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Approved For Releaske?5/b> ?"dIA-Wb('84B00890R000600090005-0 Approved For Relea4e ~-0$/d ; GIA RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 1. Executive Summary II. Background of Study III. Recent Activity in Applicant Processing IV. Modeling of Recruitment Applicant Processing Activity Appendix A Current System and Recommendations ng Summary Professional Technical Recruit 20 i Clerical Recruiting Summary .21 Appendix B Project SCIP Funding Requirements i Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 I. Executive Summary This study does not make conclusive judgments on the entire recruitment structure, but rather identifies areas that seem to call for further examination or which present a possibility for some improvement in the recruitment process. The detailed recommendations are contained in Section V of this report. In shortened version, they are: Give the newly implemented OPPPM system six months to. ,prove its mettle. 2. 'Use computer.'modeling as a tool for understanding, not for decisionmaking. 3. Evaluate the overall effectiveness of the Agency's field recruitment. network and take appropriate action. 4. Reconfigure the OPPPM Review Unit and Processing Assistants functions to increase the efficiency with which they process applicant files. Ensure that applicants are contacted frequently during processing, and are continually assured of Agency interest. 5. Direct the Office of Security to implement an up-front polygraph program for all applicants. 6. Fund Project SCIP, Security . Communications Improvement Project now. It will allow OS to more efficiently process background investigations. 7. Retain the 15-year investigative coverage on applicant background investigations. 8. Direct OMS to explore with OPPPM the creation of physical activity job standards, especially for sedentary jobs. Having done so, the clinical portion of medical processing for applicants to be assigned to these jobs could be eliminated. If deemed necessary, the clinical processing could be postponed until sometime after EOD. 9. Direct the Office of Medical Services to use the recently established Communications recruitment task force as a pilot program for implementation of a similar pre-medical screening program for all applicants. Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 Approved For Release 2005/08/02: CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 10. Direct the Office of Medical Services to offer the PATB on an exception only basis, and to curtail its use for most college hires...... 11. Curtail invitee travel expenses, by better accounting, reallocation of monies, and less interview activity. 12.' Reexamine the Agency's policy on payment of relocation expenses in light of the limited success of non-Washington area recruiting activity. Pending the outcome of such ,an.examination, examine the feasibility of implementing one standard'Agency policy to pay all relocation expenses. At, the very least, identify additional occupational"' codes for which we should apply for an OPM exemption in order to pay relocation expenses. II.. Background of Study,' This study was` commissioned to examine the timeliness and cost effectiveness of the current Agency recruitment system with an expressed aim of shortening the process. Because there has been a close scrutiny of Agency personnel practices, including recruitment, over the past several years, there.was a fair amount of data readily available for analysis. Most of the information reported in this study came from available statistics and recently published studies, on personnel activities. However, in addition, the following people were interviewed to provide their unique perspective: and other members of the Directorate Representatives to OPPPM/R&P Deputy for Recruitment & Placement, ORPPM Deputy Director of Personnel Security & Investigations Office of Medical Services Plans and Support Staff DDA Representative OTE Analyst Chief, Psychological Services Division, Office of Medical Services III. Recent Activity in Recruitment and Processing of Applicants 1. Beginning in 1977, the Agency's personnel system, and Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 Approved For Release 2005/08/02 CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 specifically the recruitment system, have been the subject of several studies and papers: IG Report on the Agency's Recruitment System, January 1980 OPPPM Report on a Proposed Recruitment System, February 1980 OPPPM Response to the IG Report on Recruitment, including several IG recommendations, March 1980 Recommendations'Regarding Recruitment and Placement Policies from the Directorate Task Force to OPPPM/R&P, January 1981 2. In the past year', OPPPM has instituted multiple changes to the recruitment and applicant processing system which has existed in the Agency since the, early 1950s. The overriding objective of these changes have been to, reduce cost and to increase the speed of processing applicants. OPPPM's prime solution for satisfying these objectives has been to reduce the number of applicants in the system at any given time, or said another way, to considerably reduce the ratio of applicants-in-process to EODs. Early indications are that clerical ratio has been reduced from 2.2 to 1 during the October 1979 through April 1980 time period, to 1.6 to 1 during the May 1980 to October 1980 period. For professionals, the ratios for those same time periods have been reduced from 2.8 to 1 to 1.9 to 1. Correspondingly, the number of applicants in process has been reduced from Early indications, are that the EOD rate has not been adversely affected. In fact, the EOD rate has increased. 3. The methods used for accomplishing this ratio reduction have involved elimination of questionable applicants (for qualifications, security or medical reasons) early in the applicant process. As a result of early security interviews (Pre-Investigative Interviews) and early verification of information contained in the Personal History Statement (drug usage, for example),Ipercent of initial applicants were eliminated for security reasons prior to being formally entered into the applicant process. Another reduction method has involved targeted recruiting--best described as recruiting for a specific position by a specific recruiter. Additionally, some parallel processing, especially in the security and medical areas, was also implemented, and the SKILLS BANK, a holding area for applicant files, was eliminated. 4. Appendix A of this study provides an excellent comparison of the old applicant processing system and the one proposed by OPPPM Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 Approved For Release 2005/08/02-: CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 in March 1980 for both clericals and professionals. OPPPM has not yet fully implemented all of the changes proposed last year. We requested an interim report on their progress to date, and they supplied the following figures. OPPPM Portion of Applicant Processing Professional/Technical Previous #/ o f Days Proposed # of Days Current (estimated) iE of Days Resume Review 24 2 3 Recruiter Interview 25 n/a n/a PHS Preparation 39 14 17 PHS Review 4 0 2 Expediter Review - - 3 Skills Bank 14 0 n/a Input, Log, Xerox, Duplicate, Deliver, Pick -up 5 Office Review 22 10 14 Pre-polygraph Interview Arrangements. 38 14 21 Interviews 7 - ? 10 Decision to Process 20 - 7 Security Processing 55 30 55 Medical Processing 27 n/a n/a Report for Duty 50 30 30 Total Days 5. As can be seen from the chart, Security and Medical processing are done concurrently in the new system, and take .approximately 55 days. 6. The total processing time is now 167 days or half of the 325-day processing time which existed when the new system was implemented circa mid-1980. Further reductions are planned. 7. The following two charts examine the same data from two other viewpoints: the percent loss of applicants in both the previous and the proposed systems, and the dropout rate of each discrete function in both systems. Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 Approved For Release 2005/08/02 CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 Professional/Technical Loss Figures Previous Proposed # Applicants %Lost ' # Applicants ?.%Lost Reviewed Resumes PHS Completions Skills Bank Office Review Interview Arrangements. Interviews Decision to Process Security Processing Medical. Processing Report, for Duty In the previous system we EODed percent of those who initially expressed interest., In the proposed system, we plan to EOD F--]ppercent. Professional/Technical Dropout Rates Reviewed Resumes PHS Completions Skills Bank Office Review Interview Arrangement Interviews Decision to Process Security Processing Medical Processing Report for Duty Proposed Dropout rate is defined as the percent of applicants entering each discrete process that do not leave it successfully. 