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Approved For Release 20W02/14: CIA-RD[ GENERAL SERVI 3 ADMINISTRATION WASHINGTON. O. G. 20405 r, tt 3.4 -GSA ORDER SUBJECT: Vehicle parking facilities 5-00988 R00060002Q,16-8 PBS 7030.2B April 18, 1968 1. Purpose. This order promulgates criteria for planning and allocating parking facilities. 2. Cancellation.. PBS 7030.2A is canceled. .3. Policy. The GSA Policy Manual, 4-l2b(3) (ADM P 1000.2), provides that Parking for Government-owned vehicles, visitors, and employees will be provided in the planning of public buildings with due regard to the needs of the Federal agencies to be housed in each building, local zoning and parking regulations, availability of public transportation, and avail- ability of planned and existing public and privately owned parking facil- ities in the locality." 4+. Establishment of facilities. Vehicle parking facilities to provide for the needs of Federal agencies will be established in and around existing Government-owned properties under the custody and control of GSA. To the extent funds are not available therefor, such requirements as-are identified will be programed in GSA's annual estimate of appropriation. 5. Vehicles to be provided facilities. Parking facilities shall be allocated in the following order of priority: a. Postal maneuvering area, and postal vehicle parking at buildings containing Post Office mail operations. b. Vehicles of patrons and visitors and service vehicles. c. Government-owned vehicles used for criminal apprehension law enforcement activities. d. Privately owned vehicles of Federal judges, Members of Congress and occupant agency heads. (Limited to the individuals and does not include members of their staffs.) e. Official parking. (Other than a and c above.) (1) Net requirements of motor pool dispatch vehicles; which is an amount less than the total number.of vehicles assigned to dispatch service of the pool. The ratio of space to be.provided will vary between approximately 60 percent and 80 percent of the total number of dispatch Distribution: A; I3-8 Approved Qg Re e ; gbP85-00988R000600020016-8 9, ~- Approved F% elease.2 2/02/14: CIA-RDP~W200988R0006000316-8 PBS 7030.2n April 18, 1968 vehicles assigned to the motor pool, depending on the nature of the pool operation. (Physically handicapped Government employees, and. Members of Congress who use their offices on an infrequent basis, may be permitted to park their vehicles in the area set aside for motor pool dispatch vehicles.) (2) Government-owned vehicles in regular use for official business. (3) Privately owned vehicles used regularly for official business, i.e., 12 or more work days per month. f. Employee parking for privately owned vehicles which are not used regularly on official business. 6. Planning for new construction, extlensions, and conversions. The planning for the provision of parking requires a specific study of each project to identify all factors which have a bearing on the amount of parking required. Parking is provided under a variety of circumstances and for many different purposes, as indicated in par. 5, above. Factors which have a bearing on the amount of space required include: the total need for parking as developed from criteria in this order; local zoning and parking regulations (including local practices); availability of public and privately owned parking facili- ties and adequacy of public transportation. a. Vehicle parking in and around. existing Government-owned prop- erties will be planned on an individual case basis, with primary . emphasis on the maximum benefits to the Government to the extent that funds will be available or appropriated therefor. b. Community plans, project proposals, and draft prospectuses submitted to the Central Office shall be accompanied with vehicle parking plans rand a parking survey in support thereof. 7. Parking survey. Parking surveys may vary in complexity from a simple accumulation of the various needs for parking to a detb.iled analysis of employee driving habits, availability of on- and off-street parking, cost of private parking, and other pertinent factors. The parking data to be furnished with each plan shall cover the specific considerations applicable to the case. The parking recommendation shall be supported by factual data. The back-up data should show sources of information. For example, the determination of the number of off-street parking spaces should be based on-a survey and count,. and the information on employee parking needs shall be the result of a survey of employee driving habits. PAR 5 ? '-2 Approved For Release 2002/02/14: CIA-RDP85-00988R000600020016-8 Approved For Ref 1 J0.g/,J-Q;? :;4C4A-RDP8B-00988R0006000Qp016-8 PBS 7030.28 April 18, 1968 Jj2i Guidelines. a. General. Local ordinances and other requirements for off-street parking, as well as local practices, the availability of on- and off- street parking, and the congestion of traffic in the area, shall be given maximum consideration in the planning of facilities to be ihcluded in connection with new construction, major extensions, or remodeling. b. Official vehicles. (1) Planning for parking facilities for Government-owned vehi- cles shall include the parking requirements of interagency motor'pools in addition to parking for other Federal vehicles associated with the building or locality. The nature of the activities of the agencies housed in the building will affect the requirements for official vehicle parking. (2) motor pool dispatch vehicles shall be located at or adjacent to the building housing the greatest number of potential motor pool-dis- patch service users in the community. The regional staff of PBS and TCS shall collaborate in determining the total motor pool space requirements. In planning motor pool layouts in new Federal office buildings or on nearby sites, it is necessary to include adequate space for an office, storage of parts and supplies, inspection, lubrication, servicing and washing as well as the required parking area. These activities will be located