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74 -3i~ Approved For Release 2003/02/27 : CIA-RDP84-00780R006100080007-2 a ~ '&S Registry File 2*4 AUG 1974 MEMORANDUM FOR: Agency Records Management Officers SUBJECT : Micrographics Bulletin - No. 2 Federal Microfilm Standards STAT 1. I I states that Agency components utilizing micrographics will adhere to the Federal Standards for the use of microfilm in the preservation of archival and vital records. 2. The attached FPMR Amendment B-21 sets forth those standards. 3. The following subparts are condensed to make them easier to understand: 101-11.503-1 The RRMO shall request the item(s) in his RCS be revised to provide for the destruction of hard copies of his permanent records after they have been microfilmed. 101-11.503-2 a. The silver original camera negative, plus.a positive copy will be sent at once to the Agency Archives personnel. b. Microfilm will be sufficiently indexed for quick location and retrieval by Agency Archives personnel. c. Each reel or identifiable batch will be forwarded by transmittal memorandum containing this state- ment: "The microfilm listed below was produced in the normal course of Agency operations and care has been taken to insure that it is a complete and accurate copy of the original records." The transmittal will be signed by an Agency official. Approved For Release 2003/02/27 : CIA-RDP84-00780R006100080007-2 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 : CIA-RDP84-0078OR006100080007-2 101-11.505 The silver original camera negative shall never be used for reference purposes. A dim, vesicular, or silver positive copy will be used for reference. 101-11.507 a. Temporary records which are to be retained for ten or more years will be handled similarly to permanent records and should be sent at once to Vital Records (not Agency Archives) for safe- keeping. b. There are no Federal Standards for records retained less than ten years. 4. The above condensation should provide sufficient guide- lines for most purposes. If not, the attached PPM R covers in detail the standards to be followed in microfibafng records. Acting Chief Lnformation Systems Analysis Staff Attachment: a/s APPROVED STAT on . ae J Deputy Director for Adninistration DDA/ISAS/T1PB:LLN:jlb (19 Aug 74) Distribution: Orig - 1` PB 1 - each Agency IRO cJ74 1 - ISAS 2 - DDAChiono Approved For Release 2003/02/27 CIA-RDP84-00780R006100080007-2 STAT Approved For Release 2003/02/27 : CIA-R 84-00780R006100080007-2 GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION WASHINGTON, DC 20405 February 3, 1972 FEDERAL PROPERTY MANAGE iIT REGULATIONS AMENDMENT B-21 TO: Heads of Federal Agencies SUBJECT: Revision of Subchapter B- Archives and Records 1. Purpose. This amendment transmits revised pages to Subchapter B - Archives'-` and Records. 2. Effective date. This amendment is effective upon publication in the Federal egister. 3. Background. Heads of Federal agencies were notified by General Services Admii Circular. No. 326, of January 21, 1964, of the discovery of blemishes on processed negative microfilm. Authority to dispose of microfilmed permanent records granted by Title 3, Federal Records, Regulations of the General Services Administration, was withdrawn for new projects by FPTMIR amendment B-l, December 22, 1964. GSA Bulletin FPMR No. B-2, July 9, 1965, called attention to National Bureau of Standards (NBS) technical reports and suggested actions agencies could take pending final reports by NBS and the drafting of new regulations. NBS has completed its investigation and has recom- mended certain changes in processing and storing microfilm. 4. Explanation of changes. These regulations reestablish agency authority to dispose of permanent records if they have been microfilmed. Procedures to be followed when r_ec?uestin_g authority to dispose of microfilmed permanent records.are shown in 3 101-11.503. Standards for microfilming permanent records are prescribed in ? 101-11.504. Criteria for using microfilm copies of permanent records are given in 101-11.505. Standards for storing microfilm copies of permanent records are shown in ? 101-11.506. Standards for microfilming nonperma- nent records are prescribed in ? 101-11.507. Microfilm services available from the various instal ations of the National Archives and Records Service are explained in 9 101-11.508. Information formerly in Subpart 101-11.5 is included in the new ? 