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DDIS REGISTRY Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-00780R005200290?2g-% DD/S 73-0195 JMN 19731 MEMORANDUM FOR: Executive Director -Comptroller THROUGH : Director, Programming, Planning and Budgeting SUBJECT : Management Problems, Successes and Experiences suggest this be answered in general terms only. Problems are generally those of others youth, communications, personnel and dollar constraints. We have no brilliant solutions. There are problems unique to this Agency, of course. But we also have some unusual authorities with which we can solve some of them. Robert S. Wattles Assistant Deputy Director for Support ADD/S:RSW:Ilc (16 January 1973) Distribution: 0 - ExDir via D/PPB w/att (DD/S 73-0159)w/0 ExDir blue note dtd 13 Jan 73 1 - D/PPB w/xcy att (DD/S 73 -0159) 1 - ER w/xcy DD/S 73-0159 1 - DD/S Chrono w/;(cy DD/S 73-0159 '- DD/S Subject w/xcy DD/S 73-0159 w/xcy ExDir blue note of 13 Jan 73 1 - RSW Chrono w/o att DD/S 73-0159: Dept of Treasury memo dtd 4 Jan 73 to Members of the Executive Officers Group fr Warren F. Brecht, Actg Chairman, subj: Facilitating the Exchange of Experience Among Executive Officers Group Members Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-0078OR005200200021-2 S'-NOEP %V11 2 ? f+rc r &ssIF 1,J) u col~iF'~i3F:f+i7l.'sI. OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESST DATE INITIALS i DD/S t9 ~ JAN, j973 ~DHIY ts; fibber 2 D/PPB 3 4 5 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH COMMENT FILE CONCURRENCE INFORMATION PREPARE REPLY RECOMMENDATION RETUfi*i SIGNATURE SUSPENSE: 2 February FOLD HERE TO RETURN FROM: NAME, AOCORESS AND PHONE NO. O/ExDir Ui-4CLASS3F:tED 13 Jan 73`; r'it +'A ;10, 237 Use previous editions 1-67 / f DD/S Distribution: Orig RS - D/PPB w/O blue buckMip & Att (DD/S 73-0159) ~'- DD/S Subj w/cy of blue bucksliprcy of Att DD/S 73-0159: Dept of Treasury memo dtd 4 Jan 73 to Members of the Executive Officers Group fr Warren F. Brecht, Acting Chairman, subj: Facilitating the Exchange of Experience Among Executive Officers Group Members Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-00780R005200200021-2 STAT 13 JAN id/J (DATE) FORM NO. 10i REPLACES FORM 10 101 I AUG 54 WHICH MAY BE USED. Mr. Colby: This letter from the Acting Chairman of the Executive Officers Group requests your response to six questions by 12 February, the purpose being that each member may have the benefit of the experience of the others. The results of the survey will have a bearing on the agenda for the annual conference in Charlottesville in April. Barbara 10 January 73 rlMC R A N D U Mi *A loved B asee2003/04/29 : CIA-RD Approved For Release 2003/04/29: CIA-RDP84-00780R005200200021-2 Approve _F?ERA ~1~ 91 Tip F-/ ~ f. C R[[~P -0 f RF',~ 2 l 1000 WASHINGTON. D.C 20220 4, 197-JI ~ I '_ _: TO: ? `Orb e:i' " of he FROM: Warren F. Brecht, Acting Chairman //_~ %J SUBJECT: Facilitating the Exchange of E~coer; ence Among E_xecutive Officers Group embers The Steering Committee of the Executive Officers Group, at a recent meeting, discussed the opportunities we have to play e greater role in facilitating the exchange of experience among our members. One potentially important -ay is through EOG members and their staffs providing direct assistance and advice to other ECG members on specific administrative management problems. I believe the availability of such assistance can be particularly helpful to those of us who are relative new,,-comers. to the Federal Goverment or at least are relatively new in our present positions. Such in~.-erchar;Ee? of inf'o'_m3 ,.-15on an'll ideas, of course, has been possible on an informal basis in the past and has been an is o, taint feature of the Annual Spring; Conference. What we hone to do now is to establish a more systematic rnecans of bringing the parties togethe~?. To this end tre ask that you take thetii~e to respond to the following questions: 1. What management problems are you ha 'v-ing difficulty coping with, or thi_ } pc--z' .' p s c'.11 resol'. '_ in a is Le way sI an at present? (You should particularly spell cat those problems you believe some of your fellow EO members may also have.) 2. What particular man_a;ementsuccesses do you wish to,j to others? 3. What management e._eriences might you have do- - differe_.Ztly? Are you willing to ,hare the "lessors learned 4? s? 1 . What major rr__ n :.gE moat problems o_~ sohati oils do you be!- are `ruflic1.?.e" to egen,'y: (It :LS Si -v is ^.' h' Of e situations we may consider unique are really com..rron to a_1other agency. ) ; r. ~~ p:coblc"'. - e or conestr-vjnLc '.T ~l c s. j` O __er `en e ? Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-0078OR005200200021-2 Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-0078OR005200200021-2 6. Uhat are your '1 es L i on s for 1.T' provlnt* -011-F Y bct : Cal I..:it_,:C rs % _'.c ,cs to ". uhat g - t7 .c~s tioi will be Ilelpf l to ti_e Steerir u:~ ^ittee. ) Your responses to these questions need not be long; they may be answered with a topical outline only. Based. on our compilation of your responses, we will then attempt to bring together those members seeking help and those members who may be able to offer help on specific problem areas. In other words, we will serve as a broker or clearinghouse. Hopefully this project will produce other benefits as well. For example, the re sults off this survey should be usefal-in pr par n for the discussions at ous__..Anlnval Sprirgonference at Charlottesville in April. So that IT-- can move ahead on this project, I would appreciate your responding by February 12. The potential value of this exercise will depend to a large e:_tent, on the care and quality of your response Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-0078OR005200200021-2 r r - w ~ 950Z200021-2 Approved For Release 2003/04/29: CIA-RDP84.007'86R ,76 em-ce e VO V- ase 29PP'y29 : 078% ~Pm Approve. Rele 003/9 I 007,8 tQDA-21-2 STAT Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-0078OR005200200021-2