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irracrirstimm Im L--cormlic PollcUs. ATWOMOld-I'l u0noxio ~aztolljmacvv 5 A I p4q, jollwU 22 4unov,10711, ;P 1. 64 ja~~L; Aur InduirtrisUstis NtIgilgMve tax fWalmll i U", by Gcn=Llo 5 IPPS SPANISIlp upq 20 Apr 1111699 pp It 3* 6* j NS 48M 69 GuorriUAS Ckivo liaft coa~towo In Ilmnfallrill4l I;v Jose LpdU* C*wb&Uaowvd, rips Camimso 24 ntort 111410# pp D-139 D-169 Mis 49537 Bob 70 4,02q060 .... . ..... . Speech by CMW=b fttms CUtmUsw*o 3 nj~,. MISMi, mp# Pravda. Fj J%wil IMG -iv 350593 EWR - Pal Jun 66 4 t1h oportcd, by i"n"Al Cvstallano ~'.)W?tvmbor 196d. tnp- 364,523 slit 1111111111 QW1110111 1 []$1, Aodification of the In Vitro Action of Bradykinin Caused by Blockade of Adrenergic Receptors, hy H. Castelli - ITALIX14, rer, Voll Soc Ital Hiol ~20r, Vol 4$, No 18, 1967, pp 1205-120E. Kf5-j5sl-Lj April 72 iluitagunisia in Nabbit Aorta Strips UetwL4jrk Cc:rt4iinA ~;Iuckijjg Ageuts and Noradrenalin and Histnuinu. by M. Castelli. ITALLM, per, Boll Sue Itai Biol Vol 44, Ao 11, 1968, pp 958-961. A16-1530-IJ April 72 --mt!ni& ra-zrwmw ar. an ~~Gtauif "* Laimbos Ual'ar ron jux~ ;,to 1r)a 260. -IN /"I - I I ! . I - 9-6 T--e ~L. 6, N Studies at Un Acute Tbxigdty of YArUWl=thacz72a;t*# by It. Caat*lllw ITALIA # per$ 49JA NwIfto lWaut val 330 1%90 pp 337-W N7C n-16627-06T Feb 72 The DLswblLt4QD of IM4 (Pb 210) lu thm SubcaUulsr ftwtims of the iht's tLvw and Kldn m~ tr N. owtollfto and S. Aloi. FMMCHp pw.. &U& ASUA& Val 5% 1967j, pp 209-228. IlTr. 71-14159-06T Fab 72 Morsboa Cord*l" do Vulu PwatestAp tr corlAx castem swamp amiss= go a= opt MML 92 16 lopr It. JM 990 2915 e6r~o-s C ws+~ 116 U43resu fta OW 66 300#36 The CSVAM of staftut stdjosp carnwwd'lla cisteJus 6 pp. ou~M M am SPARMi, Opp 5 &w lwp pp 220 13P U. ims am 2w IA - omum6u POI. Nw 66 A3,004 4(RFP-Tran&--121) OAS CHROMATOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS OF ATMOSPHERIC GAS POL:PUTANTS URNG A METASTABLE HELIUM DETECTOR. 1Q##LeUoj.(J,j Munarl, & 10Translated from j,ChIm. bid. (Milan); 61: No. 5, 40D-76(1969). 2019P- 24Dep. NTIS. 2achernistry (analytical); translations 2107 21MN-4 21P NSA 0 Lfr The Part of coutoLp ty 0040 $4. com"1100 6 pp. Vbl xxnp 4u 1965P PP* are 3" ArrIcs4ftracm now ion 66 ............ EW Study of Spontaseaus MMSUMI $110op In Depre"Ive states'm by Ve c"vellottle ITALIM& per# Rly Nommip Val XXIVI* I%Go pp 417-436. MW HDI 4-28-67 sci-aw May 67 ":ood to Trq~ldjnant !lational '.,olicy stmanedo try chrictian 5 pp. per" crolfirsanoo don tounleg PoLilljo-vium, PQrle, oot". 7 1 7m ~PT r! r,4fi,-,_V V'R7, 54540 DOC 71 The French Aid and Cooperation Pund, An Y!