101-11.508. ROD KREGE Acting Administrator of General Services ,p ppro Eor4 Reaeasgb2elQ3JQX2,7sT 47PaR0o63$OSOBoiW7-2 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 : CIA-RDP84-0078OR006100080007-2 FILING INSTRUCTIONS AND NOTES Remove Pages Insert Pages i-ii Contents of Subchapter B i-ii Contents of Subchapter B 1129 1129-1130.3 (a) On each page appears the number and date (month and year) of the FPMR Amendment which transmitted it.. (b) Retention of FPMR Amendments and removed pages will provide a history of FPMR issuances and facilitate determining which regulations were in effect at particular times. (c) Arrows printed in the margin of a page indicate material changed, deleted, or added by the FPMR Amendment cited at the bottom of that page. Where insertion of new material results in shifting of unchanged material on following pages, no arrows will appear on such pages but the FPMR Amend- ment transmitting such new pages will be cited at the bottom of each page, or - Line on which change begins. or Line on which change ends. -; - or ---- - Line on which change both begins and ends. or -~--- - Opposite a blank space, indicates deletion of a divi- sion of material (section, subsection, or paragraph). (d) In the numbering system, all FPDJR material is preceded by digit 101-. This simply means that it is Chapter 101 in Title 41 of the Code of Federal Regulations. It has no other significance. The digit(s) before the decimal point indicates the part; the digits after the decimal point indi- cate, without separation, the. subpart and section, respectively, the latter always in two digits; and the digit(s) after the dash indicates the subsection. For example: 101 - 3. 603 - 2 2 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 : CIA-RDP84-0078OR006100080007-2 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 : CIA-RDP84-0078OR006100080007-2 CONTENTS OF SUBCHAPTER B - ARCHIVES AND RECORDS PART 101-8-NATIONAL HISTORI- CAL PUBLICATIONS COMMISSION [RESERVED] PART 101-9 [RESERVED] PART 101-10 [RESERVED] PART 101-11-RECORDS MANAGEMENT Sec. 101-11.000 Scope of part. Subpart 101-11.1-Federal Records; General 101-11.101 General provisions. 101-11.101-1 Authority. 101-11.101-2 Applicability. 101-11.101-3. Records defined. 101-11.101-4 Reports to the President and the Congress. 101-11.102 Agency records management programs. 101-11.102-1 Authority. 101-11.102-2 Program content. 101-11.102-3 Creation of records. 101-11.102-4 Organization, maintenance, and use of records. 101-11.102-5 Disposition of records. 101-11.102-6 Liaison offices. 101-11.102-7 Annual summary - of records holdings. ..103 ^. E,_ cy program evaluation. 101-11-103-1 Authority. 101-11.103-2 Evaluation by National Ar- chives and Records Service. 101-11.103-3 Agency internal evaluation. Subpart 101-11.2-Creation of Records 101-11.200 Scope or subpart. 101-11.201 General provisions. 101-11.201-1 Agency action. 101-11.202 Adequate and proper docu- mentation.. 101-11.202-1 Statutory responsibilities. 101-11.202-2 Documentation standards. 101-11.203 Creating records essential for current business. 101-11.203-1 Statutory responsibilities, 101-11.203-2 General requirements. 101-11.204 1Reserved 1 101-11.205 1Reserved 1 101-11.206 Correspondence-agency pro- gram responsibilities. 101-11.206-1 Correspondence management function. 101-11.206-2 Correspondence defined. 101-11.206-3 Program requirements. 101-11.206-4 Program implementation. 101-11.207 Reports-agency program re- sponsibilities. 101-11.207-1 Reports management function. 101-11.207-2 Reports defined. 101-11.207-3 Program requirements. 101-11.207-4 Program implementation. Sec. 101-11.208 Forms-agency program re- sponsibilities. 101-11.208-1 Forms management function. 101-11.208-2 Forms defined. 101-11.208-3 Program requirements. 101-11.208-4 Program implementation. 101-11.209 Directives-agency program responsibilities. 101-11.209-1 Directives management func- tion. 101-11.209-2 Directives defined. 101-11.209-3 Program requirements. 101-11.209-4 Program implementation. 101-11.210 Automatic data processing rec- ords; agency program re- sponsibilities. 101-11.210-1 ADP r e c o r d s management function. 101-11.210-2 ADP records management de- fined. 101-11.210-3 Program requirements. 101-11.210-4 Program implementation. Subpart 101-11.3-Organization, Maintenance, and Use of Current Records 101-11.301 General provisions. 101-11.301-1 Authority. 101-11.301-2 Agency action. 101-11.302 I Reserved 1 101-11.303 1 Reserved 1 101-11.304 Mail-agency program respon- sibilities. 101-11.304-1 Mail management function. 101-11.304-2 Mail defined. 101-11.304-3 Program requirements. 101-11.304-4 Program implementation. 101-11.305 Files-agency program respon- oibilitles. 101-11.305-1 Files management function. 101-11.305-2 Files defined. 101-11.305-3 Program requirements. 