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Publication Date: 
February 27, 1974
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*15-15-1-eved Fe=- a9A9fUW INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY STAFF SUMMARY SHEET DCI/IC/74-0964 ROUTE TO ACTION SIGNATURE (Grade and Surname) ORIGINATOR (Symbol) TELEPHONE NO DATE DCI/IC/CS 7788 2/27/74 ACTION OFFICER SIGNATURE TYPED GRI~D A SU NAME TYPIST'S INITIALS 25X1A9 is/gm SUBJECT Letter to Scowcroft re NSCIC Meeting Memo to Chairman, NSCIC re NSCIC WG Membership REMARKS PURPOSE: 1. To get Scowcroft approval to DCI chairing meeting of NSCIC to consider KIQs. 2. To get Chairman, NSCIC approval of revised membership for NSCIC Working Group. DISCUSSION: As regards reorganizing the NSCIC Working Group, you will recall that when the NSCIC consideration of the KIQs was under discussion last month, the possibility of having the KIQs looked at by the Working Group was raised. Mr. Colby said that he was interested in having the Working Group "die on the vine" since he preferred to handle matters by dealing directly from his office with members of the NSCIC. RECOMMENDATION: Recommend you consider clearing the NSCIC Working Group reorganization with Mr. Colby. Summary sheet for your signature attached. Recommend you sign the letter to Scowcroft and the memo to the Chairman, NSCIC. 25X1A9a Approved For Release 2000/09/03 : CIA-RDP84B00506R000100040034-4 INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY STAFF SUMMARY SHEET DCI/IC 74-0963 r) r, 7 A 964 ROUTE TO ACTION SIGNATU E (Grade and Surname) ORIGINATOR (Symbo{) T ELEPHONE NO - DATE Coord D DCI Si natur DCI/IC/CS 7788 2/28/74 3 DC Approva ACTION OFFICER SIGNATURE TYPED GRADyEpNDS E TYPIST'S Q2 INITIALS RADM D ld P H ona . arvey is SUBJECT Letter to Scowcroft re NSCI?C Meeting Memo to Chairman, NSCIC, re NSCIC WG Membership REMARKS PURPOSE: The attached memos urge :S! a. An early meeting of the NSCIC with you in the chair to consider KIQs. . b.~.. A revised membership of the NSCIC Working Group, stressing D c- users vice intelligence producers. RECOMMENDATION: I believe -memo, should be sent very s on but woul li e teh minutes of discussion with you for George Carv nd mysel re sending them. aniel 0. Graham Lt. General, USA D/DCI/IC Approved For Release 2000/09/03 CIA-RDP84B00506R000100040034-4