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Several Wcotiono an Training Subunits to Displace WQUY* RWOW,.# PwP lemdam ~P No 15o, 19 Jan 55. H=uoian Bro G2 um Itattwy - Trulnim w NOV 55 ~, 0?94:31f CTSAROC 7 Tu Anumar to Ua Qaeations of Servicemen YMMMP DWO IMMIMM blio 110v 11 Iby 55. sumnian Brp G2 um MUAOX7 - pa"Mawl Noy 55 C23/m ,/ opaq 6 .I?f 4 7 Fragucntti. of' a Ua~book Dealing Ulith rujjt~;-vry =3 Political lmdoatrimtion. RTJSSIAN* RMW pwj, �2Md!!E!M Arulya No 110,, 11 May Emmalan Br., G2 usmt Mllt=7 - TrMnbw 01 Nov 35 CTB/DEX Som^a Scvict V~~cws on air S,~ratcfz,, b.-1- I. V. J~ravl"cv, A. Kravchenko, A. Polyakov, B. Alekandrov., lOpp. RUSISIMI, per, Soveta~M Airiatsiya, Vol 39/i,O, No 12, 1957, PP 60- CPSTI TT-64-71364. 3221 U19 Sci - Mecbanical, Industrial, Civil and Marine Engineering Mar 67 my 60 fotq-q ii:j Flig aravIty, by ht mad Chringe in j B. ulaachav, 3 pp. jjLjSf)VW, per, Sovet AvifttBI.Ya- 39Yi, 2 Aug,, P 3- -* 2 21 fam 6o-2353'1 ,/ 5~~" 7 ?"Z ou'd i, t r., y 6~,> 77 RU7 'T. 62 - 6 (~.I.acliinj~ Tran-,lUlticn) 1*111 A? VA 1-10"S ~i Y It A ( )A W f 1106 11 311. 7 -1 la r - - On-'cr LE: cl SI-A Im$] '9. p141 SO tA M~59 fit '~At4tyv. V. F I a 11" 11 - -m SoN "~: !;V-) a A~ I I T , 1p (USS11) 1958, no. 274, it 3, Pcipula r it i, in ~if the lit anciples t if inetcorologica I i a,la r. I C'fl- .1 T-1--.J i,'a t i ii sc i t-jice s - -.m ei o,, t, ~ii,gy, rr. v. s, it,. i o) 61-23181 Kobqrcrv, A. rind VyPhedoskil. M. 'MF CREW MAYE'S TER 70NP OF ICE FORMA- Kobviov. A. nON [.1.%fil AMI-11A Is AIR CONDITIONIM.-P. It. Vyshedakil. M. 0a 0 (SIP. MCL - vss fill 111. MCL-255/111 Order frorn OTS or SLA 3 1. 10 61-23181, IV. Technical Informatim CA"er. Wright-pa"eram Trans. Irmn Sovetskaya AvIstalys (USSR) 1959, APB. Mo no. 126()29611). Anna 14. NA sitm(wit %- irmiq jl~(i ivatf #Hr friwTv 11: fir SLA VIM 110 w; 114 IRI17. AF 1 255 QA6, 15 July 59 131p. MSCRIVMRS' "Ativr:iIi, It c. Ait;v,ut", Aircraft cabins. *Air rxMItioning e"Iliment. For abstract of Vynhedskil's paper on airfield air cion- WtionIng "Le ToMhnical Translations 2: 50-S70. 1959. (PngInei&Ang--AeronmtxIcm1. TT, Y. 6. nm 4) 61-28354 ~TLIPZJKS AN'l '6 EAMER (.Wnlkl i Pogo"). 1. "ArvisnIv. N. z-, F-M, NO [411,~ Al-' 141949.3. IL AP-1 419 493 Ordc r from OTS or Sl -A $1. 10 61 2835,11 Tranti. fruci ~ovctskaya Avistslya (USSR) 1960. 9 Feb. p. 3. DESCRIFIMS: 'Sntellite vehicles. Earth. Computeri., .v;cather forecasting, USSR. Farb'& sitillilks ard cosriputing machines will contrib- tile it) a bctier solution of the problem Involving accu- rate UVAthCT 1107"Alit. (E2aractod) ("Ineertng- - SartiNite Vehicles. TT. v. 6. no. 12) Surimary of "Scrviet Azerbaydzlutn" by P. Pechinin. AF 572809 Gmaraphic Soclo1q;iCal Politictil RUSIIIAN, lqh tm ~ NO 147. 