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Document Creation Date: 
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Document Release Date: 
June 27, 2007
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Publication Date: 
September 1, 1982
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Approved For Release 2007/06/27: CIA-RDP84BOO148R000400820007-6 D/Pers /OEA A0/DCI C/IPD/OIS SUSPENSE 10 Septem ear Dal. Please prepare reply for DCI's signature. STAT EXECUTIVE SECRETARIAT Routing Slip ACTION INFO DATE INITIAL 1 DCI X 2 DDC x 3 EXDIR 4 D/ICS 5 DDI 6 DDA 11 IG 12 1 Compt Executiv S ecee tary 3 Sq em6 r 1982 Dm. Approved For Release 2007/06/27: CIA-RDP84BOO148R000400820007-6 Approved For Release 2007/06/27: CIA-RDP84B00148R000400820007-6 1VR.L AM L. ARMSTRONG. COLO. NANCY LANDON KASSEBAUM. KANS. RUDY BOSCHWITZ. MINN. ORRIN O. HATCH, UTAH JOHN TOWER. TEX. MARK ANDREWS, N. DAK. STEVEN D. SYMM S. IDAHO CHARLES ORASSLEY. IOWA ROBERT W. KASTEN. WIS. DAN QUAYLE. IND. BLADE GORTON. WASH. STEPHEN BELL. STAFF DIRECTOR LIZABETH TANKERSLEY, MINORITY STAFF DIRECTOR ERNEST F. HOLLINGS. S.C. LAWTON CHILES. FLA. JOSEPH R. BIDEN, JR.. DEL. J. DENNETT JOHNSTON, LA. JIM GASSER, TENN. GARY HART, COLO. HOWARD M. METZENBAUM. OHIO DONALD W. RIEGLE. JR., MICH. DANIEL PATRICK MOYNIHAN. N.Y. J. JAMES EXON. NEBR. 's?JCnffeb ,Sfafez ze-ncafe MiDcudvo 06 T September 1, 1982 Mr. William J. Casey Director of Central Intelligence Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. 20505 It is my understanding that several members of the Cabinet have arranged for full-time personal security services. Pre- sumably, these services are funded out of agency appropriations. Since no act of Congress specifically authorizes the provision of security services to secretaries or their assistants, I would like you to answer several questions regarding your own policy on this subject. 1. Do you use any security guards for personal protection in Washington and/or when you travel around the country? 2. Do any other officials of your department receive similar security? If so, who and why? 3. What is the cost of providing security services for the Secretary and other officials? At a minimum, I would like to know the salaries and travel expenses of security personnel. 4. Has your department acquired any new equipment to enhance security protection for officials? If so, describe the equipment and its cost. 5. If you only use security personnel on a part-time basis, please provide any information on the frequency of use and the cost. I would appreciate a response to these questions as soon as possible and I would like you to contact Douglas Lowenstein of my staff (224-2315) to keep him apprised of your progress. Meanwhile, thank you for your cooperation. HMM/ee Approved For Release 2007/06/27: CIA-RDP84B00148R000400820007-6