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November 25, 1982
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Approved Fo gl@A'e lqi _f16 2(;140(3)&000802060041-6 BALTIMORE SUN 25 November 1982 (26) Pg.4 GAO says Pentagon ? JSlaX01~equi equipment Washington (AP)-The Pentagon there is little monitoring of the use of got a low grade from congressional leased property and in some in- investigators yesterday for the way It stances, the property has not been re- keeps tabs on more than $170 million turned at the expiration of a lease." tary property it leases at bargain rates or free to foreign governments. "We found the financial manage- ment and monitoring of leased prop- erty is inadequate and congressional notification requirements are not be- ing fully met," the General Account- ing Office said in a report to Defense Secretary Caspar W. Weinberger. "As a result, the Congress is not being provided information needed for effective oversight and thousands of dollars in lease costs are not being recovered," it added. "In addition, WASHINGTON POST 26 Nov 1982 Pg.34 Habib Preseis is New Plan for Lebanon Talks Special U.S. envoy Philip C. Habib yesterday presented Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin with proposals to start Israeli-Le- banese peace talks. Emerging from a conference in Jerusalem with 'Begin, Begin, Habib de- :lined to make any substantive jtatement to reporters. Begin's press secretary, Uri Porat, ' 3lso declined to comment on the de- tails of Habib's peace proposals. (Lebanese officials told The As- 3ociated Press that Habib was pro- posing Israeli and Syrian forces with- draw nine miles from the Beirut-to- Damascus highway in the central Lebanese mountains as the first phase in withdrawing foreign armies from the war-weary nation.] In . Damascus, PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat opened a long-awaited meeting of his 66-member Central Council to seek a united stand on .President Reagon's peace bid. In a 10-minute opening speech before the meeting was closed to journalists, Arafat said, "What we say to Habib and [Israeli Defense Minister Ariell Sharon is that this revolution is created to remain and it will continue to victory." The unreturned equipment is val- ued at nearly $69 million, and the leases for the pieces expired as long as seven years ago. The equipment in- cludes an oceangoing tugboat, a lard- ing craft and an auxiliary repair dry dock, together worth $5.3 million, lent to Chile rent-free in 1960 under a 15- year lease that was not renewed. The GAO recommended that the Pentagon's Defense Security. Assist- ance Agency and Security Assistance Accounting Center tighten their book- keeping, rent-collection and supervi- sion procedures. SOVIETS... Continued "Starting the implementation of the MX program, Washington should know that this runs counter to one of the central provisions of the SALT I and SALT II accords-an obligation not to create additional silos for intercontinental missik's. "Washington must also he aware that this step Avill, not promote progress at the negotiations in Geneva." it said. The statement described as "absurd" Reagan's so-called zero option at the Geneva talks on lim- iting medium-range nuclear arms in Europe. It said the plan envisages "the destruction" of Soviet medium-range weapons while "leaving intact" the similar weapons of Britain and France and U.S. forward based "nuclear means." It quoted Andropov as saying that American statements linking "readiness to normalization of relations with the demand that the Soviet Union pay for this by some preliminary concessions in various spheres sound, to say the least, not seri- ous. We will not accept this." The statement described as "positive in char- acter" Reagan's proposal to improve the Moscow- Washington "hotline" and other confidence-build- ing measures, but said it was more important to reduce the levels of arms on both sides than to improve communications. "If for a?a'erv"100 MX missiles we add 10 tele- phones linkiuz Moscow and Washington,. red ones or blue one., does this make the missiles any less dangerous?*' the statement asked. Diplomatic observers here said Reagan's NIX speech came at a particularly inopportune mo- ment, at a time when the new Kremlin leadership was getting organized and following the visit here of Vice President Bush and Secretary of State George P. Shultz, which raised hopes for an easing of tension in Soviet-American relations The English-language newspaper Moscow N' w?s said today that the meeting of Andropov with Bush and Shultz was intended-,tie a "!%ign" to Washington that Moscow would like to arrest the steady deterioration in relations. It said recent American pronouncements indicated' that the Reagan administration was turning its back on- this opportunity. Commenting on Reagan s . statement that "it takes two to tango" and reported U.S. demands for Soviet concessions, the paper said: "Taking the president's analogy further, one might note that asking someone to dance is not generally done by a demand that he or she change their hairdo, let alone thinking. The partner is taken for what he or she is." The statement in Pravda, which was also dis- tributed by the government news agency Tass, was even more harsh. It accused Reagan of delib- erately deceiving the American public by contend- ing that the "road to peace was paved by new mis- silee,'new nuclear charge3, new plane:; and ships." It said Reagan resorted to "rudest exaggerations and distortions" to depict Moscow as the initiator of the arms race. The editorial said Reagan showed "the naive television viewers colored diagrams and charts in which everything could be detected except the truth." It was an "irrefutable fact that the arms race has its roots in American soil," the statement said. The;.statement asserted that Reagan "must be aware that the Soviet Union will not tolerate a lagging behind in questions which are vital for its security." It said Moscow had found it "necessary to mobilize additional forces and resource- for the improvement of its armed forces",to meet earlier American challenges and would do so again. Pravda gave detailed figures on U.S. weapons systems developed in the postwar period. It said that Moscow had proposed that both sides re- nounce the development of new weapons systems and that it had advocated measures to prevent "militarization of outer space." But, it said, "none of these and similar propos. ale have found a positive response in the United States." It said the Russians were forced. to build .their 'typhoon nuclear submarine to counter the American Ohio sub. "Why should one spend innumerable billions for the creation and production of increasingly destructive systems of weapons when an oppor. tunity exists to maintain security at lower levels?' the statement asked. The editorial answered by asserting that Rea- gan had "plainly explained that the purpose of the deployment of the MX missiles and other arma- ments:- is to achieve an incontrovertible military superiority over the Soviet Union and to create prerequisites for ensuring an American victory in any conflict, including a nuclear one. "Counting on a victory in a nuclear war is ad- venturism. -It is doomed to failure. The Soviet Union does not intend to chase the United States in the creation of each new system of-weapons or to'imitate the United States. This does not mean at all that the Soviet Union will not find an effec- tive reply to Washington if the United States be- gins realizing its plans." Approved For Release 2007/03/16: CIA-RDP84B00049R000802060041-6