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OL Jkw To Cut.)# bv eastm sulfa& ONX a Jay Im Wimagiror dD Mt MWWL"b _ .1-1 1 .. - Ang To (mommq*r 401u=),. OWN" *Alt*# XomW~Wo ALAftme, as JOILY Xgyo 4001OX Ono A - 46go% pdaM ftfts~~ Plus "Op sloas IV"& ROOM -%P% 70 CMOs "'W71 3 1" TO 9r lby Owrtmo anrtexamur Im. a do mat VIM one COPY. Dowslopment P2Ab Disoussed by Planning is-r-v&oss Dirootor, by Vitv-P Lopes cor"ius 14 PP* POR"GUF.BES, port 0 Comemlo, LuandoL, 27 Mov 70s P 5s jec 2" F.0 Ifoy 70, P 5s met 2; *29 Nov 70, P 5. zoo 2; 1 Doe 70, V, !51P see 2-0 ITPRS 52601 Af */A3W3A ft. DO APr 71 - -- ------ -- pulvaso or memscits, n pp. SPANUH, AP, Qr&to,, 14 Mar Ign. P 17o ins 3Z836 AW n - -77T777777777-77777-~ - ~:,--'-'------ C40"m1i savad""m Mdatwx FWaffirm D*O- ar4eftan palitkv. 6 pp. ~ SPAMSH, IMP* El GOWA2. Quito, 21 IW 19?1* p 3. im, MM9 J%ay n Itaom Tiolds Press ConreVence on Hefeirendtuu, 5 pp. SPANISH, npl, Ell comercio, Quito, 23 Mar 71~, pp 11 3- J? .5 .52927 MAY 71 FPO SPANISH, up. RaW". Ldm,w I Apr 19no p 4. ORS 52982 Nay ?l GM*r&l iI&cam Soo"s pagim I" interviow, 7 ppo sPollsH. np. a_RMgtqLj. Qidtao 12 June 1971, PP 1* 3* 533a 71 Angola Dimond Comany HeIeaseis 1970 Stock- - holders Report, b pp, p0FITUMMM, per, 0 Comercia. Luanda, 1.5 Aug 71, pp 3.5-39, JPRS 54364 Nov 71 Ctfttr*IlGr GIVASrOl 8 Offloo DebOrlbod, SI)MIsh" apt k2 C Tics, 28 hav 1971, p 30 Jan 72 TaXt of j.-vosidentla spouch at Ctstro VamuOtm 6 PIP& , 11 mr .1!1-lAlasiio np - _i& ALo, QUto, 7 L*c 1971, p 3. JA15 5woz 1J" ?2 Go noml Olluft Addresses BumbiesammOs 1-4ating# 5 pp. SAMISH, np, la ComEgoo lAmn,, 13 Voc 1971. p 4. JM .54901 4m Political Leaders Coment on Goverrment Plan, 7 PP- SPANISH. np. jA Comercip. Quito, 15 Far 1972, pp 1. 136 JPRS 55632 Apr 72 Judicial System Reorganized by Decree, 5 pp. SPANISH, np, El Comercio, Quito, 24 ~Ar 1972, PP 1. 13- JFRS 55709 Apr 72 Eanetary Boand Seeks to Stabilize Gurroncy, 6 pp. SPANISH, np, U Comercio, Quito, 18 ~~ 1972, pp 1. 15. JkW- 56Z45 June 72 AU Watcors i4ationaUzed . 5 pp. SzAN1511, np, k1 Comercio, (4uito, 19 Ijay 1972, PP 1, 15 - J-PRS 56271 June 72 ---=w--qjwfTs- W a Aws 72 a AMAS" itkTavownt of Us 84 w9meadow in Use In P%Wu to owt Rrmin unis Cara am dli"Ctur of Rxpftfie. Lbl"4 RENW-& 6 nay 2M (txnw MtM"). Wal-, -%W 21L jujaw 1972,, (we 4atials)- Ad 009 "0t "" a ]DO I" PAMIgh T"=Matals "oft PIVS GMW cqnr. To ID.: A Avirmt 1972. - . -- -X'-- Eaundorts Oil Policy, by Gustavo Alfonso Jurrin Ampudias SPANISH, np, El