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Approved For Release 2001/06/09 : CIA-RDP84-00933R000400010021; *OMB Waiver Letter In ERU Flle* 14 July l9 7 Mr. Wayne G. Gran?nt Associate Director for Adminjatrat Office of Management and Budget President's Reorganization Project Washington, D. C. 20503 nage Dear Mr. Granquist: In response to your letter o Direr Turner dnted June IS, 1977, let ma way first that I strongly endorse a study to, improve the management of Federal data processing resources. This is a familiar subject to me since I have recently initiated several positive stepa to iwprove ADP management in this Agency. We currently have personnel. working on many of the issues you listed but have not made: any comments on the issues themselves, believing that opportunity trill come as part of our participation in the study. My staff has suggested six additional issues for consideration. They arez 1. Guidelines for sharing data bases among organizations. 2. Guidelines for joint system days between organizations. 3. Policy and guidelines concerning micro- computer* (personal computers). 4. Centralised procurement of unbimdlod sys software. ? Special problems concerning AflP systems processing sensitive information, particularly implementation of contracting-out guidelines. ? Impact of the trend toward decentralization of ADP facilities on current Federal manage- ment procedures and policies. Approved For Release 2001/06/09 : CIA-RDP84-00933R000400010021-6 Approved For Release 2001/06/09 : CIA-RDP84-00933R000400010021-6 We are interested in active participation in several of the issue oriented task forces and would be pleased if you will keep us advised on your plans. is/John E Blake John F. 5lake Acting Deputy Director Distribution: Orig - Adse 1 - DDCI 1 - ER 1 - DDA Subject 1 - DDA Chrono - ODP Approved For Release 2001/06/09 : CIA-RDP84-00933R000400010021-6 REOR NIZATION ji 5-'JL A p F raltcatLfect146/09 : CIA-RDP84-00933R0004000100240 ,HINGTON, D.C. 20503 ? JLIP,I, I 5 itui Honorable Stansfield Turner Director Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. 20505 Dear Mr. Turner: In fiscal year 1978 the Federal Government will Spend over $4 billion and employ mere than 150,000 people in the area of general purpose data processing. There is growing recognition that these resources are not being acquired and managed in the most economic and efficient manner. To address and begin to solve these problems, the President's Reorganization Project has initiated a Comprehensive re-examination of Federal ADP management and policy. An outline of the project is enclosed. The President has established three basic criteria for the project: it should be based on careful and comprehen- sive analysis; it should be conducted in a manner which permits the largest number of people both within and out- side Government to be involved; and it should be a decision forcing, action oriented process. Accordingly, one of our first objectives is to seek out and receive views from those persons and organizations with an interest in the management of Federal data processing resources. We invite your organization to submit comments to us by July 15, 1212. on the .issues, problems and solutions that you believe should .- ..? .6ssed in a study dedicated to improving e management of Federal data processing re- sources. A list of issues and problems that have previously been identified is enclosed as an initial guide to our con- corns. It is by no means all inclusive, so use or ignore this list as you deem appropriate. In order to assure that all those concerned participate, please provide a copy of this letter to other persons and organizations who might be interested in submitting separate responses. EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT ? OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET AppFoved For Release 2001/06/09 : CIA-RDP84-00933R000400010021-6 Approved For Release 2001/?16?09 : CIA-RDP84-00933R000400010021 2 The management of Federal data processing resources is a significant factor in the delivery of governmental services and the operations of Government. The goal of this project is to assure the effective and efficient use of those re- sources. I hope you will help in achieving that goal. Sincerely, Way 'e G., Gran uist Associate Director for Administrative Management 2 Enclosures Approved For Release 2001/06/09 : CIA-RDP84-00933R000400010021-6 Approved ForliTeib414,1200)Ver039'ROFAILIC31/81POOMik06040001[110:240STUDY o In FY 1978,. the Federal Government plans to spend more than $4 billion and employ more than 150,000 Federal and contractor personnel to operate over 11,000 computers. o Over the past few years there has been rising criticism of Government computer use. Serious questions exist