Background Information on the Organization of the NSCIC Working Group

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July 26, 1973
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Approved For Release 000/09/03 : CIA-RDP84B00506RQ0010001 J/ .67 J 26 July 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Background Information on the Organization of the NSCIC Working Group 1. The NSCIC decided at its initial meeting in December 1971 that it needed a subordinate committee to carry out Its staff work, and that the chairman should be a representative of the DCI. 2. Shortly afterward Mr. Helms asked Mr. Tweedy, D/DCI/NIPE, to be the chairman. No one advised the Chairman, NSCIC, of this formally as far as can be determined. 3. Mr. Tweedy and some of his staff created the Working Group, and to a large degree decided who the members should be. The only agency to get a formal invitation to nominate a representative was the Justice Department. The rest was handled by telephone. 4. The group met for the first time 13 December 1971, again in February 1972 to consider a work program, and it was not until the third meeting in April 1972, when the program was well underway, that the Chairman asked the group to approve some ground rules. These terms of reference had been prepared in the IC staff and were handed out with a request for comments by 1 May. 5. The replies stressed one very important point: that the group as presently organized and formalized in the terms of reference was not really a consumer group, had too many producers to consumers, and needed some change. a. Dr. Proctor did not even consider Mr. Marshall and Dr. Hall direct consumers of intelligence. He recommended that the membership be broadened to include Commerce, Treasury and the Council on International Economic Policy. b. Mr. Marshall wished there were a stronger consumer voice, thought the ratio of producers to consumers was too equal to make consensus decisions workable, but didn't have any suggestions about what to do and was afraid major changes in the membership "at this point" might be awkward. c. Dr. Hall, speaking for all Defense Department members, also thought the consumer voice was not strong enough. He recommended eliminating the producers and restricting the members to one representative of each NSCIC principal. Producers could come to meetings by invitation, and also participate in the staffing of Working Group activities. Approved For Release 2000/09/03 : CIA-RDP84B00506R000100010017-6 Approved For Release 2000/09/03 : CIA-RDP84B00506R000100010017-6 6. The various comments were never circulated to other members, adjustments were made to the terms of reference, mailed to members, and approved at the 13 June meeting. a. Dr. Proctor's recommendation to expand the user membership was handled by a proviso that other users and intelligence production managers could be invited to meetings when the agenda called for it. [To date, no extra consumers have been invited to a meeting.] The staff position against Dr. Proctor's suggestion was that since it wouldn't be appropriate to have Commerce, Treasury and CIEP represented on the NSCIC, it was not appropriate to have them included on the Working Group. There was an additional feeling that their interests were too limited. b. Decisions were to be reached by consensus of representatives of NSCIC principals only, although producers continued as members. 7. In practice, these provisos were not strong enough to prevent a domint producer voice in Working Group activities. Among the so-called consumer members, the Justice member was strictly an observer after the first two meetings, and has since bowed out for all practical purposes. The JCS sent four different people during the course of the eight meetings,which lack of continuity limited their contribution. This reduced active participation to three, one of whom can hardly be called a true consumer - Dr. Hall. 8. The changes now being proposed by General Graham respond directly and positively to the concerns originally expressed by several of the members, both consumers and producers, that the Working Group should be consumer-oriented and express consumer needs and reactions. 9. Insofar as the mechanics of the change are concerned, the Working Group exists at the discretion of the NSCIC which can cancel it, change it or redirect it. It operates under a terms of reference and with a membership which have never received formal approval of the NSCIC. There is no rule which says the Working Group must have the same composition as the NSCIC. With NSCIC approval of a new chairman and different members, no discussion is needed in the Working Group arena. 25X1A9a Distribution: orig - General Thomas, General Graham 1 - VDM 2 Approved For Release 2000/09/03 : CIA-RDP84B00506R000100010017-6