Staffing and Distributing the Family of National Intelligence Guidance Documents

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,VI lLL Approved For ReleAA6 2001/08/14: CIA-RDPB 6R000100130019-1 (2 July 1975 IC 75-2425 q, MEMORANDUM FOR: Members, NSCIC Working Group SUBJECT: Staffing and Distributing the Family of National Intelligence Guidance Documents fiJ "v '1' i t }yl Gi NrR$E. Q E'i is o il' a< 1. At the 20 May meeting of the NSCIC Working Group Ambassador Robert Ellsworth asked for a brief description of: (a) who writes the intelligence guidance documents--Objectives, Perspectives, KI s, and US Forei n Intelligence Priorities DCID 1/2); b w o reviews them; and c who uses them. The c airman directed me to respond to the Ambassador. Mr. Ober's office subsequently requested general distribution of the response. This represents my review of the development files of the documents and consultations within the IC Staff and NIO office. 2. The short answers to the three questions would be: (a) the NIOs and the IC Staff; (b) USIB and IRAC; (c) up to 500 or more top managers of the Intelligence Community plus key users as repre- sented in the NSCIC. User views are to be surveyed informally prior to stage (a), and formally prior to stage (b). User views conveyed either informally or formally to the DCI during stage (c) are to prime the start of the new cycle. Such is the theory of the guidance process. 3. Except for DCID 1/2, however, we are dealing with relatively new art forms, and the reality has been more complex, and less con- sistent, than the theoretical explanation implies. 4. For example, the first editions of all these documents were basically IC Staff creations. The production of DCID 1/2 has remained within the IC Staff--specifically under an interagency task force chaired by General Thomas of the IC Staff. The NIOs has assumed the larger share of the drafting responsibility for the revised editions of the Perspectives, Objectives and KIQs--including the KIQ Strategy Reports and Performance Reports 5. In addition, the review process varies considerably from document to document, from edition to edition and, to put a fine point on it, from drafter to drafter. The first version of the CL SSIFIEZ) Y 033245 Approved For Release 099444494=9', 1 li"1L BI UVIII 050T RNW1 9AAr iWGzz" Inf "Ic1r%J`ID"! ) 1. z: ,!) r.;;e or n; .} C) !Y v`I L ..itttl; ON _ 0_ *3Q_g1aelltermin_e 'nl?>s .mnossiLle. 'nsert date or ('vent) sewr+s~+* Approved For Reese se 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP84B00506RW100130019-1 Perspectives, for example, was virtually an individual effort within the IC Staff; the DCI was essentially the only reviewer; and the production time was a matter of days. In contrast, the present edition of the Perspectives has gone through several redraftings, involving the participation of several individuals in the IC Staff and in the NIO offices (including the D/DCI/NIO himself), and at least some informal consultation with consumers. The Objectives were massaged by collection and production managers, in addition to the IC Staff and the NIOs, prior to their approval by USIB and IRAC. 6. The review process for the KIQs involves three distinct stages. The first consists in drawing up the questions themselves. Even for the first, or pilot, edition there was ad hoc consultation between the IC Staff and individuals within the NSC Staff, DOD, State, Treasury, and other consumers, plus the Community. The DCI personally reviewed and approved the final draft, including the total number of KIQs. Recommendations for deleting, adding and rewording KIQs for the 'forthcoming edition have come to the NIOs mainly through USIB Principals, and secondarily from the consumers directly--i.e., the NSCIC Working Group. The establishment of the DKIQs to serve, among other functions, as formal DOD inputs to the KIQs is a major innovation in the Community. 