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Approved For P41ease 2002/02/14: CIA-RDP85-00988FW0600020044-7 H. a (J.i.J 0. 110'.61 and (`i) thai? suitable clef) :i:(ll be. .;.ken by tic ac liilllllsf,r;i?IVe eietieo wel'ilcd to Ill;;(lie that, I'l'tiuit, )Ill'.}Illllllr, a5 way b(5 al)lii'O1.w:%!(', al 10 ill lieu of waive.([ statutory till' }llll)U It loll of atb111111~t l'at 11`e l II III 15 regllireulentS and limitations of authority. tiro. 9. Ile/ii(iliuri. As used ill this or(ier, the Word "a unction" or "funetions" includes any (1111y, obligatloll, power, authority, respou- sibilily, right, privilc c, (liserci,iou, or activity. S1:c. 10. IicfcrcliCC8 to or(1(:rs a)id act.'. Except as may for any reason be inappropriat e.: (a) References in t.llis order to the Act or any provision of the Act shall be deemed to include references thereto as amended from time to time. (b) Iiei-erouecs in this older to any prior Executive order not su- perseded by this order shat} be deemed to include references thereto. as amended from time to time. Si.;(;. II. Prior (directives (nlil action.,;. (a) 't'his order Sliporsecles Executive Order No. 10710 of.hilt 17, 1957, and Exeerln(iVe Order No. 1091` of Jauwu?y 18, 1001.. Except 'CO the oxieut? that they may be inconsistent, with law or with this ordel?, other directives, regnlat:ons, and actions relating' to the functions (delegated by this order and iii force immediately prior to the issuance of this order shall remain in effect until amended, modified, or revoked by appropriate authority. (b) This order shall neither limit nor be limited by I~.xecut.ive Order No. 11014 of April 17, (c) To the extent, not. heretofore superseded, there are hereby super- seded the provisions of the letters of the President to the Director of the United States Information Agency dated August 16, 1.355, and August 21,1950 (22 F.R.101-103) . SEC. 12. Efr'ective date. The provisions of this order shall be effec- tive immediately. ry~ JOI N F. KENNEDY TIE WHITE HOUSE, JU71e 25, 1.982. Z;ceeuk?iVe i ,c'0r I1035 MANAGE AET C"-; DC2ilb OF rICE-. S:'.^-.C' By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Federal Property and AC1lninistrative Services Act of 1949, as amended, and as i. resi- dent of the United States, it is hereby ordered as follows: SECTION 1. The Administrator of General Services (hereinafter re- ferred as the Administrator) shall initiate turd maintain plans and programs for the effective and efficient acquisition and utilization of Federally-owned and leased o? ice space located in the states of the United States or in the District of Columbia or in Puerto Rico (here- inafter termed "in the United States"). The Administrator shall prepare and issue standards and criteria for the use of such ofuce space and shall periodically undertake surveys of space requirements 618 Approved For Release 2002/02/14: CIA-RDP85-00988R000600020044-7 Approved For ReNwise 2002/02/14: CIA-RDP85-00988R00O00020044-7 :uul spec.e utilization in (he exec.uiive arm.ncies and in iti,ite acf.ions and rornlulate urns to lueei, the essential of ice space requi1 enhentS of executive agencies. In carrying out these functions, the Adminis- trutor shall (a) coordinate proposed programs and plans for ohiee building's and space with the Bureau of the Budget, (1)) obtain from the Civil Service Conulhission end the Office of Emergency Planning any in formal ion in the possession of those agencies which nla?y hear upon such prog?rauls and plans, (c) dike steps to relate piogmins for ]Federal otlice space to urban and metropolitan area planning and redevelopment objectives, (d) seek the cooperation of the heads of the executive agencies concerned with ally of the foregoing, and ((,) :bllllnally submit loll`,-range plans and programs for the acquisition, modernization, and use of space for approval by the President. SEE. 2. In carrying out the provisions of Section 210(c) of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1049, as amended (40 U.S.C. 490 (e)) (a) The Administrator, and the heads of executive agencies, shall be guided by the following policies for the assignment, reassignment, and utilization of office buildings and space in tihe.United States: (1) Primary consideration shall be given to the efficient per- formance of the missions and prograinS of the executive agencies, with due regard for the convenience of the public served and the mainte- nance and improvement of the working conditions of employees; (2) Maxinluln use shall be made of existing Government-ow e~ l