25 Jlkn 1904, p 4L JPILS 2"U USWK ECM .SIT 64 2670412 !~JSCELLAII.D)US ARTIC"LES C)I,: TIIE ClIC-Ili-Al. li:DUSTi~Y pp. SOVETSKAYA HLOf0JSSIYA 21 JUL JPRIS 2C,,-~O Ussil SEP 3 Problems of Increasing Tractor Longevity at the Minsk Tractor Plant, by Z. Rubanov, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, f..'-ovet Belorussia, 22 Nov 1963, p 2. -------- JPRS 22722 USSIt Econ Ian 64 246,0B9 i ily'sIci.sts Poel, LAO tile I:UtlwQ, 10), -;. ; ~' , !'Arota, 5 ppe 4akkilhli. per, Sovet-skaya 13clorussiya July 1, 1964, pp 3.9697534 Vf0-VJ*-C4-12S0 5ci-Whys Aug (is 287,U36 Let Us Prolong the Life of Machines and Machine-Tools, 6 p%). RUSSIANO np, $ovietBkaya Morussiya, 25 Nov 1964, pp 2. JPAS 28760 USSR Econ Feb 65 275,037 Aiawds to Foroonnel o:C Vitebsk Machine- BuJading Plmt, 5 pp morn np, ~=i!Lma Meloraasiyap 3 J - Doe 194, PP I and 3 - ipm. 23, ,)65 um Soo mbar 65 276,h25 (DC-3901/310 Infoi-mation and Bibliogmphic Work in the Scientific Researab Organizationj by B4. 1. GoIldgamert 17 pp. RUSS=, per.. Bovet Bibliografilrat No 52p 1958, pp 65-73. AFRS 6633 Sel - Him* ~~ 4 Feb 61 / -~; F, TIA,-,! Printed t~ataloCuo:j and Bl~)Ilographtccd lWaxas of China's Llbrai,"Lco,, by A. Kh. Wikov. MCI RUBSIAN, per, Bovet Biblicaraflya, 110 22 1959, pp u&W. LW Tr Sul Aug 1959 fti - Mer. At% 59 F -5-11 8-0 ~? ThIll Nation of Bibli%replaicul Worli foj* ,u-,"-4 Accrilvitlom of s9 Foreign Stm!ks in Scientif ja by P. I. Igorovs X,, v. 16 pp. Lyutavas M18010, jar., Sovat Ribllogmf Lys,, No 3., 1959# 25 -34. pp Sol- W-f* mmr 6o LLU Tr BuLl Peb 196o TW ApWaftl of ftsla Or4er of the Soviet Library Classifications 5 pp, UWL RMISIMI,, per, GOV$% 201109"I'Ous 30 3s 1959s vv 102-1040 1 Mu Tr Blal 79b 1960 3*1 - Mac Mir 60 //a. 11f ~/ y Via All-Woo IlWtltui* at Solootlf to and "Ohnicel laromatift and Ital ZmaLate Task$$ by A& jL# IMimp ]k pq# MM RMS108 vote sont 34NIgeftyat Igo 52 Lzgo vp 3 TV INI Apr 1960 my 60 ( Dc'! - ~-, ~,-) I /,.12 ') Bibliagra-phic Information Work -- An Important Btage in zBeientific Research, by G. 1. CoVdgam--r, 18 -pp. Mr.-MAN, per, Sovet Bibliograripl., iqo 5 pp 11-27. JM9 3433 Scl. - Hisc 'Tun 60 112 AL I'D L;y IlPi Irr jun 6D Soc Aug Infarratiorn arO Bibliographical liork of Tf;W-P po Stroitellufwu i Arkhitekture (Centml Scientific and Technical Library far Building and Architecture), by G. V. 11'ahenko, 14 pp. RUSSIAW, per, Sovetskaya Bibliograftya, No 6, 1961, pp 20-25. ML Tr Bull Vol 3s No 6, 1961 Sci - Himc /Iko' 00/ Jau 62 Si,aAif icance of Aerial Photcj&ruphy in the Study of ti:e Cove-ring of VeL:Wtation on iZe Denerts of the USSq), by M. P. Petrov. UNCIASSIFIED RUSSIAN, Ivr, Sov Dot., go 5, 1,)36, pp 16-31. ATIC F-T,9-84W-/V &cLentific Geuphysice Aug 55 CTS/DEX -Intl 'vc-r Cr he Viver b:! 