~imtjile of Dilatoral Aid. by Castats, 10 pp. Connalemme . t, NO 22, FRENCH. per, 9 do &fria Jun 1-967v pp* 5-59 JM 42366 5 7-e rs Africa Econ Aug 67 33P , 687 nobsialla Pmmnia* hff0*ti0W- A Stu4Y of 25 Observations Gathered in the Pediattle Clinic of the Hospital Center of Vio Univousity of Dakar# by Me Castotse EMOPEAN& perp ftgle" ?!!geg* d'AfrLSMa Noire, do Lwwue Egmal"so Bullot$Ap Val 131j 196gg pp 393-396. NTC-70-13284-06E Fab n CASTEX, L. Some new information on weiril for disc m easurem ents. Houille blanche (5):541-8 (1969) (NZDIA) Nsw M&Uoj JQjr Pack&gU& LIquid Fwd In Plastics, by Me VA111 CSOU1110ftio ITALIAN# P*W Nstsido Pteltidw lRd glostowrl L-3'. may 1965. pp 516-616. NMI J.iwl ID 22040SU66 O'n Sci-4wcho Indus Civ i!agr Dec 66 314,04S7 I III, I.I. IIV 'I I it -111" 1 1: !1 _VJ i~ducatim Idnister Casti3lA States Aims Ifor Future. by Belamedno CastiLla, 13 PP- 5 ~'Al IS 1; 0 np, G navans, 4 Apr 1972, 1) 6. VAMMA ipps 5606.5 itw ?2 i,iolemidna, Ca"LUI 3'*,IP4) Pilo I bmt, 119 All, E-1 apt 5~292 1, .,axico aW we TrjLcmtin=tal ConXOTMAIj 1130 Heborto Caatlllop 9 pp. GOVERWA31T USE ONLY OPANM, per# -%Ceoosp iBikhr 1961, vp,. 56-TI. JPM GUO 20 1-1 E LA-O=ICO POI June 67 %13,43W *x"m ftwtmw ftwom as"Waft sit thlo 94~*r at wjdm% 1w Now" ow"us, 0 We GOVANNOW M a= BRUIN4 PWO SIM an aftb a Aw 3ws " 5&59. am am g3BD Buberto C"tj3jo IA-Mgxl" 303AT an - Rutow NA PAVOPOU CC 06 IIA - II Pau amft'! ig 4 w AMA cob"U'o WWVAMXM63" 4M (ar Drwl*l Tor V4 50 aki umpl, i Aankb Jo # =043 im ow Z?OM YAW 67 M9.0109 1-he Ztlecking of E-11dol Castro lit bol,144A, Ify :~;aauel ~~;astillo, 6 pp. i-er, --'~st ot Uvast, I-arls. 16-2.9 Itob 63, Pp. 12-14. JI-43 459147 Political April 68 35$,797 70-13595-ONG - STUDY ON WE M-rRA-ARTICULAR AM) IN-rRA- LESIONAL ADMIN-ISTRATION OF PARAMETIMSONE ACETATE (CORTIDENE DEFOT) IN RIIEUM&TOLOGY. Medicamenta. Mdrld, Y. 49, p. 125-136, 1963. Rcts. Order from NTC its 7R-13S95-060: HC 9. 50, PV S 6. 10. 1 2 /-,7- - or -,I t.. ~osia constnuction izk,)ortnnt- OZ-ionto, by. 7",Olazxlo Coatil2os, 23 PP4, Slomv Magot L1114".0 do, Qpj- Sant Cubn -J)p 3-6. ill) -is 46700 3 5"1 0 U 0, ,:Tov mbetion of Bev PXOVLDMW Immutt"! of AXAP la OrteuWp bW ftleft CwtUlos 6 v1p, a Opp gum yAmwtxu. 21,~ I%b 1061~r * Ij, 4. 352W Ro~~YN&o CoosiMo L&.CVAS POI im 66 YAM$ l1w Zlousami *Uintals or Coffee EXIV"Culd 'I.ILL111 Yaar frou Omente Province, by aolan,10 5 pp- SPAMU, npj, SieEa ras 13 Aug ppo 1 S 4o JPfG 3Y33T LA-Cuba PCon Doc 66 316j,030 JOO -Thousand quintals- of-Coffee -ExpecUil- Tula Year from Oriente Province, by Rolaado QLatillo, 5 pp. SPANISH, np, Sierra Yzestra. 