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, -i I... .- - Stilto i4nk L*ms iielp Now j~oojjorv, 17 pta, nPo I&L4,1A(Mo, -SAntdAgo, 29 too Jyn, ].IT., 0.1-5. jl~ws Jarl ?2 by, Jacilt!tom Chonabol, pp& np, jf~ N&4W, Santimeo, Chile, 30 Dec 191A. p 24. ims, 5513? Flots 72 Youth Leader Gives His Luis BadiUa, 7 PP. SPAVISH, np, je~jjaciM, 1972. p 5. jpRs 55o6g Impressions od Cuba, by 6anticgo, Uxilo, 1 Jan Feb 72 SPAKM COO I (XLT3T/72 W U Yeb. 1972 SP fte 2dbaseles of the lmbamW., Bm Tom,, OWU RUMp La NeWp p 98 Jan. 19T2. Ad Sm ft"I" ty" a 1b wt vow Ink arigLool plus one. 6oviot i~xpf.;rt Locturas on Labor 6conomics, 7 pp. np, 1,ft 1,.*-f~ciorj, 6antiago, C.Ule, 20 1,ab 1972, p 6. J~R6 55504 Mar 72 Ambassador vaphasizos lidght to Utilimi :Iatural i(osoill-cons by licirnan Santa ~;ruz, 1.1 pp. 6i:AidS~i, np, Santiao, Cl-dle, 21 I'Lleb 1972, p 8. JVILS 556oo Apr 72 ziocialist Discusses Workers' Aole in IPevolution, 7 pp. -Si-Aid6h, np, la Lacion, bantiago, Chile, 1 I.Ar 1972, p 4. J.-r'R.5 55751 Apr 72 Activimt i,rlost Upholds by I~Arcolo Perez Alban, S-PANIS.11, np, IE_.~Ilaci(jn , pp 4. 5. MIS 556go f(adical Church iollcios, 5 PP,, '-;ar 1972, Santiago, 12 1 Apr 72 The Chiloan Copper erogram wid the U.3. L~nbargoes, 8 pp. 5PARLSE, np, 1!!~_ ~i4a(~ion, 6antiago, Chile, 13 har 1972, p 8. JFRS 55780 XRY 72 Note From Foreign ;.Linister Almeyda, Replies Given, 9 pp. SFANljIi. np, La Naclon. Santiago, 17 Mar 1972, pp 1, 11. JFRS 55643 Apr 72 Joint Yronch-Argentine ment, 5 PP- SMISH. np, ka_,Uacion, pp 1. 7. JIRS 55790 1~'oreign !~~olicy Announce- Buenos Aires, 27 Mar 1972, MaY 72 '--ocialist Ikador Cardoso Interviowed in Chile, 5 pp. SPAINISh. np, la Nacion, Santlago, 29 Mar 1972, p 5. JFRS 55815 IAY 72 Chilean ~dnister Talks Ath Costs ldcan Newsmen, 5 pp. SPANISh, np, 1.2~1~acji~on, San Jose, 4 A-or 1972, p 6. JPRj 55973 kay 72 &panded Copper 1ndustry Ihstwes Chilean bicomo, 5 PI) - SkjLdSii, np, IA I~aciopL 5anti.ago, 8 Apr 1972, p 14. Ji~i(s 55690 1.~aY 72 Candidates for Lhiversity Student Federation Board L;Pc~ak, 5 PP. 6z,&UL41, lip, LA-I-%~a_ci0n, 6an lJose. ~) Apr 1972, pp 1. 4. JI-7RS 56 o42 I-la3' 72 Chiloan JUnbassador to I-'eru Talks to Reporter, by i-atric-io Ideketts, 9 pp. SPA1,11SH, np, 1,!j lvac~~n, Santiago, 9 Apr 1972, pp 4-6. JI~IRS 559S9 I-AY 72 ; lannin~,* oi',rico !,,aloaso.; i,'Ir;3t Qklart(-r l')72 .~,,concwdc iloport, U pp. 61-A-15: -, np, I!a_'~acion, 3antiago, 22 Apr 1972, p 15. 1 '; Oz ~s 561461 June j2 Appeal Innii"I by Christimir, for "Sociallow, .5 pp. np, L~ L;antiago, 25 kor 1972, _L _ p 5. ifuS 56102 Jwle 72 State Bank AU "xorcise Greator C;onti-o:L Ovor ~~conoq v, 1.) pp. St'Aid6li, np, 1!!