8. The observations which can be made regarding this data --Cost is not as relevant a factor in the loss of applicants 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 as time is. Most of the discrete. functions involved (e.g., interview arrangements) are of negligible cost, but do involve a significant time investment. With the exceptions of security and medical processing, most of the losses occur during time delays, not during an expensive. processing step. --With the security and medical processes, there are significant costs, primarily because of professional time involved. We currently are unable to predict whether staffing decreases could result from either our recommendations or from OPPPM's proposed system. --Both the proposed OPPPM system and our recommendations are aimed at reducing the workload of those Agency employees who process applicants. Polygraph operators are the exception because their workload most probably.will increase,as a result of the recommended changes. The cost-per-applicant will most probably increase (owing to the. large file reduction) but, at the same time, the total Agency resources devoted to applicant processing should decrease. Cost aside, the changes should result in increased efficiency because the system will no longer be overburdened. . --Those areas where a decrease in cost should result from a suggested change are discussed in this study. Examples are invitee travel, field recruitment activities, clinical examinations and PATB testing'. The recommendations in these areas also usually contribute to a reduction in projected processing time. . We applaud OPPPM activity aimed at reducing the number of days required to process applicants, and believe that the new system should be closely monitored for a longer period of time, at least six months, before we make any judgements on its success or failure. During this time period, it is essential that OPPPM, OS, and OMS collect extensive statistics so that a determination of success or failure can be made on a quantitative basis. Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 Approved For Release 2005/08/02: CIA-RDP84B00890R000600090005-0 IV. Modeling of Recruitment Activity A. Portions of the recruitment process including the -- processing activity -- security approval process -- Psychological Services Staff functioning have been the subjects of System Dynamics modelling in the past year. As a general comment, we believe that these models have contributed to an understanding of the complexities of the activities involved. Specifically, in the process of modelling the applicant processing activity some very valuable suggestions were made and subsequently implemented. These suggestions include: installing expediters for security and medical up-front.screening of applications, implementing concurrent security and medical processing, -- eliminating the Skills Bank, and -.-.implementing a two-part Personal History Statement form. B. The original goal of the applicant processing model was to reduce the time required for processing prospective employees. The model found a .5% per day loss in applicants. Said differently, each day an applicant was in process, the Agency increased the odds that the applicant would not EOD. OPPPM concluded that.a reduction in the number of files in process would accomplish a reduction in processing time, without decreasing the number of EODs. After making the above changes, OPPPM has geared its activity toward that goal. This particular strategy leaves the existing processing mechanisms intact and reduces their workload. We feel that this strategy deemphasizesinnovative management solutions and discourages questioning of the rationale for the existence of certain activities. It preserves those activities rather than questions them. C. The particular modeling technique used, Systems Dynamics, tends to view most relationships as linear, even those that may exhibit non-linear characteristics when another modeling technique is used. For instance, the much-quoted .5% per day loss of applicants which was derived from the System Dynamics model most probably is a yield rate curve, an "S" shape when viewed closer. The "S" shape implies that there are points where a the number of days of processing makes a large difference in EODs and others where the difference is negligible--that is, if the process is fast or moderately fast, we can expect the same EOD rate, or if it is slow or moderately slow, the EOD rate stays nearly constant. Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 D. In the case of the security field office model, the most appropriate assignment technique needs to be calculated, but it appears that a linear programming solution to each model could determine an optimum number for "in-basket" size, and an optimum caseload. The model suggests a nearly empty in-basket and a caseload of 5-6 (from experience) present the most efficient solution. Recommendation We ask that the models-developed for various portions of the recruitment and :processing activity be viewed as a .valuable contribution to our understanding of the process involved, but not be used as a sole determinant for 'action.; Particularly, we ask that the goal of reducing the number of days of processing not be viewed totally as a linear function.of the number of files in the system. E. We applaud efforts at modeling processes in order to more fully understand them, but we believe that models should be viewed as one contribution to an overall management strategy for improvement. V. Problems With the Current System and Recommendations 1. All of the OPPPM optimization activity has been focused on the processing portion of the recruitment activity; processing being roughly defined as the activity which takes place after an initial expression of interest by an individual. 2. One area of particular concern is the up-front recruitment activity, especially the operation of the Field Recruiter Network. We believe it needs to be completely reexamined from efficiency and productivity viewpoints. There are field recruitment offices scattered through the United States. hey will 25X1 cost the Agenc in 1981. These recruiters last year 25X1 25X1 accounted for EODs, of which Q were professional. The Washington Area Recruitment Office (WARO) on the other hand, with 2 5X12 5X10recruiters, accounted for= E00s, including professionals. 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 Many of the people we interviewed during the-course of this study believed that the field recruiters play a passive versus an active, role, that they are "out of touch" with Agency activities and needs. We believe that their success rate--or lack of same--at certain universities needs to be analyzed, and recruiting visits tailored accordingly. For instance, the Agency interviewed 23 recently; none were hired. We have no data on why a recruiter Visits (and revists) certain universities, and does not recruit at others. 3. We understand that some recruiters work standard hours. A recruiter available at a county-employment office during daytime hours will predictably get less activity than one available during the early evening.;.A phone call made by a recruiter to the residence of a student or an employed person during the day also gets, a predictable response. 5. Field recruiters return to Headquarters once a year for a conference. They spend the rest of their time in the field. They usually reside in the area in which their office is located. Field recruitment has not traditionally been a rotational assignment. 6. Some of those we interviewed stated that Personal History Statements received from field recruiters contain errors and omissions, or obvious security or medically disqualifying information. We were not able to document instances of this particular criticism. a. The entire area of field recruitment needs to be studied in detail. We are uncertain that sufficient justification exists to maintain recruiters -- in light of OPPPM's intent to place significantly fewer applicants in process; -- in light of the new system's emphasis on early interviews by the component, 25X1 9_ Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 not by the recruiter; and in light of the fact that the field recruiters account for fewer EODs than the average WARO recruiter. We need to delineate field recruiter functions and decide whether those functions could be done by traveling recruiters based in Washington rather than stationery recruiters based in the field. We need to capture statistics on colleges and. universities where we do get employees. b, At those universities where our recruitment success rate is low, we suggest utilization of videotape and written media in the college or university recruitment office. The production of company recruiting tapes is quite common in industry, and most major college recruitment offices have a videotape capability. The expense of producing the tape easily offset by the reduction in associated-travel funds. c. The Agency should standardize its recruiting message. We have an excellent package which we distribute to people who write or send resumes. But when a live recruiter visits a campus or employment office, he/she should have a standard message to communicate as well--slides or a prepared briefing book or whatever. Our message has to be clear, concise and consistent. d. Those who recruit should explore the use of flexible working hours for their