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DC-2283 Tm Teswi ar HatIonallud PlAmUng in Civil Inatmerina - gnowy -s by Istvan Gabor., 9 pp. SMPJkM,, per,, Val Two so Apr-My 1958,, pp IV-5-135. us jmlw-l~-nw smur Sam jkm 59 Tit-,% Hair nomill section of State FlUrlawaY NO 7 retWeen, Balstoakereartur sad PbSykanlZee., by Antal LaCCO, Arthur Bergo Steven Bessnyoi, 13 pp. MMARIM~p 'bkj, ftJYjRLtqatudO!T~t.L 19580 Vp 3511-357. ACSIm, 11-29D3 =or a Bwngmx7 Nor 59 L? YjoAcA*rA el=l Cmgtmellcmp by I;Almn lAbotshy., LohotmlV folafte, 29 pp. WJRDA,RIV30 par$, Nalzma I Saamle Oct/ AC81j, le,3152 Rean miabla7m Fab 59 (Mr-4281) ftvcrt an the Plaminsp RG*oDBtlU*tiOnj, Ana the 14musLon of tko Budapest Fft*Umtgy Airpm-Sp by Uwxl* WOMIii 39 VP* WJNMRWS per# 3101"PItestudcumcwl szonle" Val X3. 30 k 1p 1060#- Vi 145 453 JM 5798 Um - RUDWY soon Mw 60 (Nf -5818) EquUmat of Enterpri3es MW8*& In the Cow-tructice of Tranopl.,rtatica 78tilitie2p bry Gwstav Beer-ey" 10 pp. ntwim us spar, Xe2yopitestudmuyi Szovaci, voi x,, zo im 9090 /ire ZMw - Hungary scan xey 61 i% D C - "; 22; '55 *' Experienca& With the Uee of the New C03ting System in *.VjannIng Civil Engineering Costs, by rerci3m Fortp 9 pp. MMT (WARTAN, per, Mal q?i~? 4. "476- SzenLle' Val X: NO 10, 1960j pp 474 jPM 8118 Mar - Huwgary F-con Apr 6.1 Cc=er,""a on Articles by, Fereac Fort, Eatitled "Experiencep With the Use of the 93w Coattng System In Planning Civil Engineering Costa", by lotuvan Gyorgyv 12 pp. HUMI.N.R.'rAN, perj, Malyspitestudomayi Szemle, Vol X, lqo 11 1960, pp 5Z-~- " * ` " ' ' " ' : "' ---"- ims Egur Hungary Econ THE FIRST HUNGARIAN TURNPIKE, BY SANDOR JAKAB, 20 PP. HUNGAR IAN PEa MELYJ;EU.F,.UUDCL,%Ua-~iZEMLE.9 VOL X I I , NO 10, Off i~ I-PP-425-440. JPRS 17138 EERUR " HUNGARY ECON , JAN 63 21'),45i A L, j~ Ek N'lliX.1--:1 ,:!i!i THE ACTIVITIES OF SE ~- I ,U.1-1-i lif-STITUTE., BY GYORGY WINACS., 2~ PP. H71)1,1~~'-Ai' I AI PEI-"~) IviELYEPITE3TUDOi-'lAi0'I 5ZEi,iLE) PP 25' 1 VOL X I i 10 JUNE I ',b3, 41-2' JPR3 201X~U SEP N ( H- 2 (Q P S4 HvId IJNI. 1"K ~ i. As-,JaW ~ T( , !:7j, : ServIces , Inc.. Itur.yadl, V.; ~tollnlftytr, A. Last Ormw.,-, ". T. %,113FLAMON ANALA'SISOF P114- SECTION'S LAID ( IN RIVER IWDS. IN-5, Ilp. AT.S-96SST11. Order froM A-N: 321.65 as ATS-908711 rraive. of Mel,,",pitestudaman)l ~zemle (Ifungary) v13 n12 prAS-50 21163. Accuracy-(Precision) of Aerological Soundings, by L. Malet. I- V/ FBIP jJCR, per, Memoires., Vol Aj7rm.,, 195", Pp 1-23. *AEC scl - ':"eophys 110v -19-~R Gas Bearings, by C. Mach. POKH., per# Hemoires, Vol J-170 1964,, "P44-52, 5~40-.