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Electrical Conductivity and Phase Equilibrium Diagram in Binary Alloysp by G. Grubeo H-v- Zeppelin., NXXM H. Bum., 3.1 pp. G=Wo Pero Z- RIONtrocheM, Vol XLo go 3P 1934p pp 16o-IN-. S.L.A. Scientific - Chemiotry CTS 70/Jul 55 -1fF A,; The FWPIA Datandustlm Ana 0orrectlon of the Pbospborus CouUmt of Nolten Copper wd DVper AUoys In the fo=drys by ]I. Zappelinp 4 pp. MMJ Pors UesserA., Va M=Mj, 6 ftb 1951,. pp 99A 932T ftl Oct 57 Electrical Conductivity and Phase Equilibrium Diagram in Binary Alloyap by G. Grubep H.V. Zeppelinp i H. Bu=,p 3.1 pp. GOMM,, per., Z. Elektroc Vol XLx No 3a 1934j, pp 160-19-. S.L.A. Scientific - Chemistry CTS 70/Jul 55 5-IfF -0~/ The Saturation Pressure Above Liquid Titanium Tetachloride, by Harald Schafer, Frierich Zeppernich. GEMIAN SLA per NC State College Jun 59 -V.IU ~OLicxi o-i L;,, -er, Scd~,idi. ~R" NaUc v---A 34, DG4, 3-10. /n aq cc,-. 69 Chemical Processing of Primary Fiacbertropsch pro&xcts,t 1:3r C. Zerbe. 4. GMM.. pong.. Mineralmle una Verywadta Vol 3.- 1952s pp M-IM. MA TT-66-1003D 0 ~ 2~ Sci-Chem. Aug 66 , 3OSoV)2 S=e Applications of Ufra-Red Spectrometry to the qualitative Ana4sis of Plastic NaterIalss, by Glovenna Torazza Zerbl,, 10 pp. ITALTANp per,, I& ChInica e LOInduatria, Vol x1mip No 22,# 1954,p 889-M. enfinw/k-e3o Sci - Cbeoletry Ifty 1956 62-14684 Zerbini Valentino. H IGIIAPI-IS. 119621 [261p. 30 refs. 1. Title: llysteresigraphs Order from SLA $2.60 62-14684 1. Zerbini, V. Trans. of Elettrotecnica (Italy) 1945, v, 32, 13. 182-1 DESCRiPTORS: *HysEcrusis, Magnetism, Elertrical equipment. (Physics- -Electricity, TT, v. 8, no. 5) OM- 0 T-W..l S-i... (FL-5469) $jail* ChwWas of the Btforeft LMbst:La Yonsele.. by D, D. MrbWL 9 PIP, RUssM, per, Ar=r Avatowlij Gistolosil i ftbvLolqSU$ Vol M=, ft 3JDP 1960v PP-37-42- JFV"Io 7748 mo 61 Sodium Debydrocholate as Additive for the Prepamtlon of Chdlecystogrephles,, by P*R. ;erbmi and G.Rablo. SPAWMH., W,, Archivio HMgWos do Hadlaina ~ Cirugis Z E_McLaLidsdaGg VO].*21p ]Mq06-jWj3Lqll2. MA-TT.&j-llb37 B/H P., , Aug 66 308..968 Serles ftvcln~ Maqp Caumrtar and the Poasib=ty Of its Radlatica Appimestica Wreft, by P. Gorlichj, A. Mmbe3, IL J. Pobls, G. ~~# 12 w. UM C=Wt bk., Uber 0 1 'Ill 1 11"' is- B13ftwaMer =A Me aer elenmg ibxer Im. (sx-g- 13M ]ff-w8- ACOX 9-830 'D 226w5 Bel - Ph" mw 61 I'lethod o~~ Invcvti,,%~tiou of Water We3Js., by 1. X. zarchan'WO, > - MISSMAIlla, perp C-C-010k; Nerlti I "Irol 7) ITIO 11 EEO sci j= 61, "q x ~~ P., / 0 Ile Problem of the Hyd-rogeology of 'the Saratorv and Stalingrad areas along the Volga, by I. K. Zerchaninov, 8 pp. RUSSLA.11, per, Geolog Nefti. i Gaza, Vol IV, No 1-B, 1960. RRG Sci Jul. 62 203,017 M-Asez Divsolvwd IA Dvir6ritm =d in tho Szxrmtov-StmUmp~:ad 'Volga Region,, by 