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Anvlutlon,, Co=terrwolut.Lon and Boonosda Pol:Loy,, by Roge-Uo rrlger:Lop 6 pp. SFAM=p ap, Clarin, 5 Mmy 1968, pp 12-13, 154 MRS 45M IA-Argentim POI Sept 68 362j,513 Zut=VUV Wlth Now AnW Camommigr ft CUer F 5 pp. ilPAXMW*3*p C14KU 7 Jbw 290, P 3- im h5tl~ I LA,-ChlU YA:t ftpt 68 362*514 C&thoUo tMversitylgi 1969 Adrdsidon Prwedureop S ppe SPAUSH, npi, Cl&rin sm*i*V. 3.9 j)wc 1968, p 6. JPRS 47353 IA-CUI* Bduc Fab 69 374,680 Amen Nualear Research Seen as Securiv g-tine Need# tW Omigalm 0, Vinegao, 8 yp# SPANISHP POP& MeEb BMWs AAress 22 Doc 19W# PP 10~ lit-16 of Section 131# JFRS 479442 Sol-NUO3. Scl & Tech Feb 69 375*838 President of Christian Damcrats Interviewed. tW Alojawl" Arallano. 9 pp. SPANISHo rpto WArin, Santlagoo 22 Doo 1968. pp 24-25. 310 JFM 4735:3 LA-Mile Fbi Fob 69 374,679 Cidlean Socialist P&rty Cblef IiAerviemad,, br Aljuidra Arenano 9 a pp. SPANISH, NP, Cl&rin# Santlago do CbIle, 29 Doe IW, pp 10-11, 28. JPM 4?333 lA"Cbll* POI m 69 3741t6a luo Ho-Jo DismAws t7 Bamardo lamimf SPANLSH# npo -M-mrlu 9 I%b 1969p pi-210- apas 47,60 FE-Com China poi Alw 69 Cult=ml ReVoIntUnt 6 ppe UntUgo do MUst 3780349 Arpfttim 1968-69 BCOMWAS R*port Sunwrizedo 7 pp., SPAMMH* npo Qarln aisnon Al"s, 16 Feb 1969, See I, p 12. JPRS 47820 IA""Vntim Soon v-- e^ Sooond Nucamr Pwor Mant CaAeqpUted, 8 pp. SPAMSH. rpt, Q&das Damogo Alres, 16 Fab jL969. pp 8-9, 15, JFW 47705 30"U01 Sol Apr 69 379o(a3 Now Style ChristlAn Domarat Soutor Gives Views, 6 pp. SPAMH* np, Q&r1n, SwUago de Chiles 9 Mar 1969s, P 3- JPW 47970 Li-ChIle Fa MAY 69 381*620 OngwxU DaMwo Nation's Conoepteg Objectivesp tV Juan Carlos Onganlap 33 pp,. SPANISH* WO 9 Bums Adrest 29 Nar 1969, ipp 29. JPRS 48DY4, IA-Argentim POI Jun 69 3829073 Student Rebel Leader Pascal OutAines Strategy. br Fernando fdvas Sanchez. 9 pp. SPANISH, npo Clarint Santiago. Chile, 2.5 &y 1969,, pp 2oa, JITS W259 L&Cld2e Fla July 69 387.829 Qqpda Mtreems MMta3W FOIJOWWL4.p DlnrAr. 11 pp. MKINO qh Ownc Atmag 8 ad 19690 pp 19# 20s. 229 35. ins 48609 IAP*pgentim POI Sept 69 309031 cauwno University in 13*... f Chaw. lw Foanuumdo Rivas Sanohgs,, 7 pp, SPANMg per# Claftn& Santiago* 20 Jul 1969, pp 20-21. JMs 48721 IA-Chile pa Sept 69 389s262 momploymmt Amalts Ckdlels Overseas Studentse 5 pp. SPMISH9 npe Q&dn, Santiago do Chile, 10 Avg 1969, p 27. JPRS 48754 LA6-CMIO Beaft Sept 69 3910?53 *bw*o glad QLU* 10 Fab 1970# ---l -1777 a3md otm 19?0. FPO A13pwv 16 sept .1970# I mW,- Ab4W* 28 Oat:L970, T"- -, cow ol 11CM, I qmT, *s rp JP4113 5090 4040t6i"~-- - Z6 ar'll"w"ZL 9 ppa.. bCr- - - qktlu. ~Umov Aire*,, I ,,Qv IM. lost cou 300 QAdAv 27 Doo 19?0, 0.1hte-fted"t6 ao'nomblonit Leaders xaet pp., SPAN10% nps. C2malnv Buaras Alres, o4almory : L 9 7'17 =P, 1 - fto cn, .18H0 APO amtf"WOO chug, 10 Jan igno licit o. ChUe. 21 fob 1971a, A*Uonm Abalyvmd- 6 ON CLACko SNAlMoo 28 Feb 19n."PP7 3. 4 Pxft Lo the mutwdi poeples santifto, 28 Feb 19no p 7. NoWd6pti.