-U:N. *NASA TT F-lOvO23 0, So GOVERNOW USE ONLY SeA-Fuols 4nProp, &pr 66 61-16841 pelit- Dutallfiq. D. atki GdAnard. Pierre. N0VO('AlN(:-lNi-,iurF(A'lION OF IIIE SI'ELLAT-L 1. PcIft-Dulaillf", D. GANGLION By -mr.: cvt-ERNAL ROLMR JANDI IL Goinard, P. NOVOGAINIZATION OF IIIE SYMPATUCTIC MAIN. tit. Title: Novocafnization [19611 Rp. Avallatilt: on Ichin fmm SLA 61-16841 T'rans. of Acadernio de Chir%irgle. Paris.' Wfivires (France) 036 Iv.'d,'no. 7. p. nc-iol- M%CRWMRS: *Pr%alne, 'Stellate ganglia. *Autonomic nervoun system. 18403t) ow" of Twh.O.W 5w"C*v (11nannounc-ed) ft*KGPOWLng BdL*1091)0&1 TWOUrs IA YAnW US- tvmftnceb clue to EVWIL Intadeatione b7 At SoVJ- I Mj 0 " ymwzk, pwg UMMIM, pp 6oi,.6%?, *Dept of Nmvlow Sai-B wid 15 Jan 68 Treatment of the Trench Foot, With Scurocaine,, by T. Strickes-, F. Buck, 8 pp. FRILNCII,, pert Now Acad Chir, Vol IAYj' 1940, pp 23S.Mr. Dept of Navy Tr 40#/NNC No 1059 sr-i-84M My 66 300,751 rrozem Bc*m Uaterotranspiatr"4,s, by R. Obdat, j* judetp J. Tingranamb., et alv 1015 VP* FMI It, per.. do AcAdemia _Ch 9 Val LXKVUlp 1952, pp ' ~rurgli. , NaVY Tr 3119/VM 687 sci - Ned mV 62 / 1,9.2- 1, c,,Ae Cnr 11ilmonale Left Pulnonary Avte7iotomy, Partial Hetrogrqde Embolectuoy. Recovery, by Pierre Karim,. 11 Do. ,"RENCM, pcra W~mortea de IIA&W de Chir, Vol IMIK, No 10-12, Ifili a Navy Tr 3om./sm 637 5ci - Iftd Feb 62 /.Aog, 7.7- q A Sb%CW of Ocum 132 Cases of Oweer of the Mva ftwdnod at the Oustwe-Rousivy Institute in 7946 to 1958* by Plerr Dmolto Jam lacour. 6 pp. PRIMp perm Memod"s do Academic Chlrurglep awl 196110 pp 17&lft. Nww Tr 7FJ8 SVL - SIL*l & "ad .2 .3 111? J? P 'h= 63 .. .... .... a;a operao in curudn ~I~m Ac~ cuirp ..Q b--" Two Now Came of Abdomiml Prelpmumy ut Torto With Living Wantat 1w 0. Wrz et al. 9p. Flw.mmlp AmU Chi . , Vol 89,V sar jp NwommV w pp 0 19030 V w 7 24m, ~:w Dq]?t of Ux 6*11-M oct 66 310*31-55 A Study an the Crabs or Kamchatka by Tilevius -- I M p R,, per,, If I 1 1.1 me do l'Ac-dwW p dea ftleafte do St. 0 loadeLe V01 5# 1015P VP 331-3"- *CMI Tr 69-59wk &d4" Pob 69 Apparatus for the Study of Gases and Vapours From Eyplosives at Orclinary Temperature, by D. Chiaaviglio, 0. M. Corbino. ITALIAN, per, Mem Accad Lincei, Vol XXIII, 1915, pp i2o-126~ *TIL T 53-73 Sci - Engr jan 61 Mmlor on the RLt Wa4imary Dsoves of amt Which Ma wA Aulmle are X Of PAIddff%109.. by bL TiU*tj. 214 ]W. 7ROM bk NWArM &WA~daJkw4ma 1764V PP 3186-M. 9094D M"3-00 ftlal"Al ow ~73- .4 * 31 to 07 Tsm Alipbstic Hy&oxy Nitriles a.nd Their Derivar tivips., by L. fferxy, 4 pp. rid=, Vw, get Ace" Royal IkIlgp Vol LVII, PP 1,0225, SLA set - Chas Awe 58 ;~v So= .Crataceous EchLncids Fr= Tripolitenia, by G,& Chacchia-Riapoll. ITALTAR,, per, )bm R__Accad Ttal, Vol Inp No 2p 19342, pp 373-395-- 'T~ DSIR/30313/CT Ect - Biology 'rf 9, 6S Feb 58 J Un.stic Stresses in a Flane Svatem With a Reinforced CppentrtZ, by L. Sobrero, 33 PP- "k- per Mem Classe BC1 Fix Hat a N Vol x1f no 41 193~- SLA Tr 57-1341 sel - Physics Oct 57 ]--~;reement Memorandum, 4 pp. SPANISH, rpt, Memorandum Concordativo, 1P-62. (Call No ?) (Fxtract) ArnW Map Service U - Spain Econ 14 jan 63 (Priva-,.e C-h-.Ip,,An-,. Cj:fpany RepurL), "]~Iei~jorandum", 3 pp. SR4NISH, rp-i, "Meworandum", Valparaiso, 1t'; Nay 1950. Dept of Commerce Maritime Admin Office ofProp and Supply Div or Off Serv (Loan) LA - Chile Econ Jul 59 .A.rrauta 1,,oport of the ~.;ccrvtary ,,.)E onvitud.caticsis ~ Tranaportation,, 19 ji~p, FUil UFFICIAL LGE. WU :11WIX611, I)er,, 'Wworia, 2 ~Liy 1964, pp 77-133. 95-96.- 011A giOlU13SM5 Jul 6S 263.587 SPAIUM DC Who 5 ftv 69 IW Mato" ftatun of Lm Avw laUinds of Vocasuala bly ULM& a G~~ Top= 1. 0- '119 ---------- &--(GLVO cru. latle in &put"& wo so Mau w t Cmawaim-ftr 1960 ftedla I~Wbownmmt- dnwt pun We ctr olaftes no ""o of smumob" lua- GIVUaw lexox pp-do wt =Ulmftp iixx:i;ixmx*t Calibration Line ~;cttlcon ~,'ad 11*rtburp. and Iiotvit Etna ~Ibsollvatory, by L. 'Soliini, et al. ITALIM, Xivr, Ifemorie, No 15, 1961, pp 1-5 9. ."CIC-W.-923 sci/llrwth Sel Jul 6-S 2349638 LAKE TAPPING OPERATIONS IN CATALDNIA., BY M. H. BUCHERER. BKo FRENCH.. " WWI RES ET COWTE IRENDU DES TRAVAUX DE LA SOCIETE DCS"-'l-*tqE9.Wj3~-c'-IvAl 1527., PP 15~2.644. .. .. ........... " J DEPT OF INTERIOR TC823 A358 M) 398 SGI GEOPHYS 209..605 SPANW4 rp4 Uemxwla al Com,,eso Naclonal 14YON4 Vp 97-VX 23,;;3% 3T---M; 41:13; 57- 4 31; 65-ft 97-106; H7-120; 123-124,130-1A. ACM 11"3, ID 2204000465 LA - Colmbta POI Jun 65 284627 RepUt and Accouitft for 3, 4 PP. SPANUM & ctumm, Ano do 1Wp pp Zzv-Z.44 X/2-&W; zy~5-aw 505-807; 306-3W. 338-36% 385-392; 487-4883 5274M ACSI 1-64U~ ID 22041DW365 LA - Vemcaw4a Ecoo Jtm 6v M628 In the D.J. I, c C'~c--at'z! -f Te I I In I C,-~ :11A T)p - SPANTSEJ rpt, Mmoria I, Ctienta 'F- W, Raciamml en 6us Sesionec Ordinaria_:z-,-,~e Cb4i-iEZ--r--V, 1962, pp 1-41. Ar,SI 1-2205-A ID 221B851 Econ Apr 63 In the Hational Tblephme Oorpor&tion of Venezuela; 21 pp. SPA!MSU, rjpt, Mommia y Omnts dul Ministario de Chapfer XM, 1A venew"Is Cf- AVr Gravity Determinations In Spain and the Earth Figure Most Closely Approximitting the Geold DerlVed From Said Data, by Gwillermo Sans Huelin, Luis Lozana Calvo. SPANLSH, rpt, Memorias del Ipstituto Geografico y C11dastral, Vol XIX, 1948, 27 pp. ACIC TC-844 Sci - Barth Sri & Astron Dac 64 269,778 The Role of "ateoritic Dust in the Tei-restraial Atmosphere, by r. Link. FRE:Xil, rcr, P-emoires do la Societe !