~. ila(~ion, Santiago, 2 LaY 1972, p 2. JI'lls 56169 June 72 CSO: 01326/73 W 15 Jan 73 SP toany for Red C'~irm, Icy D. A. M. Sand ',tose, Le Raciop Ad Hoc sp~c type B Do riot publish Translator's draft plus one copy. (.iovorwront i!.stabli!;Ii(js vArkoting an(! Listribution "aitorpriso, 6 pp. 6.F'Ald6i, nri. la Iacion, santiaco, 8 i-AY 197Z, -o 4. ji;y-~s .561.39 JLUle 72 Constitutional ltefom I-roposed to Vationa-Uzo ITT, 5 pp. SPAN1511, np, !A- lia(4on, Santiago, 13 ~;ay 1972, p 5. jpRs %189 June 72 IFriendobip Institute Formed With Korea, 5 pp. SPAVISY1, np, ka_)4a-cion, Santiago, 19 June 19?2, P 13. j ais 56 7.5 o Aug 72 --`Fresld~At Discloses Details :)f Dialo-uQ With !~Ieron, by Prenident lanusse, 26 pp. 6f,U14iii. np, Lu..Nacion, Jumos Aires, 4 July 19'72, pp 1, 13, 14, 22. Jf'~~ 50"779 Auu 72 Kim 11-song says Revolutio.'l I'lust Fit Col'~ntr,-'Fv'~ Situation, by oseur jjrej.,,,' 6 PID tl)'I"IllqISJ~' "Pe IJ-aci-0-11. Santiag,, Chil., o juj~17 2. 56749 Aug V2 r-7 ---7---7--- :777= --- - - , - - - Allendo Says Youth are Essential to liovolutionary Process, by Salvador Allonde, 19 pp. SPAIU31i, "P, 1:s~,,Usc-A-o-n. Santiago, 14 July 1972, 33p 6. 6. iiz,~w 'r6740 Aug ?Z Coo.aino and Marihuana Traffickers Arrested, 7 PP. GOVERNMENT USE ONLY SPANISH, np, L& Nacion, Buenos Aires., 25 Jul 72, P 4. JPRS/L 1~248 Sep 72' Allendo Roports on Nation's j,:Irogreva, Proupc!ctr,, O,V Provident Allonde, 28 pp. SPAVI$E1, nP, 1p Ra.ciqn, Santiago, 26 Jia3, 1972, pp 14-15. ji-zo s6871 11119 72 Pro4dent lanuame's Sposch to Mlitary Officials. 3b pp. SPA.NISH, npp J&_M~Lcion, 1972, pp 1, 4, 10. JM 56931 Buenos A:LroB, 28 July SePt 72 -I-h-disident Reviews Govarmwnt Phrm Policy, 8 pp* ., Bumica A, SPANISH.: np, jj_paciZ Iros,29 July 1972, pp 1-4. jpRs 5693:L Sept 72 Governors Give Po3Atic&l Roports to Commionion. 10 pp. npe JA Nkcion, Buenos Aires, 2. 3. 4. 5 Aug 1972. im 56982 SePt 72 Text of Alleade Spesoh to Lo Her-mida Residents, 10 pp. SPANISH. np. 1&_&c J_on, Switiago. 9 Aug .1972, p 3. JM 56931 Sept 72 Political Plan Coordimting Co=dttee Foots, 7 pp. SPANISH, np, I& Nacion. Buonos Aires, 12 Aug 1972, pp 1, 16. JJIRS 57058 SaPt 72 ftrtloz Report an Conference DILth Coorc~ting Comdues, 6 pp. SPANlSH.np, JA Nataion, Buenos Aires, 15 Aug 1972, pp 1, 18. im 57058 Sept ?2 President Meets With Leading Ehisinessment 8 pp. SPARSH, np, IA Nacion, Buenos Aires, 11 Sept 1972, pp 1, 14. 16.