about the adequacy of the management of these resources. There is also concern that this technology represents a threat to individual privacy. The ADP Reorganization Project will focus on: 1. Improving productivity in the delivery of govern- mental services through the application of computer technology; 2. Improving the acquisition, management and use of these resources; and 3. Eliminating duplication and overlap in agency juris- dictions dealing with computer questions. o While the study is intended to be a comprehensive re-examination of Federal data processing, it will be structured in a fashion which will permit pieces to be spun off and acted upon throughout the period of the study. o It is anticipated that the full study and initial implementa- tion of recommendations will take 10-12 months. o The study will be coordinated as a part of the President's Reorganization Project and organized into a small full-time project management staff and a series of issue oriented task forces composed of individuals from the private sector, Federal agencies and OMB. o Because various organizations associated with Federal data processing activities hold widely divergent views on objectives and priorities, special efforts will be made to solicit their input in the early stages of the study. Enclosure 1 Approved For Release 2001/06/09 : CIA-RDP84-00933R000400010021-6 ApprovedFi90-iikAcRlitfcippli: gVk-134911,931413,99P4i011nOligIONG ISSUES Data processing planning process !Requirements definition Economic analysis (justification for use of data processing) Evaluation of alternative sources of computer support (sharing, private sector, in-house, etc.) Evaluation of alternative methods of procurement (full competition, brand name or equal, sole make and model, sole source, etc.) G.Evaluation of alternative methods of financing procurements ? (outright purchase, lease, lease with option to purchase, lease to purchase, etc.) 'Central agency (OMB, GSA, NBS) vs. user agency responsibilities i)Central agendy (OMB, GSA, NBS) policies and regulations 7Convergence of data processing and telecommunications I;Application life-cycle vs. equipment life cycle planning and management Data processing application program evaluation Integration of program and data processing budgets 0 Management audits of data processing operations '-Processing of agency procurement requests Delegations of procurement authority to agencies ),Data processing planning and budget information ,-Interim upgrade policy /Software conversion cost policy /'3Software development and acquisition /-Goals and objectives of standards program 9/Standards enforcement authority Computer resources management systems 2,Data processing work accounting systems -Data processing job classifications Y' Certification of data processing personnel Career development and training Computer security policy ;;?, Full cost recovery policy Data processing Lund policy '-Functional performance specifications Policy 'Software Exchange Program Etc. Enclosure 2 Approved For Release 2001/06/09 : CIA-RDP84-00933R000400010021-6 Approved For Release 2001/06/09 : CIA-RDP84-00933R000400010021;6 MEMORAiiDWil FOR; Deputy Director of Central ntellig!n FROM : John F. Blake Deputy Director for Admi. on SUBJECT I Reply to Letter from Pr Project REFERENCE Letter from Presidem dtd 15 June 1977, S of Federal Data Pro dent's R 0 anizetion Reorganization Project, ct: Improved Management sing Resources 1. Action R.e_auested, This toranthvm forwards a letter for your signature in repfy to t ference, attached. 2. Backqround: The Pres has initiated a Comprehensive Management and Policy. The Age comments on the issues, proble addressed in a study dedicate Federal data processing resou identified in referenced let ? issues which are of common i addressed in the study. 3. .Staff Ppeition: reply, the dEfICe 67-Data ADP Control Officer and The reply reflects their responee- ent's Reorganization Project xamination of Federal ADP cy has been requested to submi s, and solutions that should be o -improving the manae;ement of ces. In addition to the 11 issues r, we have identified six new terest and we believe should be n the preparation of the proposed roeessing contacted each Directorate C Comptroller to obtain their comments. put and represents a coordinated 4. Recoundati2h: I recommend that you sign the proposed Agency resz,.oniothe/letter from the President's Reorganization Project. Jonn F. Blake Attn: n/s Approved For Release 2001/06/09 : CIA-RDP84-00933R000400010021-6 Approved For Release 2001/06/09 : CIA-RDP84-00933R00040001010211116 ORIGINATOR: Clifford D. r., D/ODP Distribution: Orig & 1 - Addressee 1 - ER 2 - DDA 2 - O/D/ODP 1 - ODP Registry 1 1 JUL 1977 Date Approved For Release 2001/06/09 : CIA-RDP84-00933R000400010021-6