101-11.305-4 Program implementation. 101-11.306 Records equipment and sup- plies-agency program re- sponsibilities. 101-11.306-1 Managing rccurcis equipment and supplies. 101-11.306-2 Records equipment and sup- plies defined. 101-11.306-3 Program requirements. 101-11.306-4 Program implementation. Subpart 101-11.4-Disposition of Federal Records 101-11.401 Records control schedules. 101-11.401-1 Records scheduling programs. 101-11.401-2 Basic elements in records scheduling programs. 101-11.401-3 Formulation of records control schedules. 101-11.401-4 Provisions of records control schedules. 101-11.401-5 Application of records control schedules. 101-11.402 [Reserved 1 101-11.403 Standards for the selective re- tention of records. 101-11.403-i Authority. 101-11.403-2 Records retention and disposal standards. 101-11.403-3 Permanently valuable records retention program. F E D E R A L PROPERTY MANAGEMENT R E G U L A T I O N S (AMENDMENT B-21, FEBRUARY 1972) Approved For Release 2003/02/27 : CIA-RDP84-0078OR006100080007-2 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 : CIA-RDP84-00780R006100080007-2 CONTENTS OF SUBCHAPTER B - ARCHIVES AND RECORDS Sec. 101-11.403-4. Application of records reten- tion plans. 101-11.404 General retention and dis- posal schedules. 101-11.404-1 Authority. 101-11.404-2 Approved general- records schedules. 101-11.405 [Reserved[ 101-11.406 Agency disposal authority. 101-11.406-1 Authority. 101-11.406-2 Submission of disposal re- quests. 101-11.406-3 Certification. 1.01-11.406-4 General Accounting Office clearance. 101-11.406-5 Approval of requests for dis- posal authority. 101-11.406-6 Mutilation and destruction of records. . 101-11.406-7 Extension of retention periods. 101-11.406-8 Withdrawal of disposal au- thority. 101-11.406-9 Supersession of disposal au- thority. 101-11.407 Emergency authorization for the disposal of records. 101-11.407-1 General provisions. 101-11.407-2 Menaces to -human health or life or to property. 101-11.407-3 State of war or threatened war. 101-11.408 Methods of disposal. 101-11.408-1 Authority. 101-11.408-2 Sale or salvage. 101-11.408-3 Donation for preservation and use. 101-11.408-4 Destruction. 101-11.409 Transfer of records from the custody of vne eAecutivc agency to another. 101-11.409-1 Authority. 101-11.409-2 Approval. 101-11.409-3 Agency request. 101-11.409-4 Agency concurrences. 101-11.409-5 Records of terminated agen- cies. 101-1i.e09-U Equipment. 101-11.409-7 Costs of transfers. 101-11.409-8 Restrictions on use of records. 101-11.409-9 Exceptions. 101-11.410 Transfer of records to Federal records centers. 101-11.410-1 Authority. 101-11.410-2 Procedures for transfers to Federal records centers. 101-11.410-3 Procedures for transfers to the National Personnel Records Center, St. Louis, Mo. 101-11-410-4 Vital records. 101-11.410-5 Surveys of records available for transfer. 101-11.410-6 Release of equipment. 101-11.410-7 Serving transferred records. 101-11.410-8 Disposal clearances. Sec. 101-11.411 Transfer of records to the National Archives. 101-11.411-1 Authority. 101-11.411-2 Transfers via Federal records centers. 101-11.411-3 Direct transfers. 101-11.411-4 Release of equipment. 101-11.411-5 Use of records transferred to the National Archives. 101-11.411-6 Disposal clearances. 101-11.411-7 Transfer of audiovisual rec- ords. 101-11.411-8 T r a n s f e r of cartographic records. 101-11.412 Agency records centers; estab- lishment. 101-11.412-1 Authority. 101-11.412-2 Existing records centers. - 101-11.412-3 Requests for authority to es- tablish or relocate records centers. 101-11.412-4 Annual agency records center report. Subpart 101-11.5-Microfilming 101-11.500 Scope of subpart. 101-11.501 Authority. 101-11.502 Definitions. 101-11.503 Disposal of records. 101-11.503-1 Request for authority. 101-11.503-2 Deposit of copies. 101-11.503-3 Deteriorating microfilm. 101-11.504 Standards for microfilming permanent records. 101-11.504-1 Preparing and microfilming permanent records. 101-11.504-2 Microfilm stock. ioi-11.5u4-3 Processing niirr. 101-11.505 Criteria for using microfilm copies of permanent rec- ords. 101-11.506 Standards for storing micro- film copies of permanent records. 101-11.506-1 Reels and cores. i0l-11.SUti-2 Storage coutainers. 101-11.506-3 Storage rooms. 101-11.506-4 Environmental conditions. 101-11.506-5 Control of air conditioning. 101-11.506-6 Protection against air-en- trained impurities. 101-11.506-7 Gaseous impurities. 101-11.506-8 Microfilm inspection. 101-11.507 Standards for microfilming nonpermanent records. 101-11.508 Centralized microfilm services. 