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&J.ogmnatlon of Polypropylene, 1"Ir, by Shu Y%smbtwa, Tabw Ohabika,, 23- :pp. --ill, JAPAMS , per, Ko=o-Ksa&l AMIhi, Vol UZI, 'go 11, 1959" pp IM81-i:185. sLA 6o-16673 set. / f - ~'- ;73 & Vol IVs lb 7 Alp 2 Preparation =4 PolywrisetLon of s-(2-Cyanoetbyl) Acrylouitrilep tq Makoto Tanaka$ Soiji AsaiR Shiup*i Taboyss, 22 pp. JAPA=8j, paj. Vol =p Ho 11-F 19590 pp, MA 61-2=X Sci Apr Between DAI-AuiVidichloroatlem-- w3d luorZw4e Compoundap by T. TaUGmhip C. P.P . JAPAMMj, pars KoM KQpkU ZQSQhi Vol XIMP ?b 125-295gy-M upp-lPISTI. RAW-95AW Sol Irol 1y" ism u ;7-,:V Jun 62 -j'~ 4WO&II-1, -r&wx4a Permeability of Polymer Filuis to Gases, by Danshlchl Takeda, Bunnosuke ymmajeb" 33 pp. JAPAMM, per, KoVa K%pku Zwdd, Vol LXII, Ito MOX 12, 19591,' ~~p'1897-1904. atA 6Ni6678 Sel pei~ 6e 14P,6., ~--fw The)WaM of Gn-.n'rk-XlrradIAdon on Polyethylene Te il.-Uualwe by e. Sobue, A~ Kajiura. r*nm JAPAiqME,' per, XqZp Kags3ai TAaBshl, Vol L)M, No 1~." 1959" pp 1908-1911. NASA! TT F-9008 SCA-04M I UO.'OOVERNMENT ONLY V6,124 Matsuda, S. and Matsuda. 11. SYNTHESPS OF DIALKYLTIN DHODIDES. 119601 12p. Order from ATS $19.45 ATS-5iM47J Trans. of Kogyo Kslaku Zasahl (Japan) 1960, v. 63, no. 1, p. H4-1-19-* 61 -12U4 1. Tin iodides--Syntheats 2. Tin compounds (Organic)-- Synthesis 1. Matsuda. S. U. Matsuda, H. Ill. ATS-51M47] IV. Associated Technical Services, Inc., Feet Orange, N. J. CM-.f T-h.W..1 5-4... (Chemistry- -Organic. TT. Y. 5. no. 7) Shilm, K. and Kumada. M. A REACTION OF SILICON-COMINING AMlW COMPOUND& [1962112p. Order from K-H $15. 00 K-H 10512 b Trans. of Ko .po Kagaku Zesshil (Japan) 1960, v. 63 [no. 11 p. DESCRIVMRS: *Amines, *Silicon. *Chemical reactions. 62-17620 I - ShUM K. U. Kumada, M. Ill. K-H-10512-b 1Y. Kresge-HookerSdence Library Associates. Detroit, Mich. (Chernistry- -Orpnlf_, TT, v. 9, no. 7) WIN W TnWtzi Servicn Thermal D!--gradation of Polytrif=Luoro- chlccroetbylem in Air, by Takaomi Satokava, Y'atalm xc=mtwu, Tatsuo suoyoshlo, 19 pp. JAPAMM, per., Vol am, NO I!,L-II, W, ~PPIM-1-83- sLA 6o-i6674 scl Vol IV., Igo 7 Apr 6-22 F.' p-xty4ction Reactadon of Debydrochlorinutx--d IF014tvirWI Mlorlds., by Kilchi Takamto, U pq . JAIUNM,p ycrj, KOSYO KqgWmL7Azehi,, V03. Lxvl.. No BiA 6oiWa act Vol US NO .5 fte Howasencus Syntem Reaction Between Polyvinyl Alcohol and -AcryLudde,, by Belbstiro Ito, 19 pp. JAPAN=# jers XWO KaGaku Z&$Wi., Vol M11,, No 2j. 2960,,.Pp 335-341. mA ft-wool got Alm 61 Arai. TfAkichl and others. RMANCE EFFECT AND BARLIS EFFECT (IN MOLTRN-POLYMRR EXTRUSION). 119631 f34pl 50relm Ch4er from SLA $3.60 TT-64-14358 Tram. of KoM Kagaku 75%ashi (Japan) t%O, v. 63, no. 3. p. 418-427. DESCRVMR&- *Plastics. *Extnision. *Hydrodynamics. Polymers, %scoelasticity. Fluid flow, Density. Stresses, Mathematical analysis. TT-64-14353 1. Arai, T. (Mock-nics-Hydrodynamles, TT. v. 11. no. tO) f T-W..[ S-Ic.i 63-14038 NON-NEWMNIAN PLOW OF POLYVINYL CHLORM 1. Fulwmxva. Y. AT 113CM 17-NIVERATU1113. 28 June 62, 10p. (Ugs. tables otultzed). Order from SLA $1.. 10 63-14039 Trans. of Yoffo Kapku Zandd (japam) 1960, v. 63, p. 459-5" DESCRW1'ORS: *Polyvinyl chloride, *Fluld flow. Viiscosity, hioleculdx weight. EUsticity, Friction, Shear mennes, Ileat of activation, OPlar-ticizers. I.Abricants. Flm charmter or PVC was measured by an extrusion capillsxy viicoim-t~,r. nic fimv corves Jrvdicale-d consldm*le non~Nemtonfan dumacter at Imer temper- atures. AL temlleratures above the molding point (2060".) of the PVC, the now cttrves obeyed the Bucche-IlardinE, equatiovo which I= successfully explained the de~ Ollie. d 7mmical S-ice. (MterInIs-Flastics, 17~ v. 10, no. 7) (Oveep I Reaction of Sulfuryl Diisocyanate With Amines, by N. Onodera. JARUTESE, per, Konyo Kagalcu Zasshi,, Vol 66, 1963, pp 481-484. ITTC-71-16222-07C Jan 72 60-18146 Okajima, Saburo and Kubo. Teruo. DYEING CONDITIONS OF POLYACRYLoNrrRILE 1. Synthetic fiber*-- FILAMENT WITH CONGO RED FOR DICHROIC Processing STUDY AND ITS APPLICATION TO IM DLrTERKG- 2. Dyes--Applicatims NATION OF THE'DEGREE OF ORITINTATION. Rept. 1. Okajima, S. no. I of Studies on Acrylic System Synthetic Fibers. 11. Kubo, T. IIWZI IBp_ 19 refs. 111. 71t1& Studies... Order fion. SLA mIS2.40, ph$3.30 60-18146 Trans. o(_K _5s!~ku Zasshi (Japan) 1960, v. 63, ~0_ 0 j 0 M-3 /1941' _ - 28. no. 3. p. 5 A straight polymer of acrylooltrile whose molecular weight was 7MM was wet -spun by dissolving It In 70A nitric acid. When In an undried state, this fiber could be dyed eerily to an Intense color by direct dyes, and the degree or oriemation of this fiber mdd be deter- mined fron dIchrolem which appeared by, the use of Congo Red. When drawn by using a warm-water bath at below SSAC or a 40% tdtric " both (normal tern - persture). both cafts orlmed at the same tendency at (Mterials--Textiles. Tr. v. 5. im. 3) (over) Pol~nrierizstion of Vinyl Acetate Using Triall,,yl Borate. Part I., by F - Idee. JARIMSE., per, Kogyo Kagaku Zasshi, vol. 63, no- 3: 1960, PP. 529-533. NTC Tl-3.2829-07C j ul~ 1911 Polymerizat-Im of Vinyl Acetate Usin.- TrialJzylborates- Part II. Reaction Velocity c--7' the YIrst Stage of Plymerization of Acetate Using a Tributylborate Catalyst, by F. Ide . JAPAKESE, -per, Kogyo KaZLku Zasshi, -vol. 63, no. 3, l9bO, pp. 533-536. NTC 71-12830-07C J~) 1~ I 'T 7 1 Nagase. Kumbiko and Sakagucht, Kahei. (DIS-rIUBLMON) OF PRODUCTS OF AMMON OF ETIiYt.rNF OXIDE TO LAURYL ALCOHOL AND NONYLPHENOL. ( 19611(221p. (7 figs. omitted) 16 refs. Order from SLA $2.60 61-10682 Trans. ofj(pgyq);&Za.ku,Za,sshI (Japan) 1960, v. 63. no. 4, p. 588-,S92. DESC-PIPTORS:"Ethylene, oxide, 'Alcohols.'Phenols. Noa~l radicals. Chemlial reaction$. Stsfiltical distributions. 