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Approved For Release 2007/11/01: CIA-RDP84M0039OR000300050026-1 uunt' of Tehran's Enthas1sy, .o ices. Agepwn,,-~,,e-of Disularate b-in's By Johathan C. Randal "If the government or the Revolu- who died in England in 1977 and did wasting on Pust rorci~:r, service tionary Council want eoexislence with much to revolutionize Iranian Islamic Tb;11RAN, March ]9--It is charac- the U.S. imperialists,"..he said in an thought and attract student militants. " teristic of Iran's revolution that an al- interview, that would not be possible pe~-nin said he Lacked the militants 7......A i-.. __a rre"- the c1?rannic .,,n,,,,-..,?,a 11 , - f the ba s tud gu o radicals is a dentist who hates practic- ing his profession and is a devout Moslem whose language Is_ strewn with Marxist terminology. - However odd such eclecticism may strike Westerners, Iranians - have learned to accept Hahibollah Pe - mans brand of radica politics whether they approve or not.. .. the message of the small,. 43- yeard old mustachioed revolutionary - is simple in the extreme: the main mission of the "student movement is a ' dine Gov ~s!o a dentist, but preferred sociology and tionary Council, he said. But . Pey- However outlandish such preten ecology. He said he holds master's.de-. man's battle is not really revolution- sions may have appeared four months - ary." And althouen he voted for Abol i grees from Tehran University in both ago when the L.S. Embassy 'was fjrst. -. Hassan Eani-Sadr as president, that -those discipliner ? ?~ , r - occupied, no'Iranian politician can af% - "does not mean he can do anything he ford today to ignore them. Prevented" by the shah's govern- ':.wants," Peyman said.-;~-' - :- ... The leader of the small; extreme: ment, from getting. teaching or re left-wing- "Militant Moslems 113ove search posts, hesaid he was obliged to ment" has left his imprint on much of fall back on dentistry to earn a living.. ~~' ~iellerai Visits' ~g'1)t - - e captors'' anti-American thinking,: "People believe I am a good den- 'CAIRO , March 19 (AP)-Gen. IN,il-. he importance of the embassy oc- tist," he said kith a-,smile. "I'm curi-' Liam Cree,cl?i,' commander of .the U.S. ation e claims. v:as not 'ust a for- our -N%;by.?' ?..:? - ? , Tactical Air Command, arrived in ma] demand for the extradition f.- -- - By his own admission, his office was Cairo yesterday to confer with ah , to iammad Reza ahavi and~iis~ used in the two years before the revo- Egyptian-Air Force officials and tour money, but rather to demolish lineer-- lution to work out strategy with his bases and' archeological sites, the ing ties with the United States and to followers without arousing police sus- 1- Middle East hews Agency reported. mo i ize t e people to something aP picion: His visit follows a decision by Presi- proachin'Q-penr,anent_re- lug tion. :- The strongest influence on his own dent Carter to 'supply'. Egypt with a' s coal be said was to achieve "a' " thinking evman jai t : - s k e wor o multimilhon-doliar ands package, in- purely revolutionary society " with the late Ali S a riatL ?a. non-Marxist . eluding 40 F-16 jet fighters and 244 equality and c]asclessness." r ..:: -. but anticlerical Moslem philosopher M-60 tanks. because ih- un'aerstoo a fir Pe)'ma^ was coy about his actual mission was not just' to hold the role w?}that -1e mi itats,_ owever. Amer' -icons Hostage, ut to cstroy the ~3eaid ii1 influence stemmed from poll ic a~credibility of the "liberals" his writings and his friendship with Sii