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STATI TL Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP85-00375R00 'Q1,20130003-5 te Motos /tabard MinivKttani airs te ) D. C. 2052 11 OCT 1965 Nations' MI Anniversary, particisste in this observance. Voce plans to send a message the President's request that ail The posters ror International tiara Day %ill be iipte' an knov oi the cone? 1. Dinzerely is/ Ermriett D. Echois Samett D. !Echols Director of Personnel Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP85-00375R000100130003-5 STATINTL is ? .- '.- ..v.:k....-.. 2 h2....:It. is 2se:'uLe; -iii is UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE ITIAL-S 1 / C/BSD 2 3 4 5 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks: Attached are: A. Draft of the Employee Bulletin for United Nations Day, B. Draft of letter to Mrs. Hubbard, C. Statement as to what United Nations Day is, and D. Agency plans for United Nations Day. n'n i - ? , ( A N 4 . I )r , FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME. ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE i .. . 1.4 . , - 1.! 1.! 1.! : IA? " L,.. ":`" e 1.! II ier,pre - :_ N4 e0N- 1 A FORM NO. 037 Use previous editions 2-61 L (40) U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1961 0-587282 0003-5 0003-5 Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP85-00375R00040.0130003-5 UNTIED NATIONS DAY - litUT IT 7.13: United Nations Day, October 24, 196,1 commemorates the day twenty years ago when the United Nations was created in San Itancisco. The year 196, marks the twentieth anniversary ?tithe it Nations and the President has asked the citizens of this Nation to obeerve Donley, October Nis 190, as Milted Nitt?ci Day by amens of community programs which will dettrate their faith in the United Nations and contribute to a feller umderstanding of its alma, preblems, and aecompliShments. Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP85-00375R000100130003-5 Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP85-00375R000100130003-5 AGO= PLANS FOR MEM NATI= DAT MAU Doployees Bulletin will be to draft ) Saar:gni; personnel of the world-wide observance this Day and expressing the views of the Director in cotirudn our enpanyees' interest in the work of the UuLted Nations. Posters with the President's Proc dirplwedonthe builesintIcards to remind Army personnel of United Nations Lay. Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP85-00375R000100130003-5 Approved For Re.'Rase 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP85-00375RAP0100130003-5 OMEN CE OF UNITED NAT/OS DAY What it is: For the past several years, the State Department has sponsored Nation-wide observance of 24 October, the anniversary of the creation or the United Nations, as United latioes Day. Special attention is being given to the 165 United Nations Day since it is the 20th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations. 2. Nati9nal program: Since 1965 marks the 20th anniversary, the President has asked the citizens of this Nation to observe this occasion by means of community programe sohich will demonstrate their faith in the United Nations and contribute to a fuller undsretanding of its aims, problems, and accomplishments. 3. Army prograau For the past i-e1 years, an appropriate message has-been distributed to Agency employees. We propose that such aimmaage be issued by the Director to mark the 20th anniversary sud, in addition, that posters supplied by the Department 01' State be placed on Agency bulletin boards during the week or 16 October. (A suggested draft of the Director's message (Tab Ai and samples of the posters supplied by the Department (Tab B) are attached.) 4. Report of AgFney observance: As in years past, the Agency has been asked to report rts plans for observing this occasion. A suggested letter for release by the Director of Personnel is attached. (Tab C) Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP85-00375R000100130003-5 Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP85-00375R0004100130003-5 UNITED NATIONS DAY President johnson has proclaimed Sunigy, October 24, 1965, as United Nations Day to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the founding of this organization which plays such a vital role throughout the world. This is an appropriate time for each of us to review the four purposes for which the United Nations was founded: 20 SAVE SUCCEEDING GENERATIONS FROM THE SCOURGE OF WAR TO REAFFIRM FAITH IN TONDAtENTALELEAN RIGHTS AND VHS SOVEREIGN BZUALITI OF NATIONS LARGE AND SMALL TO ESTABLISH CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH JUSTICE AND RESPECT FOR INTERNATIONAL LAW CAN BE MAINTMED TO PROM SOCIAL PROGRESS AND BETTER STANDARDS OF LIFE IN LARGER FREEDOM The United States has joined more than 100 nations to commemorate this 20th anniversary of United Nations. as International Cooperation Year. You are urged to assist where- ever possible and to attend programs planned to caArate this occasion in your local community. Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP85-00375R000100130003-5 , Approved IReIease 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP85-003W0001001300woro LIDA 65-46611 OCT boascamimum Folk Au. RhULOTROS SUIVICT: Mated Nadas' Day Froanisat Mum' has proclaimed Sandsp. Ostobor 24. IOW as tinted kihtions Day to *enumerate doe Xi aamtvecoary of the kWh* at this mum- asks WWI pipe soak. vital M. diraigtout tho world. UM Is an appropriate time for mit of on to review the Sur purposes du *ha the DOW Nuke* nee beaded: TO SATS SUOCREDDIO ORWIRATIONI FUN 3101 ICOUSLOR OF WAR TO //AFFIRM FAITH 14 FlaiDAMENTAL HUNAN RIMS AND TM SOVIRRION SWAIM OF NATO. MR02 SMALL TO WARM IXOSIMONS =Oa WHICH AST= AI 11111111CT.7011. INTUNATIONAL LAW CAN 11111 norm= TO MUM SOCIAL MOMS AND Ur= sweARDs OF lin IS LAZO= FRILIDOM The Diked Staten has Mind aim *ea LSO astleae Is mananoratlag dna 30Ik anstretaary at the Wend Helens u latemidenal Ceoperstioa Year. Yet see asps' te *Mit visusser pandlde sad to Mead progrirlie plemod to celebrate ade emelan la year Weal ennmelly. DIV'S/RC:5 Ilatyped: 0-11D/linsaq (4 Ost 61I) OrIj - Del Oa ream to ODA) I - RR I DO/S Silken (iviii) 1 ? 1 - D/Pors gned W. F. WORN Direelar Cossur: V0/5 Chem) fails) OCT 196'5 EL rams Dopey INroetor far Support Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP,85-00375R000100130003-5 Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP85-00375R000100130003-5 ? Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RD Whereas the United Nations is dedicated to the same noble principles that have made our. Declaration of Independence and our Constitution a constant bea- con of hope and inspiration for all mankind; and Whereas the United Nations has for 19 years repeatedly and decisively proved to be an in- creasingly effective and respected action agency for world peace, progress, and prosperity; and Whereas the United Nations, through its efforts and through those of its specialized agencies, has greatly heriefited the Unite4 States and each of its other mem- bers, individually and collectively; and Whereas the United Nations has kindled an ever-increasing recognition and practice through- out the world of those human-, itarian principles to which this country has long been dedicated; and Whereas the United National has earned, and is entitled to re- ceive an affirmative expression of, the respect and recognition of this Nation, and of each of its other members, for its inestimable con- tributions to international peace, justice, and understanding; and Whereas it is essential that the United Nations be supported both morally and materially, us and by all of its other members; and Whereas intelligent publi(1 support of the United Nations by the people of this Nation depends in large measure upon a wide dissemination to our people of significant and accurate informa- tion concerning the United Nations; and Whereas the General Assem- bly of the United Nations has resolved that October twenty- fourth, the anniversary of the coming into force of the United Nations Charter, should be dedi- cated each year to making known the purposes, principles, and accomplishments of the United Nations: Now, therefore, I, Lyndon B. Johnson, President of the United States of America, do hereby urge the citizens of this Nation to observe Saturday, Octo- ber 24, 1964, as United Nations Day by means of community pro- grams which will demonstrate their faith in the United Nations and contribute to a fuller under- standing of its aims, problems, and accomplishments. I also call upon the offi- cials of the Federal and State Governments and upon local officials to encourage citizen groups and agencies of the press, radio, television, and motion pic- tures to engage in appropriate observance of United Nations Day throughout the land in coopera- tion with the United States Com- mittee for the United Nations and other organizations. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the United States of America to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington this thirtieth day of April in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and sixty-four, and of the Independence of the United States of A merita the one hundred and eighty-eighth. 0100130003-5 ? Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP85-00375R000100130003-5 Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP85-00375R000100130003-5 (ri 4$01'ku /0'041 tr8V &grit October 24 United Nations Day 1964 It is harder to build than to demolish. Between the architect's vision and the last brush of paint,construction demands careful skill and creative patience. To raze a building requires no more than the ability to wield a pick?or explode a bomb. Similarly, it is harder to live in peace than to die by violence. While the demands of peace are endless and complex, violence has a primitive simplicity about it which, even now, can influence human behaviour. Even though it has never really settled anything it can still ap- pear as a short-cut solution, an instant substitute for wisdom. Nineteen years ago the architects of the United Nations Charter showed that they understood this very clearly. When they expressed our determination "to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war" they recognised that if the words were to have more than rhetorical value the new world organization must differ radically from its ill-fated pre- decessor, the League of Nations. They recognised the demands of peace. First, that all men?all nations?are involved in them. Hence the nearly universal membership of the United Nations. And second, that peace in- volves the material welfare of all men. I fence the remarkable scope of United Nations action today in economic and social development and in the promotion and protection of human rights and freedoms. It can be argued, of course, that even if much has been done, during the past nineteen years, to build on this grand design, much more remains undone. There is still violence in the world. There is still appalling poverty. This cannot be denied. At the same time it is worth noting that the ideas embodied in the Charter are, in many respects, as new and fresh today as they were in San Francisco. At that time they were unprecedented and man, with all his Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP85-00375R000100130003-5 Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP85-00375R00010013 003-5 great qualities, does not have a reputation for accepting change with alauity?even when the new direction is clearly to his advantage, and even when the old direction clearly leads to universal self-destruction. The new ideas, hoWever, are on the table and the changes are abroad. In the face of them reluCtance must eventually be replaced by acceptance, and apprehension by confidence in our ability to live together?not through any suffocating discipline of uniformity, but in tolerant coop ra- live diversity. Early this year one of a series of Dag Hammarskjold Memo ial Lectures was delivered by his successor as Secretary General of he United Nations, U Thant. This was his concluding thought: "Two w rid wars were fought to make the world safe for democracy. The war we h ve to wage ::oday has only one goal, and that is to make the world safe for diversity The concept of peaceful co-existence has been criticized by many who do not see the need to make the world safe for diversit I wonder if they have ever paused to ask themselves the question: wha is the alternative to co-existence? The world is inhabited by over th -ee billion human beings, and yet the fingerprint experts tell us that no t o human b'.!ings have identical fingerprints. Human beings come in all si es and shapes and in a variety of colours. This rich diversity is matched by an equal diVersity in regard to religious beliefs and political ideolog es. We are thrown together on this planet and we have to live together. That is why the Charter imposes the imperative on all human beings to prac ise tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbo rs. To my mind tnis is the: simplest definition of peaceful co-existence. Looking ahead I hope we may be imbued with this spirit of tolera ce. If all human beings, and nations large and small, were to be moved by his !piri.t we can indeed make the world safe for diversity, and for posterit " As it begins its twentieth year the United Nations remains, as it as at its birh, man's most effective instrument so far for the attainment of this goal. Litho in U.N. 05780-May 19647200M Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP85-00375R00010013 003-5 Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP85-00375R0001SadyttyReview JUNE 15, 193 By Arthur Larson What Every U.N. Critic Should Know CPYRGHT The organization's recent record shows conclusively that "the United States and the United Nations are both working toward the same kind of world." ANEW era has opened in the his- tory of the United Nations?an era in which the emphasis should be on realizing its potential rather than merely assuring its survival. Symptomatic of the earlier period were the opening words of my two articles that appeared in these pages last year (February 24 and April 28): "The crisis of confidence in the United Nations . . .," and "The time of trou- bles