1. K. Zere4qAjamp 16 p. RMSIM., per: ftwfayft 1959j, Voll IV, 110 7.. pp 1-5. Sai Apr 60 Vol M: No 3 Owea Dissolved in Davo:Aan md CarbcaWarcum lutemtltiel Waters In the Semtov,-Stalluara4 Vol~p RegLoas by 1. K. ZarcbwI=v. Imuff.. yerf Owovess ftqpISb1ftw4t,j- No Tg 1959j, Vp Dapt of Interlor TNT; En., No 245 Owl - Gaayhya X v,m- Zerchaninov, 1. K. and Yakovlcv, V. P THE USE OF HYDROGEOLOGIC AND WATER SURVEYING DATA IN PROSPECT'ING, EXPLORATIC AND DEVELOPMENT OF OIL AND GAS DEPOSITS. [ 19611 6p. Order from ATS $12- 00 ATS-ISN52R Trans. of Neftyanoe Khozjyaistvoj (USSR) 1960, v. 38, no. 7, p. 24-28. DESCRIPTORS: Hydrology, Geology. *Geophysical prospecting, *Oils, *Gases, USSR. 61-25217 I. ZLrelianinov, 1. K. 11. Yakovlev, V_ P. III. AT$-I5N!i2R IV. Associated Technical Services, Inc., EastOrange. N. (Earth Sciences- -Geology, TF. v. 6. no. 9) 0111- f T-61-1 S-1... Nlelv 55" And RUZICs., L;.T P-ela zerkovitz, pp. UNCLISSITFIE-D /,e r HUHMIAN., Magyar Technilm, May-Jun 1954, E-nel/to IR-301-54, JU, Budapest. AF 6~2412 Mur - Hungaa7 t Economic - Buses CIA-D-81098 BattAr,, FUt2rp 4=d Laos bTeWlVe COAStTUCtWat by (Pmjeat No, TimusportatUn,, and n**tAV PbVeT in tho UMp So 10) MSMX~ 'perp Veaftl evml,, No 6. Weemt Aug 1,9580 p.p lp 2.3 um Eem - COMM4 emu=& Oct 58 of Varioue hethods of Integrntion v.? 04dinary Differential Equationa of the First anti Llecoud Ordere, by L. Collatzf-.R GFIMPMN, per, Ing Arelhiv,, Vol XIII,, No 1, Feb !Q,42, "4-36. TPA3/'TIB T.2043 .:,c li~tntific - Mathematics CTS/DEX :5- o ~..-onstli-ucticjn of a Ui6h-Spced 'Frach. for Testi ng 1-55-8-L" '161ottor-Cars, by P. Zern-:j - GERVAIN., per, M-22.14 Beton urd Stshibeton Buu, Vol LIT, No 11, 101,r~7, pp 261-268. CSTRO Sci - E-nor - mar 62 If 5?" a 7.,V The Coanda Effoct, by A. Mat=l, F. Ze.-Imor., 82 pp. UB1'1'L4sS"T7.UD FUME., puble aci. Ifin. Air, (218), 194-8. Tkob:B T 4o27 Ite 52~rl clcientifiC - Acromutics S The Phase Contrast Method in microscopic Observation, by F. Zernike. �91MR, per, Zoit fur Technische Physik. Vol 16, No 1, 193S, pp 454-457. - Dept of Navy APL/JHU T-2265 Sci-Phys June 69 383,161 Tho Phase Contrast Tathod in Microscopic Observation, by F. Zernike. GERMIAN, per, Zeit fur Technische Phy;jj~, Vol 16, No 1. 1935, pp 4S4-457. Dept of Navy APL/JIIU CLB-3 T-S73 :~ PA~ Sci-Phys %lay 69 380,937 an-ax-TIMM va ULY G-a-l"Mig ger., Mm-Lcao Vol To 19A pp ,Xm C-7 3!6$,5W I I 'i .I . ) i _! 1 Awomms . . I--AN ._" Aft 43 ;a%3" Me Fathol natomy of 1AU16 Cancer, by AO He =tovich., A. 1. Zernovp 5 PP- RUSSUNJ POT, V01=08Y o3k6log'Y' Vol IIA, No 4# 1,957s PP 399-403. PorMmu Institute Sci - Md .. ~o A uC; Field Fnission and Field-Boission Catbades, by D, bee=ov, 2 pp. RUSSIM, mo per., Iz Ak Nauk SSSR Ser Piz, Vol XX., No 10,, Oct 1956, pp 192T-N26. 