61-10692 1. Nagase, K. 11. Sakagochl. K. (Cherals try- -Phys Ical, TT. v. 6. no. 1) Indirect TItmtIw of Reducible me Orgmda CaMonaft by Ptoduced Oaric Ims, by Takobwuv El"am Sakurai, 15 pp. JAPANU.4 ver loom* Coasku, DIMP ig6o,o v9 668 Aw omaeerans-635(L) 801 - Cbft WY a /0,379 'I'T-65-14157 Held 111 Furukawa, J.; Tnuruta, T.; Fujita. Y.; Kanasa-ki, A. POLYSIERIZATIC& OF VINYL CHLONUM MTH ORGA\O?,IETALLIC COMINDUNDS. 32p. 23refs, Order from SLA: $3.60 as TT-65-14157 Trans. of Moo Kagaku Z anshl (Japan) v63 n4 p64 5-52 1960. MB 674 61-IOM Tarotna. Kimlo, Teranishl, Shlichlro, and Hattori. Kentaro. I - Taranw. K O)(IDATiON MECHANISM OP CARBON MONOXIDE II. Teranishl. S. WITH Cr203. (1%1114p. 17 refs. u1. Han=i, X Ordar from SIA $1.60 61-10830 Trans. of Ko Zassid (Japan) 1960. v. 63. Wo Kagsku p. DESCRUIDR& Carbon compainde. *Moocwdva. Oxidation, Chromitrn compounds. *Oxides, Adsorption, *Catalysts, Semicondtictors. Electrical coodtaction, Chemical reacticus. OCat"Is. (Chentintry- -Physical, 717. v. 6. no. 1) lrx'~thusls or Vmleic kthydride 'by iffie Catalytic Oxidation of C4 Hydrocwtolm Vjjth Airp by U. Mats=oto, T. ML-mv B. NagassIzo.. 8 JV. Kofyo-KMO"._~eushi; Vol LXIII~ i_.,. 3s 1960.- PP "i-737- Sol %lkm 62 61-10272 Fujimom. Teruo. Inoue. Yukio, and Kobatake, Yonosuke. 1. Polymers- -Physical CORRELATION OF INTERNAL STRUGMRE OF properties MGH POLYMER FILMS WITH THEIR PHYSICAL 2. Vinyl films--Physicall PROPERTIES. (L9601 130. 5 refs. properties Order from SLA nii$2.40. ph$3.30 61-10272 3. Coatings - -Phlysical properties Trams. of Kogyo K&gaku Zasshi (Japan) 1960, v. 63, 1 .Fujimoto, T. no. 5. p. 851-8S4. U. Inoue, Y. Ill. Kobatake. Y. offi" of Tochajclw swvi~ (Cbemistry--Organic. TT, v. S. no. 2) 61-16523 Yoshida. Michlo. AN Arl'PMPT AT THS POLAROGRAPInC DHTRRW- 1. Yoshida. M. NATION OF VINYL.PYRIDINES. (19611 Sp. 4 refs. Order f rom SLA S I . 10 61-16523 Trans. of Kosrvo Kaltaku zt!ahl (Japan) 1960, v. 63. no. S. P. -894. DESCRIMORS: Vinyl radicals, *Pyridines. Determinti- tion, OPoldrographic analysis, Quantitative analysis. Quantitittive analysts of vinylpyridine system compounds Is compainUvely ttoublesome. sit(] analysis by near- ultraviolet absorption. for extimple. Is being, conducted re'Celitt)'. 141t It hf$ beCOMe Clear AS a result of there exper1mrrds that In the ny CA of Small Concentrallm). quantitntive anal5fls is po3sible as well. jAuthor) ofn- .1 T-Wt.l S-1 (ChemIstry-Amil-tical, TT, v. 6. no, 6) 61-IGS89 Nakamura, Senichl. Azuma, Nobuyukl, and A-at, Zenzaburo. 1. Boron nitrides-- DECOMMSMON OF BORON NrMIDH WITH ACID Decomposition AND 7HE EFFECTS OF SOME OXIDEZM AGHN'M 1. Nakamura, f1961] 12p. a rtfs. ' H. Azurna, N. Order Iran SLA mi$2.4% ph$3.30 61-10589 111. Aral, Z. Trans. Cf'xQwLK~SAkM_z"jhLA)apSn) 1960, T. 63, jgea 'V /,?,V no. 6. p. W3-%6. 33-3 4 F.~71') 001m of Tod." (Chemistry- -Physical, Tl', v..5, no. 12) 61-10601 Taklmoto, Masayoshi and Sewads, Massru. INVESTIGATION OF THE DETERMINATION OF 1. Taklmoto. M SEVERAL TYPES OF CYANAMIDE DERIVATIVES It. Sawads, M. OWER THAN GUANIDINE, DICYANDIAMIDE, AND III. 'ntle: Annual... BIGUANIDE. Rept. no. 3 of Studies on Seporaflon and IV. Title: Studies... Determination Methods for Cyanamide Derivatives; [Paper I read In part at the Annual Conference of the Chemical Soclury of Japan (no. 11) Apr 58. 119611 10p. IOTels. Order from SLA $ 1. 10 61-10601 Trans. of Kopo Kppku Zss&UA-(Japsn) 1960, v. 63, no. 6, p.-967;~00. DESCRIPT'DRS: *Colortmetric analysis. *Cyanamide. 07blaurea. 'Ures. *Ursa derivatives. Cyaw radical.. *Gunnidinea, Separation, Determination. (Clu-mistry-Amlytical. rr, v. 6. no. 1) 61-16576 Pukuhtm, I-etau. npincn OF wETnm, (H20) AND AIR- DRYINY, ON .71. Pukuhara. & THE RECHYSTALLIZA7110N OF A?4OA2HOUS CELLU LOSE 1111-11. AND GEL CELLDPMNE FILK [19611 (I 1jp. 6 refs. Order from SLA 141.60 61-16576 Trans. 1960. v. 63. no. 6, p. 1059-MI.I. DSSCJIU~rOAS. *Cellulose. Crystallizatica, Cellulose chemlitry. Mastic filins. 'rho f6_1owtng ciptrimcatr were carried ota In order to a--,dy the eVercts of "ter and qir-dryLng an the recrys- ralUzarion ce calluloce from a,& infrared six -vita. Water In which Zol cellophane was at4ked was rcplaced with D20- lix-LI t"i' w3s driL'd 0%'" I'20S- '1'.Is %%a% again moistened with and N%qs again dried over P21:k5. 0F4.. 0 T.C~MW S-i- (Oicniistry--Orpmic. Tr v. 6, no. 7) ("or). Funaki. Koenum arid Gelo. Tetuo. STRUMNAL CHANGE OP AWKWA-SUM MIL 1. FUSIBILl. K. A77ENDANT UPON CALCINATION. 119611 18p. 11. Gep. T. 4 reft. Order from SLA $1.60 61-10631 Trans. of.)~*yp A 2Asshi (Japan) 1960, v. 63, . - Pjq_ no. 7. p. H6640j, DMIUPMRL, 0AIumina-allice catalysts, *Gels. Heat vrestnmeat. X-ray diffraction analysis. 6 4 j Strdetures. I and* of 704".A (Movistry--ftysical, Tr, Y. 6. no. 1) OtsUJU, Eiji, Yc)f;himur*, Shinji and others. EQUILIFIRIUM OP 711H NU 2-H20 SYS"rM. RePt. 1 no. 11 of Studies on the Synti.22n of UreR; JP%per) read at the Amnal Coederence of the Chemical Society of Japan (no. 11) Apr 58. 11961117p. 13 refs. Order fron SLA mi$2.40. p43. 30 61-10593 Tmns. of van) 19M T. 61 no. 7, p. N&S-2118FWAU" 61-10593 1. Ammonfa-carbon dioxide-water systems-- phase studies 2. Urea--Synthcals 3. Chen-dcal equillbrium-- ,Measurement 1 .Otsuka. H. n. Yoshimurs. S. III. TItle: Studies ... TV. *ntle: Annual ... ?" (CIwwd*try--ftjdcsL IT. v. 5. m 12) OM- of Orsuka, Eiji. EFFLCTS OF ii-q~_R'r GASES PRESENT IN RAW CARBON FT.C.MDE' C?N T0,MIESIZENG EFFIGIENCV 01; UREA. stu~'Iez; or, dic Spahvsis of Urail. Njay 62, 1 2p. 5, rels. C)rder from SA $16. 0"1 SA cxxie- L 'I'vills. & (Kogyo Kagak" Z3sshi Uapan) 1960, v. 63, no. 7, p. IM.;-112111- DESCRIPrORS: 'Urea, S)mtbesis, *Carbco dioxide, Gases, Ammonia, 'Vap:)rization, Phase transitions, Temperature, LiquefiW gases, *Temperature, Re- action time. (.2 - 1-7 04 5 1. Otsukv. i--. 