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March 22, 1961
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C ///// 1//-, '/ Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/06/20: CIA-RDP85-00664R000200020012-5 DEPARTMENT OF STATE ~-' 4945 Approved in S 3/31/61. Memorandum of (Conversation DATE: March 22, 1961 SUBJECT: m& Foreign M ,njsterle Call on the Secretary. T.he Secretary His , :xceUency Jesus UNDA nwillo, Minister of Foreirn Relations PARTICIPANTS: of Guatemala His E eLUnr..y Carlon Alejoe, Ar .assador of Qaxate laa , ARA - WmberUy Coerr,, Deputy Assistant Secretary OAF/a - Richard A. Godfrey, MC C atemal Affairs L/S - Donald Barnes, Interpreter S/S RPA G CMA S/P INR/C - 2 ARA P OAP SOV. OAP/G Amembassy GUATEMALA The Foreign 11nister explained that he had coi a to see the Secretary mainly to get acquainted and to oxtend greetings personally and behalf of President Ydigoras. The Foreign tester had been under the ii reseion that he had met the Secretary in 1957 or 198 in Chile when he was the Guatemalan Ambassador there and the Secretary with the Rockefeller Foundation. It was agreed that it had been a x r sake of the Secretary whom the Minister had eat. The Secretary expressed appreciation for the message of greetings and re- quested the F+ iga I mater to inform President I'digoras that both he and Presi- dent Kennedy have a special personal interest in the problems affecting our rela- tions with Latin America. This interest was entirely apart from the issues of the "cold war" and was based on a desire to convert into a mutually fruitful reality the friendship bet n the United States and Latin .erica. Also, the upsurge of interest being shown by Americans, especially by our young people, was quite apart from matters connected with the Cuban problem. The Foreign lit ter thanked the Secretary and stated that Guatemala shared this desire for closer and more cordial relations. Guatemala also shared the deep concern of the United States over current world problems_. especially those af- fecting the Caribbean area. The Central Amrican countries, and especially Guatennla, appeared to be a special target for Communist infiltration. Guatemla, had already been subjected to a Cotmraalist government and "Che" Guevara himself bad resided for a time in Guatemala during that period. The establishment of a Castro type government in Central America vou]d help Castro stay In power,. since his popularity throughout Latin Ameri , even in Cuba, is declininge : / G i-- ._ rs,, - C C 9f~L 5RWi /_ I FORMATION COPY ~M/, GsD33o. ~vmo o ., Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/06/20: CIA-RDP85-00664R000200020012-5 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/06/20: CIA-RDP85-00664R000200020012-5 Wateial% rally supported UrLttod States pokey in than; r tteraa. T Becr^etaz then meted he rIhed to express ecru view the Feign 3 eter, since he would not want a c?il.1ea a hie to feel any Uatc rtaiaxty as to the United States v ',alts world affairs. I public- ex S btcon tlt ,ted Stee and the oaiet B ,.on viace the i of uration of the pee AdaLrdsttratioai a period of civlUti had preva d. .ln spite of the the Seczetnr r watt under no il3maion that the baante ivime head disappeared or been rceoi , as caul! be soon by t h* s?tiawtion in Lmosa, Cuba, the Co o$ Berlin, elsewhere in the 'so'ld. '.CbO ;r;:3 o "~crict filcc contin zes its at efforts to le.lltratc the le o-d loped areas of MA worlds, sunk az Latin k rice, ria a .aria. The wan ne i.:zd icati cnra that in nv io l C s r inm we prepared to etabillw ? the v tu4tion eo ord to the i e e of the united tions Charter.# for exatoa* The Secretary said than United Stec was ceornod bocau a nud*r of Latin &mriean entries I a s the threat from Cyr m as cle4rly as did the 'owoun f 3x4 r, or ele thews comtrI felt certain rat aatraiaxts in deat'lix with it, Mille we ur rotood the cir wte.n e* affe~,tia th gamrn rxst thl a United States le vary diaturbed oar the prascnt lack of unity ref the American etes with respocrt to the nature of the threat to +t- The re i dater acid t(,at .he std the via-as a preeced by the cretary, a he capeeta.lly heartened by the firma position the United states " nra adopted. If unity cord be achieved .in the Latin Anri n b3 4c) and if, by h r cir .tralstancesa tel. pros r; t Cuban to a could be eluted, the e heavy b l-.;? h, I dealt w iv'.,e t a Co r4.s . !1matare has continaus prassmed for firm action a eint the Castro teat arxl had felt that the wen 3oe labeti s chould have taken drastic: asp a to te+ t n this mnace. The Foreign nicter felt that thhp irWke Icivo attitude of t Foreign Mni&U s at Jose had been influa d the fact that the United States was also Indecisive that xtter. a eaid that the F n fiinieters had asked him ' he expand theca to adopt a .firm position. if the United states had not do so? He said, that now., hove r, public gate: errts by Premic nt X'ennedy and the Sectary had had a . d offset on Latin Ai.,rican prablic opinion ant had ssrcc ee4ed in mart' ng it. The F ign I ini r again ox ret ed his p a at the o rtunity to mat aI axchaoge was with t Secretary and regotssted the Secs' tary to trs mit to Fraeid nt Tar= 4 r the cordial sti.a of PxeoS xt Ydigoras. CO FIDEFt'rIAI INFORMATION COPY Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/06/20: CIA-RDP85-00664R000200020012-5