193!), pp 2.,-J40. ATIC F-TS-8270 0--ophys ics ilia Gecayaphlml Diffusion of Ergot of Rye In USSR nad Zaaes Where its Hpxufw~ '"Effects nave a Serioui SiVaificance, by S. V., Vladimirokii RMISIMP M.Ovetakala DQUaLkey NO 5,, pp 77-87, 1939. 4X:' N UM Tr 357 Xconm1c - AgrIculture Scidintirit - Biology Study of the Resistance to Drought of Cultivated Cereals at Vnrious Periods of Their Life, by Fe Slkazkimp 2.1,ppg RWSIM, per, Sovetskaya BotanUms No 5, 69 19400 pp 144-1$3e CSIRO/Ho S911 7- 2512 6jw July 63 Ir Introduction of the Insecticidal Tephrosia SPP to Vie USSR, by L. A. Razdorskaja RUSSIAN, rx.-.r, Sovetakala Botanika, 5/6, 1941, pp. 67-79-. *CPSTI TT 70-57121 Sci/b&m Mar 7 0 Of. the Ob-yealsel DiVI64op by B. 11. OaVogtUoy, 61 Vy. UNCIMMED Rua&ta 1, -20s 10 4, PP 90-31, IOU. _Mgt,. &w sot, So 3 s. vp 3 Ano r4s-826T/Ill Scientific - 0000"Les Clik 25im ATIC: 154015 tsk I~lz Di t Tbe Soviet Fa-- East, by P. N. 13cbastnev, 2 pp. HLISSLVIP bk, Sovetskiy Dal'niy Vostok, 1963, E~ctt-acts. (call N,). HC337 D 21'31 Eng Tr) Army Map Service JS:311 Geo& may 63 UT, :per, Somty Doputat-cm p. p Cunvnt Digest o:C Soviet Prenz Vol Xin, No 3.3, PP L,so tit' U"I'L; 'I~rpe Ugital (,ouptere for Ueordatic CoWataticauk, by 1. Gasill Id ji, 341 pp. H,J-;S,Uji. rpt, ~qvgj - kvy VWIMMMe Lichl Engkca-vala -l,-gAF-ALU im et 4Q Lle Iffib 10 Inaled lle~ Podg2tcnld I Ede a Naucbn lux 1"Ahtmimm I lanal kotto D=M 3.965. pip 181-M. NOV 68 353.716 ,OVICA b). Ai T.ikti 1'.j1Li!-19ooj.j,j, i-'.CSCUsiv 1t)oc", 5-6, 32-SS, M 6 7 320,670 ..wiritit i'aturctic kl,)q>oditic;ns j)y A. If. "Itt'dalluml, LUS"ilt'C", 'b'k. Sovotskie Wspadits~z v ilataTI.- tilat 1959-1961 7 #6 ID620 152 71IRTUYU - 45 jwxzx ceog oct 66 313,086 RM Eoviet E,'qpsatIMftT Mly Vnvtkt, by ff. It- %raormi 37 WSMI A bkp *VLYqt=-.!!4 m 19ST-,W* 199% pp It"Y Tr 3959/BD 1% lbv Ge Sysocv, N. N. IIIE SOVIET I ,XPEDITIONARY MW -\,rITAZ-, I'%, ht Internazional (wophysical Year 14S-)-5S mono. 1962 [40b). 110"I'rans-15t), OrOcl. frolp OTIS or SI-N $3. N) 62- 3:1091 Tralls. of Illono. Sove - ..-L-Lk(w "Vityaz". Mosco". 1959, Alp. vcsstl~, Gvea nog I'll Phi v equipincill. G(I)PIlysics. 