11. Tlth~: IH. SkC. A-:' (Chetnistry--Organic, 17. w, 3) Offi- .1 T-W.0 S.-i- U-14374 Mural, K. , Aicazemit. G. . and Muraknmi, Y. STUDIES ON 71iE FORMATION OF FERACF`TIC ACID. 1. Niural, K. Paper no. 6 on Stinly ct Epoxy Party-Acid Enters. It. Aka_-oine, G_ 1196211 L31p. (forel4pl text Included~ 4 refs. 111. Murak-mi, .~'. Order from SLA $1. 60 62-14374 IV. Title: ' tudy ... Trans. of Kogyo Kagaku Zassld 03pan) 1960, v. 63. no. 7. VL - DMRWrORS: 0FjPad&s, *Patty acid ecters. *Acetic aclds, Synthesin, Cliernical equilibrium, Catalyetz, Some studies are made on the synthesis of peracetic acid from hydrogen peroAde and acetic acid. "a equilibrium consUnt for peracetic acid formation at 25-420C- to found to be K . 3.26. M* equilibrium constant ibr the reverse reaction to to close agreement. TIm appareat salvation energy of 11.7 k cal/mole Is obtained for peracedc acid formation in presence of otrwe of Tech" sarvirAl (Chemistry- -OrZ*nIc. TT. Y. 9, no. 2) (ove7r) 61-10605 Takahashi, Takeo. Yoshida. Elichi. and Masuko, Akiyosht. 1. Hydrocarbons--- COMBUS11ON STUDIES OF HYDROCARBONS HY THE Combustion FLASH P310TOLY.11-S MFTHOD--ABSORPriON SPEC- I .Takahashi, T. TRA OF FREE RADICALS AND DYNAMIC PRES- 11. Yoshida, E. SURUS. Acpt. no. I on Combustiqn Studies of Hydro- Ill. Masuke, A. carbons. (Paper) read at the Annual Conference of the* IV. Title: Combustion ... Chemical Society oC Japan (no. 12) Apr 59 and at the V. Title: Annual... Symposium of the Petroleum Society (no. 2) Sep 59. VI Title: Sympoaium ... (1961117p. 9 refs. order frarn SLA rhi$2.40. ph$3.30 61-10605 Trans. of KMLq 9 0 ku Zesshi (Japan) 1960. T. 63, no. 8. p. 1364-MY'a", _150",u In order to elucidate the relationship between the etriuc- lure of hydrocarbons and their combustiblittles, the knocking #miome"on, etc., the aboorption spectra of free radicals were messured by the flash jphotolyals) method developed by Norrinh. and known Iradicale all on" 64'reAmed Some" OH, CN, C2, CH, and Mj we. a detected In the reaction (Cbemisay- -Physical. TT. Y. 5. no. 12) (ater) Yamamoto, K., Morita, Y. and others. REACTION BETWEEN KEROSINE AND STEAM IN THE PRESENCE OP MULTICOMPONENT CATALYS 119621 lip. 111. Order from A71-3 $19.75 ATS-67P64J IV. Trans. of Kogyo Kagaku ZaRshi (Japan) 1960. v. 6 1. no. 8. p. 1372-1376. e DF-SCRIFIFORS: *Kcrosencv, 'Steam, Chemical reac- tiona. *Catalysts. 77 63- 12282 Yamamoto, K. Morita, Y. ATS-671*41 Associated Technical Services, Inc., East Orange, N. J. (Chemistry- -Physical. TT, v. 9, no. 2) Ofts d Tedffical ServIzes oi-zzm Mum-1 K.. Sbitakl. S.. and SuxuU. S. EPPEM OF CROWLINKM TREAWWri"S UMN 1. Uretbaw polymers- - MECHAMCAL PROPUTIES OF PCLWR87UUM Mechmulcal properties FMIS. 119tll7p. x luers-16sechanical Order tram ATS $10.60 ATS-32NSIJ FICNIelfles 1. K. et K* tku .(J*VW IW4% v. 6% Trsm KQLV n. Shirski. IL -, Sm 9. p. 1514-1 In. S-ld. S. Sex"CM bc.. EM On"Ge. N- 60930 PAsterWo-Textilm Tr. v. 5. im. 12) Temperature Specificity af PolyetIlylene Terephthalate Text:Lles, by K. Shirakashl, at al. JAPANESE, per., Kogsro Kagaka Zasshi , Vol 63 1 - I 1960~ pp 1516-1520. NTG 71-13874-11B Feb 72 Tsuji. W. , Kitainaru, R. and others. GRAFT POLYNIEIUZA71ON OF VINYL MONOMERS ONTO POLYVINYL ALCOHOL FIBERS. [196119p. Order from ATS $14. 40 ATS-56N55J Trans. of Kogo Karaku Zacshi (Japan) 1960, Y. 63, no. 9, p. 1527-1530. DESCRIPTORS: *Vinyl alcohol, Polymerization, Polymers, Alcohols, *Synthedc fibers, *Fibers. 61-25713 1. Title: Craft polymers 1. 'I'suji, W. II. Kitamaru, F_ 111, ATS-56N55J IV 4 Associated Technical Services, 111r., East Orange, N. J. --)r - (Chemistry- -Organic, TT, v. 7, no. 2) 0M.. f 7-6.1 -1 by Tai L506-15,87- ~,O~)21333 3.960.. AEC T-L-V'~-)L,, 0 v . . 1 It 11 1 till Kamopwa. Himfoohl and Seldyn. Tombli. AQMOUS PoLymmtrzAmN OF N-mE7mLDL 1. Title: Croselinidng ACRYLAMIDE. Reo. 13 of Studies an Fiber-Treating 1. Kanxqawa, H. Agents. IL961112p. 7 refs. H. Seldya, T. Order frotn SIA $1. 50 61-IOM M.Title: Studies... Trans. of KqvaXAPbLZ&UMJjmqmn) IWO. v. 63. no. 9. p-T631-16M. DESCRIPMRS- *Acrylamides, Hydraddes. Meftl radicals. OPolymneva, OPolytnerf"flam. TangeralM. Acrylic rosins. 6111bers. (Materials-Teidtles, TT, v. 6, no. 1) 1 61-10033 Kamopwa. Hiroyoshl arA Seldys, ToWill. CROSSUNKING OF VIDLYMETHYLOL ACRYLAMM 1. M!J.e: Croasuniting BY TIM APPUCATION OF HEAT. Reyt. 14 of Studies 1. Kamosawn. H. on FibLr-Treating Agms. 11961) 12P. 5 refs. 11. Seldys. T. Order trom SLA $1.60 61-1011311 Ill. Title: Situdlem... Trano. of o Kopkq W11,630. . _4s9bL(jopon) 1960. v. 63, DESCRIPTORS: 6Acrylamides, Hydrootides. Methyl .4 - radicals, O"ymers. OPWynwritation. Temperature. jb 16 10 Acrylic resins. 'Fibers. ofam.f Uadof Sovi"S (Materials- -Taidilem. TT, v. 6, no. 1) 1 Ksmopwa, Hircyoshl, Murano, Kyoldd, and Sekiya. Toshil. CROSSUNKtNG OF EMULSION COPOLYMER OF NAIETHYLA)L ACRYLAMIDE AND EnffL ACRYL- ATE BY 'IlW- AFMCATIO4 OF HEAT. Kept. 15 off StuWea on Fiber-Treatir% Agems. 11961115p. 4 refs. OrdLr from SLA $1.60 61-10539 Trans. of Kogyp K*Enku Zmashl (japan) MO. v. 63, no. 9. P.-16n-Ua DESCRIMRS: 00opolymerization, 'Polymers. OAcrylanddes. Methyl radicals, lly~ldca, Acrylic resins, Temperature, *Fibers. (Materials-Teittles, TT. v. 6. no. 1) Rammulm 61-10639 1. Title: crosslinking 1. Kamopwa. H. 11. Marano, R. III. Sekiya, T. IV. Title: Sk"Mes... OP%w of Teahn" Is-At** Stabilizing Effect of Epoxidized PVC, by Y. Fuji)-alte. JAPAITESE, per, Kogyo Kagaku Zasuhi, Vol 63, 1960, Pp 1669- ITTC-71-1621 1-111 Jan 72 62-3"72 Topwa, HlroaW and Wakajim. HitosW. GRAPHITIZATION AM WErr OXircgAMLrry OF HEAT-TREATEOD PRI OLEUM CCKR. Rept. 2 of Studies an the Production and ipropertles d Carbides. Oct 6Z 15P. 13 rds. Or&w from SA $1& 00 FA Code-078 Tr-s. ot KoW K-"-MMZ&Mhi figan) 19K Y. 63~ om 10, J~-UWITOC DEWRIPTCRS: *Carbides, Productim *Coke, Opo- CIO%-, Han tr=tmva4 OKI&rIan 00repbltft Crys- tallIzat.ion, X-ray diftwttm analysis, Towwo (cbmalstry) 1 1 - Topwa. H. n. Nakajima, M M. Title: Studies IV. SA Cod"78 V. SeLzaburo Aoki Uspan) (En9UwcrInw--ChemIc&4 Tr, Y. 14 m _12) Nakamura, Taftsbl. STIMIES ON POLYGLUCOSE. ["r) preanwd at the .1 Nakamura, T. rAwml Conference] of the Owmical Society of )apax IL 71de- AnnuaL.. (rA In 2 Apr 59. r19611 1161p. 14 refs. ordw from MA 11. 