7. The second and third stages involve the drawing up of KIQ Strategy reports and, some months afterward, KIQ Performance reports. Both stages are directed by the appropriate NIOs in consultation with their ad hoc panels of Community representatives. Designing the format for these reports and tabulating the results have been mainly the work of the IC Staff. Each of these stages is subject to modification and formal approval by USIB and IRAC. 8. The review process for DCID 1/2 involves direct and repeated communication between the Task Force and USIB Principals. 9. At annex is a chart indicating the distribution of the various guidance documents. Recipients of the documents are given some latitude in making further dissemination as appropriate. 10. It does not follow, of course, that everyone who receives a copy of a certain guidance document uses it in the same way. Nor are all four guidance documents held in equal regard. Indeed, in the case of DCID 1/2 a DCI memorandum of 21 October 1974 requested USIB Principals to comment on whether, in view of the establishment of KIQs, the DCID should be retained. A majority of the USIB Principals said in effect yes, at least for the near future; State, Treasury, and AEC (now ERDA) responded that they did not find the document useful. Executive Secretary NSCIC Working Group Approved For Release 2001/ 61R000100130019-1 2 Approved For Ruse 2001/08%14 'G?IK7UM6F0100130b4TX DISTRIBUTION OF 'INTELLI(IENCE GUIDANCE DOCUMENTS E-' E H U) N Ra 0 H .~ ~. f w W U H U H H U A H H U U H U v U 0 A a cwn A w w w w x Pers ectives 8 2 2 323 26 2 2 1 -- 30 , 2 2 1 2 2 30 Ob 'ectives 2 3 -- 11 1 -- 1 1 3 -- 1 -- 2 -- -- KI 5 1 1 201 2 1 1 -- -- 50 1 -- 25 1. 1 Qs DCID 1/2 3 -- -- 203 - 3 -- 4 122 -- 6 5 -- _ Approved For Release 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP84B00506R000100130019-1 ^Z%KIr-Ir%F-nI-T-1 A I Approved For Release 200 6R0Q100130019-1 DISTRIBUTION OF INTELLIGENCE GUIDANCE DOCUMENTS (Cont'd.) H w ca H El u ] W[~ A U E-+ L4 U] H El U W U H l W p U C7 O AC U H H U H ' w L , F~ W H H H H UZ CI) Cl) H r1, N P., cn U) U) U) H H a 5 Perspectives -- - 7 42 4 14 2 12 5 2 2 Objectives -- -- 1 9 - -- -- 3 2 -- -- KIQ s 2 -- 1 51 1 1 -- 50 5 -- -- 1 - 1 DCID 1/2 22 2 -- 1 5 1 - Approved For Release 06R000100130019-1 THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE Approved For Release 2001/ : A-RDP84B0050Q900100130019-1 Intelligence Community Staff MEMORANDUM FOR: NSCIC Working Group SUBJECT: Draft Terms of Reference for the NSCIC Working Group 1. I appreciate receiving the comments and suggestions to date on the draft Terms of Reference for the NSCIC Working Group. We will address them at the 2 July meeting. 2. With regard to paragraph 4.b. of the draft, I am circulating two documents: (1) a Memorandum for the Record on the first meeting of NSCIC; (2) a 10 October 1974 memorandum on the Action Program addressed to the members of NSCIC and signed by General Scowcroft for Dr. Kissinger. The first records that the Chairman of NSCIC "felt that the staff work for the NSCIC should be carried out by a subordinate committee which should be chaired by a representative of the DCI. " The second states that "the DCIIs representative will. serve as chairman of the Working Group. " Samuel V. Wilson Lieutenant General, USA Chairman, NSCIC Working Group Attachments: As stated (2) CLASSIFIEUBY 033245 LA55 EXFJ1PT FROM GENERAL DEC Approved For Release 2001/08/14: CIA-RDP84 SCIRA,14 V OF E 0 11652, EXE 56(11. 21 (3) or (' ION CATEGORY: e ofie or more) Bible to determine Approved For Rele 2001/0 84B00506R0Q00130019-1 SUBJECT: Draft Terms of Reference for the NSCIC Working Group Distribution: Orig. - General Wilson-, 1 - George S. Vest, Leslie H. Brown 1 - The Hon. Robert F. Ellsworth 1 - William N. Morell, Jr. 1 - Lt. Gen. John H. Elder, Jr. 1 - Mr. Richard Ober 1 - C/PRD (& PRD Chrono) 1 - IC Registry 1 - PRD Subject 1 - AB Subject DCI/IC/PRD/ :ml/4445 (26 Jun 75) Approved For Release 2001/08/14: C 0506R000100130019-1