02- TIOU I I . I itiv: vimlz Ship 1. N. N. 11. Thle: biterflational 1B. 110 Trans-15t, IV. Navy Ilvdi-tygraphic Offjct~ Washington, D. C. lliv trixture ard -:,quipment (if tho ~kwict (wearlograpt.ic V". h,-1 "Wt)-az"' (dipIacellivilt 1;71(j t) is. discursed, d,~crftpiiig Ow oix,,riltion (if t1w vesst-1, Its latwwatorics desIgned Jor prc-liminary prtvessing of tAmervatIon.11 materiji) conevi-ning the geological, physical, wid chemLical occanography, inclimbig inarilic chinatolog); Fill-thOl', IW OCV.IMCI.~~rapliic winches, cablvs and bottom (Earth `~ieticvs, TT, v. 11, no. co) (uvt!r) Oft* of Istw" Urrhm (BF-1948) The Stalinist Theory of Colonial Revolution and the Natlowl. Liberation Nbvement, in M-Wical and South Afrlaa,, by 1. 1. Potebbin,, 22 pp. RM81AN, perj, Sovert wo i, 195o, pp 24-4o. 1 4935 NI/A - Pdrieft 11o 7, POI Sep 61L on tba oorigin of a JUdso-Mmllm, 0==itY ia SuMmmj by 1. U. 90mkbOUDV- EMSSUN., por., Sovet yo,j. go It Ummm., 1953.., pp i6ei. ... CU Llb 5 106 C3, No 1 uLqml Boo ju, 59 p, IS-9, Mule OaMeeltion emd DletrgyWdm of P*VAI&tlou In tW 8lv&r4=R Ul&ar Aptonamow HeOaa at tM ftqpU #a Depblic at ftlm, by 5, 1. Enkj JLO W* mean$ a ft 2j, xhr.-JVr 3919 am Wim um &M - abbuft ulawltlu Iftv 62 6.-)- Watimal Cmatruction In tho slnh:~ Ullj~4ux~ Autwommm Reoca of the PeoA&lo Republic of Chftat b-7 Xe S. Obs"I's 19 ppe MFOEMS pwo a No 2. aw-Alm 29%0 sp 418816030 8m - MAU mlowltuw PROBLEMS CONFRONTING CHINESE ETI-iNOGRAPHERS IN CON74ECTION WITH SOLVING THE NATIONALITIES QUESTION 114 THE CPR., BY LIN YAO-HUA, 32 PP. RUSSIAN., PER,,SOVETSKAYA ETNOGRAFIYA, NO 3, 1956r PP 79-91. JPRS 1641;1 FE - CHI 14A SOC. DEC 6p 217,227 ,x?6, Selected. 1.1ussii,:in Articles on General E-11hnological IntlaTormation on Communist China -- Sovetskaya Etnografilm 1956-1959, (DC-8120). RUSSIAN, per, Sovetskaya Etnografiya, No 3, 19561 pp '(I,)-9!; No 2, pp 106-121; No 1, 19-i-(I; PP 134-13, No 5, pp _123-139, 164-167; No 6, pp 123-149. *JPRS FE - China Soc oct 62 (R-L::96-62-c) Selected Russian Articles on Ethnological Informa- tion on South China, (SF-2373) RUSSIAN) pers, Sovetskaya Htnograftya, No 3. 1957, Nos 4/5, 1959. *JPRS USSR Soc - Ethnic Minorities 14 Sept 62 A VUlt. With tb* Cb'UQU94tlu', ct m6 RLwalm Orientallat)r,~ 15 PP, nuamm* pw, govauxws ItaqWlyao So 3s -Jww ODI 3-M, p H ams 16im 731 - ablim SO-, *w 69 a 1 17, 4 ,-~ ~- ETHNOGRAPHY IN THE CPR, BY G. G. STRATANOVICH, 18 pp. RUSSIAN.. PER, -$~ ~~QRAFIY , NO 2, 1956, pp io6-121. jpRs 16431 FE - CHINA SOC. DEC 62 217,228 Problms ct Etlmograp* in RU C=ent Minace LiLtewatm-e Omcerning Tilwt,, by Tu. I. Zhuravlov.. 10 :pp. WNW* pers Am~~Zt~nog~&", & 2,. 