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Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 13 August 1982 Memorandum for: R.E.H. Challis, Editor, News and Publications, Monitoring Service, B.B.C. Chief, London Bureau, FBIS Subject: FBIS Future Needs at Caversham Ref: Your Memorandum of 13 July 1982 1. We've addressed ourselves to the questions you raise in your memorandum and append in tabular form an intemization of our present occupancy of floorspace at Caversham together with an estimate of our future requirements. An estimate of power requirements is also included in the table. 2. Most of the additional space we estimate we need is purely to take care of the staff already on board in a slightly more comfortable fashion. As you may be aware, our teletype and editorial establishment has grown over the course of the years but the working space has not. 3. We have left out of the tabulation any consideration of space required in the new cubicles building. We don't really have any idea at this time what will be required for our press facsimile or other satellite monitoring. We think the present space may have to be increased by about one-third but presume this could easily be accommodated by the area left for expansion in the design for the cubicles building. 4. We have not addressed two other areas where we occupy space, as they are outside the main building. One is the emergency operation site in the lodge. At the optimum, we believe we would need approximately double the present sapce, i.e. 10 square meters for editorial operations and 10 square meters for communications. Power required would be approximately 5 kw. The other is the warehouse area, where we have at present 111 square meters, devoted largely to communications paper stores. Assuming no change in communications patterns, this space should be increased by about 25 percent to 140 square meters. 5. Within the main building at Caversham we have at our disposal a 25-pair telephone cable which is adequate for our present needs. To allow for future expansion, particularly if VDU's come into general use, we believe we will need two 20-pair cables. STAT Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 W 6. I believe that the estimates we have given here are generous enough to be safe. We do not see any considerable increase in staff in the planning period you have mentioned. STAT Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Attachment - FB13 Floorspace, Power, any, Air Conditioning requirements resent Room Working Occupancy !resent Area (m2) Required Area 2\ (m J Power Air Conditioning Editorial 6 27.8 4 1.,7 5 T_cw Yes (Rm. 200 Punching Room (Rm. 201) 7 141 it 1 r"w re s Communications Paper ::tore (Rm. 202 ) Autodin Room ' ~ .,S 3.i ,Rm. 293 ) Technical Office and 2 7~'.9 l 0/~ 'J. Tr Yes :orkshop (Rm. 2014) Report 'rite s 2 L24.6 21 c 2 kw :?o (R:-. 21'x) Common Room 2 15.3 16.3 1 .:o (Rn. 215) Tabulators 1 7 .0 IQ 05 3 TfJ ='l o (Rm. 217) ?ureau - Chiie i r o6 38.4 3 kw yes (Fm.220A) Deputy Chief 22. i 22.i 1mw No (Rm. 2208) Chief Editor 10.9 3 I:w No (3m. 221) Administrative 1 9.3 19.6 1 k,.r ,,-,o Ass't Mail Ro (Rm. 222) om 1 ; .3 19.6 1 I: ;3o (F m? 2 25) 2 13.8 27.6 2 k v 1,0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 M:" Editorial (R;r. ':123) 4 30.9 46. ?3 S In-.7 yes 77U, Corn non Room lRm. 3124) 'r,U Monitors Rm. 0126) Fi:U Monitors Mores ;Rm. "127) ??IT' lest ._ Interview 12"') PMU Monitors ;'m. 129) 3.2 6.l.! 3 kw No 9 61.6 5.4 I 5.9 6106 8.1 1 kw A;o I1.8 1 kur 12TO 9 61.6 81.9 5 k-,.- Ye s ~.ional Rooms Desired 0omnunicati.ono perv. 2 Moni torir_g 1 10 Reference Rom iota.l present iloorspace sciare meters ut re re u red i loorspece 56L .5 square meters Tutu e required newer 63 T w G 8 13.1 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION What the System would do Some primary facts about the proposed System THE SOURCES OF MATERIAL 1 1 2 3-11 The Listening Room 4-6 Routine monitoring Flashes The Alert Facility Multi-page items Monitors under training. The - RT Section English-language material Foreign-language material The proposed method 4-5 5 5 5 6 7-10 7 7 7-10 Copytasting THE OUTPUT SECTIONS 11 12-18 The News Bureau Option 1 - all electronic Option 2 - all paper Option '3 - half and half Conclusion 13-15 13-14 15 15 15 The Editorial Sections 16-17 The Printing Operation 18 LINKS WITH FBIS 19-20 BBC material to FBIS 19 FBIS material to BBC 20 Equipment 20 RETENTION, LONG-TERM STORE, INDEXES AND LISTS 21-24 Retention periods 21 Lists 21-22 Microfiche 22 Indexing 22-23 Permanent store 24 COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES 25-27 Internal messages 25 Links with the rest of the BBC 25-26 The EDS 25 The MSS 26 Links outside the BBC 26 External lines 26 Effect on the IDS 27 Communications with data banks 27 SERVICE OPERATOR/SUPERVISOR 28 STAFFING IMPLICATIONS 29-30 !finally**** 31 APPENDIX A: Statistics of information flow 32-35 APPENDIX B: Terminal equipment 36 APPENDIX C: Computer system specification 37 APPENDIX D: Storage in the System 38-40 Data storage requirements 40 APPENDIX E: Automatic and semi-automatic printing 41-42 APPENDIX F: FBIS technical facts 43 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 ? A COMPUTER SYSTEM FOR THE MONITORING SERVICE INTRODUCTION This is a general description of the computer system.which we'propose for the Monitoring Service, it does contain as much detail as we can legitimately include at present. been produced.five weeks earlier than was originally planned. However. It is not as closely defined as we would have liked, because it has .discussions with the manufacturer or supplier of the System who is during the months ahead, and more particularly during the design The real detail of how each operation is.performed-can,be.filled:in eventually chosen. What the System would do The System here proposed would almost entirely eliminate the manual distribution of paper in the Monitoring Service. It would also do 'the.routine functions of sorting and numbering, and make all material almost instantly available to everyone with access t9 ,a VDU. It would shorten the printing process, automatically time, and identify, recorded tapes, tune the receivers for radio and RT transmissions and provide fast, two-way communication with points outside Caversham. customers and to printers.. The System would take over virtually all material, accelerate the processing and store and list the .edited material too. This material would be delivered more quickly to away with much of the paper itself. It would store and list all source Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Some primary facts about the proposed System 1. It will need to be a big system -- not so much in respect of the number of terminals, but in terms of the very large storage capacity and processing power required to handle the volumes of material and the functions we are proposing for it. 2. The current normal speed for a distribution system is 1200 baud, which in simple terms means that it accepts, displays and distributes material at 150 characters per second. This is the speed of the EDS at Bush House. We do not feel that this is fast enough for Monitoring Service. In some of the applications described in this report, the waiting time-for an item to write itself on the screen would be unacceptably long at 1200 baud. We believe that the Monitoring Service System should be capable of operating at 9600 baud or more. That is at least eight times as fast as the EDS. At this speed, an item fills a screen almost instantaneously to the eye. Printers, however, should work at 1200 baud. Anything faster would involve using line printers.. These are not only very noisy and very expensive, but they produce copies which are not easy to read. There are two basic philosophies on systems of this kind. One is to use the central processor mainly as a switching system and to build the sophisticated word processing into intelligent VDUs. This is how the original planning for the EDS began, but it soon developed beyond that. The other way is to use dumb VDUs and take the sophistication back to the processor. This is how Reuter's system is designed. For Monitoring Service, we are proposing a combination which is an extension of the way the EDS works. The VDUs would be intelligent, with editing facilities at least as advanced as those on the new VDUs currently on order for the EDS, and they would have split screens to allow two simultaneous transactions. But because of the length of some of the items which have to be processed, or even simply looked at, in Caversham, it would be necessary for the computer itself to carry out some of the functions normally performed off-line by VDUs. This necessarily means that a VDU would often need exclusive use of one of the processor's ports; therefore the number of ports would need to be large in relation to the size of the System. Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 w THE SOURCES OF MATERIAL Of the three main sources of raw material which come into Monitoring Service, we are in control of two: the Listening Room and the RT Section. The third - FBIS - is beyond our control, but, given co-operation, can work efficiently with our System. Before discussing detailed working in the Listening Room and the RT Section, we feel we should draw attention to the possibility of a fundamental change which would have wide staffing, and therefore union, implications. We have read the reports of the Listening Room Modernisation Committee, and we agree that monitors should be able to select frequencies by simple push-button controls. However, we would go a step further. To take the Listening Room first: it would be a simple matter to store the various transmission schedules in a computer, putting the frequencies in the presumed order of preference. These lists could be changed or updated at any time. The computer would recognise from these schedules when each transmission was due. Just before the time of a transmission, the computer would take remote control of a receiver at Crowsley Park, instruct it to tune to the most favoured frequency, select the most appropriate aerials and filters and feed that frequency to the first button on the monitor's desk. If the signal were not good enough, or if it faded during the transmission, the monitor would push another button. The computer would then select the second frequency and go through the same process. This could be repeated throughout the range of available frequencies, and each change would take a fraction of a second. The monitor could change frequencies as often as he wished. Each monitoring position would need at least six buttons, and would have facilities for pre-listening. The procedure for RT transmissions would be the same, except that the buttons would be pushed by the operations assistant, or possibly even by the clerks. Although this may seem a radical idea, it is well within present technology, and it seems an obvious way of gaining advantage from that technology in the mid-'eighties. Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 THE LISTENING ROO V Since the computer had supplied the signal to the monitor, it would, of course, know what he was listening to. So as soon as he pushed his first button, an LCD display in front of him would show the source and the date, the continuous time, the frequency and the button that he had pressed. Station ?-- Date --~ Frequency --' TRIPOLI HOME ARABIC 20-01-82 13:34:09 15270 2 4- Language ~4---- Time ~--- Channel Each time the monitor pushed a button to change channels, the LCD display would show the new frequency and channel number. The computer would also record the same information (except for the channel number) in digital form, and this would be recorded oonntinuously on one track of the cassette tape. When the cassette was played back, either in the Listening Room or a cubicle, the same information would be shown on the LCD display. This system would enable monitors, singly or in teams, to locate starting points quickly, since it would show the precise time at which each word was recorded. It would also enable foolproof identification of stored cassettes. Routine monitoring A monitor would, of course, be able to use his VDU for any purpose allowed by the System. When he wanted to transcribe, either in the Listening Room or a cubicle, he would press a "Transcribe" key and a pro forma would immediately appear on his screen. This would provide spaces, with automatic tabbing, for him to fill in his name, the source of the transmission and-the time. The System would assume that every transcript would have automatic delivery at certain points, such as News Bureau, PBIS and the appropriate SWB sections and monitoring teams. The pro forma would provide space for him to add any additional people whom he thought might need a copy. Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 It might well happen that a monitor did not decide that an additional person should receive a copy until he was part-way through a transcript. In such a case, he could go back to the heading information and fill it in. But in any event, the System would not let him enter an item until he had supplied the necessary information -- even if negative. When the transcript was finished, the monitor would press a transmit key; the System would accept the item, carry out the automatic deliveries and add the item to the appropriate list. Plashes The procedure here would be the same, except that, at the end of the transcript, the monitor would press a "flash" key instead of the regular transmit key. The System would automatically print "FLASH......FLASH......FLASH" at the top of the page, give it priority treatment in automatic delivery, and list it. The Alert Facility One of the problems we considered was the urgent item, when the News Bureau is waiting desperately and the monitor is going as fast as he can. Some tensions arise when the News Bureau feels'that the monitor needs prodding and the monitor feels he could get on with it faster if only people would leave him alone. The monitor's VDU would have an "Alert" key. He could activate this on his own initiative or by request from the News Bureau or tfie Listening Room Supervisor. The effect would be that both the Duty Editor and the Listening Room Supervisor would see, on whichever part of their screen was available, the item as the monitor was typing it out. There would be audible warnings on the two VDUs. At any time, either of the two recipients could cancel, if they thought the item was not worth the alert, or the monitor himself could cancel if it turned out not to be as good as he originally thought -- in which case the two recipients would get an "Alert Cancelled" message. Multi-page items Individual monitors or teams of monitors would be able to enter multi-page items in segments; the Syrstem would store them and collate them in the correct order. Pages flashed out of turn could be transmitted to users immediately, but would also retain their correct position in the final collation. This would necessitate an exclusive area of store for the Listening Room. Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024ROO0300730002-0 Monitors under training The same exclusive area of store would be available to the Listening Room so that, if desired, the work of monitors under training could be checked and/or amended by senior monitors before being released into the System. Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 THE RT SECTION If the format and length of RT material were under our own control, it could probably go direct to users. But this is not so; some human processing is still necessary. Therefore, we recommend that the RT Section should remain responsible for the dissemination of this material throughout the building, but by different methods. English-language material would be processed by the RT Section. Each item coming in the building would be lodged in a temporary store, and the System would present them on VDU screens to the clerks. This would be mostly in chronological order, but variable priorities would be available. The clerk would approve the material as fit to be circulated or would make necessary changes -- mostly degarbling -- helped by semi-automatic facilities in the System. Foreign-language material would no longer be printed in the RT Section, but only on teleprinters closely associated with the appropriate monitors in an enlarged Listening Room. No foreign-language material would be entered into the System, since it is of no use to anyone until it has been processed by monitors. The proposed method Following on from the proposed automatic method in the Listening Room, a similar method could be available to the RT Section. The System would be programmed with the times and favoured frequencies of all transmissions and would automatically set up the receivers at Crowsley Park. The operator would be provided with push-buttons or a VDU to change frequencies when necessary and if possible. The System would select both the teleprinter and its own input channel for each agency. Alternatively, the operator could prepare for a transmission in the same way as he does at present. He would set up a printer for an agency, but in addition would tell the System which agency was to be on which of its input channels. With either method, the System would recognise the varying start and finish codes of the agencies and would know where to send automatic prints. Either method would allow for a system of priorities, which could be varied from day to day, or from transmission to transmission, according to the news of the day. This would be done by the operator, on the instructions of the News Bureau. Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 ? -8- The System would then present the items on VDUs for the clerks to process. The name of the agency, the serial number, the date and the time would be automatically displayed, thus removing the need for this information to be typed manually on each page. It should.. be understood here that the process of making an item available on a screen cannot begin until the moment at which the slow-speed teleprinter line has finished sending the item. To display the item on a screen at 1200 baud would impose, we believe, an actual and psychologically unacceptable delay, particularly when in the majority of cases there is little for the clerk to do. She would have to watch it write itself on the screen, perhaps push one key and then watch it write itself into the System. And although the overall time of processing and delivery to users would be shorter, this particular stage would be seen to be slower. This is one of our reasons for recommending that the System should operate at 9600 baud. At that speed the visual effect is of an entire item appearing on the screen almost instananeously. As items were completed, they would be shared among however many VDUs were in operation. At times when several agencies were transmitting simultaneously, they would form a queue, and the next item would be sent to the first available VDU. They would queue according to the priority assigned to each agency (on a scale of, say, 1 to 5) but the System would be programmed to ensure that an item of low priority did not get unduly delayed. A clerk faced with a "difficult" item could put it back in the queue so as not to delay other material, but the queuing system would ensure that it was re-presented at regular intervals. As for the actual processing by the clerks, in the great majority of cases this would be simply a matter of the clerk's checking that the item appeared to be a valid piece of text and pressing a key to release it into the System. If the text were garbled by some passages having slipped into figure shift, the clerk would be able to ask the System to correct these passages, using a simple command and markers. It is also possible that, under certain circumstances, the System would be able to correct more serious garbling, but this needs further investigation. The System would also be programmed to alert the clerks and/or the operator if a transmission were affected by bad reception or if items appeared to be excessively long or were wrongly separated, which could be caused by corrupted start and finish codes. Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 The clerks would also be able to reject teleprinter idling, service messages, foreign-language text mixed in with the English, and items so hopelessly garbled as to be useless. With split-screen VDUs, they would be able to compare items from different transmissions and reject repeats. When the material was entered into the System, it would be automatically cleared from the temporary store. It would automatically print out the items for various users and would compile lists, agency by agency, of the items entered into it, this would enable users to'check back and retrieve items of interest on their VDUs, with dropped hard copies when required. We also recommend a "tuning in" facility, somewhat similar to the "alert" system described for the Listening Room. Users who were anxiously awaiting news from a particular agency would be able to request the output of an RT transmission and see it on their screens as it was being sent over the wire. They could also make such a request in advance, and the System would send it to them, when available, on the unused portion of their split screens. This function of the System would, of course, have to be at slow teleprinter speed. There remains the question of flashing from the RT Section. At present, although it is no part of their jobs, the clerks sometimes alert the News Bureau when they see a story of obvious importance. The "flash" key, as described earlier, would be on all VDUs, but it is our view that this key should be operative only on the monitors' VDUs. This would be by an inhibition at the processor, which would not accept flash commands from other VDUs. However, it may be felt that the RT Section clerks should also have use of the flash facility, so as not to discourage their initiative. On the other hand, the provision of the flash facility might make them believe they were expected to use it. This, we feel, is a Monitoring Service policy decision. As well as going into the System, we believe that RT material should continue to be received on teleprinters. This is for three reasons: 1. As a hard-copy back-up in the event of a breakdown in the System; 2. As a back-up against human error, so that a hard copy is available in case the System fails to recognise garbled Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 -10- V 3? or erroneous identifications, or a clerk accidentally discards a wanted item. Skilled operators can often detect a corrupted transmission or wandering from frequency simply by a change in the sound of a teleprinter. This is a useful safeguard, although it is possible that the System software could make this skill unecessary. However, it should be possible to make some reduction in the number of teleprinters required, particularly if the System itself is controlling the receivers and-channels. Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 -11- V COPYTASTING The preliminary report of the Modernisation Committee mentioned this problem, which is one of too much material flooding into the building and putting pressure on, particularly, the News Bureau. There was a desire for someone to do rough copytasting of incoming material. We have thought very carefully about this and we are forced to confess that we cannot find a solution -- only objections to the suggestions which have been made. Monitors: During our inquiries, it was put to us that monitors in the Listening Room should have first sight of all RT material and copytaste it as, in effect, they do their own material. We did not feel that this work should be loaded on to monitors. They have enough to do already, and it would create a bottleneck. Our view was upheld at a recent meeting of the Modernisation Committee. Journalists: A journalist would, of course, be qualified to copytaste. To be of any use, he would have to be placed between the raw material on the one hand and the News Bureau and SWBs on the other. On the basis of two day shifts, it would mean four additional posts. If it were likely that he would be able to weed out a large proportion of the material, it might be worth considering, but we do not feel that this is so. In any case, this, too, would create a bottleneck. Service Operator: The Service Operator would have other functions in the System, and we do not believe that he or she could also take on the copytasting function. Even if it were rough copytasting, it would still mean that every item had at least to be glanced at. Again there would be a bottleneck, and this time controlled by someone who was not journalistically qualified. RT: It might be possible to instruct RT clerks to discard obvious dross (Czechoslovak water polo results spring to mind). But again we would be asking unqualified people to make a journalistic judgment, and there would always be the danger of a significant piece of information lurking somewhere within an apparently useless item. So we regret that we cannot offer any suggestions at present, although of course it can be looked at again when there is more time. Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 -12- OUTPUT SECTIONS THE Before going into any detail about the work of the News Bureau and the Editorial Sections, we feel there is one general point which needs to be mentioned. Throughout the preliminary discussions on an electronic system for the Monitoring Service, there has been the thought of a totally electronic system in which monitors and journalists would work entirely on VDU screens and have little to do with paper. We have examined the working methods of various sections; and while we think that all-electronic methods would be very useful to monitors, we believe that the journalists in the. News Bureau might sometimes need to edit on hard copy, and certainly those in the SWB sections can, in many instances, work very much faster on paper than they would be able to do on VDUs. There is also the question of union attitudes; and although this is not strictly part of our terms of reference, it would be remiss of us not to consider it, particularly in the light of experiences at Bush House. The attitude of unions, particularly in the News Bureau, may well have a strong bearing on the type of system which is eventually installed. Therefore, we have described various plans for the News Bureau, which would depend on how far the unions were prepared to co-operate, and one plan for the SWB sections, because we think it is by far the most sensible method. Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 J- _ THE NEWS BUREAII We are offering three main options for the work.of the News Bureau, plus a modified version of the first option. This would involve the members of the News Bureau 'working'entirely on. screens. Each one would prepare his story by editing down the raw material'(monitors.l transcripts, RT or FBIS)." A split screen would enable him to work on a story and simultaneously to call up ancilliary information needed for. its preparation. When his story was finished, he would transmit it to the Duty Editor's VDU at the "instantaneous" speed of 9600 baud.If the Duty Editor approved the""story, he would simply mark it for A or B distribution and transmit it,,and the System would automaticallynumber.it and send it on the wire. If the Duty Editor was working on a story of his own wheri'a sub-editor's story wasready to be looked at, an indicator' would appear on the other half of.1the Duty}"Editor's screen. He would then have a choice: carry on with his own story and get to the sub-editor's later, or break off from; his own story and clear the sub-editor's first. If'the Duty Editor did not like the story,"he could. amend it himself 'or' 'send'~it'back to the sub-editor's screen for amendment-or rewrite. But" whatever choices were made, when the story was approved it would go straight out on the wires without benefit of operator. But how does the material get to the journalists in the-first place? Here we face problems both technical and human. Under the present system, material is simply delivered to two trays, one for flashes, the other for routine material. On some shifts the Duty Editor sees everything that comes in and distributes the work to the others. On other shifts, whoever is available takes the next item. There is no copytaster as such. With a totally-electronic system, each item would'appear first on the Duty Editor's screen (flash material would have-automatic priority). The Duty Editor would scan it -- often not reading more than the first few lines -- then decide whether to do it himself, give it to someone else or discard it. Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 ,The .Duty Editor Md switch this first screeningWnction to another VDU when he was. going to be absent from his desk. The advantages of this method would be that the Duty Editor would see all incoming raw material, that it would almost entirely eliminate, the use of paper, and that the material would get to the.desk more quickly as a 9600 baud display than as a 1200 baud printout. The disadvantages are that the Duty Editor would tend to be tied. to his VDU, having to see all incoming and outgoing material and, in effect, becoming the copytaster; and that he might not have time to write stories himself or, at the very,le4st, would'?be constantly interrupted while doingso. ,It may be said that'this is no more than. some duty editors do at present, but the psychological effect of being. a slave to the never-ending demands of the VDU might be somewhat overwhelming. In this context, it is worth noting that, according to our researches, only about three per cent of all available material, in terms of volume, is used by the News Bureau. There is also what we have termed the modified all-electronic system -- a contradiction in terms perhaps, but a reasonable. description nonetheless.. uUnder this system, all raw material would be p inted out on 1200/ printers close to the news desk. This would include Reuter, Tass, NCNA, etc. Another printer would be reserved for flash material and requested printouts. This preserves the flexibility of working as currently practised by different shifts. Those writing: the stories would call up the raw material from the System, edit it on screen and, as already described, send it to the Duty Editor's VDU for his approval. At the same time they would hand back the raw material so that the Duty Editor had something with which .to check. Sometimes the journalists rewrite entirely because the raw material is not suitable for editing down. This method would be preserved, except that they would type their'stories on VDUs instead of typewriters. The rest of the operation would be as described above. There would, of course, need to be a separate store for stories awaiting approval. Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Option 2 -- All Paper This assumes that no agreement can be reached with the unions to allow direct input or editing by journalists. It leaves their present working methods basically unchanged. The material would reach them in hard copy, delivered from the 1200 baud printers. They would continue to edit on hard copy (and presumably do rewrites on typewriters) and their copy would go by hand, as now, to the operators. This would shift the electronics to a later stage. The operators would have the choice of calling up raw material on their VDUs and editing it in accordance with the draft from the News Bureau, or retyping it if the editing looked too complicated. Then they would send it out on the wire. So the only differences from present methods would be that the raw material reached the News Bureau rather earlier than at present, and that there would be a saving of time at the output end because, in most cases, the material would not have to be retyped. Option 3 -- Half and Half The assumption here is that NUJ members are prepared to edit on VDUs, but that neither the NUJ nor the ABS is willing to let them transmit items on to the wires. In such an eventuality, the first part of the operation would be as described in Option 1. However, at the point at which the Duty Editor was satisfied with the story, he would not transmit it direct to the wires, but would instead send it to the operators' VDUs. There would be a system of queuing and priorities so that the operators received the material in the right order. It would be the operators who would transmit the material on the wires. Conclusions No one knows at present how the unions will react or what kind'of agreement can eventually be reached. However, from the practical point of view, we favour the modified version of Option 1 -- the almost all-electronic method. Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 TH9 'EDITORIAL SECTIONS Our preferred method for the editorial sections is that they should have all the facilities of the System, but that they should stay with hard copy for most of'their editing. It would, of course,' be technically possible for the raw material to appear on screens in the SWB areas and for the journalists.to edit on. screens and,mark up the edited versions for typesetting, thus eliminating the input typists. In theory, this would save time. However, there are, factors which militate against such a method. In watching the editorial sections at work, we have noticed that much of'the 'editing consists of, in effect, reissuing pages of raw material with minor amendments. These include marking for capital letters, changing or.clarifying punctuation, changing the order of words when a monitor has used unidiomatic English and, in the case of FBIS material, changing American to English spellings. We are convinced that an editor can do this kind of work very much faster with a pencil than with a VDU. overall There might be a very marginal/saving of time by having the material handled from receipt through to printing by one person, but the actual editing process would take longer; and an electronic system-which actually slowed down the editorial staff would be counter-productive. Also, although the System would be designed to change type faces, sizes and styles and to justify the lines, human intervention would still be necessary to clean it up; for instance by changing the point at which words are broken by hyphens at the end of lines. We doubt whether the editors in the SWB sections have time to do this fiddling work; and in any case, it would mean shifting this. function from clerically- or operationally-graded staff to MP staff. However, we do feel that members of the editorial sections should be given choice and flexibility. Some may prefer to edit on screens for shorter items, and it should be an advantage to those producing the Weekly Economic Reviews, where most material is written rather than edited down, Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 T -17- So we see the working of the SWB sections as similar to the present methods. From their point of view, the main advantage would be that the System would automatically deliver the material they need; there would be no more waiting for collection or hand delivery. This might mean that it was possible to get later material into current editions. The real time saving for SWBs should be in the composing of the offset plates, or their equivalent. This might well enable editorial deadlines to be later than at present. Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 TO PRItTING' OP ION The principal saving in the composing area would be that most material would no longer have to be retyped, as it is at present, on a composing typewriter, they would call up the ' raw; material from the System and edit it in accordance with editorial instructions. editorial seotions, as now. But instead of retyping the whole item The input typists,. or operators, would. receive edited copy from the case only. From what we have~'learned from FB.IS, it'.appears that' their Monitors' transcripts will be in upper and lower case, BT in upper, System, it should be possible to strip off their conversion and'get their material in upper and lower case, into all caps for'their teleprinters here;. with a direct feed into our mazeriai is already available in upper andlower.c except that it would automatically put a capital after every full stop. So for the capitalisation part of the editing, she would type over any remaining letters that needed to be in caps. This would be much faster than knocking down everything else to lower case, which would be tantamount to retyping. In any event, the System could allow for this. With an all-caps'item,' the operator would press a single key to reset it all in lower case a daisy-wheel printer of the kind normally associated with word processors. It would allow a greater range of type faces and sizes than is available on the present IBM composing typewriters, and there would be no need to keep changing the golf-ball printing heads. The System would be programmed to recognise typesetting instructions and it would automatically produce the offset master, probably using We.have reluctantly rejected having automatic delivery of finished material to the proofreaders, because they would have to compare it with the edited copy, and that would have to go by-hand. However, since the operation of VDUs would be much quieter 'than that of the IBM typewriters, it should be possible to have the proofreaders in the same room, perhaps behind glazed partition walls. the preferred method of printing. We do not feel there is any other reprographic method better suited to the number of pages and lengths We feel that, for the foreseeable future, offset litho is likely to be of print runs. Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 w -19- LINKS WITH FBIS Ideally, the System would treat FBIS as though it were simply another section of the Monitoring Service. After all, the work of the FBIS bureau is similar insofar as it takes in raw material and puts out edited material. However, it is not yet certain how active. a part FBIS would wish to play in the System. Although the .present Bureau Chief seems to view it favourably, final decisions will obviously have to be made in Washington.'. Ed.N.P.M.S. mayget some firmer indications' during his visit there. Meanwhile, these are the possibilities: BBC material to FBIS There are three possible ways of supplying material to FBIS. 1. We have an extra printer receiving monitors'. transcripts and RT, and simply send copies up the Lamson tubes, as. now. This primitive method assumes total lack of interest by FBIS. 2. FBIS takes the service on a wire to the second floor and hooks whatever equipment it prefers on to it. This assumes that FBIS's interest is only in getting paper copies faster than now. Basically, it makes no difference to the System. If IBIS is interested, it could have a full service. It. would have VDUs and printers from our System. It could choose whether to work on hard copy or to edit on screens. It could have any kind of automatic delivery it wanted. It could interrogate the System, using all its files and lists, and - although it is' hardly likely to want to do so -- it could interrogate the EDS. Whatever FBIS chooses to do, the-:System would be able to handle it. If FBIS wanted full use, it would mean additional . ports, channels, software and storage capacity in the System, but nothing more difficult than providing the facilities for any section of Monitoring Service. There might.be'some problems of. interface if FBIS wanted to join in but insisted on using different hardware for compatibility with any new system that it might be planning. However, we do not think these problems would be insoluble. Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 w FBIS material to BBC Here we have a different story. It is vital to the success of an electrons c 4- C --- - - - s ys em n i aversham t its material. in electronic form, At present, the FBIS system prints out its material on teleprinters of only moderate speed. Those which are marked for the BBC are put into a Lamson tube; those that are not are witheld. Monitoring Service would need the equivalent function to be performed automatically, which could be done by FBIS themselves or by a bolt-on box on the Caversham System. This would enable them to preserve their security. If FBIS is willing to co-operate, all well and good. The material would feed into the Caversham System just like monitors' transcripts and RT material. The System would strip off unnecessary header codes. But if FBIS will not co-operate -- if it wants to continue tearing paper off teleprinters and putting it into a Lamson. tube -- then this would cause serious problems. Something like 45% of all raw material comes from FBIS; and the result of keeping to hard copy delivery would be to render impossible many of the facilities which we are describing. The raw material could not be stored, listed or retrieved. There' could be no editing on screens of FBIS material. The savings which we envisage by not having to retype edited material would be reduced by about half. A very large part of the general conception of the Caversham System would collapse. Therefore, it is of vital importance to convince FBIS that it should play a full part in the System -- not so much in their reception of Monitoring Service material, which doesn't really matter, but in their method of delivery to Monitoring Service, which matters a great deal. Eaui ent The FBIS Bureau Chief believes the bureau will still want Reuter and Taos English on teleprinters. No problem. He also believes. that, if they work fully with the System, they will need 16 VDUs and 2 1200 baud printers. The estimate on VDUs agrees precisely with ours, but we think he has under-estimated on printers; we are recommending four. Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 - Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 RETENTION, LONG-TERM STORAGE, INDEXES AND LISTS One of the advantages of a computer system is that it allows material to be stored for a period, thus providing fast retrieval of recent information. The system we are proposing would catalogue every item of input and.putput by a series of automatically-compiled lists. However, the storing and retrieval of material demands capacity and hardware, which can be extremely expensive; therefore, limits must be set. At a meeting on February 9th, 1982, the Caversham Modernisation Committee agreed the following: Raw material (monitors' transcripts, RT and FBIS) would be kept on line in the System for 14 days. They would then be kept on microfiche. The fiches could be kept indefinitely, but the feeling was that they should be discarded after six months. News Bureau material would be on line in the System for one week, then overwritten. Reuter output would stay in the System for two days, then be overwritten. SWBs would stay on line for 14 days (12 days' editions). They would . then go on to microfiche and be kept indefinitely. LISTS In.;all cases, the lists of items would stay on line for the same period as the categories of material to which they referred. The lists of raw material would also go on to microfiche, but there would be no need to put the SWB lists on fiche because they would be basically the same as the contents pages. generally, monitors' transcripts would be listed under language teams, RT by agency, FBIS by outstation and SWB by parts. But it would also be possible to have variations: transcripts by name of station or name of monitor, FBIS by name of radio station, etc. Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 The lists would contain the following information for each item: A and B Wires: Serial number, date, time, headline. Monitors' transcripts: Serial number,. date, time,' source, name(s)' of monitor(s), language and headline supplied.by monitor. RTEnglish: Serial number, date, time, agency, headline (extracted from RT message). FBIS: Serial number, date, time, source, headline. SWB: Serial number, date, headline(and key words?) MICROFICHE For microfiche, we recommend a'system similar to that;` used by the EDS,at Bush House. Each midnight the System would look back over the material of the previous 24 hours and copy that which needed to be kept on to a magnetic tape. This would be sent next morning to a COM (computer-originated microform) bureau, and the microfiches should; be returned in three or four days -- well before the material in the System was overwritten. This is a comparatively cheap operation; and if there is no suitable bureau in the Reading area. the ;COM tape could probably be sent daily to Bush House and prooessed`with'theirs.: There would have to be separate fiches for raw material and.SWBs because of the different periods of storage. Also, it would be advisable to have the SWB fiches in duplicate: one set for taking, copies, which might get scratched, and one set for permanent store. in fireproof cabinets. INDEXING We have. considered the possibility of a complete indexing system by random word search and have reached the conclusion, without much` difficulty, that this would be prohibitively expensive. However, it would be possible to provide a simpler keyword index for SWBs. Each item would be indexed by the editorial staff during editing. They would use_a.maximum of four words,from a list of key words which they could create for themselves. For simplicity of indexing, the number of key words should be restricted to, say, 4,000 words shared among the four sections. Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 The.process can be illustrated by considering a recent item headlined "Confusion over Taiwan Softball Invitation to,China." Possible key words could be.'China', 'Taiwan' and 'Sport'. These V key words would not necessarily have to be in the headline, or even in the item; they would be generic words chosen by the editorial staff, used only to classify the item. A 'subsequent search specifying the three key words would retrieve a listing of this item and all other items which had been classified under all three of the key words. A search involving only two of. the three key words, such as 'Taiwan' and 'Sport', would result in a. listing of this item, . but the list would also include items about sport involving Taiwan and countries other than China. Such a simple form of indexing is unlikely to produce a unique identification of an item every time because the same key words may have been used for several items. The user would have to examine the. display of items to find the particular item he wanted. On balance, we recommend that such a system should be adopted. However$ it must be said that it might well be expensive in terms of data storage and programming effort. A decision would have to based on the balance between the cost and the value of such a system to the Monitoring Service. This, we feel, is something which needs further investigation. Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Permanent store V -24- w There is a fundamental difference in the philosophy of corrections. between a news-based computer system, such as the EDS, and the average bank/insurance company/gas board computer.' In the latter type of system, any stored material which is wrong can be called up, corrected- and put back into the system, and the erroneous material simply vanishes. The EDS, for instance; is designed to prevent this. An inaccurate story-. can, of course, be called up and changed on a screen, but the EDS will not accept the -.new version .,.asp` a_ straight replacement for the old; it will insist on keeping both versions and giving them separate numbers,, on the theory that mistakes must not be destroyed. 'We recommend that the same theory should apply in the Monitoring Service. However, in all. systems such as this, there are a number of documents various lists and schedules -- which remain in the same basic format for years and need only some of the internal information changed from time to time. So there should. be an area of permanent store which would hold these items. This would be the one area of the System where users would be able to change material by simply replacing the old with'the new. The obvious candidates for this store would be the various bulletin .and transmission schedules used in the Listening Room and RT Section. However, given sufficient store, it would be possible to include other material which needs occasional updating -- right down to the staff list and local telephone list. Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES One of the important parts of the System would be the facilities it would offer users to send messages, both inte.rnally'and.externally : to,interrogate the EDS at Bush House and to communicate with other parts of the BBC and with the outside world through the_.NSS or by commercial telex. INTEBNAL MESSAGES Any. VDU user in Caversham would be able to send messages to other users in Caversham. Messages would be sent to the recipient's printer, so that,, ,a permanent copy would exist. There would also.begroup codes'so that' any user would be able to send a message to a number of other people simultaneously. There would be a degree of privacy, since the System would send only what was on the originator's screen and would not store-, the message -- no one else could retrieve it. ,There would also need to be a separate command for sending material. already in the System (known in EDS parlance as a Transfer Command). For example, if one user wished to send a multi-page item to another user (or even to get a copy on his own printer) it would be patently. ridiculous to call it up, page by page, and send it. The "transfer" command would enable him to send the whole item with one simple command. LINKS WITH THE REST OF THE BBC The methods of sending messages described above would apply also to any Caversham user who wanted to send a message to any user of the EDS, and vice versa. Users of the Caversham System would also be able to call up material from any of the 30-odd categories in the EDS. Users .of the IDS would be able to interrogate the Caversham System, but only processed material. The System would also be used to transmit, via the EDS, material , for programme services at Bush House '(replacing the early morning bag). Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 _26- 2. The MSS All communications with parts of the BBC not on the EDS would be via the MSS. 'The System would be designed so that. users.could send messages to other BBC premises by.using the standard BBC codes; the MSS would simply switch them through... The System would provide pro formas so that users would be able easily to put their messages in correct format for acceptance by the MSS. LINKS OUTSIDE THE BBC The majority of messages to destinations outside the BBC -- special items for customers, the transmission of SWBs to those who want it in electronic form and the transmission of information to commercial data banks -r would be made through the MSS. But there should also be a direct public telex facility in case of a breakdown in the MSS. EXTERNAL LINES We recommend the following: Pour two way.lines at 1200 baud between the Caversham System and the EDS. To be used for interrogation of each other's systems, the sending of messages and the transmission of.SWBs and regular information to Bush House programme services. These last two categories are likely to occupy a significant proportion of the traffic at peak times. Although all signals would normally go via any vacant line, we recommend that not more... than two of these lines should be occupied by these categories at any one time. One one-way line for sending News Bureau output to Bush House and.any other regular user who is able to receive it at-this speed, (1200 baud)., One slow-speed line for B Wire customers who are.unable to receive at 1200 baud. Two two-way lines at 4800 baud for all traffic between Caversham and the MSS. One public telex line to the Reading Exchange. Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 We,are assuming that the new MSS will have sufficient capacity to' handle the, amount of material which we have described., As far as.'the' EDS is concerned',:at present it does not have the capacity to take on' any additional functions. Developments now being planned for the.EDS may. well provide; sufficient': should, go to it, but we' do not'know this. for certain, 'and we are' capacity to handle, the amount, of material which'we,%have:suggested ,not even sure that all.the expansion will be complete before the 31zoring aervi'ce ayszem is in operauion* links which we'are proposing would necessitatesome software Res in the EDS. More serious is the amount of`.storage capacity that'would be needed if the "bag" material for Bush. House were sent ,wanting SWBs electronically, via the IDS and if there were a significant number of customers .11 It,'is important that Bush House and Caversham''should,talk about problems at an'early date and exchange information'about future . COMMUNICATION WITH DATA BANKS, We,have already said that we believe information ,should be'sent to however, is open to further investigation when there is more time. for Reporter -- should remain under the control'of the Library. This that the Nexis terminal -- and presumably there will be one later uncontrolled use might well incur heavy costs.''At present, we believe'':, with other computers as well as Caversham',s own'and the EDS. Also, numerous data banks. Users would have to learn how to communicate difficult to ensure that the System and its VDUs were-'compatible with.,; computers by VDUs on the Caversham System.. It-would be , technically.:- ,our present view .is that there should be no interrogation of data bank commercial data banks'via the MSS. As for receiving information, Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 SERVICE OPERATOR/SUPERVISOR Position should be placed as close as possible to the main operational areas, such as the News Bureau or Listening Room and within easy reach, of the processor.room and engineers. These duties would be as follows:.,, duties connected with the smooth running of the System.., The Service w A system such as we are proposing would need a Service Position with a Service'Operator or Supervisor who would have'a'range of show someone that it is operating correctly. The. Service Operator would watch over the reports, check the levels of stores and taking A computer system needs to report on its status and condition. and to System monitoring. corrective operational action to avoid potential trouble. Faults faults in terminals and would give operational advice to solve apparent faults. The Service Operator would be the central point to which users report. Messages This position would be the central point for all kinds of messages. It would handle messages between, for instance, the EDS at Bush House and people at Caversham who did not have VDUs. It would deal with requests from customers, new and old, insideand outside the. BBC. It would feed material out through the MSS and by public telex and be responsible for one-off or occasional communication with outside, data banks and communications systems. Training A full training programme would be necessary for existing staff in the months before the System came on line. This would need to be a separate exercise. But continuing training would be necessary for new staff joining after the System was in use, and we think this could probably be undertaken by the Service Operators In the early stages, it would probably be enough to cover morning and,,: evening shifts at the Service Position. But expansion might necessitate. 24-hour coverage at a later date. Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 1 0 29 STAFFING IMPLICATIONS the following thoughts are offered: the agreements that can eventually be made with the unions. However ,policy decisions made as a result of our recommendations, and on Ve can give. only general impressions and broad estimates'of the. .staff implications of an electronic system. Much will depend on.. present work would no longer be necessary, Tape filing would remain. Under our proposals, the paper-producing side of the, Piling.-Room's Filing Room A. rough estimate would be that Filing Room posts'could be cut by 60%.' longer be necessary for a typist to compile, for instance, Tass English. We have not had time to study all the work of the dictation typists. 