--- JJIRS 57192 Ocit 72 Socialist by Carlos SPANISH, np, Pp 4-5. JPRS 57384 Leader Says Strugglo W121 Altamirano, 13 PP6 La. Nacio , Santiago, Continue, 19 Sapt 1972, Nov 72 Allande Praises Past Sacrifice.5, Work, of Arimed For6es, Poople, by President Allende, 5 PP- SPAIIISH, np, 1& Nac~on, Switizq;o, 21 Liept 1972, p 4. JFR~ 57228 Oct 72 A210nde Wam, Provocation, 3FAMS11, np, I)p 6-7- j ET~~ 51,64-6 s Professionals A&Anst Fdghtist by Salvador Allentle, 22 pp. o, 21 Oct ___Rn, Santiaj, Dec, 72 AUends Reports to National by Salvadoe Allende,, 7 mn Strike Situation, PP- SPANISH, npq la Nacion, Sant:Utgo, 26 Oct 1972, p 11. JFRS 57480 Nov, 72 JIAlavassi Opens Presidential Ruoo for Opposition ,ILIUance. by Guillemo Iwlavassi, 5 pp. 0-11ANISH, np, La liacion, Smi Jose, -U Oct 1972' pp 1, 6. lIvILS ~S'?Uo 11 Deo 72 Interior YAnistry Releases Document WIth Foli- Ueal Parties' Views, 1? pp. "PANISH. np, I&ILac on, Buenos jUres, 11 Nov IW2' P.P 1, 1~' 20. JERS 57721 Dec ?2 Re port cm BuIbin Electoral Victory, 6 I SRJOUSIi, np, I~L_ILz~c enov Aires, Aqp, Bu pp 1. 20. Jr-ItS 574U0 pp. 28 I~Ov 1972, Dec 72 t, -.' , - . 1! - 1973 BiWgat Approved After Long Debate, 5 PP-- SPANISH, np, JA 14sciOn, San Jose, 28 Nov 1972, p 18. jilts 57842 Jon 73 National Lbaification Party Opens 1974 Presi- dential. Campaign, 8 PP. SPANlSH, np, IA Nal~j ~on, San Jose, 15 Jan 1973, pp 2, 4. MIS 58169 Feb 73 Diversification of Ekports 'Said to be Key to Econoide Development, by Ricardo Balbin, 7 PP. SPANISH, np, IA_jA~ion. Buenos Aires, 19 Jan 1973, p 6. JPHS 58190 Feb 73 Upposition Lenders Meet to laan Unity, 6 pp. SPANISH, np, I ~lllaci~,o 1) JPI-IS 58257 q, "an Jose, 25 Jan 19?3, P 4. I pi's ~- ~, -~ ( , -7 Feb 73 Secretary General Discusses Role of OAS, 5 PP- SPANISH, np, IL Nacion. San Jose, 5 Feb 1973, pp 1, S. JaUs 58348 Riar 73 Now laatform of Popular Unity Rarty Announced, 32 Pp. SPANISH, np, I& _Nac:~-On. Santiago, 6 Feb 1973, PP 5-8. JFRS 58308 Feb 73 Allende Frec;ents I-latform of k,easuri~s for Countering Upposition, by Salvador Allende, 19 pp. S?AIJISH, np, 1~~ILacion, Snatiago, 7 Feb 1973, pp 20-21. -1h6 584-63 I~iar 73 International Agents COOPOrate With Police in Himting Traffickers, 12 P'p- SPANISH, np, La Nacion, Buenos Aires, 11 Feb 73, See 2, p 5. JPRS 58454 Apr 73 6aw York Attornoy Seeks Lo al Actl on Af, 9 ainst Robert Vosco, by 6. ~., 6 pp. GOVIMMENT USE 014LY SPANISH, np, &~ Vacion, San Jose, I Lar 1973, p 4. JklisP 114ra ,~pr 73 il~rosident agueres' Statements at Press Confer- Once, 5 PP. ~RA14131i, np, AA Naclon, San Jose, Z !-jar 1973, p 2. JFR5 58555 Apr 73 Reaction to Robert Vescols Press Conference, 5 pp. GOVERNU-1,T US.L UNLY SP,UlSh, np, IA I~acion, San Jose, 8 1--ar 1973, p 2. Jf-RS/L 4451 Apr 73 'The Chronicle' on Self Immolation of Roman Kalanta, by Vladimir flawryluk, .5 PP. ~EENCH. np, Le Mondo, karis, 8 Feb 1973, p 2. JINS 58325 k~a r 73 Allende Cites Importance of rishing Industrv in T'ectin~,- rood llee(15, hv SF,,I.vidor Allendo, 1-9 T-) -i . np, La Nacion, Santia-c), S Feb 1973, ,p 12. JPPS 58403 tear 73 My, La Macion, Santiago, 15 Feb 1973, p M I'lar 7.3 ",(, x t o f- Tip, !; i ( It-n f- A I I (- rt c I (~ I :; , (,I I . I , \i, I I I , , 11 - I I' , !