non-campus activities and for applicant telephone contacts. e. We did not undertake in-depth research of the process by which OPPPM determines requirements for new employees. We recommend, however, that such research could very usefully be Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 Approved For Release 2005/08/02.: CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 undertaken, and soon. B. Applicant Processing Applicant processing activities involve an enormous amount of paper, flowing between multiple branches of three different processing offices (OPPPM, OS, OMS), the hiring office, and Security field offices. OPPPM has recently implemented a minicomputer based system, CAPER, to track applicant progress through the OPPPM portion of this maze. CAPER notwithstanding, the greatest inefficiency in the whole process remains' paper shuffling and tracking, especially where, papers cross office (and directorate) boundaries. The areas of greatest delay. or significant cost which we were able to identify include: 1. OPPPM appointment arrangements - Two branches in OPPPM schedule interviews, tests, and EOD dates for applicants, hiring offices and processing offices. One branch makes arrangements for clerical applicants, and one branch makes arrangements for professional applicants. These offices essentially work regular 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. schedules, and one of their main problems is getting in touch with the applicants. These branches also prepare requests for security and medical processing and reproduce personal history statements prior to office reviews. An applicant file may pass through these branches three times during the hiring process. Each time this happens, delays occur. There are ,four processing assistants in the professional branch, three in the other. As many as 10 days can elapse from the time a person is cleared for duty until he is notified. On 13 March 1981, for example, there were=cleared people who had not yet been called to EOD] The functions appear to be necessary. The ineffectiveness with which the functions are performed is unnecessary. 2. The Review Unit has perhaps the most critical job in applicant process. It determines whether or not to send applicant files to Agency offices, and if so, which offices. The Review Unit is often another processing bottleneck. If an applicant file is sent to an inappropriate office, a two week delay can and does result. The potential for files of needed applicants being rejected by the Review Unit and those of unnecessary applicants being sent to offices for review appears to be high. Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 Recommendation 4 OPPPM should attempt to reconfigure the processing assistant jobs to increase their efficiency. Flextime hours, including early evening hours, should be instituted especially for applicant-contacting activities. Perhaps the jobs of the processing assistants should e realigned. The professional processing assistants split r. work on a directorate basis, which may .not be the'most optimum division. Applicants should be contacted at several points during processing just to be reassured of continuing Agency interest. ,The processing assistants seem to be,the logical group to perform this function. The OPPPM Review Unit needs to be more familiar with requirements of various offices,.and perhaps needs to be staffed by personnel with more general Agency experience. 3. Background investigations done by the Office of Security for all applicants are the longest single function in the applicant process. It currently takes an average of 54 days to conduct an investigation. The Office of Security projects that they can eventually complete applicant background investigations in 45 days, with quite a few taking no more than 30 days. There are an average of 1.7 field assignments required to complete each background investigation. These assignments may involve any of the seven security field offices. These field assignments exhibit the It traveling salesman" operations research problem, in that the field investigator or resident agent (RA) or confidential correspondent (CC) who handles the assignment picks up assignments once a week. The rest of his time is spent "on the road." Assignments necessarily "gather dust" waiting for the investigator to pick them up. Mailing time to the field office and then perhaps to an RA or CC adds significantly to the security processing time, as does clerical, typing time. The availability of travel funds. also has a direct impact on the efficiency of a field investigation. 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 Approved For Release 2005/08/02 _: CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 Recommendation 5 efficient, comprehensive and timely. Project SCIP involves a phased development' costing approximately The Office of Security background investigation is a labor intensive activity. Certain parts of the system are badly in need of optimization. An ODP study completed in August 1980 suggested the implementation of project SCIP, Security Communications Improvement Project--the use of word processing and data processing technology to render security clearance actions more costing information for Project SCIP. We recommend its adoption. over the first three years. Funds are budgeted in 1983 at an enhanced level, Appendix B provides detailed We examined background investigation data to determine if the requirement for 15 year coverage decreased efficiency appreciably. A study done by the Office of Security in May 1977 found that because of the age of applicants, our average investigative coverage averages only 6.4 years. The study also found that noteworthy information was found in the 10% of the cases where the investigation covered a full 15 years. We found that the time required for a background investigation is related more to the assignment and travel issue than it is to the length of investigative coverage. We recommend that the 15-year coverage of the background investigation be retained. 4. The February 1980 Proposed Recruitment System suggest the implementation of up-front polygraphs (polygraph Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 .Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 interviews conducted prior to initiation of the background investigation). Though the Office of'Security does these when requested, they do not do them routinely. The critical point here is that the polygraph interview may eliminate completely the need for a background investigation if it produces unacceptable derogatory information. The polygraph most often eliminates applicants because of drug usage, thievery, and homosexuality. Recommendation 7 The Office of Security is prepared to implerient and should be directed to implement an up-front polygraph as the standard processing. activity for all applicants. 5. The Office of Medical Services conducts two types of medical testing on applicants--physical and psychiatric. OMS will not eliminate an applicant as physically unfit for duty on the basis of information contained in their Medical History statement (Form 93). Consequently, each applicant receives a full physical examination. These tests do not contribute to a significant time delay (2 or 3 days), but they do have to be scheduled. Scheduling, you will recall, too often creates unacceptable delays. There is, of course, a significant cost associated with the clinical screening. Full physical examinations result in the disqualification of fewer than 2% of all applicants examined. The cost effectiveness of a full clinical exam for only a 2% loss is questionable. Recommendation 8 OPPPM and OMS should jointly explore the utility and cost effectiveness of full physical examinations for all the applicants. We suggest they jointly work to accomplish a goal of developing job standards, particularly for sedentary jobs, which would result in a significant reduction in the number of full clinical examinations needed. Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 Approved For Release 2005/08/02,: CIA-RDP84B00890R000600090005-0 essential for those with sedentary jobs, we recommend that the exam be performed sometime after the EDO date, thus- removing it from the applicant processing system. 6. The Office of Medical Services also performs psychiatric screening which consists primarily of a form completion, the Personal Index (PI), which is evaluated by a 'psychometrist to determine if a psychiatric interview is necessary. We recommend no changes to this procedure. Recommendation 9 OMS is performing pre-medical field screening as a part of the upcoming task .force initiative to recruit electronic technicians for the Office of .Communications. The screening consists of a. review of Medical Form 93 which the .interviewee will complete along with his Personal History Statement, and a Personal Index (Psychiatric Screening) completion by the interviewee. An .interview will take place after the,Pl is scored and evaluated. No medical disqualification will take place, but the medical technician will make an off-the-record recommendation to the interviewer whether to continue processing the individual. If this procedure is successful, we recommend that OMS implement it for the standard applicant processing activity. 