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Document Release Date: 
May 11, 2007
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Publication Date: 
October 4, 1982
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Approved For Release 2007/05/11: CIA- P84B00049R001403480017-9 ~ECREf DDI- o/O-1 25X1 4 October 1982 MEMOR44DI.M FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Dobrynin-Eagleburger Meeting, 3 October 1. The main item on the White House agenda this morning was Secretary Shultz' second-round talk today with Gromyko. Judge Clark was on the phone to Shultz in New York for some time just before our session. 2. Clark told me that Dobrynin had asked to talk with Eagleburger in advance of Monday's bilateral. He then showed me the memcon that he was preparing to brief the President on. 3. As best I can recall from a quick read, Dobrynin's primary purpose was to accent the positive in general and to suggest more specifically certain substantive.. areas where the Soviets saw good prospects for agreement between the two sides. Dobrynin said his principals had reacted very positively to the first Shultz-Gromyko talk, and they "looked forward" to Monday's meeting. He indicated a desire to see that the second session also had "positive results", and wanted to cite several areas that he believed offered opportunities for further progress in US-Soviet negotiations. 4. Among topics cited by Dobrynin as susceptible to progress were: --Nuclear nonproliferation --Comprehensive test ban --Chemical warfare --Indian Ocean 5. Eagleburger noted that all these were in the arms control area. Dobrynin countered by pointing out that this was not a complete list and that discussion of regional concerns could also lead to some agreements. Dobrynin apparently limited himself to these general observations, and closed with another upbeat corrent on.the usefulness of continuing high-level contacts. Approved For Release 2007/5iCRIEf DP84B00049R001403480017-9