101-11.508-1 Procedures for arranging for reimbursable services. 101-11.508-2 Fees for microfilming services. Subpart 101-11.6-Records Equipment and Supplies 101-11.601 (Reserved[ Approved For Release 2003/02/27 : CIA-RDP84-0078OR006100080007-2 Approved FgbgV$ff~ 21J3/9?/27 : CLk & 0 "06100080007-2 Subpart 101-11.5-Microfilming ? 101-11.500 Scope of subpart. This subpart provides the (a) proce- dures for requesting authority to dispose of microfilmed records, (b) standards to be used by Federal agencies for micro- filming records, (c) criteria for using microfilm copies of permanent records, (d) standards for storing microfilm copies of permanent records, and (e) in- formation concerning microfilm services available from the National Archives and Records Service (NARS). ? 101-11.501 Authority. As provided in 44 U.S.C. chapters 29 and 33, the Administrator of General Services is authorized to (a) establish standards for the photographic and microphotographic reproduction of per- manent records by agencies of the Fed- eral Government with a view to disposal of the original records; (b) establish uni- form standards within Government agencies for the storage and use of proc- essed microfilm copies of permanent records that have been authorized for disposal; (c) develop and promote stand- ards to improve the management of rec- ords; and (d) establish, maintain, and operate centralized microfilming services for Federal agencies. ? 101-11.502 Definitions. For the purpose of this Subpart 101-11.5, the foiluwing definitions shall apply : (a) Permanent record. Any record (see 44 U.S.C. 3301) that has been de- termined by the Archivist of the United States to have sufficient historical-or other value to urorrant its enntinnerl preservation by the Government. Such determinations take the form of ap- proved agency records retention plans or an approved offer to transfer records to the National Archives. A determination is not made merely by NARS approval of a comprehensive records disposal schedule that also lists records that are identified as "permanent" or "retain" by the agency but are not clearly cer- tified as permanent by NARS. (b) Original microfilm. Original mi- crofilm is camera microfilm whether produced by customary or Computer Output Microfilm (COM) methods and t regardless of emulsion or base. I (c) Silver original microfilm. Silver icrofilm a i i fil s camer m cro m original m meeting the requirements of Federal Standard No. 125a; Film Photographic and Film, Photographic, Processed (for permanent record use). (d) Silver duplicate negative. A silver duplicate negative is a second generation negative microfilm meeting the require- ments of Federal Standard No. 125a whether produced from an original nega- tive or from an original positive. (e) Silver master positive. A silver master positive is a second generation positive microfilm meeting the require- ments of Federal Standard No. 125a produced from either an original nega- tive or from an original positive. ? 101-11.503 Disposal of records. ? 101-11.503-1 Request for authority. (a) Federal agencies proposing to preserve permanent records on micro- film and dispose of the original records shall request authority on Standard Form 115, Request for Authority to Dis- pose of Records, in accordance with Sub- part 101-11.4. (1) Agencies whose proposed micro- filming procedures meet the standards in ? 101-11.504 shall include on the SF 115 the following certification: This certifies that the records rtee rihed on this form shall be microfilmed in accord- ance with the standards set forth in 41 CFR 101-11.504 and that the (select appro- priate words: Silver original microfilm, silver duplicate negative microfilm, or silver master positive microfilm) plus one positive copy of each micrcflm shall be (select appropriate pitra.e. vuereu Oinc, ui tiC i y -tea Archives (NN), National Archives and Rec- ords Service, General Services Administra- tion, Washington. D C 20408;. offered to the Federal Records Center (city and State) ; or transferred to an approved agency records center at (city and State)) . (2) Agencies whose proposed micro- filming procedures do not meet the standards in ? 101-11.504 shall include on the SF 115 an outline of the system, film, and processing which they propose to use. (b) Agencies proposing to retain the silver original microfilm copy of perma- nent records after disposal of the original records must include as part of this re- FEDERAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT REGULATIONS (AMENDMENT B-21, FEBRUARY 197Z) 1129 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 : CIA-RDP84-0078OR006100080007-2 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 : CIA-RDP84-0078OR006100080007-2 PART 101-11 RECORDS MANAGEMENT tot-11.503-t (b) quest a statement that facilities meeting the standards of ? 