Next Meeting of the NSCIC Working Group

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Document Release Date: 
July 30, 1998
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Publication Date: 
September 8, 1972
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Approved For Release 2001/08/14: 0506R00 00050009-1 W UP, V low 8 September 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR: Mr. Tweedy, D/DCI/IC SUBJECT: Next Meeting of the NSCIC Working Group 1. I suggest that we plan a meeting of the Working Group for Tuesday, 3 October. 2. Andy Marshall telephoned me yesterday to report that, although he is going to be out of town 9 - 15 September, he expects to have the new transmittal memorandum on the India-Pakistan study ready for dissemination to Working Group members by 18 or 19 September. Andy suggested a Working Group meeting the last week of September or the first week of October but indicated he would not be available on 5 October. 3. The agenda would look something like this: a. Approval of minutes of the 6 July meeting. b. Final consideration of India-Pakistan study for submission to the NSCIC. c. Status report on crisis case studies. (Andy said the redraft of the NSSM1-69 study, being taken over by , will not be ready but Andy can give a status report on it as well as on the studies of the Arab-Israeli ceasefire, the Jordan/Fedayeen civil war and DAMSON-719.) d. Studies of intelligence production proposed by Ray Cline (Copies of Ray's proposals can go out to the members along with the agenda. The Working Group should be asked to approve these topics and to comment on the way Ray proposes they be conducted. This would be the time to discuss the financing of outside assistance and the members would be so advised.) e. "Manpower and Cost Trends in U.S. Intelligence Production, FY1966-1973" (Assuming that you-approve the study already provided you, along with its summary and recommendations on pages 16-18, this study could be sent to the members in time for review prior to the meeting.) Approved For Release 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP84B00506R000100050009-1 Approved For Release 2001/08/14 : - 4B00506R000100050009-1 f. "Survey of Current Intelligence Publications" (This study should be in your hands for review next week. It has been prepared at the request of the Working Group and should be submitted to the members for consideration.) g. Other business,. e s JET:vdm Distribution: on - Mr. Tweedy 1 PRG subject (filed NSCIC WG-2) 25X1A9 chrono 1 - PRG chrono Approved For Release 2001 /08 ,, RDP84B00506R000100050009-1