through which the United Nations is now passing . . ." Of course, the United Nations still has plenty of troubles. But it is no longer necessary to approach a discus- sion of U.N. affairs in an atmosphere of imminent disaster to the organization. Let us look at some of the specific evidences of this change within the past two years: THE CONGO: Eighteen months ago many people feared the United Nations would fail in the Congo and that the burden of the effort and of the failure would be the beginning of the end for the organization. Today the U.N. is in control of the situation, has freedom of movement throughout the Congo, and is proceeding with an orderly transfer of responsibility to the Congolese Gov- ernment. Indeed, the principal milestone mark- ing the U.N.'s new era was the peaceful occupation of Kolwezi in Katanga prov- ince by United Nations troops early this year. This event signaled the end of the acute military phase in the Con- go. It demonstrated that the United Nations could put an army into the field in support of its peace-keeping objectives, and, using its own resources and command, deal with a threat to the peace under almost indescribable difficulties. This event demonstrated, for all to see, that the U.N. could indeed take effective action in a situation in whiCh all the major powers consid- ered themselves to have an interest, despite the fact that every great power except one, the United States, was in some degree opposed to the action. The difficulties in the Congo are not over, sibility that this spark might set off the Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP85-00375 but they are now of a different char- acter. They involve the process of "na- tion-building," with the U.N. continu- ing to play a major role in coordinating the strengthening of internal security resources as well as economic develop- ment. FINANCES: Eighteen months ago the U.N. was literally bankrupt and there was genuine concern that the U.S. Congress might deal virtually a finan- cial death blow to the organization by an adverse vote on the U.N. bond issue. Today, although the financial plight of the United Nations is still very serious, the bond issue has been adopted and reasonably well subscribed, and danger of imminent collapse has been averted. Prospects of a solution have been aided in the meantime by the advisory opin- ion of the International Court of Justice holding the assessments for the Congo and Middle East actions to be binding on all members in the same way as the regular budget assessments are; this opinion has been adopted by the Gen- eral Assembly. THE SECRETARY-GENERALSIIIP: At the period of the U.N.'s deepest crisis we saw the death of Dag Hammarskjold, the repeated statement by the Soviet Union that it would demand a "troika," or three-man committee, and would re- fuse to accept any single Secretary- General, and the resultant prospect that the U.N. would thereafter be forever paralyzed by a hamstrung committee or, at best, by a weak and cautious successor to Hammarskjold. Today we see the Secretary-Generalship being handled with a superb combination of imagination, courage, initiative, pa- tience, and tact by Secretary-General U Thant, ably assisted by such first-rate international public servants as Ralph Bunche and C. V. Narasimhan. WEST NEW GUINEA: During the crisis period, active hostilities were in prog- ress between Indonesia and the Neth- erlands, with the always imminent pos- explosive Southeast Asia situation. To- day, thanks to the creative courage of U Thant and the skilful diplomacy of Ellsworth Bunker, we have seen a U.N. regime exercise actual transitional poli- tical administration over this region, supported by a U.N. armed force of 1,000 Pakistani troops, under an agree- ment between Indonesia and the Neth- erlands. COMMUNIST CIIINA: At one time it was widely thought that, because of the increasing votes in apparent favor of seating Communist China in the Gen- eral Assembly, this seating would soon be a reality. In the last General Assem- bly, however, the relative vote against the seating of Communist China actu- ally increased for the first time, the increase being largely due to the new African members. This change, which reflected a realization that the prob- lem was much more complex than had previously been realized and that it particularly required greater atten- tion to the impact on Nationalist China, in the form of irreversible expulsion, contained a reassuring reminder, if any was needed, that the General Assem- bly, enlarged as it is, does not stam- pede blindly on such issues as this but considers them on their merits. The change in the United Nations story from a period of crisis to a period of confidence is mirrored in the change in attitude toward the organization on the part of its friends and detractors alike. It seems as though it was only yester- day that the main theme of the U.N.'s enemies was that the organization was too weak to be respected. Today the main theme of these enemies is that the U.N. is too strong to be trusted. As for its friends, during the crisis period many of them found themselves saying, "It may not be very good, but it is all we have; at least it is a place where you can talk." Today this half- apologetic air is out of place, and the U.N.'s friends can point with renewed r4r00e01t001t30r6635 achievements CPYRGHT against severe odds.Approved For Relekapelul0(019/3108erieliPARDP85000379110001001401003)E5 Another group. may also have reason to reconsider its attitude. During the crisis period, a number of people, such as Senator :Fulbright and Senator Jack- son, were Saying that, since the United Nations had run into so many difficul- ties and was filled with such diverse interests, the United States should shift its enwhasis to a "concert of like-mind- ed nations " beginning with the Atlantic community. One wonders whether Sen- ators Fulbright and Jackson are not now asking each other who started this busi- ness of referring to de Gaulle as 'like- minded," IN THE period just ahead, the U.N.'s main problem is the financing of past and future special peacekeeping activi- ties. As to the past, the difficulty lies in the continued failure of some mem- bers, notably those of the Communist bloc, to pay their assessments for the Congo and Middle East activities. For the future, the concern centers around the failure of the U.N.'s special com- mittee on financing or the current spe- cial session of the General Assembly (at this writing) to produce a workable and acceptable plan for the financing of future Congo-type operations. The purpose here is not to discuss this financial problem, but rather to emphasize that a satisfactory solution may Ultimately depend on a realization by the American public that, quite apart from any idealistic or world-mind- ed approach, a healthy and effective United Nations is in line with the most cold-blooded, hard-headed, practical Amenican national interest. If Americans really understand and believe this, they obviously will not al- low this national self-interest to be impaired by the financial strangulation of the U.N., and such statements as "If the Russians won't pay, why should we?"' will Clearly be seen to be absurd. This is not, to say that the United States sluinld go to the opposite extreme and magnanimously pick up any unpaid tab in sight?Which it could easily do with- out hardship. But such open-handed- ness would be bad for many reasons: it would crehte the impression that the United States owns the U.N.; it would encourage fiscal irresponsibility in other members; and it would postpone the achievement of a sound long-range solu- tion,' which is the goal of the current special session of the General Assembly. The most straightforward way to analyze the relation of the U.N. to American self-interest in terms of de- rnonStrahle fact rather than opinion is to begin With an objective reckoning of the United States "batting average in favorable U.N. actions. A compilation of actions with signi- ficant substantive content taken by sixteenth year or t e YR s ber, 1 62, rea rming Unite either the Securityemill drug n eleaftlIdiY08p8"PdlegREMS-130-37511)649611 that there were sixty-two such resolu- tions. The United States abstained in four votes. As for the remaining fifty- eight, the United States was with the successful majority on fifty-five votes. It was On the losing side in only three. One of the three was concerned with appointing a new committee to investi- gate the West New Guinea problem. The United States was on the side of a simple majority, but the question happened to be one requiring a two- thirds Vote, The other two votes con- cerned Assembly resolutions calling for cessation of nuclear testing and ban- ning of nuclear weapons without what the United States considered adequate controls. At the same time, the United States Was with the majority on the generaf resolution calling for a renewal of talks on a nuclear test ban with adequate controls. As to the Seventeenth General As- seinbly Ambassador Adlai Stevenson re- ported to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on March 13, 1963, that "the U.S. view was the majority view in over 80 per cent of the key votes cast in committees and in the full Assembly. On several issues we abstained, and on two extreme resolutions recommending sanctions against member states we voted against the majority." Similarly, the official report of Sena- tors Gore and Allott to the Senate Com- mittee on Foreign Relations and Com- mittee on Appropriations stated: The results of the Seventeenth Session of the General Assembly, judged in terms of our national interests, were relatively favorable. The United States maintained its record of never having lost a U.N. vote of vital importance to' its security interests. By contrast, just as the United States has never lost on a major issue, the Soviet Union has never won on a major resolution which it has introduced and which the United States has opposed. On the contrary, the record shows a monotonous series of defeats, rebuffs, censures, and condemnations aimed at the Soviet Union. The following is a partial list, taken from the last two ses- sions, and leaving out of account such dramatic earlier anti-Communist actions as the authorization and extension of the United Nations action in Korea: 01-The resolution of October, 1961, against the fifty-megaton bomb. The December, 1961, resolution against' practices depriving the people of Tibet of their rights and freedoms. Ilw-The resolution of December, 1962, similar to many earlier resolutions, against l the continued thwarting of United Nations objectives in Korea. 0-The September, 1960, resolution re- jecting the Soviet Union's attack on Hammarskjold hand in the C 110-The Cuba 15, 1962, over resolution calli to end alleged 'The resolu on refugees fro Hong Kong. 10-The Dece expropriation, shall be paid a in accordance and rejecting that would ha propriation ab PI' The Dec accepting the International of the Congo tions are "exp tion" binding '-The rejec Communist C sembly by an 0-The ove Soviet deman mittee or "troi retary-General single non-Co ing the Soviet Indeed, th cesses and Communist defeats on resol- and strengthenir g his ngo. resolution of February whelmingly rejec ting a on the United States interference in Cuba. ion of December, 1962, n Communist China in her, 1962, resolution on ii roviding that the owner ? propriate compensation with international law, the Soviet amendment e made the right to ex- lute. nber, 1962, resolution dvisory opinion of the ourt holding that costs ?nd Middle East opera- nses of the Organiza- a members. ion of the seating of Ma in the General As- 'ncreased vote. helming rejection of the for a three-man com- a" in place of the Sec- without so much as a munist country support- position. record of American suc- utions where ed is so co creating a n inability of s the failure of its way eve minor point. the uproar o Nations Spec periment in Through ou cial Fund, 9 spent by the that the Uni The remaini has gone to tish North B pore?all cou tainly not ob'ectionable from the Uni- ted States p countries rec Special Fun China, South ?countries t ceived such by such cou were to be total amount Fund in thi years has be $250 million. their interests have clash- istent that it is almost w kind of problem?the me Americans to accept the United State; to get on an infrequent and good example of this is er the proposed United al Fund Agricultural Ex- uba. the history of the Spe- per cent of the money und has gone to countries ed States is also aiding. g 3 per cent, until now, alaya, Saudi Arabia, Bri- rneo, Malta, and Singa- tries for which aid is cer- int of view. Among the iving aid from the U.N. have been Nationalist Korea, and South Vietnam at would hardly :lave re- aid if political objections tries as the Soviet Union taken into account. The laid out by the Special way over the past four n something in excess of ()Meg involves sending xpEifs, none of them Am- C I 0 ations ve ?reign CPYRGHT ericans to Cuba foAgprootted F fte letise1201408108 :TibtfikFtticitscedB751ReoThylme leabe_Fminder that we now says: "Absolutely not! I contribute 40 per cent. Therefore I would be con- tributing two-fifths of the $500, or $200 ?and I do not like the baseball coach and I refuse!" Would not the baseball coach be entitled to say: "And what about the $2,000 I brought in, and from which I have received nothing?" One can take this position and still say that, as an American, one feels that the proposed Cuba project is unfortu- nate and that one would be happier if it had never come along. But as an American one must also place high value on our national honor and in- tegrity. The United States solemnly agreed that political considerations would play no part whatsoever in the dispensation of aid under the Special Fund program; and the value of keep- ing our word greatly outweighs the trivial effect that this project might have on American interests in relation to Cuba. It is interesting that the burden of maintaining the nonpolitical char- acter of the fund has fallen on the shoulders of an American, Paul Hoff- man, the managing director of the fund. It is to the eternal credit of this courageous man, who already has amassed an exceptional record of pub- lic service, that he has