NSCIC and NSCIC Working Group

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Publication Date: 
July 16, 1973
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PDF icon CIA-RDP84B00506R000100010019-4.pdf85.51 KB
Approved For Releas OTUM y DCI/II; 4~$ 4B00506R J001000100 16 JUL 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR:. Director of Central Intelligence VIA: D/DCI/IC SUBJECT: NSCIC and NSCIC Working Group 1. A serious problem facing the intelligence community is the need to energize the NSCIC apparatus. As you know, NSCIC itself has only met once--on 3 December 1971, to organize itself. Since that time one meeting has been scheduled and cancelled. Four requests for NSCIC approval of Working Group projects and studies have gone forward to NSCIC--there has never been an answer. 2. There are two reasons for this lassitude: (1) Dr. Kissinger is not available to chair the meetings; and (2) the matters brought to NSCIC.attention have been too trivial. (Results of a study of the Indo-Pak crisis, requests to approve a series of Working Group studies, etc.) 3. As for the Working Group, it functions poorly because it is overloaded with intelligence types--myself, DDI, DD/S&T, DNE, DIA representative, INR representative, Dr. Hall. In the users group (State, JCS, NSC and Justice'), only Andy Marshall takes much interest. The intelligence types dominate the Working Group both numerically and vocally. In such an arrangement it is small wonder that the user representatives are inactive. 4. I propose three actions to solve these problems: a. Appoint Mr. Rush or Mr. Clements or Mr. Colby as Deputy Chairman, NSCIC; b. Appoint Andy Marshall vice me as Chairman of the Working Group; c. Remove all intelligence types from the Working Group except the IC representative, and expand users to include NSC, State, DOD/ISA, DOD/CDR&E, JCS, Commerce and Treasury. 5. On point a., this action would increase the chances of meetings of NSCIC severalfold. Jim Schlesinger had approached Dr. Kissinger on appointing the DCI as deputy. There would be some merit in having the deputy be more strictly a user. Approved For Release 2000/09/03 : CIA-RDP84 00506 Approved For Release,?000/09i 13005061Q001 00010019-4 6. On points b. and c., these actions would make the Working Group a true users' forum. As it is, it is extremely awkward for me to chair a group that should be telling the intelligence community what is needed by the users. One incident is illustrative of the problem. I tried to introduce a recommendation to NSCIC that it state the subjects it would like to see treated as NIEs, and take a hand in the terms of reference for them. Andy Marshall was all for it and I am sure other users would have supported it. The idea was shot down by DNE before the meeting even opened. With Marshall in the chair and the users dominating the group, I think interest would pick up sharply. The intelligence people should be brought in to advise and consult after the users determine what their require- ments are. I should chair an intelligence sub-group as required. 7. Your signature on the memorandum apposite would be th necessary first step to institute these charAes. Major General, USA Daniel 0.*Graham Approved For Release 2000/09/~~ ? rrn.nDRn0506R000100010019-4