60 61-16123 Tram r *I, r gr bf (ppent) 119M) v. 63 10) ON. 7 DESCRWMRS: Secchuldes. *Mucose. opolymmiza" coodumm~= reactkm, Mynors. 180441 00" of T&CWq.1 5MVI"t (Cbstolarry-Organic, 1T. v. 6. m 3) lwanaga, Ryaji, FL~M, Takashi i~nd ochers. IWE EFFECT 01- ORC ANTIC BASES ON THE RATES OF OXO RE.~.CTIOI;~5. audies on the O;io Re~ - tions, no. 2. %lay 62, 111). 5 refs. Or&r from SA $ 18. DU SA Code-92 Trani. cd tKog ~yo Kat-'aku zasshi (japa") 1960, V. 13s, no. 1% p. 178i-175~). DESCRIFTORS: *Chcm-,-ckl reACU0116, *OXo r--'CCeSS, 1" C'-Iclv~n I I I:-:,, 'Ptr I.] I I I cj; 0I C c(Xf1[XYjjA&' Acrylic acidi, Methyj radicals, imines. Ethyl rad- icals, OCA:Wlt compounds, *Carbonyl radicals. Syn- chests, Catalysts, Citalysis. 62-17047 1. Iwanaga, R. 11. Fujii, T. III. TiEle: Studies... IV. SA Code-92 V. Seizzaburo Ao~i (Japan) (Chernistry-Organic. TT, --, ~,, 1). 1 Offi~ f T-~,,i-l 5-ice, StwU*s of Pormaldftft Pleslax. Part 52. Kinetic Studies of the Reactions of 2.,h-dlmtbylbenzyl Alebal and Us-(2jh-dlmetbylbewyl) mer vith AUVhaUc A"dsp by M. JmDto. JAPAIUM.p pwv LQM xegwm zas#&l vol 63.. No io, 196% Vp 18OT-im. ATS-JS-176 sci-mem 401,855 Furukawn, junil, S&eguss, Takeo and others. POLYMERIZ.ATION OF OLEFINS BY THE BINARY NUXTURE OF ORGA140METALLIC COMPOUND AND SILICA-ALUMINA-TITANIA. May 62, 20p. 26 re's. Order from SA $21. 00 SA Code-107 Trims. Cif (Kogyo Kapku Zesshi (Japan) 1960, v. 63, no. 1(~ p. 1812-1817). DESCRIPTORS: *Ethylvne3, Oftlymerization, Metal- organic compounds, Ethyl radicals, Aluminum com- pounds, Silicon compounds, Titanium compounds. Ox- Ides. *Catalyvrs. Camlysis. Pressure, Molecular weight. Density, Temperature, Absorption, Infrared spectroscopy, Propenes, BuEadlenes, Pblymers. 62-17066 1. Furukakva, 11. Saegusa, T. Ill. SA C(xJe-107 IV. Seizaburo Aoki (japan, (Chemittry-Organir- TT. k. ~',. iio- 3~ 0"i.. f T-i-s-1 S-;... Saksts, Ryozo, Touruts, Teijj, and ot'hers. FOLMIRIZATION OF PROPYLENH OXIDE AND VINYL COMMUNDS WrrH DIETTWLZINC IN '171113 PRESENCE! Oil COCATALYS17S. 119A)IJ20p. 30refs. Order from SLA $1.60 61-16519 Trans. of"- MaX&Mku ZeuM ()span) 1960, Y. 63. Do. 10. P. 1817-11122. DESCRIMRSt OPropanes. 011poxides, Vinyl radiceils, sPoli-marIzation, Zinc compounds, Ethyl radicals. Catalysts. Polymers, Synthesis. Elastic solld polypropylene oxide was obtained by the use of the following binary mystemcatalysts: diethyl- 7-inc-oxygen, diethylztnc-water. diethylMnc-methartol, and diethyWnc-ethanol. The polymers obtained includ czy-talffne polymer@. Zinc alkoxides appeared to play an Important role by the twe at catalysts whose one component was oxygen, methanol. or ethanol. The (Cbernlotry-Organic, TT. Y. 6. no. 6) Oye 61-16319 1. Sal-atm. R. 11. Tsuruts, T. 2, offl-AT.A.1-1 S-A- Kinetic Investigation of the Reaction Between Aromatic Diisocyanate and Polyols, by T. Yokoyama. JAPANESE,, pery Kogyo Kagaku Zassbip Vol 63, 1960, pp 1835-1839. NTC-71-15512-07C Feb 72 61-22608 ,Nfacsudi, Y. and Ti1naka. A. HIGH POLYMMIS AS FUFL BINDERS. [19611 ISP. 1. Matsuda, Y. Order from ATS $21.60 ATS-66NSIJ It. Tanaka, A. 111. ATS-66NSIJ Trans. of Lphyo "Cagaku Zasshl (Japan) 1960, v. 63, IV. Associated Tecbnical no. 11, Sm'Ices. Inc.. East Orange. N. J. DESCWTORS: *Dinders, Fuels. OPolymerg. Off`- ~f T-61-1 S-I... (?,latertals --Fuels, TT, v. 6. no. 3) 61-16520 7INklmoto, Matayoshl and Ystsuo, Ibru. SEPARA71ON AND DHTERNIINATION OF NON- L TlaklmoM K CYCLIC CYANWIDE DERIVAMVE I.IDITMES AM) IL Yatsm T. EVALUAIION OF PRAC71CAI-t*771014 TI4HRPOP. IIL Title: Studies- 114,111. no. 7 of Studics on Separation and Deterintnatini Methods for Cyanamide Derivatives. [1961] 13p. 8 rds. Order from SLA $1. 60 61-1652D Trans of XM a pan) IM, Y. 63, no. Ii. P. 194 MSCRVTORS: *C~anamtc%es.. Determination. Separa..' tton, CIolor-Imetric analysis. 1765f 3 Seperaticnis by fon-'e2change resins and the coloTt- metric determhudon method were applied to various sample mixtures cr the six type of non-c ide 6erivatives which are most comiffein av =,h t to co-exist most easily (viz., cyanamide, dicyandlair- Ollie* of Totholtel SoMees Ide, guanidine. bigusuilds, urea, andthiourim) and thes Kbemistry-Analrdeal, IT. Y. 6. rim 6) (over), YSMA=tN Kft'ku. blovitilk. ycohbv~ Karate, TatmU, Y*obtwmt, SmMkm MMON CF AME C -MMOCAMM ON WATER VAPOR. ft 2 of Re"da d pwroum Go wear Vapor, (Igo) 28P op awmas 13nb Order hvw MA $2. lrT-M-3D&M Traft. of K JNC 96D, v. 63 P6 TT-63-2DBSB 1, Yamamatcow Cc~- U. Morito, Y. M. Xurate, T. IV. YostfAtow, S. V. TI&- Reactim.. DESCRwropm ore"dem, acidobo=vm. *Cnalys". Nickel catalysts. *Wow vapor. Heat cl reactlon. Fuels, Daum lactica cc C -hydrwarbou an water vapr bftme6 as SWA', amid.the catalyzatr an kasle carrier to sper w rocolve the IrAusoco ce coWylic I , roturft- Reaction witben caWpor requires fA--tztry.70rpmi,~, 'rr, Y. It. am :* (0-411 Cffka W TvJmkmi Senims 61-16521 MLzut*nt, Kiyoshi. Shlrokl, Eltard, and &muki, Shbsaku. 1. Title: Spinning RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DRY SIMNIM) CONDI- 1. Mirutant, IL 71ONS FOR POLYACRYLONITRILE SYSTEM FIBERS U. Shlrokl, R. AND THE FIBER FROPERTIES6 ". no. I on Dry- M. &xzukl, & SpinnInS cd Acrylic System Fibers. [19611 14p. 6 refs. IV. 71fle: Dry-Spttinft Order froM SLA $1.60 61-165U Trans. of pan) 19M, Y. 63, no. 11. p. 2042-2045. DUSCRl?MRS:- Volymers. OAC rylonit riles, Synthetic fibers. Processing Fiberowbichwe. obtained by dry- spinning dimeftl- formamide sohnions of polyscrylonitille or copDlymers containing over about 94% of scrylonitrtle, by passing them through a stainless steel nozzle Into hot air. were studled in regard to the relationship between dye aff fit- ome. *I T.C"I.A S.'Ac.