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Document Release Date: 
May 22, 2007
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Approved For Release 2007/05/23: CIA-RDP84B00049R001002400031-6 S E C R E T SUBJECT: Status of Libyan Opposition Activities and Plans 1. Libyan opposition activities against Col. Mu'ammar Qadhafi continue to be concentrated within several major opposition groups each of which are operating independently of one another and each of which we continue to monitor through a variety of senior level opposition figures. while the various opposition groups appear to be becoming morelagressive in planning and implementing support for opposition activities, the various groups have yet to show any significant capability to carry out their aim of overthrowing Qadhafi. It should be noted, however, that over the last several months, Mr. Mahmud Maghrabi has attracted additional oppositionists to his group and has publicly announced the formation of the Libyan National tlem^cr:3t?e Movement. Leaders of other groups such as Yahya 'Umar, Rajab Za'tut, Abd-Al-Munim Al-Huni, and Muhammad Al-Magaryaf are actively organizing financial resources, conducting paramilitary training, and providing technical support for covert action activities including radio broadcasts into Libya.and a media campaign. The inability of the leaders of the various groups to coordinate opposition activity has led to a dilution of forces and has resulted in an overlap of efforts/activities. The Libyan internal situation continues to deteriorate and the recent reporting from a variety of sources concerning the late December 81 apparent unsuccessful assassination attempt on Col.=Qadhafi appears to lens= credence to the increasing momentum behind the Libyan opposition activity. Although we have yet to obtain complete details on the December, attempted assassination, responsibility for that assassination attempt has been claimed by more than one Libyan opposition group. 2. While it is impossible to say when and if any one of the Libyan opposition groups will be successful in their endeavor to overthrow Qadhafi, the present Libyan internal political situation is such that we can continue to expect an increased momentum in Libyan opposition activities designed to overthrow Q. dhafi. Approved For Release 2007/05/23: CIA-RDP84B00049R001002400031-6