Comrcio, Quito, pp lo 3p MS 573B4 777~~~~ 'Discusses -- - - --- 5 PP* 4 Oct 1972, 140V 72 -Coiw~csmicmai -station Inst alled in Record Tim, 4 .8rwique Bolona Astudillop 5 PP- SPAUISH, np, El Comrcio# Quito* 19 Oct 1972, pp 1, 13. j M 57480 Nov 72 observance of Laws by Oil Companies Discussed, 5 pp. SPANISH, np, El Comeroio, Quito, 30 Nov 72, pp 1, 17. jpns 57835 Jan 73 at an Cab= Foav4p Troft vlth tJw SocialSAft OcKmtrieoj, by Ounther mi3bljmwp lo ppo OPAKM,p pw.# Cown-clo Zxtarlor No 1-20 Vol IV, jon4im-Ow, VP. TTRX im A" U-Oubs so= Aug 65 9)5,7W rrICO TI8CMlDg fbr Cubm EmWort CONMDd- ltl*sj, by Pedro Ittos, 19 pp. OPOMP P4tr* 0000=10 Exterlar No 1-211 Vbl 4,v JM-Jun-1565,-,~pp, 136 JPIO 3" tA-Cdba moon Aug 65 2S5..733L Caban Foreign Comercep 6 ppe .%PANMO porp q9mmw SAIMU , Jarv. ,ary - Jundi 1965, Ipp EXII-276 aw 33,755 IA -- Gata le-con CAA 65 2BB0590 80000040 FAVW OU MWdoo, 52 pp. Qu9ZHUMM M amy SPANZW# qp, Ar 16W 29650 We 3r332j, 359-3 . JPRS GW 835 LowbXIAND soon Aug 65 2B5,p63L ConwqtAnces of Colonial A,,-ricultum, 9 pp. OML%I, per, Conamio Exterior, voi 15, zio 6, ,Tun 1965.p pp. 44-t=9. a'M 31TI!; Africs Sam Sept 65 239,,4M T7vM be NkXLW and the Centml An&ricgn COMOR mai*ft,, 14 pp. T UM CM SPAWAHO jws C-M~ftvlo EktAt - ixm 1965S pp 0 h504~5. im am a" LA-Me3deo Nom Sept 6.5 9%09" Chile0s Economic Agreownts vith Italy, Frwice, GrMt BritAin and Gernany,, 14 Vp GM SMNISH' per, Cqxw=iO F.Xtm?ior , Aug 1965, PP 56E6%9- jpM awl 945 1A - Chile Econ Nov 6.5 291j.808 . ep:;,rt w, Aal,unt-ba, 7 pp. -;U~; ~TXZI,'Al# per,, zxtorior. Aur. 196.5, pp 571-M3 a jpkS '*.~UCI 95~ !A - ArganLi- a f!"co., 7 . 1-w 65 291,76k MkdCOS 200000do MSP*ftp 23 pp. oom~~ on a= 9 PPO 1 5 _Mlo Zxftrno. 35 ~5 9 B&Pt 1965,P J. 655- W. im am 9" LA-MNZICQ Sam Doe 65 29e.597 P*fbrrA in R=hanV, FiwAl and Social LegisIatlon in Colombia,, 5 pp, GMMMT USX Ms SPAMM6 per, Comrcio Rxwrno. Sept 1965, pp. 655-656? JPIG am Ws U-Colombia 2con fte 65 292.526 Dervelopywt or the Cubon Marltlme geonmW,, tgr Mwwl Now ZguMdffap 3.3. pp. OPANM,p pgxs comelmlo xxt*rsm Vol va so 10 Jim-J&Lr 1966, Ipp- 49-59. JM 35837 LAmCubs 3kon im 66 303,040 BUtlatics on the ECOnMW Or C Uba,, 5 pp. 9WARMI, per# CmercLo lb 3r, Vol vp No Is Jon4kr 2966.. pp. 97-10.j. JPBS 35837 L&-Cuba so= Jun 66 303sOhl Max1colls Forolga Wade in 1965., 6 pp, MVJMP per* comralo D Vol Xn,, No 2j, Fab lWv pp? 62-6.51 MW 35709 ZA-Umdoo swn jun 66 304953 Behavior of Mexico's EcononW ill 1965, 13 PP- SPANWH, per, CRMESIO Exteriort Vol XVI, So 2.. Feb 