1VA,, IV U&M. JM 15A58 ow: ~W If Oct 62 Bmli OtwrMt Btkgo aC Politicalp &cacmic,, and ftl,tural O=struation in Meta by Yu. 1. Zhuravl",, 14 pp. RUEMMS, Dwo smetwova Rtwon~ No 48 3-958s, pp ce-73. im 15858 IW4 Been -2/,/ fto ftt 6e Pooples of the Asim Frmt:ier: Now Publicatim an Tibet wW Tibetow.. by Tuq 1. 2bmavlev,, 3-1 pp. MJBMN., per,* Bovetokwm AtLaj 5D 4p 19588 pp JL73.- JL770 iml 15" aft oct 6e ax /4 If 2hem"tioal Problem the UWR and the ZM gras"rap X 13 pp. (NY-6455/2) or INvildi %g OMMMISM in Twks at 11OVIet Mao- 101- Iw* S0-ft-t-2tUO6rafiY'I,, So 5p 1958, VP 6-3.6. WaR am S061 7, 4'17 (NY-6455/1) The BDOPIOU Of NOn-aussian Asia, by Ye - A. belya,yev,, 0. M. Petrov,, A. 'K. ShamutAlinoy, 14 pp. .1%, RUBSIU, Per, Swret Xftq&mftya, no 5, 1958, ipp 167-173. JM 9585 USSR Soc JUL 61 %~ S F ~ 3 -,` ~ ": 3 *." Comquaist Construction ame. Bthnorp-aj-hy, )-I- :pp - TiUSSIM, per, Sovet EtaoEEgiyal_ Vol TT, I.F59, PP 3-9. ' iPRS 4779 IV, 111; R Saa - loan / C.~j / ? 4 jut'g 61 (~ Afr1c;*1 Stu4les and the Arfl=2 People's Conferencep by 1. 1. Potethin, 12 ppa Russuri, wj, pqn~_~~16 vol ir, 1959, PIP 10.1.7. JPHS 4779 IWA - litrica sou I a ~1190- Augg 61 RESEARCH ON NATIONALITIES IN THE: CPR, 6 PP. RUSSIAN, PE OVETSKAYS ETNOGPJiFIYA, NO 1, 36-.- 1959j- PP 13~-',` JPRS 164:0 FE - CHINA Soc. DEC 62 217,229 '(b0 -4 ! - - -,,. -,' b" '.0 - 7) noincU-tentmL Problemmi of Ethnogra,,?hic Research During the Seven-Year Plan, 18 pp. JjUSjjj.kWp per, Sovetskaya,At pogmfiya, No 3, 1959, PP 3-10 JPRS 2843 USSR Sociologi.c.p-I-Soviet ethmographic reacarch Jun 60 so ftwomul me somia smamom or as ainwat by G6 *a 0b - 1 =,Mld4 l9 JR. ==Ws pwp ";Jr oft3wo No ho It #4-4m 3mlo MIX an 3AW 31 - CbJft fto aw 62 S11,441 $wn Infovatim Obtslmd from Cb' o Sourew cn the 'R%bs-cgpqby of the ftMpftv by ft. I Xyobmmwp Is ppe WBUWA PWO jbkp jo-AUS MWjp Vp 2U6U5. age 16030 v= - go* - Magda viewitlas -^) 70 to Abw 62 (w-1863) The mbft Of Ue sthmamphy Dwtituto of the Ar.mdmq of Sciewes in 1958, by V. A. Aleksandrov, 10 pp. MWUl(j, per.. so-nAJ%nmmf Uz6 vol 3:1, 1959,, I;tp 128-132o JPM 4T?q USSR 6 $m Aug moo= Dmaxerouna at the Chw=9 gUtwy and jr. its, 6py. peoWle in Mp~opi ProYlVAW*blf I* misump pwo SnAIY&~_S* kv 444ma 1" 0 pp a SM JW3D Von We . Bdx" Wnwits" 11 IP63 mw 62 C~ I Peoplee ot Asia Briand tim -- li~lc CartograThy la the PocWool hapabLic of Cbinav by so 1. Bri3kj a pp. SoVatok~nLXUI~Mnr-~, 4% xov 62 al Vi, 4 RUtWiGMI 8014MM DITUIM CC the Aaad=W CC B*Ianow um am Flo" aff"UsAlow in iquo b7 F. J6 At am mob 6 pp* WMUW& pwo ftvotmkM wMao so its 2 MW 69 fS Z* iku-vmupk MMUMS an qwwt44M of soloutirla- Atbigintle ftx9ogooft In fte rA&tkt of tIM Declaim at the Mad Magma tit the CMs by A, T. bol,"kp jusaws No 4M 3fOWjk V7, Ip 4 OW 62 (DC-4281) Tibetan 16stionalitlea, AM IthnILO Groups in the FmcpUts PAVOUc U of Chimis by Yu. 1. Zbwmv2av, 33 pp.