13 Aug 1966, ppo 1 & 4. JPRS 39037 LA-Cuba Econ Dec 66 :316t030 uenwal fieslanse Divousses liebel Arm M'kniononto by Surgio CastlUo Aranguiso 7 PP* G(N&Iuiw.OT Us~ WLY SPANISH, npg hl bMqMjgo SmwtiagN 23 O*t 19699 p 20. JMS/L 3209 IA-ChUe Fol Doe 69 3966594 I-armor P"nieent AlcomyJA Civoo %imu clu GMAVO by !- ranciaco ~ astMo oralts. 5 pp'# per. jjL~-~ SantUgo do Chile. 3-9 Lee i-Ag, pp SZOG IA-Chlle t 01 Jan 70 , ~,Ww (;W-. r k Seronom ii arax*Ums Ilsouseads bjr WiaiLoo %A~Zsridsp .5 pp. upt a v 6 Igy Imo p Zv W30 077 ro-11's 6-57'4,- 1A.4amw ~rol am 68 %loqu, Uruguayan Dotsou Isom In lbu=do OS*tW* tw JUUD Caetiop 6 ppe SPANISH, ?]pt MmtsvlAooo 23 Oft 2906 p 170 JM 46,875 ,J(4 L it) C q ~~t~o ,'. r- lAlPeru Fa Doe 68 35%5W Aremtlm PoLUm AUack UAWu rolloveriop by Ooc&r Costra2m, 5 pp. GPAMUWv vVp p JPMS k5713 sC.4k 0.4.s-rR U L o_5 IA-Argmtlm p" Sept 68 *ow Cuba *jet Build CoMmwlam.Aa It Jkkj~jjftj GodAlift, V C"tro, 2 PP. SPARMS, 13P, 2k Oct IX5, pp. lm. JPJnS 33M9 LA-cubs ~11 A % I i~ C-) ~ pol. DOC 65 e9e, 310 i)evolamiant of Oivil wtation In -Arv,*1*4 b7 Lt,p CA, Alberto Carlato do Cailtme il 1;%j FO'1T1rGfR'S',,# per, A Smans %ta' . Vol 10. -`;0 3Y-~, 3 Jun 1�67,, pp, 2.11 wui 1% j 3a216 ,kfrica &con 1;Ov 6-6 31'3t795 Maxelluxam by Castro Sr-A"ITSIT, rp. 'L) -an, i , , -,k ; Tfl'r-, 54OW4 Prow F-larAhm. - C., 12 ppe 71 711mLijo r-,optas 30 111;4ov "I'l* io';rn, Im 1 17 ) I-A ". 16-4 * - lo n 7 2 Anifesto, l-'** 2 of 26 JW$ 0 by 'Idel Costro. 6 pp. 5PANISAe rPt, &A"Me QLUO-I, davwA, 1960, pp 223.-2L7. QPI%b 4?4w LA-Guba Rol ilAr 69 Na --Aldf"to I of 26 Jay PbVWMt GIViolp tar Ildel Lastros 13 ppo 5?Ar4l&tl. rpt. Lowey .L()66# Vp 207-220. JP.,Z-" 47483 L&-Cuba 1%1 mar 69 3714s995 I IF it lildol Caotre -V2 port DOC t;MS+,2V Centrul Comittee and on tlic Pwty, by 11111.0ol Castro, 9 IV* SPAR=, nps. 0 24 Oc:t. 1965, VV- :U?-14- JPTO 33cag I S F" de IA-Cubch Fol Dft 65 Lpwch b;~ Fidd ilwLTo ors DobOZ VX Riot ,.'entr6l' Co=lttoo oC tbo C=tulfit Amilix 'ar (;ubus, by ric%l Coatrom 11) lip, to= Cuba ~~20&awud& NOV 14;Q;0, IV JPU' 3) M.5 Vv 0 Fidcl.Castr ss Q Spccch to Ildrd ANAP Congre. SPANISH FBIS DR LA-Supplement 25 May 1967 LA-Cuba Pol Aug 67 336,358 Castro on the Selection of Iftibers of 12m I'virLy Central Connittee and on the Pawty,, ~y 311del. Castro,, 9 pp. BPAN=, np, orsum 24 oct 1965, vp. JPIRS 33019 IA-Cuba Pol Doc 65 294095 iin-ti )ml 4f MilitmLas STMIS11, per, 1~)66, P. 15. JVX -'7474 LA-C d-jcf!Aa 'I.c Sept LaL)-)r Pj= t,) r *o.,,, G-Lstav~> CiAstr.)., V-!r. PrActaria, H., 1:11, J ruaits. by jullo Covgtroo~ 6 VA--d'- nl,.