1966.. pp. 72-76- JPM 35709 IA-Cuba soml jun 66 304954 School of Foreign Trade, U Irp. SPANISH, per,, Comerclo Exterlor No. 2, Apr- Jtme 1966, pp. 51-91. JPRS 36428 LA-Cuba Econ 1bv 66 312,818 MAegmtion of the AutomotIve ID&Wt47- 5W- OPAZMp JW* C r , 1 v lo Rzterlor. Vol 16,p No TP Jtdr 1,9WV pp 494-495. DIA LX 6TT-66 Sol- Lik Sam Feb 67 319~vI47 01% a. m A7ja an 1. a" pawk.0 v wv~ rhommift L%W*p 960 Ve ~.Abmdxaftu .-F ~. 4 . Anvardion Dmostla Trode to be lqx-oveds by Ion Paton# 10 ppe RUJAXWO pw# 2gWrl3j MRJM Ikohavente Jan 1969,, pp 3-9q JPRS 48= 99-Humonla Eocn ROtOdl TrA& COMO FUMOB for 31 D&amber 1966j, 16 pp. maimms rims, Scameda Modem alabs"oto Jm 196go ]pp 49-57- JPRB 48022 Xg-ft=wnla Rom Jbw 69 382#012 1966 Retall T3*do Network hvaulta Given, 13 ppe RUMANWO P*rs i0mr-tul MGM. wahs"sto I~ar 1969, pp 49-5?. JPRS 48349 ISORMAD4- BOM July 69 387,988 Methods for ImprovlM Domestic Trade uatlinedo U pp# IIWJJMAN. Par, agWtlg ModqM, Bucharst, July, ig6g, pp _3-io. J M 49182 &-Fb=n4m so= hov 69 M9866 Soclalist Tra& Devaop=mt Revisow,, tr Bft*n BAMtv 12 pp. mmimme perip no Ehobumsto No 11/12,, Novibso 1969,7-p-P-1146. JPRS 49906 Ex-Rommala so= MAr 70 4021,29io VMS 70 11W AlzIlmomw w slocolas Z& lomse"t S PIP. eftEad ampow-up w4chamst, ,ftly 1970p pp 34-39. J"S S1566 964(maikis Be" Oct 70 AM* 'i Savla-0- U foxiAnwo PON 19". vp 21~34. im ~20- A amamoda son Doe. 70 9: - 094mg. lkwhuvst. oopt VIP V- T=00~ Z-X~ 6'PPV rOMMaAE, per,, Cbmgrb Ims, pp 3-5-39, - , - - A lbdmm, lhahareAs Strt ipas 52o34 xWomas son D" 70 Aan tliiillo~~_ Ohs n 1.1 R2104 Pop* a0 20, out . 0 M pp SU36 by 7 pp. WAMUMMO Ma ow aml Nadu& aww-ako MO. pp im usis Wommou x4m um 7.9 DOMOUC Tftdo Plarakb* IwUastmv Ana2ysed. tW ~6 Obalberme, Ce Himakto, 13 ;Ip. FOUWWP per* 2MIAMI kftLom. tuWareato J4n 1971v pp 9-16. OPM 52880 Apr n 5w TOmmit In omwenr CoopomtIvest Tftde ACUAt&4W. tW 0. F41tfttUw 9 PP. PO"Itwo par* 2MI09A ad=, &WbA"Nt. ion IM, pp 20-M. im W" AP3r 71 . 111 -.1 iI .- . I . - II - . For $Ater QWM&841=4 Mxnagumt of DOM*Uc lVadool, b7 Obsorsbe autu, 8 Ipp. RQWCW*Pers CotilL4 BELtm, Ikuhurest, No 2, Feb 19?1 pp 3-9% jaw ii;i6 vAeA Routionshipm Between Industry, 111"rade Ann)-yzed, by E-ugen Barat, 13 pp. ROMAITIA"i, plor, Comartul Modern,, Buohareat, l'To 8, Altg 71P pi; 1-6. 