713s-113,1-- Columbia Te-4..h Scl - Pbyuics Dee 57 5-9/ q~K Prospects for the Development of New Types of Electronic Equipment for Automatic and Telemechanical Installations, by D. V. Zernov, 14. 1. Yelinson, A. M. Kharchenko. RUSSIAN, bk, Nauchnyye Osnovy Postroyeniya Telihnicheskikh Sredstv Avtoraitiki, 1957, PP 59-83- cjA 654177 ATIC F-TS-98291V Sci-Engineering Nov 59 'O.-Je i:mia oL- 4ke ~Xaw uf Nitropri MmWxti Wil-I goafW licart lXsenm In ChUm UN b7l 'N'. G. 2awm. MlSjMN'* perb Loa (mur utmr-In LMASLU Va'. .3=- 1961. pp 26-M). a U& 65 Thm Nechaniam, of Electron Emission Fr= Vain De~'Iectrlc Layere under the Aetion of a Stroas Mactric riald (Halter =act),, by M. 1. Elinaom =8 D-, V~ Ze=07, 15 '-OP, KRUMIANp iao per,, Redlotekh I Blektrm, Vol I!,, No 1p 195-to PP '5-841- Pergazon Inistitate Sci - Electronics Apr 56 A Method f or Measuring the Energy .9~ncc -"m-a off the Fhotoclectrono Frcm Costed Cathcdco, by D~ V. Z,ernoy. N. M, Folitova, 7 vn- RUSSIAN, per, Radiotekh i Elektron, Vol IV, No 5, 19-9, pp 852-856. sci Nov 60 U-n-S-vel-sal Bilmnry Svitch for Flectron~ic Disi 1"t%l Cl---.--fl-~-11,]O-~I~j, by 1-1. 1. Yelinson, D. V. Z,.!:-nov, A. Ml. RUSSIAN, per, Radiotekh i Slektroa, Vol IV, No 5, 195% Ko 846-851. PP Sai Nov 60 62-2W91 IS LA PERFORATION ELZCTRtQLlE 1. 7A=IWV. D. V. DES DIELZCMIQUES SOLMDES (macbm-lom cc the o. Came Nedowl do In Elearic Ucabdmn of Solid Diekcmfts). 12p. 14 rds. it Scisam9m, Order ft OTS. ETC or MRS SO. W 62-2101 ftxb irroace) Trans. Lo FrMlo. of Al-Amnlya Nauk MR. Otdobdo Teldmicbesidith Nauk. lzroodys, 195c~ m 6. p. 866-672. D&UMUTORS: *DieWctrft Miss. Irrandsm. So". Games. Tboory. lodutics, MOM 2119UUMI cwfmMl- 4 7 9 6 3 (R"M--Sdw am, Tr. V. 10. M& 6) an d 10"d lodes riield T.~o ;Sion aLLj Cold Cathodea., by D..V. Z,,PraOV; IL yelineon. 30 v!). RUSSM., par., Radiotekh i Elaktra, wVol "I, NO 10 1956; up 5-22. sai - Dec 56 C Im 015.00i 7m Effect-cg Strong Fajectiiv Fieldw on secouiwy x1ectran Eadssion Prcm Min DielAactric P22asp by D. V. 2armyp RMIAN, per., Rx In Ak F=k SMs ftr Visp Vol VIIIp 1944; pp W-33%. AW Tr 2"5 L ft:L Mac ftv c" Tr-62-28095 Zernov D.V. U~CE DES CHAMPS 9LECTRIQUES PUISSANTS UE SECONDAIRE DES I 1. Zernov, D.V. CNRS-X 70 11 S R UtMISSION ELECTRON O K . h LICULES DIftLECTRIQUES MINCES (Influence of P er 111. Centre National de Ia Rec Powerful Electric Fields on the Seconda Emission 7 che Scientifique, Paris p. Ilrefs. of Electrons by Thin Dielectric Films). CNRS-X 70 Order from OTS, ETC or CNRS $0.80 TF-62-28095 Trans. in French of Akademiya Nauk SSSR. lzvestiya. Seriya Fizic ~es 5o, 1944, v.8, no.6, p.352-356. Another trans. Is available In English from SIA as RT-4 9p. DESCRIFrORS: *Dielectrics, Thin tilms, -Secondary emission, Electrons, 'Electric fields. (Physics--Solid State, T-17, v. It. no. 6) Off- .1 Uh~l S~_ E~- T-d~ C~. World Production