- RU ftram go 50 0 w# ~ sep/oat 109J. pp 71-sa. jPW Sao 61 The No M the Blumolpay or the MW me Yoo,, by Ro F.., 6 pp. m8=9 " No 50 W%, vp 93-17. MW --,!51.90 Vs - MIM Boo Xbr 6e j 17, 40 1 ETHNOGRAPHIC FIELD WORK IN THE CPR, BY 1. , N. CHEBOKSAROVj, 19 PP. RUSSIAN2 PER,-LO-VETSKAYA EINOGM-FI-YA, NO 5, SEP- OCT 1959, PP 123-139. JPRS 16431 FE - CHI NA soc DEC 62 217.-S230 ETHNOGRAPHIG FIELD TRIP TO THE CPR (1;-;59), BY G. A. GLOVATSKIY, 6 PP. RUSSIAN: PER, SOVETSKAYA -EINMAEJ-U, NO 5, SEP- OCT 19591 PP 164-167. JPRS 16431 FE - CHI 14A SOC DEC 62 217.1231 BASIC STAGES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF ETHNOGRAPHY IN CHINA, EY 14. N. CHEBOKSAROV., 32 PP. RUSSIANp PER.._SOVETSKAYA ETNOGIZAFIYA, No 6, 1959, PP 123-149. JPRS 10131 FE - CHINA Soc DEC 62 217,232 Butinov, N. A. SHORT-EARS AND LON'j-EARS ON EASTER ISLAND Q' Carotkouldife i LAinnoukide na Ostrove Pasklii). 1962 13p. 37 refs. M, -4$0 Sud. Order from M $0.50 61-31223 Truns. of Sovetskaya Ernograflya (USSR) 1960, no. 1, p. 72-82 1 "~ -, I ' 5~ DBSCRWrORS: *Antlirofiology, *Polynesia, Culture, Translations 61-31223 1. Butinov. N. A. [I. PL -480 Smi (61-31223) 111. National Science Foundation, Washington, 1). C_ The aim cif this article is to prove that there were not two different peopILH on Easter Island. Ilie division into short -e&rs and lung -care is a division between rwo groWti of the sarne people. The evidence in favor of this staxement is from a affuLU -kohau rongo-rongo' text deciphered by the author. *17his ima is inscribed on die small Chile table and represents a genealogy consisting of Ax names. (Author) (Social Sciences, Yl', v. S. no. 11) Offt-f TchW.A 3-4- (DC-5987) Linin'a Natiocal Policy an Vie New Peoples of Cenizal, Asia on the Rood to Commmism, by T. A. Zhdanko, 32 pp. RMW pers Gwret MografILA.. No 2, ?4?.r/APr"1960, pp 7-aD. MRS 8&,)B MIA - Central Asia / 73, 6 4 -14 a o-', Tam" of' Mnograpbla Researeb of the Peoples, of Sibarls in the Ligbt of the Teaching Of V. 1. Lemla, by. L. P. Pota;pov,. 28 pp. RMSIAN, yer, govet Rt UV&fty&# No 2, NM'/A,Pr 1960, PP 2-1-33. im 8E198 WSR Soo ont 61 (IC-5987) The Population of Cuba., by A. D. Dr:Ldze, 31 PP - FdWLUr., per., gave StaWaliju, No 2, Mwr/Apr IqW, PY, - L ", JFFS "18 Mm / 73, t. to X Lik - Whm. 0m., 61 (DC-5987) Work on 'the lustituto of Ethuagmphy of the ArAdemy of Sal-ences of the USSR In 1959s by V. A, Aleko=4rwj 21 HUSSIMj. per,, Bayst. 