54723 Jan 172 lab'oi'Forco in-Trade Analyzed, N. xUdInpu'lo Pp. l-',.UWlAN, per, Colqortul Modarli., Apr 1972, pp 32-37. JmS 56814 tT Do Luput Bucharest, i,.Io 4, Aug 72 1967 and 1968 Xnvestirtents in Domestic Trade, by loan Bucaa, 9 ppo RMVWIAN. per, OomeLrtul Socialist* 3 Feb 68, p. I and 10 Feb 68, p. 1. JPRS 44,843 ER(Rumazia) Boonomic Mar ch 68 35S,156 PA04" $0 Aftptb* VAdM ROU ter A~ Dajotr* 15 pp. Rowan* Inp. amadd is lkchnrtst,* 3 Oct 1970., pp 1. 3w am 33M MoMourdA loft: Do* 70 LLC- LB/G-2999 Uncl. STUDY OF SOME VARIABLES INFLUENCING THE LABELLING OF 1311-10DOANTIPYRINE. Suner. A. A.; de Salas. G. N. B.; Mitta, A. E. A. (ComiBton Nacional do Energia Atomica, Buenos Aires (Argentina)). Translated by C. R.-BrIghtmore (Atomic Energy Research Establishra nt. Harwell. Eng.), from report CNEA-258. 8p. isotopes; translations ND-23 NP RC REVISED CARD Unlimited is Automatic Flight Control Systems, by T. Hajduk, SPANISH, per. Comision Nacional de Investigacion es Espaciales, Informe de Contrato No 9, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1969, pp 1-33. APL/JHU-T-2586 Mar 72 Ussolutien of Fuel-Eloment Jackets of Aluminum sad S.A.P. in a Recirculating Dissolver, by CB. Some, 41 pp, ITAIIAN, per, Comitata Nazianal* Energia. & MC. 9233098 ABC UHNL- IL247 Sci - Fuels 4 prw Jul 66 SOS,618 buiW-up Factors: Coefficients of Vie Equation of 39 J. Taylor, by G. ;3uscaglione, 1". iltmnzild. 1-4-111ILM" rpt, CoAtato Auxionale Lneraa Nucleare Roue, Jm- 1965, L"!Lr-Im)i7. 9231663 AEC-ORNLN-Irr-80 Sci - I lath Jan 66 294.288 Fast Fuel aament Testing Remytor (F.E.C.), Preliminary Design Study, Section 1, bV F, AI*Uo. 71 pp. ITAUM, rpt, Lkwiitato Nasigele ME llkaMCdo C.JI'E.N-I;UR"QK MOOMAtion -for nal Reactors. 31 My 966. 7MEOW68 A)X OML-Tf~-1786 sai"U01 Sai Plar 68 349,330, Fast ftol Qmnt Testirig Reactur (F.E.C.), Prallmirary Design SUutr, Section II. ITALIAN. rpt, 22mi-tAto per I f a NagleAkra ARV-66-45, Section 32, Vol It 1966. AEC-MU,Tr-1787-Vol I sci/Hual ja 68 351,224 ~-,- --. -:-!. - .- ~ FILat FuAa Mmment TestiM Reactor (P.E.C.), hvIlminary Dsvi4p Staitro Section n. ITALTAN9 rpts- g-adm&2 SIMMI&Jmw 1%~ bel"Ol ARV-0"3# Section II, Val 29 (FAgurss)q 19660 Pg:LLI?6768-V ABC-QRNL-Tr-lM-Vdl 2 SWNUCI Jul 68 3611,223 Dotarmirv~tion or "cutron S 1, peatrr in a Couplod Grnphito - 1)20 ~,onctor, by F. Cnsali * MAIIJ.11:7, i-pt, Comitato 1966, IU lUsh F-11,706 3c i/Phys 368, 980 Oc t 0, Preparation of Particles of Uranium Carbide by the Sol-Gel Method, by G. Cogliati, R. Lanz, et al. 29 pp. ITALIAN, rl)t, Comitato Nazionale lyr 1'Linergia Nucleare, Oct 1, 1966. AM/ORN Tr-1782-09 Sci/Nucl Apr 69 377,410 Calculrition of Noutron Spoctra in IT lbamal Roactors by Means of Various