adhered un- waveringly to this principle, in spite of what must have been unusually trying pressures from his fellow Americans. The record of specific United Nations actions almost uniformly favorable to the American position provides a quick and objective index of the relation of American self-interest to the U.N. It is even more important, however, to ex- gin a study of how Cuba could diversify its agriculture. The total amount to be used in this way is $1,157,600, or less than 0.5 per cent of the expenditures authorized by the Special Fund so far. As everybody realizes, no American dol- lars will be used in this project. This, however, is quite properly not the end of the matter. There is also the question whether it can be said that the Amer- ican contribution to the Special Fund is indirectly going into Cuba. There is a simple way of answering this ques- tion. The answer depends on whether Communist countries are already re- ceiving out of the Special Fund more than they put into it. The figures are as follows: Payments into or pledges to the Special Fund by Communist countries Receipts by or commit- ments to Communist countries from the Spe- cial Fund (Yugoslavia, Poland, and now Cuba) $5,612,600 This means that, even counting the proposed Cuba project, the Commu- nist countries will have taken out of the fund $2,500,000 less than they have put in. They thus have an "unfavorable balance of payments," so far as that fund is concerned. Since the critics of this action themselves insist on a divi- sion between the Communist and non- Communist relation to the fund, this should apply to input as well as outgo. It follows that the $1,000,000 going into Cuba must be thought of as coming from the $8,000,000 contributed by Communist countries and still far from used up. As a matter of fact, since the Communist countries have put into the fund more than they have taken out, they could with even better logic argue that Communist funds are in fact in- directly going into Nationalist China, South Korea, and South Vietnam. $8,228,225 AS small as this item is, there are indications that it will form the excuse for a variety of damaging amendments in Congress aimed at the United Na- tions appropriation. One type of falla- cious argument frequently heard is that, since the United States has contributed roughly 40 per cent of the Special Fund, we must therefore consider that the United States is furnishing 40 per cent of the cost of the Cuba project. Suppose that a baseball coach and a football coach at a university are en- gaged in a feud. Let us suppose that football, brings in $40,000 a year to the university, basketball $40,000, other sports $20,000, and baseball $2,000. Up until this time all of the money from this athletic fund has been spent on the football field and gymnasium. One amine the relation between the U.S.'s long-range objectives as a nation and the contribution of the U.N. The best way to put the matter is this: What kind of a world does the U.S. want to see? The second question is: Does the U.N. help bring us nearer to that kind of world? The matter may also be approached by posing the related question: What kind of world does Communism want to see??followed by the same sequel: Does the United Nations help or hinder Communism in bringing about that kind of world? The answer to the question of Amer- ican goals is plain: We want to see a world of independent nations, free from domination by any power or bloc, and free to work out their own national destinies within their dissimilar politi- cal, economic, and social systems. A mere recital of this objective should be enough to indicate that precisely the same objective is obviously that of each of the new countries now making up a large part of U.N. membership. When people worry, therefore, about are all on t e sa Side, so far as the central question of national freedom is concerned. By contrast, it is the American con- tention that the Soviet Union aims for the kind of world in which all these newer countries, and everyone else, would be reduced to the status of Com- munist satellites, under the thumb of international Communist control from Moscow. TAKING this as the Communist goal, can anyone in his right mind suppose that the new countries are going to side with Communism in bringing about this kind of world? We need to remind ourselves that Americans have no mo- nopoly on love for national indepen- dence. In many of the newer countries, the present national leaders have gone from colonial jails to chancelleries with- in a few years, and do not need to be put to school by us on .the beauties of freedom and the ugliness of servitude. Not many years ago, I sat at a luncheon table in Blair House with the president of one of the newer countries and his top cabinet officers. As the talk went round the table, it suddenly dawned upon us all that every member of that new government group had been in a colonial jail within the preceding two years. Would it not have come with poor grace from some American to wag his finger at these officials and say, "Now remember, don't go and sell out your independence to international Communism." When the history of this period comes to be written, it may well be said that the greatest achievement of the United Nations during its first seventeen years was the final frustra- tion of the master plan of Communist world domination. Most of the people who preach about Communist plans for world domination appear to be com- pletely ignorant of what the real plan has been. They still talk about Marxism, but the actual fact is that the Marxist formula 'was abandoned long ago. Marx's idea was that the downfall of capitalism would begin in the highly industrialized countries, such as Eng- land and Germany, resulting from?of all things?overproduction. He predict- ed that the rich would get richer and the poor poorer, with maldistribution of this overproduction, until the intol- erable situation would lead to a take- over of the existing industrial establish- ment by the proletariat through revolution. EVEN before Marx's death, and cer- tainly by the time of the Russian revolu- tion, it was abundantly evident that this pattern was not to work out. Be- cause of the increased strength of labor whether American national interests through labor organizations, plus gov- day the baseballApptomedtfe4FORetteasee20010t8/68 tIGIRIgAID13'86420P5R00011404390013-i5 the form of social repair the backstop fence and sew up General Assembly membership, the and labor legislation, plus the en- lightened good senmtraav6drimillimeie M seeing the advaiffEges a improYee working Conditions and increased work-. or purchasing power, the position of the vvorker was dramatically improved in the very industrialized countries that were supposed to collapse, and, of course, eyen more dramatically in the United States. All of this called for a radical re- vision of Communist theory and strate- gy. The I theoretical problem was to explain hbw werkers in these countries could have improved their lot so richly at the exact time when Marx decreed that they shouldbe descending into in- tolerable poverty. The answer supplied by Lenin gives the clue to the corre- sponding revision in Communist world strategy. Lenin's explanation was that the workers, as well as the employers, were prospering at the expense of the colonial peoples, whose riches were be- ing exploited and stolen to the benefit of both employers and workers in the industrial countries. (This idea, which can be shown to be economically ridic- ulous, is nevertheless still poisoning the attitudes of newly developing countries toward the private investment they so desperately need.) As to strategy, Lenin in effect re- versed Marx, and, since the industrial countries Would not obediently fall in line with the Marxian prophecy by fur- nishing Communist revolutions, Lenin ordained that the Communist revolu- tion must come by way of the under- developed and colonial areas. Interna- tional Communism was to ally itself with the peoples of non-indepe:ndent areas, so that the grand design was to become a Showdown between the Com- munists, shoulder to shoulder with the non-independent races and peoples, on the one hand, and the imperialist 11 lsigra Tiqtftaa Qgtlt MTV irresistible force would break up the colonial empires, and he shrewdly planned to carry Communism to world power by associating it with this gi- gantic force. However, just as the Marx- ian formula was wrecked by events, so the Leninist formula has been wrecked under the auspices of the U.N. Since the end of World War II, dozens of former colonial dependencies have achieved independent nationhood un- der the umbrella of the United Nations Charter. Of course, changes in policy by some of the colonial powers have figured prominently in this develop- ment. But, on the whole, it is fair to say that the U.N. took over the role of patron of the independence movement, and in the process deprived interna- tional Communism of its last chance to carry out the Leninist strategy. The Katanga episode can be under- stood only in the light of this global Communist strategy. It does not seem to be generally appreciated that the Congo crisis was international Corn- munisn-i's "last best hope" for a show- down of the Leninist type. If one traces a line on the map along the northern border of Angola, followed by the bor- der bet ween Katanga province and the rest of the Congo, and finally along the southern border of Tanganyika, one has traced a dividing line across the heart Of Africa, which is roughly the watershed separating the portion of Afri- ca to the north that in 1960 was mostly under black control, and the portion to the smith which was mostly under white control To the north are all the newly independent countries such as Ghana, Nigeria, Guinea, and the various former French colonial colonies. To the south are the Portuguese colonies of Angola t e nion o The line be of the Con order, from view, for a cans backe imperialists. If there h it is hard to of Communi avoided. W Congo short Congolese to the Unit Union for m the Belgians CPYRGH I ..5Southern Rhodesia, outh Africa, and so on. een Katanga and the rest o, therefore, was made to the Communist point of eninist showdown of Afri- by Russians against the d been no United Nations, see how this working out t strategy could have been en chaos broke out in the y after independence, the vernment appealed both States and to the Soviet litary help, mainly against The Russians promptly placed 100 Russian trucks and ten Rus- sian planes, the disposal Eisenhower, be drawn int Congolese G the United Government United Natio sistance, and known. A col in the opinio ment officials as well as personnel, at of Lumumba. :?resident owever, wisely refused to this trap, and said to the vernment: "Do it through ations." The Congolese en expressly invited the to dispatch military as- e rest of the story is well war confrontation, which of the highest govern- could well have led to World War II, was averted. Soviet personnel wer munist hope was shattered expelled, and the Corn- or a Leninist shawdown. If America s really believe, then, what they say about American national objectives, an if they really believe what they sa about the objectives of Communism, it is perfectly clear that American nat onal interest requires fi- nancial, politi al, and moral support of the United N pany with th Nations mem and the Unit toward the sa tions, because, na corn- vast majority of United ers, the United States d Nations are working e kind of world. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Reprinted with permission from SATURDAY REVIEW, Juu SATURDAY REVIEW, INC. By the UNITED STATES COMMITTEE FOR THE UNITED Single copy 14; 10 copies, 514; 100 copies, $3.00. To order additional copies and a free list of UN Publications, wr U. S. Committee for the UN, 375 Park A.venue, New York 22, N. Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP85-00375R00010013 15, 1963 ATIONS. te to the Y. 003-5 ApprovedM. PUBLIC,ATIONS TEMAi. Oil the UNITED NATIONS UNITED STATES COMMITTEE FOR THE UNITED NATIONS 375 PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK, N. Y. 10022 PUBLICATIONS LIST - SPRING 1964 U.S. COMMITTEE PUBLICATIONS LEADERS GUIDE: For Individual and Community Action?How to plan and organize UN Day and year 'round programs. 1963-4. 1 copy free; add. copies 100 ea. UN IN ACTION?Facts every American should know about the UN. 1 copy free; additional copies 20 ea.; 100/$1.50; 1000/$15.00. FACTS FOR FALLACIES ? Authoritative answers to questions and criticisms; suggests discussion topics, action projects. Rev. ed. 1963. 150 ea.; 100/$10.00 PRAYERS FOR THE UN ? Prayers and Graces by Catholic. Protestant and Jewish leaders. 1 copy free; add, copies 50 ea.; 25/$1.00. UN SCHOOL LEAFLET ? Wall map of the world; teaching notes on UN and its work for Human Rights. 100. TEACHERS KIT ? Includes UN School Leaflet and other basic materials for classroom use. 250. SCHOOL KIT?Modified kit of materials for student use. 100. UN STUDY KIT?For clubs, high school and college use. UN study guides and related informational material. $1.00. SPEAKERS KIT?Comprehensive background mate- rial and current speech reprints for the speaker. $1.00. 0130003-5 OTHER RECOMMENDED PAMPHLETS UNITED NATIONS ? GENERAL WHAT EVERY UN CRITIC SHOULD KNOW ? Arthur Larson. Reprint from Saturday Review; answers attacks against the UN. 100 ea.; 10-99 copies, 50 ea.; 100 or more, 34 as. THE UNITED NATIONS: WHAT IT IS. . . WHAT IT DOES... HOW IT WORKS?Description of UN structure and work. UN, 1963. 150. BASIC FACTS ABOUT THE UN?Concise, readable, factual handbook on UN structure and aims. UN, 1963. 250. YOU 'N U.N,?In easy to understand scriptography. Channing Bete, 1964. 250 ea.; 5 copies or more, 104 ea. POCKET REFERENCE ON THE UN?Precise, authori- tative information. League of Women Voters, 1963-1964, 50. UN LEAFLET SERIES-4-page leaflets on: UN Eco- nomic and Social Council; UN and the Status of Women; UN Membership; UN Secretariat. 50 ea. Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP85-00375R000100130003-5 Approved For Release 21001/08/08 : CIA-RDP85-00375R00010013 003-5 THE UNITED NATIONS: WHAT YOU SHOUI.D KNOW ABOUT IT? Jean S. Picker and Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt?Lively, illustrated text telling the UN story. UN, Rev. ed. 1964. 