'This is open for further investigation later. However, it would no Listening Room clerical pool headlines; the System could do it automatically. RT Seotion clerks would be needed to work the VDUs as currently look after the teleprinter output. We do not see any staff reductions here. We believe the same number of. the wires. delivery and little filing. The number of posts in this,area might be reduced by 50% -- more if the journalists put material directly on to o41-L1 ue a neea for an aLtenaant to clear the System printers, but no.,' by Lamson tubes and keeping up numerous files. In our view, there would which includes clearing the teleprinters, delivering material by hand or, cuvi.ae tineir time between teleprinting and a range of general The senior clerk/teleprinter operators and clerk/teleprinter Operators., News Bureau and quicker than now, there would be fewer VDUs than"'there-are-IBM typewriters at present, therefore fewer input typists. Our rough estimate is for a reduction of about 25%, perhaps more. Since the preparation of material for offset printing would be easier Printing Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Th jneering ,If our proposals for letting the System control receivers were adopted, it would presumably lead to a reduction in operations assistants' posts at Crowsley Park -- perhaps one on a shift instead of two. It must be remembered that any system would need a number of skilled engineers to look after it. This is something for Monitoring Service to decide. As an illustration, the EDS at Bush House, which is of roughly comparable size to the, system we are proposing for Caversham, has.a manager and about 12 engineers. The system started with six engineers, but the number had to be increased because of pressure of work and continuing programme developments. The EDS.also has nine supervisors, who combine the duties of Service Position and general supervisory duties, such as system monitoring and acting.as 4 fault- reporting centre. Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 -31- w FINALLY.... The Caversham System has so far been referred to as the KIDS. But is is fashionable (and to use the current terminology, more "user-friendly") to have a popular name for a system. HMS has said that he would like the System to be called MONDIAL. Unfortunately, this name has already been adopted by British Telecom for its headquarters and main switching centre, Mondial House. This name is becoming internationally recognised as a British Telecom identification, and they can be expected to use it more and more. So we suggest that the Caversham System might be known simply as: MONITOR Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 w .:APPENDIX A STATISTICS OF INFORMATION FLAW A "census" of information flows was taken on Wednesday, January 20th, 1982, which was regarded as an "average" day in terms of news, amount of information that any system would have. to handle and store. The.: various types of material were examined to obtain an idea of the An,allowance would need to made during the.detailed design of a system to cope with periods of higher activity and to allow for future expansion. The following table summarises the statistics: Type of material Number Number Number of items of pages of characters Unprocessed material (a) Monitors' transcripts 350 551 (b) RT English language From HT Section 541 485 From Tass English 1 150 686, 635 (o) FBIS (input to BBC) 411 756 TOTAL 1.447 1,942 Processed material (a) News A Wire (b) News B Wire (c) SWB printed pages TOTAL 728K' 22 K 953K 1.3068 2.920K It will be noted that, in terms of volume, the News Bureau's output represents about 3% of the unprocessed material. The corresponding figure for SWBs is about 20%. the number of bulletins increases steadily throughout the day and reaches its maximum between 1500 and 2200 GMT. It is clear from Fig. 1(a) that the evening is the peak period in the Listening Room. monitored during each hour. Apart from the peak between 1200 and 1300 GMT, The design of the System will also be dependent on the rate at which. the material arrives. Fig. 1(a) shows the total number of AF bulletins Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 -9 Page-40 ouF ~-r-~}E--- 3 p?9~s~ Sur 36 . Pales~i~ew '! v p`{yts ~l ow MONITORg TRRNSCRIPTS - 20rj~$- _. J 1 y r -7 7 1. r t ~ t R - - I s- -77 L: L- ~ - } a FIG !i + _ _ Uil Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 -34- It is important, however, to examine the actual rates at which pages of monitors' transcripts are issued. Fig. 1(b) shows the cumulative totals of pages issued throughout the day. The dotted line shows a sensible approximation to the data. The peak period is between 1000 and 2100 GMT, when pages are issued at the remarkably steady rate of 36 per hour. The apparent conflict between Figs. 1(a) and 1(b) can be resolved by taking into account the number of transcripts of material which was recorded earlier. The monitors transcribe recorded material in the, clear periods when they are not required to monitor live transmissions.. A similar analysis of the data flow has been made for the English- language output of the RT Section. Fig. 2(a) shows the number of RT transmissions being received during each 15-minute period of the day. Fig. 2(b) shows the number of RT items issued per hour. About 85% of the RT messages are received between 0800 and 1800 GMT. So far there has not been time to make a similar study of FBIS material. The figures for the number of characters per hour which a computer ?system would be required to handle are summarised below: Pages Characters Characters per hour per page per hour Monitors' transcripts 36 1200 43K ET: English from RT Section 60 1500 90K Tass English 14 1500 21K FBIS (estimated) 135K TOTAL 28 K This total flow is relatively slow. Perhaps the simplest way to illustrate this is to say that, even if the entire volume of the unprocessed material were routed to any particular section on just one 1200 baud printer, that printer would be idle for about 50% of the time. This, of course, would not be satisfactory because there would be unacceptable delays when several items arrived in the System simultaneously at peak periods. Therefore, in most areas which would receive automatic prints of unprocessed material, we have specified more than one printer. Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 06 0$ 10 12 GMT Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 -36- slower-speed printers necessary for the System to produce its own reports and journals and for'controlof,the System. is. no? more than a rough guide, given.,' mainly so that some kind e list,. which. follows. is ino way intended to be:definitive overall system-oost can, be estimated. Final recommendations,on.'the number and.type,of terminals , in each ;section wily;come.:at a later stage working methods.". Listening Room And cubicles ;Section I. i. News, Bureau Library Management/training Engineering after much more detailed 'di'scussion '-- NOTE: These figures do not include maintenance spares . or the Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 - -= Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 _37_ APPMIR 'C COMPUTER SYSTEM SPECIFICATION EDS. AA Wire Teleg r~s :`News agencies (ET,.Pass, Reuter) 1200 50-300,. 1 50 1 50 2 4800 2', 4800 15 50-200 9600 baud. - 64 input, 64 output Response time Less than 2 seconds recommend consideration of having a third processor'so that future reprogramming for expansion and new facilities can be carried out off-line. We would naturally expect the System to be a dual one. We also Reliability Data rate (baud) 9600 .. 1200 600 1. 600 ` 1200 4 ,1200 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 APPENDIX D ? V . STORAGE IN THE SYSTEM The computer's memory will need to contain several classes of store, depending on the requirements of individual sections and on which terminals are allowed access to the material. STORE A Edited material which has been processed by'SWB or the News Bureau. Accessible from all VDUs in Caversham, including FBIS9 and from VDUs on the EDS at Bush House. STORE B Raw material (monitors' transcripts, RT and FBIS). Accessible only within Caversham, including FBIS. It would be possible to transmit this material to EDS users or outside customers, but only by Monitoring Service initiative., STORE C1 A holding store for monitors' multi-page items and. material from monitors under training. Accessible only by the Listening Room. Finished material transfers to Store B. A holding store for RT material before it is processed by the RT Section for general distribution. After processing, it goes into Store B and is wiped out of Store C2. Accessible incom g material only by the RT.Section while being processed, but/available o VDUs in Caversham by use of the "tuning in" facility. STORE C3 A holding store for processed News Bureau material awaiting the Duty Editor's approval or transmission by operators. When transmitted, it goes into Store A and clears from the holding, store. Holding store accessible only by News Bureau and operators. STORE C4 A holding store for typed SWB material awaiting editorial approval and/or proofreading. Accessible only by editorial sections and input typists. Finished material transfers to Store A. STORE C This becomes necessary if FBIS comes fully into the System. Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 w would be a holding store for material processed by FBIS awaiting transmission, on their wire. Accessible only. to FBIS. schedules and other items which are constantly needed in would also need to be-ail area of permanent store for those All the material) in Stores A-C5 has a',finite life. There standard formats but with details changed. Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 DATA STORAGE REQUIREMENTS V Dail volume Storage, time Storage required characte~ [days) .Processed material Telex A 5K Telex B 10OK SWB.t. 600K FBIS (output to Washington) Unprocessed material Monitors' transcripts P t,English FBIS 400K (est.) 1,105 660K 953K 1.306K 2.91 OK Lists/Indexes Telexes A & B' 10K SWB`(key word index) 75K (p.wk) FBIS (output. to Washington) 20K Monitors' transcripts 35K PIT English 103K FBIS 41K Temporary storage Monitors' transcripts (C1) .RT ?(C2) News Bureau 03) SWB (C4) FBIS (c5) '14 14' .14 7 3 yrs 14 14 14 TOTAL 11.7M 0.28M 0.5M 1.4M' 0.6M 14.6M Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 into the System). and semi-automatic printouts (specified, by the originators 0 AUTOMATIC AND SEMI-AUTOMATIC PRINTING The following is.,a list of recommended automatic printouts (programmed Monitors' transcripts SWB editorial sections (as specified by the m?nitor~ Other monitoring teams (as specified by.the monitor) *Bush House language sections (as requested) 0 News Bureau FBIS Listening Room Supervisor Monitor HT English language News Bureau FBIS Listening Room Supervisor SWB editorial sections (determined by, agency) Monitoring teams (determined by agency) SWB editorial sections (determined by place of'origination) *Bush House language sections (determined by agency FBIS News Bureau Listening Room Supervisor Reuter News Bureau FBIS Lilongwe and Nairobi News Bureau FBIS SWB Part 4 *African Service, Bush House News Bureau output FBIS SWB - all sections Listening Room Supervisor BBC Newsrooms All existing customers SWB completed pages SWB originating section Printing area Some people in the Listening Room have already said that they would not want printouts of Reuter, for instance, if they could call it up on VDU- screens. The same may well apply to News Bureau output, which some sections may prefer to have on demand rather than by automatic printout. * There may have to be built-in delays for the sending of this material. This will need further discussion. Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 BULK OR COLLATED DELIVERY IN AUTOMATIC PRINTING The current methods of distribution recognise that certain areas have different operational requirements. For example, the RT Section sends individual pages, as soon as possible, to the News Bureau and FBIS, but sends entire bulletins or transmissions to other areas. The latter is often more. convenient for some. users, despite. the inherent delays. The System would provide similar options. For example, the SWB editorial sections might prefer to receive items in chronological order during the day but have them in batches of related material at night, when the delay in delivery would be irrelevant. Also, language sections at Bush House might prefer to have all material from one source together. Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 FBIS TECHNICAL FACTS' This is basically an ADX system with a number of store-and-forward Communication' between the FBIS bureau at Cavershain,and,'other FBIS stations is'through the U.S. Department of Defense.,AUTODIN system. exchanges throughout the world. three bits are presumably used for error detection. and,correctioii. teleprinter code and reproduced by 600 baud printers..'The remaining .Caversham and other stations they are converted into. standard5-bit .The signals use an 8-bit code.on transmission,. but when they reach FBIS require the. system to handle upper- and lower-case characters be upper case; two consecutive blanks indicate that th6mLaxt,.word capital letters. A single blank indicates that,, the next: character will to. send capitals,?,theblank character (00000) is use'd'to indicate ' for internal use in Washington. To allow.a restricted five-unit code, will be in upper case. The end of the word is defined by'the next . An electronic system within Caversham must accept inputs from FBIS AUTODIN must be provided, facilities on the Caversham System, an output port compatible with in the above format. If the FBIS bureau is equipped with editing Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 ? APPENDIX B: COMPUTER SYSTEM DETAILS RATE AT WHICH MATERIAL ARRIVES Fig 1(a) shows the total number of AF bulletins monitored during each hour. Apart from the peak between 1200 and 1300 GMT, the number of bulletins increases steadily throughout the day and reaches its maximum between 1500 and 2200 GMT. It is clear from Fig 1(a) that the evening is the peak period in the Listening Room. Rates at Which Pages of Monitors' Transcripts are Issued Fig 1(b) shows the cumulative totals of pages issued throughout the day. The dotted line shows a sensible approximation to the data. The peak period is between 1000 and 2100 GMT, when pages are issued at the remarkably steady rate of 36 per hour. The apparent conflict between Figs 1(a) and 1(b) can be resolved by taking into account the number of transcripts of material which was recorded earlier. The monitors transcribe recorded material in the clear periods when they are not required to monitor live transmissions. A similar analysis of the data flow has been made for the English-language output of the RT Section. Fig 2(a) shows the number of RT transmissions being received during each 15-minute period fo the day. Fig 2(b) shows the number of RT items issued per hour. About 85% of the RT messages are received between 0800 and 1800 GMT. The figures for the number of characters per hour which the computer system would be required to handle are summarised below. Once again the figures are double those shown for an average day. Pages Characters Characters Per hour per page per hour Monitors' transcripts 70 1200 84K RT: English from RT Section 120 1500 180K Tass English 30 1500 45K FBIS (estimated) Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 N w u_ 0 w a) 7 D z Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 00 02 04 06 08 10 ~+--- 9 pages/hour +1.- 3 pages/hour 12 14 16 -36 pages/hour - MONITOR's TRANSCRIPT - 20/1/82 1C: 8 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024 R000300730002-0 FIG 1 (A) 2b 22 2 4 -+30 pages/hour-o. FIG 1 (B ) i ? Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 w 1 m z z 0 04 06 08 10 D 2 60 27 - 1- 82 R T (ENGLISH LANGUAGE ) U- 0 20- a: w 10 I z 0 00 02 04 06 08 T 10 FIG.2 (a) 12 14 16 18 GMT 12 14 16 GMT 20 22 18 20 FIG 2 (b) 1 24 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 TERMINAL EQUIPMENT The list which follows is in no way intended to be definitive. It is no " more than a rough guide, given"mainly'"so that some 'kind of overall system cost-could be estimated. VDUs 1200 baud Printers Listening Room 70 20 R T Section 5 1 News Bureau 10 5 Editorial sections FB IS 25 8 2 Printing area 6 3 high quality printers Library 5 1 Management/training 10 4 Engineering 5 2 Spares 14 150 48 + 3 special Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 DISC STORE 150 VDU S 9600 6/5 ? PROCESSER A 1200 b/ 48 PRINTERS 1200 b/S +3 SPECIAL IVIHV TAPE 50-300 b ? 1200 b/s 40 RECEIVER REMOTE '')NTROL I/FS It 15B C. SUPPLIED) RT CHANNEL INPUTS INTERFACE (13 OFF) 50-1200 6/5 F815 (BAUDOT) GOO 6/s (AUTODIN) (10FF) SPAR E DISC STORE PROCESSOR C SHELF SPARE) & DEVELOPMENT DISC STORE 506/S -Vc- TELEX 4800 b/s BBC #>- MESSAGE ALARMS PROCESSOR B SWITCHING SYSTEM (Z OFF) NEWS AGENCIES 12 001,/s (2 OFF) T BUSH EDS (4 OFF) MAG TAPE 0-0, FIG 3 MONITf Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 'ION Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 ? COMPUTER SYSTEM SPECIFICATION Channels INPUT CHANNELS OUTPUT CHANNELS Number Date rate Number Data rate (bits sec) (bits sec) VDUs 150 9600 150 9600 Printers (RO) 48 1200 (special) 3 As required FBIS (AUTODIN) 1 600 2 1200 EDS, Bush House 4 1200 4 1200 A/B Wire 1 1200 1 50-300 Telex 1 50 1 50 MSS (BBC System) 2 4800 2 4800 News agencies 2 50-200 (Tass, Reuter) Inputs from RT receivers 13 50-200 Remote control receiver tuning (AF) 40 40 (RT) 13 13 CONCURENCY Assume that 64 input and 64 output channels at 9600 b/s could be in use simultaneously. Response Time Less than 2 seconds. Basic Hardware Configuration See sketch (fig 3). Reliability Dual systems are envisaged with a 3rd processor and disc as shelf spares and for development. Processor C would be able to take over from A at any instant in the event of malfunction or a maintenance requirement. The memories would be non-volatile. Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 ? DATA STORAGE REQUIREMENTS Daily volume Storage time Storage required (characters days) (characters) Processed material Telex A 10K 7 0.0614 Telex B 200K 7 1.414 SWB 1200K 12 14.4H FBIS (output to Washington) 800K (est) 14 11.214 2210K Unprocessed material Monitors' transcripts 1300K 18.214 RT English 1900K 26.614 FBIS 2600K 36.414 5800K Lists/Indexes Telexes A & B 20K 7 1414 SWB (key work index) 150K (P/w) 3 years 23.414 FBIS (output to Washington) 40K 14 0.614 Monitors' transcripts 70K 14 1.014 RT English 206K 14 2.814 FBIS 82K 14 1.2m Temporary storage Monitors' transcripts 1.014 RT 0.214 News Bureau 0.214 SWB FBIS 2. OM 1.614 514 14414 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 5- 46 YEAR PROGRAM. I i CALENDAR YEARS. Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP85-00024R000300730002-0 1986 1987 COMMISSIONING OF COMPUTER TERMINALS AS I QJRED.