of Man-Made Fibres, by E. V. Zernov, 7 PP. RUSSIAN, per, Iz -vysshikh Ucheb Zaved, Tekh Tekstil Prom, No 3(16), 1960. Textile Institute Sci May 62 192,993 Est-abiishlaun'- o ilorii Ccn-t--J L pf-i-ril u 1. iiachiri-~~s -in -,-Ihc- Vif sccs,2 Fibre -ndbusti'--, by E. V. L .10V, pp. dl, per, Iz Vysshikh Ucheb Zaved, '2elih Te r RUSSLA Pron, No 1(14), la~6o. Textile Instittute Sci 62 1?3,039 Theoretical Bases gor the Teebnology and Processes Involved In the Manufactare of Aircraft Caq?owmtsp by I. TA. Zernov.. L. A. Mumova M 3pp. RUBSXAWO bkj, Tm1pj4d=mk1" OXWVY Tekbwkwil I Pxotnmw mdawwlMD176 DetaUy amactmi, 1960j, 633 jr. 96a3lb-V J" MmI33" Sci - Aero 2 Nor 62 The Electromagnetic Keld of a Magnetic RijQle Situated in an Infinite Dielectric Layer With a Reflectii-Z Plane, by IN. V. Zernov, 10 pp. RUSSIAIT, per, Radiotekh i Elektron, Vol V, ITo 12, 1960, pj? 1937-1-943. UP Sci- May 052 194,632 on the solaticm 0:~ the Intogral 19vation of tht Baand=7 (DUT=Udn) P14*1=M Of Mae, U-jdyzmdwj by N. V. Zerdm# 3A pp. ~Al TMSZUp part Zhur Tekh VIS SM9 Vall ZU, go 7p 19519 pp 766-7u. SIA B-1953 sel jai 58 aw The 2-01"Utiou Of NonG ."imaxy Boaaa Y pxv M5 oiej in ElcactutdynaEdco,, by N. V. DISSIA11. thrice-mo per., Dak Ak NwLk -Issri., Val LX)&, Fo 1, 1951, PP 33-35. CYA/rIDD X-2425 sci - Flusics VAY 1957 CCTS/dex On the Radiation of Electromagnetic Waves Fran a Circular Wavegulde With an Infinite Flwge (On -the Question of the Diffraction of Plane-Cylindrical Electromagnetic Wavesp by N. V. Zernov, 14 -pp. HUSSLAN2 mo per, Zhur Tekh Fiz, Vol XXIt No 9p 1951, pp 1o66-.1075- CIA D 197019 9 ~~ *3-~ 4 1 AF Cambridge Research Center Tech Tr iio 613 13 " )Jorris D. Friedman 0 Y'5. C> 0 Z--i,'& Scientific Physics jan 56 na/Dsx The Construction of C-mication Insta3lations Rmt Be In Unt With Modern lbtbodev bW P. M. ~!~ 10 pp. (AF 654372). wisal"S pero Vostalk avyazia No 1j, 1955,r pp 1"2. ATIC F-a-8535/V Sci - Engineering 33,233 USSR Econouic Alpr 56 (cso: l8w-IT) A Discussion of the Dayth in the thdfied Waterway Systam in the BmW= UMj, by S. zezwv.. 14 yp- MWIM, parp Reelmy Mmusport., No 5,, Xwom.. KV 1962., PP 32-34. JM: 1% 206 um Eem Sep 62 (W-2466). ,I!ter"6 A.,.Zernov, N. A. Damwevskly, RUSSIMP bk, RechtLwJ TramPOrt SWR 191T-1957, 1957, Pp 289-334, JM-L-1849-D usm Hcoa - Rivior Tramport Sep 59 Masurament of the I;b2slvtmce of High P4rl*t;3r TA at Ilell= TmWeratures., b3r.V. Yu. V. Sharvin., 5 Iv. RMM, per Ul. Mmper i Teo=t Piz,, Vol xxm C), 19 9, PP 1038-1045. AV sov rb3is - JMP Nov 59 /aa, 9?~y Z Ageing of po3,vetbylene and its nixtures with baylene rader atmoq*eric, conditions. By K. I. Zarmv-- V. V. Kiniohnikm PP. 5 RUSSIAN., per,, Plastiaheskiy Nasay3, No Ujv 1960p PP 4 - 8 Sol, j,/0, -rO6 Aug 63 Selected Portions of Russian Book "Problems of Thin-Film Electronics", by D. V, Zmmov et al (Editors) RUSSIAN, bk, Voprosy Plenochno Elektraniki Sbornik Statey, Moscow 1966, Re 2,3,4,. 