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Manual-Work Book an the Tvadmustalm cor Z.1*CtrM! CS 4110d W 1, by 0. V. ZjjK1DQp Irl J;q~. RMUNp Up ftmmzha2 Zlektraradi gte**IkT I Wjgj& pp 470-5-01. MY/NZC/Trm-2CX)()-70 V 7- Sol/Elect jul-v ", 0 /0,02-1 ATTAch to IR 1901 0204 62, by C. V. 2.11mina. RUSSIAN, rpt, VOYOOMOXG Isdatiolstwo Mialsterstva Oberosy SISR. ~p 470-Sol. - a *Dept of Navy NIC Sci-misc June 69 ivrk on the History or tho ~tmtwry Ae.. PwgIAmhec4?-'I by U* A!dn, 10 pp.* RUSSIM, par, VO No 1, Jan 1967, ppo'102,-107* ipm 40097 USSR 67 1 P,41 i\1 lily Enonordo "ImbItne at Ustl4oKsmavoorisk PmKI I I and Zim 04mbins, W V. 73min. 5 ~pp. RUSSWO nn . Trud. 30 Jm IW. pp. 2. JFRS 37~~ V Zi'/Vl Vw ussit Econ Sept 66 311,601 ilwai" Comtr=tloa Scored , by V. limis am 0. Ivalviv, RUSSLIN, nowpapwr, N01W.Ow, 5 Arr 11 68, p. 2. JM 45,23-4 USSR ;kOnomic w I;ay W MAW Adoptim of Am DiummUs WU9dmmd6 tv Vo zA:dm- We Tlkhonm, 5 rpo alasIA : Iwo 23 aid 19600 V, 36 JPBS 46 3&6 V - 2-,-M ;Al uswt POI Z2 wc_a -1 - Iua -,;Dzt -~-o X-5v~ ContrLbutLon to a RecorAtruction of t1wo 9pjNv Mantle by Anaty*Ls of the OpbLoILta i%osocilstiono by s. s. zL&ixk. WJSSEAN, part Dak Ak HaRk $UK, at 9-jals Vot 189, INo 2, 1969, Vp 369-372. Jon 7L A Statr of the Pffwt of cam in 12o ot"t.1wo- -r%hz*"omtim at votAms to DitaMew oxi a MAmtb-tt,ex%mkn cata3y"s ttr q. A. 4bidal. ,~=Urm per* 11, 6* It* 38, 1966 374-379, i"ip Aro:479; Sol r*o 68 u)*Wr.Am,.lrC fl~rrir in a QtatcL4 C,4, AatiAlatic -7 cftll-~4)At" I-AC "#,~Cftl-gocwalc cbmimlatap- Lotico, by Q* Vo Wlowcowo P* So 21r.40% m4 V. Ao TrAta:;iy, 't ppo RMIMO P*rt HgkgQUMVm I Aw Zrallallm 3a 4v Agr IjW# pp. JYIM Y1543 -Y) Woobiamiset4on or limOAllatiad opeowtuns im InObStrlal CKAMWl"Cup-M.- t7 Ps A* O"qp 2A pp, verb mmoslauft 4p vr i96?j, Ive 2-Uo JM 41413 USSR Rom JuU 67 Prectiml Aet%WojoMcs and Airazott, W 0. V, Zjxdn 223L pp. 1, 1 unal"j, p L hmm"Min I latatu"at Avow-m-tv. IM. Vp 1-327- AUVYM4 31-70 I ~.) 'T")I 1 0-, I July Ti * I jive to , xplc&t khzuw"rmg RemaralL Vmmoodw 1~ by A, 1, ZiAlls 7 PPO - RU&SIAM, rPLa M-60 - prod PAGOMG Nb 19b90 pp jjoj~v 4-M 47995 I ,,/ 6clmowh fi. ~( I 3nAiw im6 6-7 A ikrr Method for i4ctrapaUtUg the Iftatiarm T$sre k-41, of an Lulustrial A32qV# ter S. ZbmrUg. I'Mi4C~ pwo -Aevo ~Mx ~mt--ftm Val 64 Dw 1965, pp 939-950. BBI .5663 ~~Cib-At liar 68 351,ODS lev i Igher 'Avsl , IoUUml kowoj jd&o,.vjj"sd # 14p pp. th sl pp i Lac 69 A4UTltl" at MMUMsk-~UMI Sebma CJLtM# bF M. Zlmckffo 13 ppo osslue M~- [long" No 49 Fab pp 43-49. JPW 4"5D . v . i ~-- I- USSR mi ~*y 69 - 1"034 --- me ad am sm"Mma In -Ift 9419wo of the Pmpam* ?41r Go , 33 Wo Wamm~ Vert obtoompWilt Aw kollp vps 90.600 JPIU 30mg Ims pca am 0 so,"I; -it-ion of t! it. a5s A t th-a T-2cavical Maintenance of Aircraft, by iu-nryll. Ziniakowski, 7 ~:q). POLlSli, Z.