permanent buildings which are ade luate or econornically adaptable to the space needs of executive agencies; (3) Suitable privately-owned space shall be acquired only when satisfactory Government-owned space is not available, and only at rental charges which are consistent with prevailing scales in the community for comparable facilities; (4) Space planning and assignments shall take into account the objective of consolidating agencies and constituent parts thereof in common or adjacent, space foi- the purpose of improving management and adlninist.ration; (5) The quality of office space for Government operations shall be appropriate for the efficient and economical performance of govern- mental activities, while affording- employees safe, healthful, and con- venient conditions of employment. (b) The Administrator shall assign and reassign once space in the United States upon his determination that such assignment or re- assignment will serve to improve the management and administration of governmental activities and services, and will foster economy and enciency. Prior to making such determinations, the Administrator shall consult with the heads of the executive agencies concerned and take fully into account their requirements, consistent with his re- sponsibilities. In the event that a head. of an agency deems space assigned or reassigned to Its agency to Tae unsuitable, and the agency head and the Administrator are unable to resolve the matter, the former, as promptly as may be practicable and in no event later than 33??551 0-64-40 619 Approved For Release 2002/02/14: CIA-RDP85-00988R000600020044-7 Approved For R ase 2002/02/14: CIA-RDP85-00988R0 '600020044-7 1:. 0. 1W4116 ine. atiec(11'e elate, of, the pl?i ;n111I.;1i? or,ignineni, 111:1 ill:;kc.:I writcn report. Ilu?reo , inclwlin;;, in 01'11l:l.lioli and -vie.lX pertinent (hereto, to t.lle. l'rn,icicnl or to the, l)ireet.or of tin; 1S111-ctilll 01 he. Bn(I;.;?ci. Si,:,% :;. 'I'l,e. heats, of (NceUiive :l-;melt;; ,hall (:1) coopor.fle wiill and tilt .lcllllini,l.raior ill c?al?ryill out hi:, responsibilit,ics IV- 11- Quilt InllI(1mg-s :Old ,p,le?e, (1>) tube uleasln'eS to give he ..\ [ ninistrator early notice of'. 1low or cll:ln iu ,pace 1?0,(Iuilvill lls, (c) sock to ci?ollonliie in 11,eir re(I11 I(I Ads I'or,l>:l(e, :lull (d) r'c:view ce111T.inuoIusly Their need I'ol',I)aee ill :111(1 nett Mlle 1)ist1'icto;f (;olulnl>ia, taldn,, into acronnl, the faasil>ilit>> of' clceenira.lir.illg services or activ ities lvlliclt Caul be carried on elsewhere without excessive costs or sigtilfca11t loss of efllciellcy. Sic. 4. The provisions of this order shall be subject to applicable provisions of law (including applicable provisions of any reorgalli- zation plan). Si.c. 5. To the extent that it, pertains to o iic.e space and buildings, the letter of the President to the Administrator,, General Services Administration, dated August 31, 1960, is hereby superseded. JOHN F. 11EX EDY Timm W.tii rL I-.IoUSE, July 9, 1968. A W,1NiS wAopie !C~11Cc i i~ s'. .vv7 of UAL-- rVIIv:"A R-INY k1% By virtue of the authority vested ill inc by Section 301 of Title 3 of the United States Code, and as President of the United States, it is ordered that I"'xecutive. Order No. 10000 of January 5, 1901, as amended, be, :11)d it is hereby, further amended as follows: (1) By substituting for Section 4(a) the following: "Sr:c. 4. I+'oi'eign cuiie~rcie.s. (a) (1) Foreign currencies which a(-,- erue under Title I of the Act may housed for the purposes set fortis in Section 10-1 of the Act in amounts consonant with applicable pro- visions of law and of sales agreements and loan agreemenl.s. Ex- cept as may be inconsistent, with such law or agreements, priority shall be accorded to the Sale of such currencies to appropriations or to their sale otherwise for dollars. To such extent as he may deem necessary, the Director of the Bureau of the Budget shall fix the amounts of such currencies to be used for the purposes set forth in Section 104. The Director shall notify the Secretary of the Treasury with respect to any amounts so fixed. "(2) The function conferred upon the President by the penultimate proviso of Section 104 of the Act of waiving the applicability of ection 1415 of the Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1953 (31 U.S.C. 724), is hereby delegated to the Secretary of State in respect of Section 104 (e) of the Act and to' the Director of the Bureau of the Budget in all other respects." Approved For Release 2002/02/14: CIA-RDP85-00988R000600020044-7