-OW ~,Vprto Awwol- FbMer: Prosdcknt - .030satmos Mare"O 10 PPO SPMSHO ON ~-A- , bmnom Airos. I Apr 1971. Ipp ISO 19, 20a 39. cols-for "fell3AV4 'Mainat lUhtidhgo by lwii7c*rv*Uw. S Ap. sf.'XV:)j6 npo gLa ]p 13", ~;smtlsgop Chao, 5 Doe 1971s, a% .54863 idtial .14,04M M~Momofw Givm, - by I*nan 1wriguift 1~olina* 8 p))* t~"tlato, i2dleo 6 Doe 1971, MIR Refutes Attacks by Chilean CID=raaiSt F&AY. 8 pp. SPANISH, np, Clarin, Santiago, 30 Jan 1972, p 4. JM 55297 Bar 72 MIR Charges That Communist Rural Policy in Error, 20 pp. SPANISH, np, Clarin, Santiago, 6 Feb 1972. pp 6-8. JPR5 55421 Mar ?2 Current Problems of Leftist Parties ArAlyzed, 7 pp. -SPANISH, np, Clarin, Santiago, Chile, 6 Fab 1972, PP 5t 11 * JM 5.5421 Mar 72 Chiloan Indian Probloma of PoptiLation, Maori- ivination Discussed, by Oscar Velga, .5 pp. SPANISH, np, Clarin, Santiago, ClAle, 27 Fab 1972, p 15. JpRs 55683 APr 72 General 1,1anager of Chuquicamata Interviewed, by Alojandro Arellano Allende, 8 pp. SPANISH, np, Clarlp, Santiago de Chile, 22 Ear 19?2, p 6. JPRS 55878 MaY 72 Revolutionary Alternativo Mounted at University, 5 pp. SPANISH, np, Clarin, Santiago, 9 APr 72, P 7. JPRS 55923 May 72 r , Solpt ?2 I : . :: 1 . I .1 sw1hu0sa Disoussfe palioiss of PbC, Goverrimmt, by Hain" Rodrigues Molina, .5 pp. SPAKSH, np, gj-jj,~, Santiago, 7 Aug 1972, P 3- jpm 56982 Socivilist Leader Compares Venestielah, Chilean lettist Movermnts, by Alejandro (h-tega. 6 pp. SPANISH. np, %ariq, Santiago, Chile, 20 Dee 1972, P 3. JMS 58049 Jan The hIR lUlls ~ the Gaupolican Theater,. 7 pp. SPANISH, np, Clarin, Santiago, 28 Jan 1973, p 10. Mis 58z9? Feb 73 'alMIR,91:1. EdA& votbw in 2.4; Bq*.-a PP w 7-w I;,t . Jun., t1 ! . . i I i *44kst Liminist Party Pusiboo-proletarlan Lji~w i 0 . v .11 pp FRIFItCH.J. np, Clarte, Brussels, IMaY 71, p 2. JpRS $3285 -1; AL T cri of Pi-I pri-exision VY - - - - I? pp. FR04dH, per, ~e, Brussels, July 1972. PP 1-4. JAS 56689 Aug 72 Ail.~ i marxIst-Lonin-isto Soore Presont- Soviot-Writinge-J.- 6 PP, PRENCA, n , Clarte, Brussels, Dee 72, p 2. JPRS 57999 "a vacwftlrlsatlm Or SUOU 131 QXIMBIM Md NOW4xldUljzg GONW, by 0. Nu=ao. am"m Ibmis to Smam bemdoch W~vw~a X968, 4 Ime *=I biw ON (0 gkd/M" Aor 70 V"V 'h~ ft"utS" rOr by Jp MAP 5 PPO A'A~Ujp Pftv I& C V d I'M Ab 6 -*- 6 kMRMLO VOI 3o * 30 I.QWP p 12-13P .191 JFW 3T6?A - I- Arrica zom IN--t 66 322s,5W Study of the Climate of the North- weatern Part of the Republic of Maxicov by Oo B* Jauregul. SPANISH, par# alijj&tOlOCj&. 0Q6ftnO&rftfLL a Hidrolgaia del Horoesto dg Megigo, February 1966 NTC 72-11654-04B .Tune 72 quantitative Thin-Layer Chromatography of Dinitrophanyl Derivatives of Astino Acids in body Fluids, by K. Figge. 21 pp. GURAIAN, per, Clin Chim Acta, No 12, 1965, pp 60S-619, Dept of Havy/NMS/1438 Sci/Boj Mar 71 Separation of Isozymes Hydrolysing L-Laucyl- -Naphthylamide by Vertical Blectraphoresis in Acrylamide Gel, by H. Kleiner, E, Schrav6 GHRMM, per, Clinica 9Wca Acta VOI XIV, 1966, pp 377-385 NASA TT P-100724 GOVERNMENT USE ONLX Sci-Chem Mar 67 320,857 Man Est=IA*d Fatty Aalds In DlOwtWes A Cam- psmtiv* StU47 Of Titdmwt47 &nd 04WAMtRYt ~r He WwomboWso 3 pp. FMNM& pwo cune gft, #-*-U Val 14. 