7. OMS estimates that currently 55% to 70% of all professional applicants take the Professional Aptitude Test Battery (PATB). There is no standard Agency policy determining use of the PATB. Choice of testing is left to the individual line manager sponsoring an applicant for employment. The PATB is given to all CT applicants. The PATB does account for some delay in the applicant process. Time required to score the PATB varies from several days to three Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B00890R000600090005-0 Approved For Release 2005/08/02_; CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 weeks. Since the background investigation by OS is run concurrently with medical processing,' the delay usually does not impact overall processing, except in. cases where results from the PATB cause a cancellation of the applicant's .processing. The Office of Medical Services should offer its PATB services to components on an exception only basis. The PATB could still be used as a suitability measure .for unusual Agency professions, but certainly :not for standard occupations, for example, accountants, computer programmers, etc. PATB testing of recent `college graduates should be severely curtailed. Since college hires average ..about 50% of the annual ECD number, this could greatly reduce PATB use. We found that each professional applicant travels from his or her home to Washington and back twice during processing. Clerical applicants make one round trip each, Cost is about $420 per tri . Total invitee travel, which is budgeted by OPPPM, was 25X1 in FY-81. FY-83 projections for Agency-wide invitee travel 25X1 total The number of Invitee travel trips has increased 452 percent in the past four years. This particular statistic is fascinating. It means that we are interviewing more applicants while our number of EOD's has remained relatively constant over that same period. We are not able to account for invitee travel by occupation. Statistics on the use of invitee travel funds by components would be interesting. Unfortunately, this data is not available. Theoretically, with the new recruitment system, invitee travel should decrease as up-front screening eliminates undesirable applicants prior to the interview, yet OPPP`l projects a significant increase for FY-83. Invitee travel is a free service provided to components by OPPPM, and 16 Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 Approved For Release 2005/08/0.21: CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 components are availing themselves of this service in ever-increasing numbers. Use of invitee travel should be much more carefully monitored by OPPPM. Better accounting for its use should be provided. Once accounting information is available, OPPPM should parcel out invitee travel funds based on projected needs, attrition rates, or a similar figure. Invitee travel funds should not be divided by current component use. For ;example, there is currently a 12-to-1 ratio of applicants to EOD's for the CT program. We. could not confirm that they used a significant amount of invitee travel, though we suspect so. If a disproportionate number of interviews occurs for the CT program or any other occupational code, we may need to explore better methods of up-front screening for that group. Right now, our problem is that we don't have the information available to make a judgment, and our invitee travel costs are skyrocketing. D. Relocation Expenses A statistic which we requested and were unable to obtain was the number of new employee relocations in any given year which. were paid by the Agency. The overall Agency policy is to conform to the Federal Personnel Manual, chapter 571, which lists occupational categories for which relocation expenses may be paid. Relocation expenses are not budgeted by OPPPM but rather by individual components. An applicant who is interviewed for several different jobs by several components will in all likelihood be told that his or her relocation expenses will be paid by one component, but not by another. This kind of confusion does nothing to enhance the Agency's image as an employer. It may also partially account for the low success rate for field recruitment versus recruitment in the Washington area. Most major industrial employers pay relocation expenses for their new hires. A number we are unable to capture is the loss of potential employees who cannot afford to pay for their own moving expenses. Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 The Agency's policy on payment of relocation expenses is inconsistent and counterproductive. We recommend that this entire area be the subject of a separate study. Our initial recommendation, pending the outcome of the study, is that the Agency should pay all relocation expenses for successful out-of-town applicants. If not, we should recruit solely within the Washington area. Perhaps college hires 'could move to this area at their own expense, but for a person who is changing jobs, we believe the current policy presents an'unreasonable financial burden and negates the effectiveness of recruiting away from Washington. If the Agency cannot legally pursue its own relocation payment policy, then, at ,the very least, we recommend that the Agency requests further exemptions from.. OPM based on more of our critical occupations. We did not attempt to predict the efficiencies that will result from implementation of our recommendations. We have approached the recruiting and applicant processing problem from a different direction than did OPPPM. We believe that suggestions resulting from each study approach will improve the efficiency and cost effectiveness of these processes. Approved For Release 2005/08/02 :_ CIA-RDP84B00890R000600090005-0 Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 VII. References (chronological order) Memo for Chairman, Security Committee from CIA member, Investigative Standards Working Group, subject: Investigative Standards Survey Report, 27 May 1977 .The Agency's Recruitment System, Inspection Report, Office of the Inspector General, January 1980 Proposed Recruitment System, OPPPM and February 1980 publication, Personnel Security Survey, DCI Investigative Standards Working Group, May 1980 Field Office Automation Study, ODP publication, 13 August 1980.. Memo for Director of Security from Deputy Director of Security (PSI), subject: Security Approval Model, 28 October 1980 Memo for DD/A from Chief, Psychological Services Staff, OMS, Subject:` Survey of Users of the PSS Professional Test Battery in CIA, 30 October 1980 Memo for DD/A from Chief, Psychological Services Staff, OMS, Subject: Job Analysis and Test Validation Research Capability in PSS, 31 October 1980 Security Approval Model, Memo for DD/A from C/PSS/OMS, Subject: Supplementary Data on Users of the PSS Professional Test Battery in CIA, 30 December 1980 Memo for DDCI from D/PPPM, Subject: Recruitment Process, 31 December 1980 Security Communications Improvement Program, Project SCIP, 9 February 1981 Memo for D/PPPM from Directorate Representatives to OPPPM/R&P, Subject: Recommendations Regarding Recruitment and Placement Policies, 28 January 1981 Preliminary Draft, Improved Personnel Recruiting for CIA Implementation of a Dynamic Simulation Analysis, 10 March 1981 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 RFSU`IF REElUEN PHS PREPARATION INTERVIEW INVITATION AYAMULE 1 RECGI .aS - APPLTC.ANi' rrvrv.~r r, 48 Days (Minima i. -- 1S clays) PROFESSION TECHNTC.RL 116 Days RECRUITING -S(J tARY 325 Days "as M5T08142 CIA-RDP8fRPR$ . 8000600090005-0 Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 .& TEST Approved For Release 2 10 05/08/02 tA-RDP84B00890R000600090005-0 PHS . PREPARATION 30 PROPOSED PHS REVIEW CSB REVIELIJ I 10 SECURITY- NAME CHECK ! 10. SECURITY BACKGROUND- REPORT FOR POLY-MEDICAL / , I 42 Days . (iiniimurrt -- 10 days). MEDICAL 1 27 CLERICAL REPORT FOR DUTY 167 Pays RECRUITING SUM'I!ARY Approved For Release 2005/08/021 CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 27 Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 Security Communications Improvement Program PROJECT SCIP 25X1 25X1 Standard :CRT Terminal Eight:.' Bich .Floppy Disk High Quality, printer Data Encryption Standard Eight Inch Floppy Disk High Quality Printer Standard-CRT Terminal Inflation Factor - FY82/FYBI (7.9%) FY-1983 Standard CRT Terminal Eight Inch Floppy Disk High Quality Printer STU-II w/Extension Set Spares f/u/w STU-II Secure Pax (Med Quality) Secure Fax (High Quality) Inflation. Factor - FY83/FY82 (7.9%) FY-1934 through FY-1987 13 each Fiscal Year Standard CRT Ter^J_nal (-irif_lation Facto:_ Each Year 7.9%) Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 Network Equipment Requirements Unit Cost Total Cost .25X1 25X1 Approved For Release U~l l~ `OgZ - G IDP84B00890R000600090005-0 Approved For Relae' 2d?/b$ lid P84BOO89OR000600090005-0 ed For Release 208 /08/02: CIA-RDP84BOO89OR000600C TO: DDA RTlV1T. FY-r Haas. JAN 1982 2SX1 a5X ROOM NO. BUILDING EXTENSION or Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84$00890R0006 00 FORM 1 FEB N550- 241 WHICH C MAYD (47) BE USED. Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) DD/."`- ? J i ytry Historically black Colleges and Universities FROM: James H. McDonald EXTENSION NO. OL 1-5347 Director of Logistics DATE 2 2C02 Pa e Buildin g g TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE OFFICER'S COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom RECEIVED FORWARDED INITIALS to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) DDA 7-D-18, Headquarters 2. The President, by Executive Order 12320, has continued the 3. Black College Program. We have pointed out in all correspondence that security, program sensitivity, 4. and our miniscule contract activit with colleges and universities, mandate against our participation, 5. but we have not received any relief. In fact, there has been a flurry of activity with two 6. official replies to questionnaires a visit by a Department of Education official, and a general 7. briefing at the White House. At the White House briefing, it was stated that Vice President Bush 8. would be the senior official most closely associated with the program. 9. We will need data to meet the 15 January 1982 requirement 10. and ask that the attached memo- randum be issued. We are sorry about the short deadline we are 11. citing, but this report really did not come together until the 16 December White House session 12. . 13. 17 /Jirector of Lo istics g 14. ? xA 15. RER IITf llll .~ ~ f " u , f . . D 61"? FORM 610 USE PREVIOUS I-79 Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/08/02 CIA-RDP84B00&90R000600090095.Q., el 70,2 a3 21cE 1931 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for National Foreign Assessment Deputy Director for Operations Deputy Director-for Science and Technology Director of Personnel FROM: Harry E. Fitzwater Deputy Director for Administration SUBJECT: Historically Black Colleges and Universities. 1. In January 1979, then President Carter, in a memorandum, to heads of all executive departments and agencies, kicked off a program intended to strengthen historically Black colleges and universities (HECU's). Since that time, our Agency has carried out a number of activities with HBCU's, such as recruiting, conducting capability surveys through campus visits and letter solicitations,. hosting receptions for university officials, placement of exhibits, placement of research and development contracts, and participation in the Urban Follow Program. 2. . President Reagan, on 17 September 1981, issued Executive Order 12320, entitled, "Historically Black Colleges and Universities." The Executive Order, attached for your information, requires, among other things, that: a. Each executive department, and those executive agencies designated by the Secretary of Education, establish annual plans to increase the ability of HHBCU's to participate in federally sponsored programs. Plans should consist of measurable objectives. They will be reviewed by the Secretary of Education and submitted for consideration by the President and the Cabinet Council on Human Resources. b. Mid-year and end-of-year reports be submitted to the Secretary of Education. c. The Secretary of Education submit to the President, the Vice President, and the Cabinet Council on Human Resources, an annual Federal Performance Report on executive agency actions to assist HHBCU's. OL 1 5347 Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B00890R000600090005-0 Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B00890R000600090005-0 SUBJECT: Historically Black Colleges and Universities .3. To prepare the annual plan required for submittal on. 15 January 1982, we need input.from the addressees. Forms with instructions and guidelines are attached for your use in providing feedback. Your individual forms will be consolidated. into an Agency plan. To the degree possible,.we would appreciate specific information included on the forms rather than narrative statements. Facts and figures may be supplemented with narrative explanations where necessary. 4 Your data provided directly tol STAT STAT Chief, Procurement Management Staff, Office of Logistics, y anuary 1982. Harry E. Fitzwater Attachments: A. Copy of EO 12320 D. HBCU Forms Distribution: 1 - Each Addressee w/atts. 1 - D/EEO w/o acts. 2 - DDA (1 Watts.) 1 - PPM Official (w/atts.) Originating Office: STAT / i ct o Logistics Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B00890R000600090005-0 Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 TAB Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 - ;-F.j kra1 keg.ster Approved or Rel l3res! en - 9a ocumen s Executive Order 12320 of September 15, 1981 The President Historically* Black Colleges and Universities By the-authority vested in me as President by the Constitution of the United States of America, in order to advance the development of human potential, to strengthen the capacity of historically Black colleges and universities to provide quality education, and to overcome the effects of discriminatory treatment, it is hereby ordered as follows: - Section 1. The Secretary of Education shall supervise annually the develop- ment of a Federal program designed to achieve a significant increase in the participation by historically Black colleges and universities in Federally spon- sored programs. This program shall seek to identify, reduce, and eliminate barriers which may have unfairly resulted in reduced participation in, and reduced benefits from, Federally sponsored programs. This program will also seek to involve private sector institutions in strengthening historically Black colleges. Sec. 2. Annually, each Executive Department and those Executive agencies designated by the Secretary of Education shall establish annual plans to increase the ability of historically Black colleges and universities to partici- pate in Federally sponsored programs. These plans shall consist of measur- able objectives of proposed agency actions to fulfill this Order and shall be submitted at such time and in such form as the Secretary of Education shall designate. In consultation with participating Executive agencies, the Secretary of Education shall undertake a review of these plans and develop an integrat- ed Annual Federal Plan for Assistance to Historically Black Colleges for consideration by the President and the Cabinet Council on Human Resources (composed of the Vice President, the Secretaries of Health and Human Services, Agriculture, Labor, Housing and Urban Development, and Education, the Attorney General, the Counsellor to the President, and the White House Chief of Staff). Sec. 3. Each participating agency shall submit to the Secretary of Education a mid-year progress report of its achievement of its plan and at the end of the year an Annual Performance Report which shall specify agency performance of its measurable objectives. Sec. 4. Prior to the development of the First Annual Federal Plan, the Secretary of Education shall supervise a special review by every Executive agency of its programs to determine the extent to which historically Black colleges and universities are given an equal opportunity to participate in Federally spon- sored programs. This review will examine unintended regulatory barriers, determine the adequacy of the announcement of programmatic opportunities of interest to these colleges, and identify ways of eliminating inequities and disadvantages. Sec. 5. The Secretary of Education shall ensure that each president of a historically Black college or university is given the opportunity to comment on the proposed Annual Federal Plan prior to its consideration by the President, the Vice President, and the Cabinet Council on Human Resources. Sec. 6. The Secretary of Education, to the extent permitted by law, shall, stimulate initiatives by private sector businesses and institutions to strengthen historically. Black colleges and universities, including efforts to further im- prove their management, financial structure, and research. Approved For Release 2005/08/02: CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 f Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B00890R000600090005-0 46108 Federal Register / Vol. 46, No. 180 / Thursday, September 17, 1981 / Presidential Documents Sec. 7. The Secretary of Education shall submit to the President, the Vice Presidcnt, and the l c~hi;lE t Council on Human Rcsources an Annual Federal Performance Report on Executive Agency Actions to Assist Historically Black Colleges. The report shall include the performance appraisals of agency actions during the preceding year to assist historically Black colleges and universities. The report will also include any appropriate recommendations for improving the Federal response directed by this Order. Sec. 8. The special review provided for in Section 4 shall take place not later than November 1, 1981. Participating Executive agencies shall submit their annual plans to the Secretary of Education not later than January 15, 1982. The first Annual Federal Plan for Assistance to Historically Black Colleges devel- oped by the Secretary of Education shall be ready for consideration by the President, the Vice President, and the Cabinet Council on Human resources not