-Ill. Zastasuaanie 'llinorii Ya!iiw-m~j 1:1,L'Ilucyi oc rSTC-liT.""13 G74--71 ,at- 71 Hewo-ye Use of the NbAs Operation in the Tacbmical Aircroft, Operation,, by Henryk Zimmkovskiv 7 PP- Govmusm USE POLISH, per, Aerial md AstronatAical EULmMiM NO 111, 1969. AM/PSTC/BT-23-674-71 jan ;.- A Tim- Variable Baml f'ass Atli Mlibe 00111trul by Ari Prmt1ma thwjsika CZ.Kc], lero I.;Iabopso_Wy_ CNwr No To UN16,0 *AL-SI 1-9954- .imetioal -oaalbCLUtlev In the Lwdign anill ~~AAusaticjn A.., IT. Z rn OL, C-i--, loc Jul LIMAP F., BYKLE Ru TECh..l CAL GlA%,4j:S f L,~S jF VOtIC Lf- S ,4VIPJ:'Iuo IL O.iYY YKANaPU'Ri 9 NU. 69 1914 6 21'-z9 f )TC-1-f- e.-i-jo6j- 7.2 ZILL H GE I- METHOD OF OPERATION OF ANPLIDYNES - TANK 'TECH NOLUGY PART 2 MILITAER TECHNIK 1971 NO 12 VOL 11, PP 546-547 FSTC-HT-23-2561-72 -blaticti of Sm-,n lleat-fbs"tait PolyrnXIS mil U-&--ir -,CVUcaticn as Lihibi of Pblipava LjeKjraciatian, by 1,, Zilinskayte, at &U MYSSIX-J, j~var, _ck-gyplakulyarowe- SOVO ~51 Se Ae L969,, OP 1214"MO* ~.LD It .1 special 6-70 4010003 or ftm- aowq"~* so tv RUS&Wt VOL IVWI pp 4.71w9 Jim 68 C.E. SOME Qvj"-mKISTIcs Of in laGN-TsmMIA"m Trans. CREEP OF TWO-PHASE ALLOYS 5438 K.K. Ming and A.I. Grankin Izvestia VUZ, Fivika, No. 11, pp. 15?-160 (1968) (Materials Suppl. 09, 240 abstract N$17$) Mo pert _AY_OdAkp Ltt IS(Oo pp. 446oOm awl 1! ion 70 Rageamh CondmeW on SV*b%tUn Of VIVIlto Theory of Tumor OrIgin, W L. A. !3MIMP, VI per, YOVIDIZ Odalmdal lvt~L UICIS pp4p J?Fts "2? L A v:;jR, salmr,W1 y4w 67 32 5, 11" mocumum or ttw amavalto rMwommilims tly jamb tub"j, 96 Die VP* 3-11- ipm ,5-0 use Of Ultraviolet Distilkfection of low Ag'. in Pharmacies. by V. A. lillbove A* :1, 014)j- novich. RWSIANO bkg, U10trutiot 1966. pp 31~-= JPM 4131S JIMI 67 and k-~poMo for a mob"Ir tft loam Wb&tL"9 ( 2250. vas") In lum toorumm Atuoue (Apo"* %w vo 19 SLIONOwo RMI"I bft.&~.A LM-SkM IN 9*- Ne NALO-VIAMO so 60 DOO of IstatAw flab MA ~~~ 3orwim Sao Dw4wu of Fort&" visbawsoo Sal"B Nvw 67 Tho Biology aft4l Fia"ry prommos OUCAW Gadid Fish In tm morthorm AtInit-st 0004MIN by V, L, Manov, RUSSIANO perl, moterialy sessiZ kkimallga S43v*a PIMRO E0 p4sultataft Issi" w 196W INNI of L9"ba VP M-9r. OD&pt of interior Fisk aDd Wildlife Service Isuroau of Comordel Fisher"& 14 Jul 0 i4olo, j I 7,,;L Mu .11, %ro 110 zil'olvve Vbl 45, 1,4:~ So :VW),4. t of hibericx !-Ur--iw of Ca.-nervial Fivil "-IeG oi FlWberie-3 at P040mom ad the mpompw4* hr it U the Aww"$M am# 1w To to Manwo RMUNO pwo - 196.% vp 10-U& W.L SeCt 902243 (AM) Sol/Pat Alb 68 Foxe* vtizw the ProdwWtLVity of the ]FAWNIUrg FishM on ths, Lofbt4m Bjmk. lay 1. K, '?ILI.4trwv and v, o. corwhev, Ru=kv, par$ ULmme nab *1 44, He lo 1401, pr 9-U- 40"t of interior Numum a f Cb:rtorasl F1 mb*rL*o Branch of Foreign Vishorlev nay 68- age ad Age 091"4"" or anaft Wda, bw 116 16 Aftwo If to W32LOO Peri va Iwo pr 11610,o Dart or &AWIW ftpom of commovea "La%"as speoft of rtsk"SAW S"ov w4 V. K. Zilanov is* 66 W~105 Results of CommWrcj.