1966o pp 708-710 0 Dept of N&Vr/~M 12.53 SW,B & m ime 68 33Bo498 SpecMaity of the Rates of Non Esterized Fatty AaMs in tho Novak Colorimetrical Method, 14y JS Parljs, 3 pp, MNCHO per, Clin. Onpa AcU, Vol 14, 1966, pp 713-?14, JDapt of NaV/XMS 1262 Sci/B & 14 imm 68 358003 The Influenae of Human Growth Hormone on the Myoolysis Jn Er-ythrooytes in V:Ltro, bBr E. Iudescher and W. HonewaUner. GFBMUs pw., Clinica. Cbimdca Actap Vol 24., 1969, pp 423-430. NTC 71-13884-06A ~asd, 7- 7- r- /.;~/q7g buo I/ j- Feb 72 CLINICA CH1041CA ACTA 1969 V25 NS P1623-1425 C-6447 4URC> i ~j CLINICA OSTETRICA E OINZC GICA 1966 V66 P163-170 70-20679 J~. --7 Agen~l kAA P.O. Umbers OAC-43024U 69 Titles Rilievi nistapografial post~-rotatorii in corso di Intossicasione alooolica. aouta. cPbst-rotatory nystageographic findings during &cut* alcoholic in- toxication2du Authors D1 GIVWAI, rK, Sourest Clinic& otorimlaringoiatrica V01.20:58-103, Jan-Feb. 1968 Ift Languages Italian Special Instructimas Translate and tym, one copy, Sialoscintigraphy in ClinIca.1 Diagnosin, by E. do Campora. EUROPEAN, per, Clinica Otorino-Larinno-Latricas Vol 20, No 6, 1968, pp 458-469. NTC-71-16294-06R Jan 72 Acute Accidental Poisoning by Psycho- therapeutic Drugs in Small Children. A Case Ifistory Contributiont by M. Berni ITALIAN, per, Clinica. Pediatrica, Vol 49, 1-967, PP 211-237- ITTC 71-15363-060 mar 72 Purulent Meningitis of Newborns Observed at the Institute of Puericulture of the Univorsity of Bologna from 1958 to 1967, by G. P. Salvioll ITALIAN, per, Clinica Pediatrica, Vol 49, No 7, 1967, pp 341-343 11TC 71-15362-o6i.; mar 72 G. C. Biasini Advantages Offered by the Use of Fructose as mono- saccharide added to Saline Solutions used in the oral Rehydration of Individuals Suffering from Gastroente- ritis. Clin. Pediat v. 49, 1967 p 624-628. NASA rf F W1696 Feb 73 ......... ........... .... ..... .... ..... ..... ......... v---- NowwExperience in the Treatment of Ascites in 1-forgagnilnennec Cirrhosis with Reinfusion of Autogenic Ascitic Fluid, by M. Barlattani, A. Alessandrini, 39 pp. ITALIM, par, Clin Ter Vol 34, No 3, 1965, pp 210-228. NNS/1425 sci/BUI Apr 70 405,681 .4~'Z~- i39O-IJ ACUM CHIDRDIAZEPOXIDE INTOXICATION IN AN ADDICT, FOLLMED BY ABSTINENCE SYNDROME, F. rAdda,, Clin. Tjraip.. 44., No. 2, 167-71 (1968). 2700 W; 13 R $10.00 ($2.45) The Action of Mothylprodninolone Acetate in the Local Therapy of Gengli=3, by C. LaVilia. FRENCH, per, ClinIca TerapautIca, Vol 47, 1968, PP455-475 NTC-71-10~83-060 Nov 71 Feb 72 ycoside - - ~- ~Gontribution to the Study of Treating Gram-Negative-Induced Urinary Infections With Carbenicillin, by T. Lotti. ITALIAN# perp Glinipj& ],'erapeuticas Vol 55, 1970, PP 339-343. NTO 72-10749-060 jkpr 72 Observations on the Use of Bovine Immuno- lobulinp With or Without; Antibiotics Ghloramphenicolp Colimyclin) in the f Prophylaxis and Treatment of Colibacil- lary Enteritis in Piglets, by Z* Corbella* ITALIANp per., Clinioa Veterinaria$ Vol 93,9 1970.. pp 269-279. NTC 72-10594-023 Apr 72 ,I I Use of Immunoglobulins and of the Combination of Immunoglobulins, Ghloramphenicolp and Colimycin in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of Colibacil- laiy Enteritis of the Calf1v by Go Signorini. ITALIANp par$ Cliniga Vetorinaria, -F V91:93v 