101-11.506 will be used to store the silver original microfilm. These facilities shall be subject to ini- tial and subsequent inspection by NARS. Such agencies shall also indicate when the first inspection of microfilm required by ? 101-11.506-8 will be conducted. ? 101-11.503-2 Deposit of copies.. (a) The silver original microfilm copy or either of (1) a silver duplicate nega- tive copy or (2) a silver master positive copy; plus one positive copy of each mi- crofilm of permanent records microfilmed by an agency shall be verified for com- pleteness and accuracy and then shall be either transferred to an approved agency records center or offered to either the Office of the National Archives (NN), National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration, Wash- ington, DC 20408; or the Archives Branch in the Federal Records Center where the original permanent records would normally be retired. (b) After acceptance of the agency offer by NARS, the agency shall for- ward the microfilm copies as soon as the project is completed or, in the case of larger continuing projects, when a sub- stantial and readily identifiable portion is completed. (c) The microfilm. copies shall be ac- companied by adequate descriptive ma- terial to enable NARS or agency file persoimel io service the records wilt reasonable facility and by a certification by an agency official that the microfilm was produced in the normal course of agency operations and that care has been taken to insure that the microfilm is a complete and accurate Co_p_y of the original records. ? 101-11.503-3 Deteriorating micro- film. An agency having custody of a previ- ously produced original microfilm (or, if the original microfilm is no longer in existence, the master copy) of perma- nent records shall prepare a silver du- plicate negative copy for its own use, if required, when it finds that such copies are deteriorating or in, danger of deteri- oration. The agency shall also offer an L identical copy plus one positive copy as L , specified in this ? 101-11.503-2. ? 101-11.504 Standards for microfilm- ing permanent records. Federal agencies microfilming perma- nent records shall comply with the fol- lowing standards which relate to the preparing and filming of permanent rec- ords, the selecting of film stock, and the processing of film. ? 101-11.504-1 Preparing and micro- filming permanent records. (a) General: The integrity of the orig- inal records authorized for disposal shall be maintained by insuring that the microfilm copies are adequate substi- tutes for the original records and serve the purposes for which such records were created or maintained. The follow- ing measures and any others found nec- essary shall be observed in any Federal microfilming project to insure preserva- tion of the integrity of the records: (1) Copies shall contain all significant record detail shown on the originals; (2) Copies of the records shall be so arranged, identified, and indexed that any individual document or component of the records can be located with rea- sonable facility; (3) No photographic densities on negative copies higher than are required for the intended purposes shall be used. Where possible, densities on negative copies shall be between 1.0 and 1.2. On positive copies the background shall be kepi as clear as praeiicdUie; (4) A minimum resolution of 90 lines per mm. shall be obtained; and (5) Military specifications and stand- ards for microfilming and photograph- ing engineering drawings and similar related documents shall be fnllm.rwerl whenever applicable. (b) Roll microfilm. (1) The photo- graphic images at the beginning of each roll of microfilm shall include informa- tion identifying the agency and organiza- tion whose records it covers; the title of the records; the microfilm roll num- ber; the security classification, if any; and, if possible, the inclusive dates, names, or other data identifying the first and last records on the roll; and (2) Any indexes, registers, or other finding aids shall be microfilmed at the beginning of the records to which they relate. FEDERAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT REGULATIONS 1130 (AMENDMENT B-21, FEBRUARY 1972) .J Approved For Release 2003/02/27 : CIA-RDP84-0078OR006100080007-2 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 : CIA-RDP84-0078OR006100080007-2 SUBPART 101-11.5 (c) Other microforms. (1) Microfilm- ing systems for unit microfilm records shall be so designed and supervised that the resulting microfilm file is an accurate representation of the original records. (2) Any indexes, registers, or other finding aids shall be microfilmed and lo- cated in a readily identifiable place within the collection of microfilmed records. (3) Systems (e.g., COM) producing original permanent records on microfilm with no Pape: original shall be designed so that they produce microfilm which meets the standards of this Subpart 101-11.5. ? 