*czale des Sciences 71,er'ies 4, Vol 15, 1955, p ' -47. L p N'IOA 'IT F-11,217 G,(Ar,l-,':,i,'f.T--,'*r 17;LY Illev 67 542,643 62- 292" Ippolito, Felice. CRITERIA OF INVE'STICATION FOR GFOT"FRMAL 1. Ippolito. F. ENERGY. 29 Nov 61. 25p. 87 refs. Order fson SLA $2.60 62-20299 Trans. of Naples U. latiruto de Geoloom Applicata [e Ane 19si, v. 4, 0, 17*-Ji- DESCRIIYI'OR&- *Geology, Heat, 'Energy, Power, Steam. Water vapor, Volcanoes. *Strattgraphy. *Minlng engineering. Geological surveys, Geophysical proapectin& Bibliographies, (Earth Sciences- -Gwlogy, TT, v. 10. no. 2) Dtfk~ 0 Uctakal tmices Detection of Underground l.ater Sources and 'I"heir Inci"Icnee on the Dottom of Lakes, 5v I'leniard Dussart, j-ki:N'Qiv per# Mcii Inst Ital ldrobi.jl, Sui.-)~,,l 8, 19SS, 11)) 6.3-82. BCG Sci Jan 64 IMIpicephalus A Sangidnaus as Vector of Plro- plasms Oands in Brazil, by P. Ragendanz., J. Haam. WARM:p p=., Ham InstlAuto Ofinyaldo Crua. I -G-BW- 101 M=, NO-r,-1936; -p-p CSIRO 4767 SOL - Biol JuL 6P- ;;2,. ,~ 7, toys Yxodological Notes. V. Apropos fte Validity of I O-Ome Species of the Genus Azbl~yoxma of the American ContlMent (Acarl: B. Arageo, F. da Fonseca, 15 PP. FOR=UESE., bkz=iaa doj~st Osimldo Cruz 51, 1953, PP 485-492. RIB Tr 5.22 Bel - SIOL '-~e 4f -tr,5- *W 57 S,tudy of a Nev StabIlIvy Test for Hitrocellulo-ses C-Aled `Ikdifled Tullani Test" AMaication to the StuL%y- dUe Stabilization of Nitrace.Uuloaea. Cam- pariem yM% the WL2.1 Test# by J. OwJon M=aljk._Mp Humm-Lal do 1,Art4%Icr:Le FIv=*aIae., Vol ITU 32., 1 "2,9 Vp 837-902. S.TOA. Tr Pool Selentific - Chemistry 7F =19/10= llentrita or lbezogen? by A. -ie Franctidne - 0=141 ae-IArtmm. .701TIE, 9% a -- 't b -10 Vv .- ) -77 , 1 127 - S.L.A, Tr B)OI V;)CiwLtl:ria - b6tbamtlas a w /M #1141 01? 6 40 f / 11 "IL u; I HL I- M,NLI-i AkT ILLERY LIN THE ~ FF IC I tio-Y ol- dk,t.*I,1~~Cl ILL6 AGAINST SUILS A Pi (J" U A G L - FR COUINTRY- 'Jilk L H F I i I c- DitS i'~~(JJELT IL L', Ci.)NT~~E LES T 4 1 "NISt 4. L S L I S A 1 1 L L U. K I L I I- A N C A I S E: V 0 L Z 3 19 4 '"' Thcory of SLock Walrcs,, Ly A. Hz,~*pill, 46 -T. 1BY) FI~JTIIINCII, per, rtinorial-de I'Artil:lerie- Francaire, Vol :-~KILV, Nu F)JI";"1950.. Pp 851-697- Favy Tv &N6/mn 449 VITUX - France ScitLintific - EnZiueerlng 6,5 7;? quill bration of A n'-- I 1:;y J~ T)C::, P=:-,;?rjaj do ",ce, SLA 59-2DO72 mar Vol .?, No I,? Modern External BOlistics in France., by M. Gernior. eaise. r;Lo, Fran FRENCH,, per, Mapqirlal de I'Arti Vol XXVIII, 1 107.. pp h9;-234 T.I.L. 7t 4438 Sci - Engr v- fty 57 g-&V_,o Thoory of the F=tioning of Gw~tridge Gas" Luring Firim.. bv L. Fumvaiet. 