% ity am spinnabillry vs. dape hearing medwA solvent 001aterialp-7*Mles, IT. Y. 6. m 6) (oved 61-16522 Taklmoto, Masayoshi and Tswars, Masao. A SIMPLE DETERMINATION METHOD FOR AMMO-- L Taklmoto, M. NIA IN CYANAMIDE DERIVATIVES BY MICRO- IL 71awara, M. DIFPUSION ANAI.Ybl& [196113p. 7 refs. Order from SLA *1. 10 61-16S22 Trans of 1960, Y. 63. , no. 1 0 P. 059-2060. DESCRWrORS. *Ammonta, Determination. "n- amides, Cbernical analysis, Miumuslysts, Diftsion (b Office of 70A.1cal Unites (Chemistry-AnalytivA. 7T, V. 6. no. 6) 2.1 1' jig OD 61-18630 Whit, Y. aW ahers. KINETICS OF RXCESSIVE ADDITION OF ETHYL- 1. Ishii. Y. .NE oxim To P1113NOL.. Pt. 3 of Studies of the Il. Title: Studies... Kw~Tiv~ ~o tho lkir~. (4~nlng Addition of Epoxy Com- poun,is to tile Active lh,h,,;en Comptund. 11961117p. 9 refs. Order from SLA $1.60 61-18630 Tran'l- of Kogyo Kalpxku ZaBahl (Japan) 1960. v. 63 [no. 121 ii-.7rm7mu.- Portions of this rcpart will not reproduce well. DESCIMTORS: *2"Icnc oxide, *Mnols, *Uttumole. 'Phenoxy radicals, Chemical reactions. Reaction kinetics. This papar duals with the measurement of the addition re'ction of ethylene oxide with phenol and phenoxy- C' I heml stry- -Organic, TT, V. 6, no. 12) (over) offi-I ( &Tiomalies in Infrured Absorption Spectra by Ute Alkali Halide Disk Tedmiquo, by 0, Makaso, it. Ito, 10 pp, Foil, OPFICIAL WERCHLY 1111PAGISEt pero 111pon Kagaku Zasshi Vol LXXXI, :060s p)p 685-689.m 97645 1KAIC-SH-115-231 Jill W; 284,258 Dosage du Chrome dans les Aciers Thoxydables par la. Methode d'Analyse par Fluorescence aux Rayons X, by K. Mcmogi, 27 PP. FRENCH TO JAPANESE, per, Kogyo Kagaku Zasshi, Vol VIA, no 1, 1061, pp 98-109. �69-93�--G--- cRA x-436 Reverse Translation , Aug 62 I 61-18681 Kaji, Keiji. NMTA-STABILITY OF GYPSUM SEMIHYDRATF IN I. Kaji. K. MIXED ACIDS (H3P04, H2SO4). Rein. no. S of It. Title: Studies... Studies on the Preparation of Phosphoric'Acid Solution by the Wet System. 119611 22p. 5 refs. Order from SLA $2.60 61-18681 Trans. of K K~ ) 1961, Y. 64, n w2dadi Vamn igaL 8. no. 1, p Portions of this report will not reproduce well. DESCRIPTORS: Acids, *Sulfuric acid, *Phosphoric acids, Solutions, Preparation, *Gy-psurn, *Hydrates, Stability, Measurement, Chemical reactions. The meta-stability ct gypsum semihydrale in mixcd acids (H3P04, H2S04) of various concentrtio.. Was (Chemistry --Inorganic, measured and the relationship between this meta-sta- TT, v. 7, no. 1) bility and the reaction conditions of phosphoric acid Offi-A T.A.1-1 S-k.. preparation by the wet method was studied. Titwdum-lodlue System, by Koyuemon Rmaki: Takatem UdLimulas et al., 20 pp. JAPAWBE., per$ Kogyo Kagedm Zasdhij, Vol LW.7 .129-287 3?lpo 106T-. ---- AM-tr-600T se4-mat & met HOW 6-3 .241, 35-11 63-18747 Murald Ichlro and Okajima, Yukio. EFFECT Of? CURRM4T DENSITY ON SOME PROP- M aki 1. PER71ES Oil ELECTROLYM MANGANESE DIOME. U: Okuarji;~-. Y. Rcpt. 4 on ENficritnemm In die Manufacture of Elec- M. lirle: Experiments trolytic Manganese MovAde. 11963] 15p. 17 refs Orderfro-ai SLA $1.60 63-18747 Trans. Kogyo Kaga),;%i Vasshi (Japan) 1961, v. 64, p. DESCRIM~CdS: *Electrolytes, Ohlagmiesecompounds, *Dioxides' 4TtryceUr. OWetceUs, Density, Electric 1),JLLL-~dal, A study war, madc or. tho effects of current density on Lhe relationfililp mid adaptability of electrolysis con- ditions and the quality of nimiganese dio-Ade prodacod. Physical and electrochemical tests, galvanic cell tests mid x-ray dUfraction cmairdnation were run on the (Unrinecrin.- -Electrical, Tr, v. 10, no. 12) (over) Offica 0 TeOnical Sami"s Ide, Fumlo and Takuysma, Yuji. GRAFT COPOLYMERIZATION OF METHYL METH- ACRYLATS ON CELWLOSE. 11961120p. 6refs. Order from SLA Wf() 61-165Q Trans. as apan) 1961, Y. 64, no. 1. P. 213-216. DEXRIPTORS: 'Cellulose, 9AcryliC TC81118, *COPOIY- mcrization, Polymers, Cellulose chemistry. ne ammogtitirn sal; of cerium nitrate wan used an catalyst and methyl methacrylate wan polymerized In the preoence of cellulose. The effects of polymerization time. polymerlyAtion temperature. catalyst concentra- tion. moncener concentration. and nitric acid concenma- tion as factors which affect the polymerization were studied- 7he polyrnerizAtion yield was proportiomil to the polymerization time. polymerization temperature, " nitric acid concentration. but wan inversely propor- (Cbernt stry- -Organic. TT. Y. 6. no. 6) (over] 61-16W 1. Title: Graft polyrnzrn 1. Ide, P. fl..Takayama, Y. , ~ / PIS - 5 3 r 001 S~Mth3atua of Polyvinylthlophenae,, by Yiskoto 010wara,, Yoshio Onighij, Eiji ~uwto. JA:MM84v per, Kogyo Kmgm)al Usabil Vol IXIV,, 190 lp IL961,, Vp-2%=22ar.-- arA ft-la,576 SOL Nor 62 1 If /a , ~ F.-J -- -~ - - Vul Vllt So 2 gyntbeelo at Polymr OIOU Cmtelniug Viciml Sh GWQWp IW afttoo Oftwara., 3340M Humldt et "Is 22 ppe JAPAN= pers &Am Pmp#q zasdd, Vol LM.. ft 16 W, 0 229-M. 9ffA 61-18678 Sol Um 62 /, Fog/ 144 / Vca VIX2 1b 3 Characteristic Properties of a Lead Storage Battery Upon Use of a Phosphoric Acid Anode Paste, by T. Ishikawa. JAPANESE, per, Kogyo KaRaku Zasshi,, Vol 64, 1961, pp 264-266. NTC-71-12078-07D Nov 71 A Stu(%r on the Reducing Rea(,tioji of Titaniura T ecradUorida to Titanium Trichloride., by T. Ishino. JAP.AlMSE,, per., Nog-vo KpgEim Zaa-21go vol 64., 1961, pp 1344-1347- NTC 71-15651-07B mar 72 Synthesis of Diohloroparabanic koid and its Utilization# by Ye Oda. JAPINSSH, pers Kogyo Kagaku Zgeship Vol 63, No 2, 1962, p-.