later than March 31, 1982. Sec. 9. Executive Order No. 12232 of August 8, 1980, is revoked. THE WHITE HOUSE, September 15, 1981. IFR Doc. 81-27177 Filed 9-15-81; 1:25 pm] Billing code 3145-01-M Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : GIA-RDP84B00890R000600090005-0 Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 TAB Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 WHITE HOUSE INITIATIVE ON HISTORICALLY BLACK COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES INSTRUCTIONS AND GUIDELINES Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 WHITE HOUSE INITIATIVE ON HISTORICALLY BLACK COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES Instructions and Guidelines for Development of Agency Annual Plans For FISCAL YEAR 1982 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Executive Order 12320 mandates that Federal agencies develop an ANNUAL FEDERAL PLAN to increase the ability of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) to participate in Federally-sponsored programs. The attached Forms A and B are intended to assist each agency in developing its agency plan for fiscal year 1982. These agency Plans ,"will be integrated into a ANNUAL FEDERAL PLAN for consideration by the President and the Cabinet Council on Human Resources. General instructions are provided for completing the attached instruments (Forms A and B). It is important that your agency complete the information in accordance with the instructions to ensure the accuracy and consistency in the data reported to the White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities (WHI). FORM A Form A requests information on Agency Profile Data, Obligations Amounts, Establishment of Percentage (%) Obligations Goals, and Agency Implementation Strategies to Achieve Established Goals for fiscal year 1981 and estimated fiscal year 1982, relating to Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), and, in some instances, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). Implementation strategies should be specific and summarized in accordance with each general program area. Where any programs area has been broken Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 down, i.e., research and development, the activities should be so correlated in the space provided. Additional sheets of information should be attached where necessary. Under the caption, AGENCY PROFILE DATA, item number 3, should reflect' the entire pool of funds that are available for all Higher Education Institutions. This figure should address the total universe of agency funds that can be allocated to HEIs, as opposed to actual outlays. For example, private firms and universities often compete for Federal funds involving research grants/awards, or projects such as business development centers. It is this potential poor of eligible dollars that could possibly be awarded to HEIs that should be reflected in item 3. Hence, the total funding of each general program area should equal the figure in AGENCY PROFILE DATA ITEM 3, for each agency. Information on agency funding amounts and percentage goals are to be provided for six (6) general program areas. These areas. include: (1) Research and Development (2) Program Evaluation (3) Training (4) Facilities and Equipment (5) Fellowships, Traineeships, Recruitment and IPAs (6) Student Tuition, Assistance, Scholarship and Aid. . The information on fund amounts requested in each of these programs areas are mutually exclusive and should be reported as such to avoid duplicaton and distortion. Agency funds are to be reported on an obligations basis. In cases of interagency transfer of funds, the agency which actually obligates the funds to an academic institution will have reporting responsi- bility. In addition, Federal funds paid directly by the Federal Government to students are not to be reported. Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 ?Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B00890R000600090005-0 The HBCU percentage goals for FY 1981 and FY 1982 should be stated as a percent of the total amount of funding to all HEIs in each general program area (HBCUs divided by HEIs HBCU percentage goal. In establishing your FY 1982 agency obligations targets to HBCUs that will determine the percentage goals, such targets should be: ? measurable ? realistic ? attainable. For the purpose of completing Forms A and B, the following definitions shall apply: (1) Agency: All executive departments, establishments and agencies of the Federal Government. (2) Awards: Agency funds distributed on a competitive basis (RFPS). (3) Contract: Programs to provide instructional, research or special learning opportunties for Federally specified purposes. (4) Cooperative Agreements: Interagency and/or agreements with private firms for the delivery of agency funds. (5) Facilities and Equipment: Disbursements for direct, indirect, incidental or related costs resulting from or necessary to the construction of, acquisiton of, major repairs to, or alterations in structures, works, fixed equipment, facilities or land for college use. Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 (6) Federally Sponsored Programs: All programs and activities sponsored by Federal agencies in which colleges and universities are eligible to participate, including, but not limited to, such activities as grants, contracts, pre- and post-application technical assistance, personnel recruitment, faculty-staff exchanges, cooperative education, internships and other similar programs. (7) Fellowships, Traineeships, Recruitment and IPAs: This includes, but is not limited to, IPAs, cooperative education, faculty and student internships, visiting professors, management interns, and summer faculty research for which the institutions or clientele of the institutions receive some direct benefits. Also included, is the hiring of individuals for the review of proposals and program application. (8) Grant: Any Federal payment to a college or university for direct disbursement or expenditure. (9) HEIs: Higher Education Institutions (10) Higher Education Institutions: Any institution of higher educa- tion in the United States and territories that offers at least two years of college-level studies in residence. Institutions to be included as qualified above are listed in the Education Directory: Higher Education published by the National Center for Education Statistics. (11) HBCUs: Historically Black Colleges and Universities (12) Historically Black Colleges and Universities: Those institutions of post-secondary education that were originally founded for the purpose of providing educational opportunities for individuals Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 of the "Negro or Coloured" race, which continue to provide post- secondary education opportunities for Black Americans by enrolling a majority of Black Americans as students. (13) Internal Policies and Procedures: Agency methods that define the manner in which funding opportunities are discharged. This would include, for example, agency regulations, or where appropriate, legislation that may be disincentives to increased opportunities for HBCUs. ? ''Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 (14) Loan: Federal payments to a college or university which must be repaid. In the case of private market loans, only the Federal subsidies paid to colleges or universities are to be reported. (15) Measurable: Realistically established goals for agency obligations. (16) Obligations: Funds actually allocated by and/or to each agency. (17) Outreach Activities: Communication and dissemination of informa- tion to HBIs designed to increase their knowledge and awareness of funding opportunities. For example, distribution of brochures, press releases, closing date notices, invitations to meetings or conferences, recruitment visits, and steps to improve the application process so that HBIs are encouraged to submit appli- cations or proposals. (18) Program Evaluation: Funded Agency assessments of its programs and activities. (19) Research and Dvelopment (R & D): This area is broken down into science and non-science categories. Science R & D is defined as studies, observation and other activi- ties issued on identification, description, experimental investi- gation, and theoretical explanation of natural phenomena. Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 "'Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 Non-Science R & D is defined as studies and other activities based on observation, identification, experimental investigation, and explanation of social and behavioral phenomena. Research is defined as scientific inquiry. It includes basic studies oriented toward deeper or more meaningful understanding and knowledge per se in a particular subject field, and applied studies aimed at new or more complete knowledge in the light of potential application. Development is the systematic knowledge directed toward the production of prototypes and processes. It excludes control, routine product testing, and production. (20) Student Tuition Assistance, Scholarship and Aid: Federal funds obligated to a college or university for payment to students or for payments of charges to students (i.e., tuition, room, board). (21) Technical Assistance: Hands on assistance in such key areas as proposal preparation, award negotiation, and program management. (22) Training: Utilization of professional educational personnel to prepare agency personnel for appropriate knowledge and application of agency's mission(s) and function(s). Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 -Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 Form B requests summary information on obligations amounts to HEIs and HBCUs, and percentage goals for FISCAL YEARS 1981 and 1982 (esti- mated). The totals in each of the program areas should equal the figure placed in item 3 of Agency Profile Data (Form A). Please complete Form A and B and submit to: Dr. Walter Barwick White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities Department of Education Room 3034 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20202 Questions may be directed to Dr. Barwick at (202) 472-6032. Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000600090005-0 AGENCY PROFILE DATA: 1. MME Of FEDERAL AGENCY 2. NMI AND TITLE Of AGENCY DESIGNER 1 TOTAL UNIVERSE Of FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR OBLIGA- TION TO HIGHSR EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS (HEI.) fT 1981 FT 1982 at. A. GENERAL PROGRAM AREAS AGENCY PROGRAM CO S AND OBJECTIVES R BY, 14 81, 1982 L AGENCY STRATEGIES DESIGNED TO ACHIEVE MEASURABLE PROGRAI GOALS AND/OR OBJECTIVES FOR INVOLVMENT NT POE FY 1982: DETAIL MAJOR ACTIVITIES IN TIE CATEGORIES OF -- OUTREACH ACTIVITIES IIISTORICALLY BLACK L TOTAL MOUNT OF C. TOTAL MOUNT OF E. PERCENT (2) OF RICO'. OBLIGA- DIRECTED TO NEW.; INTERNAL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES; AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE COLLEGES AND UNIVER- OBLIGATIONS TO OBLIGATIONS TO TIONS TO TOTAL HRI'. ODLIGA- SITIRS (NEW.) ALL IIII. NNW. , TI S HEW. ? Nil. 1981 982 est. 1 981 1982 est. 1981 1982 est. 1. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (.) Science I 1 I 1. Grant./Award. I ` I I ! L Contract. ! 1 Cooperative Agree.e nta I! I TOTAL ...... I Summary of Agency Funding in General Program Area$ for FY 1981, 1982 ($ THOUSANDS) A. GENERAL PROG4'N 1R6A8 -FOR INVOLVRSBNT BY HISTORICALLY BLACK COLLEC68 AND UNIVERSITIEBI (NECO.) AGENCY PROCUM COAL S. TOTAL MOUNT Of OBLIGATIONS TO ALL 6119 981 1982 ..t. S AND OBJECTIVES POR PTs t1 C. TOTAL MOUNT OF OBLIGATIONS TO RICO. 981 182 ..t. 81, 1982 PERCENT (2) or HBO's ORLICA-i TIONS TO TOTAL BEl. ONLICA- TIOPS RNCU. + HST. 981 i B ub ACINCY STRATEGIES "SIGNED TO ACHIEVE MEASURABLE PROGRAM COALS AND OR OEIECTIYES 101 PT 19.2. DETAIL MAJOR ACTIVITIES IN THE CATEGORIES OF -- OUTREACH ACTIVITIES DIRECTED, TO NBCU.{ INTERNAL POLICIES MD PROCEDURES; AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE HE EMCR 1? DEVELOPMENT fI (b) I I. Cr.ot./AM.rd. I = s x.r s 2. Contracts 1 Agreement I s I s ! TOTAL . . . . . . s A GENERAL 9500TH AREAS AGENCY PROC CD AND OBJECTIVES FOR IT, 1 9 81, 1981 L AGENCY STRATEGIES DESIGNED TO ACHIEVE MUASURARLE PROGRAM GOALS AND/OR OLIECTIVES POE INVOLYMBNT BT 1 FOR -T 19821 DETAIL MAJOR ACYLVITIIN IN THE G76CODIE3 OF -- OUTREACH ACTIVITIES HI8YORICALLY BLACK I I. TOTAL MOUNT or r. TOTAL MOUNT OP I L PERCENT (E) OE RICO'. OBLIGA- DIRECTED TO RSCU.I INTERNAL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES, PARTICULARLY AS IT RELATES TO COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES OBLIGATIONS TO OBLIGATIONS TO TIONS TO TOTAL NIL'. ODLIGA- i SADRIDRS REGARDING THE AWARD Of BOLE SOURCE AND COMPETITIVE GRANT/AWARDS AND CONTRACTS: (NICE.) ALL HEI. BEGUN ME BMCD. 1 RZ , 1 AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE. 1951 8 eat. 8 1..0 1 1 , ..b 1. RESUARCH AND ? DEVELOPMENT ( I (.) Oct.... I Grant./Aware. and Contract. 1. Sol. Bourn. L Co.p.tltlw I , 8 AND 061RCTIVBS ION". 1 881 1982 A, 66NEM1 PROCRNN ARSAS AGENCY PROGRAM OOAL CA FOR INVOLVD4ENT BY HISTORICALLY SLACK I. TOTAL MOUNT :--or C. TOTAL AMOUNT OF U. PERCENT (E) OF NRCU'? OBLICA- COLLECES AND SNIVURSLTIBSI OBLIGATIONS TO OBLIGATIONS t0 TIONS TO TOTAL R8['? OBLI- NICUR Got. TIONS HUCUR 4 RBI. aRL (HBCUR) NE4 -1m 1 1911 est. 1. R888ARCN AND DE9ELOMIRRT (b) HoR-Seteaeas :rite/ARRrds and Caatrnrte I 2. Go.,atttlra I I TOTAL . . . . . .. 8. AGENCY STRATEGIES DESIGNED TO ACHIEVE MEASURABLE PROGRAM GOALS AND/OR OBJECTIVES FOR IT 1982t' ENTAIL MAJOR ACTIVITIES IN THE CATEGORIES OP -- OUTREACH ACTIVITIES DIRECTED TO IIDCURI INTERNAL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES. PARTICULARLY AS IT ABLATES TO BARRIERS RECAbDINO THE AWARD OP ROLE SOURCE AND CQIPETITIVE GRANT/AWARDS AND CONTRACTSI AND TECHNICAL, A881STANC& A. GENERAL PROGRAM ARIAS FOR INVOI.VNIENT ST HISTORICALLY BIA1JI I COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES (NBCU.) AGENCY PROGRAM CO L TOTAL I8IOUET Of OBLIGATIONS TO ALL I. 981 1982 ..b AND OEJECTIVEB VOL PYe 19 C. TOTAL AMOUNT Of OBLIGATIONS 10 HBCO. 1981 82 R86 81 1982 I 0' PERCENT (2) OF BSCU's OILICA- TIOSS TO TOTAL 991'? OSLICA- TIONS (Ulm' BE! 19 198 est. L AGENCY STRATEGIES DESIGNED TO ACHIEVE NSABDRASLE PROGRAM COALS MD/OR OBJECTIVES 008 FY 19821 DETAIL MAJOR ACTIVITIES IN THE CATEGORIES OF A- LS ACTIVITIES DIRECTED TO HSCU.1 INTERNAL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES= AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE. 2. PROGRAM EVALUATION I l ! ! f i I ! TOTAL . . . . . PONI A A. GENDNAL PNOGIAN AMU VOL IIINT DT HISTORICALLY BLACK I COLLEGES AND UNIVEISLTIESI (9DCUe) I AGENCY PROCR/VI COAL I TOTAL AMOUNT OP OBLIGATIONS TO ALL NLI. 1981 198 ee0 1'08 ? I9 S AND OIIECTIVES C. TOTAL MOUNT OP OBLIGATIONS TO NDCU e e.t. 198-f 1 1 82 I 1982 4 PERCENT (2) OF UNCU'e OBLICA- TIONB TO TOTAL 11EI'r OBLIGA- ONS UDCU. 4 Ie LIONS 198 I 2 est. I. AGENCY BTNATECIE8 DESIGNED TO ACN[EV8 MEASUNADLE PROGRAM COALS MO NS VOL PT 1982E DETAILNA.IOR ACII91TI88 IN THE CATEGORIES OF - OUTREACH ACTIVITIES DIRECTED TO EDCUei INTERNAL POLICIES AND PIOCDDDRtBi AND TtoDNICAL ASSISTANCE, D 3. TRAINING I I ! = ! ! s ! TOTAL . . . . . . I I 1 ONIECTIVES A C6 N8BAL PROCRM AREAS FOR IVLVH{6RT BY HISTORICALLY SLACK I COLLEGES AND UNIVBRSITIUBI (RECUR) P OCBAM GOAL AGENCY B. TOTAL AMOUNT OF OBLIGATIONS TO ALL Ella eeG 1912 S AND OIJRCTIV88 FOR Re 19 C. TOTAL MOUNT OF OSLICATIONS TO S80Ue HIT I eep 81 1982 D. 58!56X7 (E) OF SSCU'B OSLICA- TIONS TO TOTAL HEI'e OBLICA- 4 1e TIONS N80J 86 aeb 6 AGENCY STAATECIRS 05511805 S9 ACHIEVE MEASURABLE PROGRAM COA -- OUTREACH ACTIVITIES FOR R 19821 DETAIL MAJOR ACTIVITIES IN THE CATEGORIES OF DIRECTED TO NDCU.{ INTERNAL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES{ AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE 4. FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT TOTAL . . . . . . ; ? , , I ._ LS AND/OR OBJECTIVES A. GENERA. PROGRAM AREAS AGENCY PR06NM GOAL S AND OBJECTIVES FOR VTs 19 81, 198 I. AGENCY STRATEGIES D9314MED 10 ACHIEVE MEASURABLE PROGRAM COALS AND/OR OBJECTIVES FOR INVOLVEMENT By FOR -T 19821 DETAIL NAJOR ACTIVITIES IN THE CATEGORIES OP - OUTREACH ACTIVITIES RISTORICALLT ILACR N. TOTAL AMOUNT OF Co TOTAL AMOUNT OF IL PERCENT (E) OF NRCU'e SILICA- I DIRECTED TO HBCUSS INTERNAL POLICIES AND PROCEDURESI AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES OBLIGATIONS TO OBLIGATIONS TO TIONS TO TOTAL Rtt'? 08LIGA- (tlBCUe) .ALL NO " tlscue IONS RICO. i RE1 81 T 1112 ut. Het. IVNI lye? est. 1. FELLOWSHIPS, TRAINRESHIPS, . RECRUIOIRNT AND IPA. ! I ~ 1 ~ ! ! TOTAL . . . . . . -- : I _, 1 A. GENERAL PROGRAI AREAS FOR INVOLVNIENT BY HISTORICALLY BLACK COLLEGES AND UNIVIRBITIEB (NBCUN) AGENCY PNOCPA4 COA I B. TOTAL MOUNT OP I OBLIGATIONS TO ALL HE4 9B1 1982 Nm LS AND OBJECTIVES FOR FT. 1 I C. TOTAL MOUNT OP OBLIGATIONS TO RBCUN 8l NHL, 981, 1982 U. PERCENT (E) OP 95CR'? OBLIGA- TION8 TO TOTAL NEI'? OBLIGA- TIONS NBCUN ERIN 1931 1 2 np 9. AGBNCT STRATEGIES DESIGNED TO ACHIEVE MEASURABLE PROGRAM COALS AND /01 OBJECTIVES FOR PT 1982, DETAIL MAJOR ACTIVITIES IN THE CATEGORIES OP - OUTREACD ACTIVITIES I DIRECTED TO NBCU,T INTERNAL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES; AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE. 4 STUDENT TUITION ASSISTANCE, I ) S12IOLARSHIP, AND AIN _ #I I .1 I I ~ I I I - TOTAL ' Summary of Agency Obligations in General Program Areas for FY 1981, 1982 ($ THOUSANDS) TAL OBLIGATIONS FOR FY 81 PERCENT (Z) o HBCUs TOTAL OBLIGATIONS FOR FY 82 eat. PERCENT (2) of HBCUs TO GENERAL (OBLIGATIONS TOf HEI ALL HIGHER HISTORICALLY (OBLIGATIONS TO HEI PROGRAM (ALL HIGEDUCATION HER HISTORICALLY (BLACK COLLEGES (OBLIGATIONS (EDUCATION (BLACK COLLEGES (OBLIGATIONS AREA IINSTITUTIONSIAND UNIVERSITIESI(HBCUa T HEI) (INSTITUTIONS AND UNVERSITIES I(HBCUB HEI) IFY 1~ FY 1982 est.( IFY 1981 FY 1982 est. ~ 1. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENTS GRANTSIAWARDSI 2. PROGRAM EVALUATION 4. FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT 5. FELLOWSHIPS. TRAINEESHIPS, RECRUITMENT AND IPAa. 6. STUDENT TUITION ASSIS TANCE, SCHO- LARSHIP, AND AID. I I I I I I I I I :HEFitzwater:ktn is tributo 9rig 61$ ~;~,~~ f~,omb~c +ury~Drorrtolino a< ?commdii P2 oucolm a R ~s _ e ~r r 2~ a rot?!~~?'