Minutes of the Second Meeting 1430 Hours, 4 February 1972 DCI Conference Room, CIA Headquarters

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Approved For Release2000/09/03 : 84BO050 000100020025-6 National Security Council Intelligence Committee WORKING GROUP Minutes of the Second Meeting 1430 Hours, 4 February 1972 DCI Conference Room, CIA Headquarters Mr. Bronson Tweedy, D/DCI/NIPE, Chairman, presiding. Members present were: Mr. Andrew Marshall, NSC Staff; Dr. Ray S. Cline and Mr. Seymour Weiss, Department of State; Dr. Albert Hall, Vice Admiral John Weinel and Lt. General Donald V. Bennett, Department of Defense; Mr. Robert C. Mardian, Department of Justice; Dr. Edward W. Proctor and Mr. John W. Huizenga, CIA. 25X1A9a Others present: Mr. Richard Curl, Department of State; CIA. 25X1A9a Discussion centered about 12 projects proposed in the advance agenda for inclusion in the Working Group program and two other proposals submitted at the meeting, one by Mr. Mardian relating to intelligence support for the U. S. Government effort to control narcotics traffic, and one by Mr. Marshall relating to a review of selected intelligence inputs to NSSMs. The following projects were approved for submission to the NSCIC as Working Group study efforts: a. Narcotics traffic: A descriptive study of intelligence and intelligence-related activities responding to U. S. Government needs for intelligence in this field. The adequacy of existing statements of needs will be reviewed, along with an examination as to how intelligence is responding, the agencies and mechanisms involved, and the capabilities which have been created. This study is intended to provide basis for Working Group considera- tion of proposals for submission to the NSCIC. Mr. Tweedy has action responsibility. b. Economic Intelligence: This also will be a descriptive study of the manner in which intelligence is responding to U. S. Government needs for intelligence on international economic, financial and commercial. developments. The study will provide basis for Working Group consideration of proposals for submission to the NSCIC. Dr. Proctor has action responsibility. *NSC Declassification/Release Instructions on File* Approved For Release 2000/09/03 CIA-RDP84B00506 0.02 25-6 W1, 3 ...., ;;:: anal _I'l'~~fln Approved For Release,000/09/03: E 84B00506 000100020025-6 c. India/Pakistan: This will be a "Case Study of U. S. Intelligence Reaction to a Political -Military Crisis: The Indian/Pakistan Conflict of 1971, " with emphasis on "lessons learned. " Mr. Marshall has action responsibility. d. NSSMs: This will be a product evaluation of selected intelligence inputs to NSSMs. Mr. Marshall has action responsibility. Working Group action with respect to other projects on the proposed agenda was as follows: a. Expected major requirements for new or different intelligence in the near-to mid-term future: This project was considered too general in nature. Decision to make the narcotics traffic study ended consideration of this proposal. b. Review of the Supplement to DCID 1/2, U. S. Intelligence Objectives and Priorities: The DCI will forward this document to the Chairman, NSCIC, for comment. c. Survey of consumer reaction to intelligence products: The Working Group considered questionnaires to be of doubtful value and the proposal was not approved. d. Review of the NIE-11 series: Mr. Huizenga considered existing measures for feedback on this series adequate and the proposal was not approved. 25X1 f. Evaluation form for intelligence products: The proposal was not approved. g. Resources devoted to production by the U. S. intelligence community: This study is underway in the Product Review Group/ NIPE. The Working Group asked that it be completed. Approved For Release 2000/09/03 CIA-RDP84B00506R000100020025-6 Approved For Release000/09/03 4B00506 00100020025-6 25X1A h. Survey of the intelligence analyst situation: The Working Group indicated some interest in this proposal, but no action was taken. i. Research and development relating to intelligence production: No action was taken on this proposal. j. China as an intelligence research and production target: Consideration of this proposal was deferred until a presentation , DDCI China Coordinator, is to make to the USIB on 10 February becoLla?vaalable. The Chairman introduced Chief of the NIPE Product Review Group (telephone Code 143-4445) and requested that each member provide to the PRG the name of an individual in his department or agency who will serve as a point of contact on Working Group projects and problems. Bronson Tweedy Chairman Approved For Release 2000/09/0' ? I A A P84B00506R000100020025-6 Approved For Release 2000/09/03 : CIA-RDP84B00506R000100020025-6 If * 25X1A9a NIPE/PRG/ vdm 8 Feb 72 Distribution: 1 - each member present plus 1 for DDS&T who was absent 1 - NIPE subject 1 - NIPE chrono 1 -JET chrono 1 1 orig - PRG subject 25X1A9a 25X1A9a Approved For Release 2000/09/03 : CIA-RDP84B00506R000100020025-6