40g. THE UN: WHO NEEDS IT? ? Basic insight into the functions and purposes of the UN. Especially written to, help counter-act current fallacies concerning the UN. Includes voting tables. 1964. 50v., THE UNITED NATIONS AND HOW IT WORKS?David Cushman Cciyle. Full practical insight intc struc- ture and Work of UN. New American Library, 1962. 60g. YOUR UNITED INATIONS--Illustrated guide .g UN Headquarters with descriptions of work and structure of the UN. $1.00. EMBASSY EXTRAORDINARY ? John McVane. Illus- trated account of the functions of the U.S. Mis- sion to the ,IUN. Public Affairs, 1961. 25g. THE US AND THE UN; PARNTERS FOR PEACE ? Alexander Uhl. Excellent analysis of UN strengths and weaknesses in view of current riticisms. public Affairs, 1962. $1.00. GUICE TO THE CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS ? Interpretation of the articles of the Charter. UN, 1962. 25g. CHAFITER OF THE UN-10v. UNITED NATIONS CURRENT ISSUES AND TOPICS THE 18TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY?Summary cif reso- I itions passed and U.S. policy positions on them. Conference Group. 15g. ISSUES BEFORE THE 18TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY? E ackground information and review of past de- cisions on ,current issues. Carnegie, 1963. $1.00. THE TROIKA AND THE FUTURE OF THE UN?Sidney Bailey?A study of the office of the Secretary- General; Carnegie, 1962. 350. THE UN SECRETARY-GENERAL: HIS ROLE IN WORLD POLITICS?Commission to Study the Organization of Peace. 1962. 750. THE LIN AND THE. USE OF FORCE ? lnis Claude. Discussion of peace-keeping role of the UN. Carnegie, 1961. 35v ARMS INSPECTION ? Lawrene S. Finkelstein. Full discussion of this important aspect of disarm- ament. Carnegie. 1962. 35v. FINANCING THE UN ? John Stoessinger ? Basic study on the problems of UN financing; Car- negie. 1961. 350. COMMUNIST CHINA IN THE WORLD COMMUNITY ? H. Arthur Steiner. Carnegie, 1961, 350. THE UN AND THE NON-ALIGNED NATIONS?Francis 0. Wilcox. Discussion of the impact of the new Afro-Asian nations on the development of the UN. Foreign Policy Assn., 1962. 50g. THE PORTUGUESE TERRITORIES AND THE UNITED NATIONS Patricia Wohlgemutti. A thorotigh analysis of one of the burning issue l_b_ Approved For Reltgage)20044043108 isgifiseKDP5 qfpre_5-00375R001110013 003-5 Approved F2figordsgoipougpop ? RA-FDP85-00375R0 0100130003-5 ? dite y orman . Padelford and Rupert Emerson. A look at Afri- can politics and the role of these new nations in the UN. Frederick A. Praeger, 1963. $1.75. THE WORLD COURT: WHAT IT IS AND HOW IT WORKS?Arab. Shabtai Rosenne. Oceana, 1962. $6.00. HAMMARSKJOLD: A PICTORIAL BIOGRAPHY?Sten Soderberg. Striking pictures, fascinating text by a famous author and family friend. Viking, 1962. $5.95. DAG HAMMARSKJOLD: SERVANT OF PEACE?Edited by Wilder Foote. Excerpts from his speeches covering his major decisions and political philosophy. Harper & Row, 1962. $6.00. DAG HAMMARSKJOLD: CUSTODIAN OF THE BRUSHFIRE PEACE?Joseph P. Lash. Vital, ac- curate, inspiring. Doubleday, 1961. $4.50. THE RICH NATIONS AND THE POOR NATIONS ? Barbara Ward. Facts and perspectives on the rationale of bi-lateral and multi-lateral eco- nomic aid. W. W. Norton, 1962. Paper, $1.00; Cloth, $3.75. Return This Form To The U. S. COMMITTEE FOR THE UNITED NATIONS 375 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. 10022 A SERVICE CHARGE OF 50? MUST AC- COMPANY ORDERS FOR FREE MATERIALS. ORDERS UNDER $2.00 MUST BE PREPAID. ORDERS EXCEEDING 20 POUNDS WILL BE SHIPPED RAILWAY EXPRESS COLLECT. The United States Committee for the United Nations is a non-profit, privately supported citi- zens' organization whose chairman is appointed annually by the President of the United States. Any contribution toward the work of the Commit- tee will be greatly appreciated and is tax deducti- ble. NAME ORG STREET CITY STATE ZIP ENCLOSED (Check or Money Order preferred) $ SPRING 1964 ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATIONS LIST FREE OF CHARGE Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP8540325 000100130003-5 Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP85-00375R00010013 1,003.5 ? THE INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE ? UN, ? 1962. 250. THE INTERNATIONAL COURT AND WORLD CRISIS ?.Julius Stone. Carnegie, 1962. 350. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE IN BRIEF?UN. 50. UN PROGRAMS OF TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE?Illus- trated description of UN economic and social work in, underdeveloped areas. UN, 3.962. 250. ADVENTURE IN DEVELOPMENT?UN technical aid programs described, illustrated. UN, 1962. 250. YOU AND WORLD TENSIONS?Discussion and pro- gram guide on basic tensions as related to economic underdevelopment. Includes graphs, Illustrations. Junior Chamber int'l., 1963. $1.00. FOR HUMAN WELFARE?Discussion guide on work of Economic and Social Council, study topics and activities. UN, 1962. 250. FOCUS ON WORLD POPULATION ? INTERCOM ? Background information and full list of re- sources regarding one of the pressing Issues of our times. Foreign Policy Assn., 1964. $1.00. THE: WORLD'S WAR ON WANT ? Kathleen Mc- Laughlin. Technical Assistance success stories. Oceans, 1962. $1.00. GROWING UP WITH UNICEF?Ritchie Calder. The story of UNICEF., Public Affairs, 1951. 250. REFUGEE KIT?Includes pamphlets on the work of UNHCR, and UNRWA and other related mate- rials. $1.00. FROM DEPENDENCE TO FREEDOM ? Story of the Trusteeship system. UN, 1963. 250. THE UNITED NATIONS AND THE STATUS OF WOMEN?UN efforts and discussions regarding the status of women. UN, 1961. 2513. THE UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS ? 50 ea.; 5 or more, 20 as. THE UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS: A STANDARD OF ACHIEVEMENT ? Discussion of the Declaration and its applica- tion. UN, 1963. 250. DECLARATION OF THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD-50. HUMAN RIGHTS: THE DIGNITY OF MAN?Excellent study guide on the meaning of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; suggests com- munity Human Rights Day celebrations. Oceana, 1963. 5,00. HUMAN RIGHTS KIT?Includes above Human Rights booklets and additional materials for club and classroom use. $1.00. UNITED NATIONS WORK FOR HUMAN RIGHTS ? History of UN efforts. UN, 1962. 250. THE GREAT QUESTION?Community discussion and action guide on the UN and Humen Rights. 1963. 50it. POSTERS? DISPLAYS. AND DECORATIONS UN AND RELATED AGENCIES?Structure chart. 150. UN VIEWS-5 full color pictures 11" x14". $1.25 Approved For Releasee2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP85-00375R00010013 ii 003-5 Approved ForTptekmo arq:up?o?N. gi4-ag15-oo375R000i 00130003-5 ? aula Schlining ? Beautiful illustrated presentation of the work and structure of the UN and its Specialized Agencies with biographic sketches of UN leaders. Ages 8-12. Lathrop, Lee & Shepard, 1962. $3.50. THE STORY OF THE UNITED NATIONS?Katharine Savage?An up-to-date look at the UN in all its aspects; well illustrated and written especially for the 12-16 year old. Henry Z. Walck, 1962. $4.00. BOOKSHELF SELECTIONS EVERYMAN'S UNITED NATIONS?An indispensable reference work. UN, 1964. Paper, $1.95; Cloth, $5.00. LOOKING OUTWARD: Years of Crises at the United Nations?Adlai E. Stevenson. A collection of re- cent speeches and papers as U.S. Representa- tive to the UN, discussing U.S.-UN relations. Preface by President Kennedy. Harper & Row, Nov. 1963. $5.00. HUMAN RIGHTS AND THE INTERNATIONAL COM- MUNITY?Dr. Egon Schwelb. A historical survey of the roots and growth of the Universal Decla- ration of Human Rights, 1948-1963. Anti- Defamation League, 1964. Paper, $1.45; Cloth, $3.50. UNITED NATIONS, NEW YORK ? Dorothy Sterling. Illustrated description of the UN Secretariat and its work. Doubleday, 1961. Paper, $1.50; Cloth, $2.50. WORLD WITHOUT WANT?Paul G. Hoffman. World- wide problems of hunger, poverty, disease and illiteracy, and efforts to solve them. Well illus- trated. Harper & Row, 1962. $3.50. PICTORIAL HISTORY OF THE UNITED NATIONS ? Jacob A. Rubin. Complete history of the UN in pictures and text. 600 photos. A. S. Barnes, 1963. $7.50. WORKSHOPS FOR THE WORLD?Graham Beckel. Illustrated high school age text on the work of the Specialized Agencies. Abele rd-Schuman, 1962. $4.95. SHAPING OUR TIMES: WHAT THE UN IS AND DOES? Harold Courlander. Basic text on work and structure of the UN. Oceans, 1962. Paper, $1.75; Cloth, $3.50. PEACE-KEEPING BY UN FORCES: FROM SUEZ TO THE CONGO ? Arthur Lee Burns and Nina Heathcote. Examination of peace-keeping ma- chinery of the UN. Frederick A. Praeger, 1963. $6.00. UNITED NATIONS: PIETY, MYTH AND TRUTH ? Andrew Boyd. A factual appraisal of the UN in answer to current criticisms. Penguin, 1962. 85C. UNITED NATIONS: STRUCTURE FOR PEACE ? Er- nest A. Gross. Stimulating interpretation of where the UN is today and its future prospects. Harper & Bros., 1962. Paper, $1.25; Cloth, $2.95. THE UNITED NATIONS AND U.S. FOREIGN POLICY ?Lincoln P. Bloomfield. An evaluation of the UN in terms of U.S. national interests. Little, Brown, 1961. $4.75. UN IN THE CONGO: A QUEST FOR PEACE ? King Gordon. A documented report of UN efforts in the Congo from July 1960 through the summer of 1962. Carnegie, 1962. $1.95. Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP85-00375R000100130003-5 Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP85-00375R00010013 A PHOTOGRAPHIC DISPLAY SET 15 black and white $ plzo panes on UN technical as istance ef- forts. FOR ALL CHILDREN ? 10 posters with discussion guide illustrating the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. $1.00. GOING TO SCHOOL AROUND THE WORLD? 17 excellent photos of school scenes around the world. Includes discussion guide for the teacher. $1.25. UNESCO AND HUMAN RIGHTS-12 posters pictur- ing UNESCO's activities relating to pertinent articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Includes discussion guide for teachers. $1.00. UNICEF PICTURE SET 5 full color pictures of UNICEF efforts. U.N. WORK OF THE WORLD BANK 8 panels showing projects financed by the BANK. 20/ postage. AFRICA: CHALLENGE FOR THE FUTURE-12 panels with discussion guide picturing UN educational and technical assistance efforts In Africa. $1.00. FLA.G CHART?UN members' flags in full color. 350. FLA.G STAMPS ? Sheet of 88 flags, gummed and perforated. 25. FLAG BOOK OF THE UNITED NATIONS?Presenting in full color the flags of UN Member Nations; includes historical annotations. UN, 1954. $1.00. UN FLAG KIT?Paper flags of 112 UN member na- tions, identified, 2" x 3", printed on both sides with poles for mounting. $2.00. FLAGS OF UN NATIONS-100 silk flags, 2" x 3"; identified, mounted on poles with Individual stands. $4.05 per set. UN MEMBER FLAGS ? Silk, 4" If 6". 750 each with individual base. Full set of 113 flags, $65.00 without stand. Wooden stand for full set of flags?$32.0D Wooden base for one flag-200. MI5. AND UN FLAGS--3' x 5', cotton bunting. $9.00 as, UN PUBLICATIONS DISPLAY KIT ? An attractive self-contained display set includes selection of latest UN pamphlets and posters. When as- sembled measures 30" x 35". Excellent for library, store window display, etc. $3.95. NOTE INFORMALS-12 notes with color pictures of UN building and Security Council, packaged in attractive plastic box. $1.00. PAPER NAPKINS-10" square. Vividly show IJN and Specialized Agency Headquarters in 5 colors. 50/50g. PLACE MATS?UN Building in blue. 50/$1.00. "UN WE BELIEVE" GUMMED SEALS ?4 sheets of 25 seals $1.00; 20 sheets $4.00. WIND-SHIELD STICKERS ? 25/$1.00, POSTERS -- 10/$1.00; 25/$2.00. CUTS for stationery, publications, cards, etc. $3.00 f Approved For Fietesser0OCI-1/08/84 : CIA-RDP85-00375R000101313 003-5 003-5 Approved For Rgarai18/08 : CIA-RDP85-00375R000100130003-5 Approved For THE WHOLE WORLD SINGING ? Edith L. Thomas. Folk songs with music and words. Friendship Press. $1.95. UNITED NATIONS PLAYS AND PROGRAMS?Aileen Fisher and Olive Rabe. Royalty-free plays, poems, group readings for all ages. Plays, Inc., 1961. $4.00. FOLK SONGS FROM AROUND THE WORLD ? UN Singers. LP record of 18 songs from as many lands; explanatory text. $3.98. THREE BILLION MILLIONAIRES?An original mud. cal fable about the UN?for children and adults ?with star-studded cast including Jack Benny, Carol Burnett, Bing Crosby, Judy Garland and many others. LP Record. Mono., $4.99 Stereo., $5.98 MUSIC OF COUNTRIES OF THE UNITED NATIONS ? An exciting album of 13 LP records; repro- duces the native music of Member Nations of the UN. Includes a booklet of excellent descrip- tive program notes prepared by the New York Post. Postage prepaid, $15.00 per set. HI NEIGHBOR BOOKS?U.S. Committee for UNICEF. Plays, stories and things to do for children 8-12 years old: BOOK 1?Children in Indonesia, Italy, Lebanon, Paraguay and Uganda. $1.00. BOOK 2? Children in Brazil, Ghana, Japan, Israel and Turkey. $1.00. BOOK 3?Children in Nigeria, Ethiopia, Greece, Chile and Thailand. $1.50. BOOK 4?Children in Guinea, India, Iran, Mex. Ico and Poland. $1.50. BOOK 5 ? Children in Burma, Sudan, UAR (Egypt), Guatemala and Spain. $1.50. BOOK 6? Children in ivory Coast, Pakistan, Peru and Yugoslavia. $1.50. HI NEIGHBOR RECORDS?Charming folk songs and dances to complement each Hi Neighbor book. LP. $3.00 per record. 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 :6 COLORING BOOKS?Ages 5-10: LET'S LEARN ABOUT THE UN?$1.00. CHILDREN OF THE WORLD?$1.00. FOREIGN DOLLS ? 8 Paper dolls with costumes. Ages 5-11. $2.00. WORLD FLAG GAME ABOUT THE UNITED NATIONS A Parker Brothers game in which players can travel around the world. Text-o-print edition, $2.50; Hard board edition, $5.00. NATION BUILDING?A CHANNEL TO PEACE?A dis- cussion kit on the accomplishments of the UN which includes colored film strip, an LP record and a discussion guide. United Church Women, 1963. $8.00. HEADQUARTERS FOR PEACE-8mm Home Movie reel which takes the viewer on a tour of UN Headquarters. Includes shots of UN at work and recreates great moments at the UN by showing heads of government addressing the General Assembly. 10 minute silent film with captions, black and white. $5.95. 