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I- f CONhYWWt d For Release 2001/03/06 CIA-RDP84-bOg5'I F b00 0032-7 23,.Januory 199:7 C] TRAL ITTTTT,LLIGf TC3.' GROUP C .I . G. DIRT'CTIVP NO, 18 COORDINi TION OF COLLLCTIOit ACTIVT"'Irg Memorandum by the Dircct r of Centrsl Intc_1li ;Ere 1. To implement the 'overall policies and objectives estab- lished by the National Intelligence Authority for the interde- portmcntal coordination of collection activities the following program is announced :? ~'? o T`'TJ-3ILI .TI'''S. 1. There has ' beer. made the following allocation within broad categories of agency responsibility for collcgrtion in the field Political' State Department Cultural Sta tc: Department- Sociological State Depurtment Military War Department Naval 17avyr Departm.cnt Economic ) Each agencyy in ecoord,ince with its res )cctivc Scientific) nc:eds- 2. In preparing reports under these allocations, rcporting agents will take full cognizance of the collctcral or secondary needs of other ngencies'for such information. Detcrmir.-_tion of these needs may be made by consultation with appropriate collecting agents or by reference to pertinent ,agency collection directives.. '3. Intelligence information and material, re- ,ordless of the collector, shall wherever possible be transmitted immediately to the local field r.c- prescntativc of the agency most concerned. TJotiticvcr, the collector may also send' copies to his own agency. r.-._.- j tiS/HC- , ]5- r Release 2001/03/06: CIA-RDP84-00951 R000300090032-7 l - -~~ cMifflwal Zelease 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP84-00951 R000300090032-7 There shell be free end unrestricted intcr- d? pnrtmcntal flow of intelligence information and intcllie,cnec to meet the recognized colicterel or secondary nccd of each department for intelligcnoc. usuclly prepared or obtained by other departments. 'This directive shall be interpreted to a;_,ply only ? to those departments represented on the Ir.tclligcr-.oe .Advisory Board by permoncnt members. B. D ','.jT.GTrATTOT ATTD DUTIES of Ttm COORDI*?ATzTTG OFFICIAL. In all areas where the United States maintains a foreign service establishment, the senior U. S. rc- prescnteetivc will be respon4iblc for the coordin'tion of all collection octivitics within his area to the end tla~:t the ennoutccd intelligence objectives of the Government as a Aholc sr c.ll be most efficiently and expeditiously accomplished. Fuld collection s}?.all gcncrLcc11:T Follow but not be limited by the allocated responsibilities of the respective departments or agencies. The coon- dincting authority, in the iniplcmentation of the respective collection programs, .shall take full nd- vr-nta ge of the individual abiliti.cs and contccts of his staff members. 3. To implement this program each coordinating authority shall, wherever practicable and v.ithin the limits-of security requirements: (a) Establish a central intelligence file for the use of cll authorized personnel. (b) Insure. to the best of his ability - that the collection missions of the rL'~~~~+~~ zt department or agency rcpresentl,tives are being promptly and adequately noeomplished; that col- lection duplication is avoided ; and that the information obtained is properly channeled. COPTFID ''TTIIiL Ap - Zier ~or"r lease 2001/03/06 : CTAPRDP84-00951 R000300090032-7 Approved For Raledse 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP84 COiTFIDT7TTIAAT; 1000300090032-7 (c) Insurc %hcneVcr one or more of the departmental intc1ligcnec agencies arc not rcprosen.ted at a foreign post or uhcncvcr the' appropript.c rcrroscnt.ntivc is unable for any reason to carry out his mission, that the re- porting responsibility is allocated to the cxtcnt possible to other members of the'stcff. When such delegation is other than temporaary, the responsible officer v.ill advise the agency concerned through his parent agency of his action and the reason therefor. C R,7?L; .'O1rSIBILITIrS OF COLLECTING AGT;TS. 1. Field rc'resentntivcs of each intelligence department or agency, vhother pc:rmancr:.ntly attached to the establishment or on tcmpor-ry duty in the area, will be dircctcd by their department or ngcncy__,~a &. ( ) Cooperate in the coordination rica- sures prescribed by the responsible officer as set forth in paragraph B above. (b) Promptly bring. to the attention of the proper representatives of other deepart- ments or agencies any intelligence- information or material. of concern to them. (c) Collect information and prcparc in-- telligen.cc reports other than 'within. their oven categories when specifically directed by their agency or by the senior U. S. re- prczcntntivc. (d.) Make available to the senior U. S. representative all collection directives and instructions which are received from their dcpartmcnts. 2. Nothing in this directive shall be interpreted as authorizing any officer to delay, suppress, or make substantive changes in any in.tclligcaioc report Aithout the concurrenoc of the officer submitting the report. 001 01DJ t TTAL rDi,e , BRelease 2001/03/06. 6IA-RDP84-00951 R000300090032-7 Approved For...Relea~e 2001/03/06 CIA-RDP84-G095.iR000300090032-7 CorTrIDR TI.L Intelligence information and mc.tcrinl vvhich may have no significanec to field representatives in a single area or which may appear to be at complete variance lAith ti?.e overall trend. may h;:vc great significance and form a definite part of a picture being developed by the individual department or by the Central Tntelligenoe Group, Any dissenting opinion or commentary will cither be incorporetcd in the Yep ort, or submitted Sc- vAtely is promptly as possible. 3. Subject to the limita t j.ons of security, re- por-ts will bear the following information,; (a} Name of collector and name of -reporter, (b) The CIG ix.dcx number (when establighed). (~} Local distribution given the report ge In order further to assure the most effective accom- plishment of the 'national intelligence mission through the avoidance of conflicting or duplicating instructions to the field, agency directives implcmenting.or affcotinp, the above procedures or policies as zhell as directives-assigning -collec- tion missions in the unallocated fields of economics or scien- tific information will be coordinated with CIG y-,rior to issuance. 0. Any existing instructions or directives ix conflict wi'tihi.the provisions of this directive, will be rescinded or pan-. propriatcly amended. COiT] ID W'TIAL CI( Uir. /18 - 4 Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP84-00951 R000300090032-7