-~, 114j? 1111,311. R' .3m opt ?I 2 1 -; r Uruguayan coveres pmeent with k)aet Else tCr JuUo Qextrop 6 pp, SPANISH. Per. ftrobs Mantevl&o# 10 ign 19690, p 7. JFRS 4704M LA-Urogosy pal Fab 69 YA9036 yelaser) Ana Afth ~IrtaidantlAl. I'arm in ;-4moldor., tv Juno ~Astro, .5 pp. n') ~jlrnhtq 9 Aug 1963* p ).Y. i il 1v:5 46340 6a 365o711 ll'! L I ,rullo Castro Slimag) 11;1(.)l, trr Julio Coftstrv-, 6 pp. ONLY Ilonitavidelop Jan 1971. 21, [A/Cuba clar 73. clama (Idle is cis thol F-tood (W'11111) 1111, IAP I*r 4mlic Lastlm, ~i I I r .~'L 5' CU. , jul, 191PIL, pp -16, Ps 17. iri4dL i'mo 71 AMISU -LOD&r- vimw-rwvwun Panama Same's kW VAUPIO Castro AVWGS& FelfwW46 TOU 40 HubloN 9 psi* SPAUSH, Vwv bl -PVMM Lime 23 Mr 196% pp 22-25o ins 4M6 IA-Pam pa ft 69 virctoria tic Gii-in Vrc~ia -)f tae &^-a, by Nelson N-Marti> Cnatt-.3, ppt SPANIS[i,, n9, J.'Ventud Mb.914U 5 JLaY J."Mi. p JPM 37442 LA-C,ba 5.>c s,-,pt 66 GUEUSSIER, A. and CAST Relations between . brittleness at high and low temperatures in 18-8 type austenitic steels. Revue Me'tall. (2):107-22 (1958) (CIRL/T. 39,10x) DoUrnamt1w of S=rmM AmMlyt1cmLX AlftolLoolot tim or stee" valm the Pacma"AmiyowlifiLth LUCtM PZWOP bY B4 cawbos js Uawmell. milcup gerp ftL-- mal, )!M.M o Vb:L 631o :I~AQlio Dv 57U573- 41= 531) R. Castro Md - Bebovlonl Mind SOOMI SCUUMB ion 6T TAAM FoAnU and CrW at Som Tomperata"i In Auftedtio at"Mon Aftu I IV N cs""o #Ad jo Jo do CadwAte FRUICHO pws six-mt Vol 630 oA 2966,p pp W)- aa, Br;)l 3392 50LOYAt Doc 67 3b6oslas P.m= Castro Oatilnes Transportation F4ommW Plan fbr Cuba,, by Rum Castrop 13 pp* EWAN=# perj, Bober 19 Key 1967# pp. 'rMllp 90 and 3.13 JPFS 41510 m OV IAmCuba zem Avg 67 MAO by l*-x4ii Ch4ro 'rime 10 9:)* Si-MMIE, npq jaftggla.. 19 itaV 19W, W i Pns 46p-'e'o sa-AgK -- ---T T.T-- Rward buear Cww F**scU*u AdWLjnW la i? AaWk Pmlmos by ftsM (Aftio P=# 6 pp# SPANISHe part BdbeWAj 22 FAW XW# pp W6JU ipps 43233 Ramon CASTRO RUZ LAmClabs ftv 67 BOM 343AM in ~,V=alltl=VLTY -1444-Otcl 110441-21 26 L U., 71 ALIA wistro EAMI cantro* rsno 53752 Leuies" i ulkmt I'MOIll, olmuthip 6 ppo ', 111L.IAL, July X9731,11 lp 3+ 041 Problem of FwV ftwtUia lu us AwtAutilitit- ary ArWd Fareft (M)V 'by faa C"Upp I$ VV. Atowds" - %--,j IWWV oft war 19061-p Iwo 43-W0 JPFG " u / ~ "q -S ~t, 6 IA-Cift Nil Avr 66 g"APISIL 1e TIOIA FOU"40a um - -- - QW10 in pmgwauo Owduum 96mur l3w R* cww"Op J. J. me aww". 3, vb& is& oat ISIKO FMKRV PWO IV W3~m- *9= 5w R. Castro ad - Hatwimu pw 6T PrdbUme of Party Function in the FWvo4.utlcm-- ary Armed Forces (FAR)a by Fail Castro.. 13 VP- SPAN=,, tipp Cuba 2MjMMjtqL,, war 2.966, PP a 43-59 * JPIIS 34762 IA-Cuba Mil Apr 66 290,1161 ~* - I , - -1 Bradilm Munk ow Govwommt OtELA"It Olairtoto bw ftw Cu4no 6 NO PORMUMO pwp ]A Oft 2967.p lip 26. 