14 pp. FRMP.j part Mmmorlea de Vol MM, H* 2p 19"; pp 03N Tr S.L.A. Tr 1273 ZLI WEur - Fkams 7-f 10211 KaltQ7 RM RirAw Arising From Niefires, Ily Y)ogve Rollof, 7 OP. FRMIE,, perp Mmoorial de I'Artilbirle Prencalse, Vol XX , No 2, p~-*Wz"3.p, 1955. CU 2048293 Picatizvoy Arsenal Tr 11 Sci - 1bgr 'O~c f. '41 C, ff Jtm 5;T Cartridges Without C"ca., by M. lAzyer de la Barbee, 21 pp. FRENM,, per, Jkmorl 1101- XMP Nil_47MP 1-816- CIA 600242-V PlcoinpT Arsenal Tr 10 Bel . fta Jun 57 The noice of a DaUiatic Standard AtmOspbere, by M. R. Winter. VAMASS]733D PBX=., Ver,, Wm do 1Artl3larlo 7mucalses 1957. Tu Tr Wl Wlur - rmuce ml JIM 58 6,6~, wf 6 sai - Olms Efts 3m Aade.-. lVoyc6stimt Oaa of the Aspeats of AbRimtecroloa, b7 R. P. Hism. t=W.S33:F= PRW,rit pur, Wworial do I'Artitlerle Fraetalsey Val MI, MM4 *1957; 00'W8441., lltvr 19T3ft-kO Sal - 814mtramUs $&a 59 ;7t am 7 Course of Physics of Explosives, by L. I-L-dard. FRENCH, per, M-emorial de 1'Artillerie-l se, Ymmcai 1--13a * 3,~No 137j, i)p 51-1-544. Vol XXXV, 196 , Dept of Interior Tr No 1757 Sci Jan 053 .i.cpc)rt: sind Accotwd% by the MUdster of Ueakh 3 WdfaM IW 1963, 38 pp. SPA1401 0rpt, sk z Qw" clon dcl a MtTdW" Am do , lop 1-65. W 22D4000265 V, ]Eur - Vommwla Soc Mar 65 276.978 Process for Recovery of Sulfur from Waste Gas 1:1,ffluents. FRENCH,(request for patent) Memoire Des- criptif aepose a llappui d'une demande de Brevet D'Invention. *TT 70-58029 AVAILABLE FROM TVA ONLY wolq PC13 70 401,303 So-ms conmidarmuons of a ta3istic Clrn--eter Pertair,411-.1 m=AI7,ut I-n f4mmIming.. by Lt Col Jum Rana&Url, 4 r-. &L dpl, F.1 ar cito, -yullAug Acsx, o-9B66 TA . "Um -Ail Jan 58 by I~rancisjw Gorigoitta Herrera, 1-2 pp. S 0 PAIU.'SH, rpt, K-,norial del Ejtreito 6c Mile Ajimy Yap Service Al Tt- A/0 TA L-A "tit~.iSor acoi!. o,4? llfj 42 Dea 63 Chiliots Report to the OAS on thause of Lauda River Witter, 74 pp. SPAkMH, per, Mem9rial del Ej,ercito de Chile, May-June 1962, pp 867-148. (CaU No. Uncamloged No 308, 1962 Eng Tr) A.rxj)y Map Service LA - Chile Ecom Geog Apr 254#165 Gune!Ml 44 -p-.-, Supreme C--umcil. C. - SPANISH, pamphlet, "'Semoria General, Madrid, Call 1.1c) - GA 19-57 AMS UTE - Srain Geo I-lay 51-11 Development of the Plan for Work in 1962, by Consejo Superior Geografico, 7 pp. SPANISH, bk,.Memoria General Correspondiente al Ano 1963. S Mi;F2-,Eng Tr) Army Map Service WEur - Spain Econ. Jan 63 270,840 Status M Wort on h4pps for 1963, tq GwmJo Supalor Gc*graflco, swimmu Tocnicad 6 pIN I I Wondlento ~&Pmlllfal.