&j PlabLaA for #juvtjj ittijWtia, blue twhitimZ& by So Co Zilmaevo, RUSSIAN. per, itybeem Khap No 4, 19670 lop $4,, *Dept of Interior Fish 4 Wildlife sevvice UCV, Bureau of Foreign Flsho:riss USSR Econ Jul 67 Centralization or Ac-countim, for Railroad rrcUht Trsan"rt, by 11, ?ikqy&w, 6 I;qli. RU3SIX~, per, U"nordobs*"I 040 2% tha 1967& P* Z7* ipas 4,>196 5apt I :T Need for Better Bela e and DiLvervitUatlim in prej&t.Transp3rtatlon usamp by:oo Zikeyw and It SlvanW* 5 VP9 !W-S~j UPS Nig~M~Mml M.%f Ift 1~0 Mu 1966, po 43f ins 35876 UWR Econ jun 66 $03JOTs ~t c of AU room of Traftforts ~v Be a 6 pp* RUSSIANS par& logbou RMOMMIN A""Wo No 99 S*pt 1969o PP B-90 ims 4017 U= How 4, -~ Jan ?o /,) - -~ 34.9e432 i~/ "W AdwaSUO at fto"ted KIMM $0 TOM*bl"* tw 36 zgw- Val 34%p lasn"s IWO Blom" mar IW# w 26-300 sm sa-materialA Dm 67 3trjlmti--d Coeo7dLnq for a Unary ChaMpI wiiih Drq)outs and Irmerticm, I-jy Ko sh, Zicilingirm. 14 pp. ME51AN# per# PrcblC Ile"adadd I"n,F=orvU-iL %bl ji, Ao 2, 19690 14) 23-30. NASA 7T FI-12991 sci/nav, canxn au,; 70 A males m MIL,.Op tv F. X"* 4!~* 12 IN)., Hisom Vero agodmall& w 411w VM410 VP* Z4 3AU JPFS 3U33 Ulm BOLA*-'W* Aug 6S 110POliv . Yll. ?ijo 1 11 Tix ainor illanotse 201 pp. ~, .j 1969 7;WL3,11 , W P 700-7:; J.'r-x ?-', UFO's - What Are They?, by P. AjLoLIO., RUSSIAN, per, Soon&, No 7. flob 1961's lj~ 27-29, JPRS CSOol DC I 1-437/67 Sci-Acrospace May 67 112600441 Tasli and "rection jr i.*eawLmizuu,3n or kerlt. c.atuml ?rod.Actlon to the P"Gazvt Staquot 09' Soct&l -leveloptient., by H. ZleGr-bmvmL.T* ID pp* GEfMN,, jx2r, Dvu!jg~.m Agait I ~o VOIL. XIF)II, No. 1, Jan i)C7-, PP- 1-4- JPFO 3936~ Sci-Ar,ric Mar t)7 am ve cm &4=2 ow X100"" gore, an tbo go"* at prom& "a fttws ama Cowremd= Wtbaftp bV 00 rAsqpbat 25 W-F =~J' gwi, W, 3 Nw pp? W-2"? JM z. Z /',e: n mw 66 .,lain T&Gkz of the complez soatuat P49tUrsaUSAUM of G&O _Iopply4 IV qObVj 1,162TIabal, 4. 1 pp, GEFL~-'A% par* -!mmAi1mhdk- 1b 3, Aer 111116,74 pp. go. ippoi " ll~;-FAfft Leon - Am 67 f C "~L .rAgber --f-flaaftC7 *f WwWW indwtri AwillowexIi, by i'le MariGlabca, 7 pp., GzF.-A.4, per, -: ~Jkaq -o y11) 14.5-43W. ~ _bok# Apr 1968 J A. 9; 45.)0g ;5d3,-Iilwh awr 9. .2- Z(]F)Q J,.W L Avg 68 36301143 cn the innnows of the kktLtSm *f f mit to iypaoatdz a=s bcr J. Uwv. OLP-lWho per* AafA vol 26 no 2's, X904 pp 217-230. NLL W t SZO7 (U22) salo*-fto J-. Z- Avg Aft T-oL~-- forc-~t; Emcl inojauzitL; actirq.,. c)n, a ci~vo,, p Eluojc~cto6 to a ;.Iicarin~,,, aii, Strw-:Ua. Zeit~;Cilrift fur Flu Vol. 3. C.E. Tra.-A.