-t :',,I I V,A,!(,i- A I I ~-n, I i. I I 'I !,I) . SIP M!l S I? , n.!-~ , LJI , ]a c i on , S a n t i a c~ o , 1. a Fe 1) 1 q 7 3 . T, T, I , 14 . , T P7 S 5 9 11 -~ .1 Mar 7 3 Echandi Jimenez Attacks Ferrer's National i,i],oral-ion I)v F(-11-indi C pp. Si'ANISH, np, La Nacion, San Jose, 23 Jan 1973 plD 2 , 2 6 . JARS 58403 Mar 73 Use of Enriched Uranim at ido Tercero Studied, 5 pp. SPk~-ISR, np, La. Nac~ion, i3uenos Aires. 20 Feb 1973, pp 1, 10. JFRS 58463 Mar 73 coot 8019/1956 4*- 26 vAr T3 YUU trwalatlen of th(a attaebod -Un-ee lte=. j 6& 12 mareb iq am iosso Le spacm 73. ftm..loh In =A. Itow 2 & 3s Opecial tmp 1B 30 Db wt sumish Timilatoir's dimft plus one eojvr. yan*suam gWpr Wugtry P-rogxess Faportp 3.1 Vps, GOVBHBM um am :Lh MV 1965., pp. 2.. SPANMI ~Wsl la N-W-A-0-0-a-i 40 6 and To iple aW 756 LPL-Vem*mA3.a Flo= jua 65 2nP855 Labor40assoment Cmreroxe Dlocuse" Sugar mxuwtry ZAbor Controat, 8 lip. GOYNHOM Un am IWAUM,v port Im Nocimelo, A MW 1965P SUPPUMMLt Iv 7. 14. JPM ow 756 IA-VenemAU r-cm j~m 65 2ELI.,856 Zial~a Lconoutic Dmelopwnt by JOB* Gorftal, uovhwcom -;,S6 O=t 7 pp, &Mmuap npv a jagiam! 1, 3B Jul 1965, p !'-6. JFW., WO 854 IA - Verwwaela Leon A,,it.,,- 65 2869836 Venezuelan Econcmic Developmat Depends on Wlvina tlic ProblonA Affectix4; Its Eymnic Factors,, 11 pp. GoWfOW2 USE CULY SPANIS1, np, B1 liucional,, Vol XXIII, NO 7375, 3 lu-16 1965j. P. c-l- irms Guo 909 IA-VWiez-aela R= Oct 65 a3 9, CO 2 f1he Seaivlx for Pqul-Ubr:Lum in Vic Vemmwlvzi sconow, 5 pp - CjOZ&RMb2CWr USE CHLY SPAM)MI, up, El pacional VQI X)=I, No 7375, 3 Aug 1965o P- C-2- JP-RS Guo 909 IA-Venezuela scan oet 65 289..683 Various Factors Provent the Espumalou of ilia Vezwzmlma Covistruction L2dustrY, 7 PP, covRMOM USE (IMY SPAKMI, np, El Racional,, Vol XXM, No 7875, 3 Aug 1965, p- c-3- JPBS GM 909 TA-Vemzuela Zem oat 65 239,W), Aunlysia Ipj the Central Bank of Venezuela: A Climte of Confidence and Stability, 't pp. LVMIOMIT USE MILY SPARMI, up. El Naeimal', Vol MaIl, No 7375, 3 Aug 19G5, p. C-12* JPRS GUO 909 WI-Venezuela swn Q-A 65 239,685 Domestic and Intaimational Ftwtors Arrecting U16 Gr*"x RatO of thO VOM"Ilan PetlOlCm IntUmtry, 9 pp,, GOVEFMMT USE ONLY WMMI, np, El Nacional Val X=, No TJ75, 3 Aug 1965, ps D-le JPFS GUO 909 LA-Venetuela Econ 00- t 6 5 289..656 Venexualaa Er-4apyers Union Says Comeme Ig Affbeted by State Lirdtations and IbLrtdatlons.. 3 rp. GOVEHOW2 UEE cm BPMIW., up. El Nacionel" volm=.