~tP 5`t` f "'~5: SF`s' ;rt . viewr of ether concerns expressed ~~ the Comptroller ~I 6 e u ~Se '* x ectorate~.a 'ou * ~ ~ ~ x,~ x ~,~of Ac~irunistrat~.on shout ~~ toy absorb,~the non personal f " se~rv ces expenses requested for OMS I aad,OS~I~ d`o agree that ~Cfl~1Sand k arcularly` OS~should be Speizi~u tted a ;x~ to exceed their personneL'ceilings ` ' ' "` The- i u cement is no t~ ~.;~ Ne9 ~Y d eonsidere F ,r as severee'as=that for OS ~ If y v 4 y {" y 'tYT 1x 'r`F~..?_, t`u -.s .~z^..-e; > ti' r. ~r- d ,,.,,. t OL- h, approveth~s Ire uest ewe wzlltrj!to ~~ f. `l ,..riz~ S n r ,' eep tier complement Ito' that actualT: ~~ eeded to meet the ~ recruitment oats `'~;~,"' akr~.:~,, :, tra~ef,.. _~ ~fm.~~'e. ,.. .~: +., ;:. :-.,-...:. r, a,.,.s,r.._.. ,.. g~, ~... MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director of Central Intelligence ~ 4 SEP 19$1 James N. Glerum Director of Personnel SUBJECT Resource Requirement for Increased Agency Medical Services, and Security to staff at over-strength levels in FY82. against the recruitment and processing of applicants to bring the Agency on-duty strength to the increased FY82 and proposed FY83 personnel ceilings, and that you also approve additional funds for the increased recruitment effort. (U) Recruitment ADD/~ Ragiatry g 1- z~ y'~ 1. 'Action Requested: That you authorize the Offices of Personnel, 2. To meet our ceiling needs for this and the next two fiscal years, a sizable increase in new employees is required. .~'c ~'!'t,la Approved For se 2005/08/02: CIA-RDP84B00890 600090005-~ ~ _,> / C ~ FY Ceiling Increase 1981 1982 1983 To meet this increase in recruitment and processing and to maintain the higher Agency ceiling level against a projected 7% attrition, tae will need additional permanent staff plus temporary authority to go over-strength. (S) 3. Office of Personnel 2 5X1 To date, OP has added people over the FY81 ceiling to expand and accelerate the applicant recruitment and processing systems. No additional recruitment positions are included in the 'Y82 budget. At the peak of the recruitment surge in FY82, the over-ceiling requirement will increase 2 5X1 2 5X1 to of the additional positions are in the proposed FY83 budget package and we plan to reassess the need for additional personnel based on the results of our earlier. recruitment efforts and anticipated greater efficiency that could reduce our manpoeaer needs. ~ti'~Jiit'rC i,. :. L ~_~,rit l~; ~,i JJ. ;~L :b Approved For Release 2005/08/02: CIA-RDP84B00890R000600090005-0 New Employees 25X1 25X1 Approved For R~se 2005/08/02: CIA-RDP84B00890F~600090005-0 ~~.~~~~. OP positions dedicated to recruitment and processing: 1981 Authorized Current Staffing 1982 Needed 1983 P ro gr-am 1983 Needed OP shortfalls in non-personal services are as follows: 1982 19.81 Need Estimate Low High Advertising Invitee Travel Recruiter Travel & Misc Exp 1982 Bud et 1982 Shortfall ~ 1983 -Low High Program The estimated shortfall of funds for FY82 is based on the hiring cost of new employees for FY81 against the increased recruitment for FY82. The lower estimated cost for invitee travel and recruiter travel is .based on a possible reduction in applicant travel resulting from improved up-front screening plus a 30% savings in air travel to be achieved by using new low rates available between certain cities. (S) 4. Office of Medical Services In order to meet the additional psychological testing and psychiatric evaluation requirements, OMS expects that it will need to exceed ceiling by ~ in FY82 pending approval of their FY83 enhancement. When the increased requirements are met, ONIS plans to retain ~ positions on a permanent basis in order to provide future support for Validation Assessment studies and for DDO operations. OMS positions dedicated to applicant processing: 1981 Authorized Current Staffing 1982 Needed 1983 Program 1983 Needed 25X1 25X1 h~ ~:~~ Approved For Release 200-~~IA-RDP84B00890R000600090005-0 Approved For R~se 2005/08/02: CIA-RDP84B00890F~600090005-0 ~~ ~~ Oi~IS shortfalls in non-personal services funds are as follows: Contract Services Supplies & .Equipment (S) 5. Office of Security The Office of Security anticipates a need to exceed ceiling by ~~ positions until their FY83 budget increase of .21 positions becomes effective. OS anticipates shifting this additional staff at a later date to enhancement of their reinvestigative program that has chronically become shortchanged by other resource requirements. OS positions dedicated to the applicant process: 19s1 Authorized Current Staffing 1982. Needed 1983 Program 1983 Needed 25X1 25X1. 25X1 The OS shortfall in non-personal services is as follows: Investigator Travel (S-) 6. In summary, the Offices of Personnel, P~iedical Services, and Security require over-ceiling authority and additional financial resources to fulfill anticipated recruitment requirements for FY82 and F`Z'83. (U) 25X1 7. Recommendation: It is recommended that you approve the aggregate over-strength levels of for FY82 and that you authorize the. Comptroller to reprogram funds of or FY82 to meet the,- 2 5X1 build-up of Agency staffing. (S) 25X1 1981 1982 1982 1982 1983 Estimate Need Budget Shortfall Program 1981 1982 1982 1982 1983 Estimate -Need Budget Shortfall Program James N, Glerum ~? ~~ Approved For Release 2005/O~F~.~l~l ~RDP84B00890R000600090005-0 Approved for R~se 2005/08/0 ~C~AY_ P84B00890~600090005-0 - i.~r~i: SUBJECT: Resource Requirement for Increased Agency Recruitment Deputy Director of Central Intelligence Date Distribution: Orig = Return to D/Pets 1 - DDCI 1 - Executive Registry 1 - D/MS 1 - D/Sec l - Comptroller 1 - D/Pets Chrono 1 - DD/Pets/R&P Pets/R&P (22Sep81 2 - DDA, ,subj ; ~hrono ,;~~ Approved For Release 2005/08/ y~~~DP84B00890R000600090005-0 Approved For R~se 2005f0810~ :-~I,~-RDP84B00890R~600090005-0 DD j.;~ Regi S ~ 2 9 Sip 1J8t MEMORAN~BUPi FOR: Deputy Director of Central Intelligence FP.OM: Maurice Lipton Comptroller SUBJECT: Increased Recruitment Requirements (S) REFEREAtCE: Memorandum for DDCI from D/Personnel, dated 24 September 1981, Subject: Resource Requirement for Increased t~gency Recruitment (S) 1. The Reference (attached) is responsive to the 22 June EXCOM Meeting on recruitment during which we were tasked to produce a paper refining the resource shortfall for recruitment activities. (A/IUO) 2. We have spent a lot of time with Jim Glerum and his staff in an effort to cut back the estimated shortfall {which accounts in part for the delay in getting the paper to you). I am still not comfortable with OP's estimate of the additional staff needed (a total of Din Personnel, 2 5X125X ~ in Securit and for Medical) or with the additional funds required 2 5X1 (up to in addition to the costs of the increased staff). However, Jim stands by his estimate and maintains that the additional people and funds are needed if he is to staff the ~ new positions for 1982 and to begin recruiting in late 1982 for the further increase programmed 2 5X1 for 1983 (over ~ new positions at the high guidance level). (S) 3. As an aside, but related to the OP request, you should be-aware that we are already faced with a number of known, unfunded re uirements in 1982 25X1 25X1 25X1 (e.g., some for overseas pay, at least for 25X12L5XX1 25X1 up to for cargo shipments, These needs, L5 ..not to men ion numerous other requirements of lesser amounts, along with the recruitment requirement, can only be met at the expense of other previously budgeted activities. We can ill afford to slack off on our recruitment efforts--filling our new 1982 positions must be given high priority. But, given our other needs, I am reluctant to provide all the resources requested up front. (S) 4. As I see it, and in the absence of supplemental funding from external sources, which appears unlikely far this purpose, we have several options: ~.,` 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/08/02: CIA-RDP84B00890R000600090005-0 ~, g.. Approved For Re~e 2~~1' .: ,_ _.. ~IA-RDP84B00890R~00090005-0 a. Approve the recommendation as presented. 5X1 b. Approve a lesser number of people--say ~--and up to -the lower range of the shortfall. the funds Iater in the year if they are needed. (S) c. Deny the requested overstrength but commit minimum additional invitee travel funding, and direct Personnel, Security, and Medical to do the best they can with their currently authorized 1982 staff. In my view, it would be ill advised to place at risk our ability to increase our staff in 1982 to a level appraaching that authorized. If we are unable to staff our new 1982 positions, we may jeopardize our chances of a further increase in 1983. I recommend you approve b. above with the balance of 25X1 25X1 Attachment: As Stated cc: D/Personnel. 2 ~ ~ ~., Approved For Release 2005/ ~~~P84B00890R000600090005-0 25X1 ~~6-V~4~ F~6~~ R lease 2005/08/ 25X1' ~._.y 2 ~ Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : ~ tiRDP84~00890R00060009000 - Approved For Release 2005/08/02 :CIA-RDP84B00890R000600090005-0 Approved For Release 2005/08/02 :CIA-RDP84B00890R000600090005-0 Approved For Relea~005/08/02 :CIA-RDP84B00890R000~90005-C~' -fro ~ ~ 25X1 25X1 U ~ ~ ~~~ ~- O J S ~- d ~-t S ~x s r -t-~l~' 25X1 gpproved For Rele _ 0~/08/~_ .: P~4~OQ~9.OR0006 25X1 ~i LV ~ ~