19700 pp, 281-291. NTCT.72-10400-02-B ~i Apr; 72 Sensitivity of Strains of Zscherichia C,oli Isolated From Formet of Colibacillosis' In Calves to Chloramphen1col and Colimycin., by R, Podesta* XTALIANj per# Cligial Veterinaria. V 1 93$ 1970$ pp 293-295. NTG 72-10401-02B Apr 72 Determinations of the Optical Properties of Cu Sp A92 S and SnS , by S. Dezoo, ROMANiANI, per, CluJ* niversitatea Babes-Bolyai, Studia Universitatis Babes- Bolyai Series Mathematics, Physica, No 2. 1965, pp 115-121. 14TC 72-10495-20L Apr 72 Project E 0 L E Informatic Statements Made by the Mathematics Division on B-May 1969 61 pp FRENCH, per, CNES, 6 may 1969 (PR/MMR/9.200/blT/CB) NASA SPECIAL July 70 Presentation of the Progranmdng of the Operational Treatment of the Scientific Telemeasure of EOLE, by Phillppe Reboul, 9~.pp FRENCR, per, CNES, December 1968, PR/NM/8.444/-MTM- July 70 E 0 L E Project Evaluation of the Probabilities of Collision Between Balloons and Airplanes Final Report, by Yves Le Borgne, 7 PP PRENCH, per, CNES, Jan. 1969 (YLB/MMR/9.022/MT/CB NASA SPECrAL July 70 Study of Electromagnetic Wave Reflection on the Sea Optical Simulation, by J. Marguin,88 pp FRENCH, per, CNES, January 8, 1969 (no. 401 EOLE/s) NASA SPECIAL July 70 Test Equipment of the E 0 L E Satellite Balloon Simulator Balloon Satellite Connection by J. Barcelere, 91 pp F M CH, per, CNES, 2 May 1969 (No- 518/EOLE/S) NASA SPECIAL July 70 Scientific Description of the Satellite Fr-2 Projeet (Project Role)$ by Pie:rm Moral* FREINGI, rpt., CNUS Serv D'Aqron4?!jI,, No 101, May 21966, 47 p. *NASA TT r-10,297 Sci-Spaco Tedmology NoV 66 a"J. 6,UZ P1.11, CDO: 02048/71 w 24 aw TI ar Agmemant an in vw ool=tlgu fiRIA 1 --- n ftUOD&IL reo"aVh OWDon (CER)S, the Natlona Llsold aeaftWo tht Nat4ama InstAtate at wAsUar pby&Smo =a tM acedwror of &cL*nww at the Um,* c0 E4 Be Ufftataup (*Amwo speclau)v pp 95-wo OpmWal$ tne B - do wt pubUsh - trmnsU*wtx dr&t pbo an wff. Agency. R-15!)39-D P11) Call No. C. 2 Feb. 1973 Auti,ior: r-j. Prost - Ch. Souveraia - J. Dournenc Title: Etude de L'z&-.7egation plaquettaire a l'aide de !agregometce de Mustard C~ Source: CoagulaLiop., 1-971, Vol. 4. No 2 p 145-151 Instructions: Pleasa~! translate, ty-pe, and past,~ u~p when necessary one copy oaly Language- French Est. ~60.00 Our Works at Ougree-Seraing Have an Expediting System which Coordinates Steelmaking and Processing, by F. Pineurr, FRENCH, per. Cockerill-Ougree-Providence Infor- mation, Bull., Vol 18, No 4, 1967, pp 24-27. BISI 9181 Jul 71 wua-UtY Ccultrol of f3asic-oxygen stix~l, W Lmard*a, et aL rl"Jal, -or, ccxkeril~~mo-lrovic=uu, I-Jo 153 1967s, t-jil 1-25=# truestero wu-a-rt-5=ry Litor- raticn ~--ruiciical *aL,31 7589 sci/ rmterials sept 69 A Carbonisation Plant for Pre-Formed Metallurg- ical Coke, by R. Dufrasne, FRENCH, per. Cockerill-Ougree -PRovidence, No 160, 1969, pp 2-21. BISI 8919 Jun 71 Study and ProventLon of Bulphurixation o9 Tin Cana* by ft. Roaquat. FRENCH, rpt, Cobits International Faman Amt do to Cower", Pro"Are Remontre Intarmationals do& IndustrLele do I& Cousems, marrauw:h (Marou) Oct 1969. *BISI 8299 sci-Mat June 70 I i m I I q I Nb'tr 71