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Approved For Release 2002/02/14: CIA-RDP85-00988R000600020001-4 'Washiggtosi?Post Staff Writer The Metro transit agency,_ operator..of the area's bus.sys- tenl and builder of the future subway has agreed to subsi- dize automobile `parking.,:for 125.employees?,who work at its headquarters and. have. free ;passes to ride to work by bus. ,Jackson Graham, Metro gen- eral ?m~nager, approved the subsidy-pup ,to $10 a morith starting Sept: -11-in an' unan- ucendumse nond `-m emora -nt May'10?to the. president of. the transit agency's employee or? 'ganization. ` A:.copy of~ the obtained` by The meifi.gI.was' Washington Post ; Graham confirmed and de- f n d e ; ~ i his decisipp . yesterday; saying:'it ,was sparked bya' 'forthcoming sharp 'increase in monthik parking- rates, in.,the., basement of.L'Enfant'-P.laza in Southwest Washington,'where Metro'now.' has its headquar e tars Metro's'decisigri'to subsidize - car?parking.'comes at 'a time whenthe agency: itself is pro- ti rmotin ::increased -public use of the.bus hnd5it aegtiiiretL from' then previous private owners 'ear Yrxhis`ye#;,and;.when pub he pP11eY ,.ls;. aizoed, ncreas inglykR, at discouraging auto parking in "lie' ,.congested cent. the agency's h e a dquarte'rs , staff,"occupy' s aaces that now, Post:. $23 25 to ...$32 a month, according to, . G, .,.Richard.', a- ville Metro iiianagement aerv- ices director x [Tnler, a new lease, these ? rates. 'wll,fiarige 'from . $4Qto i50, an 7ncrease,Qt about $18, starting Sept';, ,Of Of, this , cost agreed that raham ~ + x e ;; , G ~ , ero' up'to $1'0 YRayille ',estilnated ;the tgtal cost to Metx9.,at?between .300 & -d,$7 0O0 between Sept', 1 whey the amid n xf fk',March , agency is s0iieduled : to move into ts wninew built ng s bth andCr Streets ,N, W $oth Ravill_e and ',Graham i d. the 'number of parking n s ees will~'.he sharply cur- a"ledt then ,r}ew "headquar ttersx, ;and that 7employees ,as-. sfi`gned~=t~se spaces willr ~be then wll`pay sa the meantime at i}Enfant rPlaza4'There will , rio ycash'sullsxdy at the dew bey B neadctuai, er~?- - - _~~ .,'~ r-qn~ engi eel' ASO president of Ehe e_ ge ey's Employees for Pr'og Metro Gives Subsidy..for. Car Parking PARKING, From C1 the L'Enfant Piazaparking in- creases in a memo'to Graham on April 11. Graham said he and other top Metro officials agonized over the situation for nearly a, month before responding, Graham said ;he was aware of the seeming ``anomaly of a public transit agency subsidiz- ing 'the use of cars. But, i he said, the question .was one of maintaining employee morale, since it takes a,,typical com- muter about twice as long to get to';work,'by .bus.. as,by car. Existing public, transportation, he said, "won't serve most of our, people." `Moreover, he. said, many em- ployees use their' cars regu- larly on: Metro 'business. He noted t4 at about 30 of them needed cars last night to at- tend a public hearing in Alex- andria and to get home.after ward. . Althoughimproved service into Southwest }.Washington has :resulted 1 a'radual, in- crease : of bus commuting by Metro .;employees, ..Graham. said there was no significant rise, when all employees were granted'' free bus`, passes >after the agency took over the bus lines_, Graham said he has the power to make the decision- on a parking subsidy without con- sulting the Metro .board of di rectors. The directors get free parking when they attend weekly - board 6:meetinga at L'Enfant?,Plaza , co by in? fo ye be it de ab nE to er ro kii Mi he Approved For Release 2002/02/14: CIA-RDP85-00988R000600020001-4