to Solution of the Two- Dimensional Problem of the Theory of Elasticity of Singly Connected and Doubly Connected Regions, by A. G. ~~ot~qhikqy,.-. RUSSIAN, rpt, B.M. Novocherk Politekh Inst, 1960, PP 15-18. TIL T 5449 Sci Jul 64 Trigoaametric Interpolation of Conforml Mapping Functims, by A. 0. Ugodch:Lkov, 5 im. UfalAINIAN, per,, Uavln Mate~at Zhur,. Val Xlp No i, ig5g, pp iu-ii4. Acs! H-6331 = -~) --:~ / V " S-~r-6 Sel - Math /Ifj AJY jun 6o italian- Dissident- Brands Tdgliatti -a Tl!a-;-Ltor L-q Duse 5 lip. to Lenimist-Svilinist Legacy, by U j_ MUM,, rer, Nuova Unita,, Vol I, No 7, Sop 640 p 3, JPRS 27148 ViEur-Italy Pol Jan 65 2710225 Evaictton Fly,. '!Ytmia In L'oss -at Their vaw~cpmi -,,jejvt by I- ~-% ., 1, a par, &&ITor, n, 1witulms Vol LVIIII, 1k) Q., !3cpt 1964, po 34-19. -MI%s 65 2 7 ~' -17: The Faysioloa)r of lierabraxie Digestion. Report .5. 4- L-~-turavascular Hydrolyiss of Starch in the Prag, by A. Ugolev, V. V. Chernousova, 3) pp- per, B5-u-I F-Lsper Biol i !..edi'siiry, Vol L77, u !.o 4, 1963, PP 25-28. CD Sci - D L ,11 3 266,494 sep 0`1~ 'Tha Phytolytic and ZOOIYUC AetivIty of Blood AcUlase in Ebqxwlmmntal Rthlonaln ftncrmtItIs., by A. X USO", T. X. amakovs: WSSM., pm., B7a Ikopw Bibli Nediti, V*I LUj, No 9: 1961, o 45-0. CB sci 209~pTa Jttl 62 Physiology of the Appetites by ho Ma Ugolovo V. G,. Kassilla 23 pp. RUSSIANs per, UspakIti Savremmnoi SiologLis Vol U., No 3. 1961g pp 352-368a NIH 9-23-63 Sci - Biol 4 Red %.A - .-.'F Nov 63 R11? V05 Membrance Digestion. Part III. A Comparison of the Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Starch in the Intestine and in Vitro) by A. M. Ugolev, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Byal Eksper Biol i Med, Vol LII, no 8, 19061, pp 8-11. CB 201,846 Sci jun 62 FftVI34 t: by A M L,~;02.0-7 Ak rto 21, 21-957, TY,-, '),78, Amzr Aug Pro~~ertlcs of Gnotric Juice, by A. 111. -~~)Iev, Ur S 5 1 .4 TH me-r, Dok- A-I, 'Kaulm 659RI Vol OXIIII-Y'. Mo 1, 19S-7, pp Armer Inst of Biol Sel sci - Biology 5 74, of mecbanioms Determining Adaptation of Gastric Juice Properties to the Nature of the Focd.. by A. H. UOley~-5L pp. G RUSSTATT-, Per, Bt~,al Eksper Biol i Med, Vol 7A,74', HO 10, 1957, pp 29-32- Consultrints Bureau Sci - Medicine Jul 58 S-51.187 (WI-3067). th~a Role of Intaroccapto-ra in tho ymmatim Of Gn i v Bzhz-e-or in Maier Anlmla,. by A* A. Ugnlev, 'F~ N. CharnlSovookly, 7 pp, IZUSSla,, jpvr, Dck AX Nauk SSM.., Vol Wk ;I.,. 1959, P9 1-50-453- ims-L-lo26-a ~ ME.. 16 1 NOV 59 Parietal (Contact) Digestion, by A, M. Ugolev, 4 pp. ------ RMSIAN, per, Dy-%21 Eksper Biol i Med, 'To! XLLXI, No 1. JELn Ri 196o, pp 12-16. CB Sci Aug 6o /~ C2 6 1~ / j - -,)-, ,!,L,e F!I-t;t Played by the Carotid Chemoreceptors in Regulating the Blooa Sugar Level., lily V. F. Markelowa, A. M. Ugolev, 3 PP. RUSSIM, perp Byul Eksper Biol t wMe-13, Vol L, I;o 9, 196ot pp 24-27. CB Sci .Tun 6a. / 5-7" 6