-294 NTC 72-11586-07C June 72 Moisture Absorption of a Few Unds of Polymers, by S, Chujo, JAPANESE, per, Kogyo Kagaku Zavshl, Vol 67, 1964, pp 343-348. NTC-71-12492-07D Nov 71 The Polymerization of N-Aevrloyl Acrylamide, by Y. Miyake. JAPANESE,. pers Kogyo Kagaku Zasshi Vol 64, 1961p pp 359-361. NTC-71-11695-07C Feb 72 Suxawa, 7behiro. ZETA-FOIENTIAL AND SURFACE CHARGE DEN- SITY OF WOOL PMER IN BASIC DYE SOLAMON. Studies on Zeta-Potential of Natural and Synthetic Fiber In Dye Solutions, no. IL [19611 lip. 4 refs. Order from SA $15. 00 Trans. of Kogyo 4SMILUmphl ()open) 1961, Y. 64. no. 2, p. 36V-3W. DESCRIPTORS: OWoolen m=iles. Teimiles. *Syn- thetic fibeirm~ 0Dyvs6 Surface area, Surface proper- ties. 62-12402 1. Title: Zeta potential 1. Suzawa, T. 11. Title: Studies ... 111. Seizaburo Aoki (Japan) (Materials- -Textiles, TT. v. 7. no. 5) offi-f T-h.1.0 S-1c.. Suzawa, Toshiro. RELATIONSHIP SURFACE CHARGE DEN- StTY AND DYE ADSORPTION OF VINYLON IN DIP ECT DYE SOLUTION. Rept. 12 of Studies on 1~-miential of Natural and Synthetic Fibers in Dye Solution. a-t 62, 22p. R refs. - Order from SA $24.00 SA Code-G23B Trans. in manuscript ct ssht Ijapan) 1961. v. 64, no. 2Z- p. :3 -37Z DESCRIPTORS: Textiles, *Synthetic fibers. *%Iinyl radicals. Surface prope-rrier, Electric fields. Density, *Dyes. Solutions, Adoorption. 62-34470 1, Title: Zeta potential 2. Title: Vinylon I .Suzawa. T. '11. Title: Studies 11. SA Code-G23B IV. Selzaburo AoLf (Japan) (Materials- -Textiles, T-L v. 8. no. 12) Ofte cd TecbA" Unim 777 Effeds'oflontzing R94nUon.-on Polyethylene. tbalstf~ b~,H. Sob*oe, Y. Tobam, et al. ;RMSION5~~o per., K*Vo Xag0m,",asshl, Vol LMV 1961" Pp 37 -374. NASA TT P-3450 sci -:,Chem mar . 0 U. .94~ lb.OVERMENT ONLY 251,963 SONM Hiroald, Tabu&. Yoneho, and Ods. FAs uke. RADLAMON-MDUCED POLYMERIZATION OF METH- ACRYLCMTRILEL Oct 6Z. 6p. (Up. ornitted) 3 refs. Order from SA $15. 00 SA Code-G284 Trans. o ,)P,o "ku Zaashl (Japan) 1961, v. 64, f Kop no. 2, p:-57 :~7~ "*------'- DESCRUTORS: *Acrylamitriles, Polymerization. *Ra- diation tHOM Inhibition. Viscosity. Irtrared Spectroscopy- 62-34455 I. Sobuo. H. U . Tabora, Y. M. Oda, E. TV. SA Codc~G284 SoizabLwo Aoki Qapan) DAnteriala--Plutics. TT, v. 8, no. 12) 0144- .1 T.A.1-1 S-1... Natmurs. Y. DIFFERENTIAL THERMAL ANALYSIS OF PHENOL- FORMALDEHYDE RESINS. 119631 ap Order from ATS $9.85 ATS-26Q73J Trww. ofog;Mku Zasold (Japan) 1961. v. 64, P6 4W DESCRVTORS: *Fbirtiol-formaldebyde resins, CRIorbrietry. Tr-64-122D4 1. Nakamura, Y. U. ATS-26q73j M. Associated Tecbidcal Services, lnc-. East Orange, N. J. TT, v. it, am 4) Office of Technical 9-1cas 62-34463 THE EFFECT OF OXYGEN 014 'IME GMATION OF 1. Tanka. H. UNSATURATED POLYEISI ER RESM. Oct 62v 7p. U. SA Code-G290 (figs. omitted) 2 refs. In. SeLzaburo Aokl (Japan) Order frogn &k $15. W SA Cod"290 Trans. - pan) 1961, v. 64, no. 2, DESCRIPTORS: Moters, Eblymors, Resim. fStyreves. 00als, Oxnen. Preservation. Carban dicaddej Rare pool. (Materials-Plastics, TT, v. 8, no. 12) Offt-f T-61-1 S-i-s Curing, Reaction of Hpoxy Resill With Mune Hardener. by T. Kakuqai, T. Noguchi. per, Koao Kagaku Zasshi Vol 64, 1961, pp 393-404. INC 69-11293-111 sci-mat July 69 387.140 62-34469 Kawal, wasaburo tind Tstasunif, Shigeru. REACMON OF PKIINOL A14D BUrADIENE IJNDER 1. Kawal, AV. THE OXYGEN PRUSURE. Oct 62, 12p. 6 refs. It. Tsutsumi, S. order front SA $ 18. 00 SA Code-G303 Ill. &,i, Ccdc-G303 IV. Svizaburo Aoki (Japan) Kagaku Zasshi (Japon) Trans. in inantiscript of K~, - 1961, V. 64, no. 31, P. 40-405, DESCRU~MRS: *Fhcnols. 41'entadienes. Ciernical re- nen, llrjvsuxe~ OPhenoxy radicals, Poly- actions, Oxv merization, InliJbizion. (Cheni.i s try- -Organic. TT. v. S. no. 12) Concent.ration of Sea Water by the Gas Hydrate Method. Report 11o II. Phase Equilibrium of Dichlorodifluormethane and Monochloroclifluoro- methane Hydrates, by M. Has-hizume JAPAIMSE, per, Kogyo Kagaku Zasshi, Vol 67, 1964, PP 518-523 NTC 71-15101-07C mar 72 Matsuda, 11, and Matsuda, S. QUANTITATRIF ANALYSIS OF HALOGENS IN ALKYLTIN HALIDE-S BY HIGH-FREQUENCY TI- TRATION. [1961j5p. Order front ATS $8.00 ATS-28N56J Trans, of Kogyo Kagaku Zasshi (Japan) 1961, v. 64, no. 3, p. $39-540. DESCRIPTORS: *Halogens. Quantitative analysis, Alkyl radicals, Ilalid,. s. High frequency, Titration, Tin compounds. 62-12074 1. Matsuda, If. It. Matsuda, S. Ill. ATS-28N56J IV. Associated Technical Services, Inc., East Orange, N. 1. 7 jV%- Ile, 16 (Engineer ing- - Chem ical, vr. v. 7, no. 10) Offi-f T..61-1 S-A..z Maisud,a, IL, Taniguchi, H., and Matsuda, S. REAMONS BETwEEN ALKYL CHLORIDES AND 'FIN. [1961j-7p. Order from ATS $12.65 ATS-27N36j Trans. of Kogyo Kagaku Zasshi (jalun) l9k6l, v. 64, no. 3, p. 511-543. DE%RIPFORS: *Alkyl radicals, OChlorides, $Tin, Chemical reactions. 62-1201-5 1. Nlaisu(b, H. ii. TanigLIC10, H. [11. Matstida. S. IV. ATS-27N56j V. Associated Technical Service,,. Inc., East Orangc, N. (Engincerhil-Cheinical, TT, v. 7, no. 10) Offic* of T~hulcvl S~icv. Suzawa. Toehiro. 6-POTEIN11AL, SURFACE CHARGE DENSITY, SUR- FACE DYE ADSORPTION AND EFFECTIVE SURFACI: AREA OF NATURAL AND SYNTHETIC FIBERS IN DYE SOLU`1710N. Rept. 13 of Studies on 15-POtenti&l of Natural and Synthetic Fibers in Dye Solution. Oct 62, Mp. 13 refs. Order fr6m SA $ 21. 00 SA Code-G26 Trans. in manuscript of-Kcgyo-Xagaku Zaashi (Japan) 196L. v. 64. no. 3, p. 573-576. - DESCRIPTORS: Textiles, *Synthetic fibers, *Woolen tmileo, *CottDn zexdles. Surface properties. Electric fields, *Dyes. Solutions. Adsorption. 