101-11.504-2 Microfilm stock. The film stock used to make photo- graphic or microphotographic copies of permanent records shall be safety-base permanent record film as specified in American National Standards Institute (ANSI) PH1.25, Specifications for Safety Photographic Film; PH1.28, Specifica- tions for Photographic Films for Perma- nent Records; PH1.29, Methods for De- termining the Curl of Photographic Film; and PH1.31, Method of Determining the Brittleness of Photographic Film, and shall comply with Federal Standard No. 125a. In order to afford adequate protec- tion for permanent records, agencies using microfilm systems which do not Produce an original microfllin meeting these standards for permanent records shall immediately make a silver dupli- cate negative or silver master positive which does meet the standards. ? 101-11.504-3 Processing film. The fti'.n used to inane photographic or microphotographic copies of perma- nent records shall be so processed that the residual thiosulfate concentration shall be greater than zero but shall not exceed 1 microgram per square centi- meter. An optimum concentration of 0.7 micrograms per square centimeter in a clear area is recommended. Agencies con- ducting their own microfilming program may determine whether their processed film meets this requirement by perform- ing the tests specified in ANSI PH4.8; Methylene Blue Method for Measuring Thiosulfate and the Silver Densitometric Method for Measuring Chemicals in Films, Plates, and Papers; or by sub- mitting a sample for testing from a clear area of the film, measuring at least 2 square inches, to the Office of the Execu- tive Director (NAF), Naticnal Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration, Washington, D C 20408. A charge of $5 will be made for each sam- ple tested, however, small numbers of samples will be tested by NARS without charge. COM-produced microfilm of per- manent records shall meet the process- ing standards above. If the processing is to be of the reversal type it must be full photographic reversal and not the halide-type reversal. ? 101-11.505 Criteria for using micro- film copies of permanent records. The following criteria are required in using microfilm copies of permanent records: (a) Original microfilm copies of per- manent records shall not be used for ref- erence purposes. Negative or positive copies of the original negative shall be used for reference purposes. (b) Adequate measures shall be taken to keep the original microfilm clean and unscratched. ? 101-11.506 Standards for storing microfilm copies of permanent records. This section prescribes standards re- quired for storing silver original micro- film copies or. silver duplicate negative or of perma- N nent records. ?101-11.506-1 Reels and cores. Microfilm stored in roll form shall be wound on cores or on reels of the type snecificrl in ANST PH`;,F, Standard Di- mensions for 100-foot Reels for Processed 16-mm. and 35-mm. Microfilm. The ma- terials used for the cores and reels shall be noncorroding such as plastic com- pounds or nonferrous metals. The use of steel for reels shall be permitted pro- vided the reels are well protected by lacquer, enamel, tinning, or other cor- rosion-resistant finish. Plastics and lacquers that might give off reactive fumes or exudations during storage shall not be used. The plastic materials must be free of peroxides. Paper strips or rub- ber bands shall not be used for confining film on reels or cores. The materials used shall not ignite, decompose, or develop reactive fumes and vapors. FEDERAL PROPERTY M A N A G E M ENT R E G U L A T I O N S (AMENDMENT B-21, FEBRUARY 1972) 1130.1 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 : CIA-RDP84-0078OR006100080007-2 J Approved For Release 2003/02/27 : CIA-RDP84-0078OR006100080007-2 PART 101-11 RECORDS MANAGEMENT 101-11.506-2 F- ? 101-11.506-2 Storage containers. The microfilm shall be stored in a closed container made of such inert ma- terial as metal or plastic of proven qual- ity. The container shall be sealed where needed to maintain prescribed humidity limits or to protect the film against gas- eous impurities. If proper temperature and humidity controls are maintained as prescribed in ? 