in the building, on the site, or as near thereto as possible. In every instance, the determination as to whether to locate motor pools on the project site or at another location shall be supported by a cost benefit analysis. The total demand for parking, (including employees and visitors) ahall be considered in this analysis. (3) Gasoline pumps, gasoline storage tanks, or the dispensing of gasoline tc motor vehicles will not be permitted in Federal office buildings not presently so equipped. (Ii.) Storage of motor pool vehicles awaiting disposal and/or assignment shall be located away from a downtown Federal building or site unless the space available will permit such storage without excluding any other needed classes of parking. (5) Outside storage of motor pool vehicles is acceptable except in locations having: (a) Atmospheric conditions causing vehicle deterioration (salt and other chemicals in atmosphere). (b) Extremely low temperatures (mean temperature of minus 3.00 F or lower for 30 days). Outside storage is permissible in low temperature areas when suitable electrical outlets are provided for engine heaters. 3 . Approved For Release 2002/02/14: CIA-RDP85-00988R000600020016-8 PAR 8 Approved For Release 26W/02/14: CIA-RDP85-00988R00060002,W16-8 PBS 7030-2B April 18, 1968 c. Service vehicles. Included in this category are small trucks or cars which call at the building for the purpose of delivering or picking up material which requires the driver to leave the vehicle and enter the building. The need for an amount of service parking will depend on factors such as: (1) Availability of loading platforms for all building occupants. (2) Availability of vacant official parking spaces during the normal delivery or pick up hours. (3) Congestion of traffic in the area of building. (4) Existence of a limited parking zone on the street adjacent to the building. d. Patron and visitor parking. (1) Parking facilities for patron's vehicles vary somewhat with the nature of the business conducted by agencies housed in the building or buildings. Existing zoning requirements in regard to patron parking must also be considered and generally should be adhered to in providing such parking. (2) The need for visitor or patron parking where the Post.Office Department is involved is established by POD criteria. (3) Visitor or patron parking needs of agencies other than POD should be ascertained by survey and should reflect "needs,," not "wishes." e. E loyeeeparking. (1) Parking facilities for employees should be'located within 3 or 4+ blocks of the building. (2) For the purpose of determining employee parking require- ments, major cities shall be divided into a "cure area" (central employment area),-a axing area" surrounding it, and an "outer ring" consisting of the contiguous area extending into the suburbs. The parking needs for a building will vary depending on whether the build- ing is in the core,'ring, or outer-ring area. PAR 8 . 4 Approved For Release 2002/02/14: CIA-RDP85-00988R000600020016-8 April l8,ppr9(g8d For Release 2 L,02Y.14;: CIA-,RQP hQ'Q 8R0006000?,1 16-8 ru,%aOillr LJ 61z11tt5[ PBS 7030.213 (3) Consideration shall be given to the following factors in developing the need for employee parking: (a) The availability and capability of public transporta- tion will have a significant effect upon the need. Studies indicate that in large cities like New York and Chicago with high speed transit systems, between 80 and 90 percent of the employees use public transporta- tion. In smaller cities without adequate transit systems most employees use automobile transportation. This ratio must be determined from local transit authorities or by a study of the modes of transportation that will most probably be used by the employees who will occupy the building. (b) The average number of persons per automobile will also vary and must be determined. As a general rule this figure will be about 1.4+ persons per car. (c) in the core area of any city where the availability and capability of public transportation is good and there are sufficient off-street commercial parking facilities, only a limited number of spaces can be justified for Federal employees and official visitors to the building. (d) Parking for employees shall be provided to the extent feasible particularly when public transportation and off-street parking facilities are inadequate in the core area of and there is no immediate plan for improvement. The number to be provided shall be established on the basis of the various criteria and guidelines mentioned herein, first computing the total need and then modifying the figures by a percentage of the off-street parking available within three to four blocks of the building (both public and privately operated). Further consideration :;hall be given to the availability of "on-street" parking and the congestion of traffic in the area. In the core area the ratio of parking spseees to employees will range between 1 space for every 8 employees and 1 space for every 4 employees. The ratio selected by'the region must be justified and the reasons for the selection stated in the parking survey. (e) The factors outlined in (d), above, for determining the required facilities in the core area are also applicable to the ring area or outer ring of every major city. In the ring area parking facilities will be provided on a basis which will range between 1 space for every 5 building occupants and 1 space for every 3 occupants. In the outer ring, the ratio will range between 1:3. and 1:12 spaces for occupants. (f) Careful consideration shall be given to the fact that it is not the intention of the Government to compete with privately owned parking facilities but rather to provide a reasonable amount of parking and thus be a "good neighbor." 