1r&.2 so 2, Nw/Apr 1960, vp 1&-1M. UMR 6467 (DC-5087) SWtas mad Tmiks of the Study of or Kazakhatan,, by 1. Zakharov 6, R. Kbod bayeva, 12 py. RUBSIMg pwi stbu Qmt I-M-Nw- 10-1 So 2j. tbx/Ap:r 1,960, VP 1W-163- JPRS W low 1:13, 4 4,9 (1)C-5987) Western Asia Ubnogralphic Collection, by K. S. lvwwvp 19 ppo MMVjj. W, Sovwt Itb=Wuf:LM No 2, Ylur/ 3.960,, pp 190-195. ipm 8898 AISIA - Wastax Asia / 7g, 4. 7 41 Sou oet 6L Oat 61 T'D~--5987) Periples of ffw4vh AvArica, by L. 1. &*ak, 13 3?P - LWSSIW,.. per, 8o"t MwWaiyas No 2, 14"W/APr 19WP W498-;Mg- im 8898 Worth Amarloa / 4 4 Y Scm Peoples of America, by A. V. Ylefimova, S. A. Tokereva) RMSIA14, per, Sovet Etnografiya, No 3, 196o, pp 199-206. *JPRS USSR Soc - Ethnographers 19 May 61 I ~ DC-5 Fo=ora am a Historical-Ethwgrspbic Source, by V. K. sokolova, 9 pp. RUSSLIM, par, amm LxLtxa&mripL' no 4, Jul/Aug 19w, pp 11-16. JM 8633 UMB. la 0" ~ // 4- Boo - Stbaogmphars (NY-6456/1) Problemi of IthnoGraphy, Arch(loloa,, and ArtrLbropology at the Conferencia an tho Hied Of Sibala and the Par Mast, Vy A. D. GraclhN 15 pp IMBS3:AN,, per, govet Rt&affskfkyA, No 5, 1960, I?p M-117. Jm 958B 16 o, o sib's =OR now itmi 61 (vy-s3ft 6456/2) Tba-Mmoampbld Study of theAussim NoMot Peasactary of Eastern Siberia to 1957-1959, by 0. S. W*Iova,, L. K. Soburova, 22 pp. RUBBIM, per, So pp 118-iga. No 5, 1960, im 9589 /6 0. &S-/ DMIR S*c Jul 61 i sF - -I e-L~4 ~l ?*jr,-Lc TUmoretical Probla= of Vlod~2r?i Soviet ENtmogretyby, by S. P. Tolstar, 22 pp. OUSSIflig, ptr, Sovot Stuograj-13~, iio 1960, p]';i 10.2kr------l ipm Arr67 it"WR 0 Au,U 611 8W:jml CbaDWs in tropical Africa After the SOOMd WM" Wbr~ by IL 1. Emsd kiy., 2D pp. IMAM $WWO amt an gw Worle, of thm Section of 3:nta)-mtjoa&l Congress 1. ye. auxitaym, 8 pp. Africanictc. ab ~Aie L'yVth of Orivut&liats, by MUM, per, -Bovet L%92SMflra~ No 6., Ncw/Dee I.X501 Yp 1A'6-1w.- JFR8 476r nW'A Arrica SN~ /j~ tan R Seasion Devottd to the ReaUts of Field Research iv, Arvhm-mlogy and EthWgra*y in 1959, by.O. A. Oamtskaya, 12 pp. MISSTAX,, per, Sovort nngre'IM No 6, Nov/Dec -15160, Pp 149-153. ipm 4,76T Imm SDC km 61 Swe Results of tho Work of the C=blnmd E-.-?ed:itlon of the Imetitute of Ethnography of the Azzadc=7 of Gaiiwzes; U= In 1939, by L. X. Terient'Ve-va, 14 pp. RUMIAXI per, Sov*t St xo 6, xov/Dvc 1960, pp JPRS 4767 via Soo fta. 61 Une Poi-L-aitlan of Rev Custom aod CerezKudes in the Life of Latvian Kollch z Workeks., by L. N. Te=unt ".MVO,, 24 ~P. OWTAN,, yer., No 2, 1961, IV 24-3g.. JPjW 4T44 USSR 1601 6