100130003-5 Approved For Belest.sfiailjn/08/08 : CIA-RDP85-00375R00010013 Fut( (See also all other sections) TEACHERS AND SCHOOL. KITS ? see first section. HOW TO PLAN AND CONDUCT MODEL UNITED NATIONS MEETINGS?Excellent detailed hand- book for organizing model UN and Specialized Agency meetings. Oceans, 1961. Paper, $1.50; Cloth, $3.00. STUDY GUIDE SERIES -- Designed especially for junior and senior high school teachers and stu- dents by Oceans Publications. Classroom units, discussion questions and projects: WORLD PEACE AND THE UNITED NATIONS? Basic purpose of the UN; the International Court of Justice; the question of refugees. Paper, $1.50; Cloth, $2.50. FOOD FOR LIFE?FOOD FOR THOUGHT?Units on FAO and UNESCO. Paper, $1.50; Cloth, $2.50 1 TOWARD MANKIND'S BETTER HEALTH?Dis- :ussion units on the World Health Organiza- tion and UNICEF. Paper, $1.50; Cloth, $2.50. ENERGY & SKILLS FOR HUMAN PROGRESS ? Programs of the International Labor Organiza- tion and the International Atomic Energy Agency, Paper, $1.50; Cloth, $2.50. HUMAN RIGHTS: THE DIGNITY OF MAN--(See listing in "Current Issues and Topics" section). 501. UN SPIRAL NOTEBOOK-4 illustrated pages of text about structure and work of the UN; 80 blank pages for writing. Excellent for school use. 501. FIRST BOOK OF THE UNITED NATIONS Edna Epstein. Well illustrated, simplified description .pf the UN fpr ages 7-10. Franklin Watts, 1961. Paper, $1.00; Cloth, $1.95. TELLING THE LIN STORY: New Approaches to 'Teaching About the UN and its Related Agen- .:ies?Leonard S. Kenworthy. Excellent resource aook for high school social studies teachers. Dceana, 1963. Paper, $2.00; Cloth, $5.00. TEACHING WORLD AFFAIRS?INTERCOM?Special ;guide for social studies teachers and educators Including resources and description of current reaching projects. Foreign Policy Assn., Oct. L963. $1.00. RESOURCES FOR TEACHING ABOUT THE UNITED NATIONS ?Elizabeth M. Thompson. Includes annotated bipliography. NEA, 1962. $1.50. THE VALLEY OF, TRUST?Emery Kelen?Charmingly illustrated allegorical story on the effectiveness ,Df cooperation for ages 4-8. Lothrop, Lee & :Shepard, 1962. Paper, $1.00; Cloth, $3.00. GROWING TOWARD PEACE?Regina Tor and Elea- nor Roosevelt. A fully illustrated historical acount of man's quest for peace, providing a 3ackgrouncli for the story of the work of the UN. Ages 9.12. Random House. $3.50. Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP85-00375R00010013 003-5 003-5 Approved TheEUN8in Action:888100130003-5 What it is. What it does. What it costs. What you can do to help. "And more than ever we support the United Nations as the best instrument yet devised to promote the peace of the world and to promote the well-being of mankind." LYNDON B. JOHNSON z "All Americans should get to know about the United Nations and prepare themselves and their children for the task of sustaining it." DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER "In the development of the United Nations lies the only true alternative to war. . . Mankind IN VIVRDID85266375R000100130003-5 JOHN F. KENNEDY Approved FoPikUlirafAcnOtigh/08 : CIA-RDP85-00375R00010013 FACTS FOR FALLACIES. Authoritative answers to questions and criticisms; suggests discussion topics, action projects. Rev. ad. 1964. 154 ea.; 100410.00 UN STUDY KIT. For clubs, high school and college use. UN study guides and related informational material. $1.00 WHAT EVERY UN, CRITIC SHOULD KNOW. Arthur Larson. Re- print from Saturday Review; answers attacks against the UN. 104 ea.; 10-99 copies, 54 ea.; 100 or more, 34 ea. BASIC FACTS ABOUT THE UN. Concise, readable, factual handbook on UN structure and aims. UN, 1963. 250 THE UNITED NATIONS: WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT IT. Jean S. Picker and Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt?lively, illus- trated text telling the ITN story. UN, Rev. ed. 1964. 404 THE U N: WHO NEEDS IT ? Basic insight into the functions and purposes of the 'UN. Especially written to help counteract current fallacies concerning the UN. Includes voting tables. 1964. 500 THE IJNITED NATIONS AND HOW IT WORKS. David Cushman Coyle. Full practical insight into structure and work of UN. New American Library, 1962. 604 THE U.S. AND THE UN; PARTNERS FOR PEACE. Alexander Uhl. Excellent analysis of UN strengths and weaknesses in view A' current criticisms. Public Affairs, 1962. $1.00 CHARTER OF THE UN. 104 UN PROGRAMS OF TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE. Illustrated de- scription of UN economic and social work in underdevel- oped areas. UN, 1.962. 250 UNITED NATIONS WORK FOR HUMAN RIGHTS. History of UN efforts. UN, :1962. 254 UN AlID RELATED AGENCIES. Structure chart. 154 FLAG CHART. UN members' flags in full color. 354 EVERYMAN'S UNITED NATIONS. An indispensable reference work. UN, 1964. Paper, $1.95; Cloth, $5.00 UNITI:D NATIONS: PIETY, MYTH AND TRUTH. Andrew Boyd. A factual appraisal of the UN in aswer to current criti- cisms. Penguin, 1962. 854 AFRICA AND WORLD ORDER. Edited by Norman J. Padelford and Rupert Emerson. A look at African politics and the role of these new nations in the UN. Frederick A. Praeger, 1963. $1.75 FINANCING THE UN. John Stoessinger. Basic study on the problems of UN financing. Carnegie, 1961. HO Li LI LI LI Li LI LI Li LI LI El 0 LI Li Li LI The United States Committee for the United Nations is a non- profit, privately supported citizens' organization whose chair- man is appointed annually by the President of the United States. Any contribution toward the work of the committee will be greatly appreciated and is tax deductible. NAME STREET CITY ZONE__ STATE Enclosed (Check or Money Order preferred). $ Approved FaiRrdreht631'00192014108 : CIA-RDP85-00375R00010013 mitiLlr01 U.S.COMMITTIEE FOR THE UNITED NATIONS,NEW YORK 11. 003-5 003-5 ApprovecMiblikrelainu2111MOVP:trAth8060.10M0700190130003-5 * I) Keep yourself informed about the United Nations; find out what it can do and what it cannot do. 2) Talk to your friends and neighbors. Exchange ideas about the United Nations. 3) Introduce the United Nations to the church clubs, civic groups or organizations to which you belong; support a United Nations Association chapter in your community. 4) Write a letter to the editor?or write to your Congress- man, especially when the UN is attacked unfairly. *5) Show UN films at community meetings. *6) Urge your Mayor to appoint a local chairman for UN Day?October 24th?to organize city-wide celebrations. And remember UN Week is October 18th to 25th. *For free publications list, film catalogue and Leaders Guide for UN Day, write to: U.S. Committee for the United Nations, New York 11. Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP85-00375R00010p130003-5 Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : ciA-Rdialn4iN3NketOtbo13 1943-1948: In the early years of the UN, communist infiltra- tion of Iran and Greece was halted. A truce was brought about in Kashmir. Mediation brought lighting to an end in Indonesia and a peaceful transition of governments. 1949 PALESTINE: In the Middle East, the UN achieved and ma:ntained the 1949 armistice agreements between Israel and. her Arab _neighbors.. 1950/53 KOREA:: UN resolutions condemned North Korea ag- gressors. Under a UN Command, headed by the U.S., mem- ber nations joined the Republic of Korea in a UN action which halted communist aggression southward. Although the U.S. bore the lion's share of the burden, 15 other nations contributed troops also. 19511 SUEZ: In 1956 the UN brought about a cease-fire in Suez and organized a UN Emergency Force with troops from 10 smaller nations. A reduced but alert UNEF is still on guard along Egypt's and Israel's troubled borders. 1960 CONGO: The UN Force in the Congo has worked under great difficulties to help bring about a unified independent Congo. 16,0001UN troops in the Congo have kept the Soviet Unian and other "big powers" out. Without the UN there would have been chaos?possibly leading to World War III ? if there had been a communist take-over or a great-power confrontation The UN withdrew its troops in 1964. 1962 cum: In the tense moments of the great-powers' con- frontation over Cuba, the UN provided a world-wide forum for presenting the U.S. case and for mustering world opinion?an important factor in initiating the U.S.S.R.'s withdrawal of troops and missiles from Cuba. Although the issue was resolved by the powers concerned, the Security Council discussions provided a "cooling off" period; the Secretary-General's intervention contributed to the diver- sion of the Soviet ships headed for Cuba. 1962 WEST IRIAM(WEST NEW GUINEA): A threat of war in South- east Asia between the Netherlands and Indonesia over West New Guinea was averted. The UN Secretary-General with the backing of UN members, facilitated peaceful negotia- tions. Subsequently, the state of Malaysia was established. 1964 CYPRUS: Civil war had broken out between the Greek and Turkish Cypriotes with a consequent possibility of out- side intervention by outside forces. The Security Council, at the request ,of the Cypriote Government, authorized the Secretary-General to organize a Peace-Keeping Force to maintain order in Cyprus. Th.is Force has been effective in discouraging a major outbreak of hostility, although occa- siOnd skirmishes still continue. DISARMAMENT AND NUCLEAR TESTS: The UN continues to urge agreement on a general, supervised, enforceable disarma- ment treaty. Upon completion of such a treaty, resources released by disarmament could be converted to peaceful purposes, helping underdeveloped and developed nations. The [8th Gene-cal itabgy. e4t,e4.{:po.tiletto Approved Forofaeleas12Q4, Parrha AlLevtiRTR complete discontinuance of all nuclear weapons' testing. 10013 003-5 003-5 Approved PAITelatiiIPPEOPArTIFM.Vdra R00100130003-5 in fact, opens and closes with a minute of silent prayer or meditation for the benefit of all delegates, whatever their religion may be." HENRY CABOT LODGE U.S. Representative to the UN 1953-60 Is the UN necessary? ". . . the United Nations is the world organization which we have created because a world organization was, and is, a plain necessity. We can certainly improve it. But to suggest that we can do without it is to deny the second half of the twentieth century." CARLTON R. SICKLES Congressman-at-large from Maryland How does the United Nations help keep the peace? By mobilizing the public opinion of the world. By encouraging respect for freedom, human rights and in- ternational law. By economic help and technical assistance to combat basic causes of war: hunger, poverty, illiteracy and ill-health. By discussion, conciliation, or police action where absolutely essential. If no United Nations peace soldier stood in Cyprus or in the Middle East, it is possible that a U.S. soldier would stand there, uneasily eyeing his counterpart from a major power on the other side of the fence. United Nations troops are preventing great-power confrontations which could light the fires of World War III. "In the world of today any breach of the peace could lead to the destruction of civilization . . . the United Nations has helped to deter or to terminate warfare in Iran and Greece, in Kashmir and Korea, in the Congo and the Caribbean, and twice in the Middle East and twice in the Western Pacific. It is not fanciful to speculate that any or all of us may owe our lives to the fact that these dangers were contained, with the active and persistent help of the processes of the United Nations." DEAN RUSK Secretary of State If you have more questions about the United Nations, you will prob- ably find the answers in our booklet, Facts For Fallacies, available for 150 from the U.S. Committee for the United Nations, New York 11. Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP85-00375R000100130003-5 Approved FoNeeklate taflA5n8 : CIA-RDP85-00375R00010013 The 'U.S. assumed leadership in all these UN actions. The U.S. favored the armistice and the creation of the new state of Israel. The U.S. sent troops to Korea because it viewed the defense of South Korea as vital to U.S. security. We led in rallying UN support and welcomed the additional troops and supplies. The 1J. S. has strongly supported UNE]?. 1 The U.S. under two Presidents, a Republican and a Demo- crat, supported. UN action in the Congo as the best way of avoiding communist subversion or an all-out war. President Kennedy included use of the UN in his five-point propcsal for resolving the issue. We endorsed the Secretary- General's effort's. The distinguished American diplomat, Ellsworth Bunker, was called upon by the Secretary-General to act as inter- mediE.ry in settling the dispute. The U.S. looks upon this as an example of the effective use of the "good offices" of the Secre tary-General. The U.S. has supported the establishment of a UN Peace Force and has offered a voluntary contribution for it. The U.S. voted in favor of controlled disarmament. The U.S. co-sponAored this resollition_ Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP85-00375R00010013 11 11 003-5 003-5 Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDIWNIRM91130003-5 The UN has proposed a world-wide monitoring scheme to be conducted by the World Meteorological Organization on levels of radioactivity. The 18th General Assembly unanimously adopted a resolu- tion declaring outer space to be the domain of all states, and that the free exploration and use of outer space and celestial bodies shall be carried on for the benefit and in the interests of all mankind. FINANCES: The UN budget is determined by a scale of assess- ments based broadly on each nation's ability to pay. Accord- ing to the Charter a nation loses its vote for non-payment of assessments, both regular and special, after 2 years. The heavy costs of UNEF and the Congo operation have put the UN in debt because some nations, like the U.S.S.R. and France, have refused for policy reasons to pay their share. Others claim they have been unable to pay for economic reasons. This past year a terminal date was set for the military operation in the Congo and UNEF expenditures have been reduced. New peace-keeping efforts?Yemen, Cyprus?are being paid for by voluntary contributions from member governments principally concerned. ECONOMIC COOPERATION: The UN continues to strengthen the foundations of peace and freedom through its Technical Aid programs. It has suggested principles to protect private foreign investment and encourage the flow of private capital. A new program for the training of national technical per- sonnel for industrialization of less developed countries is under discussion. Four out of five of the UN's staff work on programs related to economic improvement. ROLE OF THE SPECIALIZED AGENCIES: The necessity for inter- national cooperation in specific areas of human concern led to the establishment of the Specialized Agencies. Working on very small budgets, they provide better living for all. An example taken from the work of each of the major Special- ized Agencies is listed on the last page along with the Per Capita Cost. Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP85-00375R000100130003-5 ApproviNt9rcOmigh94849.1aCIA-RDP85-00375R000100130003-5 Is the UN a "super...state"? "The UN is not ct super-state above nations, but a world community embracing them all, rooted in law and justice and enhancing the potentialities and common purposes of all peoples..,.. The United Nations . ? has already accom- plished what no nation singly, or any limited group of na- tions, could have accomplished alone." GENERAL DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER To what extent does the UN support U.S. national interests? "WI have a United Nations . . . in which the Soviet Union has had to resort to, a veto on 100 occasions, while we have never had to resort to a veto at all. We have a United Nations which the Soviet Premier has bitterly attacked on numerous occasions as U. S. cantrolled. A. United Nations the Com- munists have never been, able to control or subvert to their own use." THOMAS H. KUCHEL Senator from California Can the UN send American boys to fight abroad? "Na. The United Nations cannot make the United States or any nation send troops to light anywhere. In the Korean war, it was our government that sent our forces into battle ?because it was in the American interest to stop the Com- munist aggression." HENRY CABOT LODGE Do Communists dominate the UN? "It iv also true that there are some Communist-bloc citizens employed by the UN.HIlow could it be otherwise? They are members of the organization. . . But of 20 top jobs, they hold only two. And of the other professional and executive posts Americans outnumber the Russians by almost nine to one." - LIONEL VAN DEERLIN Congressman from San Diego, California Should each country have one vote regardless of size? "Some have suggestedlhat all General Assembly votes should be weighted to reflect' population, or wealth, or level of con- tribution, or some combination of these or other factors. I do not believe that so far-reaching an answer would be realistic or practical. The equal vote in the General Assem- bly for each member?however unequal in size, wealth, ex- perience, technology, or other criterion?is rooted in the idea of 'sovereign equality'. And that idea is not one which any nation, large or small, is eager to abandon." DEAN RUSK Secretary of State What about the Congo? "Of all the myths about the United Nations, the most aston- ishing to me is that the United Nations policy in the Congo somehow helped the Soviet Union. The fact is that it was the United Nations policy af insulating the Congo from outside interference that led Mr. Khru.sheliev to demand Mr. Ham- marskjold's rzsignation. It is the only time in the history of the United Nations that frustration has reached the level of shoe pounding," Approved For Release 2001/08/080.ClatIM3Y1R000100130 03-5 Approved For1081020/b/Neti: CIA-RDP85-00375R000100130003-5 The U.S. supports the monitoring scheme. The U.S. co-sponsored the resolution together with the U.S.S.R. The U.S. pays a little less than of the regular UN budget (the U.S.S.R. pays %). The U.S. has paid 47% of UNEF and Congo operations. The U. S. believes all UN members must demonstrate collective financial responsibility although per- centages may vary. The U.S. supports the International Court decision that these special assessments are a regular part of each member's dues and thus members two years behind in their payments should lose their vote as stated in Article 19 of the Charter. The U.S. has supported Secu- rity Council action in regard to the new peace-keeping efforts in Yemen and Cyprus. The U.S. has strongly supported UN aid programs since they are based on the principle of helping those who help themselves. (UN aid money has to be matched by the recipi- ent nation.) The U.S. is a member of each Specialized Agency and fully supports and benefits from their programs. Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP85-00375R000100130003-5 Approv ? g2GgretinnagilANIPAr;tgidaeliPP85-00375 WHO sete health standards to limit large-scale epidemics. FAD encourages research in improved farming methods. UPU makes possible rapid flow of international mail. UNESCO .me goal is to provide every child with a chance to go to school. ICAO develops safety in international flights by an intricate network nf air navigation aids. WMO provides rapid weather forecasting for all. mco has established a standard of safety regulations at sea. ITU standardizes communications equipment and procedures to help lower costs of international communication. IAEA sponsors research projects on peaceful uses of atomic energy. BANK (and its affiliates) advises o:n economic development plans and helps by providing loans. ESTIMATED PER CAPITA COST OF THE UN TO TFIE U.S. for the calendar year 1964: 99q0? UNITED NATIONS The Regular Budget UN Emergency Force The Congo: Military 151/20 3%0 Vioo Economic 2%0 UN Force in Cyprus 10 SPECIAL VOLUNTARY PROGRAMS United Nations Children's Fund 61/20 Technical Assistance and Special Fund 30%4 Refugees: Relief and Works Agency for Palestine 12914 UN High Commissioner 1/20 SPECIALIZED AGENCIES Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) 40 International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) 11/20 International Labor Organization (ILO) 2%o0 Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organ ization (I M C 0) 1/24 International Telecommunications Union (ITU) 1/20 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Orgar ization (UNESCO) 91/20 Universal Postal Union (UPU) ihoo World Health Organization (WHO) 60 World N:eteorological Organization (WMO) 1/20 TOTAL 993/400 00010013 Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP85-00375R00010013 PRINTED IN U.S...., 1964 003-5 003-5 Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP85-00375R000100130003-5 Approved For Release 2001/08/08: CIA-RDP85-00375R000100130003-5 WHAT THE UN IS WHAT THE UN DOES THE U. S. AND THE UN WHAT THE UN COSTS HOW YOU CAN HELP Approved For an eV e best eace of the war, .or g of mankind;" 00,..441DON the site. a ? ry"t.ru r'n at iv rto- w _must put an end to war, or war will yt an end to mankind.' JOHN F. KENNEDY 30003-5 Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP85-00375R000100130003-5 To save !3irct;eeding- genera tions from the scourge cif war . o resift; m faith in -fundamental human rights and tit re sovereign equa/iity of nations large and small . . establish conditions under which justice and respect. for roternational law can be maintained . 74 -promote socict pirogress and better: standards a lite n 1 gar treeoom . Si ice the United Nations was created in 1945, funda- mental changes affecting all.: mankind have taken place: The word has ,entrired the atomic age. Otter space?the last frontier?has been penetrated. Ore billion people have won their indeaendence fron colonial rule. All the world's people including the heretofore uncerprivilegedam demanding the good things of life. The United Nations is a m ajar force in helping to sol te these and other'problems.i The membe r ship 01 the It nited Nations has grown to 114 nations it am an original memberishio oi 51 nations in I345. Th..: parent otga,nizi:tion ponsists of: The Gene rat Assembly (its narliameitary body) The Security Council (Primarily responsible for the ma, filename DIIisle:national peace) The Economic and ?cis; Council (dev eccifornic are :3(C I devetopmen t) The Trusteeship Council e.sponsibl3 for th a well-being te dependent peoples) The Secrets 'tat tthe interriationttl civil serv I'e with the Sec etary-Gianerat as chat administrative officer) The internati o -tat Coat ()hustle* lscrnetiries called the ii/orici c urt) on nit :es cid Coes melons created by Ale above bocia is to carry forwsd this 4stork- of th s organization ApprovedlladriiftletitSW2001i/88/081tECiAuRDP85?810375R000100130003-5 igen ',les balorigt rig the' United Nations family te d WhatveisFthveUENottreitilrfitittig to meet the Four Objectives of the charter? 0375R000100130003-5 the United Nations sent a force to keep peace between the Greek and Turkish Cypriots. A United Nations Mediator is trying to find a basis for peaceful settlement. ''"`' Intervention of the Secretary-General and the Security Council, led to a way to avoid a confrontation of the United States and the U.S.S.R. Later the UN assisted in the removal of Soviet missiles from Cuba. "."II in response to an appeal for aid from the Congolese Government, the Security Council of the UN voted to send forces into the Congo. These forces prevented the spread of hostilities and helped to stabilize conditions. Simultaneously, a vast assistance program was launched under the auspices of the UN family to insure the political, economic and social well-being of the Congo. 'flflIi hi 198 the UN Observation Group in Lebanon LAS; and the UN Special Representative in Jordan stabilized peace and security in these countries. In 196 when France, the United Kingdom and Israel took armed action against Egypt, the UN secured a cease-fire and withdrawal of troops; created the UN Emergency Force to insure peace along the Egyptian-Israeli border; and arranged for clearing the Suez Canal. in 1950 the UN stopped aggression in Korea through collective military action and forced the aggressor north of the 38th Parallel. The UN Korean Reconstruction Agency helped Korea to rebuild its economy. '1-I.:STINE In 1949, after a cease-fire, UN action brought about the signing of an armistice between Israel and her Arab neighbors. The UN has since supervised compliance with the agreements. ;ett:i4MIR In 194R the UN effected a cease-fire in Kashmir The General Assembly and the World Court have con- and stopped what might have become tributed to the body of international law. large-scale hostilities. The issue solved, but ",ril?Fa - the UN kept Greece's borders under surveillance to prevent outside aid to the Communist guerillas in Greece. by airing the complaints of Iran, Syria and Lebanon, the UN effected the withdrawal of foreign troops from these countries. And, in the field of disarmament ? The member nations of the UN unanimously adopted a General Assembly resolution calling for total disarma- ment by all nations, with strengthened UN machinery and an international police force. The member nations of the UN adopted General As- sembly resolutions including the plea for the cessation of nuclear testing; this resulted in the limited nuclear test ban agreement, and the resolution forbidding the carrying of nuclear weapons on space vehicles. ,4 .771.-Pr!Ta! ,ILV; The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the General Assembly on December 10, 1948, now has world-wide influence. It has been cited in General Assembly resolutions. Articles of the Declaration have been incorporated in constitutions of new states. International agreements have been reached to pre- vent the crime of genocide, to abolish the last vestige of slavery, to eliminate forced labor and to promote equal rights for women. Covenants on Human Rights are being drafted. The UN assists in the orderly liquidation of the colonial system. It has assisted some nations to freedom and welcomed most of the new states into membership as equal part- ners. \hhnf cnnetrtfoic LfnrIpr which 'Istir:e and ,:,?it)ect for r?Iternationl law ran rnaintlinpc/ is not yet 3itiiiNettfa:or Reid-ate 2001/08/08 : C hfteREIROMIcg UMW WAN PlAory law in their and armed ho1 ities have not been resumed, specialized fields. Approved For Release 2001/08/08: CIA-RDP85-00375R000100130003-5 the U.S. and the UN U.S. initiative helped to brie] the UN and many of its specialized agencies nto 7che U.S. provided the land on wnich the LIN's permanent headquarters wa3 built. The U.S. asked for UN actirm .:Kore. a. The U.S. introduced the Uni. ing for Peace P, 3so Alan which, in times of agg 'ession r three is of aggression, makes possible UNI actor: py the General Assembly if the Security 2,ouncil is pre- vented, because of a veto, from fulfilling its responsibilities. The U.S. took the initiative to bring .rho Middle East and Hungarian crises - o the UN. The U.S., when asked for assislarce, ad', see the Congo to appeal to the UN for aid, The U.S. requested the UN :o consider the issue of Soviet missiles in Cuba. The U.S. initiated the atorr ::-.for-peace program. The U.S. proposed the UN Decade of Develop- ment to speed economic p -ogress. 7he United States recognites that 'In this or d which now can be spannec in hours where sci- once can bring about eithe undreamed of Dreg- ress or complete devastation, the United N ticms must continue its work. The decision is ours as to whether the U.S continues to !support the UN and to strengthen it, for we the peo- ples" are responsible for IJ.S. pol:cy in ?th e UN. The UN record of action fo' peace is impressive. 