62-34471 I. Title: Zeta potential 1. Su7awa, T. 11. Title: Studies ... III - SN Code-G26 IV. Scizaburo Aoki (Japan) (Materials- -Texti lea. TT, v. 8, no. t2) Oft* d Tfthmkg Swvims sevexaticra Or Polyotlwlene C37000L. F--(= the Rmloolo (Surface) Active Aput by the Matlxd of CbmtwroCurimat DIstributim Ezt%VoUonp by Mibllw Ilaomes Dibel Sakagwkdp 21 pp. JAPAWIM 1.0 Val I=V.. X ?b 3 a siA QpeD681 SCd mar 69 voi v:a,, No 3 MromtoVe-Lphic Behavlor of Condensed Poly- muclotur Hydprooerbona, by T., Nagai, N. Funa- lrubo~ 2-5'pc/022. Fr,. ZAPAIMS, per# Kooo xe~~'Zasobl.. V61 LXIV'F AO 4-j jS614 ppwqzm. AV i J;- IRT6 M/ J AT Oci-cbm ree 63 .2 9/ P=abwde Acid-fbrmldehtde Regd~ns, by a. Odav R. ftba. JAIPANW pw,, Koff o !*ELM zoslad vol 61t,, 4 - ---.v DO o W pp 741 - ATO-JS-175 scd.chm Her 70 403p854 y - YQUO "d Ta~o"Sbl 'faL%o 'YS'S OF MC kL; C;;Oj'g' SOI.MJ014- IAM-am GAS IN A 5 refs. U&ILTM OR C qev wl 63 GANI it ji7lp-S $1.60 9631 trovD v, 64, 1961, ofder .791- IImatN- go. 5, P- 7W *Gas C c ")mdC-'C-mp-~q' is Acryl-'- 'OTL5' Provmo , 00 acids, kI DUS"Worl"Louso-1. "Snewrl" des owar rliphy. OAWb*f ' water. I tril" I . --. --ts. ,phlC WIMIYO 10, no. 6) 62-20254 Kashima, Kan and Osada, Takeshi. HIGH PRESSLJIIE HYDROCRACKING OF LIGNIN. 1. Kashima, K. RepE. I of A Study of the High Pressure Hydrocracking 11. Osada, T. of Ugnin. [1962] 10p. (figs. tables omitted) 4 refs. 111. Title: Study Order from SLA $1. 10 62-20254 Trans. of Kogyo KaMh!L ~nss Japan) 1961, v. 64, no. 5, p. DESCRIPTORS: High pressure research, *Crazing, *Sulfate pulp, Chem!cal waste, *Lignin. The best conditions for manufacturing samples suitable for hydrocracking from the sulfite pulp waste liquor were sought. High prer sure hydrocracking was carried out by using these samples and employing phenol, cyclohexanol, tetralin as the solvents, and the reaction conditions, material balance and the composition of the oils produced were "atnined. Among the oils produced, (Chem! s try- -Organlc~ 'IT, v. 9. no. 9) (over) afts W Tscbrjcw S.Akft 62-10222 Ide, Fumlo. GRAFT COPOLYMERIZATION OF VINYL ACETATE 1. Title: Graft polymers ON CELWLOSH. 11961) 13p. 4 refs. 1. Ide, F. Order from SLA $1.60 62-10222 Trans. of Kogyo "pku Zaashl (Japan) 1961, v. 64, no. S. P. 925-928. DESCRIPTORS: 6VInyl radicals, vAcetates, wCeIluloic, *Copolymerization, Polymerization. Tempermure, Velocity, Catalysts, Catalysts, Nitrie acid, Acids. Chemical reactions, Polymer$. Graft polymerization of vinyl acetate ou cellulose woo attempted using ceric ammoolum nitrate a-- the InItin- tor, and the effects of the polyme--IzaUon temperatm-e. Polymerization time, catalyst concentration, monomer concentration. and nitric acid concentration as the various conditions iffecting the polymerization, and (Chernistry-Orpnic, TT, v. 7. no. 9) (aver) Offite of Tech.icol Smlc.~ Kunichikp, S. and KatAgiri, T. SYMMEWS OF VINYL SULFONIC ACID (VS) AND 1. THE MONMAER REACTIVITY RATIO (MRR) AND H. DYEABILM OF ITS COPOLYMER WrM ACRYLONI 111. TRILE. llcix. I oiStudies on Vinyl Sulfonlc Acid. IV. Oct 6Z 24p. I I refs. V- Order from SA $24. 00 SA Code-G419~ Tram In taimuscript or Kagaku Zaaahl (Japan) 1961, v. 64. no. 5. p. YW-91M DESCRIP'MRS: *Vizyl radicals, OSullonic acids, Synthysts, Chemical reactions, *Dyes, *Acrylonitriles, Polymertzatbon. 62-34476 Kunichlka. S. Katagiri, T. Title: Studies ... SA Code-G419 Scizaburo Aoki (Japan) (Chemistry-Orgazle- Tr. v. S. no. 12) Ofte of TKhdC,1 la"kn ISffecto of Ilater-Soluble Rust Preventives on Mild in Aqueous Solutiors, by S. Sato, Y. Nat0j. A. mmi. JMMID., par, Kagyo latga~ Usshi., Vol LXIV,, 1961j, pp 1013-1-MT.- Ml 2480 So i - Chem J &1. 62 list 139 62- ', 44S9 Sato, Selini, Kato, Yoichi, and Hori, Nluu~ucl)lli. -ME RUS-r-PRE%lFNTIVF PROPERTIES 1- -9 ON . T. I E I Ssio, DrRIVATIVES OF 111E MALEINATFD OLEW ACID. It. Kato, Y, Oct 62, l3p. 13 ref.;. 1:Cn i. Order from SA $1 B. Of) SA Codc-G441 IV. SA Code - G 4 41 V. Sci-,abidro Aoki (japan) Trans. of Kogyo KpZaku Zisshl (Japan) 1961, V. 64. mr-- no. 6, p. i DESCRIF-IORS: *Corrosim Inhibition, Rusts, *Oleic acids, Maleic acid, I-lumidtiv, Chemical reactions, Purification. (hictallurgy-Corrosion. TT, v, 8, no. 12) Dlr" ot Tteh&sl Semites 62-1426Q Napse. K. and S;11:3_s:Zuc)n, K. ETHYLL%M OXIDE' ADDrl*lON REACTIONS To I. Napasc, K. LAURYL AMINE, [19621[16]p. 11 refs. 11 . S3kagLICIIi, K. Ordi~2r frmi S I-A $ 1. 60 , 62-14280 Trans. of Kogyo Kapku Zasshi (Japan) 196t, v. 64 [no. 61 p. 1031-1034. DE9(',RlFIl'OjkS: *F.Ehylene oxide, Catalysts, Chemical reactions, *AmInes,. Additivvs, Polyme r i Za Lion. The addition of ethylene oxide to lauryl amine can be divided into two reacnon types deNuding on the kiml of catalySt used. One is tho acid catalized reaction (A.C~ typ2), and the other is the hase citalized reac- tion (B. C, type)- When the averagc nuiriber (if moles, v, of ethylenc- mide is less than two, both reactions can be cl,:~arly clas9ifiixi into these u~.o tyl)Cs. Thes, reactionS were studied in order to jnvesrigat~ the re- action mechanism ~,~ e\arnining the relationship of Ow Office of Technical S"Ces (Chernistrv--Mv,sical, TT, v. 8, no. 3) 62-14288 Nagase JK. I and Sahaguchi [K- 1. ADDITION REACTION OF ETHYLENE OXIDE TO I . Nagast~, K, L-AURIC ACID. 119621 [18 1p. 14 refs. 11. Sikaguchi, K. Order from SLA $1.60 62-14288 Trans. of Kogyo Kagpku Zasshi (japin) 1961, v. 64 (no. 61 p. 1035-1040. DESCRIPTORS: *I-thylene oxide, Additives, Chemical reactions, *Fattyacids, Catalysts, Laurates. Sodium metal was U.-:Cd 39 the Catalyst In the reaction of ethylene oxide at atmospheric pressure by the bubbling method, and under pressure in measuring the rate of addition. 