~ . m2m (~;wrv _ al Ano.19R .9 1964, pp 19-43, GSII Wo. GAW2 J-711 675 IWIX , Army IdAp Sex-4ce ScA-D,dksc. lwg Ul 288,607 ant! 11:15ttalok;icai 'Atulics CAI t:-Ie :;Lk'- IaI'a:rt 1. 'Ibe j-aad of n1atomia Injiustmis, Oiy- ;'. bn~ul. FIVAUSH, por,, Anti lust Cruz Vol 59,, 1952, 1,11) W-107. WL-ii IW 10-ID-66 1.,ioc 66 314,696 AnattDr,iical and i: "Lstalogical "i'tudics ui Cio :A0fadly La,:mbc, EIZIM.: por, i1o"Inst Cruz Vol LV, No 1, 19.57. 69-111. i14-W111-11-4-66 Sci-Beril! Jan 67 316,912 11 XMI I I-Ir I Hill ~BIMMII,lw ...... .. to ca -cLa velocity of a Boils.. by F. Fouqw, It. TAvy, 21 pp. per, Idam lost Fxw2cep %%a =9 MA 58-1.9119 OwilibWolea 59 7,0702- 1f7 Scarificatlons Used Among CartiAn -Lr:VL)eo of Dalumaey mad Northern TWp, by J. C. rxocUch, 11 Ipp. Fmcns P*r, HSM013*8 dft 1-11-M ti tat EE!~,=a4w d%d=g! agive-, lb 23P 19530 PP. 255-2646 irlis 3naly) A:t,rlca,-Msbmwy-T*v 100C Oct 65 W9*7,33 Eauk%y Lx% aui Application alb' the Rules of PLsxImxm anv~~ YAWURM to SOW, ProbleMa Of Statias, Relative to Architectuxe, by X. Caulccb, 46 pp. MW9.,p pory Nom de W-th et de Pbys, Vol VII, 1776, pp 343-38e. ' ' SLA 59 -10319 Sc I - Me etron Sep %) Vol 2, Igo 1 f ?,7 .7-,--q~ Research into the Causes of the Pc!culiar Structure encountered now and then in different parts of the Hwnan Body. On the Greater arid Lesser than Normal Number of Ribs, by NI. Hunauld, 7 pp. FRENCH, per, Mern Math Phys Acad Roy Sci, Vol S7, 1740, pp 377-381. NAVY/MS-1588 Sept 71 Reports on Observations. Figure of Earth Accw1ding M. V. Rudzki. POLISH. rpt. Memoires et Determination de Is Figure Meat,ures do In Gravite. ACIC TC-477 Scl - IR-rth Sel & Astron Sept 64 on Betermination of the to Gravity Measurements, by Obsta-vations. Sur Is de ]a Terre D'Apres Les 265,199 jUIL;r"lim of jIlataultrota"A=m , by loochler.f Joviwt. V.15MM., per, %=crip--I des roull-na, Vol 19a, pp X-pt cd- Materlor w D= Of Minos Cautmi" Nsperimmt statv4 Pitts'mzrgh,, Pa. Tr L12 Bel - am 7 fty 59 of Oyanazdde aa& DI - - if2mlas in Ollalm CjsmudAes by K. HUna"roll P. I=Lettev Lt, DftvimrVess IMMO, pwo HemorUl do* Fcmdres# Vol :=p vv 96;llxv.---- - Dept or ut w aw or Rues caftst zxplr aft flttAss ft* Tr32 Set - Obom An 59 Otudy of Various StabiUsers, by Me. Marquoyrol., 14 pp. I=rill, "rp Mra. J~mAr",q Tel XX=fs 1928j, pp IW-177 A28 8W3r Iftl Avg 58 .00 a f ) Tr 313 C4 Pr*MUV6 ILL 03MATION AND SGNrn(ve RRACTKM Di CONTAC WITH HOT SURFACHL Fr. IL VXrEROGEMBOUS CDMFJMCW PROCHW AND ADSORPTION or DurcHATtm CM OW VITRBOLS SLY"ACES. CLEAN Olk COATED WfM WrASUM CHLORRM DWLUHNCE OF THE ADSORMCM OIN THE CHADI RRACT"I OF OXYHYDROGEN bUXTURECL 119631 Mp 12cob Order fifflo SLA $1. 