345 East 46th Street, New York, New York 10017 We, the peogqfpitiV41219?811 fkbigi.W6 lbiffio8/08 : CIA-RDP85-00375R000100130003-5 The United Nations is a human institution, one which reflects the idealism and the weak- nesses of the people it represents. The United Nations Charter begins with the pnrase: We, the peoples of the United Nations . . In'orm yourself about the United Nations. Talk with your friends and neighbors and ex- change ideas about the UN and our Govern- ment's role in it. Join the United Nations Association chapter in your community and become an active worker in its program. Encourage -the organizations to which you belong to develop active and informative pro- grams on the UN. Urge your public school and community I - braries to stock books on the UN. Know your facts about the UN to refute un- founded attacks. For further information and a list of inexpen- sive publications write: UNITED NATIONS ASSOCIATION of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP85-00375R000100130003-5 The Sixteenth General Assembly, in 1961, proclaimed that obligations of the UN Charter extended to man's actions in outer space. The nations agreed that no one nation should annex the moon or any celestial body. A committee of the General Assembly has been codi- fying the law of outer space. The United Nations has, by resolution, listed 26 mem- ber nations as "developed"; the other members are considered "underdeveloped." Because the former are able to take advantage of modern techniques, the dis- parity in living standards between the two groups con- tinues to grow. Some people say this is a greater th..eat to peace than the cold war. The entire UN family is developing a program to help the underprivileged peoples to help themselves to de- cent living standards. For example: The UN Special Fund analyzes the resources of "under- developed" countries and outlines a program for their development. The World Health Organization acts to prevent epi- demics, teaches people sanitation and helps to prolong life. The Food and Agriculture Organization works to im- prove and increase food supplies. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cul- tural Organization is improving the basic education of people in "underdeveloped" nations. The International Labor Organization is working to train manpower and establish better labor conditions. The International Bank, International Monetary Fund and the International Development Association, by vari- ous means, help to stabilize currencies and assist na- tions with the financial resources for economic devel- opment and the expansion of world trade. The International Atomic Energy Agency has as a major purpose inspection of the use of atomic materials sup- plied by one country to another to prevent any diver- Approved FoPiRei6g6litt'Ofte.f8f0.8s.. CIA-RDP85-00375R000100130003-5 Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : CIA-RDP85-00375R000100130003-5 The tanked Nation*, kas II, se budgets: krsi, the -egu- lar rat erintri,q L1it to wit iait II flJ pay their regular dues r 3QL .)-)d [le burtgi:t to which )er nat Jilt ILiItI Ir ()We to cbntcat as- sista ice alit at Id ui pEC:grdiT1S, cc N:fHgee proj- --icts et7, F- iiget of the ih, t fel spet.ial aeinieKtoiping opera- itoni suct a i; the i.,.ango aid Cyor.,...;. 9.3o -ne na- ticrr. Vaj th,.!re spctaii,.-sisessments, isittor cc he ".-1,-.2.ra hIt they at; yolur hi or that the ass,: ssritent!i by the Council insi tan a- la/ Assernhly Aii..kiminittee of 33 o-i- to Lierii-irit it-S riii S now ..ittorriF,ting to work out a comprerrisii 14L sli pciacokoeping opera- tiiat Ei and t.iiid' for the ce.endar jean-`,964: 93 2/50 The IR eciutar Budget ... 15 2/50 UN. Emoirgency =arise , , 3 2/50 The Conic o: MUiay . . , . 2 9/100 . Et:ono-min 2 3/50 " UN Force is United Notions ... 13 3/100 'Tr:of-nit:al Assistant-At: and SpoOtaii Fund.. : 310 Refugees: fieti,i.f arid Works Agency for Palest-nu - ? ? ? ? ? ? - 130 UN Nigh commissioner . ? ? - ? ? 2/50 Food arid Agrioult-0-ro'Orgien4ation (FAO) 30 Intern:xtioniii Aviailon Organization ? (ICAO) , ??: trite rn ationol Labcr c)stlarlization (ILO) ' 21/10* Intergovernmli mt.& Maritime Co interratiosal ';eleSicirrirrtunib ' ' itiOns?U;;;.;'. 1/2? (tilt) United Niitions EdualUronal, Shentlfin and11V ? Cultirai iargantiisilOO (UNESCO) .. Ur 1v4inisalIPotiitaf it'ta(upo) World1-144lthProriiiiliiiian -(M4 ..oitipiganization(0340) WorldMister ? 1 .'" 7/10 ? 0 ; 1/54! lr te it:Tarierly ... ? , ? ? Approved For Release.2001/08/08:.CIATRDP85-00375R000100130003-5 Ap p rovedHomAGOE08TaithiLDFkitT3FAD 001 30003-5 A distinctive book of historical value, HOMAGE TO A FRIEND records an unusual moment when the entire world, as represented by delegates at the United Nations, rededicated it- self to the task of peace and the development of a better world ?goals which President John F. Kennedy personified. Herein are reproduced the eulogies given by the President of the Gen- eral Assembly and United Nations delegates, including Ambas- sador Adlai E. Stevenson, at a special commemorative session called upon the tragic death of President Kennedy. These trib- utes to the Chief of State of one nation by representatives of the world's nations are unique. Also included in HOMAGE TO A FRIEND are excerpts from President Kennedy's speeches and remarks in regard to the United Nations. The book is illustrated and presents a Foreword by Secretary-General U Thant. Illustrated; 93 pp. July, 1964. Price: $1.95 ARmvedf?r ilEeRna2s qtinict?dfAcii ciAIRPFItt541SPURIIQQ1401130(00,3a5 MAGE 0 A Nations in cooperation with the United Nations Office of Public Information. Approved WatliskG-1168401A_ADPPROIENTOD? Discount Schedule I copy $1.95 10 through 24 copies $1.50 ea. 25 through 49 copies $1.10 ea. 50 or more copies $1.00 ea. 013 ORDER FROM UNITED NA7IONS ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (formerly the U.S. Committee for the UN and the American Association for the UN) New York 11, New York Please send me copies of HOMAGE TO A FRIEND. Enclosed is $ ?OR? Please bill NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP # 003-5 Approved FeirtRelezise%2001/08110 GlAaRIPROAQUARP,P010013?003-5 ceeding. 20 lbs. in weight will be shipped Railway Express collect. Approv Is 100130003-5 Approved F 130003-5 112 UNITED .NATIONS MEMBERS Approved For Release 2po1IiliblEMORRne.5-00375R00010013 003-5 AFGHANISTAN KUWAIT ALBANIA LAOS ALGERIA LEBANON ARGENTINA; LIBERIA AUSTRALIA LIBYA AUSTRIA '! LUXEMBOURG BELGIUM MALAGASY REPUBLIC BOLIVIA MALAYSIA BRAZIL MALI BULGARIA MAURITANIA BURMA MEXICO BURUNDI MONGOLIA BYELORUSSIAN S.S.R. MOROCCO CAMBODIA NEPAL CAMEROON NETHERLANDS CANADA NEW ZEALAND CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC NICARAGUA CEYLON L NIGER CHAD NIGERIA CHILE NORWAY CHINA PAKISTAN COLOMBIA PANAMA CONGO (BRAllAVILLE) PARAGUAY CONGO (LEOROLDVILLE) PERU COSTA RICA PHILIPPINES CUBA POLAND CYPRUS PORTUGAL CZECHOSLOVAKIA RUMANIA DAHOMEY RWANDA DENMARK SAUDI ARABIA DOMINICAN REPUBLIC SENEGAL ECUADOR SIERRA LEONE EL SALVADOR; SOMALI REPUBLIC ETHIOPIA SOUTH AFRICA FINLAND SPAIN FRANCE SUDAN GALION H SWEDEN GHANA SYRIA GREECE THAILAND GUINEA TOGO GUATEMALA TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO HAI TUNISIA HONDURAS TURKEY HUNGARY UGANDA ICELAND UKRAINIAN S.S.R. INDIA U.S.S.R. INDONESIA UNITED ARAB REPUBLIC IRAQ UNITED KINGDOM Q UNITED REPUBLIC OF IRELAND TANGANYIKA AND ISRAEL ZANZIBAR ITALY UNITED STATES IVORY COAST UPPER VOLTA JAMAICA URUGUAY JAPAN VENEZUELA JORDAN H YEMEN Approved For rtelease 2001108/08 : CAGNINIE16-00375R00010013 KEILyA. 003-5 Approved The U.N. looks toward the strengthening of peace- ful procedures for adjusting international conflicts in accordance with international law. Solutions are being sought for such questions as the use of outer space and the nuclear arms race. The General Assembly resolution of December 1963 contained a declaration of legal principles for outer space. The declaration represents a substan- tial step toward the definition of law for outer space, just as law has been defined for the sea and for air space. In addition the Secretary-General has main- tained a public registry of satellites launched into outer space since early 1962 and is assuming im- portant new tasks to aid international cooperation in this field. The General Assembly unanimously recommended in December 1961 that negotiations on disarmament under effective international control be conducted by an 18-Nation Committee on Disarmament in ac- cordance with principles agreed upon by the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. in September of that year. The 18-Nation Committee has considered the divergent plans for general and complete disarmament and other measures submitted by the U.S. and U.K. and by the U.S.S.R. The U.S. proposal looks toward the progressive strengthening of the U.N. as a peace- keeping force, as world armaments are reduced. The General Assembly was instrumental in gaining wide adherence to the limited nuclear test ban treaty, which was signed in August 1963, and in September 1963 it passed a resolution calling upon all nations to refrain from orbiting weapons of mass destruc- tion in outer space. DEPARTMENT OF STATE PUBLICATION 7733 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION AND CONFERENCE SERIES 55 RELEASED SEPTEMBER 1964 OFFICE OF MEDIA SERVICES BUREAU OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS For sale by the Superintendent of Documents Approved For Releawa atkortalli bapR00010130003-5 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1964 0-743-064 0013 . . . the United Nations is dedicated to the same noble principles that have made our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution a constant beacon of hope and inspiration for all mankind; . . . the United Nations has for 19 years repeatedly and decisively proved to be an increasingly effective and respected action agency for world peace, progress, and prosperity; ' . . . the United Nations, through its efforts and througrh those of its specialized agencies, has greatly benefited the United States and each of its other mem- bers, individually and collectively; and . . . the United Nations has earned, and is entitled to receive an aMrmative expression of, the respect and recognition of this Nation, and of each of its other members, for its inestimable contributions to interna- tional peace, justice, and understanding,. From President Johnson's proclamation for United :Nations Day, 1.964 The U.N. Charter is rooted in Ideals upon which we have built, our own nation?peace, justice, freedom, and the dignity and welfare of the individual, as well as respect for the ' inherent rights of men and nations. the U.N. structure also rests upon other principles basic to our democracy?separation of powers, an independent and impartial judiciary, a nonpolitical international civil service, free and open debate under established rules of order, and the rule of one member, one vote. In their daily work in the United Nations, countries abide by these principles in the practice of effective political action. U.S. support for the United Nations is a matter of realistic self-interest; it is a uniquely effective means of promoting our own objectives. As; Ambassador AcIlai a Stevenson, U.S.. Representative to the United Nations, has said: ". . . the foreign policy interests of the United States are generally in harmony with the foreign policy interests of all nations which want to see a peaceful ,mmmunity of independent states working together, by Free choice, to improve the lot of humanity. And since I the majority of the nations of the world share this goal, the majority consistently side with the United Staten?or we side with them, depending on your point Approve INVIRttelip ArOlib i3/04111t60,74-KSP435 47075RO 0 0 1 001 3 are counte . 003-5 003-5 Approv 75R000100130003-5 On November 21, 1963, the General Assembly designated 1965 as "International Cooperation Year" to commemorate the United Nations' 20th birthday. This commemoration emphasizes that international cooperation is a technical, functional, and political necessity of our times. In proposing to dedicate the year 1965 to "making man's knowledge serve man's welfare," President Johnson said: "Let this be the year of science. Let it be a turning point in the struggle?not of man against man, but of man against nature. In the midst of tension let us begin to chart a course toward the possibilities of conquest which bypass the politics of the cold war." It is in the interest of all nations to continue to share scientific discovery and to build worldwide technical agencies. International communications, international transport, and international economics demand international organizations. For example, the World Meteorological Organization is now work- ing on an overall plan for a World Weather Watch. Current technology?weather satellites, communi- cations satellites, and computer technology?makes such a global weather reporting and forecasting system possible. At the Third International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy in Geneva (Sep- tember 1964) the U.S. demonstrated recent eco- nomic breakthroughs in the use of large-scale re- actors for commercial power. This new technology indicates that economical nuclear power lies in the near future. Also, this development of large-scale reactors offers the real prospect of transforming sea water into water suitable for human consump- tion and industrial use. These developments could portend great economic benefits for many nations. Political as well as scientific interests dictate the necessity for a functional international com- munity. The growing value of the U.N. as peace- keeper and peacemaker to the world lies as much in the effectiveness of its operating machinery?its mediators, its observers, its inspectors, its truce ApprovedFor ieti. GIA-RDP8k5-0037V000100130003-5 as in The United Nations has six principal organs: ? The General Assembly includes all U.N. members. It may discuss any matters within the scope of the charter. Its work is carried on by seven standing committees plus several special or advisory commit- tees. Its resolutions, except for those on financing, are not binding; individual U.N. members may de- cide whether or not to carry them out. ? The Security Council consists of II U.N. mem- bers, 5 of which?China, France, the U.S.S.R., the U.K., and the U.S..