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Document Release Date: 
December 8, 1998
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Publication Date: 
January 2, 1947
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Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP84-00951R000400020057-6 OFFICE OF REPORTS AND ESTIMLATES 5A" /'A*CAa -' NO. 4-47 dl. Aezees the adequaoy of intelligence . information received and inform collection agencies through OCD, of this assessment, Implement the research aspects of developing the national intelligence requiromente. SUBJECT: Functions of the Office of Reports and Eetiiateis of the Office of Roporto and Estimates, 19 Docemlier? 1946? is quoted in its enrtirety for the information and guidance of all concerned.. Assistant Directors and the Chief or IC113, subject: Punotions The following memorandum from Exeoutive to the Director4, Central Intelligence Group to the "The Office of Roports and Estimates will faanatioi r accordance with the following policies: roquiraamonto for which may ban oetaablishod by appropriate agency agroeraent` with CIG. iatelli ;ence; and intelligence for other s,genoioen 1:, The mission of the Office of Reports and k,etir,>ites is the establiehmont of -requirements for And 4,roductiou of strategic and national policy 2. In carrying out hie miacion the Assistant Director for Reports and Eaatima.tos wills policies and prepare implementing directives to : a. Recommend over-all roeoarch and analysis put them into effect, b. Be the exclusive rosoarch and evaluation agency of the Director of Central Intelligence. c0 Eetablieh his requirements for intelligence info~tion and intelligence from all sources .and roquest' OCl) to , za, of theso requirements, except for the direct exchange of information with other departmental research agonoiea collaborating In studies, through approved liaison,chaunsls. /07/27 ,CIA-RDP84-00951 R000400020057-6 Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP84-00951 R000400020057-6 f. Provide adequate reprosentcation in t;lia OCA. 1ias!ding Canter to anaist in the timely dizeemincation of intelli ;earn information and iaaeruro Preliminary Ovu,luwtiou prior to diaaaamina- tioz w1u ci doosued tAovoutiL 1, Roctive, view and evaluate all intolli- g,oanco informatio . received by CIO and produoe r oquired intolliGanoe:. h. Pro pare required reports and. eatirAtoa and ovalua4o sigrnifioaax trends? . i.. - Prov-1dce roquirod intelligence bricrfin;o. J,, OLIntaiu a Ro'orono* Branch as a repository,.:-. for : 11 anti 11~ e i oo information aid intol li enoo . to be porrn ncntly roool ded by GZGc, and nrstcablzsh, in coordination. with OCDr proocduren for vititizati.on of its m torinlc by'other agenoieo4, A cantrt 1. irrachino operation will bey devoloped font prooearrci all ssaxttcrialav appropriate' to machxiau h4;:cdling. Thine Reference Branch. will bo a tcmix ?ary 'recspon.aibility pending organizational development and availzbility' of space for later ,:ffioiout: iandop~u da>arat operation of a GIG 1teferanoo k. Coor-dira.ato with 0CD and P A. Branch for disoexninatiou requirements and production oohoduleaa. 1. Z aiutain noocaanry liaison, under C.1G,liaison policy, to accompligh his missions 3,, The activities of the Office of Reports and Estimates will be coordinatod with GIG and with outside agenoics by the Interdopa;, txncntal Coordinating axed,. i?lanning Staff under a utablistzod_ GIG policies.". Lai 25X1A9a 'roved Eor Release'2001/07/27: CIA-RDP84-00951 R000400020057-6';