40 63-IM62 Tram. of rummmialdm Pwadm&Vram* 1937. v. 271. P. 253-viv~- IDUSCRIPMM IAder, C0611W. *PuMiudam cam . 16 *CbLoddes. sCambuodam.*08rPlasive VWG16 MIXIM . 60d"dam. 91V*108. Surbeem, *Rsactlm kbmaks. nesumdows. 63-1 L562 1. Pretule. 16L n. intw "fteroameous M. Intle: wuenm.. (c%mnl,stry--M,mjcGL Tr, V. to. in 11) Natwo at Va Doonw- "-4*LQM of JIL'6&Vftl IUI am osperwifto on the tmtftnt to VI It ro &Lbjeated., by JOW ftommm.. et ma.. 43 pp.. vw, mw Noms va icax, 3902,939j, 109D SA.A. ft*~VOA9% out 56 am IthrePmIA-104 MA Proportion of Var.jojs~ p1l. FMMI PwP l4ea Pouh*",p Vol I)p 7-40, Ighe. SLA 3251 Set - dhwm 7 Aug 58 - -,- --. , - Ii ~ - !- -- --- ORM FROM NTO The Bebavior of Aluminum toward Ammonium Nitrate Under ftrioum Conditions of Purity or the Constituants,, in the ftexence or Absence of TNT, by R. Cheylans 6 pp. FRM3j. pw., Mew Poudres, Vol )=.. pp 139~ftlkl,, 1948. SIA 3289 Sci - Chem Aug 58 qj . A/ q ;/ The Sugar Ititratew Preparation, Properties, Stability, by (Iteorgea Fleury, Louis lb~iagaul, Pid2wre thoste, 22 p1 FREJOHO perp lbqw= des E=kall Dec. 1950, pp 7-320 S.L.A. Scientific - Chemlstxy 05a 7'jP"? OrZ- A Sturly of the Ezplouive Propertien clyvin'yl Nitratcu,. I~lr Albert Le Rotui, Robert, Sart,oriuz, 10 pp. FRZNMt.,, per) Mim Foudrea Vol XXXII'v 1952,, pp 1611 -:V[7. ABC Tr No 2059 Assoc Sf- T-,. - IV F 4-F Ec'.eatific -- Cbemistry Feb 55 v-W I / 4~7sy '571 // Sclw-,uity f'Air !~!iplotiiL-vaa in I.Laveral Sclluianta; by F. M.. Laiau;.p 5 iPr?- FMWH, lpfir, Mewrial des i~audreap Vol =Vi, 1~63s pi) 213-22P. ''64-9-556 PicatiWr Arseuttl kc 52 OM 434'r sci Nov 59 1179- The Apparont Calorlmetric Valuc and tho Volume of the Gaiscs Produced by the Dei:ompositloz of Propellante, by P. Tavernier. 0 M,IICHj, p*rj Mem des P;Arcs, Vol XM, 1953, pp 233-2724 TIL Tr 4836 Sci - Chemistry Mar 58 Nota am the Use of the Beats of Combustion of Powderu an a Means of Controlling their Unnufactmvp bW H. Nwaour., L. Nadardp M. Timms. FRMS . n*r a Meow POWs, Val ;OMVP 1953j, I)V 273W. T.I.L. T.4431 Scl - CheaUtry q Jun 3.9% Propertie~D of Cyclo-Tri=thylcuc.-Trin4-trosr,=ine, by Louis Nodard, Maurice Dutour, 5 Pp. FMCIIS, pw Nmr.1al Dox.,koudroo, Vol Vmiip 1955" pp l9!2h'.'