5 Approved For Release 2002/02/14: CIA-RDP85-00988R000600020016-8 PAR 8 Approved For Release 2 /02/14: CIA-RDP85-00988J:Z0006000216-8 PBS 7030.2E April 18, 1968 9. Parking facilities for leased buildings. a. In general the procedures prescribed in this order for deter- mining the number of parking spaces needed for Government-owned build- ings shall, also be followed in determining the need for parking spaces at leased buildings. Parking needs for Government-owned vehicles and employees' vehicles to be used on official business shall be specified in each Invitation for Bids or Solicitation for Offers for, the leas- ing of office, storage, and related space. b. Except in those instances where an advance determination can be made under par. lOc of this order that the Government may lease space for the parking of Federal employees' vehicles which will not 'be used for official business, each Invitation for Bids and Solicita- tion for Offers for the leasing of office, storage, or related space shall ask for alternate proposals with and without a specified number of parking spaces for such vehicles. 10. Authority of GSA to lease parking facilities for vehicles of employees. Generally, GSA does not have authority to lease parking facilities for Federal employees. However, under certain conditions and circumstances, parking may be leased by GSA in connection with the leasing of space to be assigned to Federal agencies. Some of the conditions under which parking may be leased by GSA and furnished employees are as follows: a. Where an analysis of alternate offers received from a prospec- tive lessor in response to an Invitation for Bids or a Solicitation for Offers shows that the amount of the offer including the specified employee-parking is not greater than the offer without parking. b. Where local ordinances or zoning require a building owner to provide off-street parking for tenants and visitors to the building, and such ordinances or laws require, in effect, that the cost of parking be included in the rental for the office space. c. Where it is determined that in order to.employ and retain personnel to perform the the agency oragencies at a paric- locat on, and thus avoid a significant impairment of the operat- ng_ef 'Eiency of the agency or agencies, parking spaces for vehicles of employees used to provide transportation to and from the place of work may be furnished by the Government. Factors to-be considered in making this determination are as follows: (1) Daily hours of employment, including amount and time of any overtime operations, number of employees on duty during such overtime work, and adequacy of public transportation during regular hours a d h f n ours o overtime work . 9 6. Approved For Release 2002/02/14: CIA-RDP85-00988R000600020016-8 Approved For Release 2002/0/14: CIA-RDP85-00988R000600020016-8 April 1$, 196$ PBS 7030.2B LEG ti . (2) Daily time schedule of available public transportation including frequency of service during peak demand by employees. (3) Necessity for leasing space for an agency or agencies at a location where public transportation is inadequate.. (4) The location of the leased facility in relation to the geographical area where the residences of the majority of the employees are situated, and the availability and frequency of public transportation, the estimated time taken to get to and from work, and the cost of such transportation. (5) The amount of both on- and off-street parking available to the employees in reasonable proximity to the leased space, the cost of off-street parking and the impact the?adrUtional demand by the employees will have on such parking facilities in terms of added cost and availa- bility. (6) Other factors considered relevant to the particular lease situation, e.g., environmental factors involving sai'ety.of employees using public transportation. ra e available by 'the lessor directly to the Fedrr22emp oyees at a stated monthly rate during the term of e h e ' ease. Where loc codes or ordinances specify the number of parking spaces to be provided in or adjacent to a building, depending on the number of gross or net square feet contained in the building, or some other applicable factor, the lessor, as a minimum, shall make available to the Federal employees who will work in the building a proportionate share of the total parking spaces required by the applicable code or ordinance, depend- ing orb the amount of space in the building that is to be leased by the 11. Procurement of; for Fedctal em3?loyecs not to be provided at Government expense. In tnose instanccU where c Governmen ea~~"n ox' parking facilities for Federal employees under par. 10, above, cannot be justified, lease negotiations will be directed toward including a provision in the lease that a s ecifi er of parking space i l be Government. 12. Assign-rent of parking area. The Office of Buildings Management, PBS, shall be responsible for the assignment and reassignment of parking areas at Federal buildings and on other Federal property. a. Space for storage of motor pool vehicles shall be assigned to -the motor pool and motor pool management shall be responsible for the opera- tion of the area assigned for motor pool use, which may include space for non-pooled vehicles. The motor-pool management shall be-responsible for the assignment and operation of parkifig spaces on Federal property obtained for specific and exclusive interagency motor pool use under the Approved For Release 2002/02/14: CIA-RDP85-00988R000600020016-8 ON Approved For Release SD02/02/14 CIA-RDP85-00988R000600WO16-8 PBS 7030.2B 0F'J April 18, 1968 authority of section 211(b) of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended. b. Assignment of parking spaces to agencies for employee use should be on the basic of the ratio of total agency personnel to the total personnel occupancy of a building. Assignment of areas will be made to agencies which shall administer such areas for parking purposes. 13. Existing parking. This order does not require the immediate adjus ent of existing parking arrangements. However, all future planning and adjustments shall be in accordance with the procedures and guides described above. WILLIAM! A. SCHMIDT Commissioner,'Public Buildings Service PAR 12 8 Approved For Release 2002/02/14: CIA-RbP85-00988R000600020016-8