'rhe product analyses were done after extracting the product with ether and determining the acid value, saponih cation value and hydroxyl value of the extract. in both cases the addition curve shows an inflection point when the average number of moles, v, of ethylene oxi&-. is one. But the products show dif- 0M.. WT-W.A S-1 (Chernistry-Physical, -rT, v. 8, no. 4) (over) 62-14287 Napse. K. and Sakagwhi. K. AM17ION REACTIONS OF ETHYLENE OXIDE 1. Nagase, K, UNDER PRESSURE. [1962) [151p. 7 refs. 11. Sakaguchl, K. Order from SLA $1.60 62-14287 Trans. of Kogyo Ksgskru Zeafthl (JAPIM) 1961, v. 64 (no. 61 p. 1043-1047. DESCRIVrORS: *Ethylene oxide. Additives, Chemical reactions, Pressure, Temperature, Catalysts, Polymerization, Solubility. Ethylene oxide was added to laurvl alcohol and nonyl phenol under pressure (gauge pressure 1. 5. 5. 0 and 10. 0 kg/CM2) at temperatures 1000, 1250, 1500 and 1750C and cars lyst concentration 0. 25 to 2. 0 mole percent. The addition reaction curves, the rates and the distribution of the degree of polymerization were Investigated. The addition curve Is a straight line corresponding to the reaction time in the case of (Chernintry-l'bysical, TT. v. 8, no. 3) (over) Chxwatogmphlo Studies of ArdnosintbMaquinam Typs Dispersion Dyeap bV 11 Bb,nd~o. JAPAHMO per, la A voi 64, = KaFmka Zutd..ej. No 6a 196f* pp 1061-1066o ATS JS-144 Sci-Hat Feb 69 773,847 Fuumv.4 ON UMLWrM= MMOD OF HYDROMn- AMME PREPARAMOM SwWw ca dw Productim of E-Caprolocmm. nm 1. 119611 7p. 2 rds. Ca-dw frCon SA $15. 00 SA code-38 7YAns. d 196L v. 64 rim 6, p. DESCRUTOM *Lactam, fteduction, *Amims, *Hy&c3ddw. PromaMm. CbemiWrow0cm. 62-L24M I. pwmmom 06 u - 7ula On ... M. M CWd4p-Sg IV. saimoxwo Add (pq*n) (Chomletry-Orpoic, TL Y. 7. m 3) offt-I T-hal-I swk.. Takahashi, Masso. INVIESTIGt,TION C'17 THE SIGNIFICANC.'F ('17 Al,- coii-oi- sys't-EIM SPINNING BATHS IN THE WE'T S?U~-j NING 017 ACRYI-CN'll III L E' FIBER VARIOUS kl,CC,'!!- FOR 1HE CCAGUI IN WET SITNNIK~,)- Rept. 25 of StuJics on" Acrylic Fib~-,-r. IL962] Sp. k ref. Order from SLA $.1. 10 i,2-14968 'rrans. of Kogvo Ka.giiku 7asslu (japan) 1961, v. 64, no. 6, 11. 1:dd-102., DESCRPI-CaS: "Synthetictibers, *Acrylanurilcs, N1anufa(.tu!:ingrr.e:hcYJs. 'Alcohols, Coagulation, 01- ganic sclvcuts, Nl~!thvl radicals, I orinamides, sulfaxid'vis. States of 11ber formation wben concentratcd din.ethyl fohnajuid(! or ditrimh5l sulloxide soutions of tic ryluni - (MateriaI&--Tv-xtJ1-,r, IT, v. 9, no. 2) (over) 62-141*9 Takahashi, Masao. SOLUBILITY OF ACKYLONITIal-E.' MLYMFR IN 1. Takahashi, M. ACETONITRILE S~Ir.TDA MIXED SOLVENTS, (MIM) 11. Title: hqixe,. SOL~T-%'J%-, CONTAINING AS A C'01%1- Ill. Titl,,: Studies ... PONENT). [kept. 36 of Studies on Acrylic Filx~r. [106217p. Ui r,f,. 0rj._,r frorv SLA $1. It' 62-14969 Trans. of Koyyo ~.agulw Zasshi (Japan) 1961, Y. 64, no. (), p. 11'~2-1134, DESCRIl"MRS: "Synthtlic fil:PL~rs, 'Acrylonitriles, Sol- UbIlay, Methvi iid- icals, Formami-&-s, Sulfoxides. A smetv p),cpart-.1 1)), mixing 20 vol- of aceionitrilo Midi nitronit,thane forms a serri-tra'n'6parent unstable solution. A. sw tcrn prepared by mixing 20 r- 60 vol'T of acctonitrib., with malononitrilu fornis a stable solution. When aectonitrile is add,d to dimethylsul'one, the dis- Office U1 Techeksf Semke. Qdat,rials --Text flea, TT, %r. 9. rho. 2) (over) 62-14965 Takahashi. Masao. SOLUTION TEMPERATURE OF VARIOUS MIXED 1. Takahashi, M. SOLVENTS TOWARD ACRYLONITRILE POLYMER. Rept. no. 37 of studies on Acrylic Fiber. j19621 10p. 20 refs. Order from SLA $1. 10 62-14965 Trans. of Kogyo Kagaku Zaashi (Japan) 1961, v. 64. no. 6, p. 1134-1136*.' DESCRIPTIONS. Polymers, *AcrylonitrUes. Organic solvents, Mixtures, *Methanes, Nltroradicals. *Forms- mides. Methyl radicals, Nitriles, Maleic inbydride, Succirtic anhydrides, Pyroildinone, Sulfoxidea, D?4p, Nitrophenols, Acetones. Polymer solutions which are stable at normal tempera- ture are formed by the addition of about 20 vol% of malononitrile or diroethyl sulfoxide to nitromethane. Compounds which demonstrate some slight interaction Serwkes (Material n - -Plastics, 17. v. 9. na. 4) (over) Kodama, Iliroxitif mul Atarashi. Yuuji. POLYMERIFATION OP PROPYLENH IN THE PRES- ENCE OF* EITHrRS AND AX41NP-S Wini T'RIETIIYL- ALUMINUNI-TITANIUM TRICHLORIDR. 119(1] 13p. IS refs. Order from SA $16. 00 SA CcKle-43 Trans. of L_cj_v2X4g!Lu Zassht (Japan) 1961, v. t4, no. 6, p. T140-1145. DESCRIPTORS: Vropenes, Polymerization, Ethers, Amines, Aluminum compounds, Ethyl radicals, Ti- tanium compounds, Chlorides. Catalysts, Catalysts, Chemical reactions. Polymers. Molecular weight Polymerization of propylene was carried out In n-hep- tane, in the presenm of ether or amine with the aid of a catalys, of the triethylalurninutin -titanium trichloride system. The effects of the addition agents upon the (Chemistry--Physictil, TL v. 7. no. 5) (over) t2-1240t 1. Kodarna. 14. 11. Atarashi, Y. Ill. SA Code-43 IV. Sdzaburo Aoki (Japan) offl- T-W-f S-,,i,-- Studies of Addition Reaction of Ethylene Oxide. Part VII. By-Products in Addition Reaction of Ethylene Oxide, by Ke Nagase, JAPANESE, perp Kogyo Kagaku Zasshi, Vol 64, 1961, pp 1199-1203. NTC-71-15514-07C Feb 72 62-10686 Nakada, Ichlro. 'ME GROWING OF ANTHRACENE SINGLE I Nakads, 1. CRYSTALS. 119621 14p. 7 refs. Order from SLA S 1. 60 62-10686 Trans. of KoFyo Kaguku Zasshi (Japan) 1961, v. 64, no. 7, p. 1216-1221. DESCRIPTORS: *Anthracenes, *Single crystals, Crystallization, Scintillation counters. The growIng of slnglft crystals of 2. 5 cm diameter and height, as scintillators for radiation measure - ment, wan attempted. The Bridgman method of grow- Ing spontaneously alih a capillary tube wi,,s unsultable for substances such us anthracene, whose Inter- molecular force is weak and which Is markedly ani- satropic. By one IMCLhod, a crystal tube only for seed, of about I cm diameter, was prepared rueparately (Phynic6- -Solid State, TT, v. 8, no. 10) (over) ofr- Hydrolysis of Titanium Sulfate Solution, by N. Sakai, K. Yoshikawa, M. Suzuki, S. Kobashi. JAPANESE, per, Kogyo Ka aku Zasshi, Vol 64, No 4, 1961, pp. 613-18 NTC 69-10683-070 sci-chem July 69 386,694