% NO M5, 3 Aug 1965p p. D-2. MIS WO 909 IA-Venezuela Econ Oct 65 269.r637 --Viii-ezia-lan Industry Ilan Pmwhexl S CritiCa Phmw, 3 pp. GOVENOWn USE OlUX SPANrSa, nps, Zi Naciecal, Vol XXIllj 110 7375v 3 Aug 1965, p. D-6. jpfs GUO 909 ZA-venezuela scan oct 65 2890638 serious maladjustments MmSer V=Ozuelan Industrial Dv"lQpMnt), 3B pp" GOVZRNIdMT USE CKLY IWANME., np, El Nacianal.pVol XX321, No 7W5, 3 Avg 15-065, PP - D-12, D-" I " JPM Ow 909 IA-Venezueia Z= Oct 65 239,639 ....... .... ... ......... Demanft a Hew Deal, 10 pp. GovmmaiT USE alLy SWOMI, np, El lfaciowQp Vol XXIII, NO 7375, 3 Aug 1965, p. E-1. JPRS GUO 909 LA-Venezuola F-CM Oct 65 239,690 Demlopnont of Vem"lan Stwk Raising Is Impeftd by Lack of EncouraGment and Tech- nical Asslatmee, 8 ppe GOVSHMMT IBE CM SPANTAI" ny. El Nsciovia3 va mii, uo 7875, 3 Aug 1965j, Pe E-4* JPHs CUO 909 IA-VenexueU ECM Oct 65 239s691 ~Owe Andes Corporation in -the Vemzu*lan State of Boalm"j, 10 pp - 9WASIW,, up, 91 Racional.. 19 Dec 1965, P- 3- Jr 3 3 ZA-Vonezuels xcon rob 66 295,254 Private Technical and Finuacial Resourcee St:UmA&te ragional Developnent of Darin" State, 6 pp. SPANISH,, np., Rl Nacional,, 19 Dec 1965,, p. 5. JPRS 338T3 TA-VOMOTAWla Bcon Feb 66 295).255 Report on IndustriaLUsation, 11 yp . SPAN=, OV, M laSLO-Mle. 13 rob 1966, p. D-6. JPM 34858 LA-Venezuela Econ Apr 66 298,327 Fedecamexas Document on Um Refoxm, by_.~o~ Gez1b"I 8 pp - ------- -- -_lp spAnm ~, np, El macional, 6 mar 1966, p. S. JPW 352T6 - -/ " j ') , ~Zb 7--,^ ~ LA-Venezuela Econ Nkty 66 300,062 as** t%llooc 99 Aw O-ND vjsnzauaA-vrj qLWE Mir *IRT -d 1996T jW LZ 170-oTm% 4du CBMVJB .w L funguiv Prominent Venezuelann Interviewed on Govern- mant's Petroleum Policy, by Gilberto Alcala, 9 pp- GOVERNHW USE ONLY SPANISH, per, El Nacional, 15 SePt 1966, p. D-i4. JPRS GUO 2207 LA-Venezuela Pol Dec 66 314,037 The RU024" cmvwums a In). ommmm um OHM BMM,p IWP 21 NOOSAMI, 94 sop 3,966, ,p D41. im am 2209 ZA ~ vensulm" fti ibv 66 3X3o669 Tg,,e ZaLtl,* fcrr ttA V-c?jwzuelm Univerowe 1"Ai'got, Lxv .10 "mulanu"; Ll~ pp. CWPIRMICYL- IRA UaLf UIAKIW, np, T--k SmcL2MI, ]j Oet p. ilail'Sti (AIJ LA-kronval-kols P~A roo 66 A40 -- .),X~ Doti.inican Revolutionary Party Declaration of Principles, 5 PP- GOVERNMM USE ONLY SPANISH, np, El Nacional, Vol I, No. 60, .9 110v 1966, P - 3 ipas Guo 2242 IA-D=inican Republic Pol Dec 66 31-5,725 bo!dllic~,ul Golleral D01116 with ill :,poccli at iittunos Aires CUVLKN7A~-'NT WE O~LY SP.AA1j'6, icp, J.:1 National. and S. JJIKS oLik) 2274 LA-UUI~Allicali i'.C~,Uijlic Po 1 Political Issoc. Cull fe rile cv, 11 ov. 10 iw-,c 11-166, py 4 ~ -.1-r W7 -.I.