1~337-IS8,, 243-287, . - 40,447-450. JPRS CSO: DC-12969 S-446/67 Sci-Electronics; Mar 67 320,911 Nos* Iwo The Transitional Process In an Automatic Frcqmncy Produced by Chamges in Sigml Frequency Symt= vVe,h a Diode-Pbsutmatron TunIM Plan. by H. V. Zerova. RUBSIANg per# luxtroavyaze zo 11* 1958,, PD 18-28- Pergamm Press Sci mar 60 i s. Lr ibul; Loll of lrxtinn Ucep--n, bill V. Z'.(,;rjm3v-a aat-J -Z rrjr.1, Trugj Liztituta Vol L'XiU, ~!macoi. 1964, 257-1764. tr 331 "Ct/;'artl~ SCI. avid 'Wrv-1 cc 67 J 1 5 V" 2---'C/vC V"q .......... ','m vo 7~r UN III FA I Kati I I ILI 1111011111] ~bu on. -a u3t. I '-;Uu~ u'o'l tue !n..;Llt -mPedancc Currenij 1-1 V. G.. clzcia~yev' RMS-TAY, Zhm-, Tal~h Fiz, Vol ;~,,tjx, tjo )95, pp AM21~ Inst of PLlyz Sov Phyn-Tech Phv.4L. Vol IV, ITO 8 sci 4519cf, F eb 60 Materials in ReLadon to Ag6asessAve LiquId.s. by N. S. TikhomirOVa, K. 1. Z4 cc Al 11 p WUSSIAN, per, PloAdchooldye Massy, No 12, 199L Pp 4U-45. AEC-ANL-Tr-15 ScA-Mat &- Met -Aug 64 2626923 ut Wo P~ weldiviums ill tile gurtheru Part of by -I.-erx Trailp In"'t a-aguip 'Vol V.,Xiv, 2SI-264, 4 Filtration Rate of Sugar Solutions in Its Dependence on Temperature and Brix, by W. Zero. POLIgff,-Per, Polish Cent Inst Agric and Food Ind, Vol II, No 9, 1952. CSR Co Sci jun 64 (311Y-6503) I Ccmeoraing Soviest Botany and Mycoloa, bY G. 1. Bilyks 14. Va. Z-OrMaj, 16 pp. jMsTAN, -per, MrsyluslkV Botmichuyy Z1311 j, Vol XVIII, Vo 2, 1961, pp 99-106. JPRS 10172 Sci - B101cw / 6 f -7 ~? op-' oat 61 Idethod of Control of Hydrochloric Acid treatment of a I)od by Radioactive Taotopes in Carbonate Sedimenta, by~~A. S. Zarshchikov, 4 pp?. RMSW,, per., Geologiya Nefti,, Vol T19 So 3Bf lq~O. 9 pp 400-51. The Reviev of Rwaian Geology 533 Hez-ftu Str"t& Columbia,, 6. C. ftopbya 7711-W Nov 58 Utilization of j,15 for Jhvestigation olf Plant Metabolism in Relation to Ase of the 111mto Time of Introduction of Fart"' are and Their Dwas.. by V. V. T3erllngp 0. M. SchegZovaj E. a. m"Mheavskam. V. V. Zertcalovjp pp. IIUMMO bl= per,, F.Iz Rustenlyp Vol ITI., No Ip 1957.9 pp 3-13. Awr 3:=t oZ Biol Sci Sci - 33io logy 19 mV, 57 A New Procedure for the S~uthesis of Poptides of Arginine., by Bersmmj, Zarv"., Hinke, 3 PP. GERM jerp Z Phyaiol Champ Vol CMIV, 19341, PP 40:4 . NM RMABABLIR TO FWIGN NATICKUS C:rA/FDD XX-326 sci - Ch= Sep 57 TAC MEEMn USE CKLY besis of Dipeptides and Their Behavior in the Presence Razymess bV M. Beromm., L-_~e~ H- Schleisht 13 PP- of Lysine of Proteol7tic M Rinks* GMW,v per.4 z Pbpiol Cbem,, voi cciv,, 1934,, pp 26-~3 - Sci - Chcuutry Jun 57 S.L.A. Tr 57/382 Lt8j 718 y Regarding Dyeeptime Having Prodaminatly Acid Properties and Their Bazymstic Behavior., by M Bergmaunp L. Zervass L. Salymn., ff. Sableishj, 20 pp, GMMN,, per., Z ftsiol Chem.. Vol CWaV.. 1934, PP 17-25. MA Tr 57-381 Sci - Cbemistry J71 S Avg 57 pp. constantiA Branwei. (comtantin anwcuBi.) by C. _~ ~zwo,~_OD pp. FRE=j perp Cabiers d'Art, 19`5s pp 15.3-X66. S.L.A. 5-f-99 Sci - WUcine., psychiatryj, payebolofay Apr 57 -144 0~ -9 6 /1 ..... .. ...... 