Codes, by 1'. Orestano, F. Pistella. ITALIS'LIN, rpt, Comitato llazionale per lla!Lerala I'lluclearo, I'lome 1�67, 30 D-. jV.SA TT P-112671 Sol/llucl Sci 3690102 Oct 68 Nondestructive Method for the Determination of the Ratio o/u in Sintered Pellets, by Ce Ferro* ITALIAN$ rpt, Italy. Comitato Nazionale per VEner is. Nuclaere, 1967. NTC-70-12704-18J ge-C / /- 14 S /~ 14 0-/ L)4 - 7-A - // ( , -o - '7 01 ~r I Feb 72 A System of Automtic RoLni2ation of Phobomulti.. p2ior Gain And of Ro3ative Chain ldnw E3wtrccdcs,, by C. Baca. TrALTAN, Tpt, Cop&tato MMIco3f _ _ , , FM 13plEa !MjbM, Frascati, FWport LNF-67/21* 19679 IV- raM TT F-Ilv792 Sci Doe 68 368o78D ............. ......... . .... 40-113t"Trana-010) 5THR TREATIvIrNT OF Till-, JIMA- DIATED FUELS IN SPAIN. jil'i'allultitod by 1-14 Montoloono for Australian Atomic Energy Commission Research Establishment, Lucas Heights, from IsCom. Naz. Energ. Nu I., Notiz.; 14: No. 4, 57-9(Apr 1968)- 2011P- 24Dep. NTIS (U. S. Sales Only). 26chemistry (separation); tranalatio'18 2?07A 2gMN-10 2jNP NSA '4x: P.,C ieactor, by Paolo Aiello, idjta&~o Zaia. 82 I-v. Illyalhi, Liar, cm-6 ~iclz. llwr4. Awl., ij(*AZOP Vol 14,, Ao 8/9p 1968, IA.) 15G-179. .,4~C/ /I!x-7084-69 ..ciAiuclear sci oat 69 394,254 j I (' I 4(AERE-Tran&--1120) SUSE OF NEUTRONS IN RA- DIOGILAPHY. Dhttut, M.; di Palo, L.; Giannint, M.; Frazzoli, F.; Ramortno, At. C.; Sclutl, S. LeTranslatedby W. G. Stripp (Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, Eng.), from LiCom, Naz. Enery- Nucl_N~Qt_ft ; 15: No. 4, 46-53(1969)- 2017P- 24Dep. NTIS (U. S. Sales Only). UK 15p. 2sengineering, physics (nuclear); reactor fuels; translations 21 13, 14, 18J ,MN-38 qNP NSA 0 Control Rod Reactivity Weasurenents with the "Red-Drop" Method, by U. Furinelli, A. Musco, 19 pp. ITALIAN, per, Comitato Naziosiale Emergia Nucleare RT/Fl(68124, Rome, 19(a8 ? E. CTU -R-vL-Tr-2084-69 Sci/,Nuci Apr 69 577,393 't; - ~7 -71-4-1) / - 4(1,A-tr SKINETICS OF A FAST PULSED RFACTOR IN A PERIODIC Oil QUASI-PERIC)DIC 91'ATE. Trombettl,'Y. T(COmittato Nazionale vor IlLnergria Nucleare Huniqu (Italy)). -(L6-sFM--5mos Scientific Lab., N. Mex.), from report 1,IIT/ING-(68)16. 2023p. uDep. NTIS. ,orcactor physics; (ranslations T18K 2ghIN-80 ,P NSA -"Muy ur- Turnary Alloys of Uruniura-Molybdenum- i4iobium imd Urzuiiuri-,~iolybdoixuni-Zircaiiiuw with a low-AlloyiII4 Content. by C. Fizzotti. 