% Leaders of 14 June Povement Defect to MPD, by Rafaol Tavorns, 9 pp. SPANISH. np, U NuoiongLl, 3 Elec 1966, pp. 6-7. JFRS 39437 LA/Dambiican Republic Soo Mar 67 3191,320 Vanemuelan Communist Leaders Meet Ath Newapaper- mon, bar German Carias S., .5 PP.GOWRIVENT USE ONLY SPANISH, np, El NACIOML 27 Apr 1967, pp. D612. JM (IUD ZNY LA-Venecuala Pk)l Jun 67 328.339 Open Letter F'm-n the Dominioark Comminist PartY lb the Dminican Revolutionsx~y Partiyo 10 pp., GOVERNI~~'NT USE ONLY. SPAMS11, np, El Nactonal, 2.1 Fay 1967. pp. 18A and 19A. JPRS GUD 2423 LA-Doidmloan RepubUc pol Jul 67 328.659 chlor 904M 2XI thO DOtdUl=m Popub, UO and the Pxobmb&Uty or ubeir cantaluLmig fttMIOUI% tW FaUpw Ouavvi.. 14 pp.~ SPAXM3# qpj, M ftdMj 30 &).y 1967,p pp. "- JFIG 42U7 PopubIle NO= oapt 67 339tU9 boach0a Critical StatemenU a vAtter of Record, Juan 5 pp, SPANISHO per, a IASUMI. 28 Aug 1967, pp. 12- 13. JM GV-Q 2553 LAP-Vom Rep POI wt 67 340.647 Exile lield in prison, SPANISH, np, El Nacional, 8 Scpt 1967, pp 1,8. JPRS CSO: 16523 Oct u7 IZC(ILIC.St )ZClCISC Of 11;dti.111. BPANISII, Nil, 1:1 Nacional, 10 IctjkIxptSItKR Sept 1967. JPRS Cso: 105213 Oct 67 Annotuicement of Pliul Considered a Threat. SPANISH, iij), 1.1 Nacional, 10 Spet 1967. JPRS CSO: 165')3 Oct 67 Dominican Commmist Party Calls for Greater Solidarity woth the People of Haiti and the Release of Dmicil Sansaricq ad other Haitian Exiles, SPANISH, np, El Nacional,XKRX&gm 10 Sept 1967, pp 2. MIRS CSO: 16523 Oct 67 Investigatioll of tilt-, (:.Ise (if tjIC. llliti";Il% Colitilluolls. SPANISH, np, El Nacional, 11 Sept 1967, JPRS CSO :16523 Oct 67 C 1 7 9 Ott 67 Anti-Soulti0a Cantinw*S to AN-0 A P--IitiC&l 1"Strummat -in "Umpes, by .46:1 QbROM3 al Car*cas , 24 Svp 61 so" I bpecial ty-pe tit trMwistarlos Wro draft plas 010 go-eye Vol Pleas* N"Ujnb source, Timuslation should be pp Rl6tOry sad Lesuls" Or I)MOctratle Act.1cm, 5 ppo USK ONLY SPARMN, AV, IM NACUM-ap JPJG GUO MY 13 Ott .1967j. p I-D. U-Tommou Pol Jan 68 346o417 The OPPOsItAca F*oat Seaman ror a C&Wldate,, by F&W MORtIUA, 12 pp. aolm~~ VMS OMY 91PAWSk app KI NaclaMl,, 9 Get 196T* p D-1. JFAB 090 2tQ9 LA-Vounu*U PQI Jan 68 346ot#16 Copei's Leader Speaks Out* bry Pedro Eloy Labrador, 6 pp. SPVUSH, per, Rl Nacionall Caracas, 26 Feb 68, pp. D-1. JPRS 44,811 LA(venezuela) Political March 68 355,082 Comemmists Criticize Andmn roposal, 16 131:,. S; Ald J,;i, np, 11 cionzil. 15 July !~K58. D 1"l-9. p J "Ir, 46481 -Unte Y.-Aric i -ic an ct 6t:, 36'j.294 SPANISH Cso: 0672/71 w 29 Sep 70 Sr V, Dip. relations with RU08iii; Infiltration and Chaos, Caracas, El Nacional, 23 Aug 68, pp 10-11. Special type "B" translators draft plus one translate all titles, text., and material under each photograph SPANISH CSO: 0670 71 W 29 Sep 70 sr Russian economic relations with the free world,; the shortest road for the business of espionage, Caracas, El Nacional, 23 Aug 68, p 12 Special type "B" translators draft plus one