1 318 Rhinitis of the Hog, by DI zer GLTUAN~.P77~~ 'eirarztliche U u', Jan 1950. ID GSUSA F-23614 C June CTS the ftrlod of "Hotatlon of the Facket- Of the ThIrd Swiet fttelUtow by V.20magwitmeb WWI"* Wv MMMIZ OlDU$bgqkSSo p2damm 9*MU. Year-unknmmp pp 3-14 24-17. W04M-23-56e.~A Bel-SPRW Tecbnoloa Aug 63 -/,s c (DCj9b"~)) of Plastic Gmt-Ang for Steel, bj Eventiaek Wiesner, Marcela Z IT41=1 7 --op. aFFIC-JAL IM OBILY CZECH., per. flutaicJm Usty,, Vol XV, No 12.. 2.960., PP 9~1-978. JPRS 11505 M~= - Cze&loalovalda 7 Berm jau 61,) (De-4565) Medical aad Labamtory XquIV=ut =bIbIted at. the Bm Second Intorratlowl ftu,, by Jarcolar Zetek, 7 pp. FOR OMCUL Un G= r.Z=, per, Technickm Pmcuit '.Vol M., no 9,1 196%, pp.741;,-7460' J= 6329 Esur Czechoslovakia soon De* 60 qOp=wHT A 22 Ir (NY-3987) The New Czechoslovak Medical Technical Equipment at the International Fair in BRNO, by Ya. Zetek, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, -per, Medit Prom SSSR, Vol XIV, No 3, 1960, PP 56-6o. MW 2961 Sci - Med jul 6o E-Verimettal R~A~uctiex of Waver aud SsrOAgi- ma Remarahs bV A. P. - Zatevs, M. P. Chana"Vt A. A. Narkwvt N. 1. . Stopum-v-- ".. RUMUNt m ws VsteriwuAya, Vol =11s, Ne 7, 19561, Pp "-53. CU 9006561 UML Madlefte Or-d, 1,2 .6, Oet 56 M Qf Ll tlrl~- I-A Analysis olo a Mixture of Tu=eria TriaUoro- benzenes with the Ald of Tufrared Abeorption Spectrap by So B. Bardenshtein, IL Vo Dzhaga+..- sparwm., V. Lo Zetkin,, 9-pp- RUBSTAN.q per Zavod Labs Vol KMs No 2j, 2960s, pp, 167-176 1- -,- 01,~ -; - /71 IWF Sei- Fob 61 ISA ftparimenta on the Pharmacologic DIfferentiation of Cataleptic Effects,, by go Zatler, K. Nahler,, F. DmAel, 14 pp.-z'--*--'- M=Nj,'par, NauWa-ScAmdedebeMla Archiv fur Rxperimentelle Patbologte und Pbarmakologie, Vol C=EVMI 190., pi 466-501. AS-70" (Assoalated "Ladbideal Ser,01COS) Sci 7-? Feb 62 Are the Vasopressinp Antidiuretin and Oxytocin Three Different Substances or Only Action Components of a Single'Vormone Moleculet by G. Zetler. GEMNp per,, Archives for-Experimental Pathology and Pharmacology, Vol CCXVIII) No 3., PP 239-A50- D512955 ATIC F-TS-MO2/III 4ol?f - Sr-ientific - Medicine flov 55 M The M-Ofe&us of V on Coixtitioned He.. it"~~' 2-mm-3A 4 flexes In the Dog., bY I R==.. Per,, Dck Ak Nauk., Yol =71, 110 5., 1957, pp 917-. Amer Inst of Bio, Sci Sci - Medicine bug ~58 Iff"t or hv2onpd AdalpAstirs lad of L-W$v of Vitsata D an PAnQX Activityp by L. 0. rav"sd"o 6 per# TLs Zbor SM la