52 pp. ITALIM, rpt, Cumitato Nazionala I'LueriJa Nuclearo, I,,T/-IWT(68)S. ME7URN Tr-22.52 SciAlaterials Uov 70 -114 Role of the Haemogran in Assessing Fitness for Radiation Work: A Survey of 1673 Subjects, by U* Strambip 31 pp. ITALIAN, rpt, Comitato Nazionale Energ Nucl RT/PROT (68)12. "98. Ar--C/NP-Tr-1780-68 Sci/B&m Doe 69 1 398,073 14111-FC. 4([,A-ti-. 69-26(Dridt)) bIPLASM.-N IMAGE.S1. allikoigi. Marvvl l--iOiTuriatiuj3 tacluitru. Fruscati (Italy). Laboratorio Uas lonizza r n ited by A. D. Cernicek (Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N. Mex.), from pp 59-74 of report uiiq~16- 152019P- 24Dep. CPSTI. 2JUSIon devices (thermonuclear); physics (plasma); translations 2T19A, 201 ,,AIN-20 P NSA REXISED CARD Thermal Shock Behavior of Uranium Alloys low in Alloying Elements, by C. Fizzotti, A. Masperoni, 26 pp. ITALIAN, rpt, Comitato Nazionale Energia Nucleare, RT/MET (69) 1, 1969. AEC/SC-T-72-2461 Feb 72 Transformation Processes in Some Uranium Alloys Low in Molybdenum and Niobium. by L. Castaldelli, C. Fizzotti, 39 pp. ITALIAN, rpt, Comitato Nazionale Energia Nucleare, RT/MET(69)2, March 1969. AEC/SC-T-72-2457 F(b 72 ~ 11- i., 1 4 (SC-T-722458) ST RANSFOR14ATION PROCESSES IN URANIUM ALLOYS WITH 2 PERCENT CONTENTS OF MOLY13- DENUM AND NIODIUM. sCastaldellf, L.; Fizzotti, C.; Gandini, A. G. t(4~~n itato Nazionaleprj~~npZigLa yuqq~tj~c, Rome (Italy)). 10Translated for Sandia Lau., Albuquerque, N. Mex., from report 1IRT/MET-(70)2- 2036P- 24Dep. NTIS. 2ginotallurgy, roactor matorials; translations 2111F. 181 20MN-25 23P NSA A. Poli Study of Relations Betueen the Chromatographic Behavior of Metal Ions in Extraction Chromatography (HDRU) and the Ionic Parwneters of the Species in Solution. ITALIAN, per, Italy, Comitato Nazlonale per I'EnerAzia ft,Uare,, 1970 WC 72-13331-M PECI AOL- -rrams -qoq Oct 72 A(AP"(7-6-72112) bRE.PORT ON ACTivan..s. YE-AR III 1961) (C mitulu NuMORHIO per PL~'jwrgia Nucloaro, Frascati (Ital;). T~Oittoi to Gas lonizzati). loTranslation of report IILGI-70/22/1- 208OP- "Dep. NTIS. 26fUsion devices (thernionuclear); physics (plasma); translations 2Y 1 8A, 201 ,OSTD-20 913 NSA REVISED CARD ,JW z z 0 0 11-1 146 - -4~7 -,qm .6, 0 Zo C~. .7 'A". F - I q i v ~7 -~, . I , 07, I '. 10 4~O e.7 7 . 