101-11.506-4, and if there is good ventilation and clean air in the storage area, the containers need not be sealed. Open containers such as folding cartons may be used only if it has been established that the container material will have no adverse effect on the film over long periods of time. ? 101-11.506-3 Storage rooms. Agencies retaining original microfilm copies of permanent records shall provide a fire-resistive vault or room. The stor- age area shall not be used as an office or working area. No flammable material shall be stored in the storage area. For full protection against exposure to fire and associated hazards, fire-resistive safes or insulated containers shall be placed within fire-resistive vaults or rooms constructed in accordance with recommendations of the National Fire Protection Association in their publica- tion NFPA 232, Protection of Records, 1970. Particular care shall be taken to insure that the provisions of this 1101- 11.506 are applied effectively when orig- inal negative microfilm is stored in such places as underground installations and insulated file cabinets where a high hu- midity is probable. ? 101-11.506-4 Environmental condi- t:ons. The relative humidity of the storage vault or room shall not exceed 40 per- cent. Temperatures shall not exceed 70? F. Rapid and wide-range cycling of humidity or temperature shall he avoided and shall in no instance exceed ?5 per- cent relative humidity or ?5? F. in a 24- hour period. Where inactivity of the film permits, protection may be increased by conditioning and sealin-r the film at a lower humidity and/or storing the film at a lower temperature. Film stored at a lower relative humidity than 30 percent or a temperature lower than 60? F. shall be sufficiently warmed and reconditioned before use to avoid any possible damage in handling. If " possible, approximately 0.05 inches of water pressure above at- mospheric pressure shall be maintained within the room or vault and in the film L inspection area by means of an inde- pendent air-conditioning system. ? 101-11.506-5 Control of air condi- tioning. Air conditioning shall be kept under sufficient control to meet the standards for temperature and humidity as speci- fied in ? 101-11.506-4. Dehumidifiers using desiccants shall not be used since, with circulating air in the storage area, there is a danger of abrasive or reactive dust particles settling on the film. Humidification before storage is not necessary unless the prevailing relative humidity in storage areas is less than 15 percent for long periods of time. Water trays or saturated chemical solu- tions shall not be used due to the seri- ous danger of overhumidification. ? 101-11.506-6 Protection against air- entrained impurities. Solid particles that abrade the film or react on the image shall be cleaned from the air supplied to microfilm stor- age and associated rooms by the use of dry media mechanical filters or electro- static precipitators. These filters shall have an arrestance or cleaning efficiency of at least 80 percent when tested with atmospheric air using ANSI PH5.4; Standard Practice for Storage of Proc- essed Silver Gelatin Microfilm; which cites the report to the National Board of Fire Underwriters for the installation of air conditioning, warm air heating, air cooling, and ventilating systems. Filter- ing media, casings, and castings, it used, shall be of the noncombustible type. ? 101-11.506-7 Gaseous impurities. Such gaseous impurities as sulfur di- oxide, hydrogen sulfide, and others that may cause deterioration of the microfilm shall be removed from the air. Silver- gelatin microfilm shall not be stored. with other types of film in the same room or in rooms connected by ventilating ducts because gases given off by the non- silver-gelatin microfilm may damage or destroy the safety-film base. ?101-11.506-8 Microfilm inspection. At approximately 2-year intervals, a 1 percent sample of randomly selected rolls of microfilm shall be inspected. For each biennial inspection, a different lot sam- ple shall be chosen, allowing some over- lapping of inspection to note any changes in previously inspected samples. The guidelines in the National Bureau of Standards Handbook 96, Inspection of Processed Photographic Record Films for Aging Blemishes, shall be followed. The results of such inspections shall be re- ported to the Office of the National Archives (NN7, National Archives and FEDERAL P R O P E R T Y M A N A G E M E N T REGULATIONS 1130.2 (AMENDMENT B-21, FEBRUARY 1972 J Approved For Release 2003/02/27 : CIA-RDP84-0078OR006100080007-2 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 : CIA-RDP84-0078OR006100080007-2 1 Records Service, General Services Ad- ministration, Washington, D C 20408, 30 days after the inspection is completed. Reports shall include at least the (a) quantity of microfilm of permanent rec- ords on hand: i.e., number of rolls, micro- fiche, jackets, etc.; (b) quantity of microfilm inspected; (c) condition of the microfilm; and (d) corrective action re- quired, if necessary. ? 