29s JIPR3 4"53 LAwBft$U ftl i= 68 30409 .revolutAmary Rccomto I Is GuordlU drIvilaw. (?a* b3, Garmn Cantro Cacedep 30 ppe S AllaS, np, I.; TlaVo, Boptso 22 Oct 1,11491. $12t 13-1A 1 -at ln,69;'P- J~ Rj 4920tb ,dtA~~ 6-;/ in I-eru, by Jose cantro limulfivil, per' ,ftevista lidlitnpi'MA _-Lir.ta, Hav/1)oc 61, ril-)* 44,50S limr, by Af~al cuLat,ra Filiam, .10 Me 0, Alranot 23 ;~Oilt el .. CP kushes commian for Stma naswit EMms "'i.1,, by Jesm4aabml ClLtLIAv IS 0. FRMHO par$ LA tolmm- ftriso Feb 1969, pp 2# 3. ipas 47W -V~ - I M"JA) W-1panoo ?a fty,69 t,&nn Yea" of ReUtlwA E*tmm irmcb.-Spaking Aftlest bW J*W 10 ppe Imci, porp i~t" W, w 1967, pp 29-41 JP.;6 42nO D61 vid Ca Africa Pal ('et 67 Isma Orl OttaldImLo, 110 Avg ic 1 Y1343155 Agencyt IIEU/Bu. of Radj:Ojo~tC-sj---W It-h P.O.No. BPA-FLD.A)4-73 VD LP*bo 1973 Titletail E RjsT=jHIquv DES POMMIM OWMMS AN'Rn, ACTIOIN DES "LIRAMSONS SUR LB TESTIM9 oil q,,jDrAVj: , +1 & Pil". IOLOGIR-ACTIOR LSMS btlrMtt- DO 009 DIC 11ARITH FREQUEIVE SUR 19EKWyaj t)g pWUT. Authoes I-C-Catarms cb-ft"heimse. SOurcel I-Ann. Flistochts. #90,lLlG) 9PUS-mis 11C.N.Aced. 510- ?art& 026S. it9". VOjLq&,S,.jt"-y Lanamtes ftench Inutt tio"I ?Jesse ty" stmal space. (Prod4mts)s, by Le Tom Catoo 13 pp. FOR OFFICIAL UU 0HU FRW01,gMr* Mvuo do la g=x fts $4, Jul# Aug 196CPP MR-sib. WMIMIA ACSI 1-9187 ID 2204004166 SwA - Own May 66 3008553 am"D Aftatim to SUPbOwd Vibftt*mo A lgtWV of tjdw~ 14toatoro# We lion Cote* MN"New us au WT=* rpte Nowdommom 1 to-9PRO - "Pt"Alsom AIR -W Wr 0 %eirivpe 0-f- 4mw/r4vsbJj* TV"$ O'M eecL & 68 1, Brief A,7puiml tdP nlrl't Cougn= tw EM90 imm-142 so ilu In hxhoovp by Cutbalas Np FFMH,, yerp !!~-= amrsump lb 200P 13 ftw Tb IPP- 17-ld- ipm j,F,q IV A 14 lx-FXUWB Pal im 66 Vzolme kmlia C-jti, 2uzalu wid. Aleau, 11 p1j. Per- ~,;OVjL#cr_ 19,65, 5f;3-Mj6 ~p~ ns 15n23 A Zean Apr *5 "he PovsibMty for Psovidire New !loans of I rnn"rtation in the 1966.1970 PoKad., bV ~Irenko Catic, 6 pp. SEMM-CROATIAN, p4m, Tabrikaq I-b % -Ulpt VXA. pm. 1625-.1627. C1;47 Oct 312,01%. 6--~t~ % /6 , (~ a,.&p-~-4.1 The Study of Coupaoting Soils by Surface Vibration# by B. Catolree FRENCH# per# Cogqjr&gjIQG- W190 Val 21# No 6P 1966, " 227-231. NTG 72-10250-13H Apr 72 i - P - catiry Hydratmatmeat of ffeavy rx-actlol2a). FRENCH, per, Asajoclation ftvawdoo d rlerls du Petrole. PGWI-e. FO" 24Y3, 1971, PP, rt_rc 712-IM031miff Norv rt. mtslopt J. nwri'mmoult Off Maim Umd& Om*mmMlwll In Tfa Aix By Infra-%d bARAtion AbsotptEm. T MEW _MS I MQUIN ~ 916i Arab Stibles of Nocth AtIrim ml WAilalt Aftio% by Rnmajol Cattep 19 ppo rrit5OLM', per', 14 This so badwo 1b its Jan 1966S IV* 7]L-M- Aft"Lcm Pal Apr 66 Presse ~vd, Vol 74, .1w 21, 1066s, 1055-1056, Dei-,t of rlavyllfl-S 1549 act 70