--are permanent members and have the power to veto any action proposed by the Council. The Council has primary responsibility for maintaining international peace and security. ? The Economic and Social Council promotes eco- nomic and social progress and world cultural and educational Cooperation through studies and rec- ommendations to the General Assembly, to the mem- ber states, and to the specialized agencies concerned. ? The Trusteeship Council at one time had jurisdic- tion over II U.N. trust territories. Today only three are left; the others, exercising rights of self- determination, have become independent nations or have joined other independent nations. ? The International Court of Justice is the principal judicial organ. All U.N. members are automati- cally parties to the Court's Statute, but states may agree to accept_ the Court's jurisdiction uncondition- ally or with reservations that do not conflict with the Court's Statute, The Court may deal with subjects voluntarily submitted to it by both members and nonmembers of the United Nations. It may also give advisory opinions on questions put to it by any other U.N. organ. ? The Secretariat services the five other principal U.N. organs, and the Secretary-General is the execu- tive agent for pertain U.N. programs and policies. The Secretariat is staffed by international civil serv- ants appointed by the Secretary-General. The Sec- retary.General may bring to the attention of the Security Council any matter which in his opinion may threaten the urai.goreA Approved Efikil aftiffft.e 20u L.141301{06154CPYFOR00010013 003-5 003-5 The 1960's were named the U.N. Decade of De- velopment by a General Assembly resolution, follow- ing President Kennedy's proposal of September 1961. This term emphasizes the U.N. goal of swifter economic and social progress of the develop- ing countries toward self-sustaining growth by 1970. The U.N. has set a target of a 5 percent annual rate of growth in the average national income of these countries. To strengthen the economies of developing coun- tries the U.N. is assisting them to develop their in- dustries, to export their goods and obtain fair and stable prices for them, and to attract long-term foreign investment to aid in their development. For the individual the U.N. is helping to provide edu- cation and vocational training, health facilities, housing, and urban and rural development. Coordinated and directed by the Economic and Social Council, U.N. technical assistance is pro- gramed chiefly under the U.N. Special Fund, which concentrates on relatively large investment projects, the Expanded Program of Technical Assistance, and some of the U.N. specialized agencies. The re- sources of the Special Fund and the Expanded Program come from voluntary contributions of governments. Financing of the Decade of Development is as- sisted by the international lending agencies asso- ciated with the U.N.: the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the International Monetary Fund, the International Development As- sociation, and the International Finance Corpora- tion. The Inter-American Development Bank (not a U.N. entity) operates solely in Latin America. In March 1964 the first U.N. Conference on Trade and Development met in Geneva to discuss on a ? worldwide basis the trade problems of developing countries, especially as these are related to economic development. The conference recommended the establishment of a permanent U.N. body to consider trade problems, particularly those of the less de- Approved For Relegdiec20a1408/08 : CIA-RDP85-00375R000100130003-5 00010013?003-5 The primary t purpose of the United Nations, as :itated in the charter, is "to maintain international peace and security, and . . . to take effective collec- tive measures for the prevention and removal of ihreats to the peace. . . ." The problems presented to the United Nations for solution include many of the world's most difficult and longstanding issues. The United Nations can- not eliminate all conflict, but it can help remove some of the causes and keep small disputes from develop- ing into major warfare. Possible U.N. actions in the furtherance of peace range from foci sing international attention on a situation to undnrtaking massive military action to repel aggression. In each of the U.N. peacekeeping operations, fresh solutions were required and new experience was gained. For example: ? The spotlight o/ publicity in the U.N. forum com- pelled the Soviet Union in 1946 to carry out its com- mitment to evacuate its troops from Iran. ? The good offices of the Secretary-General helped persuace Soviet Premier Khrushchev to turn back Cuba-bound ships in October 1962. ? Mediation and conciliation by a third party helped the Indonesians and the Dutch find a peace- ful solution in 1962 to the mounting conflict over West Irian,. ? Peacekeeping forces continue at work : in Kash- mir to prevent conflict between India and Pakistan, and in the Middle East to maintain peace between Israel and her Arab neighbors. From 1960 to 1964, troops from 34 member countries helped to preserve the territorial integrity of the Congo and to restore law arid order. In March 1964 a U.N. peacekeeping forte was sent to Cyprus when fight- ing between Greek and Turkish Cypriots threatened in ternational peace in that area. ? Massive action to repel aggression, undertaken by U.N. forces in Korea. from 1950 to 7.953, suc- .celicled?in mrwrliftfi tb8481 Ap p rove aptmrcrspn Korea. e.PCIOVRE)035b00575 R00010013 003-5 Approved 130003-5 "The attainment by all peoples of the highest level of health" is the objective of the World Health Or- ganization (WHO) . To further this objective, WHO continues to assist countries in programs of malaria eradication, communicable disease control, environ- mental sanitation, education and training, and emergency health assistance. Since 1955 WHO has been conducting a world- wide effort to eradicate malaria. By September 1963, 71 percent of the 1.5 billion people living in malarious areas for whom statistics were available were protected against this disease. Attention is also being given to such other serious problems as smallpox, tuberculosis, malnutrition, and the need for clean water supply systems in urban areas. During 1963 smallpox was carried?usually by air travelers?from endemic areas to countries nor- mally free of this disease. As a result, WHO has urged an eradication campaign through mass vaccinations. In 1963 WHO cooperated with more than 125 gov- ernments in at least 800 health projects for the con- trol of communicable diseases such as leprosy, yaws, cholera, plague, trachoma, smallpox, and tubercu- losis; for the training of doctors and nurses; and for the promotion of maternal and child health. Specific examples include a study of the nature and extent of leprosy in the Katmandu Valley of Nepal and development of measures to control it; a tra- choma control project started in Taiwan; a rural environmental sanitation project in West Irian; and a tuberculosis center opened in Libya. About 40 percent of WHO funds in 1963 were devoted to long-range activities designed to develop and strengthen health services at the national and local level. Education and training of professional and auxiliary personnel received the greatest atten- tion in this area. From December 1, 1962, to Sep- tember 20, 1963, WHO awarded 1,600 fellowships. WHO also promotes and coordinates resea:ch by public and private institutions. Through its publica- tions program WHO helps dissenlinAte...thrio.ughowst Rekkisdu2094104tWicQ1 3-5 Approved Ftht ittAwnoyato,00010013000 0013 In 1964 the activities of the United Nations will cost approximately $500 million, and the United States will contribute about $190 million, or about 38 percent of the total. The U.S. contribution in 1964 will amount to about $1 per capita. The ac- tivities referred to include: ? The regular budgets of the U.N. and its specialized agencies are financed by assessments against all members. Assessments in 1964 total about $195 million, of which the U.S. share will amount to slig:atly less than $60 million, or about 31 percent. ? The U.N. peacekeeping expenses are financed from assessments and voluntary contributions. The total authorized for 1964 will amount to about $45 mil- lion ($17.,75 million for the force in the Middle East for the full year; $15 million for the force in the Congo for 6 months until its withdrawal in June; and about $13 million for the force in Cyprus for 6 months). The U.S. contributions?assessed and voluntary?will amount to about $16 million, or about 37 percent. ? The special programs of the U.N . are financed by voluntary contributions. The total in 1964 will be about $266 million, of which the United States will contribute about $116 million, or about 44 percent. For the Most part the record of payments by all the member countries is good. However, some ? countries, because of political objections, have re- fused to pay their peacekeeping assessments despite the opinion of the International Court of Justice that these costs are expenses of the organization within the meaning of the charter and hence legally bind- ing financial obligations. Unless the defaulting countries pay the outstanding assessments, a key issue before the next General Assembly will be the impartial application of article 19 of the U.N. Char- ter, which says that a member more than 2 full years Approved For 4bind in its financial obligations shall have no vote IRpagnpdfi VOW GIA-RDP85-00375R00010013 003-5 003-5 Approved For 130003-5 Building lasting peace with freedom demands full educational opportunities for all, understanding and respect for other cultures, and the harnessing of science for man's benefit. The U.N. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is the principal U.N. organ working to achieve these UNESCO assists member states at their request to improve and extend their educational facilities; it also fosters scientific research, promotes mutual understanding of cultural values and traditions, facilitates the free exchange of knowledge, works to remove barriers to international understanding, and helps to raise standards of living in the less de- veloped areas through basic education programs. To fulfill their goals in the field of education, the less developed countries need more teachers, more textbooks, more school buildings, and, above all, more educational planners and administrators. As a major step in coordinating knowledge and provid- ing the needed experts, UNESCO helped establish in Paris in the spring of 1963 an International In- stitute for Educational Planning. Experts in edu- cational planning have been requested by, and sent to, 17 countries. In the natural sciences UNESCO has embarked on a successful program of survey and research in land aridity, seismology, and oceanography. UNESCO is interested not only in scientific co- operation and documentation but also, as part of the Decade of Development, in the application of science and technology for the benefit of the less developed countries. Although the emphasis in the UNESCO program has shifted to educational and scientific needs, UNESCO still provides the most comprehensive in- troduction to cross-cultural studies by translating books, reproducing works of art, recording music, and providing travel grants to artists and teachers. These and other activities stimulate a better under- tsiakadoily o IA KI5PEITOMekt1150100130003-5 Approv 10013 Two-thirds of the world's population, including 70 developing countries with over 2 billion people, are faced with persistent malnutrition. To help cor- rect this situation, the Food and Agriculture Orga- nization ( FAO) was formed in 1945. FAO helps improve agricultural methods. It fosters international cooperation for the wider dis- tribution of food. FAO helps countries to develop soil and water resources; to use improved tools and techniques for farming, fishing, stockraising, and forestry; to use better methods for processing, mar- keting, and conserving foods; to develop agricul- tural extension services and. cooperatives; and to institute sound land reform policies. FAO also conducts a multilateral program of as- sistar.ce to developing countries based on the use of surplus foods. The World Food Program empha- sizes emergency relief, institutional feeding, and pilot projects using food for economic development. In 1960 FAQ launched a Freedom-From-Hunger Campaign. A highlight of the campaign was the World :Food Congress, which met at Washington, D.C., in June 1963. The Congress recognized that technology is now capable of eliminating hunger, and enlisted private support for the goals of improving food production, processing, distribution, and utilization. In addressing the World Food Congress President Kennedy declared: "The United States pledges its full 3upport for this campaign through Food for Peace shipments, Alliance for Progress operations, the Peace Corps, and the international efforts di- rected by the: U.N. and the OAS . . . . We have the ability . . we have the means, we have the capacity to eliminate hunger from the face of the earth. . . . We need only the will." President Johnson recommitted this Nation to the Freedom-From-Hunger Campaign when he de- clared in his address to the U.N. in December 1963: "The United States wants to cooperate with all the members of this organization to conquer everywhere the ancient enemies of mankind--hunger, and Approved Fctnekeiteggtqc19,1108 : CIA-RDP85-00375R00010013 003-5 003-5 Approved For Release 2001/08/08 : ciA-F050760775111=13171gru0rb . I) 75? s. Pi ?tailki. frt VA. . 5? W(..r4f 5 75? .4- Svalbard 75? 1..> + ../ Q./ (Sp itsberg\en) Arv 11? o ICELAND ? -n USA g, -- IQ r ( Alaska ) / t-PI c* 45) P; UNION OF SOVIET z' ,? . / 1-,--).% .. i Qk co USSR o? o? 6o? ? 600 00 ''..,.10?? ,t1 :o.' I' 1 UNITED .0 -itt.? KINGDOM ' 4?"...41'1",..'.4e . ,ti CANADA c% 0? vo u,.0 17. ? IRELAND , . /, .4: ,_ ? W LB?EG? ntj m- ----- 7, r s BYELORUSSIAN . SSR .Moscow* SOCIALIST REPUBLICS CZECHOSLOVAKIA...... ......p vraiegnunea : 0 ....---. 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GUIANA 111 IVORY 0 VENEZUELA SIERRA LEONE 0 ETH ro PIA SURINAM COAST 0 CENTRAL ".... 0 0 (?-?ficigat *Manrovta '2" AFRICAN REP. 4., NI o_.., _,_ qmpFR. GUrNA t ' C> _?,%z? 1 LIBERIA 0 to ?- AC; NPF;CrnandoPoo cf N'Is "h..... '"" 0 0 ? 41.*., 01111V- /9 4,,,., CEYLON Si_ ',. :c.,....) ,, .... * MALAYSIA Maldive Is. ?.75. , D,,,j cr. - . . ?? / TRUST TERRITORY OF THE CI..F.IC ISLANDS Caroline Is..., I / . Pc'dean /IRIAN 165? ' 150? 135? 120? 105? 90? `-r?--' "V 45? 0? ? Princi re--1'. I NI" RWANDA KENYA c, 1356' 90? ,105, 120? 1 0" 165? 180? .7.?.. ? Galapagos Is: ' ECUADOR Marquesas -o BRAZIL* /3 C.- * limo Tuamotu o I 'SZ o Tome i GABON s:, BButlj RIO MUNI to CONGO CABINDA (Leopoldville) 'ascension ANGOLA RmNDr UbaI ' uu * UNITED REP. 0 TANGANYIKA% AND ZANZIBAR Dar es NORTH. 1 NYASALAND RHODESIA Seychelles.. Salaam dor:lora Is. 1 ? A INDIAN ilor ;WEST . ? Djakarta .4?46.01A. N E s 1 i k ." ,P1 Chagos Is. . * s- ? ocipze? ---,- .? PORTUGUESE -... TIMOR OCEAN . 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