101-11.507 Standards for microfilm- ing nonpermanent records. (a) Agencies that wish to microfilm their own nonpermanent records should conduct a cost-benefit analysis accord- ing to their internal regulations and pro- cedures to insure that the project or sys- tem is cost effective. (b) Agencies that wish to microfilm their own nonpermanent records in or- der to dispose of the original records shall request authority in accordance with Subpart 101-11.4. The request for authority on SF 115 shall indicate whether the original records are required to he held less than 10 years or 10 years or more. (c) After approval of the request the microfilming shall be done in accordance with the following: (1) For nonpermanent records to be held 10 years or more, the standards set forth in 1 101-11.504 for microfilming, in ? 101-11.505 for using microuiin, and in 101-11.506 for storing microfilm copies of permanent records should be used where applicable to insure the availabil- ity of the information for the period of time required. (2) Nonpermanent records to be held less than 10 years may be microfilmed in accordance with agency standards and requirements for the retention of the records, including the option of using any film, processing system, or storage containers the agency may select. ? 101-11.508 Centralized microfilm services. The following microfilming services of the National Archives and Records Serv- ice are available to Federal agencies: (a) Technical advice and assistance in establishing and promoting agency proj- ects and programs to preserve records, reduce volume., provide security copies, {{ make duplicate copies, or improve infor- mation retrieval systems; (b) A central reimbursable microfilm- ing service for Federal agencies including the preparation, indexing, and filming of records, inspection of film, and labeling of film containers; and (c) Information on current uses of microfilm, new microfilm techniques, and developments in the field. ? 101-11.508-1 Procedures for arrang- ing for reimbursable services. Federal agencies desiring microfilm services should contact the appropriate regional National Archives and Records Service. Agencies in the greater St. Louis area (Missouri only) should contact the Manager, National Personnel Records Center, St. Louis, MO 63132. Agencies in the District of Columbia, Maryland, Vir- gina, and West Virginia, should contact the Manager, Washington National Rec- ords Center, Suitlasid, MD 20409. Else- where in GSA Region 3, agencies should contact the Region 3 National Archives and Records Service. An agreement of services to be provided will be negotiated before work is begun. This agreement may be in the form of an agency pur- chase order. The agency shall provide instructions that specify (a) location of the records to be filmed; (b) descrip- tion of the records to include the volume, size, physical condition, filing arrange- ment, and the nature and isequeiiey of additions, changes, and deletions, etc.; (c) size and format of the film to be used; (d) type of camera to be used and the reduction ratio at which the documents are to be filmed; (e) type of reader to be used: and (f) number anal type (silver, diazo, vesicular) of reference copies. ? 101-11.508-2 Fees for microfilming services. Microfilming services normally avail- able are: 16-mm. rotary, 16-mm. plane- tary, and 35-mm. planetary micropho- tography; negative film processing; 16- mm. cartridge loading; aperture card and microthin jacket mounting; and di- azo duplication. The fees for these serv- ices will be announced in GSA bulletins issued and signed by the Archivist of the United States. For services not listed, contact the person or office shown in ? 101-11.508-1. .1 FEDERAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT REGULATIONS (AMENDMENT 8-21, FEBRUARY 1972) 1130.3 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 : CIA-RDP84-0078OR006100080007-2 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 : CIA-RDP84-0078OR006100080007-2 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 : CIA-RDP84-0078OR006100080007-2