-,,- ClIM63324 p Picatimy Arsenal Tr 14 Set - ftemistry Oct 57 Reniotimee of Panthrites FEM to fleating as Determined by the Induction Period. of the Ex- plosioxt, Vy A. Sbs%ar and J. Grodzinmkiy, 13 pp. FMCH, per. 16m Paudres, Vol XMIlyi, 1955s pp 111-119, ,dddd&V#1VV#Y Sci LT-U. 7MN SLA 57-3101 Aug 56 71 A F::)- Recrystallization of Peta for Ccwdeaux Explosives, by Jean Tranchant, 7 PP, FREWR., per Memorial des Pbudres, Vol XXXVII, 1955, pp Picatinzy Arsenal Tr 13 Sci - Engineering J-9 S4~z Oct 57 Heats of Coubustion of Seven Explosives and Allied Substances, by Louis Medard, Maur-'ce Thomas, 14 pp. I FRENCHj per, Memorial Des Poudres, Vol XXXVII, 1955, pp 1.29-138. 646543 FDD/X-3497 Picatinny Arsenal 23 OTIA 3109 Sci - Chem May 59 The Omnulamtry of Explwivem, by Nul Aubertein.. U pp. IMICU., per., Mmorial des Poudiresp Vol XXMI* 1955# PP 139-3)18- -6jjl'IW06"- cu 63,2775 sLA 58-Bi!5 PlcatinsW Azzenal Tr 21 Sci - MW Aug 58 711 1'7 ~ Masurc=nt by The=,obalance of Che Volatility of Propellant Plasticizerej, by 0. fteJacques, No Leclerc% 13 PP- FMCH., Per# *m FOudr*Oss V01 MUMs 1955s PP 153-162- SM. 57-2778 SaJL Pug 58 7&4 )117 Calorimetric Determination for Tvelve 0--ganic Substances Whicb Can Be Used in Propellants, by Paul Tavernier, Maurice 14 uroux, 15 PP. MMSCE.. per, Memorial des Poudi~jp, Vol XXXVII, 1955, pp 197-966. '07A 603008 1 Picatinny Arsei%al Tr 12 Sci - Cbemistry 3 (v / Oct 57 11-50 P. Tavernier, C. Napoly FRENCH, per, Memorial des Poudrea, Vul XKX-VII., 1955, pp 217-223 *JPRS for Picatinny .,rsenal 21 Apr 59 Thz~ E-nylos,~on Temparaturo, the Ciklwira~.Itric the Force and Cocificient of iguntropic ExparjBion in the Barrel of Propellants, by P. Tavernier. FREVCH, per, Mom des PaudreB, Vol XXXVII,, 1955, pp 225-20. TIL Tr 11837 Scl - Chemistry / 7 ~' Mar 58 R- 5 IL P. TMvernier, C. Napoly FRENCU, per, Memorial des Poudrd:a, Vol XXXVII, 1955, pp 331-338. *JPRS For Picatinny Arsenal 21 Apr 59 Cardloreacqu* Effecto and Toxicity of jqitro COMPUUDdB iM ReUtion to the Exploeives Industry, by R. Chary, 14 pp. FEMEj per) Mem Foudres, Vol XXIVFII, PP 351-363, 1955. Assoc Tech Swrv-13Hl4F Sci - Chem Aug 58 7,4~ ;711 Ixt-b-oratory Setup for theinvebtigation off Contawu-oua Proceaseu, by Francis T-iboui5, Jean Vaganay, 6 rP. FRENCH, per, Memorial dqs Foudreiii, Vol XXXVII, 1955, PP 4l3Xf6. diN 18560 CrA 612776 BLA Tr 56-&* Picatinv,y Arsenal Tr 20 OTS 6 Aug 58 it oqmmmt in the Dvwwft lbtlwd im tho .0starudintLan of ltttrle Ktimevnj, by 1 No Liecders Ort 0114 I'm, in't pswj, UNWrlol ago pmbftefis va 3=vlis 19"j, IM CSXRO sa ft Cbem 9, Jun 62 Aliplication of tboo X9&rI Vlacher Wthod for the Detwemination of Water to Oertain Analyses., by A. lbahe j, at al. j, Derj, MmwI&L des Rmdmas Vol XXXVI , 1955, im 451=55. 801 - Cbe= -2,or/. 1.2f am 6g