6"04-- Z -,- Aetal~~-Adto--r&&L -- -Ojrsphy of Irr&dL&ted Malear nwl, by B. News Lee. 9 pp,. ITALIM, rpt" a/Cnl::S *P-)S. AW-40k,-tr-1867 sci4w* & F uale Oct 70. international Recommendations for-the Design and Construction of Lorge-Ponel Structures, by - FRENCH, per, Inf Bull No 60 1 Colmite Rm2pean du Beton,, Par:L5, Vol--, 1967, 198 )?P* NLL-Ref 5206 (137) Sci-Methods 6 Equip Jul7y-969 38S-373 8tU4V and Pxe"mUm of SWWASM In Tln 0=0# by P. DooWnt and M kd*unj, nmcug* 0 EWWWaStlaml Amoment. am 1. rs,. BOOM Avg 70 Gravimetry: Absoulte Determination of g., by A. Sakuma and J. M. Chartrier, 6 pp, GOVERNMENT USE ONLY FRENCH, Comite International des Poids et Measures, Proces-Verbaux des Seances, 2nd Ser 1 36, 57th Session , pp 46-50, 1968. ACIC-TC-1678 Jun 71 Report bo the Sixth Meeting of the Internationa Gravity Commission, International Association of Geodesy, by unknown, 51 pp, GOVERNMENT USE ONLY ARGENTINA, Comite Nacional de la Union Geodesic y Geofisica Internac15'=a =70, Buenos Aires, ACIC-TC-1698 Jun 71 Row to Judge the Reliability of an Airborne "System", by C. Lievens, 21 pp. FROM, rpt, Comment Porter un Jugament our In FLabLlite d1un "ememblo" Agrogorts, May 1969, 25 pp. AIER&TDAM-23-533-69 ScL-Aero June 70 On a Generalization of the Rademacher Orthogonal Functions, by P. Levy. FRENCH, per, Commentarii Mathematica Helvetica Vol 16, 1944, pp 146-152. NAVY/APL/JHU-T-26!;9 Nov 72 P2-4blems of the AccelerSted Zc==ic NVauslon of the African Nations, by Dr. J. G. Kiano, 6 pp. YE=M, per, Le Comerce du LeMt,, Vol 5, No 56, 15 Apr 65, iV---37T--39- ME 30040 Africa Econ jbw 0 279,8" The lUnJnA Resources of Maghreb, 5 PP- Fla=* parp J0 commerce du hemls. so 56P Vol 50 13 Aw 19b5o IV- TT-7U- JFM 30969 Aft-las, so= JUIL 65 283,PO67 StWqga ROOMW &woftara In 196ka 5 IV - IF I Le lamt It ne.. .20.9"m '3u No 57., 15 J%W IM* PP- U2-03- JPBB 306% Ahr~~~ Now Jm 65 aM4097 2hO 80cmd FIVO-Year DeveloNment P3Au of ftTl&.. 190-1970,. by Gabriel Abm"=W, 25 yp. FiMM# per,, Id OWWroo du-Zovmt. Vbl 51 so 58j, 15 alln 3965, ppo irpa 31W JR-Lebmm xCon Ang 65 284.,1.52 Um TuaLsIon Roonomic Boom at tbe Bosduodm at 196% 7 ". vim P. # Iwo L* 22MM! du low@" 1.5 Jul 2500 " 'a * - an ;6 ArKcm4%m1s" so= Oct 65 290~BT2 Soviet Weialism in lAbanon, by Zrnest Teil- bacp 9 pp- rim C ", per,, Le Couname du ]Awmt, no 63, 15 sm 1965,, W-- 16-19- JPW 33h85 09-labmm sm i= 66 293,757 Algeria Ze Making a Notable Zffart at tadLotriaUsation, 6 pp. r1low, pow,, Le CommOrve du lavant, no 63, 15 Nov 1965.. pp. 17-3�. JFF8 333OR Africa new Jan 66 293s632 Sawlew cdr lotanam PdbUc ftafts Port Can- stnurLlan,, mactri"tri FA&dsP emalso U vp. .MMus Ig-goomm ou 1 5 lbr lws 3-5o am 3M. M94mbaum awn Alpr 66 20pg3k 2be BUts of the Lsb~m TivAe UnIon Mme- M=to by ftwloe TmlUj. U pp. per I du levant 5 Mar le 2mmim 7-00~ IL966'0* 4m - JPBB 3VN4 MI-Imbomm Rom Agpr 66 298#235