I. . M. seaboamp Val nNs, No 9* Ims, parsum bot 8" - Had ftb Effect of Vitamin B., on Conditioned-Reflex Function of Dogs., by L. 0. ZUval Id., 3.1 pp. RUSSUNr- per, Vysshei Nervnoi Delatellnosti,, Vol Is No 2j, 1951j, pp 1F-0-1&. Sci Tr Center RT-12ft Scientific - Biology Experimmtal d*kmatica- of paraso -m "'; '%A trio in a baokward-4mve tuie,- by V. m. L%;%=izp Be Do Charkiriv We G.,Zeveksl 5 pr, I=im, por" Radict.Am i E1614tsoug Vol 17, no 9, 1959, pp 174-3-:1M. pp Sci iMb 61 dmj~ Zol' OT A llo:a' Daw vvazi go I.ok 1962, RusglAy: j,-jRs 176L5 Sri 6', Me Question of Diffractometer Methods of Precision Measurements of Unit Cell Parameters, by L. S. Zevin, M. M. UmanskiY, 7 PP - RUSSM, per, Yu-istallograf iya, Vol VI, ITO 3.? la6l, PP 348-356. AIP Sov Phys. - crystall Vol VI, ITO 3 Sci 201,789 62 ................ Procimion Dbasura=rits of the racruntary Con Parazeters Usirg a DitfmctcwtArp by Us U, Umnakiym D. H. Kheykars Le S* ZoVin, 9 py. MMIM,, pars KrIstallcipmfiyap Vol Wi, No 3j. 1959,p PP 372-34- - Awr Ust of PNF* sov Pb"- cmtftl Vol Va. go 3 8a Apr 60 Mathoas for tbe IluvmClUgation 02 Mat IL-rGe-Grala Spealmen WM a Diffraction by L, S. ZM D. M. gheikort 6 pp. ~~a MSSM., pa rp Zmvod Lab., Vol I=., go P., 19 6 3 o I V ~- i v ~p Sai - Ux;v 65 .A d:? / X-3 'f -/ .1 Propoxtional Counter for X-Ray D-Iffractiozi Studiw, by L. S. ZevJnp D. M. naiker, 6 pp. Emial Ws Iz Ak Sauk SSSRs Ser Fizo Vol )=-L.. RO 3, 1962, PP 388-394- CTT scl j~m 63 233,606 Invealwigaltion of the Properties of CalcujA Hydrosilicates,, by T. N. Barkovich., D. H. Khelkarp 0. t. Gracheft,, L. S. levin,. IT. I. Rupreyem., 6 pp. ' RUSSM,p per.,. Dok Ak Nauk WOR, Val CXX j No 4, 19580 pp %3-856. conaultsnu Bureau Sci - Chem ?,r, 6 Ol Jun 59 .1.1 "The Great Program of Building a Now World -- on the Last Articles and Letters of V.I. Lenin,n by V. Zevin Moscow, Pravda, 21 April 1963 USSR, International i Daily Report USSR & East Europe No 85, 1 May 63 Wpaarfiaa- DITole-DI-pole Spin-lattice Rele-zatioa of Iocalized Electron Centers,, by V. Ya..2;PX;;m.* 5 PD. RMSM, vert FizIlm TvmAogo Telftx Vol Mt No 3j- !961., pp 9U-91T- AIP Soviet PbVO Vol Mj No 3 Sci ,/ 4 06" 7.Z 6 sep 61 Spin-Lattice Relamt-ion of Local Electron Centers in Non-Mletallic Crystals$ lay M. F. Dqpgen,, V. Ya. 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MsMfi, pers Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz,, Vol Mrifp NO 5a. 1956P PP 1142-1147- AW.Or JDAt Of F'44Y& BOV Phys - JM Vol VII (34),, NO 5 Sci - Phys Doe 50 The Dependence of the Hyperfine Structure of F Centera on the Orientation of the Crystal in the PA-Aternal Magnetic Fi*ld, by M. P. Daygen, V. Ya. 7Avin. UNCLASSIFIED ;Z~~ RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz,, Vol XXXIV,, No 5,, May 1956- Navy Tr 1854/ ju T-28 Sci - Physics Sep 58